HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP197300318 Action Letter H'" ... , ~~"'('{ .,,0 ~ OF ALa~M ~J?/ , ,~ + Planning Department 411 EAST HIGH STREET CHARLOTTESVILLE. VIRGINIA 22901 JOHN L.. HUMPHREY COUNTY ~LANNER J a n u alt U 2 5 , 1 9 14 A, RUTH MILLE"R ZONaNO ADMINISTRA.TO.. ROBERT W. TUCKER. JR. MARY JOY WHII ~ SENIOR PLANNER A:;,:;iolliT.-.NT ~our-..n P~A:>,,~~(R Re: Board of Supervisors Action MIt. Robelt~ A. Le.iby,JIt. 1801 Invlng Stlte.e.t NW Wa.6hing.ton, V. C. 10010 Vealt MIt. Leiby: This is to inform you that on TnVl/lnJrY 73, 1914 'during the regular meeting of the Albemarle County Board was a Itoved with th~ 601lowing eondition.6: 1) Site. pian appltoval by t e eomm..<...6.6..<..Ott .6..<.. e. p an a.6..<..ca .tj o..<..n ..<..ea e Ite.a to be. lftaded 60ft paftking lot in ftelation^hip to that 60ft hou^e and baftn: ) Only one. (1] noult .6qualte 6oo~ ..<..de.n~..<..6..<..ca~..<..on .6..<..gn on the. plte.m..<...6e. on a 20 6qualt~ 600t 6ign on ~he baltn 60lt ide.nti6ieation. 3) No out.6..<..de. 6toltage 4) ~he. .6hop ~o be. u.6e.d on~tj a6 an outl~t Olt altti.6t6 WOIt~ in weaving, potte.lty, woodwolt~ and Ite.late.d alt~6 an ena ~6, 5 e.a ep . applLova Olt ..<..n.6 a a ..<..on 0 6e.ptic tan~. This is to remind you that you are required to have a building permit, plumbing permit, electrical permit, etc. . A Thi.6 applie..6 i6Certificate of Occupancy must be obtained from tp.is office the.lte i.6 ~o be before occupying the structure. This will be g=anted ~ftcr any alte.nation6the necessary mentioned permits are obtained and the conditions addition.6,e.te. imposed by the Board of Supervisors are met. Please come into . this office as soon as possible to begin processing these. of Supervisors, your application for .6p-318 6) Pe.ltmi~ to be. 60lt 10 ye.alt.6 with annual OFFICE OF PLANNING AND ZONING . admini6tltatioe. appltoval. 1)Any ou~doolt lighting .6hall be. indilte.e~ by Blte.nda Jone..6 Malttin only.. NOTE: OCCUPYING A STRUCTURE WITHOUT A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS A VIOLATION OR MISDEMEANOR ANV IS PUNISHABLE BY A FINE NOT MORE THAN FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. EACH VAY THAT A VIOLATION CONTINUE. SHALL BE DEEMED A SEPARATE OFFENSE. (S~etion 122. 3 06 the. Viltginia Uni60ltm S~a~e.wide. Building Code..)