HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP200800001 Staff Report 2009-01-13STAFF PERSONS: Robert Heide / Amelia McCulley BZA HEARING: January 6, 2009 DEFERRED FROM: October 7, 2008 and June 3rd STAFF REPORT —AP- 2008 -001 (Sign #63) (Last Revised for January 2009 Meeting) APPELLANT: Crown Motorcar Company LLC (previously, Crown Automotive) (Lessee) / Ricky Lee Baumgardner & Donna G. Baumgardner (Owners) *Because there appears to be some confusion since this appeal hearing has been delayed / deferred twice and significant time has passed since the original determination, staff will reiterate some of the key facts of this case in this introduction. Zoning staff received this complaint on February 12, 2008. The Notice of Zoning Violation which is the subject of this appeal was sent on February 29, 2008. This appeal was filed March 31, 2008. This is a determination of violation relating to an unpermitted use. Even though this point has arisen with each deferral, approval of the site plan for the future use of the subject property is not necessary to abate this use violation. This is a determination of violation relating to a prior offense date. The determination was based on our observations on February 14, 2008. Actions taken by the appellant to change the use or the approvals of the use since that date are not relevant to a finding about the property on that date. The Board's role in the consideration of an appeal is substantially different from the Board's role in the consideration of a variance. In the case of an appeal, the board of zoning appeals (BZA) may reverse or affirm, wholly or partly, or may modify the order, requirement, decision or determination appealed from. The BZA's decision on appeal is limited to the issue of whether the zoning administrator's decision was correct. Board of Zoning Appeals of James City County v. University Square Associates, 246 Va. 290 (1993).) The appellants appeal the Deputy Zoning Administrator's determination in accordance with Section 34.3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. Description of Property: Tax Map 78, Parcel 15131 is a vacant 0.794 acre lot just west of and adjacent to the Crown Automotive showroom at 1295 Richmond Road (Route 250E). The property is zoned Highway Commercial (HC) and Entrance Corridor Overlay (EC). (See Attachments 4 and 5 showing this property.) AP- 2008 -001 2 January 6, 2009 Background of Appeal: Crown Automotive, now trading as Crown Motorcar Company LLC, has leased this parcel from the Baumgardners since 2004. The prior use by the Baumgardners, of vehicle repair and sales involved a primary garage structure, which Crown removed. Once the primary use was removed, the accessory parking and display was no longer permitted. Early last year, Crown began displaying several rows of new and used vehicles for sale. Also, employees were parking along the back row. The Deputy Zoning Administrator determined that the uses of offsite display and overflow parking constituted a new use (stand alone parking) which is not permitted. That use category, "stand alone parking and parking structures" is permitted only by special use permit in this, the Highway Commercial district. A Notice of Violation, dated February 29, 2008, was then sent. Legal counsel for the appellants filed an appeal of the NOV on March 31, 2008. The appellants later requested that the appeal be heard at the June 3, 2008 hearing. At the June 3, 2008 hearing the appellant requested deferral until October 7, 2008 in order to have the full Board present and to pursue their site plan approvals and building permits for an alternate use of the property. With objections noted from staff, the Board deferred this appeal from the October meeting until January 6, 2009. Determination: (See Attachment 2 - the determination of zoning violation for VIO 2008- 26 dated, February 29, 2008.) The specific section cited Section 24.2, Permitted uses in the HC District (Attachment 3). The stand alone parking occurring is for display and overflow parking for employees of the business next door (Crown Automotive). The use, "stand alone parking," requires a special use permit under Section 24.2.2. Grounds for Zoning Administrator's Decision: Photos of the parking use are found in Attachment 8. Please be advised that the photo titled "site overview" was taken after the offense date of the violation. This photo is being used because a) it is consistent with the use as it existed on the offense date of the violation and b) the view shown in this photo (from Rt. 250 looking into the site) shows what is visible from Rt. 250. In order to be permitted as a use by- right, parking on this property must be an accessory use. The Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance defines "Accessory Use, Building or Structure" as: "A subordinate use, building or structure customarily incidental to and located upon the same lot occupied by the primary use, building or structure, and located upon land zoned to allow the primary use, building or structure." There is no primary use, building or structure on the site, therefore the parking cannot be an accessory use, but is now a new use, stand alone parking. AP- 2008 -001 3 January 6, 2009 Stand alone parking is defined in Section 3.0 of the Zoning Ordinance as: A parking area, including a parking structure, located on a lot other than the lot on which the use served by the parking area is located, that is the primary use for that lot. (Added 2 -5 -03) Stand alone parking is not and never has been a permitted use on this site. This is based on the facts that it is not permitted as a lawfully nonconforming use and it has not been permitted by approval of a special permit. In terms of zoning use history, parking onsite was always accessory to the main business. As stated earlier, the main use on the appellant's site no longer exists, due to the demolition of the garage building. The appellant's position that the parking is a nonconforming use fails to meet the three prong test for maintaining a nonconforming use: a) The then - existing or a more restricted use continues. There is no evidence that standalone parking is a pre- existing use that is continuing. b) The use is not discontinued for more than two years. The prior use by the Baumgardners was discontinued prior to 2004 when the property was leased to Crown. c) Buildings or structures are maintained in their then structural condition. The building on the property was demolished. 2. A special use permit has not been issued to permit this use on this property. APPELLANT'S JUSTIFICATION FOR APPEAL: The appellant's attorney has addressed the two types of parking (display and employee) separately. First, he reports that the employee parking has been removed as of March 24, 2008, thus correcting what he terms as the only zoning violation. Therefore, they concede that employee parking is a violation. (Incidentally, the employee parking has continued.) Secondly, he contends that the parking of vehicles for display to sell, is part of the permitted use by right, "motor vehicle sales, service and rental ". He says that this is and was a permitted use in 1983 when the Baumgardners ran their business and in 2004, when Crown entered into a lease of the property. He contends that, since they have not developed the parcel, this use is valid as is. He also argues that a site plan is not necessary since they have not "developed" this site. STAFF RESPONSE: Since March 24, 2008 staff has observed vehicles other than those displayed for sale parking on the site, but less frequently than previously. Even the appellant has agreed that this is a violation. However, this site must not be used for parking, regardless of the purpose of that parking - in order to be in compliance. AP- 2008 -001 4 January 6, 2009 Regarding the "development" argument, the use of a site does not necessarily have anything to do with "development" of the site. The Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance defines "Use" as: "The purpose for which any land, water, or structure is devoted or occupied or any activity performed on land, water or in a structure." The use of this property for parking, without a primary use on this property, constitutes a new "use" of the site that is regulated by the ordinance. In addition, this parking use becomes the primary use of the property and is classified in the use category as stand alone parking. The Deputy County Attorney addresses the requirement of a site plan for this use in his memo (Attachment 7). The notice of zoning violation did not include a determination that a site plan is required. Staff is concerned that the issues relevant to this appeal have become confused by the site plan issue. The appellant's justification for deferral has focused on the fact that they have almost completed their site plan approval. Staff wants the Board to understand that approval of a site plan does not directly and immediately abate the violation. Staff also wants the Board to know that if the appellant removed the parking, even without approval of a site plan, they would abate the violation. Staff wants the Board to further understand that we have advised the appellants on several occasions to do just this. CONCLUSION: The parking on this site is in violation of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance absent any of the following which would permit the parking use: 1. A legally nonconforming stand alone parking use; 2. A primary use on site the parking is serving and 3. Absent the required special permit approval for the stand alone parking use Attachments: 1. Application for appeal and statement of justification 2. Notice of Violation 3. Section 24.0 Highway Commercial district — use permitted by right and by special use permit 4. Tax Map 78 5. Albemarle County GIS map of site 6. Albemarle County 2007 & 2002 aerial photos of site. 7. Memo from Greg Kamptner, Deputy County Attorney dated May 29, 2008 8. Photos of the site showing the parking use Application for ATTACHMENT 1 Appeal of Zoning Administrator's De Appeal of Zoning Administrator's Determination = $120 (To be refunded if the decision of the Zoning Administrator is overturned.) Project Name: Crown Automotive Leased Parcel Tax map and parcel: T.M.P. 78 -15B1 Physical Street Address (if assigned): N/A Magisterial District: Rivanna Zoning: HC Location of property if determination is made regarding a property (landmarks, intersections, or other): Route 250 On Pantops Contact Person (Who should we call /write concerning this project ?): Nicholaus G. Leverett Address 600 Peter Jefferson Parkway, Suite 130 Daytime Phone 4( 34) 984 -4300 City Charlottesville State VA Zip 22911 Fax # (j34) 979-3288 E -mail ngleverett @ntelos.net Owner of Record Rickey Lee and Donna G. Baumgardner (Lessor) Address 1252 Still Meadow Ave. City Charlottesville Daytime Phone 4( 34) 971 -7049 Fax # (__j E -mail Applicant (Who is the Contact person representing ?): Crown Automotive Address 3633 C West Wendover Avenue City Greensboro State VA Zip 22901 State NC Zip 27407 Daytime Phone 3( 36) 851 -3404 Fax # 3( 36) 315 -4801 E -mail mmack @crownautomotive D42 l AP- 2008 -001 (Sign # 63) Ricky Lee & Donna G. Baumgardner (owners), Crown Automotive (Lessee & Appellant). Appeal of the Deputy Zoning Administrator's determination of violation of Ordinance Section 24.2, relating to Crown Automotive's use of the Baumgardner property on Richmond Road (Route 250E, west of Crown's showroom) for off -site display and parking. The appellants contend that Crown's use of the parcel for Car Sales display is proper. This site is further identified as Tax Map 78. Parcel 1581 and is zoned Highway Commercial (HC) and Entrance Corridor (EC) Overlay. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY AP # ns' ft 1j '�. _L l Fee Amount $ 12— O'C'Date Pa ? � . lo. Recegt # 0l Ck # By: 4 n �� i \ o n l County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296 -5832 Fax: (434) 972 -4126 5/1/06 Page I oft The following information shall be submitted with the application and is to be provided by the applicant: I ) Completed application including subject of appeal. 2) Justification for applicant's position, including error in Zoning Administrators determination. You may use the space below to provide this information or submit an attached sheet. 3) If applicable, a copy of the latest deed for the property involved, and the approved and recorded plat. 4) If applicable, the appropriate drawings showing all existing and proposed improvements on the property and any special conditions fo the situation that may justify the appeal. 5) Reference to the relevant Zoning Ordinance section or other applicable regulations or case precedence to justify the appeal. 6) Appropriate fee made payable to the County of Albemarle. 7) Explanation of error in determination and.justification of applicant's position: Owner /Applicant Must Read and Sign tify that the info n provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true to the best owledge and belief. St nature of Owner,-eon ae ir er�4ge «SSoR IGk �c..1fYY�ara(1CG Ck::>nnG 8aurmcjcrrcini =r Print Name l C�) Date G —I I -^I O9-GI Daytime phone number of Signatory "3- 3 / Z00�' 511/06 Page 2 of 2 �Tf/MFS /t/- I in�cN7ry 9 A00 M�,-A / G_L C. Le SSA BARRICH & DEINLEIN PLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW 600 PETER JEFFERSON PARKWAY, SUITE 130 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22911 TELEPHONE(434)984 -4300 FACSIMI LE (434) 979.3288 E -MAIL. berrdeinpntelos.nel March 31, 2008 VIA HAND DELIVERY Board of Zoning Appeals County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Re: Crown Automotive Appeal of Zoning Administrator's Determination Dear Board of Zoning Appeals: Enclosed is an Application for Appeal of Zoning Administrator's Determination filed on behalf of Crown Automotive. The appeal is in relation to a Notice of Official Determination of Violation in regard to a parcel on Richmond Road in the Pantops Mountain area of Albemarle County. Also enclosed please find a check made payable to the County of Albemarle for the requisite fee of $120.00. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or if I can be of any further assistance. Best regards, ,�2 Nicholaus G. Leverett Enclosures APPLICATION FOR APPEAL OF ZONING ADMINISTRATOR'S DETERMINATION On February 29, 2008, Albemarle County issued a Notice of Official Determination of Violation regarding T.M.P. 78 -15B (the "Notice of Violation "), a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. The parcel in question is located on Richmond Road in the Pantops Mountain area of Albemarle County and is zoned Highway Commercial. The property is owned by Rickey Lee and Donna G. Baumgardner and is leased to Asbury Automotive North Carolina, L.L.C., which is the parent company of Crown Automotive. Crown Automotive's new and used car dealership facility is located on the adjacent land, and Crown Automotive has also conducted its sales of new and used cars on the Baumgardner leased land since 2004. Baumgardner previously did the same from 1983 to 2004. 1. Notice of Violation and Appeal The Notice of Violation states that the Baumgardner parcel is being used as offsite display and overflow parking by Crown Automotive and that under Section 24.2 of the Albemarle County Code provides that offsite parking is not a permitted use in the Highway Commercial District. The Notice of Violation requested that the property be brought into voluntary compliance by March 28, 2008. Code Enforcement Officer Andrew Kellerman stated that all vehicles must be removed from the Baumgardner parcel and that a site plan needed to be submitted to and approved by the County before resumption of the same use could continue. Pursuant to Section 15.2-2311 of the Code of Virginia, Crown Automotive hereby appeals the Notice of Violation on the following grounds stated hereafter: II. Crown Automotive Has Voluntarily Removed Its Employee Vehicles Crown Automotive has, as of March 24, 2008, removed all employee vehicles from the Baumgardner parcel. Because the employee vehicles are no longer present on that parcel, it is no longer being used for Crown Automotive's overflow parking. This corrects the only zoning violation that has occurred on the Baumgardner parcel. III. Crown's Use of the Baumgardner Parcel For Car Sales is Proper Chapter 18, Section 24.2.1 of the Albemarle County Code states that motor vehicle sales, service and rental are "by right" pennitted uses for Highway Commercial zoned property. This zoning use was on the books in 1983 and in 2004. A site plan should not be required for this use, because the intent of site plans is to "develop land in an orderly manner" and to "encourage innovative and creative design and facilitate use of the most advantageous techniques and highest standards in the development of land." Albemarle County Code Chapter 18, Section 32.1 (emphasis added). Crown Automotive has not yet developed this parcel; Crown Automotive only demolished the garage and removed the underground gas tanks that had been on the property. Because the current use of the parcel for motor vehicle sales is not "development" of the property, neither the spirit nor letter of the site plan requirements should be applicable. Crown Automotive does indeed have plans for future development of the Baumgardner parcel, including construction of a new building. A site plan for this building and site development has already been submitted to Albemarle County and is currently pending. IV. Conclusion For all of the reasons stated above, Crown Automotive requests that the Determination of Violation issued by the County be reversed and that the Board of Zoning Appeals rule the site 2 plan provisions of the Albemarle County Code are inapplicable where there is a "by right" zoning use and where there has not yet been any development. ornt.��ch ATTACHMENT 2 VIRGIN`S°' COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Community Development Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 FAX (434) 972 -4126 TELEPHONE (434) 296 -5832 TFD (434) 972 -4012 NOTICE OF OFFICIAL DETERMINATION OF VIOLATION The Date this Notice of Determination is given is February 29, 2008. No: ZV10200800026 CERTIFIED MAIL #( 7005 0390 0003 9642 21114 CERTIFIED MAIL 4 7005 0390 000; 9642 2121 Crown Automotive Ricky Lee or Donna G. Baumgardner 1295 Richmond Road 1252 Still Meadow Ave. Charlottesville; Virginia 22911 Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-6211 Property: 07500 -00 -00 -015131 BAUMGARDNER, RICKEY LEE OR DONNA G Tax Map and Parcel Number Owner of Record Zoning: Highway Commercial [HC] District Overlay: Entrance Corridor [EC] Overlay District Dear Mr. & Mrs. Baumgardner, This notice is to inform you that the above described property is in violation of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. This conclusion is based on the fact that a Code Enforcement Officer visited the listed property on February 14, 2008 and found that the following conditions existed: The property is being used as offsite display and overflow parldng by Crown Automotive. The described use or structure did not exist prior to the zoning ordinance(s) it violates. Therefore, it cannot be considered a legal, but non - conforming use or structure. With that in mind, the following section(s) of the Zoning Ordinance have been violated: Section 24.2 Permitted Uses (in Highivay Commercial HC District); Of ftite parking is not a permitted use in the Highway Commercial [I-IC] District. This letter also serves to notify you to stop the activity or use outlined above immediately. Failure to comply with this notice will result in legal action being taken against you and any other owner or tenant. In addition, you must bring the property into compliance by March 28, 2008 to avoid court action. Compliance past this date does not preclude the County fi-om pursuing legal action. ZV1O200800026 Page 2 February 29, 2008 In accordance with Section 15.2 -231 1 of the Code of Virginia, you may appeal this finding if you disagree NA,ith this determination. An appeal must be made within thirty (30) days of the date this notice is given. If you do not file a time]), appeal, this determination shall be final. An appeal application must he completed and filed with the Zoning Administrator and the Board of Zoning Appeals. A one time processing f ee of' $120 must accompany the appeal application. If you have any questions, please contact Andrew Kellerman, Code Enforcement Officer, at 434 -296- 5832. aid L. Higgins , Deputy Zoning Administrator County of Albemarle ATTACHMENT 3 ALBEMARLE COUNTY COD CHAPTER 18 ZONING SECTION 24 HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL - HC Sections: 24.1 INTENT, WHERE PERMITTED 24.2 PERMITTED USES 24.2.1 BY RIGHT 24.2.2 BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT 24.3 MINIMUM FRONTAGE, SHAPE OF DISTRICT 24.4 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS 24.1 INTENT, WHERE PERMITTED HC districts are hereby created and may hereafter be established by amendment to the zoning map to permit development of commercial establishments, other than shopping centers, primarily oriented to highway locations rather than to central business concentrations. It is intended that HC districts be established on major highways within the urban area and communities in the comprehensive plan. It is further intended that this district shall be for the purpose of limiting sprawling strip commercial development by providing sites with adequate frontage and depth to permit controlled access to public streets. 24.2 PERMITTED USES 24.2.1 BY RIGHT The following uses shall be permitted in any HC district subject to the requirements and limitations of these regulations. The zoning administrator, after consultation with the director of planning and other appropriate officials, may permit, as a use by right, a use not specifically permitted; provided that such use shall be similar to uses permitted by right in general character, and more specifically, similar in terms of locational requirements, operational characteristics, visual impact and traffic generation. Appeals from the zoning administrator's decision shall be as generally provided in section 34. 1. Automobile laundries. 2. Automobile, truck repair shops. 3. Automobile service stations (reference 5.1.20). 4. Building materials sales. 5. Churches, cemeteries. 6. Clubs, lodges, civic, fraternal, patriotic (reference 5.1.2). 7. Convenience stores. 18 -24 -1 Zoning Supplement ##49, II -12 -08 ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE 8. Educational, technical and trade schools. 9. Factory outlet sales - clothing and fabric. 10. Feed and seed stores (reference 5.1.22). 11. Financial institutions. 12. Fire extinguisher and security products, sales and service. 13. Fire and rescue squad stations (reference 5.1.09). 14. Funeral homes. 15. Furniture stores. 16. Food and grocery stores including such specialty shops as bakery, candy, milk dispensary and wine and cheese shops. 17. Home and business services such as grounds care, cleaning, exterminators, landscaping and other repair and maintenance services. 18. Hardware. 19. (Repealed 6 -3 -81) 20. Hotels, motels and inns. 21. Light warehousing. 22. Machinery and equipment sales, service and rental. 23. Mobile home and trailer sales and service. 24. Modular building sales. 25. Motor vehicle sales, service and rental. 26. New automotive parts sales. 27. Newspaper publishing. 28. Administrative, business and professional offices. 29. Office and business machines sales and service. 30. Eating establishment; fast food restaurants. 31. Retail nurseries and greenhouses. 32. Sale of major recreational equipment and vehicles. 33. Wayside stands - vegetables and agricultural produce (reference 5.1.19). 34. Wholesale distribution. 18 -24 -2 Zoning Supplement 1149, 11 -12 -08 ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE 35. Electric, gas, oil and communication facilities excluding tower structures and including poles, lines, transformers, pipes, meters and related facilities for distribution of local service and owned and operated by a public utility. Water distribution and sewerage collection lines, pumping stations and appurtenances owned and operated by the Albemarle County Service Authority. Except as otherwise expressly provided, central water supplies and central sewerage systems in conformance with Chapter 16 of the Code of Albemarle and all other applicable law. (Amended 5- 12 -93) 36. Public uses and buildings including temporary or mobile facilities such as schools, offices, parks, playgrounds and roads funded, owned or operated by local, state or federal agencies (reference 31.2.5); public water and sewer transmission, main or trunk lines, treatment facilities, pumping stations and the like, owned and/or operated by the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority (reference 31.2.5; 5.1.12). (Amended 11 -1 -89) 37. Temporary construction uses (reference 5.1.18). 38. Indoor theaters. 39. Heating oil sales and distribution (reference 5.1.20). 40. Temporary nonresidential mobile homes (reference 5.8). (Added 3 -5 -86) 41. Uses permitted by right pursuant to subsection 22.2.1 of section 22.1, commercial, C -1. (Added 6- 19 -91; Amended 9 -9 -92) 42. Indoor athletic facilities. (Added 9- 15 -93) 43. Farmers' market (reference 5.1.36). (Added 10- 11 -95) 44. Stormwater management facilities shown on an approved final site plan or subdivision plat. (Added 10 -9 -02) 45. Tier I and Tier II personal wireless service facilities (reference 5.1.40). (Added 10- 13 -04) 46. Storage yards. (Added 11- 12 -08) (§ 20- 24.2.1, 12- 10 -80; 6 -3 -81; 3 -5 -86; 11 -1 -89; 6- 19 -91; 9 -9 -92; 5- 12 -93; 9- 15 -93; 10- 11 -95; § 18- 24.2.1, Ord. 98 -A(1), 8 -5 -98; Ord.02- 18(6), 10 -9 -02; Ord. 04- 18(2), 10- 13 -04; Ord. 08- 18(6), 11- 12 -08) 24.2.2 BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT The following uses shall be permitted by special use permit in the HC district: 1. Commercial recreation establishment including but not limited to amusement centers, bowling alleys, pool halls and dance halls. (Amended 1 -1 -83) 2. Septic tank sales and related service. 3. Livestock sales. 4. Veterinary office and hospital (reference 5.1.11). 5. Drive -in theaters (reference 5.1.08). 6. Electrical power substations, transmission lines and related towers; gas or oil transmission lines, pumping stations and appurtenances; unmanned telephone exchange centers, micro- 18 -24 -3 Zoning Supplement #49, II -12 -08 ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE wave and radio -wave transmission and relay lowers, substations and appurtenances (reference 5.1.12). 7. Hospitals, nursing homes, convalescent homes (reference 5.1.13). 8. Auction houses. 9. Unless such uses are otherwise provided in this section, uses permitted in section 18.0, residential - R -15, in compliance with regulations set forth therein, and such conditions as may be imposed pursuant to section 31.2.4. 10. Commercial kennels - indoor only (reference 5.1.11). (Added 1- 1 -83) 11. Stand alone parking and parking structures (reference 4.12, 5.1.41). (Added 11 -7 -84; Amended 2 -5 -03) 12. Drive -in windows serving or associated with permitted uses. (Added I 1 -7 -84; Amended 9 -9- 92) 13. Uses permitted by right, not served by public water, involving water consumption exceeding four hundred (400) gallons per site acre per day. Uses permitted by right, not served by public sewer, involving anticipated discharge of sewage other than domestic wastes. (Added 6- 14 -89) 14. Warehouse facilities not permitted under section 24.2.1 (reference 9.0). (Added 6- 19 -91) 15. Animal shelter (reference 5.1.11). (Added 6- 16 -99) 16. Tier III personal wireless service facilities (reference 5.1.40). (Added 10- 13 -04) (§ 20- 24.2.2, 12- 10 -80; 1 -1 -83; 11 -7 -84; 6- 14 -89; 6- 19 -91; 9 -9 -92; § 18- 24.2.2, Ord. 98 -A(1), 8 -5 -98; Ord. 99- 18(4), 6- 16 -99; Ord. 03- 18(1), 2 -5 -03; Ord. 04- 18(2), 10- 13 -04; Ord. 08- 18(6), 11- 12 -08) 24.3 MINIMUM FRONTAGE, SHAPE OF DISTRICT Minimum frontage required on a public street for the establishment of an HC district shall be one hundred and fifty (150) feet. Frontage of an HC district shall not exceed depth. This section shall not apply to HC districts established at the adoption of the zoning map. 24.4 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS In addition to the requirements contained herein, the requirements of section 21.0, commercial districts, generally, shall apply within all HC districts. 18 -24 -4 Zoning Supplement #49, 11-12-08 rl- 110- 3 6 ATTACHMENT 4 1 1 78- 62-23 6 2-25- 59 58A 58 6 IF 5 5 7 250 17F. 16 10 —78 4 17 12A 12 ip, I 7 Ak ?A, k55A6 -2008-001 Ricky Lee or Donna -7' \> G. Baumgardner (owners), Crown Automot ive (Lessee & Appellant) Tax map 78, parcel 15BI 50 V_ v '26C A\-' 53 20F 3 F51 A- 1 �2 51 9" 31 J 31 20J 20M 31 H I 31F -Z'F, A V 31 K'-Z, J A 49 49 21 2 32 33C 36 A. // - , 8 5 4, 22A 39 31A P,\ 33 �z cl) 29 C XON 33D 79-7A 78-22 `x'78-28B 92-16 % 12.7A -23 77-31 /27B eo 92-1 091 scale I I'D 1 .600 2 +00 Note This map a for display purposes only and shows parcels as of 124112097 See Map Book introduction for additional details 092 n93 Tax Map: Albemarle County 078 CL r rfJ V _TC � 6 =� C O C cil p r 0 A TT A/-11 R A L kl'r G g O p i1. 0 O •. N Q C)° N ATTACHMENT 6 F € e ❑a I❑ I I I t 0n i ONE LL t f N I^ y U Z i .• .±�" ! �. :fy F p Ap LA c r , Q w m Ln "A Pw Id 31d03d 4 1P�BYY °.• t ti" E r r a I � oa 00 � t Q Q C) N 2 e QZ Nc� � n v y • 1771 It i � r ly {Pi , , s ATTACHMENT 7 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE r01 AL@ �..� 1,'HCIr�A MEMORANDUM TO: Albemarle County Board of Zoning Appeals FROM: Greg Kamptner, Deputy Count)/ Attorney DATE: May 29, 2008 RE: Appeal 2008 -001, Baumgardner (Crown Automotive) This memorandum pertains to the issue of whether Crown Automotive ( "Crown ") is required to obtain approval of a site plan in order to engage in a motor vehicle sales and rental use on the property. Motor vehicle sales and rental is a by right use in the Highway Commercial zoning district. Crown states that a site plan "should not be required" for the use because it "has not yet developed the parcel" and because "the current use of the parcel for motor vehicle sales is not `development' of the parcel." Application for Appeal of Zoning Administrator's Determination ("Application "), § III. To support its position, Crown argues that Albemarle County Code § 18 -32.1, which states the intent of the County's site.plan requirements, provides that the County's intent for requiring site plans is to assure that land is developed in an orderly manner and to "encourage innovative and creative design and facilitate use of the most advantageous techniques and highest standards in the development of land." Application, § III (emphasis added by Crown), Crown's position on this appeal ignores the plain and unambiguous language in Albemarle County Code § 18- 32.2.1, which states when a site plan is required: A site plan shall be required for any construction, use, change in use or other development in all zoning districts; provided that no site plan shall be required for the following: a. The construction or location of any single - family detached dwelling which is located upon a lot whereon are located or proposed to be located an aggregate of two (2) or fewer dwellings. b. The construction or location of a two - family dwelling on any lot not occupied by any other dwellings. Any accessory structure to a single - family detached or two - family dwelling. Any agricultural activity except as otherwise provided in section 5.0. e. Any change in or expansion of a use provided that: (1) such change or expansion does not occasion additional parking under the requirements of this chapter; (2) no additional ingress /egress or alteration of existing ingress /egress is recommended by the Virginia Department of Transportation based on intensification of use; (3) no additional ingress /egress or alteration of existing ingress/ egress is proposed. (32.2.1, 1980) ik -,Las ATTACHMENT 8 If -! ; Ry�i R r - 1 ♦ �r T ' '•w4� ! .irn� .. r S�' .. F.� � .� 'i 1 r ash. �/ � , _ �t` ?4 *�.f �:,� P. �— ;� r ����;b � , ,� a ,�� . ��