HomeMy WebLinkAboutZTA200900017 Legacy Document 2009-11-04COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Zoning Ordinance Fees — ZTA 2009 -017
Planning Commission Public Hearing to Consider
Fees in the Zoning Ordinance
Mark Graham, Amelia McCulley, Bill Fritz
AGENDA DATE: November 10, 2009
In August 2009, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors (Board) reviewed a staff recommendation for revising the
Zoning Ordinance fees and directed staff to proceed with bringing this forward for public hearing. This was followed in
September 2009 by the Board adopting a Resolution of Intent to amend the Zoning Ordinance fees. In October 2009,
the Planning Commission reviewed the staff recommendation and by a 4 -3 vote, directed staff to bring forward a
Zoning Ordinance amendment that provides for 75% cost recovery.
As the materials from the August 5'h worksession and the Resolution of Intent were included in the October 7th
Planning Commission materials, they have not been included with this executive summary. The public may find copies
of those materials within the online October 7'h, Planning Commission agenda. Attachment A is the Zoning Ordinance
amendment based on the Planning Commission's direction. Attachment B is the Zoning Ordinance amendment based
on the Board's direction. Attachment C illustrates the differences in the two set of fees.
Goal 5: Fund the County's Future Needs.
The fees in the Attachment B ordinance amendment have already been vetted with the Board and Planning
Commission. As such; the focus of this discussion will be staff's analysis of the fees in Attachment A. Staff's analysis
has used the Board's policy guidance for fees, as previously discussed with the Planning Commission. This includes:
1) fees should recover a significant part of the cost of application review, 2) fees should be comparable to other
localities, and 3) fees should be regularly reviewed and adjusted to assure past problems with outdated fees are not
Using Attachment C, staff notes several areas where the fees will be significantly higher than staff's recommendation
to the Board. These include Special Use Permits, Zoning Map Amendments, Zoning Text Amendments, Variances,
ARB Certificate of Appropriateness, and Final Site Plans. In comparing those fees to other localities, staff believes
these particular fees are not comparable to what other localities would charge. Additionally, some of those fees may
prove to be an obstacle to applicants moving forward. For example, a fee of $13,500 is provided for a Zoning Map
Amendment of less than 50 acres. Theoretically, this could include rezoning a 1 acre property to allow an additional
lot. As originally proposed, this application fee would be $2,500, which staff already considered to be on the upper
end of the comparable fee range.
Finally, it is noted that a large number of the administrative fees shown in Attachment A have no changes from the
staff recommendation in Attachment B. In those cases, staff had found that the proposed fees in Attachment B allow
the County to recover most or all of the entire cost of service while maintaining comparable fees. Thus, no change was
needed to follow the Planning Commission's direction.
The County currently collects approximately $182,000 from Zoning Ordinance fees in an average year. The fees
associated with Attachment B would increase this to approximately $522,000, increasing County revenues by
approximately $340,000 in an average year. Due to recent development trends, staff anticipates applications will
be two- thirds of an average year for the remainder of this year and most of next year. Staff anticipates a revenue
increase of $100,000 for the remainder of FY 08 -09 and of $200,000 in FY 09 -10 based on the fees in Attachment
Using the Planning Commission recommended fees, staff estimates the fee revenue would increase to
approximately, $1.2 Million in an average year and $800,000 for FY 10 and FY 11 using the same assumptions as
above. It should be noted this increase assumes there would be no reduction in the number of applications with
the much higher fees. Staff has no data to support or refute that assumption, but experience and anecdotes
suggest the County would see reductions in the number of some application types. Thus, staff believes this
revenue projection is somewhat inflated, though a more precise estimate could not be provided.
Given the Board's direction at the August 5`h Board worksession, staff believes the Planning Commission should
recommend adoption of the fees as presented in Attachment B.
Attachment A — Zoning Ordinance amendment with fees per October 7th Planning Commission direction
Attachment B — Zoning Ordinance amendment with fees per August 5`h Board direction
Attachment C- Zoning Ordinance amendment with comparison of fees
Attachment A
Draft: 10/12/09
ORDINANCE NO. 09 -18( )
BE IT ORDAINED By the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, that Chapter 18, Zoning,
Article IV, Procedure, is hereby amended and reordained as follows:
By Amending and Renumbering:
Sec. 35.01 Fees
By Amending, Renumbering and Renaming:
Sec. 3542 Fees Calculation of fees in special circumstances
By Adding:
Sec. 35.3 Fee refunds
Chapter 18. Zoning
Article IV. Procedure
Sec. 35.01 Fees
• •.
Attachment A
Draft: 10/12/09
2 For - plariixed develepxii
3. Fef ah other- zeaki
4. For- all eetherzeningmag
S. Minef- amendment to
Request ze -xa yinianee
ccn�- --
- amendffients
6r- sign
�vvrrn6 =e-
Speeia4 use
$ c7n
acres- yr,�� o
under -50 aer-es
Sgor-faore acme
pCf t $1.20.00.
$ is —0.
(n.,,,..,de 7 Q 97)
1 Residential
2. z� i r- esidefitial $1,590.00,
f. Final site develepffient plaiii.
1. Appr-evedadfpAnistfa4vely
plus $13.00/1000
„ e feet.
3. If by the
reviewed eefi:h-Assieft
4- TOr site -deve ent
Miner- - ^lter-atieiist0
plan waiver-
af4er- approval
ef prelifAnafy
"b) Maj er-
$— �&.
sizeereeaiio rr
Attachment A
Draft: 10/12/09
shall be ehar-ged te the applieant, to the exteRt that the same shall exeeed the applieable fee set f-efth in this
Each applicant shall nay the following applicable fees provided that neither the county nor the county school board
shall be required to pay any fee if it is the a icant:
a Zoning text amendments: $10.500.00
Attachment A
Draft: 10/12/09
b. Zoning map amendments:
1. Less than 50 acres; application and first resubmission: $13.500.00
2 Less than 50 acres; each additional resubmission: $6.750.00
3. 50 acres or greater; application and first resubmission: $27.000.00
50 acres or greater; each additional resubmission: $13.500.00
5. Deferral of scheduled public hearing at applicant's reauest: $180.00
C. Special use permits.
1. Additional lots under section public utilities, day care center, to amend existing special
use ermit, or to extend existing special use ermit; ap lication and first resubmission: $3.000.00
2. Additional lots under section, public utilities, day care center, to amend existinga ep cial
use permit or to extend existing special use permit; each additional resubmission: $1,500.00
3. Suns reviewed by the board of zoning = app 35fl
4. All other s ecial use and first resubmission: $4 500.00
5. All other special use permits; each additional resubmission: $2.250.00
6. Deferral of scheduled public hearing at applicant's request: $180.00
d. Site plans:
1. Preliminary site plans; administrative review: $1.200.00 phis $15 per dwelling unit and $0.015 per
square foot of nonresidential stricture
2. Preliminary site plans: planning commission review: $2.200.00 plus $15 per dwelling unit and
$0.015 per square foot of nonresidential structure
3. Final site pians; administrative review: $2.625.00
4. Final site plans; planning commission review: $4.500.00
5. Waiver of drawing of site plan under section 32.2: $2.625.00
6. Site plan amendments under section 32.3.8 9(2 (minor): $1,875.00
7. All other site plan amendments (major): $2.625.00
8. Appeals to the board of supervisors under section $240.00
9. Reinstatement of review under section $1,175.00
10. Reinstatement of review under section $1.275.00
11. Extension of period of validity: $475.00
12. Inspections pertaining to secured site plan improvements; per inspection: $280.00
13. Deferral of scheduled public meeting at applicant's request: $180.00
e. Certificates of appropriateness considered by the architectural review board
1. For a site planer review by the ARB: $2.600.00
2. For a building ep rmit; per review by the ARB: $590.00
3. Amendment to approved certificate of appropriateness: $225.00
f. Matters considered by the board of zoning appeals
1. Variances: $1,275.00
2. Appeals: $240.00
3. Special use permits for signs under section 4.15.5: $1.275.00
g Matters considered by the zoning administrator or other officials:
1. Official determinations regarding compliance: $185.00
2. Official determinations regarding development rights: $750.00
2. All other official determinations: $1.400.00
3. Zoning clearance for tourist lodging: .00
4. Zoning clearance for home occupation. class A: $25.00
5. All other zoning clearances: $50.00
6. Sign permits under section 4.15.4; no ARB review required: $35.
7. Sign permits under section 4.15.4; ARB review required: $550.00
Attachment A
Draft: 10/12/09
h. Groundwater assessments:
1. Tier 1 assessment under section 17,44011-:1550M.
2. Tier 3 assessment under section 17 -403: $510.00
3. Tier 4 assessment under section 17 -404: $1M
i. Miscellaneous:
1. Change in name of development or change in name of street: $80.00
2. Relief from conditions of approval: modification or waiver of requirements: $575.00
3. Tier II personal wireless service facilities: $1,820.00
i. Required notice:
1. Preparing and mailing or delivering up to fifty (50) notices: $200.00 plus the actual cost of
first class postage.
2. Preparing and mailing or delivering, per notice more than fifty (50): $1.00.plus the actual
cost of first class postage.
3. Published notice: actual cost
The fee shall be in the form of cash or a check movable to the "County of Albemarle." An ap lic�prest n
without the required fee shall not be deemed to submitted and shall not be processed.
(Amended 5- 5 -82; 9 -1 -85; 7 -1 -87; 6 -7 -89; 12 -11 -91 to be effective 4 -1 -92; 7- 8 -92)
Sec. 35.12 Fee r-eduefleift. Calculation of fees in special circumstances (Added effective 1 -1 -94)
The provisions of 35.01 notwithstanding, the required fee
shall be calculated in the special circumstances below as follows.
a. M sueh ease in whieh a pr-eliffAiiafy site develepiReRt plan afid/er- pr-eliFFAnar-y subdivisieR plat is filed as
—al use per-fflit, ne fee shall be applied fer- review ef sueh pf-eliminafy site develepmentplaft afk&ef
If a preliminary site plan or preliminary subdivision plat is supportive of and
will be reviewed simultaneously with an application fora zoning man amendment or a special use elm
the applicant shall pay the fee for the zoning man amendment or the special use permit, but not the fee for
the preliminary site plan or preliminary subdivision plat.
an individual use, the lffgest single fee shall be applied te the review ef all seeh speeial use peffmt
appheatiens. If multiple special use permits are required to establish a single use, the applicant shall pay
only the largest single fee for a special use permit for the review of all of the special use permit
in sueh ease in whieh detefwAnatiea is iRade subsequent te filing a" applieatien uRder- 35.0 that S
appheatien is net r-equifed to allew establishment of the use, sueh appheaden fee shall be r-efunded in Pull.
(Added effective 1 -1 -94)
(§ 35.0, 12- 10 -80; 5 -5 -82; 9 -1 -85; 7 -1 -87; 6 -7 -89; 12 -11 -91 to be effective 4 -1 -92; 7- 8 -92; * to be effective 1 -1-
94; Ord. 02- 18(4), 7 -3 -02; Ord. 04- 18(3), 10- 13 -04; Ord. 04- 18(4), adopted 12 -8 -04, effective 2 -8 -05)
If the zoning administrator determines after a fee required by section 35.1 has been paid that the review and
approval to which the fee pertains is not required to establish the use or structure, the fee shall be refunded to the
applicant in full.
Attachment A
Draft: 10/12/09
I, Ella W. Jordan, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of an Ordinance duly adopted
by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, by a vote of to as recorded below, at a
regular meeting held on
Aye Nay
Mr. Boyd
Mr. Dorrier
Ms. Mallek
Mr. Rooker
Mr. Slutzky
Ms. Thomas
Clerk, Board of County Supervisors
Attachment B
Draft: 10/12/09
ORDINANCE NO. 09 -18( )
BE IT ORDAINED By the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, that Chapter 18, Zoning,
Article IV, Procedure, is hereby amended and reordained as follows:
By Amending and Renumbering:
Sec. 35.01 Fees
By Amending, Renumbering and Renaming:
Sec. 35.42 Fee r-eduetieft Calculation of fees in special circumstances
By Adding:
Sec. 35.3 Fee refunds
Chapter 18. Zoning
Article IV. Procedure
Sec. 35.01 Fees
... .
Uff if . W ..
Attachment B
Draft: 10/12/09
1Fer- plaiined developments
gamer- Ed! et iefzening fnap
-tifider- 50 aer-es
affiendme under-
Q,T- 0.
50 a $1,020.
S. M entffaefit te
d. Beafd of Zoning Appeals--.
1. Request fe nee
2. For- te the
ereigspeeial use
pe ;« $120.00. (Amended 7 4 9
other- appeals
efzeiiing appeals
(ifieluding appea4s ef zefting adRiinistr-ator-'s
e. Pr-elifrAnar-y site development
-1. Residential $ innnn
2. ,ea- regent l $1,580.00,
plus $13 nnii
nnn square feet
1. Appf-evedad+pAnistfoively $410.00.
3. lfr-eviewedby the eeff.-Mssioti after- appr-eva4 of the pr-elifi-iftafy site de:velepRient plan $790.00.
4. Fersitedeveleprnent jalan waiver- $
5. Fer- site develepffient plan amendment-.-
a) Minor- -- alteet s-te pafk4ng, eir-eulatien size, leetiffil Q0.
b) M�ef- eefiwMssietif-eview $270.00-.
Attachment B
Draft: 10/12/09
1.Zeningelear-anee $35.00
ceesser-y ledging peff,4ts $35.00.
a. n fflei .i Letters.!
' . - - -- M W - ' ' . FRAWA FAX WE ATATAYATi7
Each applicant shall nay the following applicable fees, provided that neither the county nor the county school board
shall be required to pay any fee if it is the applicant:
a. Zoning text amendments: $1000.00
- - - _ :/!lltif!C!!�llSiTi7ionr!woLd �iTri1_7 _
Each applicant shall nay the following applicable fees, provided that neither the county nor the county school board
shall be required to pay any fee if it is the applicant:
a. Zoning text amendments: $1000.00
Attachment B
Draft: 10/12/09
b. Zoning man amendments:
1. Less than 50 acres; application and first resubmission: $2500.00
2. Less than 50 acres; each additional resubmission: $1250.00
3. 50 acres or greater: application and first resubmission: $3500.00
4 50 acres or greater; each additional resubmission: $1750.00
5. Deferral of scheduled public hearing at applicant's reauest: $180.00
C. Special use permits:
1. Additional lots under section public utilities, day care center, to amend existingpal
use permit, or to extend existing special use permit; application and first resubmission: $1000.00
2. Additional lots under section public utilities, day care center, to amend existing s ecia
use permit, or to extend existing special use permit; each additional resubmission: $500.00
3. Signs reviewed by the board of zoning appeals: See subsection 35.1(fl
4. All other s ecip_ al use ep rmits;�pplication and first resubmission: $2000.00
5. All other special use permits; each additional resubmission: $100100
6. Deferral of scheduled public hearing at applicant's request: $180.00
d. Site plan.:
1. Preliminary site plans; administrative review: $1200.00 plus $15 per dwelling unit and $0.015 per
square foot of nonresidential structure
2. Preliminary site lans: lanum' commission review: $1800.00 plus $15 per dwelling unit and
$0.015 per square foot of nonresidential structure
3. Final site plans; administrative review: $1500.00
4. Final site plans; planning commission review: $2000.00
5. Waiver of drawing of site plan under section 32.2: $1500.00
6. Site plan amendments under section 32.3.8 9l2 (minor): $500.00
7. All other site plan amendments (major): $1500.00
8 Appeals to the board of supervisors under section $240.00
9. Reinstatement of review under section $240.00
10. Reinstatement of review under section $80.00
11. Extension of period of validity: $475.00
12. Inspections pertaining to secured site lap n improvements: per inspection: $280.00
13. Deferral of scheduled public meeting at applicant's reauest: $180.00
e. Certificates of appropriateness considered by the architectural review board ( "ARB "):
1. For a site plan; per review by the ARB: $1000.00
2. For a building e�l� rmit; per review by the ARB: $590.00
3. Amendment to approved certificate of appropriateness: $225.00
f. Matters considered by the board of zoning appeals:
1. Variances: $500.00
2. Appeals: $240.00
3. Special use permits for signs under section 4.15.5: $500.00
g Matters considered by the zoning administrator or other officials:
1. Official determinations regarding comnliance: $185.00
2. All other official determinations, including development rights: $100.00
3 Zoning clearance for tourist lodging: $100.00
4. Zoning clearance for home occupation. class A: $25.00
5. All other zoning clearances: $50.00
6. Sign permits under section 4.15.4; no ARB review required: $25.00
7. Sign permits under section 4.15.4; ARB review required: $120.00
Attachment B
Draft: 10/12/09
h. Groundwater assessments:
1. Tier 1 assessment under section 17 -401: $50.00
2. Tier 3 assessment under section 17 -403: $510.00
3. Tier 4 assessment under section 17 -404: $1100.00
i. Miscellaneous:
1. Chance in name of development or change in name of street: $80.00
2. Relief from conditions of approval; modification or waiver_of requirements: $425.00
3. Tier II personal wireless service facilities: $1820.00
j. Required notice:
1. Preparing and mailing or delivering up to fifty (50) notices: $200.00 plus the actual cost of
first class postage.
2. Preparing and mailing or delivering. per notice more than fifty (50): $1.00 plus the actual
cost of first class postage.
3. Published notice: actual cost
The fee shall be in the form of cash or a check payable to the "County of Albemarle." An =lication presented
without the required fee shall not be deemed to submitted and shall not be processed.
(Amended 5- 5 -82; 9 -1 -85; 7 -1 -87; 6 -7 -89; 12 -11 -91 to be effective 4 -1 -92; 7- 8 -92)
Sec. 35.12 Fee --eduetion Calculation of fees in special circumstances (Added effective 1 -1 -94)
The provisions of 35.01 notwithstanding, the required fee
shall be calculated in the special circumstances below as follows:
a. In sueh ease in whieh a pi:elifMnar-y site develepffieiit pla-a aiid/ef pt:eHiffi—inapy subdi,�4sien plat is filed as
speeial use jqefn-At ne fee shall be applied fef r-eview ef sueh pr-elifpAnffy site develepffient plan aawer-
If a preliminary site plan or preliminary subdivision plat is supportive of and
will be reviewed simultaneously with an application for a zoning map amendment or a special use ep rmit
the applicant shall pay the fee for the zoning map amendment or the special use permit, but not the fee for
the preliminary site plan or preliminary subdivision plat.
b. In sueh ease in whieh multiple speeial use per-fMts afe feqtfir-ed by eper-atien ef this er-dinanee te establish
an individual use, the largest single fee shall be applied te the i:eview ef all sueh speeia4 use per-ff&
egplie4iees. If multiple special use permits are required to establish a single use, the applicant shall pav
only he largest gle fee for a special use permit for the review of all of the special use permit
C. In sueh ease in whieh detemiinatien is made subsequent te filing any applieatien under- 35.0 that seek
(Added effective 1 -1 -94)
(§ 35.0, 12- 10 -80; 5 -5 -82; 9 -1 -85; 7 -1 -87; 6 -7 -89; 12 -11 -91 to be effective 4 -1 -92; 7- 8 -92; * to be effective 1 -1-
94; Ord. 02- 18(4), 7 -3 -02; Ord. 04- 18(3), 10- 13 -04; Ord. 04- 18(4), adopted 12 -8 -04, effective 2 -8 -05)
Sec, 35.3 Fee refunds
If the zoning administrator determines after a fee required by section 35.1 has been paid that the review and
approval to which the fee pertains is not required to establish the use or structure, the fee shall be refunded to the
applicant in full.
Attachment B
Draft: 10/12/09
I, Ella W. Jordan, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of an Ordinance duly adopted
by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, by a vote of to , as recorded below, at a
regular meeting held on
Ave Nay
Mr. Boyd
Mr. Dorrier
Ms. Mallek
Mr. Rooker
Mr. Slutzky
Ms. Thomas
Clerk, Board of County Supervisors
Draft: 10 /12/09
ORDINANCE NO. 09 -18( )
BE IT ORDAINED By the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, that Chapter 18, Zoning,
Article IV, Procedure, is hereby amended and reordained as follows:
By Amending and Renumbering:
Sec. 35.91 Fees
By Amending, Renumbering and Renaming:
Sec. 35.12 Fee redtiefien Calculation of fees in special circumstances
By Adding:
Sec. 35.3 Fee refunds
Chapter 18. Zoning
Article IV. Procedure
See. 35.91 Fees
required to pay any fee f-equir-ed by this seetion if it is the applieant.
1 . Rural afea diyisien fer the pttfpese ef "family divisien" where all er-igined 1989 develepment Aghts
erdinanee $220.00. (Amended ended a ffeetiye 1 i nn)
n n.....n d :..:..:...... $1,240.00.
3. Ceffiaereial use $n— �9.09.
4. Industfial use $1,020.00.
S. Private elubneeeeatiena;zaeilivy $1,020.90.
7. Publi utilities $1,020.00.
8. Gradeffill in the fleed plain $870.00.
10 &aef difig speeial , peffflits $70 .00.
HefneOeetipatienGlassB $440.W.
12 Fer day , ..ter six icy to fAfte im ewild..°.t
$490-00. in dried c 3 92)
14. All other uses eiEeept signs $980.99. (Ameaded 7 8 92)
b. Per- amendment to text of zeningerdinanee Q4— 840.00..
Draft: 10/12/09
Draft: 10/12/09
_ _ - - - Deleted: 9(
Granting request te defer aefieft en site develepment plan, speeial use peffnit
2. Indefinite4y $75.00.
k. Bead inspeetien fef site develepment plan, fer eaeh inspeefieft after the fiffit bend estiffiate $6
1. Zefting eleafanee $35.00,
fn. AeeesseFyIedgingpefmits $35.00.
n. IIFF:.,:.,1 Letters!
1. Ofdeteffninatiefi $75.00.
e ts!
1. Any sign, except exempted sigHs and signs requifingfeview by the arehiteettir-al review beard
2. Signs ...,quired to be ...,,.:.,,, ed by the .,FehiteetuFa ...,..iew beard $75.00.
} T:.,.. 1 assessment .,def A11......,...,de lieunty /'cede X 17 Ant ccn nn
2. Tier 3 assessment tinder Albemar4e Geua�y Gede § 17 403 $400.00 ples $25.00 per-�.
3. TieF 4 uSoeoo ,ent Hale" nlbcfn acie Co amty Cede § - 17 4 0 $ 1,000 .00.
shag be ehafged to the applieant, te the extent th4 the same sha4l e*eeed the appliea-ble fee set fef4h iR this
afty applieatien withdrawn after publie nefiee has been given, tie part of the fee will be refunded.
Each applicant shall RQy the following applicable fees. Drovided that neither the county nor the county school board
shall be required to nay any fee if it is the aplis�ant
a. Zoning text amendments: $1Q. 500 00 Deleted: 44
b Zoning man amendments:
1. Less than 50 acres: application and first resubmission: $13, OS 0.00 - - - ' Deleted: 2
2. Less than 50 acres: each additional resubmission: $b,750.00 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Deleted: 1299.
3. 50 acres or greater: a P lication and first resubmission: $27,000 00 _ _ - Deleted: 3594
Draft: 10/12/09
4. 50 acres or greater: each additional resubmission: $13,500.00 - Deleted: IM
5. Deferral of scheduled public hearing at applicant's request: $180.00
C. Special use ep rmits:
1. Additional lots under section n blic utilities. day care center. to amend existing is
11s.p-n rmi , or to extend existing-special use 12ermit• nnlication and first resubmission: 13,000.00 _ - Deleted: l
2. Additional lots under section 12 iblic utilities, day care center, to amend existing spe ia
use permit, or to extend existingspecial use permit: each additional resubmission: $1,500M
3. Signs reviewed by the board of zoningAmmals: See subsection 35.1(8
4. All other special use permits; application and first resubmission: $_4 500 0_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Deleted: zonn
5. All otherspecial use permits; each additional resubmission: X2,250 M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Deleted: IM
6. Deferral of scheduled public hearing at applicant's request: $180.00 T--------------------- Deleted:
d. Site plans:
I. Preliminary site plans: administrative review: $1.200.00 plus $15 per dwelling unit and $0.015 per
square foot of nonresidential structure
2 Preliminary site 1)planning commission review $2 200 00 15 per dwelling unit and _ - Deleted: tRnn
$0.015 per s uare foot of nonresidential structure
3. Final site ll ans.; administrative review: $?,625.00 _ _ -
4. Final site 11 � lap nning commission review: $.4.50000 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5. Waiver of drawing of site plan under section 32.2: U.625.00
6. Site plan amendments under section 321.8 9f2 (minor): &J.875.00
7. All other site plan amendments (ma•or) 2.625.00
8. A1212eals to the board of supervisors under section $240.00 -
2. Reinstatement of review under section $.1,175.00
10. Reinstatement of review under section 32 .4.2.4:$12. 75.00 _____________________________
11. Extension of period of validity: $475.00
12, inspections pertainipg to secured site lap improvements: en r inspection: $280.00
13. Deferral of scheduled public meeting at applicant's request: $180.00
e. Certificates of appropriateness considered by the architectural review board ( "ARB "l:
1. For a site plan: per review by the ARB: $2,600.00 _____ ___________________________ _ _ _- Deleted: IM
2. For a building ep rmit; per review by the ARB: $590.00
3. Amendment to approved certificate of appropriateness: $225.00
f. Matters considered by the board of zoning ap ep a1s:
1. Variances: 11,275M - _ , Deleted: 5D4
2_ ppeals: $240.00
3. Special use permits for signs under section 4.15.5: $1,27500 _ , - Deleted: 594
g Matters considered by the zoning administrator or other officials:
1. Official determinations regarding compliance: $185.00
2. Official determinations regarding dg evelopment rights: $750.00
2. All other official determinations 1 400 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ------------------------------ Deleted: incma;ne aeve;o�me�
3. Zoning clearance for tourist lodging: $100.00 deh < jinn
4. Zoning clearance for home occupation, class A: $25.00
5. All other zoning clearances: $50.00
6. Sign permits under section 4.15.4: no ARB review required: 500 - - - - - - - - ------------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - Deleted: 25
7. Sign permits under section 4.15.4: ARB review required: &550.00 - - Deleted: 124
h. Groundwater assessments:
1. Tier 1 assessment under section 17 -401: $50.00
2. Tier 3 assessment under section 17-403: $510.00
3. Tier 4 assessment under section 17 -404:
Draft: 10/12/09
Miscellaneous: - - - Deleted: I
1 Change in name of development or change in name of street: $80 00
. Relief from conditions of approval: modification or waiver of requirements• $E575 00 - _ - Deleted: Ali
3. Tier IT personal wireless service facilities: $1.820.00
The fee shall he in the form of cash or a check payable to the "County of Albemarle." An ap lication nr_eseennttd
without the required fee shall not be deemed to submitted and shall not be rock
(Amended 5- 5 -82; 9 -1 -85; 7 -1 -87; 6 -7 -89; 12 -11 -91 to be effective 4 -1 -92; 7- 8 -92)
Sec. 35AZ Fee r-ed �etio Calculation of fees in special circumstances (Added effective 1 -1 -94)
The provisions of 35.01 notwithstanding, the required fee
shall be calculated in the special circumstances below as follows:
Ift sueh ease in whieh a pr6imiaary site develepment plan and/er preliw�inafy subdivision plat is filed as
speeial use perwAt, tie fee shall be applied fer- r-eview ef stieh preliminary site development plan and
a Dreliminary site plan or preliminary subdivision plat is supportive of and
will be reviewed simultaneously with an application for a zoning map amendment or a special use permit.
the applicant shall Day the fee for the zoning man amendment or the special use permit but not the fee for
the preliminary site l2lan or preliminary subdivision plat,
an individual use, the largest sing4e fee sha4l be applied to the r-eyiew of all stieh speeial use PeFfili
applications: If multiple special use permits are required to establish a single use, the applicant shall nay
only the largest single fee for a special use permit for the review of all of the special use rmi
In sueh ease in whieh deterfiginatien is Fnade subsequent te filing any appheatieft under- 35.0 that &ue-h
applieatiett is net required te allew establishment ef the use, sueh applieatieft fee shall be refunded ift fall.
(Added effective 1 -1 -94)
(§ 35.0, 12- 10 -80; 5 -5 -82; 9 -1 -85; 7 -1 -87; 6 -7 -89; 12 -11 -91 to be effective 4 -1 -92; 7- 8 -92; * to be effective 1 -1-
94; Ord. 02- 18(4), 7 -3 -02; Ord. 04- 18(3), 10- 13 -04; Ord. 04- 18(4), adopted 12 -8 -04, effective 2 -8 -05)
Draft: 10/12/09
I, Ella W. Jordan, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of an Ordinance duly adopted
by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, by a vote of to , as recorded below, at a
regular meeting held on
Clerk, Board of County Supervisors
Aye Nay
Mr. Boyd
Mr. Dorrier _
Ms. Mallek
Mr. Rooker
Mr. Slutzky
Ms. Thomas