HomeMy WebLinkAboutZTA200800002 Legacy Document 2009-02-11STAFF PERSON: Elaine K. Echols, AIcP PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING: February 17, 2009 ZTA 08 -02: Amendment to the Planned District (PD) and Neighborhood Model District (NMD) Regulations ORIGIN: On April 22, 2008, the Planning Commission passed a resolution of intent to consider minor changes to the PD regulations as well as a major change that would require that certain site plans and subdivision plats permitted under old planned development zoning comply with current rather than "old" regulations that existed at the time of rezoning approval. The resolution of intent is provided as Attachment A. PROPOSAL: The proposed text amendment is Attachment B. It has four important areas of change. The first set of changes would bring titles and other references in conformity with current Community Development job titles and current zoning references as well as clarify how amendments to PDs can be made. The second change deals with old PDs, new regulations and vesting. The third change deals with timing for a parking study. The fourth set of changes reduces the architectural information required for NMDs. Each of these items is discussed in detail later in this report. PUBLIC PURPOSE TO BE SERVED: The changes will help protect the public interest by causing some undeveloped rezoned properties that predate the 1980 zoning ordinance to comply with current regulations and cause some post 1980 undeveloped rezoned properties to comply with current parking, landscaping, signage, Entrance Corridor, flood hazard overlay, and lighting regulations. Not all undeveloped rezoned properties will be included because of vested rights provisions. In addition, the public is served by having consistency between titles of decision - makers listed in the ordinance and the current staff titles in Community Development. The public is further served by having consistency of terms in different sections of the ordinance and clarity in identifying how amendments to PDs can occur. Finally, the public is served by reducing staff time on enforcement of architectural standards, which do not help implement the Neighborhood Model. BACKGROUND: After Planning Commission discussions in April 2008, the County Attorney drafted changes to the PD section to try to address the Commission's concerns. On July 29, 2008, staff held a worksession with the Commission on these proposed changes, as well as several other changes that the staff proposed the Commission consider, based on their experience in administering the PD regulations. At the request of the Commission, on September 30, 2008, a "roundtable" discussion was held with the public on the vesting aspect. The Commission mainly heard comments from members of the development community who believed that the proposed changes would adversely affect recently approved planned developments. The Commission asked staff to work on ways to address the concerns of the public as well as concerns of the Commission. Staff brought a set of recommended changes to the Commission on December 9, 2008, which the Commission agreed to take to a public hearing. The proposed ordinance reflects the changes requested by the Commission with two minor additions. These additions deal with providing clarity in how amendments to PDs can take place and making the architectural changes retroactive to previously approved NMDs. On February 4, 2009, staff made the proposed amendment available to the public through notifications and placing the proposed amendment at the website. To date, one comment has been received. It came from Frank Cox: I have only one comment ... This is in regard to your stated mapping requirements (Section 5.5.1. c.). Your text refers to using County topography as the minimum requirement for the application plan. Having done hundreds of these things, I believe that using such a broad contour interval is a mistake. For projects which are planned far legitimate density levels, accurate physiographic assessments and thoughtful planning of streets and infrastructure should be based on current 2' contour interval topographic mapping. 1 would suggest that your text not be ambiguous about the map detail. My main point is this: The County mapping is not sufficiently accurate to serve as the foundation for good master planning (we have found "busts" as large as 15 -20' in comparison to site - specific mapping.) Also, using 5' or 10' contours does not provide the designer with sufficient information to create a reasonably accurate picture meeting the requirements of what the County staff typically feels is needed for a complete review of an application plan. Ifyou approve application plans based on the larger contours, you are only inviting an applicant far a return visit to one's original designs upon gelling down to the detail offrnal plat and plans. ff the political goal is to drag out the overall planning approval process, this is a good way to do it. It almost guarantees the need for a subsequent "re- think" of and revision to one's master plan. However, if you want to avoid having to share and endure the pain of a re -do, it's best to have them prepare good mapping in the first place. Some developerlproperty owners may complain that it is too expensive and not needed to undertake site - specific mapping at the outset of a project. While this may hold true for, say, someone with an RA, large -lot application, it 2 should be a requirement for any major project in the development areas. For an urban project, Y contour mapping is comparatively inexpensn,e, easily drone, and very, very beneficial. Staff agrees that having the most accurate topographic info available for rezoning purposes reduces the number of problems that occur when the site planning or subdivision phase occurs, especially on very tight sites. Staff notes that it can spend considerable amounts of time working with applicants who have an expectation for maximum buildout where, due to inaccurate topo, the area for development is not as great as previously thought. The time spent in exploring Options for which variations might be granted is currently not covered by fees. However, the applicants should be aware that an application plan does not guarantee the maximum buildout depicted. Actual buildout is typically determined at the site plan or plat stage. With that in mind, the County's 4 -foot contour interval is accurate to +l- 2' and, according to the County Engineer, it should be sufficient for rezoning planning purposes. Nothing would prevent an applicant from obtaining 2 -foot contour mapping to help prevent future problems. Also, future recommendations for modification to the fee schedule will include a fee for variations. ADMINISTRATION 1 REVIEW PROCESS: The administration of the ordinance will be simplified by providing clarity in requirements for NMDs, clarity in determining how current regulations relate to previously approved rezonings, and reducing review time for building permits. HOUSING AFFORDABILITY: The proposed changes should not have an impact on housing affordability. IMPLICATIONS TO STAFFING 1 STAFFING COSTS: The proposed changes should result in reduced staff costs due to time savings in review of applications. DETAILS OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT: Old Planned Districts /New Regulations and Vesting The Planning Commission's resolution of intent was based on concerns regarding old subdivision and zoning regulations being applied to new developments. The proposed amendment provides a two -fold way approach. Part a. of Section Review of site plans and subdivision plats indicates that any planned districts approved on or before December 10, 1980 must meet current zoning requirements unless they can establish a vesting. If they can establish a vesting, then they could choose whether to use the zoning regulations in effect at the time of the rezoning or current regulations. Part b. of Section says that planned districts approved after December 10, 1980 could use the zoning regulations in place at the time of rezoning with 3 the exception of the Entrance Corridor Overlay District, the Flood Hazard Overlay District, outdoor lighting, signs, parking and landscaping, which deal with health, safety, environmental and appearance issues that the County believes are important for any development. Current parking requirements may be more than when a rezoning was approved or they may be less. The parking section of the Zoning Ordinance allows the Zoning Administrator to reduce the minimum parking requirements with a study which substantiates less need for parking. The floodplain boundaries change from time to time and the Overlay District requirements relate to safety. Current regulations for these seven sections would be required unless the developer or subdivider can show the prior rezoning is vested. As the Commission is aware, state law prevails in cases of vesting such that opportunities to deal with old zoning are limited. For example, unless an off -site improvement is specifically proffered or required by a different agency, such as VDOT or the Albemarle County Service Authority, the locality cannot require an off -site improvement. So a property owner's rights are protected to the extent that he can establish a vesting. In the second case above, a property owner only has to establish a vesting if he/she believes that the sections noted in the proposed amendment should not apply to their development. Parking in Neighborhood Model Districts The proposed amendment will allow for a parking study to be provided with the rezoning or at the site plan stage. Currently the ordinance requires that a parking study be provided at the rezoning stage. This flexibility is viewed as important because in NMDs with a large non - residential component, there can be too wide a range in uses to legitimately predict parking needs. If an applicant knows the uses that will occupy the buildings at the rezoning stage, provision of a parking study could be very beneficial to the applicant and the County at that time. If an applicant does not know the uses, however, it is in both the County's and the applicant's best interest to postpone providing that information until the site plan stage. At the site plan stage, greater certainty will exist in the uses which will occupy buildings. This additional information can also allow an applicant to request reduced parking than what might have been required with the rezoning. Allowing for the flexibility proposed with the amendment can help avoid overbuilding parking lots and to take into account a build out period that can extend for many years and varying market conditions. Architectural Standards The proposed amendment would reduce the amount of architectural information required with a rezoning and leave certain questions related to architecture to builders and private architectural review boards established for the development. Architectural standards related to the form, massing, and proportions of structures, and facade treatments would be retained. These items are essential I,l in helping to create a human - scale, neighborhood friendly environment. Standards related to architectural styles, textures, colors, and materials would be required only if architectural compatibility was important for the rezoning. Required standards for ornamentation would be dropped. Standard language that a development's architectural review board will review architecture before submitting site plans and building permits for buildings in NMDs would be required. The amendment also contains this language: c-provisions in a code of development ad-opted prior to to substaiQns 20A,5(g)(J)1hmgh ' shall k1hp /E en ards in the c / ■" ■ The Planning Director would need to determine whether styles, materials, textures, or colors were important to NMDs which have been approved as of the effective date of the ordinance. It is expected that styles, materials, textures, and colors will apply only in infill projects. Amending Planned Districts The proposed ordinance amendment also contains a modified Sec. 8.6: Amendments to planned development districts. The proposed new text is below: •.I }/ ■ � ■ a .1 X1!•14!)- ■ !- ■■ _ /} ■ .I ■�• ■. 1- �� }"! _■ ■ �. .1 ■. FFf4 ■I 1 ■ a.1. � / ■ -■ 14 / -.11 -1 ■ /I � _ � ■ 1!" E iij 1 I i ar r I w. !. ■ 1. / 1 4, 1 s ! l 1 / 1 ! e 1 _aw&DfizeTagent of the ower. of one ow . 4 / ■ - IRIV I 1110.4 a . ! 11.1 .1- • 4 an' -1 L Lei 11 l 4 1 ' i 1 a dall';A. t #-,, <_ ■ ■ 1 I (SIN I a ■ a ■ a ■ 1 ■ . ■ • 1 ■ I { i ► f S R • t ► I- 1■ 1 t '41EW10111 • I 11 t / 1 ..II - - .... �..� - I � } a ■ 1 .1.- ■ IF. 1 � ■ 1 ■ 1 1 T. 1.:1 }-4 4- ■F.111 1 14 4'! ■ I' } yQAMTU To ■-4 / ■ - -a ■IE district. or - 1__ ■ l..' The =a to whirb the c..l•.1.4' 4 i 4 / 1 plan, a ■- / +11 1 C. Indiv dual notice.. Ina 44 ■I t ■ I I■ 4 ku Virerit ■� I 14 sections ' and 33.8 of t is chantrm mitten notige of a ■■■ a 1411 1 I• ■ a / 4' 4 / he / 1' i 1 ■.. '116n J 4 e.l.! 1. 4 /ail 1 4 ■ I ■ the notict-, shall be as imQuired by Virginia C dLLLja- li ✓.■r. ■ ■ ■ r" �M I WONMM11 ot . r, J! .II'1l11 ! ! • sdao-b-c- makiff cd� 1. Whether 1" r ■■ 'd amend=Lm - 1 ■ -1ra 2. The extent to which ihg-nra on sed amendment impacts the QtarLoarceis wanin the planncd Ii-S= This section if proposed to provide clarity in who can make application to make a change within a planned district. Recent requests for changes to Hollymead Town Center Area C, made from new owners of property, have caused both confusion and consternation. This section should help future applicants know whether they can make a request for a change without the consent of all other owners in the planned district. A full comparison of existing ordinance language with proposed ordinance language is provided as Attachment D. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the ordinance amendment as written. Attachment A: Resolution of Intent dated 4 -22 -08 Attachment B.- Proposed ordinance amendment dated 1 -21 -09 Attachment C: Comparison table dated 2 -6 -09 M RESOLUTION OF INTENT WHEREAS, the neighborhood model district regulations were adopted in 2003 as section 20A of the Zoning Ordinance and, also at that tune, the general planned development regulations set forth in section 8 of the Zoning Ordinance were amended; and WHEREAS, practice and experience over the past five years, together with the reorganization�of the County's development departments, recommend that sections 8 and 20A be amended; and WHEREAS, among the key sections proposed to be amended is section, which presently includes a grandfathering provision that provides Owners the option to develop their land under the zoning and subdivision regulations in effect when the planned development rezoning was approved even though such right to develop under those regulations may not be vested as provided understate law, and section 4.11.3 contains a similar grandfathering provision; and WHEREAS; in order to better achieve the purposes of planned developments and the neighborhood model form of development, and to assure that lands are developed under the most appropriate regulations, it is desired to amend sections 4.11.3, 8.2, 8.5.1,,,, 20A.5, 20A.6, 20A.7 and 20A.10 of the Zoning Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT for purposes of public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practices, the Planning Commission hereby adopts a resolution of intent to amend sections 4.11.3, 8.2, 8,51,,,, 20A.5, 20A.6, 20A.7 and 20A.10 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, and any other regulations of the Zoning Ordinance deemed appropriate to achieve the purposes described herein; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, THAT the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on the zoning text amendment proposed by this resolution of intent, and make its recommendation to the Board of Supervisors, at the earliest possible date. ATTACHMENT A #T Draft: 01/21/09 ORDINANCE NO. 09 -18( ) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 18, ZONING, ARTICLE I, GENERAL PROVISIONS, ARTICLE I1, BASIC REGULATIONS, AND ARTICLE ill, DISTRICT REGULATIONS, OF THE CODE OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA BE IT ORDAINED By the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, that Chapter 18, Zoning, Article 1, General Provisions, Article 11, Basic Regulations, and Article III, District Regulations, are hereby amended and reordained as follows: By Amending: Sec. 3.1 Definitions Sec. 8.2 Relation of planned development regulations to other zoning regulations Sec. 8.3 Planned development defined Sec. 8.5.1 Applications and documents to be submitted Sec. 8.5.2 Preappl ication conferences Sec. 8.5.3 Review and recommendation by the planning commission Sec. 8.5.4 Review and action by the board of supervisors Sec. 8.5.5 Final site plans and subdivision plats Sec. Contents of site plans and subdivision plats Sec. Review of site plans and subdivision plats Sec. Variations from approved plans, codes, and standards of development Sec. Building permits and erosion and sediment control permits Sec. Site plan and subdivision plat requirements for planned development zoning districts established without an application or application plan Sec. 8.5 Amendments to planned development districts Sec. 20A.3 Application requirements; required documents and information Sec. 20A.4 General development plans Sec. 20A.5 Codes of development Sec. 20A.5 Permitted uses Sec. 20A.7 Residential density Sec. 20A.9 Green spaces, amenities, conservation areas and preservation areas Sec. 20A.10 Streets Chapter 18. Zoning Article 1. General Provisions See. 3.1 Definitions Application plan: The graphic depiction of a proposed development containing the information required by section (4)(e) and. within the neighborhood modc-L n 20A.4. d and aimromW as a general istrict betwee ctiyc �fatel is an aoniication_plan for the urnoses of this rhapte . (Added 3- 19 -03) ATTACHMENT B E:1 Draft: 01/21/09 Black. An area shown on an application plan a g° ~°r-n' development pl that is typically surrounded by streets and within which land use activities occur. Although blocks usually imply a grid street system, where steep topography exists blocks may exist in non - rectilinear shapes. (Added 3- 19 -03) Article II. Basic Regulations Sec. 8.2 �. Planned developments shall_ smk to the tottowing _ t r' a. 3eciions nnlrc A. Unless. expressly superseded &_yam ulation ofthe applicabl-c-piautwd OMWMent district 11he regulations ill reetien 8 shall ply to the establishmeRt and regilila4ion of all eat districts stated in sectio ,planned development ceder k i ified.as provided in subsection( b. Waivers_and modifcatiaun —An applicant may request that any requirement of sections 4, 5,2ja and 32, or the _ laps icabk planned development district regulations be waived or modified if it is found th-c board of sup isors_finds the regulation to be inconsistent with planned development design principles and that the waiver or modification is consistent with the intent and purposes of the planned development district under the particular circumstances. l . Subm r wi -Qr wa vei r madikWign If the applicant requests such a waiver or modification as part of the application plan, the applicant shall submit its request in writing as part of the application [matt, and shall demonstrate that the waiver or modification would not adversely affect the public health, safety or general welfare and, in the case of a requested modification, that the public purposes of the original regulation would be satisfied to at least an equivalent degree by the modification. 2. Timinz Qf reauelyl. Notwithstanding any regulation in sections 4, 5, C or 32 establishing a procedure for considering a waiver or modification, any request for such a waiver or modification shall be reviewed and considered as part of the application plan.. Nething seeiieft preh-i :provided that -an owner within a planned development may request a waiver or modification of any requirement of sections 4, 5, 21, 26 a*d 32 at any time, under the procedures and requirements established therefore. 3. FWdino. In addition to making the findings required for the granting of a waiver or modification in sections 4, 5 6 Q a*d 32, such a waiver or modification may be granted only if it is also found to be consistent with the intent and purposes of the planned development district under the particular circumstances, and satisfies all other applicable requirements of section 8. tcation. Ead waiver e nQ waiver or modificatjQn shall be dermed to n ATTACHMENT B E Draft: 01/21/09 (12- 10 -80; Ord. 03- 18(2), 3- 19 -03; Ord. 05- 18(5), 6 -8 -05) See. 8.3 Planned development defined A planned development is a development that meets all of the following criteria at the time- it is e5jablishcd_Qr amended: (l) the -land _ area j2rQpg5,%d to br, rezoned or the area ��-Ithinthe planned dmloymewt distric is under unified control and will be planned and developed as a whole; (2) the development is conform with one or more approved application plans; and (3) in all planned development districts other than a planned historic district, the development will provide, operate and maintain common areas, facilities and improvements for some or all occupants of the development where these features are appropriate. (12- 10 -80; Ord. 03-18(2),3-19-03; Ord. 05- 18(5), 6 -8 -05) Sec. 8.5.1 Applications and documents to be submitted Each application for a planned development district shall be submitted as provided for other zoning map amendments. The documents required by subsections (a) through (e) below shall be submitted with the application, After the application is submitted, the dire. ter of'planning marl e deNrelepmen t director of planning may request additional plans, maps, studies and reports such as, but not limited to, traffic impact analyses, identification of specimen trees, and reports identifying potential non -tidal wetlands which are deemed reasonably necessary to analyze the application: a. A regional context map at a scale of not less one (l) inch equal to one thousand (l 000) feet showing topography at a maximum of ten (10) foot intervals, surrounding properties, improvements to those properties, surrounding public streets, private roads, and other thoroughfares; An accurate boundary survey of the traet eF plan area 1, be rezoned showing the location and type of boundary evidence and the source of the survey; c. A map at a scale of nodes _ that n interval and/or scale, may be requirod or i2ermitted by the darcMr of plannigg where pronm&d to be rezoned or tovographiQ vmsidorati showing: 1. The following existing physical conditions: streams, wooded areas, potential non -tidal wetlands, slopes in excess of twenty-five (25) percent, historic structures and sites included in the records of the Virginia Department of Historic Resources, floodplain, and any identified features in the open space element of the comprehensive plan; Existing topography accurately shown with a mai6mum of Five "` A)et eeli4etiF flteB =als a4 county's seftie of no! less *I-- --- I'll "' " equal tee one hUfldFed (100) f�et; ether intem,al anWeF sea! r topographical jufQnnafio0,_amd ..the source of the top .cal information; Existing roads, easements, and utilities; ATTACHMENT B 10 a I" 1<II- ■. .I- �- - ■�- � "l +II I" + L' I" 111" ■ !- �- ■ 1■ ►. 1 . armevom 1 m P. 1_ .-_ vx Pon 181FItu-NINGWILK-01 ■lNN 1" -■ , ATTACHMENT B 10 Draft: 01/21/09 ,a I ,,.. a a1.-.. -i ■ . .! /I■' eF.l 1' 1 .I,■ ■1 I 1 el! a , 1 l-1 The present use of adjoining traets adjacent parcels: a1 d the location of structures on adjoining parcels, if any; and de artin and b. The existing location, type and size of ingress and egress to the site; A traffi�,_�mpLqL=Umt mpeting the nts of state lawincJuding, but not limited to, 24 VA 30-155-10 application An plan based on a ininimum ef �we (2) data r-efewnees for elevatiens to be used R"d pro at a scale of not less than ong (1) inch.Mal to one hundred (10"et. provided that another 1 -y 11 may be required or Permitted by the ! / of planning 1. the size lk arca proposed to be rezoned or topographic cons4derations warr showing: I 1. The areas to be designated as preservation areas, if appropriate, and areas to be designated as conservation areas, such as streams, wooded areas, specimen trees, non -tidal wetlands, and other significant environmental features; using the county's geag ■, I a111 ■I system or better /aa• t hical information. and the source of 1' topogmWligaUnformation. Mpplemented where necessary-by vot e1nadma-and areas of the sitr, where existing sloyg,s are twenty-fimtV.5-) percent or The general location of proposed streets, alleys, sidewalks, and pedestrian paths; Typical street cross - sections to show proportions, scale, and streetscape; Connections to existing and proposed streets, as well as proposed thoroughfares shown on the comprehensive plan; 6. Trip o o .,a: Figures; -76. The general lay -out for the water and sewer systems, conceptual stormwater management, and a conceptual mitigation plan; 97. The location of central features or major elements within the development essential to the design of the development, such as major employment areas, parking areas and structures, civic areas, parks, open space, green spaces, amenities and recreation areas; 98. A summary of land uses including dwelling types and densities, and the gross floor areas for commercial and industrial uses; 4-84. The gener-al A conceptual lot lay -out; and 4410. Standards €eF of development including proposed yards, building heights, open space characteristics, and any landscape or architectural characteristics related to scale, proportions, and massing at the edge of the district. (12- 10 -80; Ord. 03- 18(2), 3- 19 -03) ATTACHMENT B 11 Draft: 01/21/09 Sec. 8.5.2 Preapplication conferences Each applicant for a planned development shall attend a joint meeting with the plat...:.,• °, en 4k••, *W zenin staff of department of community development as well as other qualified officials from outside agencies such as the Virginia Department of Health, the Virginia Department of Transportation, and the Albemarle County Service Authority to review the application plan and the proposed development before the application is submitted. The purpose of the preapplication conference shall be to assist the appl icant to assure that the application and the documents to be submitted with the application comply with all applicable regulations, and to identify as soon as possible conflicting regulations and necessary waivers or modifications. Each applicant is encouraged to use the preapplication conference process to develop an application for a planned development that, when submitted with its supporting documents, will be as complete and comprehensive as possible. (§ 8.5.3, 12- 10 -80; Ord. 03- 18(2), 3- 19 -03) (Former § 8.5.2 Planning Commission Procedures Repealed 3- 19 -03) Sec. 8.5.3 Review and recommendation by the planning commission Each application fef to establish or amend a planned development district shall be reviewed and acted on by the planning commission as follows: a. The commission shall consider and make its recommendation to the board of supervisors on each application for a planned development district as it does for other zoning map amendments. Within the time provided to make a recommendation, the commission may hold work sessions on the application and proceed to a public hearing after it determines that no further work sessions are necessary, or at any time the applicant requests a public hearing. b. in making its Feeeinimendation on the appiieeAien - `- ofs"PeFvisefs, the eemmissie F F. 1111' F' -m-i shalcousider the / ./■ F.g Whether 1 ■■ ■. o /.. ■ / /11'1 �. •.11 "1!.1 1' ■ ■_ li. !■ -•2. Whether tl�c a _ , de velo pment under the &gmnrehgnsiye pied; & physicaI characteristics of the "n; and itlsAbr, relation of the area ,w -posed to be rezoned to the surrounding area; and 23. The relation of the proposed planned development to major roads, utilities, public facilities and services -, c the commission shall either recommend approval of the application, including a1Lr� quested waivers nr modifications_ as proposed, approval of the application ATTACHMENT B 12 Draft: 01121109 with changes to be made prior to action on the application by the board of supervisors, or disapproval. (§ 8.5.4, 12- 10 -80; Ord. 03- 18(2), 3- 19 -03) See. 8.5.4 Review and action by the board of supervisors; e annrova Euh application to lathed development district shall be reviewed_ and ac #� board of supcndsQrs. and aVpmyaLDLtk. application shall have effect._as fQ11ow-K Review and action. The board of supervisors shall consider and act on each application for a planned development district as it does for other zoning map amendments. If the board approves the application, the approving action shall constitute approval of the application plan, and all standards €ef Qf development submitted by the applicant and the-cod bl�,. The board's action shall also identify which proffers it has accepted and which waivers or modifications it has granted. b. Effec vg[ L1non_annroyal of anapp1Lw #i-Qn, the application plan, all submitted standards €a} of development submitted by the erode of developme applicab1c, a*d all accepted proffers and all a shall be included as part of the zoning regulations applicable to the planned development. (§ 8.5.5, 12- 10 -80; Ord. 03- 18(2), 3- 19 -03) Sec. 8.5.5 sSite plans and subdivision plats Sec. Contents of site plans and subdivision plats Each site plan and subdivision plat submitted for development in a planned development shall comply with the following: a. Generally. Each site plan for a planned development shall comply with section 32 of this chapter, subject to the waiver or modification of any such regulation pursuant to section 8.5.3(b)(3) B.2W. Each subdivision plat for a planned development shall comply with chapter 14 of the `ode e f kl bemad e subject to the waiver, variation or substitution of any such regulation pursuant to section 14 -237. b. Within the neighborhood model zoning district. In addition to the requirements of paragi-� 5qhswtiott (a), each site plan or subdivision plat for a planned development within the neighborhood model zoning district shall pertain to a minimum area of one block and shall include a phasing plan, and each site plan shall include building elevations for all new or modified structures. (§, 12- 10 -80; 9 -9 -92; §, Ord. 03- 18(2), 3- 19 -03) Sec. Review of site plans and subdivision plats h preliminary -A fifial site plan eF s fer- a p lanned dl evelepmeFit shal 1 be reviewed fe, -�We W ith tile F l�irFffL ATTACHMENT B 13 Draft: 01/21/09 1. a ll i■ 1. J■ ly 1 ■ -1!. ■ re= Pon 0I 1.' ,74 . � -� ■ 11! F e1 1 ! I • s 1." ■ .�1 i ■Ill< ■ 1 _! ■ 1 ►€ I� + ■ a MEW m� 1 .1 , €� ■� ■1 ■.. 1 -! ■ .i ■ ■JI 1 TramfWal4i Pao i ■l a. 1 i /. '1 ■. Emil OWANN�.mit. ■ i.l. < €! • •€ :la 1�l ai i F €• ■' - '! i ill■ _ F 1• •aa •a - .1 �- �■ . s -■ ■..• . 1 i 0• ■i 1 - Will i J , ._ l� 1! ■ , € x..11 -■ ■ -►. € €- !..1 ■. i-1 I /- •iil" 1 `:I 961910 AS], A 1 €' ! ■1 ill! ► 1. 1► ■J 1 ■ ■ subdivisign plat copMHes with the api2licable 'g a! 1 .d! i the zoni 1� :■1 1igratxa er consultation with the dimwLqUbm1 !!- l: l '711 1 1 1 ■ f sl ■_ mamitted u.5gs comply with the -applicabi rpgulationsand.in a_ F! a !1 < _■ l adm in i�kaLfurthqr Rcrmittcd Uxig 1 t E gjay jnfi2nabj.a! !!' ■I 1' ditairet ,I! ! it ■ locatimal rrquiremcnts- ■1' 11. J. 11 a•- • 11 _ , -acnuatibm ATTACHMENT B 14 Draft: 01121/09 &plicable reaulat I. ._ . . �. .. l.. . l + Ell .. . - regulation.0 means, �/t /. /l .1., /1 1 .. + ■1 . , . s■ 11 1 1 + to be-shoomn at a conceptual Qr general leycDjar.Wding those-plans formerly rcferrod to as-Rogxal this gctj_8.5.5.2 shall bQ construed as au thorizingthe impairment of a vestedsight Ayk-gstawished under VirgLnia-Co-&.&§ 15.2 -22981 15.2 -2303 9x_15.2 2307. Q, 12- 10 -80; 9 -9 -92; §, ord. 03- 18 (2), 3- 19 -03) Sec. Variations from approved plans, codes, and standards of developments lmnnin may allow a site plan or subdivision The a: .. of . ,;:ty development dixtrctor of o__= - Y P eemm plat for a planned development to vary from an approved application plan, standard of development and, also, in the case of a neighborhood model district, a code of development, as provided herein- a. The director is authorized to grant a variation from the following provisions of an approved plan, code or standard: 1. Minor errs chan to yard requirements, - _ 0 maximum structure heights and minimum lot sizes; 2. Changes to the arrangement of buildings and uses shown on the plan, provided that the major elements shown on the plan and their relationships remain the same; 3. Changes to phasing plans; Minor changes to landscape or architectural standards; ad 5. Minor vakatien s changes to street design .and street_ltrcation._subject to ar�tnm�Adati9nfor aIl2roval bX the _ y engi . U 1+ l <1•' + .!." +� '1 •. � / / / +E! !lel��'1! -F el! 11.1+ _ ! � /.!.' la ■ .1 F r/ .! . - / /I11F -F!• /1. + ./� / ■ 1. The applicant shall submit a written request for a variation to the director gf.. lancet ;, tihe request shall specify the provision of the plan, code or standard for which the variation is sought, and state the reason for the requested variation;, the director may reject a request that fails to include the required information. ATTACHMENT S 15 Draft: 01/21/09 C. The director � is authorized to grant a variation upon a determination that the variation: (1) is consistent with the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan; (2) does not increase the approved development density or intensity of development; (3) does not adversely affect the timing and phasing of development of any other development in the zoning district; (4) does not require a special use permit; and (5) is in general accord with the purpose and intent of the approved application. Any variation not expressly provided for herein may be accomplished by r-ezenin zonine map amendment. (§, 12- 10 -80; 9 -9 -92; § 8.5.53, Ord. 03- 18(2), 3- 19 -03) See. Building permits and erosion and sediment control permits Building permits and erosion and sediment control permits may be issued as provided herein- A building permit, including any special footings or foundation permits, may be issued for any work within a planned development, excluding the installation of street signs, only after the approval of the final site plan or final subdivision plat in the area in which the permit would apply. An erosion and sediment control permit may be issued for site preparation grading associated with an approved planned development if an erosion and sediment control plan satisfactory to the difeeter o program_authftly has been submitted and reviewed in conjunction with the application plan, and the direct determines the proposed grading is consistent with the approved application plan. !R eases where If the director nianning flf finds that there is not enough detail on the approved application plan to assure eefks k4eney that the pro. is consistent with then, licration platl, no erosion and sediment control permit shall be issued until the final site plan is approved, or the final plat is tentatively approved. ed. Within each neighborhood model district, the department of planning and community development shall review each building permit application or modification to determine whether the proposed structure conforms with the architectural and landscape standards in the approved code of development. (§, 12- 10 -80; 9 -9 -92; §, Ord. 03- 18(2), 3- 19 -03) See. Safe plan and subdivision plat reqHire. e ment zoning distHets established hout an appideation or appliention pion Site plan and subdivision e of 1 1 .! .a� ATTACHMENT B 16 Draft: 01/21/09 -&valid sile, plan or subdLision plat at time distrjU astablished, If a planned developmentenitrg district was established without before an wed application plan as was required by section 8 to-u ammyr.d as i2aruf-the zoning dment and there was no valid site nl iu[ subdivision-plat wing to the�ntire_ty of the nned deveIQ12ment di then neither a site plan nor a subdivision plat shall be approved for any lands within the district unless and until an application plan and all other documents required by section 8.5 are submitted by the owner and are approved as provided therein. Valid h _r�" `' '� `'' + ` °"- ..-- ----he l in ceRjuRefien with appFeved site ..l If a Awned develomn=Ldistrict was establishW application bc[ore an amendment but there was a valid site plan or subdiAsion 12lat y LaWngtothe of the planned development district, the approved site plan shall be deemed to be the application plan, and the ease, if the site plan er- subdi -v i sion p lat has exp iFed, a fiew s ite plan or subd iv i 5ien plat must be site nlan cT-subd iv imsdon-.P. I t shal l- a ide.d. -in section _U -5 2. (Amended 7- 16 -86) (§, 12- 10 -80; 9 -9 -92; §, Ord. 03- 18(2), 3- 19 -03) 1 Amendments to planned development nt Elizibk qpglimf, Any owner.-COUract Purdaser with the ■ t' consent, ! •.! _ l• [ gguW the owner, of one or mae parcels with in a planned development district, mu.Appl Y to rp wnsity on that D a chan P& in _u%:. densi in -, pgM9" ghangg to any proffer r regulation in a code of d2ygjMment that would apply to rgcl. ma=qhWMLQAhgA Ld apply to tU Spliggion plan that wou / % men&ueni aff ' L' Less area than he entire district; L.I }.' 1 ■./ [ 1 1!!1-l. ! _ ■ , _ _ ! 1 - - E - 1 ! ■_� E ! bmita-M tire nisting _W t t ' f dc-yQlopment district and .! to dcalifying the area to ■ I ! {' amended ■■ /1 . .! cQ& of dcy _ or any / 33-4 aDd 33.8 Qf ihi5 chapter, written natkg-o�fh gd aiiaendirienttgE-bclffQyWgilg=�c- owner gach parcel within the-planned deve -- . griet The -'r4— ATTACHMENT B 17 Draft: 01/21/09 •1 1 . . a1 T- J , ■.1 1.701 1. ! ! • *e-pronuwd amendment - 1 maintains enhance5 the . . 1 - dr,yelopment set forth i 1! 2. Ile extent to which the osed amendment-impacts the other P.Arcels within the pla develop itn t_ disttiK1 Article III. District Regulations Sec. 20A.3 Application requirements; required documents and information The following documents and information shall be submitted in addition to any other documents required to be submitted under section 8.5 of this chapter: A statement describing how the proposed NMD satisfies the intent of the zoning ordinance and is consistent with the applicable goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan, the land use plan, the master plan for the applicable development area, and the Neighborhood Model; if one or more characteristics of the Neighborhood Model delineated in section 20A.1 are missing from an application, the applicant shall justify why all of the characteristics cannot or should not be provided; A parking and loading needs study that demonstrates parking needs and requirements and includes strategies for dealing with these needs and requirements, including phasing plans, parking alternatives as provided in section 4.12.8 of this chapter, and transportation demand management strategies as provided in section 4.12.12 of this chapter. C. Strategies for establishing shared stormwater management facilities, off -site stormwater management facilities, and the proposed phasing of the establishment of stormwater management facilities. d A geFieml development An ap plan, as provided in section 20AA including all information required by sections 8 or 20A to support any element of the plan. e. A code of development, as provided in section 20A.5, including all information required by sections 8 or 20A to support any element of the code, (Ord. 03- 18(2), 3- 19 -03) See. 20A.4 General devehImnen4 At2iiggiYA plans A general de,,relepment VlaH shall seFN,e as the appiieiatien plan Fequired by see4ien 8.5+d) of this ehepter-. In addition to the application plan requirements of section 8.5.1(d), the following are required elements of t#e . l development plan thc MD: Draft: 01/21/09 b. The general a! location of uses !0 eaeh b leek ill teffliS of fesident ial, eemffier-e ial, , 0. The leea4ien of proposed gfeeii ties, eensen,ation areas Or- ffeSeFVatien areas, as pfeyided in seefien 20A.9. the design of !he development �.1.....,.n at the bleek level � S1i4 VV�i� level. a. The , eneral location of nron�s� walks, _ and pedIrian paths; b. The location f ,pwposed greens ewrvation are in section NA.9 C. A conopu al lot lay -out: n [ad' ag/jQpggmWiy-i .. g the cou MAogral2hic-jaf=ation system QE beftr topogophic lemented where necessary by spot eleyations are twenty- fi►!e_�25l Percent or gaatc. Typical e. street am-sections to lQ3Y PrQPQ tr€eS � r yLUdin the code � � f Connections to s well gl comprehtn5ive plan: -out for the vy!ater and serYe�[ 5 oncentual stornnwater mana�, sin QQ U-CMI-Al-al-mg i pw h. The location of central features or mai�ei�ti ►Nithin the_d nt essential to_the desi�� development. suc L45 b . envelopes. emgl4x ent areas. narking areas- and structure, civic T areas, - i {Ord. 03- 1$(2), 3- 19 -03) Sec. 20A.5 Codes of development A code of development shall establish the unifying design guidelines, the specific regulations for the district, and the use characteristics of each block; provide for certainty in the location of and appearance of central features, and the permitted uses in the district; and provide a flexible range of a mix of uses and densities. Any i nt of this cha h gUressly address h code of develop ent shall be in a form required or otherwis€a To satisfy these requirements, each code of development shall establish: a. The uses permitted in the district by right and by special use permit, as provided in section 20A.6. ATTACHMENT B 19 Draft: 01/21/09 The amount of developed square footage proposed, delineated for the entire NMD and by block by use; and amenity, . The developed square footage may be expressed as a proposed range of square footage. c. The maximum Fe5ideiitiai densities, as pr-ey:ded in seetion 20A.7, and the Maximum Rumber- 0 residential units for- individual Fesidentia! land tise eategories and mixed use eategor-ies, nttr�f rcaW ential d.W--d I ing units, dwelling units by lype, and delineating at least two (2) housing types, as provided in section 20A.8. d. The amount of land area and nercenge of gtoss acreage devoted to green space and amenities, as provided in section 20A.9. All requirements and restrictions associated with each use delineated in paragraph (a). All uses expressly prohibited in the district, so that they may not be considered to be uses accessory to a permitted use. Arch itectural and landseape standards that will apply in the NMD, which shall address the following: 1. The form, massing, and proportions of structures w Shy illustrations; 2 A Fell iteet. -.l srty ; 3. Materials, ealor-s, and textures; n -r: ae f and piteh; S. A rehiteet.lra! ff lfumv+µ.av w, 62. Fagade treatments, ineluding window and ....�1 7. Landseape freatFneafs; and 9. The preservation of historic structures, sites, and archeological sites identified by the Virginia Department of Historic Resources: LIT WL For each block: 1. The range -a uses permitted on the block by right and by special use permit; ATTACHMENT B 20 Draft: 01/21/09 ; 32. Build -to lines or ranges, which are the required distance from the right -of -way to a structure; 43. Minimum and maximum lot and )'aFd dimensions; 354. Minimum ium12 r of stories and Mmaximum building heights; 6�. Location of ISsidewalks and pedestrian path$ leeartion ; 7-6. Acreage Egreen space,, a*d amenities and and facilities i tL4,1-6; 92- areas and preservation areas as defined in section 3.i, if applicable; 98. Lo,�;Aljon of Pparking areas; 4-02, and-characteristics of Ccivic spaces, which are public areas for community or civic activities (e.g., libraries and their associated yards, schools and places of worship); (Ord. 03- 18(2), 3- 19 -03) Sec. 20A.6 Permitted uses The following uses shall be permitted in an NMD, subject to the regulations in this section and section 8, the approved general develepment Ap iialit! plan and code of development, and the accepted proffers: a. By right uses. The following uses are permitted by right if'_lh_e_use is ' ntified as a -_ igfLt in the code �f�xelQ��t: I . Each use allowed by right or by special use permit in any other zoning district, except for those uses allowed only by special use permit delineated in subsections (b)(2} and W; provided that the use is identified in the approved code of development. 2. Electric, gas, oil and communication facilities, excluding tower structures and including poles, lines, transformers, pipes, meters and related facilities for distribution of local service and owned and operated by a public utility. Water distribution and sewerage collection lines, pumping stations and appurtenances owned and operated by the Albemarle County Service Authority. Except as otherwise expressly provided, central water supplies and central sewerage systems in conformity with Chapter 16 of the Code of Albemarle and all other applicable law. 3. Accessory uses and buildings including storage buildings. 4. Home occupation, Class A, where the district includes residential uses. 5. Temporary construction uses. 6. Public uses and buildings including temporary or mobile facilities such as schools, offices, parks, playgrounds and roads funded, owned or operated by local, state or federal agencies, ATTACHMENT B 21 Draft: 01/21/09 public water and sewer transmission, main or trunk lines, treatment facilities, pumping stations and the like, owned and/or operated by the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority. Tourist lodgings, where the district includes residential uses. 8. Homes for developmentally disabled persons, where the district includes residential uses. 9. Tier I and Tier 11 personal wireless service facilities (reference 5.1.40). (Added 10- 13 -04) b. By special use permit. The following uses are permitted by special use permit if the use is es idoni i t in twe code of deye�opment: 2. Drive - through windows sewing or associated with permitted uses. -23. Outdoor storage, display and/or sales serving or associated with a by right permitted use, if any portion of the use would be visible from a travelway. (Ord. 03- 18(2), 3- 19 -03; Ord 04- 18(2), 10- 13 -04) Sec. 20A.7 Residential density Residential density within each NMD shall be as follows: a. The gross residential density should be within the applicable recommended gross density range established in the land use element of the comprehensive plan. In its deliberations regarding the appropriate residential density for the district, the board of supervisors shall take into account the amount of land devoted to non - residential uses. b. The gross residential density shall be measured in dwelling units per acre and calculated by talEin- Ah ividin th p��4 d numb -ems_ f n' a rQnosed ditrkt by th_eXXg , a -- d i strict. (Ord. 03-18(2),3-19-03) See. 20A.9 Green spaces, amenities, conservation areas and preservation areas Each NMD shall include the following: a. Green space. The minimum area devoted to green space is as follows, For areas shown in the land use element of the comprehensive plan as neighborhood density residential, urban density residential, transitional, neighborhood service, community service, or office service, the area devoted to green space shall be at least twenty percent (20 %) of the gross acreage of the &ke area rezoncd. ATTACHMENT B 22 Draft: 01/21/09 2. For areas shown in the land use element of the comprehensive plan as regional service, office regional or industrial service, the area devoted to green space shall be at least fifteen percent (15 %) of the gross acreage of the s4 area proposed to be rezoned. 3. For areas having a land use designation not addressed in paregr-aphs sul3g- iam (a)(1) and (a)(2), the recommendations of the applicable provisions of the comprehensive plan shall be guidance on the minimum area devoted to green space. 4. The minimum area devoted to green space may be reduced by the board of supervisors at the request of the applicant. In acting on a request, the board shall consider these factors: the relationship of the site to adjoining or nearby properties containing public green space such as parks or natural areas; the known future uses of the of th adjoining properties; and whether a reduction would better achieve the neighborhood model goals of the comprehensive plan. b. Amenities. The minimum area devoted to amenities is as follows: 1. For areas shown in the land use element of the comprehensive plan as neighborhood density residential, urban density residential, neighborhood service, and community service, the area devoted to amenities shall be at least twenty percent (20 %) of the gross acreage of the site area proposed to btj=AW- 2. For areas shown in the land use element of the comprehensive plan as regional service, office service, office regional service or industrial service, the area devoted to amenities shall be at least ten percent (10%) of the gross acreage of the site r sed_tQ be _rezoned. 3. For areas having a land use designation not addressed in pefographs Aubsections (b)(]) and (b)(2), the recommendations of the applicable provisions of the comprehensive plan shall be guidance on the minimum area devoted to amenities. 4. The minimum area devoted to amenities may be reduced by the board of supervisors at the request of the applicant. In acting on a request, the board shall consider these factors: the relationship of the site to adjoining or nearby properties containing amenities; the proportion of residential uses to nonresidential uses proposed; the known future uses of the of the adjoining properties; and whether a reduction would better achieve the neighborhood model goals of the comprehensive plan. Additional requirements for amenities. Amenities shall also be subject to the following: 1. At least ninety percent (94 %) of the residential units in the NM❑ shall be within a one - quarter mile walk of an amenity. 2. The size, location, shape, slope and condition of the land shall be suitable for the proposed amenity. 3. The amenity shall be suitable for the specific population to be served. 4. The design of any recreational facilities shall meet the minimum design requirements from recognized sources of engineering and recreational standards. 5. In nonresidential areas of the development, amenities shall be located so that they are easily accessible to patrons and employees of the development. ATTACHMENT B 23 Draft: 01/21/09 d. Green space within parks and recreational amenities. Any portion of an amenity that is covered in grass or other vegetation may be counted as both green space and an amenity. e. Preservation areas within green space. Preservation areas that preserve environmental features shall be included as green space area. Conservation areas within green space. Conservation areas that maintain environmental features shall be included as green space area. (Ord, 03- 18(2), 3- 19 -03) Sec. 20A.10 Streets Each street within an NMD shall meet the street standards for a traditional neighborhood development established by the department of ° ~° ~ ° °~ ~g And publie • eF (Ord. 03- 18(2), 3- 19 -03) I, Ella W. Jordan, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of an Ordinance duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, by a vote of to , as recorded below, at a regular meeting held on Aye Nay Mr. Boyd Mr. Dorrier Ms. Mallek Mr. Rooker Mr. Slutzky Ms. Thomas Clerk, Board of County Supervisors ATTACHMENT B 24 C a� v C s. as G �C C ❑ V a} G ai a 0 a v is 0 Ci C C .0 6� rn ❑ a t a V C C "O C N a, 00 C N o � w v 0 s rA i. a .+ v v +' 7 w3ou a �^ Q u"�y 3 o 1= .2 CL rn CL —Ca. N rn U N U ry7 vi Gv > N a) � W R• 7 7 w GQ ct S. 'ca 4 ed u �..rUU U4° U c 3 E o E 13 V f rn 7 k �, W t "C7 cd ] O C cn 3j w � s � Cd ?, CL 3 vi w a d v_ U N ea 6 -o:. 3 a� — r , w ,� — tea' 00 w yaaif --. a via 0 C4 to ID 0 ON �y U �❑ � CD > eC; C) 7 0 L-13 40 U . E. � tIl cC 0 cCd p cC + •-w �. t"- � [n .0 y 4] o .rCr��:�. y �' G y C' Di, V j F Q ❑ D � C ea P. tw 75 C4 rs. NI•�o Em �� ESE C �'� vnE ❑ ci —ice ti —`�"�i.� v 0 .d .0 U, ry V) Cd rd r to GA 67 V a] a ° o v ;U 4. " ❑ 0 mac, C 3� V V �•: Q� �rA U CL -0 v� c❑i 0 w w fi y � .� C � 4. N s G Q r-L CO C p "tS •rG p L b� N a� oe cr7 «C •� 3 E z 3 y w 6U] Y d m °�' Q. -M D E o U F- E c a w a, Q c -a a' ma Q v D 0 aj :_ a' w f.. fl +� b 0. v+ k, N . `� a p CT C Q rn v❑ w .n cC 7 :d -0 i- �' "0 a� ar o �, �' v_ ❑ ❑ ° w R > Q6 x I � '° a� A U ,, 7 y ❑❑ C O C v y v ' ceS 47 C bi) o v c� is CL -° *: o a E CL q v C° ea n s �. w ❑, L as cry cn cti ch s} C7 � Q . r t ae E- aj -v .c a a� 00 v a .0 U� N wWr r+. U 0 411 w w 4] t� a o v v j N: O. a. u v, ❑ ' cd x o� � � a Q O ❑ CNI •O V) •° Vi y G i,F, O ❑ cr raj +.+ H y V I En 0 121 W ID 0 a •� CL Z 3 U- o 0 '° c m rA •4"-� G p •.�—d y U V o v e v N 6. r-N C) w4❑ �+: U 0 L al • 7 v w i ea m a =0 � a a�i To o 3 v 0 r- c t? 3. V o C .Q c� 'zu 'rr u7 '�, � � ".�.• O vi vi FU.� � N th .�i ceS 0 L L �+ �l . y N 67 G "'Ci Cl. • rr1 �" Gf„ C) 3 ca Cd r a) m v ¢- i E LV w° a 1C ° w E 4° G a E cd 0. a,- .+ � N >_ O ' � c -� c, . � Q e� ed � D u ea U � y y 07 a s ❑ 3 7 U v 7, v +. rA w ed a? O bA D. -a ^^ °! y b t= 0 o 4U^. 0 CU Q 4. �' a /+,U ' A - � w �+ p i = c�a eC end D LV ' 0 0 m cu `� °»cam ❑s v p, U C cd E . > En C ° U @ y pp CZ D G 7' - • V a' Lv U v -6 C g rs p U) ❑ i!7 d t�� � ,U OA N v 3 -❑ nn ti a W y Q 0 LV cn •� •'t] y G*''. remit ❑ Ce¢ V �.+ cr tC W y Q Er v a3 y ''' ❑ 04 ❑ "❑ c ❑ •e "G w T 'b U 7 o .c -0 o co V � N W U Q � � � •� V cd � a U cC C a U C ❑ v ❑ U U Qa p ' '0 °n Q 0 O CL m w '6!'C U U ❑ w �a�as��❑ a v LG u u7 C C.' t w w 4] t� a o v v j N: O. a. u v, ❑ ' cd x o� � � a Q O ❑ CNI •O V) •° Vi y G i,F, O ❑ cr raj +.+ H y V I En 0 121 W ID 0 a •� CL Z 3 U- o 0 '° c m rA •4"-� G p •.�—d y U V o v e v N 6. r-N C) w4❑ �+: U 0 L al • 7 v w i ea m a =0 � a a�i To o 3 v 0 r- c t? 3. V o C .Q c� 'zu 'rr u7 '�, � � ".�.• O vi vi FU.� � N th .�i ceS 0 L L �+ �l . y N 67 G "'Ci Cl. • rr1 �" Gf„ C) 3 ca Cd r a) m v ¢- i E LV w° a 1C ° w E 4° G a E cd 0. a,- .+ � N >_ O ' � c -� c, . � Q e� ed � D u ea U � y y 07 a s ❑ 3 7 U v 7, v +. rA w ed a? O bA D. -a ^^ °! y b t= 0 o 4U^. 0 CU Q 4. �' a /+,U ' A - � w �+ p i = c�a eC end D LV ' 0 0 m cu `� °»cam ❑s v p, U C cd E . > En C ° U @ y pp CZ D G 7' - • V a' Lv U v -6 C g rs p U) ❑ i!7 d t�� � ,U OA N v 3 -❑ nn ti a W y Q 0 LV cn •� •'t] y G*''. remit ❑ Ce¢ V �.+ cr tC W y Q Er v a3 y ''' ❑ 04 ❑ "❑ c ❑ •e "G w T 'b U 7 o .c -0 o co V � N W U Q o 3 v 0 r- c t? 3. V o C .Q c� 'zu 'rr u7 '�, � � ".�.• O vi vi FU.� � N th .�i ceS 0 L L �+ �l . y N 67 G "'Ci Cl. • rr1 �" Gf„ C) 3 ca Cd r a) m v ¢- i E LV w° a 1C ° w E 4° G a E cd 0. a,- .+ � N >_ O ' � c -� c, . � Q e� ed � D u ea U � y y 07 a s ❑ 3 7 U v 7, v +. rA w ed a? O bA D. -a ^^ °! y b t= 0 o 4U^. 0 CU Q 4. �' a /+,U ' A - � w �+ p i = c�a eC end D LV ' 0 0 m cu `� °»cam ❑s v p, U C cd E . > En C ° U @ y pp CZ D G 7' - • V a' Lv U v -6 C g rs p U) ❑ i!7 d t�� � ,U OA N v 3 -❑ nn ti a W y Q 0 LV cn •� •'t] y G*''. remit ❑ Ce¢ V �.+ cr tC W y Q Er v a3 y ''' ❑ 04 ❑ "❑ c ❑ •e "G w T 'b U 7 o .c -0 o co V � N W U Q V � N W U Q qu D y c. C w O 67 C D j ... v s �, ¢- ,o Ol -a • C . t cu V) ° o ° v > Q O 4] d 6l rI1 3^ +, v sG v, c -a a �u.,0cD• 3a '{7 O s 91. rr R v cr L z F O CA Q] Q rn En .. C CU O r- -Z:3 Q to IR s � °� ..iz 0 v ti c� ed Cq Cc:- -a U ^O C7 L1 '� � •� � y v � '� � s +s+ bo 7 D U 0-0 11 a►' A v 4- 0 3 3° �° -� o v s= cn W D n is C4 7, -4 C f, a co m p, a > a n. v a at a, ° ' a N -v °�' CL ad Q E a ar ea sa Cd v ° 4- v 0. M 00 C O [3 67 c � v a � G � CL Q r 00 'C N U n W U H Q N ° rA c `o -v w • DJ C] O y -� ° -r Ju w cq qu D y c. C w O 67 C D j ... v s �, ¢- ,o Ol -a • C . t cu V) ° o ° v > Q O 4] d 6l rI1 3^ +, v sG v, c -a a �u.,0cD• 3a '{7 O s 91. rr R v cr L z F O CA Q] Q rn En .. C CU O r- -Z:3 Q to IR s � °� ..iz 0 v ti c� ed Cq Cc:- -a U ^O C7 L1 '� � •� � y v � '� � s +s+ bo 7 D U 0-0 11 a►' A v 4- 0 3 3° �° -� o v s= cn W D n is C4 7, -4 C f, a co m p, a > a n. v a at a, ° ' a N -v °�' CL ad Q E a ar ea sa Cd v ° 4- v 0. M 00 C O [3 67 c � v a � G � CL Q r 00 'C N U n W U H Q p�J U v_ a ys •C6 b •G •� U m UI.. D] U v a •im C1 c°a cU. 0 U v o r ° U U 3 a w o . G •N asj a p1 �i r/); w E �t 6.1 [V. *• o o ai ., �L r+ Qn 3 ++ „� U y ' qu =s .. 1 0 ' Q � Jo � [ni O t � �•� 4. a� cd 7�0 7 v; in " 3 d_ .r. Cd a cu I y b 4" ca U ti V �� U'• Cj 'f U' R U .� cq m -i .r a 7r; Q s 0 0 "G � vi 0 CL .C; 'cz y O7 U U p¢ U DQ N itl 0-2 a p co O p a , *0 ' .2 :52 •p 0 U y r 7 C iD � • •, 6] U U U Q L1 Q E eC O ZA v U n rj Q O U ao H � W U Q U a' N W U G � G o T o o �• o a o "O •b ci. CL O) U v Yccs •r •�, •c4C C cr .w N N U U U U dA �°� as rn 3�3 �� 9:6 vy 4 [tl .0 al 4) y Ci 7 r� cn 'O p 03 Q �!� vi C [CC I+ O I 03, 7 bit U V* C U 'O 3' r:• -- c '� v by v �❑�o -a ` 2 E. v`�%° �� ed Q a A 05 A y CL, C bU ❑ • •ry ., G •� O C w, y, �-• U p: p Qi cU Q% ' v ° 0 C y 'CI�n O A. s. .J oo, 3. 0 I Q U1 +�! rn T ec ❑ U c a E v > t N 'd cn CO -0 CZ LV N L Sd i- .�' OC3 v a bo ( 6b 3 v v ,„a U CGA 'C p ❑ m v' �. Ed E H' c❑ a w aA p O p c c -O °• ° O 4 2 V 1 N 3 20 CC O `] C ) 3 7 c U ❑ C) rn ° 0 v v -0 ac � .... , V. y Ob o U L � � 0 a � o c - 0] 0] ul c °° �? ° ar'i o a '" o 0 "O 'd � +� :%) 7'1 co L 0] W cC 6] ."C.+ ❑ U Lff .O LLi .0 4O o�' m U 4. G.1 Q cn CL, ° U 2 v ° d bn � sw U a' N W U U� U H d c 0 U 0? En v G •p a � D • ¢ o ¢• U �, Cad co r- lz '4» cc U U a U U U cA ° p a: CL LO. cu cy: •� O ce b L. r O C. Q v a 0) Y7 m 7r� rte+ q❑ p r C, R p cd ❑ v C -d cG 71 �p•U � a *jalk Cd cn e0 .� v+ U 77 p 'o ^ ° ^ q C cc n� 0 'esU «❑ p� v in s � • .++ yCG s�v� n � v .0- w cj ° n C F o } c c a �' o U °' c to o = +rte k � c ^v . " ¢ c � o 'r' ' v 67 — — � � �, w 3 , 0] 3 v �' �I �ia�.a D] � > v a a. CL ❑❑ 5 R C].. ?� s. 0 >> > v v N cd 0 a 4? `C3 R U a3 6i p „C 1 1 „C Ol vt 'G cd cd td A R cd 'C'm °° ❑ 0 c ° ❑ v ` i -� m rd 0 R T❑ C 0 = G U C) C Z ^v ❑ � R O Q ^" •a — • ❑ > sV ,s ❑ flR v as�d c , . d a m E U En c ro ° >� a a u^a. '- 04 a c 0 E o '6 U 0) fl .� cd "Vi c CA a 'L3 "G — a R. 03 ca lw o o❑ ri7 v 3 .p v v r°�- "" cd a :.a 7 a�i a co s° Q N 3 W p cd . G is ❑ .., +. a p a cy.., 3 sa zs C: X ° = , U � p o L) CL � v an (D ran 10 0 R s; `" = 0 . � E a a ap p R f- � id j � � U oq ea � U � o 4] .v • V U A a R y g v v d CJ C7 a 47 vi v O. G] V D Gl ci F- = R T cd R W C] Q Co. ❑ v U a Q) 7 U C U y R cn t cd R A. ❑❑ cd y C v v O C. 'O -- c, C. 07 r*; . m ❑ U u] N F ' a� -v cG cd 4. 0 ea ❑ D -v �A v vt 06 G CL cn cDd carp U� U H d c r� ° a a brvn �O 3 .v �d G pUj 'j D y .�C O w G ea U 0 a i oa a❑ U o a 'ti • Y w s d cr CA 2 N3L 3o0 iO> _U00 �•. i7 " C.� �-+ U G. J _ .� �-+ cap' '""2 a. �. 4. 42 Q% .7 L's im 7 I eta J y spa 3 v _ to] Q U .3 .3 G Ci ❑ D �. I o W 3; 3 v G tit kn CA •i �' V.. V 0 G: L Q7 Q v � � � 7 r..! • =1. n7. � 'C3 ran, . "O • G � " v o � � ea a� s. �n �, •,r � y � 3 o 3 v d C' N o o ° 0 d G o Y �, W y y aJ cr1 y ❑ G C N G N C, ° - ❑ 3�-� ❑ N ta4 r ba v v G U y W' s O bA N rUn 0 C) 0 CL '� N N t!} L Q ca 7. cC c� if cant ai ' N A GT 67 ❑ N Y 5 Q r. o G TS v D7 G 'O 7 R❑❑ N N 4- G] U ❑ ❑ C ❑ C CA • Q Ca N ^ 'D ❑ e�C ca 0 w y b a0 c U Q o q 0. v �.. U ca �.. s. 4�. C � ,2 U W C. 42 4 O W E '2 Li V vi v � O -N in '� cn u .d N Lei sa 00 Q. c im r. 0 0 ol In cm m w Mj 2 3�� _ La 0 0 > rz W- Q cn Q 7�1 SE [A b4 4) r- V in 1'4 rn = ul, Ln rn U M W tJ d d ar o Q N sue., � •[� D7 CE U U U u U ❑ ^G .r _ —� w v h U � cm u 0 0 rq 0, w❑ c v c a is chi cd ❑ ' a . o a n� ` s� ❑ V Cd 0 v �. �n "D v o �. "C Q 01 co cd n w N o F�f fi . o � i E 0U -1 o a •++ a•; V p fir cc y r U . U 0 '�.. cz is c N Nt cqj v �'' ^ cl o�jj :J G i :- r L4) ° ; ❑ [ ia; ❑ +r C7. to ❑ ❑ j c v y p 93 cL) 7 .a p En ❑ C = =_ w ❑ +� v �o w 36- 4. a is ❑ cr cn o �w v v•5 R � � � }' m i '[] Q =s ❑ 0 y' j d' CJj C v unn j R : p" 0 C "a c. Cd Q co M "a Q a m i» c a° 3 W M '❑ O N ❑ Ln y tC '.G ❑ v' a C7.'y •4. N L„ -� o ee .� ❑ v_ ❑ ran -- > co Q U ^ r�4+ s 0 Ln F A C 0. t: Q O L3 'Vi sC b Q y" U M > w a 07J a7 cl a -v s� - vi Z F- > 3 a w ^a V3 Q GU 4-. V7 ❑ _ cad .d G M '❑i a+ d l/ I 0 'b PO 0 w U M W tJ d d U � N M W U d U F C • o '+7 0 CD E C G] x 5 d > a 0 ° [s. G e chi a.a a�i a_ 7 U c3i Z c� 3 U ., E. ao Q a 0 I E a a c JA C` U 03 v cz C N ai • iti ❑ y y w v a v❑ ° y Es G!r�' 2 CI} �' ''' cOj sy» .0 C . ` �' rA o fd .� C.' "' L. C3. 'G %" :r y C Cl.. In o R c •� CC 7 9 C'" is ri '" y s .� y C I G _ � '= 0 y � A. � en O o 5 � p. C3. b w D U U • of e_ C N dQ .0 .. o ; y cUa c7 7 2 y L y +7 w C) t Q s y 4) tm y c+ d ed IF 0 5 � ❑ . R Q k c > i > �cn � 0 ° -a -0 ~o � .; sa ai ^� � .� m y u 3 till w ❑� CA N s+" L rL.+ 0 C .F C1. -0 W E 0 c 0 o a� a� a , 3 °? °_' U 6U GEC] CI. D. y `O - a+ Oi' G] ry7 C •=" Q = V"1 +-+ '� 7 y +��+ C 6N] ++ ni p o 0] E N ° Q 0 Q C7 Q C a a� 4 td r. V, GN] cv v o v 2 m aJ 0 0 v � v ti ° � L ° 0. ° .. o N 0 R y p a EL °C E 1❑ ' ' C U i C -0 v '3 =' C 16 C ^ . U "I a ' = Q a v L V. Q 4•0 .. ❑ r� y `C - � ca C "4 c R c y y ti C j U ❑ e= n +� ' 'D r.C°,.. ,' ❑ 47 7 4 L N " C E � O 3 M C y a m Q y O v 0> Q CA O Q 'd C 7 L U sw, U * A a '� .Q . 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Lv �+ L �. v v V7 '❑ , {y ' Q i,�, i• "c �: 2 3 G �� 47. " �E[€ j 0i E .Y fA ❑ � 4-._i �_ U n� En V] Vf $= -� ell c ~ l R 5. u7 OQ = U j iSj �. y U ° ... 7 ° r r f ° • A ❑ s cd J v v d � v �, N Rai+ U o ❑� N_ D E V -0 CL 30, Z7 y N' �, ❑- id 40 U -a = = �" a tea, w ►. j 14 T e4 1 v ° -o a°i a' m. o y 'rj �G cv 3 v R� r e� a °° y'° ° NN+ oo y --- 1y gyp, R Qi V �,' = L fl V ¢ M !ti Qi v 00 -0 it U a v �" +' '0 in 'd v '� ca C N r C 3' y s7 t] Q G R .. v eC e� co m —0 c ca ;;I ch a v "m v v• ❑ a m 3 �r. b 3 ; c y 3 °? a ' ¢ ° In. � .Y .o vas` . `a ' �' 3 > In `° -° ° o a. a ❑' ¢- U o '� o .� 'C o rS 4+ C. s❑. f� Q En p can , v cad C V} OC ` r P A ❑ O e� a O A 0. 0 � c -7 � � o � � o v, E > Q -a vi OC pq U i. CI} U � M T V F U � H � W x U d a _ -° Ig j Y tn v o * y lsi U L 3€€ ++ D r 1 r.+ en en j€ Chi 0 4z y .i mss. > v w — tj Jim �►. U Y 41` 0 E r ee a .r o w o eta v rn � UbA p�j 0 bA 0 N 3 � 0 CL a Z� `� o U 00 m W x U Q i a3i o�vc .� ca U Ui U � W U _ m 4 W G cti y 0 4- C m cG ❑ ❑ •L� y LI❑.• D. 7 l] y ❑ y � . V b ❑ U a O 7� 4i bA 3 � v cap M "° n E 0 v ❑, v as �,°_ o G v v D_1 v 0 to 4. ° ' 45 , 3 •U g Ca 0 to a � � ,N G U v � y , cG^. �r Ivy, � � 7v ,^.�� �, p I �., '�:+ ¢, u❑i G � � �' jl 'J of O , � •-- ❑ o H 4' eC v ."' v ❑ N Z, : v;: y U Gam] v y u [mod G U ^r . p q - :j o-� y 'r- cl y N E E tlI �- o .Q 0 s r = > 7, -a Ei v Cd a ° to •; Z C 6 NV 3 vi t G C GJ 7 C a 6l .4 ❑ s. ❑ 0 y ❑ c� ,43 Q y �6 p n r❑ CGG " ttS aC �� G cd❑. s~. ] 0 Q" 0 W 4 ❑ 6l N e C i U Cd M.= °� Q y u eG -v '.+ N LO) a = w a�i a =F- > ca a ' m 0 c° o o L. U "a v > E O rU u G .° ] 2 -M G d m • G �+•+� cC G"a QG O. U 4. 'O U S] U 4. Oy7 C o � U ss. N U � W U U o W U Q SO N � o o °' Z c ° C o y E 2 r=�" G N � m � � o � a� � cx1 •y ea � � 0 N ;E z 1 r U •eG ' "� 9J U i vC r= .� _ •� U C C . Y� S ' ' ef G. 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O ... 9. �. y m O o�i 03 ca y' LYI ff? i t]. 4-r d C N� 'G C' c 7 pyj • 0�] CL p❑j phi '� O � =. v� = r rA 3._ cell iz En 0� q� 0 o'�� cr M 4 p w D� > to N +U4 'D w �: U = 3 t U 8 . > 'n' � D I UI 7 :01 y R w C: 00I1 ill y � �� m a3 J :1 .0 R • p cQ 0 s.. ❑ • 0. p [�C [C qj t— 4- N rA A v 43 ctl . tl w N .� d U �..' V � b °' 0.'i ❑ Ln U o 3 0 ul .: 0 Q U M 4. v 73 aU ❑ Cl � N � 0 i-. y x •�[J •0] N��' � � y '� � '� G7 « tn •11 cC �' M � U u7 ti. U y to • bc C �r E ii ' V .� U ° .� .�i wy 6i •� ¢''> ° �' •^. ri] UL m Cam. o d W aRi a3 a v ° o v `CL c, F E v v� t-- 00 v: yq o -- H E6 th acni ❑ b � N ❑ C'V LU �, L W U ro r- 0 ctl CJ U ❑ b �. ❑ .r CU ❑ y L ��. C1. ar v rri�"� urn ❑ '�3-. G1 ' y U C y yam" y Q p P y r- v �" � � a � o Q7 o 4: U � � � R 3 N C7 {y 00. ❑ v V7 . O 00a � -� A � G LA cd ri ¢ U «¢ , N .d eC c. v V � G v � ¢ ¢ D 'L1 ❑ •C y p vvY y ❑ � Q, U G '� p U y � +v+ V'] v -� c��„ O G R id v G7 -¢ v Cl 4— U Ln j `1 C C -p c�Cc 0 En A L. G ❑❑ r 0[7_ by b• C¢ R v! C. U C v 0.Q O C v ca b i R R A. n v C C 0 N C� -0 -C ,.L cd O b C v C • C v 'n 0 R � C E N U tzv CdR U O C O . M R N cG G k cs p R C ❑ A C G C. A d d U 21-1 � -0 cn cd v CM r 7 fi R R R eC t� H s. w7 vi ,� O L" 0 ed L. .¢ . i., C V7 •� c. C . R .� C . � O � y }, O C , ¢ ❑ C C w IV m 0 v b ¢ w U v a=i y C CL R O` j v O Cd G] �C v 0 ++ v ^a en ❑ U +, ni v ❑ a O c*i 7 � v L ❑ rA .. ni v ¢ M r+i cd v -0 ' c d � O v E tj ❑y c '56 � En bo � rn n w v 'C3 a R 0 N cvi� ¢ �' � y-, Lv d C C 'rn U 67 CL ¢ G �• 0 O •p "� Cd � ¢ i, .G Lo 0 CA 14 ' V v R C R N C 41 •� • 47 v 47 `¢ rte•+ U S C bA t .. v A .C7. y ca R A R R rA Cl C C '8 ..¢ a.+ cyC b .+ .� N R Cd R y R •� fd"'� .x3 G .� U= '� m ri •� •O 4+ tC c0. G7 C M O N +�- b cd" v E7 C C cCd .Y ❑ C ed Q. bv4 to > R a Y �- 3 ❑ 0 � x-" � � v v ❑ �""!"" ; -¢ � b � R cM O � O� C ❑ Ci eCi •¢ cvi^ �,,, [n ' U v � R. rn Cd N A cC� vyv�� Ll. C 's. •L" 4�- �n L7' r!� v q7 y y y .-- rr, a ay •� CA v b cp w❑ C O R C 'y w' p R = O En ca y '7 C.. ul �' ,%. . 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