HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201400067 Review Comments No Submittal Type Selected 2015-03-24OF ALg AAA ��RG[N�P COUNTY OF ALBEM ABLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126 Memorandum To: David Jensen From: Christopher P. Perez, Senior Planner Division: Planning Date: March 24, 2015 Subject: SDP - 2014 -67 The Lofts at Meadow Creek— Final Site Plan The County of Albemarle Planning Division will recommend approval of the plan referenced above once the following comments have been satisfactorily addressed (The following comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.): [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision/Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise specified.] Conditions of Initial Plan Approval (from approval letter dated AuEust 20, 2014: 1. [32.6] A site plan meeting all the requirements of section 32.6 of Chapter 18 of the Code. Final: See Final Plan comments below. Comment still valid. 2. [COD Section .l. 8-55 5.31 ,` h` ,-,,at iczndscccrpirag. Vl:)0'l' cojnrrnie;nt 44 (hied 8 -5 -14 regiih -es lb. C. street tree larrrtlscal.riTig al« li- Rio Rd to be relocated or.rt €af•t.he laatidscaapim) strip hi the right-of- va - €irae to Clear Zone rc?quirc iTients. The str'eut tree landscaping, is € epic;ted ii.i. the a appliccaati.trri pl6an lcar Z%1. — 10.1:3 -- 00001. and is reclijire€l.., h<moever, the; .required plantings can lac. reloca led oill side of the lamlscapo strip to where Vl:X.'.) l reclr.lir°es it. Ira order t o facilitate i:lie r•e loeaati €>rr ofthe street trite laa.iids. i a%phw ax 'aariaadori r- guest N -ill aced to be rc;que, too arid. pr € }c€;�.,;sc €1 to jn.o lift)- th.e typical. street &, ig.la 1.1eq sire ment and the rai.plic al.ic3t.i plan :firr:r.rrr the ivz anirrg.. 'rhis .itern can be handled tit: t1w :f -n al. site plan st.aa(->e. he Fari£rtion -,j411 be }`£;vieiS'ed through the :4I)e ;ial f x{''coil process. if :51"o l's 7"ti'c(l #d$i #IL,`I$ding gp'vr°r: val o tire: 1160ation it rs;ill U rfa rt:-) the .i3 ()Sr On consent nt 41 " ".e da, ffsigf/ is r ec:r inn ?e ndirjo' cTc nhil it -rill lac: rr>fI?Air °a>cl tc.> ,c� i� :r t1 ?c:.1' €�; t' th,� r ir} tho . OS, i�rytF�nA.I< �� ;`q�a4rrtr att. A�yry. Dp :B�tta.��yirydr!°eRss�°�iYmg.lw.n consrtul {tatCi]�:rarp�ey-it�h tghpca ai. @D {idrectt €a }a° cy�l .'PAl�arvtigng tla�•T�g °e aul�tt°ed street trees are defe �'.kAk.NIRa.ed to be in the �A�RIkll4 �¢..a�.���A L6� W a10.M Gak. $.W# 05i::Y *.��A'BYC &b tai 9.4RR U.Vaw d &�.G KX�Y.ALCt &YYH rrl'.Deve;lownrerat. 3. [COD Section 1. 8.5,531 V1:30T coairnrera 45 darted 8- 5+ -1.4 requires th. laa.itgl5aaatairt ;tr iia xaltanz Rio R.d to he six (6) foot rather than the ilve (5) fbot: as provided. 1-he larzresc ,ipe strip is deputed in the r: rpplic;atticarr pl<ar•r itrr MA2201 "54.)001 as lire: (5) fia €at � ide and is retlri.iae&: fio%,ever. it can be rriodif'ie €i to -incei V.l:)OT re €Ira.i.r clue tits if n.a ede d. Iii order tea f'acil.i.taxte r:he chaaito;e a V arira.ti«tt re (iciest will treed to be regi,ie stecl alai €l processed e d to mists €li.fy tit , typical street €1. ; .i <gs) r•equireinnernt aara €l the a pplia:"It.i or.r. plane frorri the .rezord.rrg. This itcrnr care b'� h.aandlec. aat the I.'.iraa.l site plain staaoe. The 1, ar•iwion ivill be r.cviei.3 ed ihr°crrrgh Me sy.�ec:ial ' : - r "< ?< :'£ } #rrr#rE =rr£Irr �gppr£ val of f e wfr'icyfion it'i•3 -ill o to iYe.Ir`O on (,' { }rr :9'c ?P7i tr t.'tL4s "ti. ,tifffJi 1 ! clenial it rs,il/ be r°e quir eel li.- ,go h. -i t /a € :.l't; I ". titan the ISO& Final- Col .meat raaldress. d, I cops lt.ation with the Director of plma..i a <. �, r� s r 2 Grp` 5tr °.c is Qlr'te .r ir. d 1. thk' r � i $ rc� it% °act€',r° R:i €11r— icfted € n t e it) lie�rdou 4. j(,X') - SvOlialit.1, 8.55.5 3, 32.41,.2(n). Angled hlrklng,�paces, V ::X)T commem, daied 8-; -1.4 recli,dres I] ie lkvo (2) parkhi�,�, sq)aces along the ei-itrance froii-i Rio Rd to be I- I ocaled to rneet initlijnulyl throat lellLvIll'.b"Ibe lwo parkitl.,, spaces are to be relocated from what is dopieted on the application plaii froill tile rezollff!lo then a Variation 4iall take 1)lace, Ifthe I: Vo spaces Carl be ptished back slightly 'to ineet the throat tongth blit are if) -the, afriegenel-8-1 localion aj.i.d design a Variatiori iv-ifi not be -needed.., dui a", Comxu-Aent 1;m;lx­rs Ito be addre.,sed, A vat-ation i6,, not rLiLuiredl ha4s(:,,d on, - .1 .. ... . . .. . .................. Minftnqt v,E �de-.Ndq�ym 5. [32,5.2(n), 4JI-11-6000)] An"(4L,"I P"'Irking Als€ . for tile o�,o s paces mentio.ned above providc, the at-tale oftbew spaces oil 'file pkm N taffoall veriR, tllCV I'lled ffie IVC)Uired diii )3, F`mafl 0onirgent, ............ ......... ...... ............ lmacles —Ir"'Wer fi-o", RAN,- 6. [32,55,2(n)m 44.2,16(c)(4)] (.1"Urlilincar parldfl,g ,.'�paeaq. For th.e 1` space after youi OnTer sight distance line on tile plall, I Incl. Corngleglit addressed. the site provide a one-litindred (100) foof s s 7. [COD Seetion L, The pedLstrian path is depie.ted on the ap- Heation- han for P P ZNMA,22013-00001 as g0ing x.irotjncl tile rear offfic bLii1difig and nieetiiig tip M the Igeneral area ofthe dini,ipster pad -I'(. the froi-it ot tffie I"'he original path desigi) provided access to the opm space. oil tile : otjlhiv-esterj.i. port ' ioi.i. of the properly, Insicad., of.). tile .,ite plan 111e path has been modified. to. dotible back md lead to tile f.m.c."'k.e recreational area near thle pond and J'ear ofthe bwldiw_, Staff ,,tl­ae�,ts -the oria final. desigui/layout ot'the Path a]. o be iticor.porated hito the site plan, i.11 addition to " CN., tO W, C-alrdless of the de�sign in order tofacilitate a eh frol la � is depicted on the sitephail, Rt�g ge . 11 the applic, 'of) plan.! rezoiflng a Variatio i rexitiest will fleed to be recl(jested and processed to rilodify. tile -atl Z, I path locatioi.i. Thk itei.n. call be hmidled at the flinal ,its; plan stag . The V -iriation i,i411 be relde vv(i` zhrongh the specizd qpproi,'4111 ofth", variafion it 1Y111 go-o to III("/? the M.".kS. Finak Cominenl addres,,­ed. 8. 421 7i°ansir Reserwi ion .Are1. On tliQsde plan label ai-id depla tfie sanall transit shelter associated �vith the Nis stop. Rev 2, 0)mment addregied, 9. [315.2(a) & (o) & Pro-Iffer 4191 Rif) Roati Improvements. On the p11,111 cleat-t del ineatev, ith..s'lladil'i- any 811eo 1. proposed to be d,a&Wted :61-)r the imp•ovenicnts.-, to Rio Rd, Also, pro ,ide a jl.ote statiop that the land is to be dedicated fi)r pi.iblic- to Final. (.`ommen' addressed. 10. IZMA2013-1, Proffer #11 Rio Road Improvements. Prior to final site plan approval the Rio Rd widening/dedication to public use will need to take place on a subdivision plat to be reviewed by the County, approved, and then recorded in the Clerk's Office prior to final site plan approval. The DB page information of this action shall be provided on the final site plan. Rev 2: Comment still relevant. Staff has received the plat and it is being reviewed. Pending aDDroval/recordation of plat, the site plan shall be revised to provide the latest deed book and age reference information. 11. IZMA2013-1., Prol-Ye.- 93 1 fral clr 1 > fh?vsi�zq. "Each site .plan for huId. N-vithin the property shall llot e theap ren", ie narnber of ilniv� desi, plaled for.Afflorda ble t ds" Provide [)nit met. lhnd Corment not adeqnagely addlrcmwd. Sheet 2.,Mfordable Unh;s, pro-vides a lRotte �;Vhiclia states, gkqeeprqf , fi) P& 110VMveg" P1.10-1fer 3 sWes .fer 3 above.for required number qfqt abh, anils. "I th at "ea ch Site plan—shall flore the ag-r£.° raie number of ifs &�vignafedjli)r 1.1kffv;,(Mbh, Vn iis. 1,hug on flilis siihc� Plan Pievse Provide ffie aggrepee number of wifts designo"Ved as AffordaL'alle d 11,11its"Basied or, the prober., e required ainount of affordable housing kbw 'this iiiise teen` percent of 65 snits, thus 13 a5brdahle unftsshglll be p1rovided. Clearly label this on the plan. 'Rev 1 (`om nf.ent addressed. 2 12. 1 352.5.2(rIL 4.1116(c)(1)f Perpem-11el"Wr Parjh'l,- -Size, Throughoia the plan labol the ai,.AQ widdis., i nel uding i i i the park i rqg areas, Slpaces a 7i' aisle shall be 9, 1,11de by 18 * lmr,�,r. Finah ConuneM stIN relevant'. onlv a siu3.yie 2v widti, i"salt el imi providled on plan. P�ease add it Rueasurement go effie parkEng Structure alsies and the pa mung slmnctul.-e entmtice, Th.% add the Zoning, 0.11's 10d. Rev 2-. Cominent addlressed 1. wetorq ut fhe f NM,kfflg ;,m -age doe,,,, no 'o-4, lurnmlund cai"ol 'e. 13. 1,C1, a,,mv.i,111;1� -,"i F I use"A wh".'n Ilho pacc i" f-1, fu I L Iii`, vch ic 1s s w ti? be u >i.vcrso out o"Y' ti j h ffl -o pa -�s a t the n, o C i 1 it_� xv,. r*,,S�, J (hfl Pov m would lb,,,� 'i`3r a aroug.1, E Z� 14. iqg n III(" pr!"'m fl 1,� �eop"0i","'d il m sp:�,,,,��,� 11)�IS�,111*.� 10� I M atioC!'4 ,tho, isOf tl�-S,,mx rkira vi,as ot ,� d� l s PVOIUS;iQt; a! ih,(; r�;Zol li no ;m howeve". the ove-.d", o un ii 1 r„:�, Ila-, chmwei] •.i, -1,€,. e d ie bedr�)orn um, ivv�, r IC. V,, 0 - y €: =. (Z.!� I e i llovv rya` o i edro!.,,m mm it i", 3,8 i?o bcdroo;n unji: .an " 12 'i l't f " t i. 4' r001M dlie re�lst-d On the Churl shc thal Zonifu7'. -an IM. „, hu'. provided i.s 15. W I 6 k,; nn n D , , , , I' ” I he p1l, .� �,; "'1 0, � " '. 0;,d "'am1wo pk�asc di,,,-n�,nn�Jnn I 16. [3�24,55 �' (m ),, 3,2 j �5 b�,,(,, � kw� W�OSH!,, , 'A PS p. I k 17. 32 - f i -I, a� io, 11) C 1.71 o. 1 i 1. 1, propF�-,r-, '; IT, a n�ole th,"'I y, Oo, Iwo 14�>�s fl. P? HRW I"'- < 18. [32.5.2(d), 30.7.5] Managed and Preserved Slopes. "T"hi.s parcel no longQr contains "Critical slopes", it has a combination of both "t-nartaged slopes"' and "preserved slopes", based on the ,:ipprowd overlay map. Show both the mamqod and preserved slol,)C,; a.s represenled on the approved map, and label them accord.in zh,,. T­he. e slopes .'hould be . hown on the. ite plan as weil as the existing Couditions, sheet u.) aive. a better understalidin,-„, of lbe il.u. acis. on. each tvpe of'slope, Cinument addresse(L The P proposed disiurbn.nee of Lhe preserved slopes is allowed ba.wid on the exhibit arid speciad excel,-)fion approved with ZIVIA-10 1300001 requires c-on. truction in this arca, AdditiomnIly.I di5turbancQ of manaf" ed slope -is n,utv pe.n.u.-ittod Nt-jdxmt a x-vaiver a lung as cerlain perfbrmant�,e stand-ards are tn.et. (,.00rdiriate -with enoineerim to 1-mike sure Ole Coll'struction proposed on the mamwtl-d slopes Inects fliese requirej.i.i.ej.).ts. Final: Coami.mn still relevant, work w-ith En-imering, tO Teffled.N filis, Rev 2: Comment addressed. Assure that the version of Sheet C-7 staff received via email dated March 4'h is provided in the final version of the site plan for approval. 19. 132,5.201)] SeibaeL, On sbeet 1. orthe ;shepjajl ass,ure that the .10' selback aj,e -noted. Final: 20. the liana provi le directional arrows for the drive aish�,>, " ., , 1 0 1 1 Final. Comment.a ddressed, 21. 1352.5.2(h�lj C)n sheet 1, revise site dam information ti) brea k. down how 70.,696SF of()pen .i'pace is - lrcira;= provided onNhte, Noluably, sheet 10 doe.s not depia enou,)fi open -to have 7O.,6 96S F of ()pen Space. Plemse address this. Revi,,e.-Finall- Co-mu-teut address.'ed. 22. C'mar;an > =.fl ftzppears w.; thc31a g11 o€al;% one t f) ,f €. €31.1..meI• is b€.ln,.; provided r,nsite. BeA € my there are to be 64"' UffltS i €€ this €' € €Hlt.i'l<.Irbli1Y it soellis aj": aroprlate rr€ €:ire rlll €' €' €faSte.rs -�vi 11 le €•egLdred to I.vindle all tlw �wvqc produced, A< s£ €ail thm lh.c'a'taaotill.t ofdu'mpi'lers i.s pr€ vided �v ich N -v.-Hl aa.rfeclta.ately service the de'v"o.'lt;palent..� "�xiR�w:: :��"$ � ��s���� aC£ z� $ €��'�€'$ "�'v °i '��XR �a����.��k' �' �,6iE :� �lten,'f a<?€tn''m °g`s:ied' 23. ..1.7 .1;r ldti,r : Oil. slaeell 1; tuide' -j' Notes, 111.0 hi'llt.in.g..11ole ;.hall be ivvise£l, as H hting shall .no! exceed 0110 h afl,,( ) 1,601 caaldle.. �� Chime= addressed. Revise to 1.)r €avid the l �l £����ll{ tx���ci�rcl lighting note ol.a the lighting lahm,� li ninaire equipped vvith a lamp that enlifs 3,000 f. -dr POP'! iTlifial 17an ens :S`hall he d i full £"tw", s'z aft lye and -£dYLgc,d or . ?tr1ieldi,'d to reflect lii y & CXi1'd'fl,` fi-oln L' q'joining 7 esid'd€enlial (fl5t'rk' -fs and td3val fi -o J', t'1fd1 £' cel' it t°Fiads. The spillover o lIC;hling, 3d " €'iFn lufninev'F'es onto public rf. -I '1d5" in #resi('lenti(V or rio,al C:tilcas3 :?.mhn., d istri i .N-hall not x,`.14•Lk'd?i?€ [[<3119t' tz7Gf, I 'f. > €1631-NG "'fd3f ?p §i?bSl #gi?.s@Y 3i.%�ns1Fii 1. CR�it�¢�?C£+�l�erlt no(t'¢ipdesent % �. y8g€ ,'a �',Ee�drig'i'.:�•'y0`{'sK�L Ti�'4����Zw above $tL cog`Gn'ygp�q�`S£re¢"�� >Ae £fit lt<a CROA l$' €4 £Z�'�l RPRk all site Plans that �Cghti$�g oi9.�'%.P�,inted �3fAih tffie ! K��k`Twase 1M.C.In l She al3kAv€' noiv On the 4lte p.Guaa.R€ : I. C.. # &rill€'nt u.: €n€ "€'&s£.d° 24. [Cor ament[ If'any off-site e.aseanerlts are require €l, they mist be approved rind recorded prior to Site Plan approval. al. Rev 2: Comment a . ataars to be addressed. 25. [32.5.2(n) & (p)] The following will be required for final site plan approval: Outdoor lighting information including a photometric plan and location, description, and photograph or diagram of each type of outdoor luminaire [Sec. 32.7.8 & Sec. 4.17] - Sheet C -26 provides the required lighting cutsheets for each light type; however, the cutsheets are not clearly labeled as to which fixture corresponds with the table: XA, XB, XC, and XW. Rev 2• What happened to the 4 different types of lighting previously proposed on the plan, to include wallpacks, it appears they have been omitted. Please confirm that all site lighting is depicted on the lighting plan and photometric plan. All exterior lighting shall be shown and accounted for on the lighting plan and photometric plan. - Sheet C -6 depicts the locations of the various types of lights (XA -XW); however sheet C -26 does not provide matching quantities of each light found on sheet C -6. Rev 2• What happened to the 4 different types of lighting previously proposed on the plan, to include wallpacks, it appears they have been omitted. Please confirm that all site lighting is depicted on the lighting plan and photometric plan. All exterior lighting shall be shown and accounted for on the lighting plan and photometric plan. -" Also, 11he details of each l8 be '�'.� e Dr �"ide£' un �'R5'&�e &:uts�lr;`et is not ellgib?�e. Rey 2- C. A) lli,''. c a(i €irrf�sed. - -also, the table does oes not provide h4bels For each column. Rev. 2. Comment addressed. - Alfw, cleartx a nra tl£ the Of the Ho W is over 3.0100 hu ens, it shall be a gall € uta: ff fixture), Rey I Comment nddressed. - W" Rhin the'taalWe aasqure the nalA. of the 'flxhir €" is prof "ided (hru l;; €'.utW"I' . r€ vigil€ s fo R° ;d'"er€b t;:'lt'). Rev, ". �;rarra.mew aaddresse €l, - Also, the lighting plan shall include a photometric plan which measures the light spillover to the residential property line: s and the public street (spillover shall not to be over 0.5 half foot candles). Rev 2. The photometric plan provided is too small to read and the measurements at the property lines overlap one another causing another obstacle to legibility. Please revise sheet LT -1 so that the photometric plan is large enough to read. Staff suggests making the lighting plan two pages; sheet 1 for the photometric plan, and sheet 2 for the cutsheets and other lighting data. ns.tors : €a- *he xlgkas -haft be .za �",,.; gg' � ah� "�' 2a 0...������a5�n�.'.xt :�.9dx;,:xs§i;Adr 1z.1'M (.kO,NrIA ..r` NIS 26. 14-12.61 Parking t: n slre_et {:'. -2 rarader• Parking Require(], there aap:ri ?e ars to be as maatheinaticaal err or- in the ataa< unt € fry; €ltairc €l parking spaacos, As; currently the plan lists 53 .... 60 spaces as 93; ho vi-ever, er, 1. believe it diould be 1.1.3, lie ise ii°<r.p p"zopri.<at:e..i .ev 2, Qgn.t.mew addressed. 27. [4312.61 arUng. The 1:1aa'ilding Official faaa commented on the size of ihe Iv ia.a.alicaalaped barrier f.-W, : parld.aa.g sp iee aas';t ;ciaated I'vi h the -art- aa.ccessible. C:aa'r'rently the lal.aa.tr. leas as vvidth- .l. hel.l.e :�•e Ire's l€ oche =2 to laaave thi:. expanded "to W wide. ['lease work -,.vi"t €•a hire on this item. 28. [Comment] Prior to final site plan approval the vacation of the property line between TNT 61A -17 and TNT 61A -15 shall take place on a subdivision plat to be reviewed by the County, approved, and then recorded in the Clerk's Office prior to final site plan approval. The DB page information of this action shall be provided on the final site plan. It may be appropriate to combine all platting items on a single plat. Rev 2. A plat has been submitted and shall be reviewed /approved /and recorded prior to final site plan approval. 29. [COD Seetion V1.11 The tcvo .rc: €lara.h,e:cl bi;a e.h.es are d Pi -led in various loc°aa.ti€ n. th.rougliout the plIara (see Sheet 18 azaa(l sheet. C.; -22). Assure that t:he plan is on the location o1'Ela.e benc,(aes. Re is :, .Rev 2m Comment addr°es ed 30. x.'01) Section X,' l'lac plan <.a'ttcampts `(_ -� utilize L.agenstroeniia hidiu i ,. tt " <'t E'CI "b (" i °s.li ?'ilL .li.lo l£3alsl; l£x£`t.i "< thi, is Ili:?'i 1'.1 °I.I.I.3t.9£il.si (lie se tI" ?y are classified 1:1€ €l a 3Ia� a rnamentof trees ,111(i cla'r .not qualiN for use as public sirlet. trees, "ck,h"ich : hall be large €leciduou tr "yeti tie;c•ti €rra .:g�..�3.� {tll�. h aa.[ "[.rlieaaart (acaaa! €i revise the plan to provides onie type c ?i'laarge deciduous tree in this aar•eaa tta act aas sta'e�i.t.a•��::s ira ��r•cler'tca ar"tee;t't!'a� r•s: €pa,rired �t"r•eet tr't:'e laa.t'i cisi:aa[�?it"t�„.:ilrrr,tc:e;r° /irri�r °�rrrr `'i�' /�arrr��.I�'i��,1 i cry <"a,� / ;r°opv:ixe tree, tar: such ivpla e the iv �:-i:gpe> 's��•r°tles,? €°ranfing Rio with an apprgpwita €fr:; 1r cle Pleaase .xlotea, tlzaat the Code £:,l`.Developme'ra€ provides gu'idelhies for p huil:i.ngs an the entrance. r rasa tl.a.aa.l: t'c £la.arr'ertt€ r'at' is rrret tt ith t'laas same mix" however. to ar'.teet: the requirements uirement::a 'for l <aai€ sc apitic, € n the [ =M'Nic street'lront,ig please aeAQr° tc ?'tfa€; Coarrrrrent above. 11' ? .)u have-questions please give m t r:aa:(1. R.:',v 2. C,wrnme t addressed. 31. [Comment] The plan depicts an indention, which looks like parallel parking spaces adjacent to the two parking spaces at the entrance. Please clarify what this space is for through labels. If they are for parking spaces please provide measurements and labels. Etc Rev 2 Section 4.12.16(C)2 requires parallel parking spaces to be a minimum of 9' wide and 20' long The spaces provided do not meet this requirement. Also the spaces shall be stripped. Revise appropriately. If these spaces are to be used as parking spaces the parking calculations on sheet 2 should be updated to reflect these spaces. Notably planning staff does not believe this spaces should remain as parking spaces as they are an impediment to the 100' sight distance line shown. Either revise to omit them or revise to meet code requirements. 32. i;n gnme t[ " Fo avoid c a rafi;si €air on sheet.A 2 .{? [; ple;as,' p.rr€ vicle labels to eacl7 e.Tlev aat.i€ n %,iew, For example it rapap eaars the West Elevation n is the vic�,�• frorra Rio Road, tf o, plea. o label it as, scrch. A bso it apps: °sans the 1 aas( EJ.evaai..1on is th.e "- reaa'r of tla.e building.. If so, pleaasic Isabel i.i as such, Rev 2m Comm-Rent aeld.nts -Wd. 33. [4.12.6] Parking. At the rear of the building (East Elevation) is the base of the wall openings tall enough to block vehicle headlamps from shinning through? If not, please modifying the openings to prevent headlamps from shinning through onto residential lots. Rev 2: Comment not addressed. The owner has not commented on this aspect of the elan as discussed in the response letter. 34. 0:anment To avoid c: o.nfilsi€ n € n. cover sheei please omit S.1: P20 1400048 a:rOm the 'dde, rind repl a :c it -illy ` I)P/2014000 sµ, ...... Final Site 11han. Rey 2a "on- anne.nt addres,.WmL 35. [Cornatenfl On sheet C-l.. in the <ap.Pr € ?v,,fls box, please omit the l:..lre a.lth De} >mtaa. ej.). € and AR.B ;vIQ3'Ct£it'LiP"ftYi43. &�rat'l.1xk: t �ilc l�i.cl ' °'l 1t <?71ii'Lia$ Itrte.y'g3aIFA1'x' �e'G °',ri�e�« 36. [32.5.2(n)] Proposed improvement. On the site plan dimension the height the retaining wall to the far north associated with the sidewalk exiting the garage spaces. All other retaining walls have max heights provided on sheet C -7. Assure that it's provided for this retaining wall too. 37. [Comment] The revised site plan was not sent to RWSA for review based on previous correspondence not allowing a connection to RWSA lines. It appears that the applicant has worked out it's water connection issues with RWSA and they are allowing it. Prior to final site plan approval, provide something in writing (email is fine) that signifies RWSA has approved the site plan being reviewed or has no objections. Per a phone call with Victoria Fort I am forwarding them a copy of the plan today (3- 24 -15). Engineering Comments — Justin Deel Comments attached dated 03 -19 -15 ACSA —Alex Morrison The above referenced plan is currently under utility construction review by the ACSA. Upon utility approval I will recommend approval of SDP201400067. RWSA - Victoria Fort Revised plans were not sent to RWSA based on previous correspondence not allowing a connection to RWSA lines. Per a phone call with Victoria Fort I am forwarding them a copy of the plan today (3 -24- 15). E911— Andrew Slack Approved Building Inspections — Jay Schlothauer No objection Fire and Rescue —Robbie Gilmer No objection VDOT— Shelly Plaster Comments attached Charlottesville Area Transit (CAT) — Juwhan Lee Previously approved shelter design and location Please contact Christopher P. Perez in the Planning Division by using eperez a,albemarle.ora or 434 - 296 -5832 ext. . 3443 for further information. 0 for nLru County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To: Chris Perez, Planning From: Justin Deel, Engineering Date: 31 October 2014 (Rev. 1) 19 March 2015 Subject: The Lofts at Meadow Creek (SDP-2014-00067) The final site plan for The Lofts at Meadowcreek has been reviewed. The following concerns should be addressed prior to approval; 1. The VSMP/WP0 application will need to be approved before recommending approval of the -final site plan toPlanning. Please separate the VSMP package (SWM.. ESC, storm drainage).frotrahe site plan. This should be a stand - alone submittal for the VSMP prouain. (Rev. 1) Comment addressed. 2. Critical. Slopes TnUst be per .Albemarle County Code (ACC) 18-30.7. Please rnake your drm rings match the overlay district maps. 'I'he walls proposed to fill in the slopes that are marked as managed slopes must follow the design guidelines of ACC 30.7.5, with 6 foot wall inaxiinum. (Rev. 1) Comment addressed. 3. Slopes steeper than 3:1 must have a low maintenance ground cover (not grass). [ACC 18-30.7] (Rev. 1) Comment partially addressed. This note was not found on your Landscape Plan, please provide. 4. Provide sealed retaining wall plans. (Rev. 1) Comment partially addressed. Please include retaining wall plans with the SDP. Ensure that retaining wall plans show and reflect redesign of biofilter. Wall plans received with the VSMP show the old biofilter layout. Also, please show safety rails and/or fencing along retaining walls on plans, and provide a typical detail. 5. VI)OTapproval will be required. for improvements alon-R-io Road. (Rev. 1) Comment addressed. 6. Ensure that bus stop lane is marked off so as to difTerentiate from. the turn lane. (Rev. 1) Comment addressed. 7. 'The travelway into the site does not meet the grade requirements for parking [ACC 18-4.12]. (Rev. 1) Comment not addressed. Your profile is of the centerline, however, the grade on the right side goes from 5% to 9% almost immediately. We feel that this is impractical as it will likely not be constructed as planned. 8. Parallel parking needs to be striped. (Rev. 1) Comment partially addressed. Please provide no parking signs for this area. 9. Handicapped parking spaces iii. garage should be located. on the east side of the parking facility to eliminate the need to cross vehicle access isle [ACC 18-4.12.15J]. (Rev. 1) Comment addressed. 10. Restore cast elevation.profile view of retaining wall. (Rev. 1) Comment addressed. 11. Inlet calculations do not appear to be correct. Please accurately reflect curbs and grades, and ensure 10 year storm gets to the SWM facilities. We can check details with VSMP plans. (Rev. 1) Comment partially addressed. Inlet calculations still do not appear to be correct. Albemarle County Community Development Engineering Review comments Page 2 of 3 Please compare your spread results for both 2 and 10 year storms. We cannot see how 8 is in a sump conditions. It appears that the trench drain at the building entrance will collect much of the drainage presumably intended for structure 6, which is fine, just please provide calculations. The following issues withbiofilter desigi.i. will affect the layout of the site plan; L You cannot have a sanitary sewer/manhole in the bi.ofilter dam. (Rev. 1) Comment addressed. 2. The biofilter does not appear to meet minimLim setback for bioretetion BIVI.P [VA DEQ Stormwater Design Specification No. 9, Table 9.3]. (Rev. 1) Comment addressed. 3. Provide a 4 to 6 foot maintenance access strip to west side of bioretention facility. (Rev. 1) Comment addressed. 4. "I'he bio.filter treatinent cannot be part of the sediment forebay. (Rev. 1) Comment addressed. Albemarle County Community Development Engineering Review comments Page 3 of 3 E fs 1) 11) 1 f , Aul 1 V C 1,,, k R t " C, C'MMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1601 Orango Road culp "M Vgnla 22701 Charles A. Kilpatrick, P.E. Commissioner March 24, 2015 Mr. Christopher Perez County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Re: SDP - 2014 -00067 Dear Mr. Perez: We have reviewed the Final Site plan for The Lofts at Meadow Creek, as submitted by W &W Associates with a signature date of February 27, 2015, and offer the following comments: 1. The second paragraph, under the Temporary Traffic Control /Maintenance of Traffic Plan Narrative, should be corrected to include the restricted work hours for lane closures and the 6'h sentence should be removed. 2. The Flagger stations, on sheet 14, should be adjusted to the south side of Towne Lane 'and to the north side of Pen Park Lane. The corresponding controls /signage spacing should be adjusted to accommodate the shift. 3. Care should be taken when placing the Road Work Ahead signs, on the side streets, to ensure all vehicular traffic is aware of the work zone. If you need further information concerning this project, please do not hesitate to contact me at (434) 422 -9894. Sincerely, Shelly A. Plaster Land Development Engineer Culpeper District