HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP197400344 Action Letter \ . Planning Department 411 EAST HIGH STREET CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 . '. JOHN L. HUMPHREY COUNTY PLANNER A. RUTH MILLER ZONING AOMINISTRA.10U ROBERT W. T.JCKER. JR. MARY JOY WHITE ASSISTANT COUN1Y PLANNER Ef.NIOR PLANNlIt ~ .. Re: Board of Supervisors Action Samuel and Anita Robbin Box 81 ..of' Greenwood, Virginia 2294.3 This is to inform you that on May 22, 1974 during the regular meeting of the Albemarle County Board , ' of Supervisors, your application for SP-344 ""as ..a.I4'1J:.QYed wi.j,lL~he fol.lo.l-!ln't condi ti0!!.S: a) County Building Offi.cial 8 proval. b) TearinG do1,.'1l tho existing dilapidated structure. c No diR11~~~e existing trees ~lond the front of the lot. d) Time limit of five (5) years, at which time they may reapply. e) This p.3rmi t be.._cr.an.t&d...-9.1Jl.y~the applicnnt, and Js not transferrable. f) Sk:l.rting around the mobile home from ground level to base of mobile home. This is to remind you that you are required to have a building permit, plumbing permit, electrical permit, etc. . A Certificate of Occupancy must be obtained from tbis office before occupying the structure., ,This will be g::-anted nft::r the necessary mentioned permit~'arc obtained and the conditions imposed by the Board of Supervisors are met. Please come ~nto this office as sObn as possible to begin processing these. , OFFICE OF PLANNING AND ZONING by Deborah A. Collier ~*"::"4 NOTE: OCCUPYING A STRUCTURE WITHOUT A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS A VIOLATION OR MISDEMEANOR AND IS PUNISHABLE BY A FINE NOT MORE THAN FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. EACH DAY THAT A VIOLATION CONTINL SHALL BE DEEMED A SEPARATE OFFENSE. (Se.c.-tion 122.306 -the. V~~gin~a Un~60~m S-ta-te.w~de. Bu~ld~ng Code.. l