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CCP200900002 Staff Report (2)
OY AI.@�lw �lRGl,il4� COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE AGENDA TITLE: CPA 2009 -002 Crozet Master Plan Five Year Update SUBJECTIPROPOSAL /REQUEST: Review of focus areas for revision to the Master Plan and public process STAFF CONTACT(S): Ragsdale, Catlin, Echols STAFF REPORT AGENDA DATE: September 15, 2009 ACTION: X INFORMATION: CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: INFORMATION: ATTACHMENTS: YES BACKGROUND: The Crozet Master Plan (CMP) was the first master plan to be completed in the County and was adopted by the Board of Supervisors on December 1, 2004, for the Community of Crozet. (Attachment A- Summary of Major Recommendations of the Crozet Master Plan) The Master Plan process included an extensive public participation process and resulted in a comprehensive plan amendment that updated the land use designations for Crozet and desires of the Crozet community. The five -year update was initiated by the Board of Supervisors in January of this year. The Planning Commission and Board both endorsed the public participation plan presented by Lee Catlin, Community Relations Director. The expectation was that staff and the Crozet Community Advisory Council (CCAC) would bring the list of focus areas to the Commission and Board for endorsement, prior to beginning work on the revision. DISCUSSION: Over the last several months, staff and the CCAC have put together the recommended list of focus areas. The proposed list was developed after two public meetings, completion of a community questionnaire, staff input, and discussion at several CCAC meetings. This staff report details the list of focus areas and plan to be followed for preparing the recommended revisions to the plan. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Commission review and affirm the focus areas for revision and update of the Crozet Master Plan and endorse the general public process for developing strategies to address the focus areas. 0-A ,-.100{,-;)02 CF t N, r, .tf °r P 161, "_F -L -`�l� U f);Ta ( Rai inirig Loriirri slur, r, r l'��1�''1 staff R._'pni -t Pao^ I STAFF PERSON: Ragsdale, Echols, Catlin PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: SEPTEMBER 15, 2009 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DATE: OCTOBER 7, 2009 CPA 2009 -002 CROZET MASTER PLAN 5 -YEAR UPDATE BACKGROUND The Crozet Master Plan (CMP) was the first master plan to be completed in the County and was adopted by the Board of Supervisors on December 1, 2004. (Attachment A- Summary of Major Recommendations of the Crozet Master Plan) The Master Plan process included an extensive public participation process and resulted in a comprehensive plan amendment that updated the land use designations for Crozet and reflected the desires of the Crozet community. The Crozet Master Plan provides a series of Guiding Principles which reflect, to a large degree, the Twelve Principles of the Neighborhood Model. Following the adoption of the Master Plan, the Board appointed the Crozet Community Advisory Council (CCAC), which consists of 15 members with broad -based community representation, to assist with implementation activities related to the Master Plan. When the master plan was adopted, the five -year update was anticipated and the 2004 master plan said the following principles should guide adjustments to the plan: • Reinforce focal points for development and redevelopment • Provide multi -modal transportation linkages (pedestrian, bike, cars, buses) • Create opportunities for creating a range of housing types and affordability • Support and create opportunities for locally -owned businesses and jobs • Preserve historic and natural landscape features • Provide public facilities which foster a sense of community and civic pride. It is now time to initiate the five -year update process as was directed by the Board of Supervisors at the time of plan adoption- On October 7, 2008, the Planning Commission generally endorsed a Public Participation Plan for the Crozet Master Plan update which had been recommended by staff and CCAC. On October 24, 2008 at its strategic planning retreat, the Board discussed the prioritization of future master plans and approved the recommendation to undertake the Crozet Master Plan Five Year Update ahead of new master plans for Neighborhoods 4 & 5 and 6 & 7, The Board of Supervisors reviewed and endorsed the project's Public Participation Plan at their January 7, 2009 meeting. (Attachment B- Public Participation Plan) As outlined in the Project Methodology, the Master Plan revision will concentrate on major areas /issues of concern. Staff and the community have completed several preliminary analyses to identify these focus areas The work to date has included assessment of progress on strategies of the Master Plan, guidance in the plan for the update, data collection /background research on existing conditions in Crozet, and the Crozet Community Questionnaire and community input. Community input on development of the Focus Ares has included the May 27, 2009 Master Plan Refresher meeting, June 3 Open House on the master plan, and the CCAC's Crozet Community Questionnaire. Comprehensive Plan Amendments (CPA) received from individual property CPA :2.0+ owners are also part of the Focus areas list. (Attachment -C Public Comments May 27, 2009 and June 3, 2009 Open House) The Crozet Questionnaire was an extensive CCAC effort, both as a whole and the five - member subcommittee that worked with staff to develop the questionnaire. The questionnaire was available for the community to fill out the month of June and roughly 700 people filled out the questionnaire. This questionnaire was created as one of several tools to gather public input about Crozet and the Crozet Master Plan. As discussed extensively with CCAC in advance, the questionnaire was not intended to be a scientific or statistically valid survey, but rather as a way to get feedback from as many people as possible. The results of the questionnaire cannot be used to draw any specific conclusions or assumptions about the general community's perspective, but is important in reflecting the opinions of those who chose to participate, and will be used in providing ideas and understanding the perspectives of those who completed the questionnaire. This survey was one of several opportunities for participation in developing the focus areas, primarily the statistical responses. (Attachment D) The open -ended qualitative responses will be used in developing the next phases of community input and eventual strategies for addressing the focus areas. The questionnaire will guide what issues should be further discussed with the community or addressed in the master plan revision, but not decide how the issue should be resolved. For the full survey and responses, visit the Crozet Gazette website: co,1112009108i o dgion-conc�s -curve - results/ The draft Focus areas list also available for public comment at an open house held August 10, 2009 in Crozet. (August 10 Public Comments are provided as Attachment E) Feedback from that open house was consistent with Focus areas already identified, including bike and transportation issues. CCAC reviewed the Focus areas at their August 20, 2009 meeting and the list provided to the Commission reflects their and staff's final suggestions. FOCUS AREAS The recommended focus areas, as endorsed by CCAC, are provided as Attachment F. The explanation behind why each item is a focus area is provided below. Critical focus areas were identified as areas where significant discussion will take place during the master plan process. CRITICAL FOCUS AREAS LAND USE Addressing Population issue- The master plan text refers to a build -out population of 12,000; however the land use designations and densities shown on the current plan map allow for a greater potential ultimate population of up to 24, 760. ■ Density at the fringe of the development area. (not expand development areas) Staff Comment: The master plan text refers to a build -out population of 12,000 in twenty years, which was a basic assumption of establishing implementation timelines and CPA 2009 -002 1 1 c, E Plar -minty ', ensuring adequate community facilities and services. However, the land use designations and densities shown on the current plan (Table 1 and Place -Type & Built infrastructure map) allow for a greater potential ultimate population, or residential capacity, of up to 24,760. The distinctions between "ultimate build out" and the 20 -year horizon were not made during development of the master plan. As a result, there were conflicting expectations for a maximum population. This has been a topic of great concern in Crozet since 2005 and was discussed at the Board of Supervisors in January and July of 2006, with a Resolution of Intent regarding the issue adopted. (Attachment G) The expectations for an ultimate build out population are to be established clearly with this update. Whether the map provides for greater capacity than expected build out will also be addressed. Based on current growth trends in Crozet, staff believes that the population will be around 12,000 people in Crozet in 2030. It could go as high as 16,300 if a higher rate of growth is experienced. (See Population & Housing Information provided as Attachment H.) The current population estimate for Crozet is 5,336 people. Typical County planning to build in greater long term capacity in the development areas that the projected population The recommended approach to addressing inconsistencies between the text and the map is to first make updates to the land use map, addressing the already identified areas of concern related to the map (see attached map). The following activities are anticipated: ■ Update the master plan to represent new development and approved development proposals. • Revisit areas shown on the land use map shown for very high density, particularly areas designated for urban centers. • Address density at the fringe of the development area ■ Study the Route 240 Corridor south of Downtown. Several public requests in this area have been received, including the request for commercial at the corner Route 250 /Route 240 (Ploumis) and several road removal requests. This is also an area where staff believes the density recommendations should be reconsidered for reductions. (See CPA Summary Sheet provided as Attachment K) ■ Consider whether areas shown as residential (CT3 /CT4) should be designated Employment After these adjustments to the plan, an assessment of the resulting residential capacity (population) figure would be calculated to see if the further adjustments would be needed. There are also clarifications needed in the plan to explain how net density is interpreted, provide a land use description for the undefined White /light greenish gray areas of plan (now interpreted as having open space /Rural Area) and explain expectations for swaths of green (CT1 12) shown along stream corridors. Downtown - Promotion of the vitality of small businesses in the central Crozet business district (Downtown), addressing public infrastructure needs (such as sidewalks that connect neighborhoods to downtown), boundaries of Downtown, potential historic district, and parking. r,PA 20ht �9-002 {rort!L N1 ,stcr Plan 5 -Ys_ar Update: Pi,T 01-iinj7 C;/ I �Ilijl STaff R 6poft PariQ i Staff Comment- The master plan identifies Downtown as the largest and most important centers for Crozet, with the expectation of it being the "commercial hub" for Crozet. The plan recommends that the County and Community focus on the redevelopment and invigoration of the downtown area. It also puts emphasis on preserving and enhancing Crozet's Downtown, focusing on infill and re -use, preserving the existing buildings to the extent possible and creating more activity via festivals, events and streetscape enhancements — all to increase the Downtown's vitality. It is evident from public input received and the Crozet Questionnaire that the goals for Downtown are still very important, including the community support for Downtown and existing local businesses. Promotion of the vitality of small businesses in the central Crozet business district (Downtown), addressing public infrastructure needs (such as sidewalks that connect neighborhoods to downtown), boundaries of Downtown, potential historic district, and parking are all important issues are still relevant to the community. They are focus areas of the plan update. While many strategies for Downtown are underway or have been implemented, such as the Downtown Crozet Zoning District, the library, and streetscape projects, there has been no new building square footage constructed to date. The following issues will be considered in revisiting the boundaries for Downtown and other strategies: Land use designations for existing residential neighborhoods adjoining Downtown, some of which were studied with the Crozet Downtown Zoning District. • The area east of Downtown that is shown as CT3 between the CT 6 /Downtown and Employment district. The current master plan recommends exploring opportunities for redevelopment of Con Agra and Acme as an extension of downtown. • The updated Crozet historic district survey that identified potential historic district boundaries and strategies report for the district should be considered. The Virginia Department of Historic Resources has approved Downtown Crozet and the residential areas extending from downtown as a potential National Register Historic District. Business and industry on Route 250, including a proposal at 1- 64/Rt. 250 in the Yancey Mills area (outside of the Growth Area) -The current master plan discourages further commercial development along Route 250; however, citizen requests to change the plan have been received and must be considered with this update. ■ Crozet's prospects for greater economic self - sufficiency Staff Comment: The Master Plan puts a strong emphasis on maintaining a jobs- housing balance to protect Crozet from becoming a "bedroom community" to Charlottesville or elsewhere. Jobs that keep residents of Crozet working in Crozet are key to revitalizing downtown and mitigating a deteriorating traffic condition on Routes 240 and 250, according to the master plan. Current data on jobs is provided as Attachment I. The master plan made assumptions about the ideal number of jobs to housing within the development area boundaries and recommended a ratio of 0.87 jobs to housing. Crozet's 0.52 job- housing ratio is significantly lower than the desired ratio of 0.87 and much lower than the County's current ratio of 1.22. I'Icafl ng CO171rri W Staff Rcr curt Pa.ie The current master plan discourages further commercial development along Route 250. Citizen requests to change the plan to allow business growth on Route 250 have been received and must be considered with this update, including the request for additional commercial development at the northwest corner of the intersection of Route 2401250 (CPA 07 -02 Ploumis) and a proposed business and industrial park at Yancey Mills. (CPA 2008 -02 Yancey Mills Business Park) (CPA Summary sheet provided as Attachment K) After the master plan was adopted in 2004, the County's Economic Development Policy was updated. The updated policy, adopted in March 2009, identified the need to study whether the County was adequately providing for the objective of the policy that states: Plan for land and infrastructure to accommodate future business and industrial growth. A County -wide analysis is currently underway to assess the quality and quantity of the current industrial land inventory. The assessment will also include current and future demands /expectations for industrial and industrial like uses needed to provide for a self - sustaining community and balanced economy. Staff believes that it is important for the analysis to be completed prior to development of recommendations for the Commission. The study will inform whether there is a need for additional LI land in this area of the County. OTHER FOCUS AREAS FOR REVIEW Additional items of continued community interest and concern have also been identified, as part of the master plan update. There may be more emphasis on achieving existing master plan goals, or clarifications needed. Most of the items on this list would not involve new concepts or initiatives in Crozet, but rather educating the public on the goals of the master plan and other county policy or regulations that relate to these items and identifying any refinements or additional strategies that should be updated in the plan. PRESERVING CROZET AS A SMALL TOWN Maintenance of the community's determination to preserve and enhance its small town character, its neighborhoods, and its distinct identity, and public safety /crime prevention Staff Comment: The guiding principles and recommendations of the master plan recognize Crozet as a special place with a strong sense of community. This issue is of continued importance to the community and was a theme of the questionnaire resulting in the focus area that addresses maintenance of the community's determination to preserve and enhance its small town character, its neighborhoods, and its distinct identity, and public safety /crime prevention. TRANSPORTATION • Strategies for needed transportation improvements and assuring adequacy for new development. Providing for sidewalks, bike paths, trails and greenway paths in Crozet along with bus and rail service. Review master plan recommended interconnections (new roads) between Old Trail Drive and Crozet Avenue (Route 240). • Expectations for width, functionality, and appearance (Entrance Corridor Guidelines) of Crozet Avenue, Three Notch'd Road, and Eastern Avenue. CPA 2009' QN cfcj,.fit 5 Yn)r',. pju-!J staff Pser_ott. Staff Comment: The 2004 Crozet Master Plan included traffic modeling and assumptions that led to the recommendations regarding transportation in the master plan. Increased employment opportunities in Crozet and the street network recommended by the master plan are intended to minimize congestion in and around Crozet. The master plan also includes Thoroughfare Types and Street Design Criteria as guidance for design of new and existing roads. Strategies for needed transportation improvements, and assuring that they are adequate for new development, are important issues to the Community. Based on property owner requests for road removals and continued public concern, recommended interconnections (new roads) between Old Trail Drive and Crozet Avenue (Route 240) is an item for consideration with the update of the plan. The update of the master plan will not include a traffic study but staff will work with the community to see if additional strategies for transportation should be added with the update. Expectations for width, functionality, and appearance (Entrance Corridor Guidelines) of Crozet Avenue, Three Notch'd Road, and Eastern Avenue are items for review based on community interest and because the current master plan does not provide sufficient guidance on expected frontage conditions for roads. The Crozet Master Plan Thoroughfare Types are all urban and there are places where rural sections may be appropriate in Crozet, such as along Crozet Avenue south of Downtown. Providing for sidewalks, bike paths, trails and greenway paths in Crozet, along with looking at the possibility of additional bus and rail service are identified as a focus area item for review based on significant community interest both from the questionnaire and at community input meetings. Also, although the County has been working on trial easements and trail connections, greenways development and trail segments are not yet in place to interconnect the community as envisioned in the master plan. Additional priority areas for connections and strategies, more refined planning for bikes and greenways is anticipated with the master plan update. ENVIRONMENT AND COMMUNITY FACILITIES • Priority areas and for public investment in infrastructure and services (roads, facilities, public buildings) • Growing Greener; Preservation of streams and wooded areas/loss of open space; Protecting the water supply, Parks and greenways • Recycling; School facility needs and redistricting, Relationship of water supply and sewer capacity to new development Staff Comment: The Crozet Master Plan includes strategies for implementation and funding of projects identified in the master plan for community facilities. These sections of the plan will need to be updated to reflect projects that have been completed and adjusted based on community priorities, similar to the format that is being used for the more recent master plans and including the priority areas within the development area. Community facilities information is provided as Attachment J. Based on the community input regarding "Growing Greener" and environmental and water supply protection, staff believes that the Natural Environment and Green Infrastructure sections of the plan should be reviewed to see if the strategies in place still C,Pa 2009 -002 C -oz.et N1�, ±fir RhI,k . Yr r l.;pdete Nair i�irir., rommissioc 9/ t'.3,1.-M' Stacf Rt- -p�;rt C aqQ meet the communities goals or if there should be additional strategies or goals added with this update. In addition, the County has adopted plan policy on Sustainable Design in Buildings and Planning as part of the comprehensive plan since the 2004 master plan. PUBLIC PROCESS /STRATEGIES TO RESPOND TO FOCUS AREAS Strategies have been developed for responding to the identified focus areas using a variety of public engagement approaches to make sure the community input is broad and inclusive. Once the focus areas are affirmed by the Commission and Board, staff can begin work with CCAC and the community on enhancing strategies and preliminary recommendations. Staff is recommending the attached approach and sequence to further study and for obtaining public input on the focus areas. Prior to development of preliminary recommendations these input sessions will take place and eventually a draft plan will be brought before the Commission next August. The recommended strategy is outlined in Attachment M. Public input would be gathered in community forums from October - February 2010. These community forums would be a series of topic- oriented community conversations, similar to work shops, on the major focus areas identified. These forums are intended to be interactive, allow different viewpoints to be shared on issues, and inclusive of stakeholders for a community dialogue. These would be similar to workshops the County does during master plans in that background information would be provided and displays /ideas for addressing the focus areas put forth for community discussion, Following the community forums, staff will develop preliminary recommendations or strategies to address the focus areas for review by CCAC, the public, and the Commission prior to working on a full draft of the plan. Staff believes that Land Use, Downtown, and Employment issues should be addressed first in the forums and study process. The other items for review should be considered after work on the critical focus areas. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Planning Commission review and affirm the focus areas for master plan revision and the public process and strategies identified to respond to the focus areas. The Board of Supervisors will review this information and Commission recommendation for their input and comments at their October meeting, before proceeding with the Master Plan update. ATTACHMENTS: A. Crozet Master Plan, adopted December 1, 2004, summary information B. Public Participation Plan C. Public Comment Summaries -May 27, 2009 and June 3, 2009 D. Crozet Questionnaire results E. Public Comment Summary- August 10, 2009 F. Crozet Master Plan 2009 Update -Focus areas list G. Board of Supervisors, Resolution of Intent Relating to the Density Envisioned by the Crozet Master Plan H. Population & Housing Information I. Crozet Employment Information J. Crozet Community Facilities Information K. Comprehensive Plan Amendments (CPA) /Other Public Request Summary Sheet L. Crozet Master Plan 2009 Update -Map of Focus areas M. Public Process for Crozet Master Plan Update 2009 to address Focus areas 2069 -W)2 Cruzrt Pi;3n 5 Yc',ir �ipcate Plo-3nriina ;ammtSSt0n titer' f?C I 7rr1 I +fir ; M f I f r Attachment A o, Albemarle County Government • www.albemarle.org /crozet 0 0 x Get Crozet Old Crozet Train Station "The Comprehen- sive Plan is advisory in nature and is intended as a general guide for future development and change in the County." 2004 Master Plan Milestones 1 > October 2001 — Crozet was selected for the first Master Plan by the Board of Supervisors, based on the community's strong interest and high level of development activity. > March 2002 through April 2003 — Planning process begins with residents joining county planning staff and project consultants in nearly a dozen public events and several dozen Small Task Group working sessions Early in the process, community input resulted in a series of Guiding Principles for the Master Plan. > December 2002 through July 2003 — Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors wcrksessions and presentations. > December 2004 —The Board of Supervisors adopts the Master Plan. What is the Crozet Master Plan? Part of the County's Comprehensive Plan, the Crozet Master Plan is a general guide for future development and change in the community of Crozet. The Crozet Master Plan establishes govern- ment policy to help guide public and private activities related to land use and resource use, and is the basis for: • Land development regulations and decisions • Transportation The Crozet Master Plan's 7 Guiding Principles 1. The physicai design of Crozet is built upon dis- tinct neighborhoods, a 3 historic downtown area and other smaller cen- ters, which are appropri- ate in scale and type to the community's planned growth pat- 4 terns. 2. Linking us both within the community and to our neighbors, Crozet values multiple transpor- tation options and infra- 5 structure to support ease of access through- out the community. Of particular note, the com- munity promotes pedes- trian and bicycle options 6 • Public projects such as schools, parks, libraries • Environmental and historic resource protection initiatives • New County programs • Budget decisions for programs and agencies Development guidelines in the Compre- hensive Plan are intended as targets rather than specific requirements, consis- tent with the document's advisory nature. for alternative transpor- tation choices. Offering diversity, af- fordability, and choice in its housing stock, Crozet attracts people from many social and eco- nomic experiences. Crozet values the contri- butions of locally grown business in providing both jobs and enhanced quality of life for resi- dents. Through a variety of cultivation, recreation, and conservation ef- forts, Crozet values its natural resource assets. Our families and our individual and shared histories provide the foundation for our identity. Crozet is a place that encourages a sense of community in its di- verse activities, institu- tions, and interests. 7. Crozet actively supports its many community facilities and the role they play in the lives of its citizens and believes that these facilities must accommodate the changing needs of the community as it grows over time. C i ai o, U � 3 , 0 o � v c� Master- Plan Recommendations (Three Geographic Areas) For purposes of the Master Plan, the Community of Crozet is considered as three geographic sectors in which future development and redevelopment projects are focused. They are the downtown area, the area west of Crozet Avenue and the area east of Crozet Avenue. Each area holds unique characteristics and challenges. This section of the Master Plan identifies the priority implementation strategies for each area and outlines specific tasks required to carry out those strategies. For more detailed information, please refer to the Crozet Master Plan, available on the County web - site: www.albemarle.org /crozet or in the reference section of the Crozet Library. Downtown Crozet Recommendations > Sidewalks > Stormwater project > Library > Zoning changes > Main Street > Convert current library (depot) > Development in blocks > Community green at > Bike Lanes "the Square." > Reuse Old Crozet School for > Signage greenway -Reuse Study Completed trails. > Historic District- > Create a pedestrian Resource survey and railroad X -ing District eligibility deter- mined West of Crozet Avenue Recommendations • Mixed use center > Discourage use of Half Mile Branch Road/ > Western Park (public/ West- encourage use of West - private collaboration) ern Avenue. • Western Avenue > East -West Drive (with • Protect Route 250 bridge across Slabtown • Upgrade playing fields at Branch) Henley Middle School. > Safety improvements to • Jarman's Gap Road im- Meadows intersection provements with Route 240. > Frontage road for school • Explore alternatives un- derpass at Crozet Ave- nue. • Con Agra and Acme as an extension of downtown • If lumberyard redevel- ops, Mixed -use form that emphasizes employment -_'•ice Nail ,r View towards the Blue Ridge from Downtown Crozet East of Crozet Recommendations • Eastern Avenue (Most ROW and alignment determined) • Extension of New Main Street from Downtown and primary neighborhood streets • Lickinghole Bridge • Crossing of CSX tracks between Acme and Con Agra buildings • Greenway trail from Lickinghole Creek Basin to Crozet Park and downtown • Elementary School site • Access to Lickinghole Creek Basin • Eastern Park How to get involved and stay up -to -date: Sign up for Crozet a -news from A -mail: www.albemarie.org /amail Check out the Crozet website: www.albemarle.org /crozet Attend county workshops and community meetings Attend Crozet Community Advisory Council meetings: Held the 3rd Thursday of each month, 7:00 -9:00 p.m. at The Meadows Attachment B Public Participation Plan — Crozet Master Plan Revision April, 2009 Project Description: The update is an opportunity to assess Crozet's progress in achieving the goals set in the Master Plan adopted in 2004. As a Development Area in the county's land use plan, Crozet is expected to continue to provide a place for growth to occur outside of the designated Rural Areas as part of the County's overall growth management policy. Now at the five -year mark, as was specified by the Board of Supervisors at the time of plan adoption, it is time to determine how well the goals have been achieved and what may or may not have developed as envisioned given the experience of four plus years of the plan in action. The update is an opportunity to revisit and revise issues of concern from all perspectives. Work. Product for this Project: The work product for this project is a revision to the Crozet Master Plan based on specific focus areas in the form of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment for adoption by the Board of Supervisors Specific Focus Areas: The Master Plan revision will concentrate on major areas /issues of concern identified through the following processes. To date, the Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission have indicated several areas which should be included for study. Using the methodology below, additional areas for study will be determined. Project Methodology: Staff and the community will complete several preliminary analyses to measure change and identify any new trends, which will include: • An assessment of progress to date of the objectives and implementation strategies of the Master Plan. What has and has not been accomplished as envisioned? • Data collection based on mutually agreed upon data sources and methodology • Background research regarding existing conditions in the Crozet community • A mutually agreed upon questionnaire, developed by the CCAC and staff, to get feedback from the Crozet community and others such as County staff who use the master plan. (The CCAC and staff will identify what they would like the questionnaire to ask about its relation to the master plan.) Based on the results of the various research and analysis tasks listed above, staff and the community will identify major areas /issues of concern that need to be considered as part of the revision process, creating the specific focus areas for the update, with ample public meeting and other involvement opportunities. The identified focus areas will be reviewed and affirmed with the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors for their input and comments, before proceeding with the Master Plan update, which will include: o Strategies will be developed for responding to the identified focus areas using a variety of public engagement approaches to make sure the community input is broad and inclusive o Appropriate revisions to the plan will be drafted based on the developed strategies and public input will be used to develop /comment on these strategies. Draft Public Participation Plan -- Crozet Master Plan Revision Level of Public Participation: Public Collaboration — Collaborating with members of the public in some or all aspects of decisions, including the development of alternatives and the identification of a preferred solution. We will look to stakeholders for direct advice and innovation in formulating solutions and incorporate their recommendations into the decisions to the maximum extent possible, using the Crozet Community Advisory Council (CCAC) to fi.ilftll a major portion of this stakeholder role. Public Participation Goals: • Provide educational opportunities for Crozet residents regarding general planning processes and the existing Crozet Master Plan • Gather public feedback about community desires for the revision of the Crozet Master Plan • Establish realistic expectations about the process and ti►rieline for completion of the revision • Provide transparent process for how public input is used in developing alternative and strategies • Disseminate community input to ultimate decision makers for their consideration • Keep public informed about any revisions to the updated Master Plan as it moves through the review process Role of the Crozet Community Advisory Council As the Board of Supervisors' appointed Advisory Council for implementation of the Crozet Master Plan, the CCAC will play a critical role in advising on and assisting with the revision process, including the public participation elements. Because of significant community interest in the revision, the CCAC will invite citizens who are interested in a more in -depth role in the revision beyond the public meetings that will be held to attend CCAC meetings where the master plan revision is an agenda item and to participate in those discussions. County staff will work with the CCAC to design all elements of the public engagement process and to regularly discuss the effectiveness of community involvement. The CCAC has also formed a number of subgroups focused on different topic areas, and members of those subgroups will be responsible for researching and providing insights on those topics as the plan revision process continues and for serving as community liaisons regarding those issues. As with all Comprehensive Plan amendments, the Planning Commission will provide the overall guidance and decision - making on the master plan revision process, and the Board of Supervisors will have the ultimate authority for approval. Other Stakeholders: • Downtown Crozet Association • Crozet Community Association • Crozet residents • Crozet organizations • Crozet businesses • Crozet school communities Schedule of Public Participation Activities: Publicity /Outreach Tools will include. • Citizen planning academy opportunities, refresher sessions on the existing Master Plan Draft Public Participation Plan — Crozel Masler Plan Revision • Public meetings /open houses /other forums will be scheduled as appropriate to provide ample community comment on and involvement in the master plan revision process • Dedicated website with public comment opportunity • Frequently Asked Questions list • Press release schedule to coincide with project milestones • Notice to the community when public discussions /decisions are occurring Roles and Responsibilities: Staff — work with the community to prepare revisions to the Master Plan to present to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors for their approval, ensure the effectiveness of the public participation process, provide review and recommendations to the ultimate decision makers in accordance with established county policies and plans, keep community informed about progress of the revisions through the legal review process, record and honor public input, communicate how public input has shaped decisions about the study, present final recommendations to the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors Crozet Community Advisory Committee — The CCAC will play a critical role in advising on and assisting with the revision process, including the public participation elements. County staff will work with the CCAC to design all elements of the public engagement process and to regularly discuss the effectiveness of community involvement. The CCAC has also formed a number of subgroups focused on different topic areas, and members of those subgroups will be responsible for researching and providing insights on those topics as the plan revision process continues and for serving as community liaisons regarding those issues. Planning Conintission — The Planning Commission directs updates to the Comprehensive Plan, and will be expected to manage this update in their legally prescribed role. The Commission has affirmed the public participation plan for the Master Plan update, and will conduct its required public process, including work sessions and a public hearing, on the draft master plan revisions, resulting in a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors Board of Supervisors The Board of Supervisors has the final decision making authority for approving all updates to the Comprehensive Plan, The Board of Supervisors will conduct their required public process, including work sessions and a public hearing, on the draft master plan revisions, with the opportunity to adopt the amended master plan The Feedback Loop: The public participation plan will ensure dissemination of public input to decision makers and back to the public at large to demonstrate how comments and concerns have been recorded and understood and accurately communicated. It will also show the public how their input has been translated and how it influenced the outcome of the project. Examples of the feedback loop include: • The Crozet Master Plan website �Avrj11 be kept up to date on all meetings and other events • All comments generated at public meetings will be recorded and available for review on the county website and will be available for decision - makers during their review • Major revisions to the project will be communicated to the community prior to being presented to the Planning Commission and /or Board of Supervisors • All public meetings will be posted to the website and open to the public for their attendance • The Crozet Amail list will be used to keep interested citizens up to date • Press releases and other materials will be sent out as appropriate to keep the community informed about the progress of the project Draft Public Participation Plan -- Cro_et Allaster Plan Revision Evaluation: We will use evaluation as an ongoing tool to assess and improve the public participation plan as the project moves forward, including the following strategies: • informal feedback • Questionnaires /surveys • End of project evaluation to see if goals are met Drgfl Public Participation Plan — Crozet Master Plan Revision Attachment C ° _ M1- w 0 6 C o m Q Y d fO CL E ° t ° v o 0 9 3 2 ° V t0 C tV T fQ Q) fD 7 _ v v� m i ` C ° C dJ @ ^� ro W E v v o➢ m c C: > > i t 9 v n. > 0 u C) Co v v '�. O �c 4) Y C d vi R C O O u C , LO O Y '-' 3 °- O v m 3 o c v c 3 O O N 7 v V U L a a 3 N 3 o c �. i° Z) 0 v c° ° v v v \� o v vn -0 N E a o° "O 7 a C = v Q O C Q1 c 9 CO 3 d v O N c - t a L t6 p w v rho f0 12 7 v O O W O - L O v C D i «�- Ul C N Ta 11 ❑ `p - Y C C2� 7 O F` N 7 N C u NO 3 C CC v _ ` 2 O LL ✓1 C 0 C 0 O rl N m in O I C7 v L7 Y ♦ • • • • • • • • • • • O O -Q o Y U a a a U m C: Q b - Y t d C u C 0 C iC a > u ID C `o u v o ` o LL o c OL ai L c r O v O 2 .0 0 m Q o m c N o W v C ° c ° a o a° u v a a U vl d CC C vn ° E �;y �� OA c•• H N m N H 2 a 3 O u� O > (D in • • • • a V c 8 c c c v v 0 Y v a E aj E c v c o O o o f v v — n o U w c 4) o m v v v v \ m c ro = L o O 0 O v C w o o vM° Cl. C O. S 00 m v v i L O_ j E ri N M l d O O O m N _ \ C7 a O N LIl a N � o 0 3 ai jz Cu v 0 0 o m a v \ o ° 3 C d v v c c 0 v o L 0 0 � ai f0 Ci ov m M u Q -0 v o v o N _ d d ` a a I- -- Attachment C Master Plan Drop -in Session • June 3, 2009 • 3:00 -6:00 p.m. • Crozet Library Community Suggestions /Coricerns Bus Service /Train Service Bicycles (2 citizens in favor of this) • Accommodate bikes on roads /not sidewalks • Bicycle trail connection to Waynesboro - Charlottesville via Crozet /Jarman's Gap • Bike Racks– requirement for business • Rails to trails /rails with trails Recycling Loss of Crozet's uniqueness (historic buildings) Community Garage – Safety /Appearance /Fire hazard /water quality Reuse current library (old depot) Concern about Restor'N Station --Size /water /use Rezonings happen too quickly and don't apply same standards to everyone Community dynamic — Separation between old and new Attachment D Crozet CMP Questionnaire 1. Please rank these four topics related to transportation in the Crozet area in order of lowest to highest priority of importance or concern to you. You may use each priority level only once. Leave the topic blank (do not check a priority level) if you have no opinion or don't know. Lowest Low High Highest Rating Response Priority Priority Priority Priority Average Count Motorist safety and traffic management on Crozet area roads. 28.9% (168) 13.6% (79) 17.7% (103) 39.8% (231) 2.68 581 Pedestrian safety on Crozet area streets and roads. 4.0% (23) 22.1% (128) 46.4% (268) 27.5% (159) 2.97 578 Walking as a transportation choice or alternative to using the car. 16.9% (100) 38.7% (229) 23.7% (140) 20.6% (122) 2.48 591 Bicycling as a transportation choice or alternative to using the car 41.8% (251) 21.3% (128) 19.5% (117) 17.5% (105) 2.13 601 (including bike paths and lanes). Anything else you'd like to tell us about transportation in Crozet? 213 answered question 660 skipped question 17 1 of 22 2. Please rank in order of priority (importance) to you, these four topics concerning businesses in and around Crozet. You may use each priority level only once. Leave the topic blank (do not check a priority level) if you have no opinion or don't know. 2of22 Lowest Low High Highest Rating Response Priority Priority Priority Priority Average Count Commercial development in 18.9% (111) 28.3% (166) 29.3% (172) 23.5% (138) 2.57 587 downtown Crozet. Parking downtown, 20.2% (115) 39.8% (227) 33.2% (189) 6.8% (39) 2.27 570 Commercial development along Rte 54.6% (302) 18.8% (110) 17.8% (104) 11.8% (69) 1.90 585 250. Viability of existing small 6.4% (39) 11.6%(71) 20.6% (126) 61.4% (375) 3.37 611 businesses in Crozet. Anything else you'd like to tell us about commercial development around Crozet? 189 answered question 659 skipped question 18 2of22 3. Please rank in order of importance (priority) these topics related to Crozet's population and growth. You may use each priority level only once. Leave the topic blank (do not check a priority level) if you have no opinion or don't know. Lowest Lower Low High Highest Rating Response Priority Priority Priority Priority Priority Average Count 40.3% 23.4% 17.2% 101% Availability of jobs in Crozet. 8.3% (47) 2.23 563 (227) (132) (97) (60) 11.5% 11.0% 16.3% 25.2% 36.1 Population growth (density). 3.64 584 (67) (64) (95) (147) (211) 13.0% 26.8% 289% 26.9% Protecting the water supply. 4.4% (25) 3.61 568 (74) (152) (164) (153) 0% 22.4% 12.7% Availability of affordable housing. 27.0% 32. 5.9% (33) 2.38 559 (151) (179) (125) (71) Protecting existing neighborhoods 11.8% 14.5% 15.2% 28.7% 29.7% against new commercial and 3.50 592 (70) (86) (90) (170) (176) residential development. Anything else you'd like to tell us about Crozet development? 154 answered question 644 skipped question 33 3 of 22 4. Please rank the topics concerning parks and recreation below in order of importance (concern) to you. You may use each priority level only once. Leave the topic blank (do not check a priority level) if you have no opinion or don't know. 5. Please rank these four topics related to schools and public buildings in Crozet in order of importance (concern) to you. You may use each priority level only once. Leave the topic blank (do not check a priority level) if you have no opinion or don't know. Lowest Low High Highest Rating Response Priority Priority Priority Priority Average Count Loss of open space 20.5% (117) 22.0% (126) 28.7% (164) 28.8% (165) 2.66 572 Preserving wooded areas 4.7% (27) 24.1% (137) 38.5% (219) 32.7% (186) 2.99 569 Creating greenways and walking Local recycling center. 14,5% (84) 33.3% (193) 22.6% (131) 29.5% (171) 2.67 579 trails 9.9% (57) 27.9% (161) 34.8% (201) 27.5% (159) 2.80 578 More park space for organized 44.2% (250) 27.4% (155) 20.2% (114) 8.1% (46) 1.92 565 Anything 53.1% (303) 16.3% (93) 14.7% (84) 15.9% (91) 1.94 571 youth sports activities answered question 636 Anything else you'd tike to tell us about parks and recreation in Crozet? 128 answered question 638 skipped question 39 5. Please rank these four topics related to schools and public buildings in Crozet in order of importance (concern) to you. You may use each priority level only once. Leave the topic blank (do not check a priority level) if you have no opinion or don't know. 4 of 22 Lowest Low High Highest Rating Response Priority Priority Priority Priority Average Count Local school capacity and re 22.9% (127) 15.3% (85) 18.0% (100) 43.8% (243) 2.83 555 districting. Local recycling center. 17.9% (105) 25.8% (151) 30.5% (179) 25.8% (151) 2.64 586 Building the new Crozet Library. 9.9% (57) 27.9% (161) 34.8% (201) 27.5% (159) 2.80 578 Local community center. 44.2% (250) 27.4% (155) 20.2% (114) 8.1% (46) 1.92 565 Anything else you'd like to tell us about public buildings and schools in Crozet? 119 answered question 636 skipped question 41 4 of 22 6. Crozet has often been referred to as having a "small town feel." Please rate how important each of the following a! Crozet's "small town feel" is to you. You may use any importance ranking as many times as you want to express you Don't Not at all Somewhat Very Ratinc Important Essential KnowlNo Important Important Import ant Avera¢ Opinion 23.4% 21.1% 34.8% Historic downtown 6.5% (40) 12.7% (78) 1.5% (9) 3.E (144) (130) (214) Mix of residences and business 13.8% 23.1% 25.6% 21.6% 13.8% 2.0% (12) 2.S downtown (82) (137) (152) (128) (82) 16.6% 25.0% 47.9% Local library 2.8% (17) 7.2% (44) 0.5% (3) 4.0 (101) (152) (292) 20.4% 26.4% 39.7% Open space 2.0% (12) 9.9% (60) 1.6% (10) 3.� (124) (161) (242) 30'9% 29.4% 21.2% Community events 3.5% (21) 14.2% (85) 0.7% (4) 3.: (185) (176) (127) Parks and recreation spaces (e.g., 21.0% 27.4% 39.3% trails, pools, team sports space, 25% (15) 8.7% (53) 1.2% (7) 3 -< (127) (166) (238 ) playgrounds) 30.2% 29.8% 21.7% 11.7% Residential development 4.8% (29) 1.8% (11) 2.c (181) (179) (130) (70) 20.1% 32.1% 21.9% 11.8% 12.0% Ability to work in Crozet 2.2% (13) 2.E (121) (193) (132) (71) (72) 11.5% 19.3% 64.1% Safety /low crime 0.7% (4) 1.8% (11) 2.6% (16) 4.4 (71) (119) (394) 20.3% 24.8% 23 -6% 20.4% Tree -lined streets 8.5% (51) 2.5% (15) 3.2 (122) (149) (142) (123) Conveniencelclose to 12.3% 20.6% 24.3% 25.0% 15.8% 2.0% (12) 3.1 retail /shopping (75) (126) (149) (153) (97) Other (please specify and say how important it is to yet answered questio skipped questio, 5 of 22 7. There are many aspects to Crozet's Master Plan that relate to commercial (business) and residential (home) development and where these things can occur in the Crozet area and at what intensity and density. Please give us your opinion on these five topics related to development below. You may use any ranking as many times as you wan to express your opinion. Remember that your responses are anonymous and will be reported in group form only. (Please see the map below for the current Crozet Designated Growth area boundaries and zoning.) Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don't Rating Responst favor favor oppose oppose KnowJNo Average Count Opinion A. Do you favor or oppose the approval of re- zonings (which increases the number of homes) where existing infrastructure (such 1.9% (11) as roads and schools) is insufficient to support the additional density? B. Do you favor or oppose having the current development area boundaries expanded, thereby creating more and new areas in the Crozet region available for 4.3% residential and /or commercial (25) development? (See the map below for the current Crozet development area boundaries.) C. Do you favor or oppose the proposal that residential density in the growth area be highest In downtown, and other smaller commercial centers such as Old 33.8% Trail Village or the Music Today (191) complex; and decline as development approaches the Growth Area boundary? D. Do you favor or oppose the main principal of the 2004 Crozet Master Plan that the historic downtown area be the first priority 47.0% for development and that (270) commercial and residential development along Rt. 250 should be strongly discouraged? E. Do you favor or oppose commercial or industrial 14.3% development in the vicinity of Rte. (83) 250 and 1 -64 interchange? 6.2% (36) 16.0% (93) 74.300% ) 1.9% (11) 3.65 58' 12.7% (73) 17.9% 61.7% 3.5% (20) 3.42 57 (103) (356) 32.4% 10.3% 10.8% (183) 12.7% (72) (58) (61) 1.99 56 21.1% 15.5% (121) (89) 13-4% (77) 3.0% (17) 1.97 57, 23.7% 12.5% (73) 45.2% 4.3% (25) 2.93 58: (138) (263) 6of22 answered question 59; skipped question 8: 8. Please list any other concern or issue you have related to development in the Crozet area. Response Count 149 answered question 149 skipped question 528 9. The current estimated population in the Crozet Designated Growth Area is 5,500 people. (Please consult the map b boundaries of the designated growth area.) Not at all Somewhat Very Don't Ratim Important Essential Know /No Important Important Important Averac Opinion How important is it to you that a buildout population of 12,000 as 15.7% 10.6% 13.8% 43.8% stated in the current Crozet Master (91) 7.8% (45) (61) (80) 253 8.3% (48) 3.E Plan be maintained as part of this ( ) revision process? Please list any additional concern or issue you have regarding Crozet's populatioi answered questio, skipped questio, 7of22 10. Please rank how important it is to you that the revised Crozet Master Plan specifically accommodate and encourat these transportation options? You may use each level of importance only once. Not at all Somewhat Important Essential Very Rating Respon: important important Important Average Count Regular commuter bus service 24.5% 22.3% 26.5% 9 -3% (47) 17.4% (88) 3.39 5 (e.g., via Jaunt) (124) (113) (134) Carpools Bike paths and lanes Commuter rail service (railroad) Rail transport facilities, both passenger and freight 22.4% 24.7% 26.2% 20.1 6.6% (31) 2.64 4 (106) (117) (124) (95) 13.0% 19.6% 21-1% 34.9% 11.3% (60) 3.54 5 (69) (104) (112) (185) 14.2% 23.7% 20.9% 26.0% 15.2% 3.04 4 (67) (112) (99) (123) (72) 35.5% 27.5% 15.2% 14.0% 7-8% (38) 2.31 4 (173) (134) (74) (68) Other (please specify and say how important it is to you) 8 of 22 answered question skipped question 6 11. Now please rank how likely you would be to use these same options if they existed, You may use any likelihood ranking as many times as you want to express your opinion. Very Somewhat Somewhat Very Don't Res Likely Unlikely Know /No likely likely unlikely unlikely CI opinion Regular commuter bus service (for 12.7% 15.4% 18.2% 30.7% example, via Jaunt 73 ( ) 13.5% (78) (89) (105) 6.8% (39} (177) 2.8% (16) Carpools 9.0% 9.9% (56) 14.5% 22.6% 11.3% (64) 30.7% 2.1% (12) (51) (82) (128) (174) Bike paths and lanes 40.9% 10.9% (64) 14.5% 10.1% 5.0% (29) 17.8% 0.9% (5) (239) (85) (59) (104) Commuter rail service (railroad) 29'7% 16.7% (97) 16.7% 9.7% 6.0% (35) 18.4% 2.8% (16) (172) (97) (56) (107) Rail transport facilities, both 13.7% 18.6% 12.4% 23.6% passenger and freight (77) 16.5% (93} (105) (70) 8.7% (49) 6.6% (37) (133) Anything else you'd like to tell us about transportation? answered question skipped question 9 of 22 12. How often do you frequent downtown Crozet businesses? Response Response 13. What types of stores and services would you like to see more of in Downtown Crozet? (Examples: restaurants, office supplies, tourism /lodging, auto repair services, bookstore) Response Response Percent Count Daily 0 19.3% 118 Several times a week 262 53.9% 330 Once a week 17.0% 104 Several times a month 6.9% 42 Once a month Q 1.1% 7 7 or 8 times a year 0.7% 4 Almost never Q 0.3% 2 Other (please specify) 30 answered question 612 skipped question 65 13. What types of stores and services would you like to see more of in Downtown Crozet? (Examples: restaurants, office supplies, tourism /lodging, auto repair services, bookstore) Response Response Percent Count Please list: 99.8% 480 Please list: 78.6% 378 Please list: 54.5% 262 answered question 481 skipped question 196 10 of 22 14. What kinds of jobs would you like to see more of in the Crozet area? (Examples: high tech manufacturing, retail, medical, office, computer) Response Response Percent Count 18.2% 365 Please List: 99.7% 111 Please List: _ 72.1% 264 Please List: 43.2% 158 answered question 366 skipped question 311 15. Anything other comments or thoughts you'd like to share with us about Crozet or the Master Plan Revision? Response Count 198 answered question 198 skipped question 479 16. How long have you lived in Crozet or the surrounding area? 0 -2 years 3 -5 years 6 -10 years 11 or more years — Grew up here �] All my life (so far) 11 of 22 Response Response Percent Count 14.4% 86 18.2% 109 18.6% 111 31.4% 188 8.0% 48 8.2% 49 Other (please specify) 62 answered question 598 skipped question 79 17. Please check the name of the neighborhood where you live. If your neighborhood or street isn't listed, please write -in your street name or area name in the box provided at the end of the list. Response Response 12 of 22 Percent Count Bargamin Park Q 1.5% 7 Blue Ridge /Carter Street ❑ 3.2% 15 Brookwood Q 1.9% 9 Clover Lawn Village 0.2% 1 Cory Farms 2.1% 10 Crozet Crossing Q 1.1% 5 Crozet Mobile Village Q 0.2% 1 Grassmere Farm 0.0% C Grayrock North 0 1.5% 7 Grayrock Orchard 6.3% 3C Highlands 6.6% 31 HilltoplMyrtle /Tabor Street Area 1.7% E Jarman Gap Estates Q 1.3% 6 Laurel Hills 3.0% 14 Liberty Hall 0.0% C Old Trail ❑ 6.8% 32 Orchard Acres ❑ 4.2% 2C Park View 0 2.1% 1 C Parkside Village 3.2% 15 Rea 0.0% C The Meadows 0.0% C Wayland Park 0 0.2% 1 Waylands Grant ❑ 3.6% 17 12 of 22 Western Ridge ' 13.5% 64 Westhall 5.3% 25 Weston Q 0.4% 2 White Oaks Q 0.4% 2 Wickham Pond 0.2% 1 Church Hill West 0.2% 1 St George Acres 0 1.3% 6 BeaverDam Road Q 0.6% 3 Brownsville 1.7% 8 Emerald Forest (Miller School Road Area) D.4% 2 Emerald Ridge ❑ 2.3% 11 Foxchase 0.0% 0 Gillums Ridge Road Q 0.4% 2 Hillsboro 0 0.6% 3 Greenwood ® 4.7% 22 Ivy 4.0% 19 Mint Springs Road 1.3% 6 Newtown 0.2% 1 Sugar Hollow p 1.5% 7 Thurston Drive 0.4% 2 White Hall 5.7% 27 Yancey's Mill n 3.0% 14 Other? Please specify your neighborhood name or street name or nearby intersection. 164 answered question 473 skipper! question 204 13 of 22 18. What were the top three reasons you moved to Crozet? (Please check only three reasons - your three most important ones) answered question 596 skipped question 81 14 of 22 Response Response Percent Count To take a job in the area (include family or spouse) 21 .3% 127 Presence of family or loved ones already in the area r� 17.8% 106 Grew up in the area 12.9% 77 Retirement 7.4% 44 Cost of housing L 15.1% 90 Area's tax rates ® 1.8% 11 Convenience of the commute 11.1% 66 Ease of getting around by car © 2.2% 13 Safety of the neighborhood 14.6% 87 Quality of the schools 39.9% 238 To attend college or university 1.7% 10 Overall quality of life in the area _ _ -- 51.3% 306 Physical beauty 44.6% 266 Availability of farms or land in r--� general $ 4% 50 Proximity to mountains and outdoor recreation "' 27.9% 166 Culture, arts, things to do 5.0% 30 Other (please specify) 12.1% 72 answered question 596 skipped question 81 14 of 22 19. Were you involved with the Crozet Master Plan, adopted in 2004? For example, attended public meetings, participated on a work group, etc. Yes 0 No Did not live here then. Not Sure /Don't Know 0 20. Do you live within the Crozet Development Area? Yes F _ No Not sure, but I think I do Don't Know 15 of 22 Response Response Percent Count 23.5% 141 53.1% 318 21.2% 127 1.2% 7 answered question 599 skipped question 78 Response Response Percent Count 55.5% 333 27.8% 167 10.5% 63 5.2% 31 answered question 600 skipped question 77 21. Please write -in the number of household members (those living with you), including yourself in each age category below. For example: if you have a 1 year -old, 4 year -old, 12 year -old, and two parents age 31 to 40 years old, put "2" in the "newborn to 5 year old box; "1" in the 6 to 12 years old box, and "2" in the 31 to 40 years old box. Response Response Response answered question 579 skipped question 98 16 of 22 Average Total Count newborn to 5 years old 1.30 156 120 6 to 12 years old 1.43 267 187 13 to 18 years old 1.33 164 122 19 to 21 years old 1.07 46 43 22 to 30 years old 1.29 81 63 31 to 40 years old 1.60 247 154 41 to 50 years old 1.50 314 209 51 to 60 years old 1.44 249 172 61 to 70 years old 1.38 167 121 71 to 80 years old 1.12 46 41 81 to 90 years old 0.73 11 15 101 or more. 0.00 0 4 answered question 579 skipped question 98 16 of 22 22. Where do you regularly work or go to school? Please check only one choice. In or near Crozet Count In or near Charlottesville 113 47.5% 282 In or near Scottsville 0 In or near Waynesboro 17 In or near Staunton [� Retired 87 Not working or going to school right now Other (please specify) u 17 of 22 Response Response Percent Count 19.0% 113 47.5% 282 0.0% 0 2.9% 17 0.8% 5 14.6% 87 4,4% 26 10.1% 60 answered question 594 skipped question 83 23. What is your preferred way of receiving information from the County about things affecting Crozet? Please select only one preference. answered question 591 skipped question 86 18 of 22 Response Response Percent Count Email 50.8% 300 County Website 4.2% 25 (www.albemarle.org) Crozet Gazette Newspaper 0 26.2% 155 Crozet Post Office Bulletin Board Q 0.3% 2 Crozet Library Bulletin Board 0.2% 1 Postal Mail 8.1% 48 knformaticn Open House or Town 0.7% 4 Meeting Homeowner's Association 0.3% 2 Newsletter Local Church Newsletter 0.2% 1 Local School Newsletter Q 0.7% 4 Daily Progress Newspaper © 4.9% 29 Other (please specify) 2.4% 14 answered question 591 skipped question 86 18 of 22 24. In what ways would you like to actively engage in the Master Plan revision? Please check all that apply. Response Response Percent Count Email 56.1% 309 Web comment form 28.7% 158 Web surveys 53.7% 296 Board of Supervisors Public 16.2% 89 Hearing Community Workshops and 34.3% 189 Meetings Postal Mail 14.7% 81 Telephone B 3.1% 17 Telephone "Town Hall" meeting 6.4% 35 Facebook ter 8.3% 46 Blog (e.g., www,realcrozetva.com) 11.4% 63 Newspaper (e.g, Crozet Gazette) 40.3% 222 Other (please specify) 3.8% 21 answered question 551 skipped question 126 19 of 22 25. How many local meetings of two hours or less would you attend regarding the revision of the Crozet Master Plan? Please select only one choice. None One Two Three Four or more 0 Response Response Percent Count 19.4% 110 19.8% 112 29.1% 165 12.7% 72 18.2% 103 answered question 567 skipped question 110 26. Please rank the times listed below in order of best (or most preferred) time to worst (or least preferred) time to attend a public meeting about the Crozet Master Plan revisions. You may select each preference only once. Please give a preference for all five times. Most More Less Least Response (104) Preferred Saturdays PM 4.1% (15) 15.3% (56) Preferred Preferred Preferred Preferred Count Weekdays AM 9.5% (36) 14.3% (54) 9.8% (37) 11.9% (45) 54.5% (206) 378 Weekdays PM 70.8% 12.5% (59) 7.0% (33) 9-1% (43) 0.6% (3) 472 (334) Saturdays AM 13.4% (51) 26.4% (101) 23.0% (88) 9.9% (38) 382 (104) Saturdays PM 4.1% (15) 15.3% (56) 30.0% (110) 35.4% (130) 15.3% (56) 367 Sundays PM 9.6% (37) 26.8% 23.4% (90) 17.7% (68) 22.6% (87) 385 (103) Other (please specify) 29 answered question 506 skipped question 171 20 of 22 27. Please check the sub - committees you would be interested in helping with and/or providing input on. 9.8% 35 Response Response Percent Count Downtown 18 24.2% 86 Eastern Crozet 31 7.0% 25 Western Crozet 356 14.6% 52 Northern Crozet 321 4.8% 17 Southern Crozet ® 3.7% 13 Surrounding /Fringe areas 13.5% 48 New Crozet Library 23.9% 85 Parks & Trails 4�1% 14.1 Schools 21.9% 78 Police /Fire /Rescue ® 6.5% 23 Utilities (water, sewer, recycling) ., 12.9% 46 Transportation (traffic, roads) 18.8% 67 Current Population 6.2% 22 Projected Population 12.1% 43 Residential Capacity ® 93% 33 Commercial /Business 9.8% 35 Capacity /data Employment data 51% 18 Other (please specify) 0 8.7% 31 answered question 356 skipped question 321 21 of 22 28. If you provide your name and mailing address below, please be reassured that it will not be associated with any of your responses, nor will it be shared or sold to any other business or persons. Response Response Percent Count Name: 96.2% 282 Address: 91.5% 268 Address 2:] 3.8% 11 City /Town: 93.2% 273 State: 93.2% 273 ZIP /Postal Code: 92.5% 271 Country: 69 -3% 203 Email Address: 90.4% 265 Phone Number: 70.0% 205 answered question 293 skipped question 384 22 of 22 Attachment E Community Comments August 10, 2009 Open House — 4 -7 p.m. Crozet Master Plan Update: Proposed Focus Areas for the Master Plan Update Crozet United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall Citizen Comment on Transportation focus area 41 (see below *): In the 2004 Master Plan (page 16) it states "the gridded neighborhood street pattern indicated o the Place -Type Map is intended to emphasize the expectation that interconnections will be a part of future neighborhood block and street design, and should not be considered a plan for specific street locations of interconnections." Any additional roads entering Rt. 240 West would be very hazardous. Rt. 240 is a winding road with limited sight distance and most cars travel at an unsafe speed (regardless of the posted speed limits). Please reconsider including a road between Old Trail and Rt. 240 in the updated Master Plan. It is my understanding that [this has been] already tried at several locations and failed. Other General Comments: 1. Bike lanes on Rt. 250 and Rt. 240 2. Funds for the Rt. 76 path to make safer (maybe Federal stimulus funds) 3. Safer Pedestrian paths /sidewalks once you get downtown 4. Preserve the railroad depot after the library moves Transportation focus area #1: Strategies for needed transportation improvements and assuring adequacy for new development. Providing for sidewalks, bike paths, trails and greenwoy paths in Crozet along with bus and rail service. Review master plan recommended interconnections (new roads) between Old Trail Drive and Crozet Avenue (Route 240). Attachxnenit F CROZET MASTER PLAN 2009 UPDATE Albemarle County's Comprehensive Plan requires that Master Plans such as Crozet's, adopted in 2004, be reviewed and updated every five years. The Crozet Master Plan update now underway is not intended to change the overall goals set by the community in 2004, but to look at specific areas that may need modification. The review process will also consider requests from individuals for specific changes to the land use map and plan. Focus Area Identification: Features of the plan that may need modification have been identified by the Crozet Community Advisory Council (CCAC), the public, county staff, the Planning Commission, and the Board of-Supervisors. A questionnaire completed by residents of the Crozet Growth Area and their neighbors in western Albemarle during .June 2009 established many of the public's central areas of concern regarding the plan. The Plan update will also involve further refinement, additional strategies, or other adjustments to the master plan to address ambiguities and omissions in the plan. Critical Focus Area issues that have been identified: LAND USE • Addressing Population issue- The master plan text refers to a build -out population of 12,000, however the land use designations and densities shown on the current plan map allow for a greater potential ultimate population of up to 24,760. • Density at the fringe of the development area. (not expand development areas) • Downtown - Promotion of the vitality of small businesses in the central Crozet business district (Downtown), addressing public infrastructure needs (such as sidewalks that connect neighborhoods to downtown), boundaries of Downtown, potential historic district, and parking. • Business and industry on Route 250, including a proposal at I- 64/Rt. 250 in the Yancey Mills area (outside of the Growth Area) -The current master plan discourages further commercial development along Route 250; however, citizen requests to change the plan have been received and must be considered with this update. • Crozet's prospects for greater economic self - sufficiency Other Focus Areas to Review: PRESERVING CROZET AS A SMALL TOWN Maintenance of the community's determination to preserve and enhance its small town character, its neighborhoods, and its distinct identity, and public safety /crime prevention TRANSPORTATION • Strategies for needed transportation improvements and assuring adequacy for new development. Providing for sidewalks, bike paths, trails and greenway paths in Crozet along with bus and rail service. Review master plan recommended interconnections (new roads) between Old Trail Drive and Crozet Avenue (Route 240). ■ Expectations for width; functionality, and appearance (Entrance Corridor Guidelines) of Crozet Avenue, Three Notclt'd Road, and Eastern Avenue. ENVIRONMENT AND COMMUNITY FACILITIES • Priority areas and for public investment in infrastructure and services (roads, facilities, public buildings) • Growing Greener; Preservation of streams and wooded areas /loss of open space; Protecting the water supply; Parks and green,,vays • Recycling; School facility needs and redistricting, Relationship of water supply and sewer capacity to new development ATTACHMENT A Attachment G ATTACHMENT A RESOLUTION TO REAFFIRM THE BOARD OF SUPERVISOR'S POSITION RELATING TO THE DENSITY ENVISIONED BY THE CROZET MATER PLAN WHEREAS, Albemarle County's long established growth management policy designates specific rural areas that are to be preserved and protected and designated development areas that are intended to accommodate growth as the County's population increases in the future, and WHEREAS, since 1971, Crozet has been a designated development area and has received significant public infrastructure investment over the years to accommodate anticipated growth and density; and WHEREAS, Crozet, at the request of its citizens, became the first County development area to be master planned to insure that the future form of development would create an attractive, vibrant, livable community with a quality urban environment; and WHEREAS, the 1996 Land Use plan that was in effect prior to the adoption of the Crozet Master Plan established a growth possibility significantly in excess of Crozet's by -right population possibility, stated in the Plan in Table Il: Albemarle County Development Areas — Total Developable Acres to be in the range of an added population for Crozet of between 7,114 and 17,300; and WHEREAS, the Crozet Master Plan was not intended by the County to either cap population at the by -right level or to significantly decrease growth possibilities in existence at the time of the Master Plan, either possibility which would have been in direct conflict with Crozet's well- established designation as a development area; and WHEREAS, assumptions in the Crozet Master Plan, including population projections of 11,200 -- 12,000 in a 20 year build -out as stated under Basic Assumptions on Page 4 of the Plan, are based on a 20 -year planning horizon; and WHEREAS, the ultimate build -out of Crozet, which would extend well beyond the 20 year planning horizon of the Master Plan, has a potential population maximum in excess of 12,000 and allows Crozet to function as a development area accommodating growth beyond the year 2024; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors will actively monitor actual growth and development activity in Crozet as it relates to the Master Plan and will conduct a five year review of the Master Plan in 2009, allowing it to make whatever adjustments are required to reflect actual conditions, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby reaffirms that (1) the Crozet Master Plan, adopted in December 2004, has a 20 -year planning horizon and potential population of 12,000, (2) the population beyond the Plan's 20 year planning horizon may well exceed 12,000 to allow Crozet to fulfill its designation as a development area, and (3) the 12,000 population figure does not represent either a population cap or an ultimate population figure for the Crozet development area. Return_ to _executive summary_ http:/ /w--�,vw.albemarle.org /uploadJimac,es /Forms Center/Departments/Board_ of Supervisor... 9/2/2009 July 15, 2009 Crozet Population Information Page 1 Attachment H CROZET MASTER PLAN UPDATE — DWELLING UNIT AND POPULATION INFORMATION JULY 16, 2009 DWELLING UNITS & POPULATION - EXISTING & POTENTIAL Range Existing and potential dwelling units under existing zoning 4#.:;11 67 2 Existing and potential population under existing zoning 13837 1662? Existing Zoning Median Potential population I =.?0[' Existing and potential dwelling units from Crozet Place Type and Built Infrastructure Map 6,419 10,084 Existing and potential population from Crozet Place Type and Built Infrastructure Map 15,816 74,758 Crozet Master Plan Median Potential _population 201 100 DWELLING UNITS SUMMARY CALCULATION Existing Dwelling units- 2124 units Ev,isling and polerrli:tl Ilv,,01irwg unik timierrximitit, Itlning= .V.si1,Giii;_ d%I.L�IIi Itlri!"+ 1)t42 1dial 11dl_litinitni Uil'il± I"0HI ;ai)JIrc L'd a11;11tw I 1101011;i;1l a113i; hAS,',I IM Z016l 1l!.- nl ' jletL•]t�[)U,lt' I.II! Existing and potential dwelling units from Crozet Place Type and Built infrastructure Map = exislin, d oiling units + potertti��l iiddiliona.i unit." frc'Im :irFpro\-ed nrajc t + poten izll additional units for developable propffriuN dcsivowcd C°1`31. CT4, C 71•5, and (" Y0 POPULATION SUMMARY CALCULATION Existing Estimated Population -5,336 Fxi,xting 111111 potential populatinn undel• existing, z[tning — ekjsm). liopidnrion + pm naiA 1il[llrlfYll,ll +„��t lri:i: n I'Lr'e[l fill [ �i�tiil ntiat; :.lai4l� it�clutl5 al +fin .c 1 I I,,;I� lxisting and potential population from Crozet Place Type and Roil! 10'rastructime Map _ existing populi_alion +potezltial addi:i011;11 population b &'Qd on approved plan,, + additional populaion based on ciert,ity ranTc Ftum Crozet 11la,:c Typ:.:nd Buill lnfra.slructtire Map PREPARED BY ALBEMARLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SFE METHODOLOGY AND SOURCE INFORMA'T'ION ON FOLLOWING PAGE July 15, 2009 Page 2 Crozet Population Information SOURCE INFORMATION AND METHODOLOGY Used by Albemarle County Community Development Department Staff Existing dwelling units — 2006 property survey plus additional units to date for which COs have been issued (GDS) (See attached.) Potential additional units from Old Trail rezoned land — range of potential units from ZMA 04 -024 Old Trail Village Code of Development, approved 9/14/05. Potential additional units based on what is now considered by- right development — total # of units platted or approved on site plans plus total number of units using approved densities of land rezoned for development, where platting or site plan has not been approved. Potential additional units based on zoning of undeveloped land — Range — low end is acreage of undeveloped or underdeveloped land, for which no development approvals have been given, minus 20% of the total acreage to account for land in slopes /floodplain/buffers, multiplied by maximum densities allowed in zoning district. High end is acreage of undeveloped or undeveloped land, for which no development approvals have been given multiplied by maximum densities allowed in zoning district. Multipliers of persons /unit — For existing population, multipliers are from 2000 Census based on unit types. For potential population, multipliers are from a combined rate of 2,44 persons per unit from 2000 Census, not based on different unit types. Potential additional units from on Crozet Place Type and Built Infrastructure Map Range: low end is acreage of undeveloped or underdeveloped land, for which no development approvals have been given multiplied by low end of recommended densities by CT from the map. High end is the same acreage multiplied by the high end of recommended densities by CT from the map. Methodology is described in BOS report of 1/06. July 15, 2009 Page 3 Crozet Population Information DWELLING UNIT AND POPULATION TRENDS AND PROJECTIONS Residential Building Permits Issued 1988 - 2008 in Crozet Year #1 of Permits Res. Bldg Permits Issued In Crozet % of Total Bldg Permits, Co. 73 1990 to 1999 44 1994 to 20103 _ 55 2000 to 2008 j 11)f`} —� 2004 to 2008 2008 70 17 2007 104_ 143 13 2006 25 2005 _ 238 29 2004 127 21 2003 76 7 2002 80 5 2001 64 7 2000 53 8 1999 56 48 7 1998 5 1997 59 7 1996 _ 37 4 6 1995 35 1994 _ 40 4 1993 _ 72 � 11 1992 51 i 6 _ 6 1 39 1 1991 -- 1990 1989_ 12 1 1988 19 3 Average # of Residential Building Permits /year for Selected Range to Determine Rate of Growth Selected Range of Fears #1 of Permits 1990 to 2009 -_ 73 1990 to 1999 44 1994 to 20103 _ 55 2000 to 2008 j 11)f`} —� 2004 to 2008 136 Source: Albemarle County Department of Community Development July 15, 2009 Page 4 Crozet Population Information POPULATION PROJECTIONS 2000 — 2030 BASED ON PAST GROWTH RATES Projection from Historic Population Growth for Crozet Year Low* High** 2010 5,560 5,640 2020 8,390 9,818 2025 10,061 12,650 2030 12,065 16,299 Annual growth rate of 4.2% to yr 2020; growth rate of 3.7% from 2021 -2030 (observed 1990 -1999) v* Annual growth rate of 5.7% to yr 2020; growth rate of 5.2% from 2021 -2030 (observed 2000- 2009) Projection from Growth Trends as seen in Building Permits for Crozet Year Low *** High * * ** 2020 6,812 8,986 2030 8,164 12,305 * ** Projection -- average number of residential building permits observed from] 994 to 2003 (55 permits /year) ** Projection — average number of residential building permits observed from 2004 to 2008 (136 permits/year) k cc E 2 w 2 .\ § I / \ ƒ a _ � 0 U / E 2 El / = k / @ / \ � \ \ \ \\ !! \)} !!{�; ® { §/\ �z =:! \)j \\ (} \ \E} i »ƒ ƒj4 \\ \\ \ \ }\ \ \ \ \ }/ J Cl ) 4 3 ,\ in \/\ � /)99 / »` LN §2 §s§ \ \ƒ ±\ \§ §/ §§ �\m �. . s! � ! §■ ;�2 © ©} §f/ ;LL 41 *AaR )))(I)( e LY z /) )§!@(!w § /&« e 'Ic (jj�jjuHaj\ (\\\ \ \ \ \\ !! \)} !!{�; ® { §/\ �z =:! \)j \\ (} \ \E} i »ƒ ƒj4 \\ \\ \ \ }\ \ \ \ \ }/ J Cl ) 4 3 Attachment I 2004 Crozet Master flan Goals for Employment The Master Plan puts a strong emphasis on maintaining a jobs - housing balance to protect Crozet from becoming a "bedroom community" to Charlottesville or elsewhere. It also puts a strong emphasis on preserving and enhancing Crozet's Downtown, focusing on infill and re -use, preserving the existing buildings to the extent possible and creating more activity via festivals, events and streetscape enhancements al I to increase the Downtown's vital ity. 2004 Crozet Master Plan Assumptions for a Jobs /Housing Balance The original Master Plan used a non - conventional way to address the need for jobs /housing balance, comparing employees to population. The more conventional approach is to understand how many jobs are in a locality compared to the number of dwelling units-, for example, a jobs - housing ratio of 1.0 indicates there is one jab per every dwelling unit. Using the planning assumptions from the original Master Plan, the long -term, ideal job- housing ratio for Crozet is approximately 0.87. This ratio of 0.87 is a key assumption for future land use planning, and also correlates to the Plan's assumptions for travel - demand management and road planning. Recent Jobs/Housing Data for Crozet & Surrounding Area In comparison to Albemarle for the most recent data available, Crozet's 0.52 job - housing ratio is significantly lower than the desired ratio of 0.87 and much lower than the County's current 1.22 job - housing ratio. Place Year QCEW Jobs DU Jobs /Housing Ratio Crozet 2005 905 1,660 0.55 Development Area Crozet 2009 1,112 2,124 0.52 Development Area Albemarle Co. 2009 49,850 1 40.832 1.22 Sources. 2009 employment data bascd on VEC 3" Quarter 2008 QCEW data. Geographic Data Services reporting Ian. 2009 dwelling units, Schools divtsion reporting school cmployment. `Adding the 315 public - school jobs located in Crozet, Cro7et'sjobs (1,427) increase as does the jobs /housing ratio to 0.67. Employer Profile for Crozet & Surrounding Area The Virginia Employment Commission's Quarterly- Census of Employment & Wages documented in third - quarter 2008, Crozet reported 16l private employers in the Crozet area. This data is reported by physical address and includes only those businesses within the development area., and therefore would not include information about nearby major employers such as King Farn' Vineyard and Yancey Lumber. This data also doesn't include employers who are reporting from HR offices located elsewhere. Alberarle County government is a good example- the school teachers wouldn't show up in these Crozet statistics. J, . I i Naics Naics Description Crozet Jobs Adj for Schools Albemarle 0 Total, All Industries 1,112 100.0% 1,427 100% 100.0% 11 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Huntin 16 1.4% 16 1 % 1.2% 21 Mining 1 0.1% 1 0% 0.1% 22 Utilities - "` - - 23 Construction 90 8.1% 90 6% 6.5% 31 -33 Manufacturing 23 2.1% 23 2% 6.2% 42 Wholesale Trade 46 4.1% 46 3% 1.3% 44 -45 Retail Trade 386 34.7% 213 15% 11.3°/ 48 -49 Tran spa rtationMlarehousing 63 5.7% 63 4% 1.6% 51 Information 1 0.1% 1 0% 1.3% 52 Finance and Insurance 20 1.8% 20 1% 1.8% 53 Real Estate /Rental /Leas in g 5 0.4% 5 0% 1.5% 54 Professional/Technical Services 36 3.2% 209 15% 5.9 °0 55 Mana ementof Companies, Ente ris 41 3.7% 41 3% 3.2% 56 Administrative and Waste Services 76 6.8% 76 5% 4.1% 61 Educational Services 18 1 6% 333 23% 29.0% 62 IHealth Care, Social Assistance 143 12.9% 143 10% 9.5% 71 Arts, Entertainment, & Recreation 24 2.2% 24 2% 3.0% 72 Accommodation /Food Services 88 7.9% 88 6% 7.0% 81 Other Services, Ex. Public Admin 34 31% 34 2% 3.8% 92 Public Administration 1 0.1% 1 0% 3-1% VEC QCEW, 3rd Quarter, 2008 " Indicates n op-di sclosable data Source.- Labor Market Statistics, Covered Empoyment & Wages Program "Adj. for Schools" - includes Alb County school jobs and moving some Musictoday jobs_ from "retaiE" to "prof /tech services." What is important to note is that one of the largest employers in the area, Musictoday, identifies a majority of its workforce as "Retail;" yet, this operation relies on light - industrial zoning for its business needs and conducts no on -site retail sales. The jobs -by- industry distribution changes when accounting for 2009 Albemarle County schools employees and moving sorne Nusictoday jobs from Retail to Professional,''Fechnical. Under the column. "Adjusted for Schools,- retail - employment only accounts for 15% of the Crozet employment base; professional /technical services rises to 151/6 and education rises to 23 %. if adding in 2009's 315 public- sector, County school jobs. the jab /housing ratio increases to 0.67. The biggest employers in Crozet: • Musictoday • JABA's Mountainside Senior LWHIQ • Great Valu grocery • J. Bruce Barnes Lumber • US Joiner 2 Attachment J CROZET MASTER PLAN 2009 Preliminary Data Assessment & Updates for Crozet Community Advisory Council Parks & Greenways (Refer to Green Infrastructure Map) Crozet Master Plan Recommendations for Parks & Greenways: • Establish Western Park with public /private collaboration. • Upgrade playing fields at Henley Middle School ■ Establish Eastern Park with public /private collaboration • Establish a not - for - profit Crozet Trails Foundation (like the Rivanna Trails Foundation) for design, construction, and maintenance. • Create an Adopt -a- Trails program. • Gather and distribute information on tax incentives for landowners to donate easements for Greenways (floodplains). • Organize the gathering of GPS data for mapping these routes: these could be collected by groups such as students, Boy Scouts and other volunteers. • Create downtown community green at "the Square." • Develop signage for greenway trails. • Establish greenway trail (for pedestrians and bikes) from I_ickinghole Creek Basin to Crozet Park and downtown (greenway development underway INVENTORY OF PARK FACILITIES IN CROZET Community Parks in Crozet: Claudius Crozet Park -22 acres 2 60' baseball /softball fields;l T -ball field; 1 full size soccer field; 2 basketball courts 2 picnic shelters, 2 playgrounds; 1 outdoor swimming pool Planned park amenity: Running Trail around perimeter of Crozet Park Brownsville Elementary School -12.5 acres 1 60' baseball /softball field; 1 jr, multiuse field; 1 7000 sq. ft. gymnasium, 2 playground areas; 1 outdoor basketball court, 1 90' baseball field Crozet Elementary School -21.1 acres 1 60' baseball /softball field, 1 jr. multiuse field; 1 4700 sq. ft. gymnasium 2 playground areas 1 outdoor basketball court District Parks in Crozet or ad acent: Henley Middle School: District Park -50 acres 2 full size multiuse fields; 1 7,150 sq. ft. gymnasium; 2 outdoor basketball courts Western Albemarle High School: District Park -75 acres 2 60' baseball /softball fields, 4 full size multiuse fields; 2 gymnasiums totaling 24,000 sq. ft.; 6 tennis courts; 1 stadium field with track Meadows Community Center -1 acre 1 acre, 1 indoor community meeting space Old Crozet Elementary School -8 acres 1 60' baseball /softball field; 1 outdoor basketball court Regional Parks near Crozet: Mint Springs Park: Regional Park -520 acres 8 water acres; Swimming beach; 2 wheel chair accessible fishing piers; 2 picnic shelters Ma to 114 ir! -001) 1 i' �'in I r; rrrrz I);i!,r &. I irLr1,,. , •1' , 1 playground; 5.3 miles of trails Beaver Creek Park: Regional Park -219 acres 104 water acres; Boat ramp Greenwood Community Center -18 acres 1 90' baseball field, 1 picnic shelter, 1 playground; 1 basketball court 1 roller skating /dance floor Updates: Western Park Boundaries have been identified and park master plan has been completed. Final design funding has been delayed until FY 14/15 and construction funding has been delayed until FY 15116 in recently approved Capital Improvements Program_ Eastern Park: Land not provided or further progress on Eastern Park Greenways: Progress has been made towards implementation of the greenways network shown on the Green Infrastructure map and the following greenway segments are currently owned by the County, although not yet interconnected or trails constructed: Crozet Park TMP 56 -55 2.2 acres 500 linear feet Old Trail — Ballard Field TMP 55E -2 -B 2.8 acres 2,250 linear feet Old Trail — Creek Side TMP 55E- 03 -A27 0.4 acres 3,500 linear feet Crozet B Trail TMP 56A2-1 -A 2.4 acres 850 linear feet Westhall TMP 56H -1 -A4 7.9 acres 2,370 linear feet The County has a temporary easement on the following segment: Foot Hills TMP 56 -95 2 acres 4,038 linear feet Since adoption of the Crozet Master Plan, the County's Park Facility Standards have been updated and are based on units of recreation per 1,000 people. During the Crozet Master Plan update process, staff will assess (below). Small Community Parks: 4.16 acres Large Regional Parks: 21.68 acres District Parks: 6.09 acres Baseball /Softball Fields:.60 fields Multipurpose Fields: .60 fields Tennis Courts: .49 courts Outdoor Basketball Courts: .37 courts Indoor Swimming Pools:.01 pools Indoor Gymnasiums: .32 gyms Picnic Shelters: .15 shelters Improved River /Lake Access: .14 accesses Outdoor Swimming Pools: .01 pools Beach Area for Swimming: .04 beaches Playgrounds: .56 playgrounds Dog Parks: .01 parks Skateboard Parks: .01 parks Nature /Hiking Trails: .14 miles (,Sl!ft;'�tl!' !�'r T}�:lll IJ[1 +7 7 lrtii] Sl4 2 f'I r�t111 i1171�: 1:)�l.I , Paved Walking /Biking Trails: .01 miles Mountain Bike Trails: 18 miles Greenway Trails: .05 miles Wafer & Sewer The Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority is an independent public agency providing impoundment, treatment, storage and transmission of potable water and transport and treatment of wastewater for the citizens of Charlottesville and Albemarle County. The Authority is the wholesale agency with the Albemarle County Service Authority as its customer and agency that provides service to individual retail customers in Albemarle County and Crozet. The County's policy is to provide water and sewer service to properties within Development Areas and the Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) Jurisdictional Area determines what properties may be served by water and sewer but does not indicate where service exists. All of the Crozet Development Area is designated for water and sewer service. Crozet Master Plan Recommendations: • The Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority (RWSA) and the Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) have already begun planning for the necessary expansions to serve expected growth in Crozet. Treatment plant equipment has been upgraded and preliminary design work has been done to accommodate an expansion to 1.3 million gallons per day (current capacity is 1 million gpd). When demand reaches 80% of capacity (800,000 gpd), the final design and construction process will begin for this expansion. Currently, the estimated cost of the expansion is $1,145,000. Planning, financing and engineering to meet water capacity needs within the Crozet Development Area, including wastewater, is the responsibility of the RWSA and ACSA. • The Crozet interceptor will have to expand its capacity to 3600 gallons per minute in order to handle a population of 12,000, from its current capacity of 2400 gpm. This will be done through a planned replacement of the pump stations. Updates: In general, the anticipated capacity of the system remains sufficient for the projected population in 20 years. Detailed information on capacity and current demand for water and waster water are below. Water • Beaver Creek Reservoir remains the water source for the Crozet Development Area. • In 2007 a safe yield study of the Beaver Creek Reservoir indicated that during the drought of record (2001 -2002) the maximum constant demand that could be supplied from BCR is 1.8 mgd of raw water. • Currently a 12" main conveys water from the BCD to the Crozet WTP. The raw water pipeline capacity is approximately 1.3 mgd. • Water for the development area is currently produced at the Crozet Water Treatment Plant located on Rt. 240. Currently the water treatment plant is capable and permitted to treat 1.0 mgd. When demand at the WTP reach 80% of the permitted capacity, RWSA and ACSA will begin design of a plant and raw �iir t't.l fa. �;1 •I li} water conveyance expansion. The size of the WTP expansion will be dependent on the projected demands and uses. Current water demand for the Crozet area is approximately 0.4 mgd. Wastewater • The Crozet Master Plan Development Area is served by the Crozet Interceptor System. Generally, flow passes through a series of gravity mains; four pumping stations located between Crozet and the Ivy Road /Rt. 250 interchange where the system discharges into the Morey creek & Moores creek Interceptors. Wastewater flows are ultimately conveyed to the Moores Creek WWTP. • The projected wastewater flows within the Crozet Master Plan Area will dictate expansion of wastewater conveyance capacity throughout the entire system to the Morey Creek Interceptor. Planning and modeling information has shown that the need to expand / upgrade the Crozet wastewater system is highly dependent on the development of the Old Trail Project. • Within the 60 year planning horizon all gravity lines and pump station will require upgrading. In the near term the following projects are anticipated: The construction of replacement main on the Lichinghole and Slabtown Branch lines (the forked lines in the diagram above that flank Old Trail). At this time the Old Trail developer has committed to the design and construction of the southern ( Slabtown) branch. The Old Trail developer also has an agreement with ACSA for future construction of the northern branch (Lickinghole). The construction of a flow equalization tank, pump station and odor control facility down stream of Old Trail but upstream of the westernmost pump station of the waster water system. o Upgrade of a section of gravity sewer near the Boar Head Inn facility. Albemarle County Police Department (ACPD) Albemarle County Fifth Street Office Building contains the County's Police Department, although police patrol all areas of the County. Current policy for police services recommends a response time of five minute or less 85 % of the time in the Development Areas and this is achieved through their sector /beat system. Crozet Master Plan recommendations for Police Services: • As the population grows, it is recommended that a police satellite office be created for the Crozet service sector to maintain desired response times to all police emergency calls. The department has recently conducted a Workload Allocation Study. Once long range goals are established, exact response times and personnel service standards will be computed for the Development Areas. Updates and Police service to Crozet is described below: • A Satellite Office located at the Meadows and ACPD desires to relocate the Office, in the Crozet business area, whenever the opportunity presents itself. (note: A satellite Office is used by Officers to perform administrative tasks and keep them in their assigned areas of patrol. It is not a "manned" Office). The 2004 workload allocation study identified and established an "Emergency" Response Time standard, for the "developed" areas of the County, such as Crozet. The standard is a (5) five minute or less response 85 % of the time. -�rro,- ,'a E'l,sr - E? ±)'? I!�atl.n� 4 I}r;l, +r „• �,t li:il�i.� ' !w�lr�,L� drrr-: [���t �,— '� }: —il�i ACPD current data reflects that we are meeting this standard only 65% of the time. On average, ACPD has (1) one Officer working the West End (including the Crozet area), per shift. ACPD allocates shift resources throughout the County based on crime, traffic and special problem patterns. ACPD now has available "Crime Reports" to crime and traffic crash activity at www.albernarle.org /police. Fire Rescue Services Fire protection services are provided to the Community of Crozet by the all- volunteer Crozet Volunteer Fire Department (Station 5) which serves Western Albemarle County and an area of 184 square miles. This includes the Ivy area, Afton Mountain, and areas north of Whitehall to south of Batesville. Western Albemarle Rescue Squad is an all- volunteer organization serving Albemarle County west of Charlottesville. There are three AILS ambulances, one squad truck, and two zone cars, as well as Gator 5. Crozet Master Plan Recommendations: • At build out an additional fire and rescue station will not be needed within the Crozet Development Area. The primary reason for this is that a combined fire and rescue station is planned for the Ivy area in the years 2007 -2008, which will also serve Crozet. • Although an additional station in Crozet will not be required, maintenance and improvement of the existing downtown fire station will be needed. Another alternative would be to relocate the current building Updates: • Crozet Ladder Truck: This project will purchase aerial apparatus for Crozet. Because of the current and proposed development in the Crozet area, an aerial apparatus is needed for access to larger structures. (Order placed) Library Public library service is currently provided through the Jefferson - Madison Regional Library (JMRL) system. Crozet currently has one branch library of 1,864 square feet Crozet Master Plan Recommendations: • The Master Plan recommends that a new library facility be built within the heart of downtown, on Crozet Avenue. • Convert current library (depot) to civic center function, perhaps as a museum. Updates: • Property has been purchased in Downtown Crozet for the new library, and the Board of Supervisors has approved construction of a 20,000 square foot library building, which will include space for complementary uses such as public meeting rooms and community space. • In February of 2007, the Board of Supervisors supported pursuing LEED Certification for the Crozet Library and other County buildings. LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and is a nationally accepted rating system for designing and building green buildings. The new Crozet Library is the County's first complete new building designed to be LEED Certified. AN The Board of Supervisors has appointed a steering committee which includes Crozet community representatives to help guide conceptual design of the library, which is currently underway. Schematic design approved by the Board of Supervisors June 3, 2009 Funding for construction of the new library is ;''fii�¢ °� Y;► - currently scheduled for 2011.' ITEMS AWAITING FUTHER INFORMATION AND ASSESSMENT Solid Waste and Recycling -There is further study this summer related to solid waste and will staff will provide additional information. • Schools -After the School's Long -Range Planning Committee work this summer staff will provide additional information. Transportation -Staff would like to provide you an overview of transportation and information at a future CCAC meeting. • Affordable Housing -Data collection /Assessment still underway • Non - Residential Build -out Potential -Data Collection /Assessment still underway \lL cn LU Z Q 2 U Z a J �d LL 0 LL cn w LL V a� Do a — J m o� D C) d N Z J LU a2 of a � W cna �a z H Q Lll a ry// O L0 LL V (n z LL LL d O U LL 0 Q to ATTACHMENT K r (r-� U J ur T J m L.L. 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I_ W L Al Is i� rvl ;-i -n O M f `J C In 1 4 It G � 7 / / / 0 � g ¥ g / $ R 0 « R � \ k Z Q 7 z « / d $ Q ƒ 3 0 G� \ m EL / u \ % CL k 2 / � � > 0 % C) e \ \ £ \ e 8 e c _ 0 m- o \ % a ƒ s \c- 2�\ s/ \Gk9 m o / \2% ƒ[ \ - { /\ \ /tc 9.7 £ - _ \ g § \ m '±CL %)/® 2k/ %7 E 2 >e // \$\ n 0 / 9 £ / 5 n = § c o > m e�§ _ _ _ ®om = u = z a o 0\ 2 °EE2� C/ cn / e ƒ \y o 2 e m § m LL O\ \$./ , ƒ o=u =Una 2 - -0s- D § f- L) = o % M -0 \ !\ m � e ƒ / ) 0 o = t e > C)L CN cu c o a = o o ` 6 $ / \ / 3 % < m ._ / ® 3 t p E3_ \222 -E C) C) C, ® 2 o \ -/ q ©aO. / ƒE m % $ 7 7 [ I e /$62£3 \ LO c 2 \(n � m % o �6 + o � E m 2 / n \/\ G � 7 / / / 0 � g ¥ g / $ R 0 « R � \ k Z Q 7 z « / d $ Q ƒ 3 0 G� \ m EL / u \ % CL k 2 / � �•' 'erg 144 RHpOD 3 3 f F 'lam `* �I Main Stre6i 0, J NEIGHBORHOOD { 16 ri, ► y �''A ` !1 ,DOW TOWN rf ,� W/-,DISTRICT NEIGf=1BORt1: OD *' ,.' `; �. t' *..�'� l.k�'' -) IS k . : r I I r .I fl ' t .4 `.y� = r , • ` �i. I \ � � `6 NFIC =NRF�p . n.__ �' � �� ��,� � � :.f' !''_ .F� n r � �u r: ry •r ' •:rer,_'v7 s � NEIGHBOR D 'V, - ��F +�'",.� ± *,• `'- - • � �: 3� NEIGFi�Qfily Oil NEIGH 0 RHOOD 71 f ; gVel i W RIISTRICT 3i ` — —' - Avenue 3. ` HAFT 2 - Avenue 7 4 NEIGHBORH® vi Plaumis (CPA) - - Request to remove road • .. -r - _. y _ r 1.• # HAMLET 1 The Crozer Master Plan, an aduprcd pan of (lie Albemarle Counry :;On Chet Plan, is intended :is a general guido for funlre developmenr and sysrcmarc .hange in the (nm- - -- - I munity of Crezer. The Cumprchcnaive Plan is advi >ory in nature ant. with it, aceompa. #, DOWNTOWN Yancey • nying reaps, hart. and otltct sui,plcmcnmrry informanon, it sets forth the Cuunt�'s lung' (CPA) t ♦ _ range recommendations for the development of land within its jurisdiction. The C:om- � r , PTCh,E 1VC Plan al_w serves a, a guide for the development and implementation of the $ NEIGHBORHOOD - Zoning C Tdinimre. pcaelnpment guidelines contained in the maps, charts and orher - yI . f r- • supplementary' materials in the Comhtehensi,'e PIa7 ire intended as rir;ets rather than -- k. - l + S Jfic rcgmromenrs, consi.:vent with ncQ .1dV[SOry n,.TUrc of the doLUment. # CORRIDOR r. 1 1' YlunrtlTtr, c: r,,ILr� _r.!, FYFAN 7l11J8N •�I�FN•l: AD ��II L..i r Fy fit. s h L _ r,..STRICT POTENTIAL FUTURE L Lir - DYMENT DISTRICT — URBr,N CORE ICY 61 _ U.aAN LFNII,R ICT 5) URBAN Gfi RAL [CT 4] URRM EDGE ICT 31 Dt�FL&PL1ENT ViERRESERVF ICT21 6EVIFLOPWfAil AAFAPf*SE r,E ICT t) ATTACHMENT L _ - — = L-, %t'• 1100e Master Plan PROs; -SFD APt•- T<A= J6TRACT.ON P•imwy Cmr.nrrorl S,r►rr rti.n Streerl FROU W"FLOP"PW �RFA ,ivenut• Place -Type and Built Infrastructure Map -�L uL L-JP,JE NT Ai:� •:,-\ONC %.RY �•nu gt•Y.S I I.w -aw W—'d V a d•I•rrr .m ;ir ^.- Fi:•r]- Ju= r�+_!. -a •r.eiKxeL:esa.onrre2�!CrCRexnY. 20 Plan "% -year Build -out s asraar t �! � Pa, e;AW� EMn�nlb!y $CIgo1 SrtF { +��ti Imo] t• Po,e'tii► �Jte grog =cry arner sr�a•L• � J Lit•r S.;e Adopted December I, 2004 v0C.':16 AFI,A L.F -WK ATTACHMENT L ATTACHMENT M CROZET MASTER PLAN 2009 UPDATE Process & Tentative Schedule /Approximate Dates (September 2009 - August 2010) CCAC September 17 Review of refined process & schedule Preview land use information for October forum, Provide input on Forums Town Hall Meeting September 30— Update on master plan revision Presentations from ACSA/RWSA, Schools, or Police COMMUNITY FORUMS BEGIN DURING CCAC OR CCA MEETING TIMES (10/09-2110), ORDER AND SCHEDULING MAY SHIFT AROUND DURING THIS TIMEFRAME October 15 Forum on Land Use Map showing changes we have already heard from community Some areas on the map may wait until subsequent topics are addressed. November 19 Downtown December 17 Jobslhousing balance /LI /Yancey (Nov & Dec -Work sessions with PC & BOS on L1 issues) January 21 Land Use /Density February 18 Transportation /Greenways /Bike Planning, and Strategies on Community Facilities STAFF WORK Feb — March Staff synthesizes information into preliminary recommendations on revision slupdates to master plan CCAC March 18 CCAC review of preliminary draft and recommendations PC April 15 Check in with PC on Preliminary Recommendations COMMUNITY MEETING End of May Community Meeting — Preliminary recommendations STAFF WORK May — June Staff finishes final draft CCAC June — July CCAC reviews Draft Plan PC August Draft Plan to Planning Commission r PlLlit `'00') 1 114'.[V- Pro( :tss & T':nuiti c' Chvkllllic