HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOS prop 2002-03 opbud and cippAlbemarle County, Virginia Board of Supervisors' Proposed 'FY 2002/2003 Operating Budget and FY 2002/03 Capital Improvements Budget Budget Summary April 1,2002 Budget Calendar - 2002 March 6- County Executive's FY 2002/03 Recommended Budget Sent to the Board of Supervisors March 13 - Public Hearing on Recommended Budget March 18 - Board Work Session March 20 - Board Work Session March 25 - Board Work Session March 27- Board Work Session April 10- Public Hearings on Board of Supervisors' Proposed FY 2002/03 Operating Budget and FY 2002/03 Capital Improvements Budget, and Calendar Year 200? Tax Levy April 17 - FY 2002/03 Operating and Capital Improvements Program Budgets Adopted; Calendar Year 2002 Tax Levy Set COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA FY 2002~03 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDG ETS SUMMARY OF THE RECOMMENDED AND PROPOSED BUDGETS FOR FY 2003 NOTE TO READERS: On March 6, 2002, the County Executive presented his Recommended Operating and Capital Budgets for FY 2002/03 to the Board of Supervisors. Subsequently, after a Public Hearing on the Recommended Budget held on March 13, the Board of Supervisors met in three Work Sessions to review the Recommended Budget and, on March 25, agreed on proposed additions to that Budget. With these additions to the County Executive's Recommendations, the Budget now becomes the "Proposed Budget for FY 2002/03". This document is a Summary of the entire Proposed Budget, starting with the County Executive's Recommended Budget Highlights as a baseline referen ce, followed by the specific additions proposed by the Board of Supervisors. The most .recent actions proposed by the Board are found beginning on Page 4 of this Summary document. FY 2002~03 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET FISCAL PLANNING GOAL~ This FY 2002/03 Operating and Capital Budgets are based on the following goals: · The Personal Property tax rate is maintained at its current level of $4.28/$100 assessed valuation. The Real Property tax rate is maintained at its current level of $0.76/$100 of assessed valuation' · Basic local government services are maintained; · Current fiscal planning policies are maintained; · Education and public safety continue to be priorities for the provision of services; · Employee compensation and benefits are a major Priodty of the budget but will be revisited by the Board of Supervisors and School Board during our budget work sessions; · Local revenues are not automatically used to replace or eliminate federal or state programs; · Fiscal stability is maintained through an appropriately funded General Fund Balance; and · Necessary capital infrastructure improvements are Programmed for implementation. HIGHLIGHTS OF THE FY 2002103 COUNTY EXECUTIVE'S RECOMMENDE[J .BUDGET (See below for Board actions) · Local revenues for FY 2003 are estimated to increase by $8.4 million (8.44%) over the current year Adopted Budget, and by '$6.3 million (6.2%) over the January estimate for FY 2002; · State and federal revenues are estimated to increase by $0.6 million (2.15%) over the current year Adopted Budget. Our current estimate is that FY 2002 State and Federal revenues may fall about $0.5 million below the Adopted Budget amount; School Division revenues are expected to increase by $0.4 million (1.2%) from State and Federal sources in FY 2003, and by $4.9 million (8.12%) from local revenue; I recommend that an additional $125,000 of non-recurring revenues be provided to the School Division to be used for non-recurring expenses; The Revenue Sharing Agreement with the City of Charlottesville will provide the City with an additional $0.2 million for a total payment of $6.7 million; Debt Service of $9.9 million for school construCtion, renovation and major maintenance projects has been funded from the General Fund; the General Fund transfer to the Capital Program will be $4.9 million to aid in the funding of the recommended .$109.2 million FY 03~07 Capital Improvements Program; Community 'and regional agencies are recommended to receive an average funding increase of 2.5%; An Ivy Landfill Remediation Fund has been proposed with an additional amount of $0.475 million for FY 2003 to cover future remediation programs at the Ivy Landfill. Primary funding of the Rivanna Solid Waste Authority is the responsibility of the County and the City of Charlottesville to the extent that the Authority is not funded through user fees. This fund will be increased on an annual basis; With the construction of the Monticello Fire Station this calendar year and anticipated opening in FY 2003, $0.4 million has been provided for staffing and operating this new combined career/volunteer manned fire station for the last .six months of FY 2003; Completion of a newly constructed Juvenile Detention Center Located next to the Regional Jail (opening of this new facility may be delayed .until January 2003 due to funding reductions by the State); Health care benefits are estimated to increase by 27%; Staff compensation is proposed for a 2% increase, however, the Board of Supervisors and School Board are scheduled to revisit the matter of staff compensation during budget work sessions (See below for Board action); Development review fees are recommended to be increased by 25% in order to aid in covering .county expenses for this service (Note: these fees have not been increased in 10 years and the Consumer Price Index has increased by 30% over this ten-year period); A Board of Supervisors reserve in the amount of $405,000 (recurring revenues) is provided and it is estimated that an end-of-year fund balance of approximately $0.700 million (non-recurring revenues) could be targeted for additional services or programs by the Board of Supervisors (See below for Board action). FY 2002103 COUNTY EXECUTIVE'S RECOMMENDED BUDGET FUNDING PRIORITIES (See below for Board proposed chan,qes) Following is a list of recommended service expansions and improvements: · Administration - Provide funding to the Board of Elections for anticipated precinct changes. Provide a part-time position (to be hired in January, 2003) to maintain our web site and coordinate our E-Government function; · Judicial- Additional PC workstations are provided for the General District Court and the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Funding is provided to the Sheriff's Office for replacement vehicles, furniture and communications equipment. Public Safety- Funding is provided for the opening of the new Blue Ridge Juvenile Detention Center this Spring/Summer (state funding changes may delay this opening date). Funding is provided for one additional police officer and associated equipment, replacement of communication equipment and other furniture and equipment needs as well as rePlacement vehicles and radar equipment. With the opening of the new Monticello Fire Station later this year, 5 new firefighters and 3 fire captain positions are recommended for hiring at the beginning of October, 2002. A new Fire Department Plans Reviewer position is also recommended. Communications equipment and hazmat equipment are recommended for the Fire/Rescue Department as well as an additional thermal-imaging camera for our volunteer fire departments. Public Works - Funding is provided to continue our groundwater study and a new landfill fund is being created for future operational and capital needs to cover the County's solid waste costs and share of remediation through RSWA. One additional custodial position is recommended as well as repair and maintenance equipment for county facilities. Human Development- Department of Social Services programs are budgeted at $7.1 million, a 10.5% increase over FY 2002 Adopted Budget. A significant part of this increase is for assistance to children, families and adults in need. The General Fund transfer to the Comprehensive Services Act (CSA) Programs will be $1.476 million (up $12.28%) to cover non-discretionary increases in costs and the number of clients served. Parks and Recreation/Culture- Additional therapeutic recreation funding is provided as well as the County's share of the Skateboard Park operations. Mowing and snow removal equipment has been funded. Increased funding is provided to our Library system as well as to the Film Festival, Festival of the Book, Ash-Lawn Highland Summer Festival, the Lewis and Clark Festiva[, Discovery Museum and Piedmo.nt Council of the Arts. Community Development- A new Senior Planner position is recommended for funding for a half-year to implement the next Neighborhood Master Planning area. Additional communications equipment is provided in Zoning/Inspections. CTS funding is supplemented to maintain bus service within the urban area. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS' FY 2002~03 PROPOSED BUDGET WITH CHANGES TO YHE COUNTY EXECUTIVE'S RECOMMENDED BUDGE[, PROPOSED REVENUE CHANGES 1. Increase County decal fee by $2:00 on vehicles (for vehicles under 4,000 pounds from $23.00 to $25.00, for vehicles over 4,000 pounds from $28.00 to $30.00, and for motorcycles from $18.00 to $20.00); and by $1.50 on trailers and semi trailers; for trailers 1,500 pounds or less from $8.00 to $9.50, and on trailers over 1,500 pounds from $18.50 to $20.00. 2. Increase Parks & Recreation Entry Fees by $1.00 3. Increase the E-911 surcharge for each phone line from $1.39 to $2.00 per month, to cover E-911 operations and fire dispatch costs. 4. Establish a Court Security Fee of $5.00 per conviction, upon enactment of the authorizing statute by the Commonwealth. MAJOR PROPOSED ADDITIONAL EXPENDITURES Administration 1. OMB - 1 new Budget Analyst I' (Oct. 1, 2002 hire). 2. Voter Registrar - provided salary supplement. Public Safety 1. Police Dept. - 1 additional Police Officer (Jan. 2003 Hire) (for a total of 2 new Police Officers in FY 2003). 2. Fire/Rescue Dept.- 1 new Fire/Rescue Trainer position (Jan. 2003 Hire). 3. ECC - Fund County Fire Dispatching service by the ECC. 4. increased the funding for Blue Ridge Juvenile Detention Center Operations by $26,370. 5. Increased the funding for Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail Operations by $152~731. 6. Provided a Contingency amount of $87,600 to support community agencies with reduced VJCCA funding from the Commonwealth (if needed). Human Development 1. Provided total increases of $53,363 for additional amounts for the following agencies: Commission on Children & Families, Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE) to reach 2.5% increase, and to fund the MACAA Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program. Parks and Recreation 1. Parks & Recreation Dept. - Provided additional funds to cover summer P-T employee costs. 2. Jefferson-Madison Regional Library - Provided an additional $24,100 above Recommended 2.5% increase. Community Development 1. Planning & Community Development Dept. - 1 additional new Senior Planner (Jan. 2003 Hire), for a total of 2 new Senior Planner positions (Jan. 2003 Hires) in the Department. 2. Soil & Water Conservation District, provided an additional $1,811 of request. Non-Departmental 1. Staff Compensation Adjustment - Proposed a total increase of 3.8% (+ 1.8% over the 2% increase included in the Recommended Budget) 2. Provided $1 million for the Acquisition of Conservation Easements (ACE) Program in the Capital Budget (from both General and Tourism Funds). Board Contingency Reserve, reduced to $157,164. For more details on the proposed budget, see the following tables. CAL E NDAR YEAR 2002 TAX LEVY The Board of Supervisors proposes to maintain the Real Property (including Mobile Homes and Public Service Corporations) tax rate at its current level of $0.76/$100 of assessed valuation; and to maintain the Personal Property (including Machinery & Tools) tax rate at 'its current level of $~,.28/$100 of assessed valuation. GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES [ FY 2003 Recoi~ended I FY 2003 Proposed I Board of Supervisors' Prop__,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_~ed_ Funding Changes Budget J Budget Administration 7,220,111 40,981 OMB - 1.0 FTE Budget Analyst I (Oct. I hire) 4,044 Voter Registrar - Salary Supplement 7,265,136 Sub-total, Administration 2,697,783 Judicial 12,000 Commonwealth's Attorney-continuation of full salary for 1 staff 2,709,783 Sub-total, Judicial 16,230,044 Public Safety 51,375 Police - 1.0 FTE Police Officer (Jan. 2003 Hire) 22,595 Fire/Rescue - 1.0 FTE Fire/Rescue Trainer(Jan. 2003 Hire) 219,00{~ ECC - Fire Dispatching Cost for ECC 152,731' Adjusted amount for Regional Jail operations & operating reserve 26,370 Adjusted amount for Blue Ridge Juv Deten Ctr : 87,600 VJCCA Contingency 16,789,715 Sub-total, Public Safety 3,254,711 3,254,711 Engineering & Public Works · Human Development & Education 11,393,129 19,76e Commision on Children & Families Additional 941 Agency SHE fund at 2.5% increase 32,656 MACAA Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program funding 1t,446,49:~ Sub-total, Human Development & Education 4,433,195 Parks and Recreation ' 33,242 Parks & Recreation - FICA for summer P-T employees 24,100 JM Regional Library Additional 4,490,537 Sub-total, Parka, Recreation & Culture 4,087,870 Community Development 36,739~ PCD Dept. - 1.0 FTE Senior Planner (Jan. 2003 Hire) ~ 1,900 Adjust Benefits for Recomm. Senior Planner (1/2 yr) 1,811 TJ Soil & Water Conservation Additonal 4,128,320 Sub-total, Community Development Non-Departmental 92,100 92,100 Refunds 410,000 Adjust Staff Compensation increase by 1.8% (to 3.8% total) 49,408,943 50,586,7-=~. ~' Total, General Government Operations 6,692,811 6,692,811 City Revenue Sharing Capital Improvement & Debt Service Transfers 16,401,565 550,000 Increase Transfer to ClP for ACE (General Fund) 16,951,50~ Sub-total, Capital & DS Transfers Ivy Landfill Remediation Fund 475,000 475,000 Transfers for School Operations 65,850,202 65,850,202 405,597 157 164 Board Contingency Reserve COUN~EXECUTIVE' RE OMMENDED BU ET' ~ -- ~,~ PROPOSED O~'~u~TING BUDGET EXPENDITURES - GENERAL FUND 140,7t3,536 printed 4/1102 4:09 PM FY03 BOS DedsionProposed._3_25.)ds Page I of 2 GENERAl. FUND - REVENUES & FUNDING SOURCES COUNTY EXECUTIVE'S RECOMMENDED BUDGi::; One-Time Fund Balances REVENUE INCREASES Increase vehicle decal fee by $2.00 IALL to General Govt) Court Security Fee $5 per conviction (net) Parks & Recreation Fees (Increase $1 on Entry Fees) TRANSFERS FROM E-911 SURCHARGE FUND FY 2003 Recommended Budget 139,234,118 FY 2003 850,000 150.00C 70,000 35.000 Increase E-911 surcharge by $0.36 to $1.75 for Fire Dispatch ~charge by $0.25 to $2.00 for E 911 or--rations I J ~1220 968 ~ ~ I 479,4t8 D BUDGET - GENERAL FUND REVENUES I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS BUDGET . General Government Projects __ Budget. Storm Water Projects School Division Projects Aquisition of Conservation Easements Ifmm Tourism Fund) Aquisition of Conservation Easements (from General Fund) Capital Reserve/Contingency Debt Service 5,520,000 575,000 9,730.00~ 0 4,896,000 11,443,48. ~ 3PECIAL REVENUE FUND OPERATIONS FY 2003 Recommended Budget = Toudsm Transfer to Capital Budget (Incr. for ACE) Transfer to General Fund 58,000 857,581 COUNTY EXECUTIVE'S RECOMMENDED BUDGET Recommended Transfer to General Fund for E-911 Operations Increase Transfer for E-911 Operations 919,060 Increase Transfer to General Fund for Fire Dispatch ~Fund Contingency Reserve 10 94 Y200 PR' ~':=-U'-~' ..... - .. . , , FY 2003 PROPOSED BU=DGET - TOTAL SPECIAL ~UE FUND OPERATIONS i 13,~2,367 14,032.11-~, ,115 5,520,000 575.000 9,730.000 ~0,000 550,000 4,896,00£ 11,443,48~ _ ~.33,1~,4~.-- FY 2003 Proposed 508,000 444,50~ 407,581 919.06 155,418 219.00( 10,940 FYO3 BOS DecisionProposed_3_25.xis Page 2 of 2 Printed 4/1/02 4:09 PM GENE~ EXPENDITU. RES (in dollars) ~ ~ o~o2 ~ o~o3 "~'~R"~l S~NC DEPT./AGENCY ADOPTED RECOMM CHANGE I PROPOSED 03PRO/02ADP ADMINISTRAGENERAL GOVERNMENTTioN OPERATIONS BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 343 106 334,932 334,932 COUNTY EXECUTIVE 863.253 931,180 40.981 972,161 HU MAN RESOURCES DEPT. 421,327 447,715 I 447,715 iNTY ATTORNEY 487,196 511,351 511,351 qANCE DEPT. 2,843.356 2,979,616 / 2,979,616 ~IATION TECHNOLOGY DEPT 1,698,914 1,718,841 1,718,841 !R REGISTRATION & ELECTIONS 327,295 296,476 4,044 300,520 Total 6,984,447 7,220,tll 45,025[ 7,266,136 JUDICIAL ;LERK OF CIRCU IT COURT ~MMONWEALTH ATTORNEY ~ERIFF ;IRCUIT COURT DISTRICT COURT /IAGISTRATE'S OFFICE IRT Total PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE DEPARTMENT FIRE/RESCUE DEPARTMENT ;:ESCUE SERVICES INSPECTIONS EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER P, EGIONAL JAIL JUVENILE DETENTION HOME VIUNITY ATTENTION HOME Contingency =CA JUVENILE COURT ASSESSMENT CTR OFFENDER AID & RESTORATION Total ENGINEERING & PUBLIC WORKS --NGINEERING DEPT. iR RESOURCES MANAGEMENT SUBTOTAL - ENGRG & WATER RES =UBLIC WORKS/STAFF SERVICES PW STREET SIGNS PW REFUSE DISPOSAL SUBTOTAL- PUBLIC WORKS Total HUMAN SERVICES DEPT. OF SOCIAL SERVICES DSS Direct Programs CSA Fund Transfer United Way Day Care Fund Transfer Bright Stars Transfer DSS -Subtotal TJ HEALTH DISTRICT REGION X CSB [ SUPPORT GROUP COMMISSION ON CHILC REN AND FAMILIES .~HARLOTTESVILLE FREE CLINIC MUSIC RESOURCE CENTER SEXUAL ASSUALT RESOURCE AGENCY (SARA) JEFFERSON AREA BD ON AGING (JABA) HOUSE 579,145 589,730 534.998 540,661 12,000 1.290,562 1,393.328 79,529 80,861 21.565 22,550 20,245 5,000 41,653 65,653 2,567,697 2~97~83 12,000 8,008,387 8,218,893 51,375 1.511.733 1.999,362 22,595 1,880,259 1,721.837 764,072 776.689 1,191,756 1,171,509 219,00C 1,340,783 1.410,316 152,731 266,210 725.399 26,370 13,700 15,678 0 0 87,600 44.545 84,556 28,505 31,113 54.493 74,692 15,104,443 16,230,044 559,671 1.437,203 1.483,843 133.291 247.996 1.570,494 1,731,839 1.091.644 1,183,038 84.199 85,498 216.292 254 336 1,392,135 1,522,872 2,962,629 3,254,711 6.454,778 7.133,495 1,315.000 1.476.500 83.635 87,015 290.921 290~921 8.144.334 8.987,931 762.174 781.228 378.360 419.060 3,358 4,500 128.259 129.134 5,570 5.709 5,500 5.638 24.000 24.000 175 910 189.156 389 335 418.481 7.638 7,829 19,76~ 589,730 552,661 1,393,328 80,861 22,550 5,000 65,653 .2,709,78~ % INC 03PRO~)2ADP -8,174 -2.38% 108.908 12.62% 26,388 6:26% 24,155 4.96% 136.260 4.79% 19,927 1.17% -26,775 -8.18% 280,689 4.02% 10,585 1.83% 17,663 3.30% 102,766 7.96% 1,332 1.67% 985 4.57% -15.245 -75.30% 24,000 57.62% t42,086 5~3% 8,270,261 261,881 3.27% 2,021,957 510.224 33.75% 1,721,837 -158.422 -8.43% 776,689 12,617 1,65% 1,390,509 198,753 16.68% 1,563,047 222,264 16.58% 751,769 485,559 182.40% 15,678 1,978 14.44% 87.600 87,600 84,556 40,011 89.82% 31;113 2,608 9.15% 74,692 20,199 37.07% 16,789,715 1,686,272 11.16% 1,483,843 247,996 1,731,839 1,183,038 85,498 254,336 1,522,872 3,254,711 46,640 3.25% 114,705 86.06% 161,345 10.27% 91,394 8.37% 1.299 1.54% 38,044 17,59% 130,737 9.39% 292,082 9.86% 678,717 10.51% 161.500 12.28% 3,380 4.04% 0 0.00% 7,133,495 1,476,500 87,015 290~921 8,987,931 843,597 ~0.36% 781,228 19,054 2,50% 419,060 42,700 11.35% 4.500 1,142 34.01% 148,900 20.641 16.09% 5,709 139 2.50% 5,638 138 2.51% 24.000 0 0.00% 189,1561 13.246 7.53% 418,481 29,146 7.49% , 7.829 191 2.50% 4/1/023:38 PM I FY03 GF Expenditure Sum_Proposed.)ds GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES (in dollars) BUDGET FUNCTION FY 01/02 FY 02/03 I FY 02/03 $ INC' % INC DEPT./AGENCY ADOPTED RECOMM. CHANGEI PROPOSED 03PRO/O2ADP 03PRO/OZADP GENERAL GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS FOCUS- TEENSIGHT 25,000 25,625 25,625 625 2.50% MACAA Tef~. n Pregnancy Prevention 0 32,656 32,656 32,656 SHELTER for HELP in EMERGENCY (SHE) 71,543 72,390 941 73,331 1,788 2.50% CALAS (LEGAL AID) 20,698 21,215 21,215 517 2.50% BOYS & GIRLS CLUB 0 0 0 0 COMPUTERS FOR KIDS 0 7,690 7,690 7,690 SOCA 0 0 0 0 WORKSOURCE ENTERPRISES 18,128 28,000 28,000 9,872 CHILDREN, YOUTH & FAM SVCS 78,882 82,083 82,083 3,201 4.06% TAX RELIEF 210,000 161,400 161,400 -48,600 -23.14% Total 10,446,689 11,371,069 53,363 11,424,432 977,743 . 9.36% EDUCATION PIEDMONT VA COMM COLLEGE 22,060 22,060 0 22,060 0 0.00% PARKS & RECREATiON/CULTURE PARKS & RECREATION DEPT. 1,620,036 1,697,598 33,242 1,730,840 110,804 6.84% TOWE PARK 132,260 126,805 126,805 -5,455 -4.12% J:M REGIONAL LIBRARY 2,109,402 2,162,137 24,100 2,186,237 76,835 3.64% VIRGINIA DISCOVERY MUSEUM 10,362 10,559 10,559 197 1.90% MUNICIPAL BAND 15,450 15,450 15,450 0 0.00% PIEDMONT COUNCIL OF THE ARTS 10,321 10,579 10,579 258 2.50% LITERACY VOLUNTEERS 16,635 17,134 17,134 499 3.00% WVPT PUBLIC TV 7,426 7,612 7,612 186 2.50% VISITORS BUREAU 352,259 352,259 352,259 0 0.00% VIRGINIA FILM FESTIVAL 10,300 10,558 10,558 258 2.50% VIRGINIA HERTITAGE REP THEATER 0 0 0 0 VIRGINIA FESTIVAL OF THE BOOK 10,300 10,558 10,558 258 2.50% ASH-LAWN HIGHLAND SUMMER FESTIVAL 8,240 8,446 8,446 206 2.50% ALBEMARLE COUNTY FAIR 10,000 0 0 -10,000 -100.00% LEWIS AND CLARK FESTIVAL 2,500 3~500 3,500 1,000 40.00% Total 4,315,491 4,433,195 57,342 4,490,537 175,046 4.06% PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING & COMM DEVEL DEPT. 1,679,631 1,744,373 38,639 1,783,012 103,381 6.15% HOUSING OFFICE 443,040 455,110 455,110 12,070 2.72% ZONING 753,245 730,730 730,730 -22,515 -2.99% SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION 60~698 62,292 1,811 64,103 3,405 5.61% VIRGINIA COOP EXTENSION SVC 169,273 173,705 173,705 4,432 2.62% TJ PLANNING DISTRICT COMMISSION 98,393 83,797 83,797 -14,596 -14.83% ALBEMARLE HOUSING IMPROVM PROC 389,141 397,365 397,365 8,224 2.11% PIEDMONT HOUSING ALLIANCE 125,466 133,185 133,185 7,719 6.t5% MACAA 132,083 132,564 132,584 501 0.38% CHARLOTTESVILLE TRANSIT SVC 168,009 174,729 174,729 6,720 4.00% SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CTR 0 0 0 0 Total 4,0t8,979 4,087,870 40,450 4,t28,320 109,341 2,72% NON-DEPARTMENTAL REFUNDS 92,100 92,100 0 92,100 0 0.00% Undistributed - Staff Compensation Adjustment 0 0 410,000i 410,000 410,000 TOTAL, GENERAL GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS 46,514 535 49,408,943 1,177,851 50,586,794 4,072,259 8.75% CITY/COUNTY REVENUE SHARING 6,482,712 6,692,811 6,692,811 210,099 3.24% TRANSFR TO SCHOOL OPERATIONS 60,788,526 65,725,202 65,725,202 4,936,676 8.12% TRANSFER TO SCHOOL OPERS- ONE-TIME 1,500,757 ' 125,000 125,000 -1,375,757 -91.67% TRANSFR TO SCHOOL DEBT SERVICE 8,532,000 9,911,475 9,911,475 1,379,475 16.17% TRANSFER TO CAPITAL PROJECTS 5,290,188 4,945,090 550,000 5,495,090 204,902 3.87% TRANSFER TO GEN GOVT DEBT SERVICE 910,202 970,000 970,000 59,798 6.57% TRANSFER TO STORMWATER FUND 300,000 575,000 575,000 275,000 91.67% Ivy Landfill Remediation Fund (NEW) 0 475,000 475,000 475,000 TOTAL, TRANSFERS & REVENUE SHARING 83,804,385 89,419,578 550,000 89,969,578 6,165,193 7.36% BOARD CONTINGENCY RESERVE 597,098 405,597 -248,433 157,1,64 -439,934 -73.68% 84,401,483 89,825,175 301,567 90,126,742 5,725,259 6.78% GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES, GENERAL FUND 130,9!6,018 139,234,118 1,479,418 140,713,536 9,797,518 7.48% NOTE: The additional 1.8% s~aff compensation increase proposed by the Board has NOT been dis~'ibuted by Department and Agency. Percentage change by Deoar'ffnent does NOT reflect ~is amour~ 4/1/023:38 PM 2 FY03 GF Expenditure Sum_Proposed.xis Albemarle County, Virginia Board of Supervisors' Proposed FY 2003- 2007 Amended Capital Improvements Program April 3, 2002 FY 2003 - 2007 AMENDED Capital Improvements Program & Projected FY 2008 - 2011 Capital Needs Summary of Projects ($ in thousands) Twe Project GENERAL GOVERNMENT PROdEGTS Administration & Gourta_ 03Amena Court Facilities Renovation/Expansion - Juv & DR Court 02CIP Court Square Enhancements 02CIP County Computer Upgrade - Maintenance/Replacement 03Amend County Technol0gy Upgrade - GIS System 03Amend County Facilities - Maintenance/Replacement 02CIP Court Square - Maintenance/Replacement 02CIP J&D Court - Maintenance/Replacement Subtotal Public Safety 03Amend New County Animal Shelter - Contribution to SPCA 02CIP Fire/Rescue Building & Equip. Fund 02CIP Fire/Rescue Training Center / Police Firing Range 02CIP Police Computer Upgrade - Maintenance/Replacement 03Amena Public Safety Facility 02CtP Public Safety Mobile Command Center 02CIP Police Technology Upgrade 02CIP Transport Vehicle for Arrests 02CIP 800MHz Regional Communication System Project 02CIP Police Evidence Equil~ment 02CIP Police Video Cameras for Patrol Subtotal Highways & Transoortatlon 02CIP Georgetown Road Sidewalk 02CIP Neighborhood Plan Implementation Pgm. 02CIP Road Construction Revenue Sharing 02CIP Seminole/Pepsi Place Connector 02C1P Sidewalk Construction Program 02CIP Transportation Planning & Improvement Program 02CIP Route 29North Landscaping 02CIP Ivy Road Landscaping 02CIP Streetlamp Program Subtotal Library 03Amend New Northside Library 02CIP New Library 29N Corridor 02CIP New Crozet Library 02CIP New Library Neighborhood 415 Area 02CIP New Bookmobile 02CIP Central Library Renovation 02CIP Expand Scotlsville Library 02CIP Library - Maintenance/Replacement Subtotal County ' FY 03.07 FY 08-11 Prior FY 02/03 FY 03104. FY 04106. FY 05/06 FY 06107 Total FY 07108 FY 08/09 FY 09~10 FY I0111 Out-Year 770 30 2,608 2,608 0 0 5,246 7,500 7,500 0 0 15,000 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,425 220 220 220 310 330 t ,30C 330 330 330 330 1,320 0 t00 0 0 0 0 10C 0 0 0 0 0 2, 321 716 550 600 640 639 3,14.~ 640 640 640 640 2, 56~ 180 130 100 100 130 100 56C 100 100 100 100 40i; 15 15 15 15 15 75 15 15 15 15 .6C 4,946 1,211 3,493 3,543 1,095 1,084 I0,426 8,588 8,888 1,088 1,085 19,34C 0 50 50 50 50 5(: 250 0 0 0 C 0: 4,515 486 2,669 531 3,262 C 6,948 0 0 0 C 0 10 10 380 550 85 89( 1,875 13 130 t8 18(: 341 0 178 0 0 0 19,~ 373 0 0 0 22{: 220 3C 0 1,751 51005 4,839 C 11,595 0 0 0 ( 0 ¢ 75 75 0 0 0 150 0 0 0 0 0 O) 980 460 0 0 0 1,440 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 ' 0 0 0 45 7,959 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83 85 88 0 0 0 174 0 0 83 85 168 12,637 1,866 5,473 6,136 8,236 1,095 22,805 58 150 t01 485 774 0 70 0 0 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 C 476 550 399 415 427 500 2,291 515 530 546 563 2,15~ 500 500 500 500 500 2,50C 500 500 500 500 2,00( 0 0 0 0 0 29 2c. 0 0 0 (3 C 510 320 387 230 641 500 2,07~ 515 530 646 563 2,15 100 t 00 100 t 50 200 390 89( 390 390 390 39~ 1,560 19 0 0 0 0 31 31 0 0 0 (: 0 0 0 0 0 0 217 217 0 0 0 C 0 84 41 42 44 45 48 218 48 49 51 52 200 1,189 t,$B1 1,428 1,289 1,813 2,213 8,324 1,968 1,999 2,033 2,0~ 8,0~i 0 0 0 0 1,077 4,642 5,920 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 C 0 850 4,538 0 0 5,418 (; 0 0 0 0 ( 0 0 0 952 4,628 5,580 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 913 983 C 0 0 0 118 0 116 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 385 385 3,073 0 0 0 3,073 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 577 617 14 25 0 4 0 42 9 17 17 0 43 0 t4 26 0 1,191 5,228 6,483 3,962 4,555 1,079 6,118 18,7'~'! FY 2003 - 2007 AMENDED Capital Improvements Program & Projected FY 2008 - 2011 Capital Needs Summary of Projects ($ in thousands) County FY 03-07 FY 08-11 Prior FY 02/03 FY 03/04 FY 04/06 FY 05/06 FY 0610T Total FY:071Q~ FY 08109 FY 091t0 FY 1011i ~ut-Year 56 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 ~ C 1~ 50 50 50 0 C 150 0 0 0 C C 156 60 60 50 0 C 160 0 0 0 C 23 46 0 0 0 69 0 0 0 C 0 418 196 290 251 179 250 1,166 250 250 250 25( 1,000 548 92 0 0 0 0 92 0 0 0 0~ 0 , 30 0 300 0 0 0 300 0 0 0 0 0 50 ' ~ 0 1,530 0 0 7,000 8,530 0 0 0 0 0 93 93 0 0 0 0 93 0 0 0 0 0 77 77 0 0 0 0 77 0 0 0 0 0 200 50 50 25 0 0 125 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 10C 66 33 33 33 33 33 165 33 33 33 0 450 25 25 25 25 25 125 25 25 25 25 10C 30 0 34 35 35 37 142 38 39 41 42 337 0 0 137 57 0 194 0 0 0 0 C 111 87 95 37 ' 85 415 90 70 72 74 2,311 700 2,396 601 367 7,430 11,493 436 417 421 491 1,76~ 0 0 0 0 0 25~ 25( 250 250 0 ~ 500 1 ~846 100 100 0 0 ~ 20C 0 0 0 C 0 1,846 100 100 0 O 26~ 460! 260 250 0 2,136 1,000 0 0 0 C 1,000 0 0 0 C 0 2,138 1,000 0 0 0 ~ 1,000 0 0 0 ~ '=~~"~96~. 11,620 ~ ~~936 4,0081 575 400 500 650 65( 2,775 650 650 650 650 2,600 4,008 676 400 500 660 65~ 2,775 650 650 650. 650 2,600 Type Project Human Development 02CIP CAI.AS Facility 02CIP Region Ten Facilities Subtotal Parks~ Recreation & Culture 02CIP Cashier Booth Improvements 02CIP County Athletio Field Study/Dev. 02CIP Crozet Park Athletic Field Development 02CIP Ivy Landfill Recreation Access Dev. 02CIP Recreation Facilities Project 02CIP PVCC Softball Field Lighting 02CIP School Athletic Field Irrigation 02CIP So. Albemarle Organization Park Der. 02CIP Towe Park Lower Field Irrigation 02CIP Park System Redesign Study 02CIP Paramount Theater 02CIP Rlvanna Groenway Access & Path 02CtP RNer Access Improvements 03Amend Scottsville CC Improvements 03Amens Parks - Maintenance/Replacement Subtotal Utility Imf)rovement 02CiP Recycling Centers 02CIP Keene Landfill Closure Subtotal Acquisition of Conservation Easements 02CIP ACE Program Subtotal STORMWATER PROJECTS 02CIP Slormwater Control Program Subtotal FY 2003 - 2007 AMENDED Capital Improvements PrOgram & Projected FY 2008 - 2011 Capital Needs Summary of Projects ($ in thousands) County Type. Project Prior SCHOOL DIVISION PROJECTS 03Amend New - Post-High House 03Amend Crozet Kitchen 65 03Amend School Site Land Acquisition 0 02CtP Brownsville Addition 240 03Amend Henley Renovation ( 03Amend Jouett Addition/Renovation 1.56( ( 02CIP Hollymead Gym/Restrooms 16! 02CiP Murray HS Renovations 02C[P Northern Elementary 12,844 03Amena Southern Elementary 0 02CIP ADA Structural Changes 961 02CIP Albemarle HS Restoration 1,568 02CiP Scottsville Elementary Library Addition 02CIP WAHS Window Replacement 03Amend Monticello HS Addition 0 03Amend Monticello HS Gym 0 03Amend Walton Addition 02CIP Instructional Technology 3,932 02CIP Administrative Technology 443 03Amend Schools- MaintenancelReplacement 2,859 S u bto='"=="='==~t al - School DivProjectsPro ects ..,~.~__32,230 TOTAL, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS Pro oeed Ca itel ReservelContin enc GRAND TOTAL. FY 200=3-01 ClP FY 07J03 FY 03104. FY 04/06 FY 051.0,q FY 06107 250 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 2.386 0 0 0 0 90 1 283 0 2,318 0 0 0 0 t00 757 0 0 20 1,024 0 0 0 0 0 20 1,225 400 50 50 50 50 0 0 649 0 0 75 420 0 0 0 0 230 933 0 0 6,458' 0 0 0 1,008 100 674 0 0 450 450 450 450 45 70 70 70 70 70 3,113 1,192 3.143 1,890 1,413 ~~6 2o,36~ 2~s!4 21721 ~ 309 20,366 24 514 31 163__ FY 03-07 I T°ta! ! 250I 25 2,386 1,3731 2,318I 857! 1,0441 0 13,885 215 649 495 230 7,391 1,008 774 2,250 35O 10,751 4,8~_~ FY 0710,8. FY 08109 FY 091t(~ FY 10111 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,850 6.40O 15,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 450 450 450 450 70 70 70 70 1,250 799 790 11449 FY 08-11 Out-Year 0 0 23,250 1,B0 280 4,288=