HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP197400348 Action Letter , .. ~"'(~ 00 C; OF ALB~A1 :.<JJ?(~ Planning Department 41,. ~AST HIGH STREET CHARLOTTESVILLE. VIRGINIA 22901 A. RUTH MILLER JOHN L. HUMPHREY . . COUNTY PL.ANNE"R ZONING AOMtNl5TH 1\ TOR ROBERT W. - ICKER. JR. ASSISTANT COUNTY F l.ANNER MARY JOY WHITE SENIOR PLANNHt Re: Board of Supervisors Action ~,. Edward N. Hamner Rotite 2~~Box 158 Bryans Road, Maryland 20616 This' is to inform you that on __May 2~1I.. during the regular meeting of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors~ your application for SP-31..8 wa S -.approved \,rith.....:thfLf.oll.o-'runp condi ti!ms: . a) County Building Official approval. b) llinimum setback from R(mt.e 7/3. ~) Re!llovRl of AS fm,] trees AS pO:1.sible. of five (5) years. e). !his permit is Granted only to the i~ not transferrAh~. f) Skirtin~ arQ~d base of mobile ground to the base of mobile home. of 200 feet dL.Timc 1imi t applicant and home from This is to remind you that you arc required to have a building permit~ plumbing permit, electrical permit, etc. . A Certificate of Occupancy must be obtained from this office be for e 0 c cup Y in g the s t r u c t u r e., ,T his \-1 i 11 beg ran t e d n f t c r the necessary mentioned permit~'are obtained and the conditions imposed by the Board of Supervisors are met. Please come into this office as soon as possible to begin processing these. " .. OFFICE OF PLANNING AND ZONING by Deborah A. Collier .....~ NOTE: OCCUPYING A STRUCTURE WITHOUT A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS A VIOLATION OR MISVEMEANOR ANV IS PUNISHABLE BY A FINE NOT MORE THAN FIVE HUNVREV VOLLARS. EACH VAY THAT A VIOLATION CONTINI SHALL BE VEEMEV A SEPARATE OFFENSE... (Sec..tiol1 122.306 .the. V~~9~l1ia UI1~6o~m S.ta.te.w~de. Bu~ld~l1g Code.. J