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SP197400360 Action Letter
~~'l 00 () or: ALa~A1 .-.;-. 4/i>/ /.(o~~" ,~ ,(~, "~~7'.\ r~~:\,;oll~'c -~\ \t~11~;t~~~1J/ "~~tDit~Y Planni ng Department 411 CAST HIGH STHEET CHARl.OTTE.SVILLE. VIRGINiA 22901 JOHN L. HUMPHnEY COUNTY PlANN"" fWBFRT W. TUCKER, Jri. ASf.IS TAUT COUN1Y f'l./,NNER July 26, 1974 Re: Board of Supervisors Action !fr. W. R. B:i.nc1sr, III VicJ.:y l.r. ni~lf:18r . 201 Shp1!1!V(;:-;kLRond, Apt. i-p Cb:n'lot te::;vil J c, Vj.rr5.nia 2~:901 1'h1s is to illform you that on __._._.Jl!1y.....:~_J27/.___._.__, dUi':i.nr: ill!: reglllil"L' meet.::i.ng of. t.he Albcma)~le County Board of Supervir;ors, your appJ.:i('ation for _~'p-:,6Q.____._ ,.;' [t S dr~n-l i" d . __.__~_.._ ~._.~.. ~..____,_ _ ........ ____~.____,~,....y._._ _._______~__.._.____r_._____._ _... ._. ~,..__.__.__u.'___'_'___'''''_ .-.___~. .._..__.._'_._~----.--' --.--. ,.----..-~--~>- .----....-..~--- ..---------.-- -~.----. --._--..__._.~---".._."--~_._-_..,._---,~-~--..__..--,-,..__..~~-_..,~_.--~------_....--_._---~.--- .._----...~---_.- - - ____ '_"_. .._.~____ ___.___.~~_.,__~___...._ ___r. ..__..~..__._._._ ___._____._._________ .~._- -.------------ .... _......_.__ .....__._.~.._ ...-_,__u._ '_'~_' ., _._____,.__.__.~. .__"'~...~._.__ -------..--- ----.---........----.----.--.-..---- --"_._.. .-..--- ._-- ~~.~----->._~----~-_._._.- --'.._._.-~~ -.-.--... -..-------- ,----~~_.__._._--_.__.- ___._.. '.~'_ ..~ ....._.~U._A._ _._.__ ,_,_. ._._ ___,_,",~___ -.-_..-._~-.. .."--.-.-....-.----.-.--..---- --_. .--.---.-.--------. .--_._-- ..__."_. _.----,--..., .-.---~.~. ..._------ .......~. -~. .---.-- ...-----~-~...--....._--_.- -.-----.--.---------.--.-----..-- Office of Planning and Zoning by ___p(~b()J.ri1.l.J~C_ol1-tc1:.._____ \ \ \ \ A. RUTH MI'..Lm ZONING A['M!NISTRA 1 on MARY JOY SCALA SENIOR PLANNEr<