HomeMy WebLinkAboutACE200700006 Appraised Properties 2009-07-15Appraised Properties Ranking Order of ACE Applicants from Round 8 (FY 2007 -08) (20 points are needed to qualify for ACE Funding) Applicant Tax Map Acres Points Tourism Eligibility Anderson, Margaret TM 101, Parcel 60 247.800 acres 53.89 points yes eligible (Carters Bridge) Garnett, Mercer TM 44, Parcel 4J 21.500 acres 31.59 points no eligible (Earlysville) TM 44, Parcel 4K 50.000 acres (Free Union) Thurman, Thelma TM 94, Parcel 20A 108.400 acres 25.36 points no (Milton) Rives, Barclay Total 7 1.5 00 acres 24.58 points Hudson, ]Michael TM 100, Parcel 1 217.140 acres 3 1.4 1 points yes (North Garden) TM 65, Parcel 94 "A" Riddervold, Leif TM 118, Parcel 1 270.487 acres 30.09 points. yes (CovesviI le) 15.950 acres Dutnell, Peter TM 99, Parcel 36C 89.883 acres 29.38 points yes (North Garden) TM 99, Parcel 38 62.998 acres 3.978 acres Total 152.881 acres TM 65 Parcel 121 Hudson, Fred TM 29, Parcel 61 83.022 acres 27.76 points no (Free Union) Thurman, Thelma TM 94, Parcel 20A 108.400 acres 25.36 points no (Milton) Rives, Barclay TM 65, Parcel 93A1 3.811 acres 24.58 points yes (Cismont) TM 65, Parcel 94 3.000 acres TM 65, Parcel 94 "A" 1.250 acres TM 65, Parcel 94 "B" 15.950 acres TM 65, Parcel 95 4.872 acres TM 65, Parcel 95A 3.978 acres TM 65 Parcel 121 38.840 acres Total 71.701 acres Rushia, Ed & Chris TM 39, Parcel 27 86.700 acres 22.43 points yes (Crozet) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Roberston, Anna Lee TM 94, Parcel 20 106.400 acres 19.67 points no (Milton) Barksdale, John TM 100, Parcel 34 153.010 acres 18.89 points no (North Garden) Fallon, Marcia TM 119, Parcel 5 78.957 acres 17.30 points yes (Schuyler) TM 119, Parcel 5A 5.992 acres Ford, Barbara (Brown's Cove) Cornwell, Oden (Howardsvi I le) TM 1 19 Parcel 6A 15.500 acres Total 100.449 acres TM 6, Parcel 21 40.000 acres 15.68 points yes TM 134, Parcel 7A 80.000 acres 12.72 points no eligible eligible eligible eligible eligible eligible eligible ineligible ineligible ineligible ineligible ineligible Number of New Applications: 10 Applications 1,230.279 acres Number of Re- enrolled Applications: 4 Applications 498.171 acres Number of Eligible Applications: 9 Applications 1,309.631 acres Note: Tourism value is determined by the presence of specific elements from the ranking evaluation criteria making certain properties eligible for funding from the transient lodging tax. The specific criteria include the following: contains historic resources or lies in a historic district; lies in the primary Monticello viewshed; adjoins a Virginia scenic highway, byway or entrance corridor; lies on a state scenic river; provides mountaintop protection f ACE RankinIZ Evaluation Criteria & Points Determination Owner: Anna Lee Robertson Property: TM 94, Parcel 20 (106.400 acres) 4 DivR's + 4 DevR's = 8 DR's Ranking Criteria Determination Source for Points Points Criteria A.1 2,042' on Limestone Farm County overlay map 6.08 Criteria A.2 106.400 acres RE Assessor's Office 2.13 Criteria B.I no landowner 0.00 Criteria B.2 no landowner 0.00 Criteria B.3 5 DR's eliminated Zoning & Planning Department 2.50 Criteria C.l no County overlay map 0.00 Criteria C.2 no landowner 0.00 Criteria C.3 583' on SR 623 County overlay map 2.58 Criteria CA no DHR & Monticello viewshed maps 0.00 Criteria C.5 no DCR - Division of Natural Heritage 0.00 Criteria C.6 33 acres "prime soil" County Soil Survey 0.66 Criteria C.7 no County overlay map 0.00 Criteria C.8 no County overlay map 0.00 Criteria C.9 3,813' on 2 perennial streams landowner 5.72 w/ 50 -100 foot wide buffers Criteria C.10 n/a County Engineering Department 0.00 Criteria C.1 1 no County overlay map 0.00 Criteria C.12 no Department of Forestry 0.00 Criteria D.1 n/a VOF PEC TNC etc. 0.00 Point Total 19.67 points PEC = Piedmont Environmental Council; VOF = Virginia Outdoors Foundation; TNC = The Nature Conservancy DHR = Department of Historic Resources; DCR = Department of Conservation and Recreation SFRR = South Fork Rivanna River Reservoir