HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP197400399 Action Letter
'391 _
In accepting the approval by the County of Albemarle, Virginia
of Albemarle Virginia of Special Permit 2.q~ for the placement
of a mobile home on property described as County Tax Map ~1 '
Parcel ..2~ in the .____ District, I/WE agree to the
conditions of this approval as outlin~d below:
1. A minimum. one hupdred (~OQ)
of ~ fL{,';
circumstance and setback approval.
foot setback from the right-ai-way
(If requirement is waived indicate
2. A minimum sixty (60) foot setback from the right-of-way of
3. A minimum rear yard setback of 35 feet and a minimum side yard
setback of 25 feet from property lines.
Skirting shall be provided around the mobile home from ground level
to the base or floor of the mobile home.
I acknowledge that this permit is issued to me only, and is not
transferrable ~r saleable ~o any other, individual or corporation.
I certify that there exists two (2) acres of vacant,unoccupied land
area on which this mobile home is to be placed.
by Li tll~~Jd
I ce~~YIh7.bt t t he mob ile home wi 11 be 0 c cup i ed
who ~t~t~~erline one) mvner--;i-- the--land; a lin.-€i1l
bona fide agricultural employee.
relative; a
I understand that this mobile home cannot be rented under any
-~ 9.
cf N-tf, ~
I shall pxovide and maintain adequate screening from puhlic
roads and adjacent properties with existing trce cover or supplemental
planting as rray be detcrmiued hy the Planning and Zoning staff.
I acknowledge that this permit is valid for a period of five ~5)
years from the date of this apprnval and that the IT.ohi1" home is to
be removed or renewed on or before that e~pJration period.
11. 1 shall comp].y with the requireIDent~ of the Vl~glnia Uniform Statewide
Building Cude.
I have reild ond underGU,nd the above conditions of this approv[il
aad shil11 abide> by them accordingly.Failure to comply will l-c<'lJlt
in the cancellation cnd invalidatio~ of this permit.
~. Li ~et~ ~"
SIC NI:D T~C' __ J4 __ DAY or lLV~~_I___, lq~1:._ by mo.
Q( LJ-l__ _ . ________ , APPU'Cf\t-'T fOR SPECL\L PERHTT_~q. _i.__
(nalY"" 0 ill'l'l; cant)
WITNESS JfL~J~--------- -
l'A" OF APPl"'\'AL Z:;-l4:::.14.- ~ "-'I n.
APPRenNe A""HOlmY/OR lTC AeeH''' ~ (J)f0K~""7-