HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP200900016 Legacy Document 2009-08-19COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Project Name: SP2009 -16 Music Festival
Staff: Eryn Brennan, Senior Planner
Planning Commission Public Hearing:
Board of Supervisors Public Hearing:
August 18, 2009
Se tember 9, 2009
Owner: 1906, LLC
Applicant: Mike Leo
Acreage: 47.11 acres
Special Use Permit: Special
TMP: Tax Map 71 Parcel 3
Existing Zoning and By -right use:
Location: 56 Misty Mountain Road,
Rural Areas: agricultural, forestal, and fishery
approximately three - quarters of a mile west of I-
uses; residential density (0.5 unit /acre); Entrance
64E junction
Corridor Overlay District
Magisterial District: Whitehall
Conditions: Yes
RA (Rural Areas): X
Requested # of Dwelling Units: N/A
Proposal: Special Use Permit to allow a special
Comprehensive Plan Designation:
event at the Misty Mountain Camp Resort
Rural Areas — preserve and protect agricultural,
forestral, open space, and natural, historic and
scenic resources /residential density (0.5
unit /acre)
Character of Property: The camping area for
Use of Surrounding Properties: The properties
the Misty Mountain Camp Resort is located in the
surrounding the parcel are included in the Rural
northeast portion of the parcel closest to Rockfish
Area Zoning District, and are characterized by
Gap Turnpike. The recreation center and store,
large farms and single - family residential lots.
and the main house, are located in the northwest
portion of the parcel. An open field lies south of
the recreation center, and the entire southern
portion of the property is densely wooded.
Factors Favorable:
Factor Unfavorable:
1. The proposed use would minimally impact the
1. The use does not directly contribute to the
character of the site, given that the festival is a
goals outlined in the Rural Areas section of
temporary special event and not permanent.
the Comprehensive Plan.
2. There are no anticipated detrimental impacts
2. The use would increase traffic in the area
on adjacent properties resulting from the
during the three days of the festival.
proposed use.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of this Special Use Permit, with conditions.
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SP 2009 -16 Music Festival
AUGUST 18, 2009
PROJECT: SP200900016 Music Festival
PROPOSED: Special Use Permit to allow a special event at the Misty Mountain Camp Resort
ZONING CATEGORY /GENERAL USAGE: RA Rural Areas - agricultural, forestal, and fishery
uses; residential density (0.5 unit /acre in development lots)
SECTION: Day camp, boarding camp; Special events
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE /DENSITY: Rural Areas - preserve and protect
agricultural, forestal, open space, and natural, historic and scenic resources/ density (.5 unit/
acre in development lots)
LOCATION: 56 Misty Mountain Road, approx. three - quarters of a mile west of 1 -64E junction
TAX MAP /PARCEL: 07100000000300
Character of the Area:
The 47 acre parcel where Misty Mountain Camp Resort is located is bifurcated by Misty
Mountain Road. The camping area is located in the northeast portion of the parcel closest to
Rockfish Gap Turnpike (see Attachment A). The Community Building and bathhouse, are
located in the northwest portion of the parcel, also along Rockfish Gap Turnpike. A large, open
field is located south of the Community Building and bathhouse. Stockton Creek passes through
the property approximately 70' south of the field. The entire parcel south of the Creek is densely
wooded, and large swaths of critical slopes exist adjacent and perpendicular to the Creek in this
area. The properties surrounding the campground are designated Rural Area in the
Comprehensive Plan, and are included in the Rural Area Zoning District. These properties are
generally characterized by large farms and single - family residential lots. Several parcels north of
Rockfish Gap Turnpike are under conservation easement, and the parcel directly northwest of
Misty Mountain Camp Resort is located in the Yellow Mountain Agricultural /Forestal District.
Specifics of the Proposal:
The applicant is requesting a special use permit for a special event that would allow one three -
day music festival per year. The festival has already been scheduled to be held this year from
October 2 — 4. The music festival would have no more than 500 people in attendance per day
and tickets would be sold in advance, in order to ensure that the number of people on the site at
any given point for the special event would be managed. Any unsold tickets would be sold at the
gate the day of the event. As the 500 person request exceeds the number of participants
allowed by special use permit for a special event in the Rural Areas, the applicant has
requested a waiver for Section 5.1.43 -(e.5) of the Zoning Ordinance, which has been included
with the application.
The hours of operation for the music festival would be from noon to 10:00 pm. The primary
stage would consist of a semi -truck that converts into a stage, and it would be located in the
open field south of the proposed parking area behind the structure labeled #50 on the concept
plan (Attachment B). A building permit would not be required for the temporary stage. A second
stage would be located in the Community Building labeled #56 on the concept plan. As the
noise would exceed sound levels allowed in the Rural Areas (60 dBA during the day and 55
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dBA during the night), the applicant has requested a waiver for Section 4.18.04 of the Zoning
Ordinance, which is also included with the application. A condition has been offered to restrict
noise levels to no higher than 65 dBA during the event as measured from an adjacent property
(Condition 14). Fifteen vendors selling food, wine, beer, and souvenirs would set up the first day
of the event and would be dismantled and removed from the property the Monday following the
All festival parking would be on -site, and no off -site parking would be allowed. A condition has
been offered to restrict parking to on -site (Condition 8) in order to avoid unsafe traffic conditions
on Route 250. Three separate parking areas have been identified on the concept plan
(Attachment B), as well as a handicapped parking area. The available space on the site can
accommodate up to 224 cars, which equals a maximum of 560 participants according to the
calculation of 2.5 participants per one car, as determined in Section 4.12.6 of the Zoning
The applicant has contracted for trash removal and recycling, and a total of 10 portable
bathrooms would be available for festival participants. The campground bathroom facilities
would be closed to the general public and keys would be given to those staying in the
campground to access those facilities. The Health Department has no issues with the event, but
has stated that the applicant would need to obtain a permit at least 14 days prior to the event,
ensuring that the vendors are licensed and the number of portable toilets is adequate.
Staff held a meeting with the police department and fire and rescue to discuss safety issues
related to the music festival. As in the past, the police would be notified of the event and
encouraged to drive through the park during the event. The applicant would have 12 private
security staff members on site to assist with parking and regulate the gates and entrance. An
additional 10 private security staff provided by the festival organization would be stationed in the
festival area. Camping outside the designated camping areas would not be allowed, and this
rule would be enforced through signage in the parking areas and private security personnel
monitoring the venue. Emergency exits for Fire and Rescue have been identified on the concept
plan, and the Fire and Rescue Division has issued a fire inspection report approving the
proposed layout of the emergency ingress and egress (Attachment C).
Staff has offered a condition to limit the validity of the special use permit to allow a trial period
consisting of two events (one in 2009 and one in 2010) in order to monitor impacts of the music
festival, and to ensure that no unforeseen impacts arise that would jeopardize the health, safety,
and welfare of the general public (Condition 17). The time limit for the special use permit would
also allow the opportunity for Albemarle County to recommend additional conditions, if the
applicant should chose to extend the special use permit, should unforeseen issues regarding
the music festival arise during the trial period.
Planning and Zoning History:
• In 1969, Conditional Use Permit 116 was approved by the Board of Supervisors to allow a
campground on the site (see Attachment D).
• In 1982, SP -82 -61 was approved to expand the number of camping sites allowed on the
parcel to 112 (see Attachment E).
• In 1994, SP -94 -30 was approved to construct ten tourist cabins (see Attachment F).
Conformity with the Comprehensive Plan: The land uses supported by the Rural Areas
chapter of the Comprehensive Plan include agriculture, forestry, and conservation. The
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proposed special event does not directly contribute to these land uses, but also does not
negatively impact these land uses. The proposal is temporary in nature and will occur over a
very limited timeframe. The activity would occur on an existing developed site (campground)
and there are no permanent improvements proposed to the site to accommodate the event. The
agricultural activities and properties under conservation easement located nearby and the
adjacent Agricultural /Forestal District would not be significantly impacted by the activity as
proposed and with the conditions recommended by staff. In summary, the scale and duration of
this proposal is such that it is not detrimental to the important elements that define Rural Area
(agricultural /forestal resources; land preservation /conservation; water supply resource;
natural /scenic /historic /cultural resources). There are no provisions in the Comprehensive Plan
regarding areas of assembly or number of people assembling in the Rural Area.
Staff Comment:
Staff will address each provision of Section 31.6 of the Zoning Ordinance as follows:
31.6: Special Use Permits provided for in this ordinance may be issued upon a finding by
the Board of Supervisors that such use will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent
Staff does not anticipate any detrimental impacts to adjacent property. The music area is
completely buffered by a dense forest to the south. The nearest residences are located north
and east of the music area, the closest of which is 700 feet away and the farthest of which is
1200 feet away (see Attachment G). Other residences to the west are located approximately
one -half mile from the site.
The Virginia Department of Transportation has determined that the proposed use would not
have a detrimental impact on traffic in the area because: 1) the special event is proposed only
once per year, and 2) since the existing traffic on Route 250 in this location is only
approximately 8000 vehicles per day, the addition of up to 224 more vehicles arriving and
leaving on the days of the operation would constitute only a 3% increase in the number of cars
on the road per day.
that the character of the district will not be changed thereby and
There will be no site development changes or permanent new construction on the property;
therefore, the use would have no long -term impact on the character of the district. The one
stage proposed to be assembled outdoors for the event would be temporary and removed the
day following the music festival. The ARB staff has also determined that since no permanent
structures are associated with the proposed use, there would be no permanent impacts to the
Entrance Corridor.
that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this ordinance,
The purpose of the Rural Areas Zoning District is the preservation of agricultural and forestal
lands and activities; water supply protection; limited service delivery to the rural areas; and
conservation of natural, scenic, and historic resources. The proposed use does not directly
promote the purposes of the Rural Areas Zoning District; however, special events are allowed
by special use permit in the Rural Areas. Given that the requested use would be a temporary
event, it is not discordant with the goals and intent of the Rural Areas Zoning and would have no
permanent or detrimental impact on the district. The proposed special event also would have no
adverse impact on the water supply in the area since portable toilets are being used for the
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with uses permitted by right in the district,
The subject property and the surrounding adjacent properties are zoned Rural Areas. The uses
permitted by right under RA zoning directly support agriculture, forestry, and conservation of
rural land. The special event would not adversely affect the permitted by right uses in the Rural
Area zoning district.
with the additional regulations provided in section 5.0 of this ordinance,
The additional regulations provided in section 5.0 of the Zoning Ordinance address zoning
compliance and special event structures and operations.
Staff will address each provision of Section 5.1.43 of the Zoning Ordinance as follows:
Each special event authorized by section 10.2.2(50) shall be subject to the following:
a. Eligibility and applicability. Special events may be authorized on those parcels
in the Rural Areas (RA) zoning district on which there is an existing and ongoing
by -right (section 10.2.1) primary use. A special event special use permit issued
under section 10.2.2(50) and this section shall not be required for special events
associated with farm wineries or historical centers, or for events determined by
the zoning administrator to be accessory to a primary use of the parcel.
The proposed special event does require a special use permit, as determined by
the zoning administrator.
b. Information to be submitted with application for special use permit. In addition
to any information otherwise required to be submitted for a special use permit,
each application for a special use permit shall include the following:
1. Concept plan. A preliminary schematic plan (the "concept plan ")
satisfying section 32.6. The concept plan shall identify the structure(s) to
be used for the special event, include the area of the structure(s) in which
the proposed special events will be conducted, the parking area, and the
entrance to the site from the street. The concept plan shall address, in
particular, provisions for safe and convenient access to and from the
street, the location of the parking area, the location of portable toilets if
they may be required, proposed screening as required by this section for
parking areas and portable toilets, and information regarding the exterior
appearance of the proposed site. Based on the concept plan and other
information submitted, the board of supervisors may then waive the
requirement for a site plan in a particular case, upon a finding that the
requirement of a site plan would not forward the purposes of this chapter
or otherwise serve the public interest.
A concept plan identifying the proposed stages, parking areas, entrance, and
portable toilets has been submitted (Attachment B). Images showing the
exterior appearance of the site have also been submitted (Attachment H & 1).
The zoning administrator has suggested that a site plan requirement be
2. Information from the Virginia Department of Health. The applicant shall
submit written comments from the Virginia Department of Health
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regarding the private water supply and the septic disposal system that
will serve the proposed special event site, the ability of the water supply
and the septic disposal system to handle the proposed events, and the
need to improve the supply or the system in order to handle the proposed
The use of permanent bathroom facilities on the site would be restricted to
campers at the Misty Mountain Camp Resort. Ten portable toilets would be
available on -site for the festival participants. The Health Department has no
objection to the proposed event, but has stated that the applicant would need
to obtain a permit at least 14 days prior to the event ensuring that the vendors
are licensed and the number of portable toilets is adequate.
3. Building and fire safety. The building official and the county
department of fire and rescue shall review and comment on the
application, identifying all Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code and
Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code issues and requirements.
Building Inspections has no objection to the application. The Fire and Rescue
Division has issued a fire inspection report approving the site for the proposed
use (Attachment C).
c. Zoning compliance clearance. The applicant shall obtain a zoning compliance
clearance prior to conducting a special event. A single zoning clearance may be
obtained for one (1) or more such special events in a calendar year as follows:
1. The zoning administrator may issue a single zoning compliance
clearance for more than one (1) special event if: (i) the application
submitted by the applicant includes the required information in subsection
5.1.43(c)(3) for each special event to be covered by the zoning compliance
clearance: (ii) the zoning administrator determines that each special event
is substantially similar in nature and size; and (iii) the zoning administrator
determines that a single set of conditions that would apply to each such
special event may be imposed with the zoning compliance clearance.
2. The applicant shall apply for a zoning compliance clearance at least
thirty (30) days prior to the date of the first special event to be authorized
by the zoning compliance clearance. The application shall be submitted to
the zoning administrator, who shall forward copies of the application to the
county police department, the county building official, the county
department of fire and rescue, and the local office of the Virginia
Department of Health. As part of his review, the building official shall
determine whether the structure(s) proposed to be used for the special
events satisfies the requirements of the Virginia Uniform Statewide
Building Code for that use.
3. The application shall describe the nature of each special event to be
authorized by the zoning compliance clearance, the date or dates and
hours of operation of each such special event, the facilities, structures to
be used, and the number of participants and support staff expect to attend
each special event.
4. Upon a determination that all requirements of the zoning ordinance and
all conditions of the special use permit are satisfied, and imposing all
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conditions of such approval required by the offices identified in subsection
5.1.43(c)(2), the zoning administrator shall issue a zoning compliance
clearance for one or more special events. The validity of the zoning
compliance clearance shall be conditional upon the applicant's compliance
with all requirements of the zoning ordinance, all conditions of the
approved special use permit, the approved concept plan or site plan, and
all conditions imposed by the zoning compliance clearance.
The applicant would be required to obtain a Zoning Clearance prior to the event,
if the special use permit is approved. A condition has been offered to ensure this
procedure is required (Condition 5).
d. Special events sites and structures. In addition to all other applicable
requirements of this chapter, special events sites and structures shall be subject
to the following:
1. Structures used for special events. Each structure used for a special
event shall satisfy the following: (i) the structure shall have been in
existence on the date of adoption of this section 5.1.43, provided that this
requirement shall not apply to accessory structures less than one hundred
fifty (150) square feet in size; (ii) the structure shall be a lawful conforming
structure and shall support or have supported a lawful use of the property;
and (iii) modifications to farm buildings or farm structures as those terms
are defined in Virginia Code § 36 -97 shall allow the structure to revert to an
agricultural use, as determined by the building official.
There are no permanent structures proposed for the special event
2. Minimum yards. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the
minimum front yard shall be seventy -five (75) feet. The minimum side yard
shall be twenty -five feet (25) feet. The minimum rear yard shall be thirty -five
(35) feet. All yards shall be measured from structures and off - street parking
areas. These minimum yard requirements shall apply to all accessory
structures established after the effective date of this section 5.1.43 and all
tents, parking areas and portable toilets used in whole or in part to serve
special events.
The minimum yard requirements for the portable toilets would be met according
to the concept plan dated March 25, 2009.
3. Parking. The number of off - street parking spaces for a special event
shall be as required in section 4.12.6. Notwithstanding section 4.12.15(a)
through (g), the additional parking area(s) for special events shall consist
of or be constructed of pervious materials including, but not limited to
stabilized turf, approved by the county engineer. Asphalt and impervious
materials are prohibited. If the parking area is on grass or in a field, the
applicant shall reseed and restore the parking area site as required by the
zoning administrator. In addition to the requirements of section 4.12.5, the
parking area shall be onsite and screened from abutting parcels by
topography, structures or new or existing landscaping. Notwithstanding
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section 4.12.16(d) and (e), the delineation of parking spaces and the
provision of bumper blocks shall not be required.
Only on -site parking in grassy areas is proposed for the special event, and the
applicant would be required to reseed and restore the parking area site as
required by the Zoning Ordinance. The locations of the three proposed parking
areas would be obscured from abutting parcels by the topography of the site and
existing landscaping.
4. Water and sewer. The private water supply and septic disposal system
serving a special event shall be approved by the Virginia Department of
There would be no impact on the private water supply or septic disposal system
since portable toilets and bottled water would be used for the special event.
5. Streets and access. Streets serving the site shall be adequate for
anticipated traffic volume for a special event. Access from the street onto
the site shall be adequate to provide safe and convenient access to the
site, and applicant shall install all required improvements and provide
adequate sight distance in order to provide safe and convenient access.
The Virginia Department of Transportation has determined that the street and
entrance drive are adequate for the proposed special event.
e. Special events operations. In addition to all other applicable requirements of
this chapter, special events operations shall be subject to the following:
1. Number of participants. The number of participants at a special event at
any one time shall not exceed one hundred fifty (150) persons.
The applicant is requesting that up to 500 participants of the music festival be
allowed on the site each day, and hence, is requesting a waiver for this
supplementary regulation. Currently, approximately 600 people are allowed on
site under the auspices of the special use permit for the campground. Staff
recommended that no more than 500 additional people be allowed on the site for
the music festival (for a total of 1100 people allowed on the site for both the
music festival and campground) to ensure the safety and manageability of
campers and festival participants.
2. Number of special events per year. The special use permit shall identify
the number of approved special events per calendar year, which number
shall not exceed twenty -four (24).
The current special use permit application is for only one three -day special event
per year.
3. Signs. Permanent and temporary signs advertising a special event shall
be permitted as provided in sections 4.15.4 and 4.15.8.
No additional signage advertising the special event would be posted on the site.
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4. Food service. No kitchen facility permitted by the Virginia Department of
Health as a commercial kitchen shall be allowed on the site. A kitchen may
be used by licensed caterers for the handling, warming and distribution of
food, but not for cooking food, to be served at a special event.
The food vendors would distribute food at the special event, but they would not
utilize a kitchen facility on the site. The Health Department has determined that
the applicant would need to obtain a permit at least 14 days prior to the event
ensuring that the vendors are licensed.
5. Portable toilets. If required, portable toilets are permitted on the site,
provided that they comply with the yard requirements in section
5.1.43(d)(2) and shall be screened from that parcel and any street by
topography, structures or new or existing landscaping.
The portable toilets would be screened from any street view by the topography of
the site and existing landscaping.
f. Prohibition of development to a more intensive use. A parcel subject to a special
events special use permit shall not be subdivided so as to create one or more
parcels, including the parent parcel, of less than twenty -one acres in size without
first amending the special use permit to expressly authorize the subdivision. If a
parcel is so subdivided without first amending the special use permit, special
events shall thereafter be prohibited on the resulting parcels unless a new special
use permit is obtained.
The applicant has not proposed to subdivide the property.
and with the public health, safety and general welfare.
The public health, safety, and general welfare of the community are protected through the
special use permit process which assures that the proposed uses are appropriate in the location
requested. The Building Official has offered no concerns about the proposal.
The Health Department has no objection to the proposed special use permit application, but has
stated that the applicant would need to obtain a permit prior to the event to ensure that the food
vendors are licensed and the number of portable toilets is adequate. The Fire and Safety
Department has conducted and approved a fire safety inspection report for the special event
(Attachment C).
The Virginia Department of Transportation has no objection to the proposed special use permit.
However, the proposed use would generate 224 more vehicles per day on Rockfish Gap
Turnpike and, therefore, would have some impact on traffic in this area.
Staff has identified the following factors favorable to this application:
1. The proposed use would minimally impact the character of the site, given that the
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festival is a temporary special event and no permanent structures or improvements
would be constructed.
2. There are no anticipated detrimental impacts on adjacent property resulting from the
proposed use.
Staff has identified the following factors unfavorable to this application:
1. The use does not directly contribute to the goals outlined in the Rural Areas section
of the Comprehensive Plan.
2. The use would increase traffic in the area during the three days of the festival.
SP 1994 -30 Conditions for Misty Mountain Campground
The conditions approved with SP 1994 -30 have been italicized and included below for your
No more than a total of 112 camping sites on property described as County Tax Map 71,
Parcel 3, Samuel Miller Magisterial District, consisting of 47.11 acres zoned RA Rural
Areas. Not more than six of these camp sites may be used for cabins which are to be
located on the south side of Stockton Creek in existing camp sites. Not more than four of
these cabins may qualify as dwelling units. Any cabins constructed as dwelling units
shall comply with the provisions of Section No cabins shall be utilized until all
appropriate Building Code and Health Department requirements have been met,
2. No new camping sites shall be located in the flood plain, as determined by the Army
Corps of Engineers;
3. All such uses shall conform to the requirements of the Virginia Department of Health
Bureau of Tourist Establishment Sanitation and other applicable requirements;
4. Provisions for outdoor cooking, campfires, cooking pits, ect., shall be subject to
Albemarle County Fire Official approval,
5. Conditions one and six of Conditional Use Permit #116 shall be met to the reasonable
satisfaction of the Zoning Administrator,
6. No new camping sites or additional storage of parked trailers, campers and recreational
vehicles within the 150 -foot setback. New and additional vehicles shall be in compliance
with a 150 -foot setback from the edge of the Route 250 right -of -way;
7. The cabins would not be used from November 15 to March 15.
Based on the findings contained in this staff report, staff recommends approval of Special Use
Permit 2009 -016 Music Festival, subject to the following conditions of approval.
The use shall conform to any existing applicable special use permits, including
but not limited to SP 1994 -30, whose terms are hereby incorporated by
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2. Development of the use shall be in conformity with the Concept Plan entitled
Misty Mountain Camp Resort SP2009 -16 Music Festival, prepared by Albemarle
County Office of Geographic Data Services, and signed by Mike Leo and dated
August 6, 2009, (hereinafter, the "Conceptual Plan "), as determined by the
Director of Planning and the Zoning Administrator.
To be in conformity with the plan, development shall reflect the following central
features within the development essential to the design of the development:
• location of temporary parking areas 1,2, and 3
• location of temporary stage
Minor modifications to the plan which do not conflict with the elements above
may be made to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance.
3. A music festival special event shall be permitted once every twelve (12) month
period, for a maximum of three (3) consecutive days consisting of one week day
and two weekend days. Any increase in the number of special events shall
require an amendment to this special use permit.
4. A maximum of fifteen (15) vendors shall be allowed to operate on any given day
during the music festival.
5. Written approval from the Police Department, Fire and Rescue, and the Health
Department shall be required each year prior to the issuance of a zoning clearance
to allow the special event use.
6. No tree removal, grading, or disturbance shall take place within the driplines of
the trees as shown on the Concept Plan prepared by Mike Leo, and dated March
25, 2009. Any grading or disturbance within ten (10) feet of any dripline shall
necessitate submittal of a "Tree Protection Plan" in accord with section
of the Zoning Ordinance. No grading or disturbance within ten (10) feet of any
dripline shall be permitted until a) a survey and fencing have been completed and
b) the Planning Director approves a plan which shows the grading or disturbance
and the surveyed dripline of the existing trees.
7. Hours of operation for the music event shall be between 12:00 p.m. and 10:00
8. Off -site parking shall not be permitted.
9. The maximum number of people allowed on the site for the special event on
each day shall not exceed 500 persons.
10. A maximum of 224 vehicles shall be allowed to be parked on site on any given
day of the music festival.
11. A minimum of 20 private security, parking, and traffic control staff members shall
be required on site each day of the music festival.
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12. Overnight camping outside the designated camping areas shall be prohibited.
13. All outdoor lighting shall be only full cut -off fixtures and shielded to reflect light
away from all abutting properties. A lighting plan limiting light levels at all
property lines to no greater than 0.3 foot candles shall be submitted to the Zoning
Administrator or their designee for approval.
14. The maximum level of noise shall not exceed 65 dBA as measured from an
adjacent property.
15. The applicant shall reseed and restore the parking area site(s) as required by the
zoning administrator within 30 days of the last day of the special event.
16. The site shall be restored and cleared of all trash, debris, and temporary
structures associated with the special event within two days after the final day of
the special event.
17. Special use permit 2009 -16 shall be valid until June 30, 2011.
Attachment A
— Map of the Site
Attachment B
— Concept Plan
Attachment C
- Fire and Rescue Inspection Report
Attachment D
— Board of Supervisors Action Letter, CUP 116
Attachment E
— Board of Supervisors Action Letter, SP -82 -61
Attachment F
— Board of Supervisors Action Letter, SP -94 -30
Attachment G
— Map of Area
Attachment H
— Images of the site from Rockfish Gap Turnpike
Attachment I —
Images of the proposed festival area
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