HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200900021 Legacy Document 2009-05-14COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Project Name: SDP2009 -21 Patricia Ann Staff: Summer Frederick, Senior Planner; Byrom Preserve Park Improvement - Amy Pflaum, Engineer Preliminary Planning Commission Public Hearing: Board of Supervisors Public Hearing: May 19, 2009 n/a Owners: County of Albemarle Applicant: Robert Crickenberger; County of Albemarle, Dept. of Parks and Recreation Acreage: 213.923 acres Special Use Permit for: n/a TMP: Tax Map 6, Parcel 28D Proffers /Conditions: n/a Location: The west side of Blackwells Hollow Road (SR 810) northeast of its intersection with Browns Gap Turnpike (SR 629). By -right use: RA -Rural Area Magisterial District: White Hall Requested # of Dwelling Units: n/a DA RA X Proposal: Request for preliminary site plan Comprehensive Plan Designation: Rural approval to allow the construction of a sixty- Area in Rural Area 1. five (65) space parking lot, park access road, and gravel pedestrian path. This application includes a request to modify Section 18 -4.2 to allow for disturbance of critical slopes. Character of Property: Property is heavily Use of Surrounding Properties: Rural wooded. Area Factors Favorable: Factors Unfavorable: 1. The applicant has satisfactorily 1. Denial of the waiver would not addressed the technical criteria for the prohibit or restrict the use of the disturbance of critical slopes. property. 2. The measures proposed by the applicant will satisfy the purpose of Section 4.2, at least to an equivalent degree, meeting the requirement for 4.2.5(a)3(a). RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the request to waive requirements found in Section 18- STAFF CONTACT Summer Frederick PLANNING COMMISSION May 11, 2009 AGENDA TITLE SDP2009 -21 Patricia Ann Byrom Preserve Park Improvement - Preliminary PROPERTY OWNER County of Albemarle APPLICANT Robert Crickenberger; County of Albemarle, Dept. of Parks and Recreation PROPOSAL The applicant proposes to construct a sixty -five (65) space parking lot, park access road, and gravel pedestrian path. The proposal includes requests to modify Section 18- to allow activity on critical slopes. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Comprehensive Plan designates this property as Rural Area in Rural Area 1. CHARACTER OF THE AREA The property is currently heavily wooded. REASON FOR COMMISSION REVIEW The applicant has requested a waiver of Section to allow activity on critical slopes. DISCUSSION CRITICAL SLOPES MODIFICATION This request for a modification has been reviewed for both the Engineering and Planning aspects of the critical slopes regulations. Section of the Zoning Ordinance restricts earth - disturbing activity on critical slopes, while Section 4.2.5(b) allows the Planning Commission to waive this restriction. The applicant has submitted a request and justification for the waiver [Attachment C], and staff has analyzed this request to address the provisions of the ordinance. Critical slopes cover approximately 0.30 acre, or approximately 8 percent, of the 4.00 acres of the proposed construction. This request is to disturb 0.30 acres, or 100 percent, of these critical slopes. Staff has reviewed this waiver request with consideration for the concerns that are set forth in Section 4.2 of the Zoning Ordinance, entitled "Critical Slopes." A request to allow disturbance of critical slopes must be reviewed in accord with the requirements of Section 4.2.5. This section requires a two part analysis. Section 4.2.5(x) is a review of the technical performance standards. If these technical standards are not met the disturbance of critical slopes cannot be approved by the Planning Commission. If these technical standards are met the Planning Commission may then consider the disturbance of critical slopes. The criteria for the Planning Commission's review of the disturbance of critical slopes are found in Section 4.2.5(b). Staff presents the analysis of the request to disturb critical slopes in two parts. Section 4.2.5(a)2 Description of critical slope area and proposed disturbance: The main disturbance of critical slope is a stream crossing for access to the new pedestrian and equine trails for the above - mentioned County Park expansion. There is an additional critical slope area approximately 600 square feet in total proposed to be disturbed in the horse trailer area. The property is 2 approximately 213.9 acres in total and the proposed parking lot and access way expansion appears to be approximately 4 acres of disturbance. The Stream crossing is disturbing critical slopes on both sides of the stream and a mitigation plan will replace the buffer disturbance. Areas Acres Total property 213.9 Total site 4 acres approximately Critical slopes 0.3 8% of site Critical slopes disturbed 0.3 100% of critical slopes Exemptions to critical slopes waivers for driveways, roads and utilities without reasonable alternative locations: This disturbance is not exempt. Compliance with Zoning Ordinance 18 -4.2: "movement of soil and rock" Proper slope construction. control of drainage, and vegetative stabilization will prevent any movement of soil. "excessive stormwater runoff" Stormwater runoff will be reduced in this area, as the slopes will be eliminated. "siltation" Inspection and bonding by the County will ensure siltation control during construction. Proper stabilization and maintenance will ensure long term stability. "loss of aesthetic resource" This area is not visible from the roads and houses in the area. "septic effluent" Public sewer does not service this site, however, the site will have a pump and haul vault toilet. Based on the review above, there are no engineering concerns which prohibit the disturbance of the critical slopes as shown. Section 4.2.5(a)3 Recommendations on the tindinas that must be made by the Plannina Commission in order to allow disturbance of critical sloves. The commission may grant a modification or waiver if it finds that the modification or waiver would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, to the orderly development of the area, or to adjacent properties; would not be contrary to sound engineering practices; and at least one of the following criteria is met: a) Strict application of the requirements of section 4.2 would not forward the purposes of this chapter or otherwise serve the public health, safety or welfare, Staff believes the location of the critical slopes, the minimal amount of critical slopes, along with the erosion and sediment, and stormwater management measures satisfy the purposes of section 4.2 to at least an equivalent degree. b) Alternatives proposed by the developer or subdivider would satisfy the intent and purposes of section 4.2 to at least an equivalent degree; The developer has not proposed any alternatives. c) Due to its unusual size, topography, shape of the property, location of the property or other unusual conditions, excluding the proprietary interest of the developer, prohibiting the disturbance of critical slopes would effectively prohibit or unreasonably restrict use of the property or would result in significant degradation of the property or adjacent properties; Denial of this modification would not prohibit or unreasonably restrict the use of the property or result in significant degradation of the site or adjacent properties. Approval of this request would accommodate the by -right development through the provision of public recreational facilities in the rural areas. d) or Granting such modification or waiver would serve a public purpose of greater import than would be served by strict application of section 4.2. Staff has identified no evidence that the act of granting the proposed waiver would serve any greater public purpose that would be served by a strict application of Section 4.2. The Commission may want to consider that this development allow for increased access to, and use of a public resource. RECOMMENDATION: Staff review has resulted in both favorable and unfavorable findings: Favorable factors: 1. The applicant has satisfactorily addressed the technical criteria for the disturbance of critical slopes. 2. The measures proposed by the applicant will satisfy the purpose of Section 4.2, at least to an equivalent degree, meeting the requirement for 4.2.5(a)3(a). Unfavorable factors: 2. Denial of the waiver would not prohibit or restrict the use of the property. The Planning Commission may grant the modification if it finds that the request has met at least one of the three requirements in Section 4.2.5 (b). Staff has found that the request for modification meets one of the three requirements, and therefore recommends approval. SUMMARY: In conclusion, the Planning Commission must act upon the request for waiver of requirements found in Section 18- to allow for disturbance of critical slopes. Staff recommends approval of this request. ATTACHMENTS: A. Final Site Plan (reduced) B. Location /Detail Maps C. Applicant Justification of Critical Slopes Modification PROJECT SUM AR Np ES. 1 TTfr PROPL'RT r 1)ELWEATFD HEREON 19 L(LCATED ON ALe. CC1WT'Y TAX MAP, N0. C•. PARCEL 28O vaopER*Y neralLs. � EKfS tfNC ZLN1 Nt:: kA - R1F14. AP.GAS FXI5TINC LASE 4mv aq nvL PRU BRTV ARFA.' ?15.929 ACME,; MASL, TFMAL DLSTRX7: W);ATr` HALL 9. C7NRY'ER GOLNTY OF ALREMAF'Jz 401 MC113TIRc' ROAD CHAHI.OTTL8VTLLE. VA 22902.459n 4. A;4.,V,' TUT. , AN CLIP ASSCH'JATFS, PLC. 8:111 ROCRFIS4 -GAM TN1`N'1`L GREENAI VIR504 22913 Ls�.- eL[z -scr7. ruNHOLVeNUr.�ES.Ner 5.' OF PGG,RAF'llic: d PN1".�LAi. Si.C4VEt' THLYMkS F. LtNC(iL7i 1..AND SifRVfY(ER ANC. 632 DERKMAR CIRCLE CNARLO SVJLL 77EC. VA 2z9C1 431,.,;i7 r76 n PFICA, T AREA JS N07 LOC4 TCO IN N" -YR. FL COLWLAP' PNCWERTY 751.004 T+FD W AI d CS. ANDAW UTV OF CHARLOTTE'StWLLE ORrwfkc WA "FED WATERSxEn. ?. PFICWERY YAREI 5ET9ACKS R W 75' SIDE : ti' FP AR. 55' FALF,Y MX N AN CTHH^_?al R` 3 RA(B1 M CGVNEM14'E.WCNi OF LtrNSTIiLTTlCN WFtt1LN ANY EX(STLNO MVVI -IrF -WAY, AJCLASM? CURWfcYIBH M AMY EMISME ROAD, A I£RMT EWALL BE MrARAFB BY THE rIPp4R F" THE 'r'IRVWIA OEPARTN"T [:r TMANSPi✓+14YIVEY (VOLT:. Z. A(I PATENT, N FW F FiBtATEf. HATINALS PAID C'BNS FALFCIYWV M.:lfPr -S SMAL1 CpVFCflFr TO CJR NI Sr W[6AT` M AND SrMftARBS A= VL70T iNLFTEF oiFAIRIAISE NBTEV. 5. ERPSI: %: AK, SPAIN,,, C;M-1- -B .ffb MALL AE lFBTA EF IA AOLYMl1ANLI. YIY] ",s TIE, AP IKILT:O ImflSIM ANT] DfDhllnW f.UMTATYL IYAN ANG SIVILL BE A STALLED MDR M AN1 CEPARKS.. ,PAIN .' B!, OTIE'N IMAVSrR XTIP'I MJAS.':. 411 E 8 S MFASI.R£E 514111. BC IF5TA -AMP IAAIAWN Ar1WNING M rfiE PE LAIC$ AV, S1P-CFIICAT4RS a TH£ BATYST PNT" LJ' THE YFA6JNFA L;r,I MLA' AHD SLn:A'fNT c- WAN@£OWL L. API. NXF'PA Y£P OIS PLAIDED AREAS AfTr 1G NAIL Z` M' fYR:z1l JPFL[EP P'HTN FERIA: =LP, LMED, :dt bF.U, AIM 6TRAFFIEV TV MTAFBI.LF A P£NNANENT' START OT 6EA55, SFE SM i AM FM PXOM%Y LI_ Ins uRAP!.VG. !'.. ALt TEEAFFIL OTN'F HL SN?IS 51141:. CBNF(YFN1 To .TEL VWWWA MARW I FBR LIN'F[+Rt TRIM[ CCNT 1 DEVFCES. O. f.6f.ES5 BTI£RIPISE AVTSC ALL (MrITFr£ DRAB.AGE PIPE. SHALL BE REfMTORCFA [f?NCR£7F. PIPE' . C_ III. ALL FAiAYA7TUH rag EWOETRAAAAm - - TNP..ATFCM MLST t' 1TFY! 1ftiN CEFiA 51.,w IPB F fOR Trse [Bwr""1M' IMSIR, sEN -ERA;. Mgrlr -s- FT IS IN c(NJTRACTOR'3 RESMN511TILIYr Tq YERIF'YALL L'KECT!NC. AND PROPOSED 517E COND1TIonS AND TO hFVCFNE FATULIAR WITH THE Pf.`aZCT AREA ANT' TNF. FLANS 3E.FWI VE15!N11N0 ANY LYORY, THE CUNTi7A(- FOR SHALL IMMEDMTEFL4 NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT AM ]1,t f ! NTY CF' AM' DFSF'REfANC'ES RFTWEEN IW FLANS AND T,HE ACT" SJ TE C51warCYNS. COORD /HAT[ A.4D PERFCNH ALL WONF X A NAM+'EQ THAT ALLOWS FUF SEFF AND CLRaYETefENT VEHICLL,AR AND fErVESTR+AN LL E Or THE PRFMrSES DLWING CCHSTNOCTIIYI 7HESFTE SE411.. REMAIN A,VAII.ARLE TO THY OWNER A 1 ALL TFNE =. S. THE CJNTRACrOTTLS SPLf.1,Y RESIWIRLE FOR ,MAINIAINING THE HEALTW, SAFETY AND Wk1FARE'3F THE TM&LE A'F ALL TIMES WI7H It i?JF. f.INLTS CF THE FROJ FC7 MILL ALL. MECESSARY iWONI( ARL -4.j. THE CCw1TRACTOH SHALL. PWVFW FLAOhQFN, FLASHPM -, L16NTS, &GPJAGR. SARIMAPES. ANI ANY GTIIPR MEANS NECBS, '- e,- ALL CONFI. IC.TIN7 9" ACE -AI:O SM-81WAC.E:STNUCTb47C5. 4rNllT!"S. ANP O3STTDK'F10NS SMAL! RE TFIE 1?F..SYONS!eIL17 Y OF THE CONTRACTCn^ FO FAISI AN1 310 1.FACE Fri, 3 15 A VO 3TRVCT02L_9 ,} NECESSARY. is D wwo, REPAIR OR REPLAC. AT NO COT TO THE' OYAVER. ALI CON'FLICT'ING CONDFTICNS SNAL FE AMMERR7P 1' DRULiNT TO THE ATTEN7JON CF THE'ARCHITEC I- AND COUNTY. S. NO WORK SHALL 3E PERFu L, Ei7 CN'PRfVA IE YFFLCPERlrF ON (ANSJOF IV ANY EASENEN7S WII }K7iTT THE CL"T Y'5 W!HT -IEN FEW, SS10N 7He CONTRACTOR 5NLit NOT LNSILM ANY U)ACENTSMAE.TIEZES OR S i R1IL' TtARD' POLN! ?A TICKS UU77NG f- il7LK'TIUN.. IF DAPB`.GE7J, Th: CCN77RACTL'R ES rE8Moc SIR!_F FOk REPAJR?NG-A-P ND COST ro ME OWNER, 4. SAWCTIT, TO FOP L DEPTH, AL.L PAVUIENT8 TO 13E DENOLFSN':O. ALL DHNRYS SHALL 8E PITMEDIATFL rREMOVED MID DIF -CSEO CT L.EGALCT (H - -,sITF Rv TINE CLLRTRACTON. P. TNC CMTRAF'TOP,'HALL VL RNS'P(7N':1Ai.E' F'OR DFMOL.I3HWG ANWOR An,F IG ALL FMS' IN* SJTE FEATIitL -S AS NECESSARY FOH PROP%M C'UNSTRU77(ON. 1. 3PIYCRE 8EGB1(YBFC' AhT �TT + -ITCH, itFE LOCA37(kt YIP AU.'SITF'Bfl R[WF.YEMS MALL K- V—"POD ACYAATACY A- SHALL R_" 9TAAFb w' THE i :rt V 0' A SIRVAI'PN •CEWSEO TO PRA(•TFCF JN TW SIAK OF YJRGIN.A AFY 4110 AE.. ERSLYFFPANlAS BEIi1tiFN ITEM r]RnWFNPS AW+ .CTUYi SITE [YTfPF !� -1lAL Fi BM'EPIA Y. T PRIA,CIFT Le TNFATTENTMN Br Tile. ARE!BTEGY AMP COLAYTY. Ns1 WNFrvc SMALL CL PEETf)RJA:C pLr13YPF. x- PPOPLSITY AOMMAA7L^W i?A-M FAST PH I.K- HE PRMTN EWBS, SYTI B'NTS 9R IGIiEENLNT5 2 THE C_ R_TM MAL!. or RESB io". E FOR NPTFFv N6 SMISS Ln JLIT✓ To AL' IN Aluas WJTfw 111E LIWTS OF .PoFRA:Cr 16aATEB BEld.T BEf-JLNFN6 AMY Wes. J- AJL DRAMCE ST- TL54E5 SWL, HAL" PDSITIr£ SLOFe 16 TPA.° LIM"'Y MBEr, ALL PAYEWEM7S, AWAN cI ER SuFwACES SALL PIAVE FMFT9T FBAP'NAGT NTH NU ftA Mm °'µ'n T! 6L'CLYRBNE BW AM1 THM1TAGPA, ». ALL EXCALA MMES FLY[ W*);6."M P. INSTAILAT1aA, arYARNf..NYf SLOPES SMALL lA1FLT WTIM ALL OS17A SI ANFALTLS NYM TOW G 04Smi rldV N1OIHIR'. -ANY! AL[ "TINA STARL eM%WATIERA4 CM+S— SFAMWAA{AtiP /LA NEIMutr.". SITE NOfES�c[Nr'iYNI/l -Y1) 5. No -,RU' 1M1 MAI -L C1?FRILNCE IRTFP TNF OMAN I M 5ECLVEV ANY /At.. NiCFSSnPr n T A4'C AN' A1PT+OAAIS. ON J5 ANP FAS-T' APIPOCY S, G'pµSTB[k'F]LW N"'1S ANP LO ,ELOBM.ENI AU- '1Id413ATIMtS rBP.4 PIE C-i>sy Al—d. AVLI.A.,LS OPEWINN N r- NEPRQKtT ARVA. 6. ALL WOR4 SHALL CIE Sle.A'f T Tp a Pf.CT10N B'+ TIrE Ca Fr Pi' ALBPMAR+1', MOT. ANO AT_4A TFFE CWMCTDR 5 S IF Ft Y NL3M`AS" A F'PN H011lYw•'A' TF12 vr[U" fR WWCTBN AUFTb T?EF n1 ALL PIMPS 01 WGAN- 5. THe ARrIBTECT ASSL.NF:S NP 11t5PCATSIBF( ITT FM THE 4LCFARACY 7R CO,NI"'"A"' B- THE SITE M WEr CQ L)BSTIHD CSAAIIrrBM ]AAM OV TNE• DRAWINGS. TNS.a.A WAN. r<w AAAFAAAarr ptwxAl AJe11AraE NLLm& SbARAry FHUT'.Y.A++•AUrcA AOBB F) ALL _TFR+AJS AAD ,ITTNP(15' 9F' LLPACT1Ylr +n(bY' SHALL CP, f WIIW TL¢ L,PmP - VER'TI_ 7 TY GENERAL. NVATEF ANO SF'.?V£A CIVSrRtK'.11r.W SIPCIFICATIE'NS i. APMFP 0, TNT ALAJi9H.RLL DLLNrY SEFY'f AUMVPITY M Jn UAFAI 15. f;N,16, EABt", AS HPMF1Fi, BELOW W HOPJT" AF SF•E -GAL NOTES. 2) Au EPNCIRPATI NA l%NAL..? ANC! HF TIIODF' M- GA'bTYAA.Y'N'TIBN M(YA'1' BE'' AFT LPL' PY RWSA iVBB'f TO rNE S1AHT C'F WORT!. A IYiFLBrx:TlGlt'T14Yi GM:FEAPMf.E WFTN RMA I$ w"PIPFV W04 TC THE START VE' NVF.k -! TALL CIX+IRAMFT criA,, BL Ff.9PU na- ?a NOr mx, H SS 11YAO r (1 -Bf.L M1B2 -7PU0 41 RNSA EMINEER LHrttr ar S N TtT A (434) P77.293U ERr. 1011 HX I BF rp F1FlH• T F BL6 Ell CA rS MOB Tb - 1F 1 BP Gp[ MGY'rIM'. 9) Au. W YFY Fb 5[HJFCT TP TF#' tN9PEMoN AND ALCEFTANGE FT HW5A. 1W rYL-rN; TO -,- rd[DTNAG ,4YS- -..0 BF MAP.'.' -T� CMADINA lYU1 FLIM 4W WEE PRES- , Cw NWSA SPIFT. NB IYBRn bttaEL RE CYM4DI'rC0 D'I RWSA r4F:FLITIEF UN WEERWC9 LA`i RY1SA MVLFDAri Ltl11EG4 PERN[TTEN B3- •E')7MSF BY RWu'A M WRInNG. b) TIM SAHF IANI. 6fRKR LIVE LVBSTRUL7IQW' NW.SA FLi!' REQDIRF' 7YPA55 PLR: PfNG Mw, n`&S TL •?E EAPETNW 3Y$iFl^- ALL BOLAdOFL'I!' MABAL I.Y Ix3T BE FrAE35!A(F" TESTED ""R FA EONMECTING TB THE SrdTLY,. T) THE L.OLATIWJ C E%IY'W (FYI -CITES IS U,,OAW GH TNP PAS iWM BA I A AVAIINAE AT ME TRW (IT B751C-N AW ".? HDT N£f7SSARr1r L'O'e -FTP OR CORE, CT. TNF UNTMC70EP 4W.L BE RE$POA'STFLP fC TLE WFRIFICAT!W e?' THE I.GCATIQN. STYE AND Q T0i tM Alt. LVILTIN, UTN ITIDT. -DDTN _%P0ACF ANU SLESLWFAFY. THE cwpPle TOR5NA:1 iHMENATPLY _YPI TH! F/MFB.A:ER /1T ANT RISTFLPANGi� SETW7EM 7107 "IF AND FFFP L'ii.CITBw1S. ME GP117Rn[YLNE 5'11AL1 36E fIL'F RIIJLFICF TO FRIIELi- Ad VrD r"r4 A firFFJC .5 fh'P14 DAHNRF A 7 ALL I'M % Wr ETWPT Ste/ M,' THE A.AIS OP. NO', OAMABT T , ANT fAAG TM MUMS SIIALL AE �REPA lR°l+BY TFEF ,O TRff1pR TP TNP f1flIG1R'AL CCNPITI+A: AT A•[1 - TIM1Al. x151 Tr Tiff OBA 6) ENDSIpn' AL0 sLTANEBTr cavrPC: 1AB 1ITIE6 -MALL W9"I Be MER.Hrmc 1N FTIP Ril/<,.A 4ASflL}!T IWLES? fFlMITTEB UrIRr.'LYFt fY RwSA W NRI YMG. NO BRADINV M FELLING' SMALL EE FFRFBTTT.7 N! Tit RWSA FAR VT t L"F.SS FE4FdT7TED 11TSBNB N I- RwF�A M MBTNP. 9) NO BI.ASTM6 MAt.I. BE' ffAM1TY£D IT— J00 FEET BF RWSA FACILJTJES Mr"ITAIT 3fR17TErV MAM� AMTS APPAOVAL E!' Tic 13 A 7 k -'IAN I"RWSA- C?NA¢ AWN:FititINV BLWN6. SLAS'TM'6 AMO 4 FNF�B?.M^` a" 'PAY BE REO:a"' LAN4GL 1%YJ TO BLAFMN6 1D A4: UR1.rT" SMALL S' RFPAWF."U 3T 11lf CON]RACTPR YG FLL OAIGM'A1 1 W1.:TM AT NB -ABOTK LUST TG TIC OWN EP. IN fN Aw"IllA M HMWAf SE 1'ARATFGN FE- ftHD•NTS TLFR I11 TP1 CTRF31N6£„ WHEN n GF,Ob'4ttt:: HAU L.MFR AM TXAS]- 1AGIL!IY. ARAGLAYE S7AF%I-TLRAL- SFWI9RT SWELL e' aIOAAMD PGB YTFE EXFSr(N•G I- -. RALREILLW6 TIE AALA PF 7TFE T.FASS_ w,., rU4 L: - 51, SHINE rp TIFF. SPRfNVLINE Cw TIFF F115 r:M1A: PIPE Witt BE RYraFBRf.Z- II) NFTG wATEP MARY WrA..LATILNS SNALA. PP.. TESiTT. ChY.;XwA:L4. F1LDNI AHD WATER SALB'LLS AITIEGYEB MILM. TG Fr+SRMri a01' P£RVALFWI fFAW,ECTIdN TG Di£ XBF ILA WAT£R SY #TEI't APPOLTO HFrA S F u N6 /WB FILM— $x WW WAm" RINS WILL W I&UPEW TO EIILrFRA7'E ANY PR43161F LlTBOL-G<RA'IPCITBN 10 THE AJBLJL w .. SYSTt, LP) ALL EAS'EVfl ,S FCA -, RWSA FACAL TTS SHALL BE RECBRDFII PRFLNr TO PLACRLC Ylfr ,VEW 1ACIIITfi S AI11 SERY1 FS) NO PEiliFI"l ATAFBC BAAL PACDIn, IWL, 04 F•E -I'mLP RY TTY RVFSA fA3L5' W TM. WFYFA_E BBIEDING GYAYE 05, RE7AINAFB WALL, FIX3 - FM AMY 'L omBrTLM, LWAIFAG!- STRIIC1 -, ETC. fA) 7AEE3 A,.., N -1811= IN ]HE PWSA £ASISH&I 41,E `EC W S7AIVLti/La EI705TON Ah ^:.1PFMYNi COWTRO FiOT��, 71iE P[ AN APPRUYIN( At 7N W 7105 "LIE T�'PT1f F . W:E Wt'tX 172K>i' T1"1 THE PRE_CLVgSTRUC.TF)N Cpl EkrWT, (?N! WEEK WLIOR C TWE COMMENCEMENT IV LANAI MsTLIWIN: ACTEV. Y AVO LIME wEFK MOP TO "THE FINAL 11PW..CTION. :. ALL EROSKW AN,, SEopmrNT CONtl;0, IHEASMFS ?HILL SL CUNS]W TFO AND NAJNTAJ4EO ACC:ORNW, TF. MM FUM TANDAMIS Ah.1 5PCCllIChiJ[1+L5 UF. Yifr VIf2GINPA EROS DN AML] SEDIMENT CO NYT?,X IT4, ARL3DK AN^ ViRGINJA RF17V ATr „NS V.4 625 - 112 -D6 FaDSICN AND SL•AMENT CONTROL KUMAT+ONS s. AI.L. EROSION ANO SEDIMENT CONTRA Mf1LgORFS ARE TO 6C MACLU'01 H 11) IM 4, 7HP FIRST Slf(+ IN CLE'ARlNia. A. A COPY OF' THE AYT'rOYEO k4kOGN AN0 5FR ?HEW7' CONZRot. PA/_N SJIALL PE MABITAINEU 0+N THE S(TF AT ALF ]1HE5. 5. !'N'rpR TC Cyff41EYEINf, L AND DIS 1UVIIIN3 A.C71V Tit_` IH FAPki OTHER 71,41 .'NDFLA ILL', 4N T:IE : SANS. (1fr,.'11L[LY. B:iT HO'r Lrf4 .. v C OF: 511 F e11Pf,`mT OR WASTE AT:LA£),THE crNTN,2Cipk S-A SYY 00 A SuPPIFFIFNIARY FROSIIJN C.W; .1 PLAN TO THE aWAFR FOR RFWBEw AVID APPROVAr. L +Y INE PLAN Ar1W,(,vING AVTHMT) b. TWE COHTrFiFC7OR i9 P. Sd%r +IDLE FOR 11AVAFI.ATMN (W ANY AC.OJTION': ETLOSfO, COWMe1. H ASI,NE 5 NECE.& 'Y TO F72EiTNP PRC ,1aM N' SFRIM-NTADON AS DETERMINED 8Y THE PLAN APITOVING ACETHORI71- 1 ,'. ALL. NIST41P]MO AREAS AR, 70.IWWAP TO MFR.I�VFI 5E'DIHEN" C'Oh'TRf]i MFA&NPS AT AU TIMES OD.RIWO E ANT) D15TL rN1 At -M-Fes ANAD DUWNCI Sf7F REVELDPAIFNT LAATIF, FINAL STALI I .LUA ON 1S ACN!EY'L'1 B. DL7tIh'V DEWATEJ E OPPRAr?ON3 WATER WILL 6E FLIMPLD !HELL AN APf F0147D FFLTERINa OEYICE. R. TILL CaWMACTCR SHALT_ 1NSPFCT ALC FRO-1106: CONTRL_ NTEA81,R -' PFR,O01C.Al,I AND AFTER 17ACfi RINOFP'- PRDPDCIKFC RA-J EVE! . ANY NECESSARY REPAIRS oO ELtANLR' TO MAFMAIN FINE EFFECTWEN LSS OF THE ppMOH CCYi7'R(X DEVICES SHALL- LYE !SAGE FPINIFDIAIFLY. M. ALL F,LL MATERIAL TO RE TAKEN FROM AN APPROVED, LTE-'3iGNATEA 90MOW AREA, JL ALL WASTE M ATERAI 'WALL RC :AMEN TO AN APFINNED WASTE AREA- EARTH TFLL SHALL BF.- ]NF F'J MAI ERJAC 5'" FRET OT RdbTS, STUNPS, WOOL'. Rf %D ;SW. AND OTHEr nNDTN9 18, E~w OR WA5% AREAS ARE TM S.F. FEE:'LAFMF7 WFTHIN 7 DAYS OF MWI EPM PER ZONING ORINIA RCE SECPON S.l -.?S. T} ALL !NEAT PLATFNIALS SHALL RE TnANSPOH7EP IN COH2I INAY_ Wi TN SECTION 13.3(1 OF THL COOF OF ALRITMANLE. FA- SORROW, FILL. OR WASTE ACTMlY INVOL.VINC BJ11.'IS YRIAL -TYi'E POWER E"IN TENT SN4_I. IC LIM!7E1) TO THE NLYL. M GF ? OMI TO 4LMWM. a. DL'4TEOW, FILL. ON WASTE A -1POTY SHALL BE COPFUC?EP eN ASAFEM4FWYFR TNAT MALNTAINS LAIDRAL SCiVVRT', OR LB'ME'R T'O ONM12E ANY F*VAFD TO PERSW<:., PhlYSlCAI DAMAGE tiT ADJACENT LAIPIO ANF] LMPROYFMNNTS. .ACA) DAFLAOE TG ANY TR...bJ,IC S77iEET BECAVEE of ST IDES, 3PAINU. C?R COLLANIE 1U. ILA VEYTi'�AFR S-, Rc- SCRtl(: THE filvM!' JR'NSTN.L, MA!nTA1H, REMOL'E" OR C.UNVCF 11 C PF..Ri•IAN:'N7 S rOPPIWATTR MANAGEFIEN'F' FAGFLFY:F -F 1"XpC APPI, 1, A� ALT. EROSION , ^.UNTNOL rIEASIA=ES RFn ,PFD RY THLS PLAN' IdEUAId?!.F.b OF 11117 SALE O`' ANY L OT, FMIT, DOLDING. OR OTFB?R 201:TFON OF 7}fF pROPEr7Y. 17. TEMPORARY STABlBIZATIORF ( LL AE Tp" ,A 7r SE'E'XW AND MLCrWlNG. SERVING 1S' TO NE AT 79LPI.VACRE, AM' FN l "TIE' OF' Sf"Tt.7'J3PR TD FERROARY TP f.ONS'IS'T'4F A 5OV50 MIA L+F AN"I'M RYERNAES Al"" C °REAL w,NTfN RYE L R IN MARCh MID APRR. TC CYN{y1S' 1Cr' AAAAUAL'RYI=, OR MAY ABFIAF1(+H dFHECFSi TO L:CJ•t515T Or fTNES ARE S L B STRAW FPROV L Y T APPLkD AT &7€.l�- /roD'rr. ALTEriNATHIES aRE sL�„R'Ci rO APPRPVAI Cry fHF LWAATY rRGSION CONTROL INSY'Ev' AN, 1B_ PENMM 1 STAR9.IZA7j0N SMALL. DE UHL AND ff9PL7 FR, PFFMFANf'M' 5EELJNG AND MI.9.CH- ACPIKA TIDAL CRAVE LIME5 ?ON- f: M- PE AM,17r. AT 9DLSSFICDBSF. IM'O IPORATEL INTO IRE TOP 4 -3 TPF!?FS Or SO'_, FERT,LUER SHALL. SF AFT1 -LEO AT O,',QL.3SVACk: AMP CQW T OF A ICJ-ZP -,O NFJTR!Pf4r M!%. PNTIANENI SiOJNG SHALE. BE APPJ. ?ED AT 16"1 R-CRF AM, ""Srsr OF 9E :G NENTCICKY3i ON TALL PESCIAE ANLI"95 FERFNNIN. I"Y-EGRA55 w KENTO FLY CJ.JiQA5S- STRAW MLaCH IS TO BL APP4.JEL AT' BBL851MOI:'. AI. T IF&RATIVES ARE S W,.ffL'T ?% APJ k0YA1. RF THE L'OUPVT r LROSRIN C0.47W't INSPECTOR 14. MAMATENFIILCB. AI.1_ HEASIM6 ARE TO of -LO ECTED W019L.Y ACA AFTER 1. EACH FBTIA 'A J . ANY DAMA6F OR Ct.V65MV: TO STRE>^TURAL ME'AaQES I3 TO BF REF. '60!MOBVIATELY. SAL T TRAPS ARE 10 Sh 4LE/^EJ'' WP¢v 5R %]1r 'INE w°1 DTORALE WOLLV E I5 Fit i. -n *fTH &ENME'NT. ALL: ',LIED A'MAE AR, TO W RESEf.OEO YrFF.-IA NLtI: SSAFTY TO ACWfiVE' A Ft dD 77AND fF' OFNSS. S;1r FTNF -i ANV DJYER9ION D!KES WHILST' ARE rAYf,LEOTINf, SED W,ETJT TO HALF 7HE lR MEtGHT 11LN'T DE' CLEAN: D AND REPAKFf' 11 P 0YA-, kL Y. N.I TFMPLMiARH EF;QC ON ANP SEDIMENT CMTRD' M ANII:ES ME TO DF REVW)U ,D MI AIN AP PAYS iIF FAA SITE ATAFCLJPA1TML Wh W PEAL E8 ARE NLI LOWR NFEVEO SWJECT 10 APPROVAL NY TNT' CaNTY EFRO6fOH CtWTHUL INSPECTOR_ VRAFIT7Y MAY: NCI; 1111 -L _H.- VEMENT County .beme d epar e o Parks ec e i . ire Road Charlottesville, 0, .i.t,A. i %F . Prelims ary Site Plan€ March 23, 2009 ANHOLD ASSOCIATES, PLC Site Design I- mdscape Architecture Land Planning 8321 Rockfish Gap Turnpike Greenwood, VA 22943 434- 852 -,; Qo DAN1HC)LD@HUGHES.NFT PLANNING llCYA:RTMEN? ZONING DEPARTMENT EIWiSPECTIDN I ?Ff1r1RTk7ENT AUTHORITY EWdNEERING ?I'Pe 7IF9FN7 VIRGINIA DEPARiMENT O TRANSPORTA710N VJ�CiNIA HtAF_TH DEr AR7MEPJ'?' ARNITE.CT-UPAL- REVIEW BOARD - - - -- J - FIRE C i IGIAL SJIE PLAN AiPPOY1 +JS SHEET INDEX 1' ? 5 2 MASTER PLAN a LAYOUT PLAN S 3 SITE PI. AN RkoWNS COVE VRAFIT7Y MAY: NCI; 1111 -L _H.- VEMENT County .beme d epar e o Parks ec e i . ire Road Charlottesville, 0, .i.t,A. i %F . Prelims ary Site Plan€ March 23, 2009 ANHOLD ASSOCIATES, PLC Site Design I- mdscape Architecture Land Planning 8321 Rockfish Gap Turnpike Greenwood, VA 22943 434- 852 -,; Qo DAN1HC)LD@HUGHES.NFT PLANNING llCYA:RTMEN? ZONING DEPARTMENT EIWiSPECTIDN I ?Ff1r1RTk7ENT AUTHORITY EWdNEERING ?I'Pe 7IF9FN7 VIRGINIA DEPARiMENT O TRANSPORTA710N VJ�CiNIA HtAF_TH DEr AR7MEPJ'?' ARNITE.CT-UPAL- REVIEW BOARD - - - -- J - FIRE C i IGIAL SJIE PLAN AiPPOY1 +JS SHEET INDEX 5 -t COVER SHFET 5 2 MASTER PLAN a LAYOUT PLAN S 3 SITE PI. AN S -4 ROAD PROFILE DRAIWN DY: DY A �RL G A r DESIGNED LAY' 11 A G' " tWIrJ 1, MHULG CFCCFfFD 8Y: D'FA °+ URIF"Tr De. SHEETYI f Lk' rid WaF 1dRBTC14Y COVER SHEET � ARCHI7E'IS Sidi 6 Sr&N4FF9W Attachment A -- -' ,;,j_ :: is - r�ARicrry a n � ._., . - �•A!?� °mfr rat S : - ��•'�- .,'�'.. ,, ..:. -.. ,.' .,�'. . WRING- AND :B1KFBt;: -:. n 1Yt E.TR>tIL �.,. 6 Fi'E - F.A.SEMEN. - t. auxEerrg a.,TRAIL u..- I3hFiiFF?- EXr >FFhC.PE� 7 Mr �.w.�i" �5: wlr�k�IiVir t: rrrcN;w,rh ex,srr+rU " ,. ,? - 1•.. _ -' � ..�_ ?:, ": :, 3 SiTE- 75TI&'SAHfi1._..:- Scarl��il'`q Gr.� - o., - r \ w l � IP V4 �s - , 4 t ' I �..., :.: �' ....:•. -... .... � .,..,, :, z,. "�'..., a -- ., u �: - 'a - _ f 51"17`E = . ., ,�, r : � .y' ,', '• :, ..4. PARK - F • .� s -.e, .- -., v.: :- ,wry' -";: $` _ ii': : TJ7At4 ff�AD �# Vol �` .- IM7, - � -.., xa r. r•': 'I"Rlgj m.„ ': " � € � °:� �n- „-.,� ' 9C,:i :J.. f�r is r i _ .. � ... � -btu., ° -. `• ,,.:- .:. r,.:: :' I _`(�•: ice, ,_S�, p. °5•;, . _ �"—�., �� � f - ., , --. ::: , ..: • :: .. �.... : .• ., .. : ., '!- .-v' , ::- - , i .�. ., - �.' - ••Va,PARK N75kAl3CF AT l t n` .y. �. •DESIGN -� yt�L hrc -F-7 At -t QYfNO ., A .'•� �, sG t'.,, 'a','.. -:.c: '., - Pf`t7!'trRT1''6 gIi2Y'. 'u ?'•k -.. I �.> - ` -_ .Y, ✓ ._._ '(y .'mss'" �.. - T. --.�, --Z•;` � �. I • � � pt i .. '' � -ham. ,,� - _ t E/�SPMf�iF�RIJN4Aft •LtJE ��> a - - -T - : C CW-°P,`i" 7U..__,,.r - 'C�.. . -. -- ..... ..-. - _ .. _ _ , : l ;,- H[KlkG 3 O T PAW „ ILA , :R• _- 5 _.: -... -y _. _ __.._ - ._ _ .__ _ _.. -., - . - - _ ' ..rP HiGRLANRa AMA `� _„ _ ,K S°•F -. . ' S.. •- - ... .... _ - - , " ' � �' ;- , '''- Pt,�91 �Vf`''r` _ _• ?. u -_" .. .,. ��._. -yL_ Q+y'I�$_ _ GAiYf SIfAF'/yCz: F;11k4clNli -_.- �. - _- -_ _ - - -. - - - ( ' � " - __` _ y9`� r; .,.. ,' : .' ::•,„ il` rp -." .t " :.' :.. -' a, .. ^- .... _:._ 11 •i' •- .._aRr-'evu i"TH t7s; - _ _ _,,.. .. , i 1, : � �,f � •µ ,:._ ._.- -:�. `� /r- , • � G : al.AU. {•fit)' , .7(yll. fr 00:0 ACC6�,3 : i -' ale v1f�- T , •'-' r : t 1 i� t� �r - ' - • 1NF(irdiAT,CJt PA .ru "•x ,- '' _ - _, ,. - - i...E'b,TF,M�CE RF(lMRFy ?N75 �! _.. ;. _.._ , `, _. -, : -OkAYU ww hKae it N v^" ,,T17NLS' �`` - . tGiIET ' .� ` '' •. .. ! r'vi, ' yy ,�I i ,6d" '� iJ � : o ♦ ,.p ' pe 1 - k 4- i• � �It { �(.' . -W i',.i'/ 1 ` e[T _ � e - '•_ ay yYm�'�' tf PAAh • - _ _ _ _ _. -'' ANHOLD ASSOCIATES uw.•sc r un:mr rrs: auc senrs� ,ice zzv-r i O � �Ea 5 tilt i 4 l/} 3 L zj: o' LE a Q f Ld rr < o r„•mv wig j -1 u JW NU uarc. MARC�i 25: [U(t9 f�vrsr :� AS NE)TEC ` +Hr[T ryttF. MA67ER FLAN AND GnvcuT PLAN "a nEer ttc.: SHTS 2 Q r 4 l ,•yam ' I) . ;e;' , '`._ -. � ._._.- .._ - ... - __` _ y9`� r; `� } - , i LAYOUT PLAN al.AU. {•fit)' ANHOLD ASSOCIATES uw.•sc r un:mr rrs: auc senrs� ,ice zzv-r i O � �Ea 5 tilt i 4 l/} 3 L zj: o' LE a Q f Ld rr < o r„•mv wig j -1 u JW NU uarc. MARC�i 25: [U(t9 f�vrsr :� AS NE)TEC ` +Hr[T ryttF. MA67ER FLAN AND GnvcuT PLAN "a nEer ttc.: SHTS 2 Q r 4 StTE flEVE(. DPMFNI Rli1TES L:' !. PA. m*: HELUfRED' NA — _ PARK!w FROY'BEO: 50 CARS d 0 TRWA.E TRAILS? 2- mop( OM tI SF VENICLLAR A PPOFSTRIAN PAVEMENTS: ACRZ5 (HOT fWt U91W, 1h?AF.ST OPEN S:'ACF. ZX.. E.' ACRE' a- !p TRVIOUS 317r CGIOI 1P 4.050 ACRES fHOT INCLUDING TRAiL3} .- CR4VEAL SUffS 175 Ni B 6kEATER) ARE- S'JOWH O.q . THE SITF PLAN 5. FRI CININARY SITE ENTRANCF LCfCATIL'N 0."PRCVF V 9Y VT+OT STAFF dA3LO ON VXT SITE 01SIAN'CE FIELD STUDY. 4, PER PRFLf^9fNAPY VLCT STAFF WW..C'1QN, ENTRANCE TUN LANES ARE hY:T RE"Up FOR THIS PRJ.IFc-r. 1 I POTABLE WATER 1w 5EwBR lM4!Tlr6 WFLF.. OE CONS TI&CIED AS FART OT TM3 PROJECT. THE V;4a T T044 r WILL 8E , LW AND YA1!1.. P ALL STORM PIPE'S SW- HA4E OUTLET FROTECFfVN. A:. i_ DRAINAGE DITCNES 514ALL.:.AYL WJTEL'T W RA4EO U" / F NAL Of�SRW Sl�,?�7 hOTImS !. SIAiYFY PREPARED BY TI .WS R. I.INCOLN. SL97VEYRR p. ffSj'S YERTfCAL OATLPI NAVO '3R S. OASE SURVFK, INC. F� M-N FIE! LIMA R-O ALG IG ROAV AN6 3EE LOCATWIC! R" LiWULN.3 -ZF- i ANHOLD ASSOC44TES e.�f Foam« crr r n �roern.w rwerr.lroi.- s� mo.auaw: fwnwar,��.cre =.�, 3i A z `t Lu U hti LL a_ Q, Llt Ia �W"ZKI�a �Lt wE'w uE CI_�i !!add V JT1 NO Scnu' V-40' 200 S,.,T T—.. PRELI?9NARY SITE PLAN sa[E i Na. S - -3 SH1 5 OF 4 n ❑ I I 0 PI 1-7 w I4.0 C as La to 0 Q. E IL d) LO Co Co Ile fm < z r- U- "I L6 O Co 0 I? (0 Attachment Qz cw T Ct cq UDDYRt3N N U eo ~ T r+ a Iq ti T w m n- �� to f _z f�0 C? A r f0 TY� �•tlrQ Lo Q 47 !D N Lo LO w 17 60 Ile i It Lo ,may N RO N lD�ID to C L W a W /° a ii 7 N E _ M r to Co � � r m -�� �`� �n w r car `O cv a Cn T m iD w � M N m N N er ra i4 f0 tCO�N 4f9 -A CD � \Jl i. T T -r CD �y M — r� r iCf L � T � (� 1� � M T•N \r u: T kn C N Cl M m1"' v�'� L cc w LAV. T m Ln �, a h IL k a v� r N V7 N v LO O u1 N sA 60 ko iii NON A N N r r r r � :,z D N r f Attachment B 2) 4.12 Off - Street Parking and Loading Requirements a) Waive pavement surface requirement for access aisles and parking areas. Propose to use gravel surface in order to reduce overall stormwater runoff volume, minimize site disturbance by reducing size requirements for ditches and bio- filters, reduce parking area visibility from adjacent road and properties, and promote National Forest site character. b) Waive access aisles slope requirements at maximum 10% slopes. Due to mountainous terrain and extreme site rock conditions propose some access aisles above 10% slope in order to reduce site grading and disturbance, reduce rock removal during construction, reduce construction time and costs, and reduce construction noise for adjacent properties. c) Waive parking area curb and gutter requirements. Propose to use wheel stops only to reduce stormznater runoff, reduce parking area visual impact from adjacent properties, reduce construction costs, and promote National Forest site character. 3) 32.7.9 Landscaping and Screening Requirements a) Waive all Landscaping and Screening Requirements for Street Trees, Parking Lot Landscaping and Screening. Propose to preserve large areas of existing wooded area to meet the above requirements. Attachment C ANHOLD ASSOCIATES LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE March 23,'2009 URBAN DESIGN Preliminary Site Development Plan Submission Patricia Arm Byrom Forest Preserve Park PLANNING County of Albemarle —Dept. of Parks and Recreation Re: Site Plan Requirement Waiver Requests sat 1 ROCKFisH GAP TPKE With this Preliminary Site Plan application the applicant asks for Waivers to the following County Code requirements: GmNWOOD VA 22943 .MOBILE: 434.882.3420 1) 4.2 Critical Slopes a) Request: Waive critical slopes requirements. Void f FAX: 540,456.6422 Due to extreme site constraints and large amount of critical slopes in mountainous setting, some small disturbance to existing critical slope areas is DANROLD @HUG'HESMET necessary to avoid 100' stream buffer while constructing adequate public access facilities. 2) 4.12 Off - Street Parking and Loading Requirements a) Waive pavement surface requirement for access aisles and parking areas. Propose to use gravel surface in order to reduce overall stormwater runoff volume, minimize site disturbance by reducing size requirements for ditches and bio- filters, reduce parking area visibility from adjacent road and properties, and promote National Forest site character. b) Waive access aisles slope requirements at maximum 10% slopes. Due to mountainous terrain and extreme site rock conditions propose some access aisles above 10% slope in order to reduce site grading and disturbance, reduce rock removal during construction, reduce construction time and costs, and reduce construction noise for adjacent properties. c) Waive parking area curb and gutter requirements. Propose to use wheel stops only to reduce stormznater runoff, reduce parking area visual impact from adjacent properties, reduce construction costs, and promote National Forest site character. 3) 32.7.9 Landscaping and Screening Requirements a) Waive all Landscaping and Screening Requirements for Street Trees, Parking Lot Landscaping and Screening. Propose to preserve large areas of existing wooded area to meet the above requirements. Attachment C