HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP200800061 Legacy Document 2009-10-02ACTIONS
Board of Supervisors Meeting
of June 10, 2009
June 11, 2009
Call to Order.
• Meeting was called to order at 5:03 p.m., by the
Chairman, Mr. Slutzky. All Board members were
present. Also present were Bob Tucker, Larry
Davis and Ella Jordan.
1 a.
Closed Meeting.
• At 5:03 p.m., the Board went into Closed Meeting
to conduct an administrative evaluation; to
discuss with legal counsel and staff specific
matters requiring legal advice relating to the
negotiation of a contract for services provided by
the SPCA; and to discuss with legal counsel and
staff specific matters requiring legal advice
relating to the negotiation of an agreement
related to the provision of public safety services.
Certify Closed Meeting.
• After calling the meeting back to order at 6:13
p.m., the Board immediately certified the Closed
From the Board: Matters Not Listed on the Agenda.
Lindsay Dorrier:
• Discussed the issue of the closing of the Hatton
Ferry. Following discussion, the Board voted 6:0
that it would guarantee funding to continue
operating the Ferry for one quarter (beginning
July 1), subject to the expectation that it would be
reimbursed by private funds. Mr. Dorrier stated
that he would contact Butch Davies regarding the
Board's action.
From the Public: Matters not Listed for Public Hearing
on the Agenda.
• There were none.
Resolution of Intent to amend the Zoning Ordinance
Clerk: Forward copy of adopted resolution to
to improve processes for site plans.
Community Development and County
• ADOPTED the attached Resolution of Intent to
Attorney's office. (Attachment 1)
initiate the proposed text amendment.
Resolution of Intent to amend the Subdivision
Clerk: Forward copy of adopted resolution to
Ordinance to improve processes for subdivision plats.
Community Development and County
• ADOPTED the attached Resolution of Intent to
Attorney's office. (Attachment 2)
initiate the proposed text amendment.
Ordinance No. 09 -03(1) — Agricultural and
Clerk: Forward copy of adopted ordinance to
Forestal Districts.
Community Development and County
• ADOPTED the attached ordinance.
Attorney's office. (Attachment 3)
Ordinance No. 09 -A.10) — Acquisition of
Clerk: Forward copy of adopted ordinance to
Conservation Easements.
Community Development and County
• ADOPTED the attached ordinance.
Attorney's office. (Attachment 4)
Public Hearing: PROJECT: SP 2007 -052.
Clerk: Set out conditions of approval in
Nortonsville Church of God Facility Expansion.
Attachment 5.
• APPROVED SP- 2007 -052, by a vote of 6:0,
subject to ten conditions as modified at the Board
Public Hearing: PROJECT: SP- 2008 -048. Matheny
Development Right Request.
• Motion to APPROVE SP- 2008 -048 subject to
staff's recommended condition FAILED by a vote
of 2:4 (Thomas, Mal Iek, Rooker, Slutzky).
• Motion to DENY SP- 2008 -048 PASSED by a
vote of 4:2 Bo d,Dorrier .
11. Public Hearing: PROJECT: SP- 2008 -058. Harris
Clerk: Set out conditions of approval in
Attachment 5.
• APPROVED SP- 2008 -058, by a vote of 6:0,
subject to nine conditions as modified at the
Board meeting.
12. Public Hearing: PROJECT: SP- 2008 -061. Slingluff
Clerk: Set out conditions of approval in
Attachment 5.
• APPROVED SP- 2008 -061, by a vote of 6:0,
subject to four conditions as modified at the
Board meeting.
13. From the Board: Matters Not Listed on the Agenda.
Sally Thomas:
• Asked who planned to attend the High Growth
Coalition meeting on June 29, 2009, in Culpeper.
Ken Boyd:
• Moved to authorize that the Fire Rescue Review
Clerk: Provide notice to ACFR Advisory
Advisory Committee reconvene to further review
Board and appropriate individuals.
and discuss a draft ordinance built upon the
collaborative fire chief model ordinance for
operation of the County Fire /Rescue system; and
moved that the Committee specifically examine
the creation of a third party mediation panel to
review appeals of system policy decisions of the
County's Fire Chief in this collaborative model;
and further moved that the Board of Supervisors
cancel its June 17, 2009 work session with
representatives of the Albemarle County
Fire /Rescue Advisory Board. The motion
passed by a vote of 6:0.
Dennis Rooker:
• Moved that the Board adopt a resolution to
Clerk: Forward copy of resolution to County
request VDOT to acquire Route 29 right -of -way.
Attorney's office and Community
The motion passed by a vote of 6:0
County Attorney's office: Forward resolution to
appropriate individuals including Jim
Utterback, Allan Sumpter and Butch Davies.
Attachment 6
14. Adjourn.
• At 9:27 p.m. the Board adjourned its meeting.
Attachment 1 — Resolution of Intent to amend the Zoning Ordinance to improve processes for site plans
Attachment 2 — Resolution of Intent to amend the Subdivision Ordinance to improve processes for
subdivision plats
Attachment 3 — Ordinance No. 09 -03(1) — Agricultural and Forestal Districts
Attachment 4 — Ordinance No. 09- A.1(1) — Acquisition of Conservation Easements
Attachment 5 - Conditions of Approval on Planning Items
Attachment 6 — Resolution to request VDOT acquire Route 29 right -of -way
WHEREAS, Subdivision Ordinance § 14 -404 establishes the standards for subdivision lots
having a single access from an internal street, shared driveway or alley, allows its requirements to be
waived by the Planning Commission, and requires the county engineer to recommend an alternative
standard when the Commission is considering a waiver request; and
WHEREAS, Subdivision Ordinance § 14 -412 establishes the standards for private streets and
authorizes the Planning Commission to waive easement and right -of -way widths; and
WHEREAS, in 2008, Chapter 17, Water Protection, of the County Code was amended to
establish standards for lot access (stream crossings); and
WHEREAS, in order to improve efficiency in development review processes, it is desired to
amend Subdivision Ordinance § 14 -404 to eliminate the requirement that the county engineer
recommend an alternative standard to the Planning Commission when it is considering a waiver from the
single access requirement since the question of whether a lot should access an internal or an external
street and the impacts therefrom does not require engineer review and comment; to amend Subdivision
Ordinance § 14 -412 to expand the scope of permissible waivers to include not only easement and right -
of -way widths but also other private street standards and that the county engineer should be authorized to
act on these waiver requests, subject to appeal to the Planning Commission; and to add a new section to
provide that a plat cannot be approved if it does not meet the lot access (stream crossing) requirements
in Chapter 17, Water Protection, of the County Code, and that this requirement should apply to
subdivisions, rural subdivisions, and family subdivisions.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT for purposes of public necessity, convenience,
general welfare and good land development practices, the Board of Supervisors hereby adopts a
resolution of intent to amend Albemarle County Code §§ 14 -206, 14 -207, 14 -208, 14 -404, 14 -412 and
any other regulations of the Subdivision Ordinance, and to add any new sections, deemed appropriate to
achieve the purposes described herein.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on the
subdivision text amendment proposed by this resolution of intent, and make its recommendation to the
Board of Supervisors, at the earliest possible date.
WHEREAS, Zoning Ordinance § 4.12 regulates parking and authorizes the county engineer to
review and approve alternative approaches to providing parking and travelway design; and
WHEREAS, Zoning Ordinance § 32.7.4 establishes requirements for erosion and sediment
control and stormwater management as part of site plan review; and
WHEREAS, in order to improve efficiency in development review processes, it is desired to
amend Zoning Ordinance § 4.12 because alternative approaches are already provided in the county's
parking regulations and, by their nature, they do not raise engineering issues, and because alternative
travelway designs can be stated as minimum standards without case -by -case review; and it is desired to
amend Zoning Ordinance § 32.7.4 because most of the subject matter of that section and its subsections
is already addressed in Chapter 17, Water Protection, of the County Code.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT for purposes of public necessity, convenience,
general welfare and good zoning practices, the Board of Supervisors hereby adopts a resolution of intent
to amend Zoning Ordinance §§ 4.12 and 32.7.4 and any other regulations of the Zoning Ordinance
deemed appropriate to achieve the purposes described herein.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on the
zoning text amendment proposed by this resolution of intent, and make its recommendation to the Board
of Supervisors, at the earliest possible date.
Attachment 3
ORDINANCE NO. 09 -03(1)
BE IT ORDAINED By the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, that Chapter 3,
Agricultural and Forestal Districts, Article II, Districts of Statewide Significance, and Article III, Districts of
Local Significance, are hereby amended and reordained as follows:
By Amending:
Sec. 3 -201
Creation of district
Sec. 3 -205
Withdrawal of land from district
Sec. 3 -301
Creation of district
Sec. 3 -305
Withdrawal of land from district
Chapter 3. Agricultural and Forestal Districts
Article II. Districts of Statewide Significance
Division 1. Procedure
Sec. 3 -201 Creation of district.
Each agricultural and forestal district of statewide significance shall be created as provided
A. Application. On or before November 1 of each year, an owner or owners of land may
submit an application to the department of community development for the creation of a district. An
application shall be signed by each owner of land to be included within the district. The application shall
be made on a form developed and provided by the director of planning.- The application form shall
comply with Virginia Code § 15.2- 4303(D). Each submitted application shall be accompanied by: (i) a
United States Geologic Survey 7.5 minute topographic map that clearly shows the boundaries of the
district and each addition, and the boundaries of the properties owned by each applicant; (ii) a Virginia
Department of Transportation general highway map for the locality that shows the general location of the
proposed district; and (iii) the fee required by section 3 -206.
B. Initiation of application review. Upon receipt of an application for a district, the planning
commission shall:
Accept the application at a regularly scheduled meeting;
2. Direct the department of community development to provide notice of the
application pursuant to Virginia Code § 15.2- 4307(1); and
3. Refer the application to the advisory committee for review and comment.
C. Evaluation criteria. Each application shall be evaluated as provided in Virginia Code
§ 15.2 -4306.
D. Advisory committee review. Upon referral of an application by the planning commission,
the advisory committee shall review and make recommendations concerning the application and any
proposed modifications to the planning commission.
E. Planning commission review. Upon receipt of the report of the advisory committee on an
application, the planning commission shall conduct a public hearing on the application and any proposed
modifications, and thereafter report its recommendations to the board of supervisors, as provided herein:
1. In conducting its review, the planning commission shall evaluate the application
as provided in paragraph (C), and also shall consider the potential effect of the district and any proposed
modifications on the county's planning policies and objectives.
2. Upon conclusion of the public hearing, the planning commission shall direct the
department of community development to publish and provide the notice required by Virginia Code §
15.2 -4307.
F. Hearing by board of supervisors. After receiving the reports of the planning commission
and the advisory committee, the board of supervisors shall hold a public hearing on the application as
provided in Virginia Code § 15.2 -4307.
G. Action on application. After a public hearing, the board of supervisors may by ordinance
create a district as applied for or with any modifications it deems appropriate, as provided herein.
1. The ordinance shall be adopted pursuant to the conditions and procedures
provided in Virginia Code § 15.2 -4309, and shall be subject to section 3- 202(A).
2. The board of supervisors shall act to either adopt the ordinance creating the
district, or reject the application, or any modification to it, by the May 1 following the November 1 by which
the application was received.
(§ 2.1 -2; 6 -8 -83, §§ 3, 4, 5; 12- 16 -87; 12- 11 -91; 7 -1 -92; Code 1988, § 2.1 -2; Ord. 98 -A(1), 8 -5 -98; Ord.
09 -3(1), 6- 10 -09)
State law reference - -Va. Code §§ 15.2 -4303 through 15.2 -4309.
Sec. 3 -205 Withdrawal of land from district.
An owner of land within an agricultural and forestal district of statewide significance may request
that his land be withdrawn from the district, as provided herein:
A. Withdrawal by right by owner. After the planning commission initiates the review of a
district and before the board of supervisors acts to continue, modify or terminate the district, an owner of
land may withdraw the land from the district by filing a written notice of withdrawal with the department of
community development.
B. Withdrawal by right by certain successors to deceased owner. Within two years of the
date of death of an owner of land within a district, any heir, devisee, surviving co- tenant or personal
representative of a sole owner of any fee simple interest of land may, upon the inheritance or descent of
such land, withdraw the land from the district by filing a written notice of withdrawal with the department of
community development and the department of finance.
C. Withdrawal in discretion of board of supervisors. At any time after the creation of a
district, an owner of land may request the board of supervisors to withdraw all or part of the land from the
district, as provided herein:
1. Filing of written request. The owner shall file a written request for withdrawal with
the department of community development. The request shall identify the owner of the land, identify the
land or part thereof proposed to be withdrawn, state the reason for the request, and address the criteria
for review set forth in paragraph (C)(2). The request shall be accompanied by the fee required in section
3 -206.
2. Criteria for review. A request to withdraw land from a district may be approved
only if the withdrawal satisfies all of the following criteria:
(a) The proposed new land use will not have a significant adverse impact on
agricultural or forestal operations on land within the district;
(b) The proposed new land use is consistent with the comprehensive plan;
(c) The proposed land use is consistent with the public interest of the county
in that it promotes the health, safety or general welfare of the county, rather than only the proprietary
interest of the owner; and
(d) The proposed land use was not anticipated by the owner at the time the
land was placed in the district, and there has been a change in circumstances since that time.
3. Advisory committee review. Upon receipt of a request to withdraw, the advisory
committee shall review the request and report to the planning commission its recommendations. In
conducting its review, the committee shall evaluate the request as provided in paragraph (C)(2).
4. Planning commission review. Upon receipt of the report of the advisory
committee on a request, the planning commission shall conduct a public hearing and evaluate the request
as provided in paragraph (C)(2). The planning commission shall report to the board of supervisors its
recommendations, together with the advisory committee's recommendations.
5. Hearing by board. After receiving the reports of the planning commission and
the advisory committee, the board of supervisors shall hold a public hearing on the request.
D. Effect of withdrawal. Land that is withdrawn from a district shall be subject to roll -back
taxes as provided in Virginia Code § 58.1 -3237, and subject to all local laws and ordinances otherwise
prohibited from applying to land within a district, as provided in section 3- 202(C). The withdrawal of land
from a district shall not itself terminate the district.
(Ord. 98 -A(1), 8 -5 -98; Ord. 09 -3(1), 6- 10 -09)
State law reference -- Virginia Code §§ 15.2 -4307, 15.2 -4314.
Article III. Districts of Local Significance
Division 1. Procedure
Sec. 3 -301 Creation of district.
Each agricultural and forestal district of local significance shall be created as provided herein:
A. Application. On or before November 1 of each year, an owner or owners of land may
submit an application to the department of community development for the creation of a district. An
application shall be signed by each owner of land to be included within the district. The application shall
be made on a form developed and provided by the director of planning. Each submitted application shall
be accompanied by: (i) a tax map showing the boundaries of the proposed district and each addition, and
the boundaries of properties owned by each applicant; and (ii) the fee required by section 3 -306.
B. Initiation of application review. Upon receipt of an application for a district, the planning
commission shall:
Accept the application at a regularly scheduled meeting;
2. Direct the department of community development to provide notice of the
application pursuant to Virginia Code § 15.2- 4405(C)(1); and
3. Refer the application to the advisory committee for review and comment.
C. Evaluation criteria. Each application shall be evaluated as provided herein:
1. All land within the district shall be devoted to agricultural, horticultural, forestal or
open space use at the time of the application, except that a reasonable amount of residential or other
use, not exceeding five (5) acres per district and related to the agricultural, horticultural, forestal or open
space use, may be included.
2. If the land is located in the rural areas identified in the comprehensive plan, then
the owner shall have first attempted to include the land in a new or existing agricultural and forestal
district of statewide significance.
3. If the land is located in a development area identified in the comprehensive plan,
then a district shall be created only to protect either:
(a) Open space resources including stream valleys, mountains, wooded
areas, buffer areas, or civic or cultural features, as identified on the growth areas open space composite
maps; or
(b) Existing, bona fide agricultural and /or forestal operations as evidenced
by a history of investment in farm or forest improvements, such as the regular production and sale of farm
and /or forest products from the property during the last five (5) years, or other commitments to continuing
agricultural or forestal use in the district. In the event such evidence of commitment is not available, the
owner shall submit a notarized affidavit which describes the existing, bona fide agricultural and /or forestal
use of the property. In addition, if the land is used for agricultural or horticultural purposes, the owner
shall have obtained, or shall make or have made a request for, a current conservation plan with the
Natural Resource Conservation Service. If the land is used for forestry, the owner shall have obtained, or
shall make or have made a request for, a current conservation plan with the Virginia Department of
Forestry or a private consultant.
4. Whether the land is currently enrolled in the land -use value assessment program.
D. Advisory committee review. Upon referral of an application by the planning commission,
the advisory committee shall review and make recommendations concerning the application and any
proposed modifications to the planning commission.
E. Planning commission review. Upon receipt of the report of the advisory committee on an
application, the planning commission shall conduct a public hearing on the application and any proposed
modifications, and thereafter report its recommendations to the board of supervisors, as provided herein:
1. In conducting its review, the planning commission shall evaluate the application
not only as provided in paragraph (C), but also shall consider the potential effect of the district and any
proposed modifications on the county's planning policies and objectives.
2. Upon conclusion of the public hearing, the planning commission shall direct the
department of community development to publish and provide the notice required by section Virginia
Code § 15.2- 4405(E).
F. Hearing by board of supervisors. After receiving the reports of the planning commission
and the advisory committee, the board of supervisors shall hold a public hearing on the application as
provided in Virginia Code § 15.2- 4405(E).
G. Action on application. After a public hearing, the board of supervisors may by ordinance
create a district as applied for or with any modifications it deems appropriate, as provided herein.
1. The ordinance shall be adopted pursuant to the conditions and procedures
provided in Virginia Code § 15.2 -4406, and shall be subject to the conditions provided in section 3 -302.
2. The board of supervisors shall act to either adopt the ordinance creating the
district, or reject the application, or any modification to it, within one year from the November 1 by which
the application was received.
(9- 15 -93; Code 1988, §§ 2.1.1 -2, 2.1.1 -4; Ord. 98 -A(1), 8 -5 -98; Ord. 09 -3(1), 6- 10 -09)
State law reference - -Va. Code § 15.2 -4405.
Sec. 3 -305 Withdrawal of land from district.
After the planning commission initiates the review of a district and before the board of supervisors
acts to create, continue, modify or terminate the district, an owner of land may withdraw the land from the
district by filing a written notice of withdrawal with the department of community development.
(Ord. 98 -A(1), 8 -5 -98; Ord. 09 -3(1), 6- 10 -09)
State law reference - -Va. Code § 15.2 -4407.
Attachment 4
ORDINANCE NO. 09- A.1(1)
BE IT ORDAINED By the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, that Appendix A.1,
Acquisition of Conservation Easements Program, is hereby amended and reordained as follows:
By Amending:
Sec. A.1 -103 Definitions and construction
Sec. A.1 -104 Designation of program administrator; powers and duties
Appendix A.1 Acquisition of Conservation Easements Program
Sec. A.1 -103. Definitions and construction.
A. The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and implementation of the ACE
(1) Conservation easement. The term "conservation easement" means a
nonpossessory interest in one or more parcels of one or more qualified easement holders under section
A.1- 109(E) acquired under the Open -Space Land Act (Virginia Code § 10.1 -1700 et seq.), whether the
easement is appurtenant or in gross, voluntarily offered by an owner and acquired by purchase pursuant
to the ACE program, imposing limitations or affirmative obligations for the purpose of retaining or
protecting natural or open -space values of the parcel or parcels, assuring availability for agricultural,
forestal, recreational or open -space use, protecting natural resources, maintaining or enhancing air or
water quality, or preserving the historical, architectural or archaeological aspects of the parcel or parcels.
(2) Division rights. The term "division rights" means the number of parcels into
which a parcel could be divided and developed with a dwelling and all associated improvements and
utilities, counting both those parcels less than twenty -one (21) acres in size and those twenty -one (21)
acres in size or greater that could be created, by a by -right conventional development under the rural
areas zoning district regulations stated in Section 10 of Chapter 18, Zoning, of the Albemarle County
Code, where each potential parcel could comply with all applicable requirements of Chapter 14,
Subdivision of Land, and Chapter 18, Zoning, of the Albemarle County Code. Each division right
represents the right to build a single dwelling, regardless of whether it is a primary or secondary dwelling.
(3) Forced sale. The term "forced sale" means a sale of a parcel with unused
development rights in a manner prescribed by law that is conducted under a judgment, order or the
supervision of a court of competent jurisdiction, other than a sale arising from a partition action; a sale
resulting from foreclosure under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia; or, a sale that is not the
voluntary act of the owner but is compelled in order to satisfy a debt evidenced by a mortgage, judgment,
or a tax lien.
(4) Hardship. The term "hardship" means an economic hardship, other than a
circumstance causing a forced sale, experienced by the owner of the parcel so as to compel him to place
a parcel with unused development rights for sale or to use such development rights.
(5) Immediate family. The term "immediate family" means an owner's spouse and
his or her offspring residing in the same household as the owner.
the parcel.
(6) Owner. The term "owner" means the owner or owners of the freehold interest of
(7) Program administrator. The term "program administrator" means the director of
(8) Parcel. The term "parcel" means a lot or tract of land, lawfully recorded in the
clerk's office of the circuit court of the County of Albemarle.
(9) Retained division rights. The term "retained division rights" means the number of
parcels into which a parcel subject to a conservation easement may be divided as provided in section
A.1- 109(A).
B. Construction. Because a conservation easement may contain one or more parcels, for
purposes of the ACE program the term "parcel" shall include all parcels covered by, or proposed to be
covered by, the conservation easement.
(Ord. 00- A.1(1), 7 -5 -00; Ord. 02- A.1(1), 12- 11 -02; Ord. 07- A.1(1), 12 -5 -07; Ord. 09- A.1(1), 6- 10 -09)
Sec. A.1 -104. Designation of program administrator; powers and duties.
A. Designation. The director of planning is hereby designated as the program administrator.
B. Powers and duties. The program administrator, or his designee, shall administer the
ACE program and shall have the powers and duties to:
1. Establish reasonable and standard procedures and forms for the proper
administration and implementation of the program.
2. Promote the program, in cooperation with the ACE committee, by providing
educational materials to the public and conducting informational meetings.
3. Investigate and pursue, in conjunction with the county executive, state, federal
and other programs available to provide additional public and private resources to fund the program and
to maximize private participation.
4. Evaluate all applications to determine their eligibility and their ranking score, rank
applications based on their ranking score, and make recommendations thereon to the ACE committee.
5. Determine the number of division rights existing on each parcel subject to an
application, after obtaining the number of theoretical development rights from the zoning administrator.
6. Coordinate the preparation of appraisals.
7. Provide staff support to the appraisal review committee, the ACE committee and
the board of supervisors.
8. Provide educational materials regarding other land protection programs to the
9. For each conservation easement, assure that the terms and conditions of the
deed of easement are monitored and complied with by coordinating a monitoring program with each
easement holder, and if the other easement holders are either unable or unwilling to do so, monitor and
assure compliance with the terms and conditions of the deed of easement.
(Ord. 00- A.1(1), 7 -5 -00; Ord. 02- A.1(1), 12- 11 -02; Ord. 09- A.1(1), 6- 10 -09)
Attachment 5
SP- 2007 -052. Nortonsville Church of God Facility Expansion:
1. The development of the site shall be in general accord with the "Conceptual Site Plan" prepared
for Nortonsville Church of God by TCS Engineering Co., LLC, dated April 3, 2009 (hereinafter, the
"Conceptual Plan "), provided that the maximum building size shall be governed by Condition 2
rather than the Conceptual Plan. Minor variations from the Conceptual Plan may be approved by
the Zoning Administrator in conjunction with site plan review to ensure compliance with the
Zoning Ordinance. The arrangement of parking spaces may be altered so that County standards
for safe and convenient access may be met. The total number of parking spaces shall be in
accord with a parking study approved by Zoning staff before approval of the preliminary site plan
for this use;
2. The footprint of the building identified on the Conceptual Plan as "Proposed Multi- Purpose
Building" shall not exceed fourteen thousand five hundred (14,500) square feet;
3. A dwelling used by the church's staff, located within the church, may be permitted as an
accessory use;
4. All structures shall meet commercial setback standards as set forth in Section 21.7(b) of the
Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. The tot lot is not subject to this condition;
5. A fire - suppression water supply meeting the approval of the Albemarle County Fire /Rescue
Department shall be required before approval of the preliminary site plan for this use;
6. Health Department approval of well and /or septic systems;
7. All outdoor lighting shall be only full cut -off fixtures and shielded to reflect light away from all
abutting properties. A lighting plan limiting light levels at all property lines to no greater than 0.3
foot candles shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator or their designee for approval;
8. There shall be no day care center or private school on site without approval of a separate special
use permit;
9. If the use, structure, or activity for which this special use permit is issued is not commenced by
June 10, 2014, the permit shall be deemed abandoned and the authority granted thereunder shall
thereupon terminate; and
10. The applicant shall install and maintain a vegetative buffer, a fence, or a combination thereof,
along the shared boundary line between TMP 9 -3 and TMP 9 -4, from the intersection of the
boundary lines of TMP 9 -3, TMP 9 -4, and the Simmons Gap Road public right -of -way, to a point
where the paved parking area on TMP 9 -4 along the shared boundary line ends, and along the
shared boundary line between TMP 9 -4 and TMP 9 -6C parallel to Silver Lace Lane, from the
intersection of the boundary lines of TMP 9 -4, TMP 9 -6C, and the Simmons Gap Road public
right -of -way. The purpose of the vegetative buffer and the fence is to provide visual screening of
the uses and structures on TMP 9 -4 from TMP 9 -3 and TMP 9 -6H, and to minimize dust and
debris moving from TMP 9 -4 onto TMP 9 -3 or TMP 9 -6H. Any vegetative buffer shall consist of a
naturalistic pattern of multi- species trees and shrubs, as listed in the brochure titled "Native Plants
for Conservation, Restoration, and Landscaping: Piedmont Plateau," published by the Virginia
Department of Conservation and Recreation. These plantings are to be arranged in a density that
would mitigate views of the parking area, with a spacing allowing the natural form /habit of the
plant material to be recognized. Any fence installed along these boundaries shall be at least four
(4) feet tall and shall be opaque. The vegetative buffer, the fence, or a combination thereof shall
be installed before the certificate of occupancy is issued for the building identified on the
Conceptual Plan as the "Multi- Purpose Building." This requirement for screening shall be
documented in a screening plan that shall be submitted with the site plan application and shall be
subject to the approval of the Planning Director or his designee and shall be a condition of final
site plan approval.
SP- 2008 -058. Harris Garage:
1. Development of the use shall be in accord with the conceptual plan titled "Amended Site Plan
Harris' Garage ", prepared by DW Enterprises, and dated March 16, 2009 (hereinafter, the
"Conceptual Plan "), as determined by the Director of Planning and the Zoning Administrator. To
be in accord with the plan, development shall reflect the following major elements within the
development essential to the design of the development:
■ The size, height and location of the proposed buildings (16' X 307maximum 24' high);
■ The area designated for the special use (public garage);
■ The size, height and location of the existing buildings /structures (original garage — 1,936
square feet /24 feet high /3 vehicle bays; garage expansion — 1,496 square feet /24 feet
high /1 vehicle bay; enclosed compressor room; paint mixing room; one outside lift; one
dumpster pad /fence enclosure; 3 parking spaces carport; 2 parking spaces carport);
■ The number (maximum 15 spaces public garage) and location of the vehicle parking
■ The two (2) signage locations at the entrance to the special use permit area. The signs
shall state, "All vehicles beyond this point must be placed in a marked parking space" and
be a maximum of four (4) square feet.
■ The sign location at the area designated as "Parking for Private Vehicles." The sign shall
state, "Parking for only personal vehicles of the Harris Family" and be a maximum of four
(4) square feet.
2. Gasoline sales are prohibited;
3. The sale or rental of vehicles or other motorized equipment is prohibited;
4. All repairing or equipping of vehicles shall take place inside the existing garage, with the
exception of vehicles being repaired on the vehicle lift located adjacent to the garage;
5. The outdoor storage of parts, equipment, machinery and junk is prohibited;
6. Only personal vehicles may be parked in the area marked "parking for personal vehicles" on the
Conceptual Plan. No more than fifteen (15) vehicles associated with the public garage use shall
be located outside the garage. All vehicles associated with the public garage use shall be parked
in the spaces shown as "for garage only" on the Conceptual Plan. Any vehicles parked outside
the area marked "parking for personal vehicles" shall be considered to be associated with the
public garage and are counted in the fifteen (15) vehicle maximum.
7. The hours of operation shall be between 10:00 A.M. and 10:00 P.M., Monday through Saturday.
These hours of operation do not prohibit customers from dropping off vehicles outside of
operating hours; and
8. Within three (3) months following approval of the site plan or site plan waiver, the permittee shall
install and thereafter maintain a minimum twenty (20) -foot deep landscape evergreen- screening
buffer to shield the view of the garage and garage parking from Markwood Road. This landscape
screening shall supplement existing landscape approved with SP 2001 -49 and consist of Eastern
Red Cedar or other material approved by the Planning Director, a minimum four (4) feet high at
planting, and planted in staggered rows with a maximum of ten (10) feet on center spacing
between the landscape materials. The permittee shall also submit a landscape plan with the site
plan application that will be subject to the approval of the Planning Director or the Planning
Director's designee; and
9. All outdoor lighting shall be only full cut -off fixtures and shielded to reflect light away from all
abutting properties. A lighting plan (for new lighting) limiting light levels at all property lines to no
greater than 0.3 foot candles shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator or their designee for
PROJECT: SP- 2008 -061. Slingluff Dock:
1. There shall be no lighting within twenty -five (25) horizontal feet of the Reservoir, measured from
the elevation of normal pool, which is Elevation 382 (North American Vertical Datum of 1988);
2. There shall be no removal of vegetation or earth disturbance with the two hundred (200) -foot
stream buffer associated with the installation of the boat dock. The stream buffer is measured
from the edge of the floodplain, which is Elevation 391;
3. Structures and improvements located in the two hundred (200) -foot stream buffer shall be limited
to those shown on the Schematic of Dock Design and Schematic of Dock Design, Side View,
including a set of up to five steps without railings located directly adjacent to the dock; and
4. Non - invasive vegetation shall be allowed to naturally regenerate in the buffer area between the
normal pool elevation of the Reservoir (Elevation 382) and the elevation of the edge of the
floodplain (Elevation 391), except for a pathway of not wider than ten (10) feet leading to the
Attachment 6
WHEREAS, in conjunction with the Virginia Department of Transportation ( "VDOT "), the County
of Albemarle ( "County ") and the City of Charlottesville have strongly pursued public /private partnerships
to make critical road improvements to Route 29; and
WHEREAS, part of this joint effort currently involves substantial improvements to southbound
Route 29 from Greenbrier Drive to the Route 29/250 Bypass; and
WHEREAS, a key element of these improvements is to put in place a continuous turn lane from
Greenbrier Drive to Hydraulic Road; and
WHEREAS, construction plans and funding are in place to pay for over $3.5 million dollars of
these Route 29 road improvements including this continuous turn lane; and
WHEREAS, construction of the continuous turn lane could commence within the year provided all
right -of -way can be acquired; and
WHEREAS, all necessary right -of -way has been acquired except for approximately 654 square
feet of right -of way and approximately 18,864 square feet of temporary construction easements on the
frontage of Tax Map # 61 W -3 Parcel 18; and
WHEREAS, although the conversion of this small portion of property would have no significant
impact to the remainder of the property, efforts to acquire this right -of -way and the temporary construction
easements have not been successful; and
WHEREAS, after careful review, engineers have found no viable alternative that would allow the
construction of the continuous turn lane improvements without this right -of -way and the temporary
construction easements; and
WHEREAS, this right -of -way, when acquired and improved, would be owned and maintained by
VDOT as part of the Virginia Primary Road System and would be a VDOT public improvement rather than
a County public improvement; and
WHEREAS, the continuous turn lane improvement is a necessary Route 29 improvement
regardless of whether any additional development is constructed on this segment of Route 29; and
WHEREAS, VDOT rather than the County has required this improvement as part of the overall
road improvements necessary to improve the capacity and safety of the Route 29 corridor; and
WHEREAS, it is essential that VDOT use its authority and expertise to acquire this right -of -way
and the temporary construction easements to allow for these significant and necessary public road
improvement to proceed in a timely manner; and
WHEREAS, the County can assure the payment to VDOT of all costs associated with the
acquisition of this property and the construction of the associated Route 29 improvements.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby
formally requests that VDOT acquire the right of way and temporary construction easements on Tax Map
#61W-3 Parcel 18 necessary for the construction of the continuous turn lane proposed for construction on
Route 29 from Greenbrier Drive to Hydraulic Road .
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County will assure that VDOT will be paid for all its costs
associated with that acquisition and the construction of the associated Route 29 improvements on that