HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200900051 Legacy Document 2009-07-28r
'Elizabeth "Marotta
From: Elizabeth Marotta
:Sent:. Wednesday, July29,.2009 2:31 PM
To: 'Ashley Cooper'
Subject: RE: VDOT comments
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I understand what you are saying and I have no problem with your rationale; however, I do need VDOT's approval
or at the very least updated comments from them before I can consider conditionally approving the preliminary.
Please work with them directly to resolve their comments and be sure I receive something in writing. I am
available if you need anything or have any questions.
Thank you,
-From: Ashley Cooper [ mailto :ashley @atwoodarchitects.com]
.Sent: Wednesday,.July 29, 2009 8:16 AM
'To: Elizabeth Marotta
Subject: RE: VDOT comments
Hi Elizabeth,
We are aware of VDOT's comments —Phil forwarded them to us prior to our resubmission. Two things —the last
comments that VDOT made on our SP were for a plan that was not used that had two entrances that they
wanted consolidated (which we have shown for phase 2). As we stated in our response letter, we are
intentionally not making any changes to the parking lot at this time per the plan that was approved by the Board
of Supervisors. VDOT had every opportunity during the SP process to reject phase 1 of our project and it was
never mentioned, so this is a settled issue in terms of public process. Let me know if you have any questions
about that (or anything else).
'From: Elizabeth Marotta [mailto:emarotta @albemarle.org]
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 5:59 PM
'To: Ashley Cooper
.Subject: VDOT comments
I do not know if you have these or not; they are VDOT's comments for South Plains. They were only submitted to
me Iast.Friday, but they're basically VDOT's comments from the SP back in December 2008.
I am forwarding them to you for your use. It appears there are a number of comments you all will have to
address /respond to...
So you are aware, I have also forwarded a copy of your latest submittal to Joel, so he has it to reference if need
I am proceeding with the review of your resubmittal against my SRC comments, but am not prepared to take
action until I get an update from Joel that either these issues must be resolved at this stage, or he is comfortable
making them conditions of approval.
Thank you,
Elizabeth M. 'Marotta
Senior Planner
County of Albemarle Community Development Department
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
(434) 296 -5832 Ext. 3432
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South Plains Presbyterian Church-SDP-2009-00051
'Philip :Custer
'From: .DeNunzio, Joel:D.,•P:E. [ Joe l.DeNunzio @VDOT.virginia.gov]
:Sent: "Friday,.July24,.2009-1127AM
`T.o: Philip Custer
:Subject: South Plains Presbyterian. Church SDP2009 -00051
Attachments: SP 2008 -00029 South Plains Presbyterian Church; "SUP -ZMA July2008.PDF
South Plains Presbyterian Church SDP-2009-00051
Page 1 of 1
Attached are previous comments 1-had made on the South Plains Church. "My comments have not changed.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Joel :D.eN.unzio, RE.
;Staff :Engineer
434 293- 0011.Ext. 1.20
joel.denunzlot vdot.vir io nia.aov
<<SP2008 -00029 South:Plains Presbyterian Church »• «SUPZMA_July:2008.P.DF>>
SP=2008 -00029 South Plains Presbyterian Church
'From: -Den unzio, Joel 'D., P.E. [Joel. DeN unzio@VDOT.virgin ia.gov]
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 9:38 AM
To: -Scott Clark
'Subject: SP- 2008 -00029 South Plains Presbyterian Church
SP- 2008 =00029 South Plains Presbyterian Church
I have reviewed the above SP and have-the following comments:
a. Show the prescriptive easement for the road at 15-feet-from the centerline of the road.
The- parking setback should be a minimum 10-feet•from the prescriptive easement line.
Page '1 of 1
_. Show sight lines at all proposed entrances in accordance with-the requirements in The Minimum
'Standards of Entrances to State Highways. Any sight iine'that falls outside of the prescriptive easement on route
616 must.be-placed within a sight easement. Parking and any other proposed construction must be placed
outside of the sight easements unless they are not a sight obstruction.
Is The-two proposed entrances should either be-spaced farther apart or consolidated into one entrance. It
is preferred that they are combined into one entrance. The current configuration may cause conflicts and safety
issues on Route 616.
to The width of the northern most entrance will need-to be 30-to 40 feet because it enters directly into -a
parking lot that requires a turning movement. -The southern most entrance needs-to-be 24-feet wide in
.accordance with-the private street. standard in7he- Minimum Standards of-Entrances -to State Highways.
The pavement material needs to.be-the same structure as Route 616-to-the•Prescriptive "Easement line.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
Joel DeNunzio, P.:E.
.Staff :Engineer
-434 -293 -0011 :Ext. 120
Joel.denunzio @vdot.virgInla.gov
July23, 2008 .
-Dept. o %:Planning.& Community Development
Charlottesville, VA..2.2902
RE ` Special' Us6Fermits•andRezoniilgSubn ittals
Dear. Mr. Frltz:
Below-.are VDOT's com ents:forthe Ydy. '201Y- 8:R:ezoning and Special.Use:Permit applications:
SP- 200&025 € TJng rading'lEarlysA lle`Service'Center:(;Joan- McDowell)
.e The-proposed entrane.•musi-be designed:in-accordaince -wit, The;Minimitiin'Siaiidards of
Entrances,to':Staie Highways ;and mdlude tbe:proposed profile sn•:accordauce with:tlie CG-
>:l P- Standard. .... :. . • ....
The, plan.•needs td,show'the ameunt.nf traffic :that will: enter: and. - xit..the site• on a,daily
basis!and address: -aiy need for auxi -,' :lanes based oir khe;iraffiC.
SP =2008 =027: Field' School. Amendment: (Rebecca.:Ragsdale).
The contini}ation of tlte;existing use: foes g: t:ap:.. nte.any. . .acditional traf e or petgra
cause safety.eoncerus:
SP= SB &T -. Crozet• fBianch: Barilc: w /.Drive'Thru)(Nlegan'Yariiglosl ;
.e .-Application defeired
SPa' 20. 08- 029-So.ith:PIains:�'reibytidgin Chxirchi(Scott--Clarkl
y Tlie,e3:isting- ADT'from.the church is :exp.ected to be2.5'VPD••aud.the Sunday-traf- ic•:is.
expected to`be 100 VPID. T he naw builairigs will.,geierate 93 VPD on•a weekday and .
'374 VPD on. a. Sunday. The A:DT on Route 6.16 is 880'V.-P.D. The, plan should include
• traf iic :data.andwarrant;analysis.-fd :auxiiikT.Iane§.
• 'The. existing gravel. area.needs to'beAes " ig n ed -to: have ,a well. defined commercial-entrance
that meets tho,current. -standards. Sight distances also need tobe.shov&-at-&e.entrance
• 6 ar ne area biro I im i
T-.Iib§etback.-for.pai-kii,-,-ne.eds'tobe.oiitgideof:the: le zo ea f ute 6. 6. d t
,should also. be outside. of any sight lines needed Tor.. the entrance.
• NoECO'miment's..
• The-findl-gita. -nep -.,--tosho.F.adequafe,:Eiiaht.bnesL.and.'dQtails:fo�-the-prppos6d
plan:. ds
-.8p= 2009,.-0,32.'C..eittrafl'.ViirVinia...Recy&'Iinz-.Cent6i:(Joan.,Mr-Dowe11).
.-.T--he-applicani.lias:previo.u8ly !boniicted:.,.Y..-.DQT:..w.ith-.estimated-traffic--.numbers:.aiid.it.v.as-
'at ari&Vtdn� -ane -i§:-nedessarybut ere is hot'a :needf-ova
1 off-Roui6tO` 'th'
turn ane.
.. ... ... ... existing Route X49.
ppposed entralic6--toth-e.�fi6ilityis'tob-clos6.-to.-the exist intersection at,*R
Tliofe•was"g.pr9po'sil'froiai.tlie.:a-pplicanf-to \MOTto..:r.elocato.R6.uto74..9:to'-.rqduce.,the..
-e:intersectioh.-o 7 ;�hciRc)iite:.2�-�.0i.-Co'n'nectffi I
-am�un�.d skew: itjh f-Route. ...'e - TOCYO.Mg
that s'h6ijld-b6,piir.suedIo. -reduce conflici.p6ints.00 Routo'25Q'
:ZMA-'2008- '003.,.A-.lb6taarle:Pliiae:(3iadith Wiegalid)
The :c -does -Lpa
h64g:':in-tlie ph6ing'of 6ff internal reads nOt4ppw-tohav`eanyffi c*t.6n,the
surrounduig Toads.'
If you have -any questions, please let-me know