HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201400050 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2014-11-19COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126 Memorandum To: Scott Collins From: Christopher P. Perez, Senior Planner Division: Planning Date: November 19, 2014 Subject: SDP - 2014 -50 Acme Stove and Fireplace Center Site Plan- Final The County of Albemarle Planning Division will recommend approval of the plan referenced above once the following comments have been satisfactorily addressed (The following comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.): [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision /Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise specified.] Conditions of Initial Plan Approval (from approval letter dated May 5, 2014: 1. [32.6] A site plan meeting all the requirements of section 32.6 of Chapter 18 of the. Code. Final: See Final Plan comments below. Comment still valid. [] Boundary Lines. Final: Rev. 2 SLTB2014 -102 Iwe,llc /Acme Stove was approved on 9- 30 -14. Revise sheet 2 of the site plan to provide the DB Page reference information of the recorded plat. Rev 3. On sheet 2, one of the Deed book page reference numbers was provided to vacated the 18' strip (DB 4544 PG 88); however on the same sheet the 742.74 SF portion which was dedicated to R/W is left blank. Revise. Also please note that one of the hooks is incorrect in that same location (see attached plat which was recorded). €.> sell Iii,:3le. L'al le 1 ?s p € a ?' -d ?eC 1ti.WA ;rf�,r,i, '11­1€'z,, t'o,"aI IX)Nz: ;: f3 § >. € r . i , _ shi lY � ., ...� � <)t° t f.,....` � i €.. €..aye o:. 4. [32.5.2 (m) & (n), 4.12.17(b)] Entrances. "Entrances to parking areas from public streets or private roads shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Virginia Department of Transportation standards... " With Seminole Lane being a Public Road, VDOT's approval of the entrance is required. Final: Rev 3. Comment still relevant, pending VDOT approval. Their last comment letter was dated 10- 28 -14. Have you worked with VDOT to gain their approval of this item, if so please provide their approval. 4 . f i :. € Ft gri ^:, �l.F i�j�F �..iI ?�t I�.� .'�.: �i, t�£kiifi �F £ �� L�3t3�; 3.'t H� -fi Ff 3.� f�f �'S>•�3 E:>Ji���f. �;r� �3`3L!F� F)�. i.f'� i, iY �t a(3 Si: i:F;F £ an-, : % %`s n7: <. £.x.,, 1 Ili; l <ni ,s`sin 1:ii'w 2�? T i.i {�Lt S °3 ifL ltctiz i.'tl£i 1 '52 Now d 10 Ymr," Aw enmum; a) W who is 2W 014 Omni mi Ad f,; asm nics the sin Proposs in UqHzc si,'Ccsscs, 2 OPO 7 ihe J.",ja li' co ',,,c m.,Z"I sm,,, bc /(,"s.', Ch he ;he PIMI assure the loadhig space is above requirenwnm as uumvntly it apinvus do imam of ' lo""'dheq, PLAMb UAMfQ Detsmady" ZYMbabig , 1,,e _7t i MOOMT or b.v mu6sy ;qY,M1Q 1 ,v zhe the :slog 1.10607aw- Wis orpov; he wo! w £J,.;hvxeale spo�.'e3 Oka am no� P 0 iD.nth Site PY assw,e the 1k;ading spacc is apIlypriately dcjj-neal,?d a!s the Ordi,minov, R,,-n ise Mnmeaf addr=gev J.,'Wgcyoj Sp.,,, , -%saionga 20 nisk; Wall be W wide Q W, lo'mz, Lhe-n"", are 4 and 6 sluss on do plan whkh w-e 2:1" v,;hR;h -,,,Ihcy�- �paces ka 11.)CO(- ."'.11C It. 2WQ be savened os requkewl 32. -. !,` 30,6, i�� appreprWyly ()n sju,,� PI"un provide the nizariM undlyst -,he ht of"file. 11. [32.5.2(a)] Being this site is located in the Entrance Corridor (EC), approval from the Architectural Review Board (ARB) is required prior to final site plan approval. Final. Rev 3. Comment still relevant, see attached ARB review 11-7-14. 11 PLE201 & dPV The hHOWNg, -,""JI", be requi, ed ior tinal-'sito plan apprr,:al: - Wlmr Nghling OWN% including a phohnietric plan and" phmngmph pr Wagrmm of enh yTe of ouaker WhWe [Ss� 32.11 it See. 1171 not suldyassed, M Met 1, Wer general new Ughling' mzkes 71 howman Acre W no 5%h! imp, 10h it, Unal sic Q& 1AC21 7 is gol, PnWkAd hyme ph-n - A NnMapv p% medihig t1w rop1mumAn of seelln WA 0PChqMW 18 uf It Code, hwkyhl, , a ree comervalK 13. The currunr pixjnwil preserve's flho 20' buffer b6mccj fl,v, ,cin,naieroind �ot "ind the resiMal disNUL as is requircd by the 'rim PVTOW, g n -d 5 0 ol' Cx "i a goc,,� oVC11 rurthey to nres,Tvo Ming velgetative savenAg by p- r�!j g upwal vegemdon an the inarmged skTe. Thus the do,. to bo umt, rdtos,,,,., flhe abu�di -q,, pfo� 0 v�; rl-er (1,"Ji P 0,115 B I A-008"', ,0 h"'i s aac ted ""t'i al)ou"" 'd I e ,;ind hay rcqu,�.,, moll ttic, app li ali it-ASWU a &S PW tal". woodc.n ibe screening propand with die development. It diould rdso be wited Una Me ilco 1 iess de� amd the Fkxws Pur 15 WRvnwaL each pnwhkd a 6 - 8 W MH vrooden Wee atop the ridg-,�o-a We pnMuV Ike U) n1jor the k%s of exkthg mgewhve sweening 01- 1he bolu',-m ofzho .,Jo as ixat MAY& (jidual Skjws vskors, WhRe Ow current pr",.)Jx)s�al do, S W prx,ye to distwo Me Mopes 2 MAN aw any hKese Was deAwl" as or Vical shus J). Y Sines... win, 1m, to dk-,,urh 11;4', Tom We ckkin_, JJ.�,. "'it of ±11 Ptyperly at of" Oolumn SO; Hmnagai ONTek Upon InceS AM, 'n"'Mn, don be hkh am pnTwed lu Q cut cmiwHy Pon St €„?..... OWY 0."', 4 lot Jk ON 'idle NO= on blu-,"I" thc, sci,..,en in lbj, Unes way be SigniRcmidy rahwod due lo !be w.cep upinks SOPC jAw Me SQ, io the RUSizi l ! kAs at dw imir "ol"irle U" Ab'"COM"a �Qh dy �t ffic, : —w flii, de� Auprncnl an cancinow (mi i Panymy, "Tich would alhw Ry, the of gymnod by TO ahuliin, :nlx,.rvim Pro-, i. re, nina oadd ba n1sa1.; d to a dKonm al 1, Tne 29 tuldsukhed" ","ful, - cr, ille 1OWN ;,its ,<. nrid.3 31Wd che preservai Kill ,inc i£ pwide Mabi%%I. lr-� ord.er to ffic die u,",O)"'; 'c".ncx" "nAdd have to be ',n Me deki at the Sw oFthe 'If-11he aplAicant clKylsys to tl ience 1. l &: am-2 111e. Palve. 1 l)-o'll the re. ?t' e"n-d 'Wee whould be dlcI'iwlcd. a.lid l'ibefic'd Ol-, ifiL, flinal -.,ite plan F& W, to aloes mot nimear the aurAhant is inhoWed W, I�Nml a Ow rim w0winarky) Or 'Patine < €11„ >; a?Ett.tsll.l{ _? "hoc", "'o aS, on,,� Set Of =bw m>=,w ,o ih(,- 10nns" cwd PATAg& UnnAdwobw AUT Wv 1, Coninicat Wd M39W thc end handicapped puthl opwo to or ci, llv if a car or van PId1k,,d into thav would nm be We WA, qu wi&mn brujog Ow Arse sam-rice to dw site or Witing the buHdQ Re0e, Av. 2 Comsaywou suldressudi, 16. FNETV On slleu't 1, under 00 We of 111..h, plal 1 pro S! a ph Ry on PC*= i 7. V","PO phals are. IMMU PAVUS loud S40 P1wl appruva.1, SonaxQu Am War W1. Ray L PeniNg EaOnemf* appnwa,, S. 1cmawwrl PRwid"e nord 'M'OV s M Cato; Sbeet Ofl-,,,- "pl.,in set, OwNdesmudw chhuney Oil i.j lQ Sile pi'm 1.43 ` he -,,!,nnni,, Hoe -�vj,,-Yh as (I)c <i h, ... ,vul�,s� dm�, i� matl.�,. thai ullit, "block h'itc, €. fit: bulidkg. Whe, "?, NT`Ct' Tfrec kY VVill"m (,,-, dk -,F,,cxs, on', 5� 1) lf)ogvefx,,d an � ghn, (,,�) "jeary '.3al,nct SVvc4)tu-,Pirc Anks am Kawl in i"he be 4.9"n of less PUlmir"S qkyroappoval, alwpvnain,,£ slance ol'thes," Sh"-di he. lo dh-,if 1J,,lj3.e ,rc-s, anc, to rcfnahl. a, throe parry agwasma W need V) be devekyled ' :It :3 dk Ve lop ;; VIDOYE, and l`h,t: ( ounty. '[11his s1wil be devekTed by Ow alpfHalat and by the 'County- anta sen". t, ro,,�ord prior of dw pot Chi we Plant'ho F)Br`agc nunnbi�rantl- lhetidc offlb,,,. Wdscaq,, If Me abow is wn i,w n, ibk, w ofi pav-zie,�< h, moy b,", (o oelWolf, zlw righr , (1 f i1 .n, 2 2 ', t <<<. "; €i €t'ir;� . Yi..< d :.s ...,..," r3: t, .i ;. .i :.8: i(3�I �;t ,.av, 22. [NEW COAEWENT- Lighting] Sheet 7 has been provided via a PDF. All of my comments are discussed in ARB's comments on lighting. See attached. The lighting plan shall be revised per ARB specifications, see attached Nov 7, 2014 ARB comments. NEW CO:� NT 2 [132,5�2,1 (C). 3/2-51(i), J, a5.21(o ]Pei- Cos fay .Record 1._aiic is proposed to he a .Pu1 >fl Road- .how- evej,, at this time it is accepted into the StatCs Secondary Sy-,le.t.n_ A.11 the :sheets in. Ibe site l)l;;a.ii excelst sheet 2 list-'s seli'61'lolc 1..��l as "Exi fing, Private R "'; however, tbis i n��t. accarli e as tlae roa . iM not. lyri.vate', n€ r w-as it ever al�l�r�:av ;( to be a private road.. Phi ase c Orrect this. On sly € -et ''. Seminole l.,ane i:;1. RA i €'ed �,vith blank. l:)B P',i e Nznber laa�o� � -��; ii'!►�is is to rein aita it tiball be lmyerly filled c3u.t.. *Rev ?`. `;omme-nt Addressed. ..� Engineering Comments -Max Greene 1) Site plan approval requires WPONSMP approval prior to final site plan approval. Please see VWP0201400076 ARB - Margaret Maliszewski See attached Nov 7, 2014 ARB comments. VD0T- Troy Austin See VDOT's last set of comments, attached 10 -28 -14 Please contact Christopher P. Perez in the Planning Division by using cperezna,albemarle.org or 434- 296 -5832 ext. 3443 for further information. 4 .� �'IRGSNIP COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126 November 7, 2014 Scott Collins c/o Collins Engineering 200 Garrett Street, Suite K Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: ARB201400090 Acme Stove and Fireplace Center Dear Scott: I have reviewed the plans with the revision date of November 4, 2014 submitted for the above referenced project. I have the following comments. 1. Your memo indicated that architectural plans were revised to indicate that the oak used to wrap the steel columns will be stained or otherwise treated to ensure sustainability of the material. The architectural plans were not submitted for review, so the completion of this item cannot be confirmed. Please submit the architectural plans with a revised trellis detail indicating that the oak used to wrap the steel columns will be stained or otherwise treated to ensure sustainability of the material. 2. The following revisions to the lighting plan are required: a. Indicate on the plan the lamp type for fixture 2. b. Include on the plan a diagram of fixture 2 showing that it is a full cutoff fixture. c. Indicate on the plan that a maintenance factor of 1.0 has been used to calculate the photometrics for fixture 2. d. Indicate on the plan the proposed color of each fixture type. e. If the spot lights (fixture 1) are intended to illuminate a sign on the EC facing wall (not the tower), include a note on the plan indicating that these fixtures will be aimed so as not to project their output beyond an approved wall sign. (Note that approval of the lights does not imply approval of any particular wall sign and illumination of the wall without a sign is not approved. A separate sign permit application is required.) f. Replace the contour line photometric plan with a point -by -point calculation grid so maximum light levels can be more easily and accurately determined. g. Light levels are excessive at each location of fixture 3. EC guidelines state: "Light levels exceeding 30 footcandles are not appropriate for display lots in the ECs. Lower light levels will apply to most other uses in the ECs." Maximum levels not exceeding 20 footcandles is typical in the ECs. Please revise the plan accordingly. i. Please indicate the purpose of fixture 4 (is it specifically to illuminate signs on the tower ?) and explain why the spread of light from that fixture, which appears to be pointed back towards the tower, is significantly broader than that of any other proposed fixture. Please forward me one set of revised drawings — site and architectural - together with the attached resubmittal form and a memo summarizing the revisions you've made. If changes other than those requested have been made, identify those changes in the memo. Highlighting the changes in the drawing with "clouding" or by other means will facilitate review and approval. When staffs review of this information indicates that all conditions of approval have been met, a Certificate of Appropriateness may be issued. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Margaret Maliszewski Principal Planner cc: ARB- 2014 -90 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development REVISED APPLICATION SUBMITTAL This form must be returned with your revisions to ensure proper tracking and distribution. County staff has indicated below what they think will be required as a resubmission of revisions. If you need to submit additional information please explain on this form for the benefit of the intake staff. All plans must be collated and folded to fit into legal size files, in order to be accepted for submittal. TO: Margaret Maliszewski . DATE: PROJECT NAME: ARB201400090 Acme Stove Submittal Type Requiring Revisions () indicates submittal code County Project Number # Copies Erosion & Sediment Control Plan (E &S) # Copies Distribute To: Mitigation Plan (MP) 1 M. Maliszewski Waiver Request (WR) Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) Road Plan (RP) Private Road Request, with private /public comparison (PRR) Private Road Request - Development Area (PRR -DA) Preliminary Site Plan (PSP) Final Site Plan (or amendment) (FSP) Final Plat (FP) Preliminary Plat (PP) Easement Plat (EP) Boundary Adjustment Plat (BAP) Rezoning Plan (REZ) Special Use Permit Concept Plan (SP -CP) Reduced Concept Plan (R -CP) Proffers (P) Bond Estimate Request (BER) Draft Groundwater Management Plan (D -GWMP) Final Groundwater Management Plan (F -GWMP) Aquifer Testing Work Plan (ATWP) Groundwater Assessment Report (GWAR) Architectural Review Board (ARB) ARB2014 -90 1 Other: Please explain (For staff use only) Submittal Code # Copies Distribute To: Submittal Code # Copies Distribute To: ARB 1 M. Maliszewski October 28, 2014 Mr. Christopher Perez Senior Planner County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Re: SDP - 2014 -00050 Acme Stove and Fireplace Center Final Site Plan Dear Mr. Perez: We have reviewed the final site plan for Acme Stove and Fireplace Center dated 717/14 with revisions dated 8/25/14 and 10/8/14 as submitted by Collins Engineering and offer the following comments: 1. The current submittal has identified the inlet near the proposed detention pond as being removed. How will the invert be sealed? 2. There is an area on the south side of the proposed entrance that appears to be flat. Will this area drain or will there be standing water? If additional information is needed concerning this project, please do not hesitate to contact me at (434) 422 -9782. Sincerely, 0 Troy Austin, P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Culpeper District WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING Page 4 of 5 N a r m O ppp00 *-I a OON O N I in nym O T D A p�� S - - - -- O ° `°AU�umm o yam mz �,• m m r z f.� N aw wN -t co _ �l Q�"I,O `3 dh la W i 5 om C'� N z [� fl. Q DB 4S 04 P_ 9 % oq�;laaq oo��aa� � y(7A�N+OON y�GWb4ruv ii a�tiwao aw °mm°o m m. °o O rA re, z u O �a Z, vzz xNm zM0 a , o cn 1 �. -•djN m Z U1 1 II ppp00 *-I I Q. 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O Or. nOn cnrnrn ccn mz =0mm 8 mjnm °� I OT.r •r1TT mpO2<D (n mz Cn z D O Z p m cn m 07 � I :� (D9 1 O p mmX �0� 07�SC(nm I <<n r-M_< >"O D.D oN n , 1 z 0--1 p -.op� mO o? wy En D I m mG7'{ -I N m \ 1 >0 mm NN I� Q * D C.1 I z -< V s v ul I m Z U1 1 II 1 •. W C I Q. - u p �fm I- N II O \I I �z11 I?v rI ZZ'96 y9 1 0 Z ---- -9- - -- 311ZE .19S 1Vld 90L '901 'd l99 'B'0 1 o OH '3NOZ 11 -IBOUVd 1tl1d Z499'dd 9llC 3o 3ncs3a ki3lllW '0 3NNV3f I s Vb 101 ONV 'Hf '133111W 'l ll3SSna 111 .. �. -_ — - - -- - - - -- - ..- b•0-.9-1N89b -dWl - - - --1 I z I _ N w N W 1 r b / rti v z rs rr o N A �A A m 0 c ti 0 C y m N m z m G a mm m MM m0 a m Cr � C)D o Om f 4S1. 9 'S mm E5U) Oz T � a { A r 92 O� 2� . y020,p d ti Book: 4544 Page: 88 FileNumber:2014- 00009863 Seq:4 o^ T r, G