HomeMy WebLinkAboutZTA200900007 Legacy Document 2009-05-14AL,9
AGENDA TITLE: ZTA2009 -00007
Temporary Construction Headquarters,
Yards- Section 5.1.18
Amendment to delete of 18 -month time
limit for construction headquarters and
addprovisions for consistent
administrative regulation of both
temporary construction headquarters
and temporary construction yards
STAFF: John Shepherd and Sherri Proctor
BACKGROUND: Section allows construction headquarters, which are also known as mobile office
trailers to be located on a site until 20 days after completion of the last building. Section restricts
temporary construction yards to a period not to exceed eighteen months. The purpose of this amendment
is to provide appropriate and consistent time limits and administrative permitting procedures for both of
these uses.
The Planning Commission held a work session on this proposal on April 21, 2009. The Commission adopted
the Resolution of Intent and discussed the utility of defining the terms "temporary construction yard," temporary
construction headquarters" and "active construction activity." The proposal to approve these with zoning
clearances rather than building permits was also discussed.
DISCUSSION: This amendment reorganizes sections 5.1.18, and into a single, well drafted
section. The intent is to establish consistent regulation of temporary construction yards and temporary
construction headquarters, to allow these uses by zoning clearance rather than temporary permit and to allow
these uses to be located on the same site rather than the same parcel as the construction.
This ZTA includes the following changes to the permitting process for these headquarters and yards:
1. The eighteen month limit for temporary construction yards is deleted. The amendment requires
that temporary construction yards, like temporary construction headquarters be terminated no later
than thirty days after completion of the last building in the project. It is staff opinion that permits for
both temporary construction headquarters and temporary construction yards should run with the life
of a project.
It is also staff opinion that the 18 -month time limit is too short for many projects. The construction of
the new Martha Jefferson Hospital is a case in point. Without this amendment, the construction yard
for that project will require a modification of this supplemental regulation from the Planning
2. The proposed amendment replaces "temporary permit' with "zoning clearance." Presently, these
"temporary permits" are processed as building permits. It is appropriate that these be processed as
zoning clearances because the supplemental regulations are in the zoning ordinance rather than
the building code. Zoning clearances can be approved with specific conditions that are appropriate
to a site.
3. The term, "within the recorded subdivision or on the same lot" is replaced by the term, "site." This
is a minor change that allows these uses to be located on property that is subject to site
development plans as well as recorded subdivisions.
It is staff opinion that the supplemental regulations provide sufficient definition of temporary construction
headquarters and yards. These are clearly distinguished from "storage yard" and "heavy equipment and
heavy vehicle parking and storage yard" because they are limited to the site and are temporary.
In response to the work session, modified language has been added to better define "discontinued
construction." The proposed ordinance now uses the same terms that are in the building code - "suspended
or abandoned." A clause has been added to allow the zoning administrator to extend the period of duration
in the event of inclement weather.
PUBLIC PURPOSE TO BE SERVED: The public is served when ordinance language is clear and the
regulation of similar uses is consistent.
ADMINISTRATION/ REVIEW PROCESS: The administrative approval of temporary construction yards for
periods longer than 18 months will eliminate the time and cost to process these modifications.
HOUSING AFFORDABILITY: The reduction of time and cost necessary to process waivers for
construction yards for residential projects operating for more than 18 months may have a positive impact
on housing costs.
Staff recommends approval of the draft ordinance. (See Attachment A)
ATTACHMENT A: Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance Section 5.1.18
ATTACHMENT B: Resolution of Intent
ATTACHMENT C: Mike Mathews' letter of support
Draft: 05/06/09
ORDINANCE NO. 09 -18( )
BE IT ORDAINED By the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, that Chapter 18, Zoning,
Article 11, Basic Regulations, of the Code of the County of Albemarle is amended and reordained as follows:
By Amending, Renaming and Renumbering:
Sec. 5.1.18 Temporary construction headquarters; and Sec. 5.1.18
temporary construction yards
Sec. Temporary construction headquarters Sec. 5.1.18 (part)
Sec. Temporary construction yards Sec. 5.1.18 (part)
Chapter 18. Zoning
Article H. Basic Regulations
Sec. 5.1.18 Temporary construction headquarters; and .m op rary construction yards TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION READQUARTE
Temporary _ construction headquarters and temnorary construetionyards are permitted as follows:
R. Temporary i
clearance allowing t=l)oraly construction he dguarters sming a construction project, subject to the
al. Duration. A tempafafy peffftit may be issued by the zoning The headquarters
shall be authorized on the site for a period beginning no earlier than thirty (30) days prior to the
commencement of actual construction and terxiiaat ending no later than *• erAy-(20) thirty
(M days after completion of the last building to be constructed in the project or thirty (30) days
after active construction on the site is suspended or abandoned whichever occurs first
(hereinafter, he "ending date"). Construction shall be deemed to be suspended or abandoned if
no substantive progress, characterized by =rQyed building inspections or other evidence that
substantial work has been performed in the Tior thirty (30) day period. The zoning
administrator may extend the ending date upon the written retluest of the owner, if the
suspension or abandonment of active constriction is the result of inclement weather. The
headquarters shall be removed from the site by the---q
J date.;
b2. Location. Sueh uses The headquarters shall be located within the
same det site where the construction project is located.;
e3. Maintenance. The area in the vicinity of sueh uses the headquarters and the access roads
thereto shall be treated or maintained in to prevent dust of and debris from
blowing or spreading onto adjacent properties er and public streets nights -of way.
:• 'u ! !. �!.- ••_1.•,•11_1._ M. 1 11_. _' E-e v1 -e
Attachment A
Draft: 05/06/09
al. Duration,. m: -- r � .- ,so be i.�.�ad �,. «�e . ,�,h :.......:.............. «,._ for- ....,,..:,, ..,.« ,,.
exeeea eighteen (1 4) ...°., hs The Yard shall be authorized-on the site for a period beginning no
earlier than thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of actual construction and ending on the
ending date. All materials, supplies, equipment. debris and other items composing the yard
shall be removed from the site by the ending date. The zoning administrator may extend the
ending date, 1pon the written request of the owner, if the suspension or abandonment of active
construction is the result of inclement weather
K. Location. Stieh a The yard shall be located within *he °° efded stibdivis °° whie - it
en the same let site where the construction project is located. In additim no portion of a yard
shall be located: G) closer than fifty (50) feet to any public street right -of -way existing prior to
the recording of the subdivision plat served by the yard or existing prior to the commencement
of the construction project: and Gil closer than one hundred fifty (150) feet to any nreexisting
dwelling not owned or leased by the owner -of the subdivision or construction project served by
e . Maintenance. The area in the vicinity of the yard and the access roads
thereto shall be treated or maintained in to prevent dust of and debris from
blowing or spreading onto edjeiniog ac properties Fight and
public street rights -of -way. $tteh All yards shall be maintained in a clean and orderly manner,
and building material and construction residue and debris shall not be permitted to accumulate,;
1. ■. -
I, Ella W. Jordan, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of an Ordinance duly
adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, by a vote of to as recorded
below, at a regular meeting held on
Clerk, Board of County Supervisors
Ave Nay
Mr. Boyd
Mr. Dorrier
Ms. Mallek
Mr. Rooker
Mr. Slutzky
Ms. Thomas
Attachment A
1. ■. -
I, Ella W. Jordan, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of an Ordinance duly
adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, by a vote of to as recorded
below, at a regular meeting held on
Clerk, Board of County Supervisors
Ave Nay
Mr. Boyd
Mr. Dorrier
Ms. Mallek
Mr. Rooker
Mr. Slutzky
Ms. Thomas
Attachment A
WHEREAS, Sections 5.18, Temporary Construction Headquarters, Yards, 5.18.1, Temporary
Construction Headquarters, and 5.18.2, Temporary Construction Yards, of the Zoning Ordinance establish
regulations pertaining to temporary construction headquarters and yards serving a project while construction is
ongoing; and
WHEREAS, it is desired to amend Sections 5.1.18, and to revise the duration during
which temporary construction headquarters and yards may remain on a site, to revise terminology, and to
reorganize those sections.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT for purposes of public necessity, convenience,
general welfare and good zoning practices, the Albemarle County Planning Commission hereby adopts a
resolution of intent to amend Zoning Ordinance §§ 5.1.18, and and any other regulations of the
Zoning Ordinance deemed appropriate to achieve the purposes described herein; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on the
zoning text amendment proposed by this resolution of intent, and make its recommendation to the Board of
Supervisors, at the earliest possible date.
Attachment B
From: Michael Matthews [mailto:mikem @matthewsdevelop.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 1:19 PM
To: Amelia McCulley
Subject: FW: ZTA on construction yards
- - - - -- Forwarded Message
From: Michael Matthews <mikem@matthewsdevelop.com>
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 13:10:03 -0400
To: Calvin Morris <Cal mor@msn.com>
Conversation: ZTA on construction yards
Subject: ZTA on construction yards
I wanted to give you a heads up that you will have an item on next
week's agenda to consider a zoning text amendment for construction
yards, essentially giving the zoning administrator authority to approve
I give the staff, and specifically Amelia McCulley, a huge amount of
credit for putting this forward, and I urge the PC to approve it. It came
about because we realized that our construction yard at the MJH
replacement hospital site will very soon not be in compliance with the
ordinance. The ordinance just doesn't contemplate how to handle a
construction project that lasts more than 18 months, and ours is going
to last twice that long.
I feel that as long as the zoning administrator has the authority to
approve these things, the county will always be protected. From our
perspective, it is a necessity to allow us to keep up the great work that
is happening at the hospital site. Knock on wood, but so far, we are
still right on schedule and right on budget, if not even a little bit better
than that.
Let me know if you or your colleagues have any questions. I would be
there to testify on behalf of the ZTA, but I coach my 8 year old's
baseball team, and we have a practice at 6:00 that night. I'd be in big
trouble if I missed that!
Michael Matthews
Owner's Representative, Martha Jefferson Hospital
Matthews Development Company
One Boar's Head Pointe, Suite #131
Charlottesville, VA 22903
(434) 972 -7764
mikem @matthewsdeveloo.com
Attachment C