HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP200800060 Legacy Document 2009-06-16COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE STAFF REPORT SUMMARY Project Name: SP2008 -60 Albemarle Baptist Staff: Eryn Brennan Christian School Planning Commission Public Hearing: Board of Supervisors Public Hearing: June 23, 2009 tbd Owner: Albemarle Baptist Church; Marcus Applicant: Albemarle Baptist Church; Marcus Deloach, Pastor Deloach, Pastor Acreage: 6.26 acres Special Use Permit: Private Schools TMP: Tax Map 61 Parcel 1 E Existing Zoning and By -right use: Location: The parcel is located at 1685 Roslyn Rural Areas: agricultural, forestal, and fishery Ridge Road, at the northwest corner of Hydraulic uses; residential density (0.5 unit/acre); Entrance Road (Route 743) and Roslyn Ridge Road Corridor Overlay District Magisterial District: Jack Jouett Conditions: Yes RA (Rural Areas): X Requested # of Dwelling Units: N/A Proposal: To allow the use of a private school Comprehensive Plan Designation: with up to 40 students and 5 teaching staff in Rural Areas — preserve and protect agricultural, conjunction with the existing Albemarle Baptist forestral, open space, and natural, historic and Church scenic resources /density (0.5 unit/acre) Character of Property: The church, a timber Use of Surrounding Properties: The properties frame and hardiplank construction, and a to the south across Rio Road are included in the substantial parking lot are located in the center of Development Areas Comprehensive Plan Land the site. Surrounding the church and parking lot is Use and are zoned R -6 Residential. The a mix of deciduous and evergreen woods. properties to the north, east, and west are included in the Rural Area Zoning District, and are characterized by large single - family residential lots. A large church and parking lot is located east of the site. Factors Favorable: Factor Unfavorable: 1. No impacts on adjacent property resulting 1. An increase in vehicle trips on Hydraulic from the proposed use. Road during peak morning hours. 2. The proposed use will help sustain the continuing presence of a vibrant community church, enhancing the quality of life for its congregation. 3. The proposed use will minimally impact the existing character of the church building. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of this Special Use Permit, with conditions. SP 2008 -60 Albemarle Baptist Christian Church School PC June 23, 2009 Staff Report Page 1 STAFF PERSON: ERYN S. BRENNAN PLANNING COMMISSION: JUNE 23, 2009 SP 2008 -60 Albemarle Baptist Christian School Petition: PROJECT: SP200800060 Albemarle Baptist Christian School PROPOSED: Private school with up to 40 students and up to 5 teaching staff on a 6.26 acre property in conjunction with the existing Albemarle Baptist Church ZONING CATEGORY /GENERAL USAGE: RA Rural Areas - agricultural, forestal, and fishery uses; residential density (0.5 unit /acre in development lots); EC Entrance Corridor - Overlay to protect properties of historic, architectural or cultural significance from visual impacts of development along routes of tourist access SECTION: Private schools COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE /DENSITY: Rural Areas - preserve and protect agricultural, forestal, open space, and natural, historic and scenic resources/ density ( .5 unit/ acre in development lots) ENTRANCE CORRIDOR: Yes LOCATION: 1685 Roslyn Ridge Rd. at n/w corner of Hydraulic Rd. (Rt. 743) and Roslyn Ridge Rd. TAX MAP /PARCEL: 061000000001 EO MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Jack Jouett Character of the Area: The Albemarle Baptist Christian Church and a substantial parking lot are located in the center of the parcel (see Attachment A). Surrounding the church and parking lot is a mix of deciduous and evergreen woods (see Attachment B). The properties to the south are included in the Development Area and are zoned R -6 Residential (see Attachment C). The properties to the north, east, and west, designated Rural Area in the Comprehensive plan, are included in the Rural Area Zoning District, and are generally characterized by large single - family residential lots. A large church and parking lot is located east of the site. Specifics of the Proposal: The Albemarle Baptist Christian Church is requesting a special use permit for a private school, to allow an elementary school to open in the fall of 2009 (see Attachment G for a complete list of special use permits applications for private schools in Albemarle County since 1998). The school would operate on the lower level of the existing church, with a maximum of 40 students and 5 teaching staff at this time (see Attachment D). Initially, the enrollment would be for Grades 3 -8; however, Grades 1 and 2 and 9 -12 would be added as the need develops. But, any expansion beyond a maximum of 40 students and 5 teaching staff will require an amendment to this Special Use Permit. The school would operate from September to June, and hours of operation would be limited to regular school hours, typically 8:30- 4:30pm. Outdoor activities would be confined to the left side yard and parking lot. Although no exterior construction is proposed with this application, the applicant has indicated that some playground equipment would be purchased for the side yard. As students would be transported by their parents, the school would not operate a bus. Students would bring their own lunches since no lunch service will be provided. Planning and Zoning History: • In 1987, the parcel was originally created as a 21.1156 acre lot with the right -of -way to SP 2008 -60 Albemarle Baptist Christian Church School PC June 23, 2009 Staff Report Page 2 have only one dwelling. • In 1999, VDOT established a right -of -way for the future Route 29 Bypass, essentially splitting the site into two parcels. • SP2001 -47, a special use permit to construct a church on the site farthest from the remainder of the original residential subdivision lots, was approved by the Board of Supervisors on May 15, 2002. • An application for a special use permit, SP2002 -49, requesting to amend the existing special use permit to relocate the entrance from Roslyn Ridge Road to Hydraulic Road, was withdrawn on October 31, 2002. Conformity with the Comprehensive Plan: The land uses supported by the Rural Areas chapter of the Comprehensive Plan include agriculture, forestry, and conservation. This chapter also outlines the vision and goals for the Rural Areas, and recommends that land uses be small - scale and consistent with traditional rural scales. As stated in the chapter, "Ensure that the scale and scope of any new use is consistent with the existing infrastructure and character of [a] crossroads community... without any requirement for upgrade or expansion of infrastructure" (24). The proposed private school does constitute a small -scale use in keeping with a traditional rural scale since a 40 student maximum is proposed. Furthermore, the private school would be utilizing an existing building, and therefore would not require an upgrade of the existing infrastructure. Five private schools in the Rural Areas have been approved since 1998. Of those private school approvals, approximately half were for 50 students or more (see Attachment G). Staff Comment: This application is subject to the First Amendment's Establishment and Free Exercise Clauses and the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 ( "RLUIPA "). One key provision of RLUIPA states: No government shall impose or implement a land use regulation in a manner that imposes a substantial burden on the religious exercise of a person, including a religious assembly or institution, unless the government demonstrates that imposition of the burden on that person, assembly, or institution — (A) is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest; and (B) is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest. (italics added) 42 U.S.C. § 2000cc(a)(1). RLUIPA also requires that land use regulations: (1) treat a religious assembly or institution on equal terms with nonreligious assemblies and institutions; (2) not discriminate against any assembly or institution on the basis of religion or religious denomination; and (3) not totally exclude religious assemblies, or unreasonably limit religious assemblies, institutions or structures, from the locality. 42 U.S.C. § 2000cc(b). Staff will address each provision of Section of the Zoning Ordinance as follows: Special Use Permits provided for in this ordinance may be issued upon a finding by the Board of Supervisors that such use will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property, Staff does not anticipate any detrimental impacts to adjacent property. The school would utilize existing facilities and would not interfere with the functions of the church. VDOT has confirmed that the proposed school will not significantly impact traffic on Hydraulic Road, as the school will be limited in size to 40 students and 5 staff. The activities of the school will also not impact residential properties given the distance of the school from neighboring residences. SP 2008 -60 Albemarle Baptist Christian Church School PC June 23, 2009 Staff Report Page 3 that the character of the district will not be changed thereby and There will be no site development changes or new construction on the property. The proposed private school will make use of the existing community building, which has always been available for use during the daytime hours that the school proposes to use the building. that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this ordinance, The purpose of the Rural Areas Zoning District is the preservation of agricultural and forestal lands and activities; water supply protection; limited service delivery to the rural areas; and conservation of natural, scenic, and historic resources. Since the school will be using an existing building, the use is not in conflict with Rural Areas zoning. with uses permitted by right in the district, The subject property and the adjacent properties to the north, east, and west are zoned Rural Areas. The uses permitted by right under RA zoning directly support agriculture, forestry, and conservation of rural land. The private school would not adversely affect the permitted by right uses in the Rural Area zoning district. The private school would not negatively impact the R -6 residential zoning district located south of the parcel, as private schools are allowed by special use permit in this zoning district. with the additional regulations provided in section 5.0 of this ordinance, There are no regulations in Section 5.0 of the Zoning Ordinance that apply to private schools. and with the public health, safety and general welfare. The public health, safety, and general welfare of the community are protected through the special use permit process which assures that the proposed uses are appropriate in the location requested. The Building Official has offered no concerns about the proposal. The Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) has indicated that the site is not on public utilities and is served by a well and septic system. The Health Department has stated that the current well and sewage disposal system is sufficient for the proposed school with 40 students and 5 teaching staff. The proposed development of a private school with forty (40) students and five(5) staff would generate 36 trips during the morning (7:00 — 9:00) and 24 trips during the evening (2:00 — 4:00) on Hydraulic Road. The most current traffic count for Hydraulic Road is 22,000 (2007 VDOT traffic count). There are currently three public schools to the south of the proposed development. The traffic generation from the proposed school (as well as the public school complex) impacts the morning peak traffic period for Hydraulic Road but does not impact the evening peak (4:00 — 6:00). Trip origin information is not known; therefore, it is possible that some of the trips to and from the proposed school could already be traveling on Hydraulic Road. Based on a preliminary evaluation /modeling of turning movements, VDOT staff determined that there would be a minor delay for vehicle departing Rosyln Ridge Road onto Hydraulic Road (an additional 5 seconds for a total delay of approximately 40 seconds). VDOT has reviewed the crash data for the intersection of Rosyln Ridge Road at Hydraulic Road and determined that the crash rate is very low. Based on the crash data staff evaluated from 2005 to August 31, 2008 for this intersection, there was one crash in 2006 and there were no fatalities or injuries For the Hydraulic Road corridor between (and including) the Hydraulic Road /Rio Road intersection and the Lambs Road /Whitewood Road intersection for the same period of time, there was an average of 18 accidents per year (over one -half of which were rear- SP 2008 -60 Albemarle Baptist Christian Church School PC June 23, 2009 Staff Report Page 4 end accidents). This accident information is a tabulation of police accident report data. The data has not been analyzed by VDOT (to confirm type, determine cause, trends, etc.). There were no fatal crashes or fatalities in this time period. There is currently a left turn decision lane (center turn lane) on Hydraulic Road that serves Roslyn Ridge Road and Garden Court, which are directly across Hydraulic Road from one another. VDOT has indicated that this left turn lane is an acceptable design at this location to serve the proposed use. In summary, the proposed school will have the most significant traffic impact to Hydraulic Road during the AM peak period by adding an estimated 36 additional vehicle trips. VDOT is of the opinion that this level of impact is acceptable at this location, causing only minor additional delays for turning movements out of Roslyn Ridge Road. However, further school expansion beyond this proposal could prove problematic from a traffic standpoint, given the existing level of traffic on Hydraulic Road. Therefore, any future expansion that increases the number of students or staff will require a traffic impact analysis as part of the special use permit review. Additionally, staff recommends that the applicant contact the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission RideShare Office to determine if their services could benefit the applicant in reducing the number of vehicles trips generated per day. SUMMARY: Staff has identified the following factors favorable to this application: 1. The private school would provide expanded educational opportunities to the community and nearby residential areas. 2. There are no anticipated detrimental impacts on adjacent property resulting from the proposed use. 3. The proposed use would minimally impact the existing character of the church building. Staff has identified one factor unfavorable to this application: 1. An increase in vehicle trips on Hydraulic Road during peak morning hours. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Based on the findings contained in this staff report, staff recommends approval of Special Use Permit 2008 -060 Albemarle Baptist Christian School, subject to the following conditions of approval. The conditions approved with SP 2001 -49 are included below. Conditions that no longer apply have been struck through and new conditions are indicated in italics. 1. The school is limited to the existing building and grounds, as indicated on the concept plan (Attachment C). Any additional building or site changes beyond those shown on the approved site plan for SP 2001 -47, prepared by Dex A. Sanders and dated November 28, 2007, will require an amendment to this Special Use Permit. 2. Maximum enrollment of students and staff shall be limited to forty (40) students and five (5) staff. Any increase in enrollment and /or staff shall require an amendment to this Special Use Permit (SP 2009 -60) and a traffic study shall be required to be submitted with the amendment. 3. Hours of operation for the school shall be from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, from September to June; and days of operation shall not exceed 336, excluding SP 2008 -60 Albemarle Baptist Christian Church School PC June 23, 2009 Staff Report Page 5 special school events. 4. No additional outdoor lighting shall be allowed without an amendment to this Special Use Permit. 5. Food preparation for the private school use shall not be conducted without an amendment to this Special Use Permit. 6. All requireMeRtS of the AFGhiteGtUral Review Board of Supervisors shall be met, iRGlUdiRg the site plan indiGating the existing tree line and SpeGifiG tFeeS Of Sox (6) inGhes or greater and retaining signifinant trees 7. The area of assembly shall be limited to a maximum four - hundred - thirty -five (435) seat sanctuary. 8. Health Department appreval ef well and septiG systems prier te final site plan appreval. 9. Commercial setback standards, as set forth in Chapter 18, 21.7.2 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, shall be maintained adjacent to residential uses or residentially zoned properties. 10. Any number of parking spaces in excess of the required minimum shall not be paved. 11. There shall be Re day GaFe GeRter or private SGheel on site without the approval of a spate special use permit 12. GenStrUGtien ef Phase 1 [6,800 sq. ft. saRGtLAary] shall GemmenGe within forty eight (48) months or this special use permit shall expire 13. All requirements ofrVcT shalern t prier to final site plan approval inCling Read, with a ene hundred (100) feet right- tUFR lane and ene_hURdred (100) feet toper lone ATTACHMENTS Attachment A — Concept Plan Attachment B — Aerial Map Attachment C — Zoning Map Attachment D — Floor Plan Attachment E — SP 2001 -47 Staff Report Attachment F — Board of Supervisors Action Letter and Conditions for SP 2001 -47 Attachment G — List and map of special use permit approvals for private schools in Albemarle County since 1998 Attachment A WEjArpu yi a 1 II , Attachment B SP2008 -60, Albemarle Baptist Christian School Aerial Attachment A SP 2008 -60 Albemarle Baptist Christian Church School PC June 23, 2009 Staff Report Page 8 Attachment C BP20D8 -60. Albemarle Baptist 0hristian School Zoning w 0 7j 159 22S 340 wFeat "�Ir �� �fn�7fsud+ra318vwi91r � a SP 2008 -60 Albemarle Baptist Christian Church School PC June 23, 2009 Staff Report Page 10 Attachment E STAFF PER ON: Steven Biel PLAN1 G C NDU ION- AprH 23, 2002 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: May 15, 2002 P 2001 -O47 Albemarle Baptist Church Applicant's Propoa. The applicant has requested approval of a-special use permit to allow for the construction of a church_ The submitted master plan proposes that kbe construction would be built in three phases for a total of 25,80() sq, ft. and 174 pw;k Wg spaces, Phase 1 would consist of a 6,804 sq. ft. sanctuary and 60 Wkdng spaces, phase 2 would consist of 9,444 sq. fk. sanctuary and 114 additional parlang spaces, and phase 3 would. consist of a 9,600 sq. ft, multi - purpose building. The property is currently unimproved and mostly wooded (Attachment D). If this request for a special use perry it were approved, the applicant wouId have 24 months to commence the use, structure, or activity for which the special use permit was approvec, is accordance with Chapter 18, Section 31.2,4,4 ofth2 Zoiting Ordinance. The applicant would like to request a waiver from 24 ruonths to 48 months to allow additional time to prepare for the site plan review (Attachment E). The request for the waiver is reflected in condition #10 of the conditions of approval. etiti : Request for special use perrnit to allow a church, in accordance with Section 10.2,135 of the Zoning Ordinance, which allows for churches in the Rural Areas. The proport}F, described as Tax Map 61, Pwei 1F, contains 6.239 acres and is located in the Jack Jouett Magisterial District on the northwest comer of Hydraulic Road (State Route 743) and Roslyn Midge Road (State Route 1394), approximately 1.5 miles northeast from the btersection of Seminole Trail (U.S. 29 North) and Hydraulic Road (State Route 743). The pr'bperry is zoned Rural Areas District (RA). The ConVrehensive Plau designates this property as Rural Area. Cbaracter of the Area, The property under review contains 6.239 acres and slopes up from the intersection of Hydxaalic Road and Roslyn Ridge Road to the north_ i T � sits is located in the Hydraulic Road Entrance Corridor, and X11 strzwres would be visible from the entrance corridor. Although the site is located within the Rural Areas, the surrounding area consists of a mixtuxe of residential and commercial development, The Union Ridge Baptist Church is located a short distance to the north, on the east side of Hydraulic road, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints is adjacent to the site to the north. Pla a aigg and Zoning History: In 1987, the pwel was originaUy created as a 21. 1156 -acre lot th e�i t��1 o1 mpg, vwever,�i3u 1999, VDOT established a light -of -way (approximately 328' at the widest point) for the future Route 29 Bypass, essentially sphtthig the site into two parcels. This created a situation whexe the two portions of residue could construct only one dwelling on one oft>xenra_ SP 2401 -pal UnReVEIANI&M SP 2008 -60 Albemarle Baptist Christian Church School PC June 23, 2009 Staff Report Page 11 This special use request would provide a separate use to the parcel farthest from the remainder of the original residential subdivision lots and allow a church in an area that already has two churches within close proximity. Comprehensive : The Comprehensive Plan identifies this site as being located in the Rural Area, The site is located on the northwestern side ofHydraulic load, which forms a boundary between the rural area and development area. The proposed church could provide for a good transition between the rural area and development =a- RECOMMEND ; Staff has reviewed this request for compliance with the provisions of Section of the Zoning Ordinance and consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and recownbmds approval of SP 2401 -047 with conditions. $TAFF COMMENT: Staff will address each provision of Section 31.2 A,1 of the Zoning Ordinance. The Board of SupeMsm heTchy Teserves unto itself the right to issue i 1 use t) rmi r—rmi n i t use for us t'-s as pro %ided in this ordinance may be issued upon a findin s by the Board of u enisors that su ch u will f substantial detriment tQ a4j ac eat Vro riv. This proposaI would not be detrimental to adjoin* property owners and is consistent with the development pattern of the area. The proposed church would provide for a transition between the rural area and the development area. As the nature of the surrounding area can be described as a mixture of residential and commercial uses, the proposed church would not change the character of the arcs. The applicant has appeared before the Architectural review Board (ARB) and has agreed to the Board's four recommendations (Attachment F). A revised master plan was submitted addressing the orientation of the structures and location oft he parking behind the structures, The ARB is also concerned about what the of mts of lighting and signs would have on the entrance corridor. These issues would be addressed at the site plain review stage, with additional review provided by the ARB. The ARB will be particularly interested in the orientation of the proposed structures and parking configuration to cmizic they are in substantial compliance with the master plan- s8 2001.017 Lu4 Revised:V 1C SP 2008 -60 Albemarle Baptist Christian Church School PC June 23, 2009 Staff Report Page 12 and that such use will be in hannony -w-t a moose and intent of this Staff has reviewed the purpose and intent as contained in Chapter 18, Sections 1.4, 13, and 1.6 of the Zoning Ordinance. In the opinion of staff, the proposed use would not conflict with the purpose and intent as described in the Zoning Ordinance. avi h h . uses permitted right in the distric t, Tbis use would not prevent a by-right use of adjacent property. with additional regulations provided in Stcton 5.0 of this ordinance, There are no additional regulations relating to churches, The public health, safety, and general welfare of the community is protected through the special use permit process which assures that uses approved by special use permit are appropriate in the location recluested. In regard to transportation safety, VDOT has reviewed the master plan and =ornmended there be one entrance from Roselyn Ridge Road, with a 100' right -turn lane and 100' taper lane. The applicant ba.5 provided for these requests on the master plan, The Health Department had preliminarily approved the site for septic based on the original master plan showing a maximum seating capacity of 240 occupants. After the applicant appeared before the Al2B (11119101), a revised master plan ryas submitted to staff addressing several 0the recommendations from the ARB. The current revised master plan shows a seating capacity of 43 5 occupants. The Health Department determined the increase in seating created a design flow of greater than 1,200 gallons per day, which would require a mass drainfield. The applicant submitted an engineered study of the soils for review and approval by the Health Department, preliminary approval has been granted by the Health Department for a proposal to utilize timed dosage of the sewage effluent from the church. The Health Department has determined this would be an appropriate method to dmumvent the mass drainfield requirements. Chapter 18, Swtion of the Zoning Ordinance regaires the applicant to install one parker space per #our fixed seats or for each seven -_five sa�uare feet of assembly area. The number of parking spaces permitted in excess of the minimum standards should be addressed at the site plan review stage to ensure there is adequate space to install a properly sized septic system (with prWu y and reserve fields). In addition, the number ofpa ddag spares petnxitted in excess of the ,ninimum number required should SP2001-047 3 lose Ravised= W16142 SP 2008 -60 Albemarle Baptist Christian Church School PC June 23, 2009 Staff Report Page 13 not b a paved. This would allow a blend of urban and rural characteristics and help promote the site as a transition between the development area and rural area, Staff has identified the following factors favorable to these applications: 1. There are two existing churches within close proximity of the site. 2. The proposed church would serve as a transition between the developed area and the rural area. 3 _ The site is located in an area that is more characterisde of the developed area rather than the rural area. Staff has identified the following factors unfavorable to this request, 1. The proposed number of parking spaces may prevent an adequate location for the septic drainfield, Based on the findings contsined in this staff'report, staff` recommends approval, subject to the following conditions, 1, All requirements of the Architecr ra l Review Board shall be met, including the site plan indicating the existing tree Bite and specific trees of 6" or greater and retaining si&ftcant trees. 2. The church's improvements and the scale and location of the improv= mts shall be developed in substantial compliance with the master plan entitled Albemarle Baptist Church, prepared by Ilex A- Sanders, and dated 11 /28M. 3. The area of assembly sha11 be limited to a maximum 43 -seat sanctuary. 4, Health Department approval of well and septic systerns prior to final site plan approval. 5, Cormnercial setback standards, as set forth in Chapter l8, Section 21,7.2 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, shall be rnaint daed adjacent to residential uses or residentially zoned properties. 6. The required number of parking spaces shall be determined by the ability to properly locate the septic drainfield. 7, Any number of parkimg spaces in excess of the required minimum shall not be paved, 8, There shall be no day c are curter or private school on -site without approval of a separate special use pmzit_ 9, Construction of Phase 1 (6,800 sq. ft_ sanctuary) shall- commence within 48 months or this special use p= it shall expire. -- 10. All requirements of VDOT shall he met prior to final site plan approval, including approval of one entrance from Roselyn Ridge Road, with a 100' right -turn lane and 100` taper lane. SP 2MI-047 tAr Pam! apt SP 2008 -60 Albemarle Baptist Christian Church School PC June 23, 2009 Staff Report Page 14 COW" OF ALBEM RLE Drparfty Mt 4f I }3�MjOg & C4)mmunity DcvcE OFIIY'=% 441 McIntire Road, Room 218 C?wloms1ille, Virgimia22K2 -4546 (434) 396 - 58� Fax (434) 972 -4012 May 23, 2002 Attachment F Dex Sar tiers 134 Burgess Lane Chisdodtesville, VA 22902 RE SP- 2001 -047 Albemarle Baptist Church, Tax Map 61, Parcel 1E Dear Mr. Samteers; The Albemarle County Board of SvpeTviwrs, at its meeting on May 15, 2042, approved the above -noted request Please rote that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1- AIJ requirements of the Archkhaural Review Board shall be .met, including the site plan indicating the exosting tree I ine and specific trees of six (6) irkches or greeter and retain ing significant trees, 2_ The church's improvements and the scale and location of the improvements shall be developed irk substantial compliance with the master plan entitled Albemarie Baptist Church, prepared by Dex A. Sariders, and dated 11128 01. 3- The area of as -semWy shalt be I imited to a maximum f-Dur- hundred - thirty -fire (435) -seat sanctuary. 4. Health Department approval of well ant sWIo systems prior to final site plan approval. 5_ Commercial setback standards, as set towih fn Chapter 18, § 21.7.2 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, shall be maintained adjacent to residential uses or resldendally Zoned properties- Any number of perking spaces in excess of the required minimum shall not be paved. 7_ There shell be no day care Center or private school on-site without approva I of a separate special use permit. 8. Construction of Phase 1 [six- thousand (6.804) sq. ft. sanctuary] shalt commence within forty -eight (48) months or this special use permit shall expire_ 9_ Al requirements of VOOT shat) be met prior to final site plan approval. Indudinq approval of one entrance f m Roselyro Ridge Road, with a one - hundred (104) -fast right -turn Cane and one - hundred (100 )-fact taper tans. In the event that the use, structure or activity for which this special use permit is issued shall not De commenced within twenty-four (24) months &W the i3s"w a of such permit, the same shall t* deemed afaandoned and the authOty granted thereunder shall thereupon terminate_ For purposes of this sactian, the perm `commenced' Shalt be purtstrued to include the cmmer> anent of construction of any structure necassafy to the use of such permit vrittlirt two (2) years from the date of the issuance. SP 2008 -60 Albemarle Baptist Christian Church School PC June 23, 2009 Staff Report Page 15 Page 2 May 23, 2002 Before beginning this use, you must obtain a zoning clearance from the Zoning Department Before the Zoning Department YAll issue a dearance, you must onmpE with the candikions in this letter. For further information, please call Jan Sprinkle at 296 -6832. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above -noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me_ Sincerely, r V. Wayne Cil Berg Director of Planning & Vwcljcf Cc; Amelia McCulley .lack Kelsey Tex Weaver Steve All shouse Matt Grimes, VDOT merit SP 2008 -60 Albemarle Baptist Christian Church School PC June 23, 2009 Staff Report Page 16 Attachment G cn cn cn us ar cn ;n _U P b -U k) � o M M — Is x-0 c2 ., 8 QD 4M Q cn b r.s o o w w o [n W r*.'J w S M O N A O �7 7 3 61 7 N j p� p� q�' +O 3 @ 9 O m- fo .. 45 6�7j r� .. 7 rL a'S 3 M1� a 413 M 10 [p QQ � 0 41, C 3 3 C Z FC m { �p 0 4 Q {p 1� p' q� Q zt F Cp h 7 3 r ni iD 3 M iD M " O a o o o c°h° ns ri w °o rn C) en 3 {�} CL rL In Q a a � o m 3 -0 Oi M — cn [ter; rn m 5: fly m {4 M �_ q �' CiJ 3 m N¢ M 96 Q O iG r13 � p SO 4 ill Q {" Q O X7 rn rn G h3 O 0 9' g p} �0 CD w' i� � {y ' q {} � p L4 a I_— D } tap C in 3 G O O n [p rn _ 1 3 + -�- R - 7 ❑� C E is 60 0 N UO En Oa cD �+ {T Ln CD V V O M {1 W 6} N M 43 D i) D, 6 L< ro k> -4 C4 ha h1 X X X y > L^ V A ro m D SO D D O f} 6i r+ SP 2008 -60 Albemarle Baptist Christian Church School PC June 23, 2009 Staff Report Page 17 SP 2008 -60 Albemarle Baptist Christian Church School PC June 23, 2009 Staff Report Page 18 44 o b b o C w o j a 0 o -n � TL D m a @ I ff CL °w E yo ca} a m pr 4 7 of w s7 m 0 ZL f 3 n � Q O � A N M sppy pp h�. N CD C3 3 O 4 O Q 4+ 4 i M 3 0 CD p t� � M a 3 M g {'F 3 m O� o 45 T cx $ fjy ; 3 ? N "► � � yi�FF � � 65 CCD Q O A L[h a w' n Cn IQ p s CL C C7 7 oo- s UD } ns Ln say 7L CG CG _ 3 y i h ih p6 �q M M M Q 3 SP 2008 -60 Albemarle Baptist Christian Church School PC June 23, 2009 Staff Report Page 18 Map of Special Use Permit Approvals since 1998 for Private Schools in the Rural Areas 101, } Exrf 4u.. 4, Ch ' jestin Ut --'Grove Baptist Church Pre-s-Chpal Amendment'' Free Union F-3 -qauglry Schoop, *k4 Rws Lx r ED C ld� d9 7 22/000 Little 'Keswick SchooI7.Dbrm (WUIfiPI#,'parceIS) RML-anAft _!w rfall SP 2008 -60 Albemarle Baptist Christian Church School PC June 23, 2009 Staff Report Page 20