HomeMy WebLinkAboutZTA200900009 Legacy Document 2009-11-12STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: Margaret Maliszewski November 17, 2009 (Work Session) TBD ZTA: ZTA - 2009 -09: Entrance Corridor Process Improvements ORIGIN: Board of Supervisors Resolution of Intent (Attachment A) PROPOSAL: Amend the Zoning Ordinance to change Section 30.6 Entrance Corridor Overlay District (ECOD) and related sections to streamline procedural requirements and improve efficiency and effectiveness in Entrance Corridor (EC) review, and to address recommendations of the Development Review Task Force (DRTF). PUBLIC PURPOSE TO BE SERVED: This amendment will provide for greater efficiency and effectiveness in the review of applications for development proposals made under section 30.6 of the Zoning Ordinance, BACKGROUND: Following recommendations in 2007 by the Development Review Task Force and joint meetings of the ARB, BOS and PC in 2008 and 2009, the Planning Commission held a work session on this ZTA on May 12, 2009 and provided comments on the draft text. On October 5, 2009 the Architectural Review Board (ARB) held a work session on the draft text and provided comments. The current draft (Attachment B) addresses the comments made at both the PC and ARB work sessions. STAFF COMMENT: Attachment C is a table that compares the current ordinance text with the proposed text, section by section. The far right column in the table provides comments about the changes that have been made, and addresses recommendations made by the Planning Commission at the May work session. Please note that in this table the current text is provided in the order in which it appears in the current ordinance, and the proposed text is re- ordered in a few places to correspond to the current text. Attachment D is a flow chart that outlines the review process proposed in sections 30.6.6 and 30.6.7. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is providing this revised draft for the Commission's information, questions /feedback, and recommended revisions. Staff recommends that the Commission endorse taking the zoning text amendment to public hearing on December 15, 2009. Attachment A: Resolution of Intent Attachment B: Draft Ordinance Amendment 10./28/09 Attachment C: Ordinance Text Comparison Table Attachment D: EC Application Review Process Flow Chart ATTACHMENT A RESOLUTION OF INTENT WHEREAS, Zoning Ordinance § 30.6 was adopted in 1990 for the purpose of implementing the enabling authority in Virginia Code § 15.2- 2306(A) by identifying those arterial streets and highways found to be significant routes of tourist access to designated historic landmarks, structures or districts within the County or in contiguous localities (hereinafter, "entrance corridors "), requiring that the erection, reconstruction, alteration or restoration of structures, including signs, on parcels contiguous to those streets and highways, be architecturally compatible with those historic landmarks or structures, and establishing the substantive and procedural requirements for approving development by the Architectural Review Board within the entrance corridors; and WHEREAS, the Development Review Task Force (the "DRTF ") was charged by the Board of Supervisors in 2006 to review and assess current legislative land use processes to identify needed improvements in efficiency, effectiveness, quality and public participation; and WHEREAS, one of the DRTF's recommendations to the Board of Supervisors in 2007 was to clarify the extent of Architectural Review Board review expected by the Board of Supervisors and development proposals that would later be considered by the Board of Supervisors and as a result of that recominendation, the Board of Supervisors, the Planning Commission and the Architectural Review Board have recently held two joint meetings to discuss issues pertaining to the DRTF's recommendation and, related thereto, discussed recommendations presented by County staff for streamlining the Architectural Review Board review process in Zoning Ordinance § 30.6; and WHEREAS, in order to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and quality in Zoning Ordinance § 30.6's substantive and procedural requirements, Zoning Ordinance § 30.6 and related sections of the Zoning Ordinance should be amended to reorganize, revise and streamline applicable procedural requirements, to reorganize, revise and amend applicable substantive requirements, to further clarify the authority and the role of the Architectural Review Board to facilitate the exercise of its powers, and to make other changes deemed appropriate in order to better achieve the purpose of Zoning Ordinance § 30.6 and to address the recommendation of the DRTF. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT for purposes of public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good land development practices, the Board of Supervisors hereby adopts a resolution of intent to amend Zoning Ordinance §§ 3.1, 4.15, 30.6 and any other regulations of the Zoning Ordinance deemed appropriate to achieve the purposes described herein_ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on the zoning text amendment proposed by this resolution of intent, and make its recommendation to the Board of Supervisors, at the earliest possible date. I, Ella W. Jordan, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a Resolution duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, by a vote of to , as recorded below, at a regular meeting held on Aye May Mr. Boyd Mr. Dorrier Ms. Mallek Mr. Rooker Mr. Slutzky Ms. Thomas Clerk, Board of County Supervisors 2 ATTACHMENT B DRAFT ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT ORDINANCE NO. 09 -18( } 10/28 /09 Draft AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 18, ZONING, ARTICLE I, GENERAL PROVISIONS, ARTICLE II, BASIC REGULATIONS, AND ARTICLE III, DISTRICT REGULATIONS, OF THE CODE OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA BE IT ORDAINED By the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, that Chapter 18, Zoning, Article 1, General Provisions, Article 11, Basic Regulations, and Article lII, District Regulations, of the Code of the County of Albemarle are amended and reordained as follows: By Amending: Sec. 3.1 Definitions Sec. 4.15.2 Definitions Sec. 4.15.15 Regulations applicable in the entrance corridor overlay district Sec. 30.6.8 Appeals By Amending and Renaming: Sec. 30.6.1 Put-pose and ilntent Sec. 30.6.2 App4ieatiefi Boundari e dist 'ct Sec. 30.63 Permitted uses and applicable standards Sec. 30.6.4 iandseaping -and seree g; f"ffkefi of fiatura ` at -es Certitiotes of annronriateness Sec. 30.6.7 Adfninistf Subnutta -review and action on.alzpl cation: fjpal_ rcyiew By Amending, Renumbering and Renaming (old section number first, followed by name, followed by new section number): Sec. By right Sec. 30.6.3 (part) Sec. By special use permit Sec. 30.6.3 (part) Sec. 30.6.6 Nefl.a..4,....4tes; exemptions De�_14� t exem t from re ui anent to olat certificat� ro rip .atene�s Sec. 30.6.5 Sec. Untitled Sec. 30.6.5 (part) Sec. Repair and maintenance of structures Sec. 30.6.5 (part) See. Exemptions By Adding: Sec. 30.6.6 Submittal, review and action on application; preliminary review Sec. 30.6.9 Public health or safety considered By Repealing: Sec. 30.6.5 Signs Chapter 18. Zoning Article I. General Provisions Sec. 3.1 Definitions Certificate of a ropraateness: A deeision-made h the ar_chit�ctu,r I review board, �r on a eal b h e bo_ ra d of supervisors. certifvin- that a broaosed structure bite im�tovements l�caLed it entrance corridor overlay d,x ct S,-may he modified v terms and conditions =pf the certil .ate are c ttsIstent with tlie_awlicable design guidelines. Certi_igUte _ (anUr;j2rialeness. counh) -iv' c: A decision.mad_e by the architec ral review establishinv specific des_ Grit rig consistent with applicable ciesi�n _ ' _ J,i�es�r a class_of structures 4r imp. rv_e�nts.. The decision a dies_ t auv atiucture or txlDrovement within that c1_ass that c lies with t e s e_ p cific -des man criteria Nonconforming Structure. The tern "nonconforming structure" means a lawful structure existing on the effective date of the zoning regulations applicable to the district including overlay district, in which the structure is located, that does not comply with the minimum applicable bulk, height, setback, floor area or other structure requirements of that zaniR district. (Amended 6- 14 -00) Article H. Basic Regulations Sec. 4.15.2 Definitions 1_� OpaQ_ hack ro nd: T t `opaque c -oua -C _mean e b -ground o}�rtion of the face of a sign made of a materiai.thro t cannot ass when the sib isternally illuminated at ni ht, Sec. 4.15.15 Regulations applicable in the entrance corridor overlay district In addition to all other regulations set forth in this section 4.1 5, the following regulations shall apply within the entrance corridor overlay zoning district: Certif tale of appropriateness required. Prior to the erection of a sign that would be visible from an entrance corridor street, including a sign erected on or visible through a window on a structure, the owner or lessee of the lot on which the sign will be located shall obtain a certificate of appropriateness for that sign e pl. der section 30.6.5. b. Authority and procedure for acting upon application for certificate of appropriateness. The authority and procedure for acting upon an application for a certificate of appropriateness for a sign shall be as set forth in sections 3G.6.4, 30 30.6 .8 30.6_ of this- ehapter -, and as f 4 existing illefliinated er will he intemally ijk+i�iiated �A'4h backgrotiftd; an opaque (ii) 'will f-epiaee, aii b b ee-ntei-, the beard has eomp4,eled its -b° e 0 oed by th h+ ti 1 Feview boa -7 4 a. b b O na_nvi-c_ien.s .file ehite.,rµ al o be,mffid's design d 1 . to back � � _? �interriall J mmated bg - t e cabinet -style �ams shall havg a opaque background. (12- 10 -80; 7 -8 -92, §; Ord. 01- 18(3), 5 -9 -01) State law reference - Va. Code §§ 15.2 -2280, 15.2 -2286. Article 111, District Regulations Sec. 30.6 Entrance corridor overlay district - EC (Added 10 -3 -90) Sec. 30.6.1 Purpose and ilntent goal ef b J county's ei±hanee the C sigflifieance, all of t b b eV µAIL The u s,,e-Qfshis� _6 is to implement the pnablipg authority i,jL V_ireinia Code § 15.2 -2306f identifying those arterial stre is an va s found to be si ficant route_ t st access to desi ate hista-mic-taLWmar 's structures or districts within the culipty o in c ontinuous localities (17ereinafte " iificant route of tourist aecesg "or "EC street" and to rec uir� t at .r.:rectio ec nstruction alteration or resto ar tion structures including signs, on parcels contiguous to those streets and highwaya� rove �ded Ker r , be architecturally compatible M tLoQe istoric landmarks or structures. The comprehensive p an_.mrovides that scenic resources contribut"o-the_c iiiN as_a_ .laer to ]iye_ they enhance and ro eGt= property vahies_ and contribute to the overall quali r life for the county's residents. The comprehensive elan also acknowledges, scenic resources are importaaLtp. visitors as -well as counts reside;aS,_rid that visitors to the Blue Ridge Mpwitains and the counri'S rural historic s�ruct� gather a lasting im rp essio of the county_as_the , travel the c� J 's scenic roadways. The st f ficant routes of tourist access within the entrance corridor over di trictprovide acces5to many QfLtmhe county's higoric Ian_dznxtks. structures and, -14- cts including. but not limited to Monticello, the home of ThQrnas Jefferson which is can the World Heritage Dist a-dt1tinistei�ed bv`�.�: , ited_Nation� an National H?siori; Lawn r Ash Lang%— Highland, the home of James Monroe,,the_University of Vir inia. whose Rotunda is on the World Heritage List and a National ff �;c Landmark, and whose acad e_mical villa son the World Heritage List a National Historic Landmark an a ?vaiiQtial Registere Historic District,_and the county's eight.l]istoric districts the National Register ofHisto_ cPl es. including thou hwest Motains Rural Historic Distnc the Souther„ — Albemarle Rural Historic District The entrance-corridor- overlay district is intended to implement the com 3 Lull elar�,'�4�1_.to preserve the corstv_'s scenic resources because they, essential to the county's char_aeter_ economic vitaliri and �ualiQf I ife. �n ohiective o this 1 is to intain the visual inte i of the 's roadways bv_using desipn standards. The entrance corridor aver a trio VJ11 ensure that developmelit is co..rn ibLe wit the county's natural, scenic N t ric_ arid - architectural resq urces by rovidinv for review of new_construction along the Id e: _if ed si ficant r t o t wrist acees by an arehttee 1 oard under des( idelin_ es� promulvated_by that board and ratified by the board o osupel�isors- Sec. 30.6.2 Boundaries of the district pr-eseT--ve and protect eerr-ider-s: (i) Meng a4ef4a! s�feets e-F highways designated as s;ueh pu:-,s�iant te Title 33.1 ef b to hister-ie laadffiar-ks as established by ihe Vifginia b 0 afeas w4hifi the eetfn�y as defined by a .2 , --FA OrMs e. Stibj eet te s4see�ieii (b), eHir-.-ffiee eerri der- ever-lay distriets afe hereby established tipen and aleng The entra nc_� corridor Overla_'_c_t :is established upon, and comprised of those parcels contisJuous to significant _roes of tourist ac-c s gardless of the unde_rlvinLy zonin g dist is ,,,pr,theexj�ien�re_Q ther applicable overlay distri cts,= as_provided in 30.6.2(b) f 1 w : a. Si�niie�t rouW ofLourist access. The following_arterial-streets_and hitr_ v are found to be significant routes of_ rist access 1. U.S. Route 250 East Richmond Road). 2. U.S. Route 29 North gn ole Tmi1 . 3. U.S. Route 29 South (Monacan TraM. 4. Virginia Route 20 South Monticello nue and Scottsvi oad . b e�hef ever-iay district, and upon the higbways and :J �heif fights ef way identified in subseetion (e) g . --FA OrMs e. Stibj eet te s4see�ieii (b), eHir-.-ffiee eerri der- ever-lay distriets afe hereby established tipen and aleng The entra nc_� corridor Overla_'_c_t :is established upon, and comprised of those parcels contisJuous to significant _roes of tourist ac-c s gardless of the unde_rlvinLy zonin g dist is ,,,pr,theexj�ien�re_Q ther applicable overlay distri cts,= as_provided in 30.6.2(b) f 1 w : a. Si�niie�t rouW ofLourist access. The following_arterial-streets_and hitr_ v are found to be significant routes of_ rist access 1. U.S. Route 250 East Richmond Road). 2. U.S. Route 29 North gn ole Tmi1 . 3. U.S. Route 29 South (Monacan TraM. 4. Virginia Route 20 South Monticello nue and Scottsvi oad . 5. Virginia Route 631 Seat! LaLaj= , and Old Lvnchburg.Baad from Charlottesville City limits to Route 708_ oa and ;reinia Route 631 (Rio Road We from U.S. Route 29 North note Tra' to Route 743 (Earlysville Road). (Amended 11- 14 -90; Amended 4 -12- 00) 6. U.S. Route 250 West tvy.R ish ike . 7. Virginia Route 6 Llrish Road). 8, Virginia Route 151 Critzers_Sho R ad). 9. Interstate Route 64. 10. Virginia Route 20 North �5toay_Point Roadl. 11. Virginia Route 22o_uisa Road), 12. Virginia Route 53 (Thomas Jefferson,Par a 13. Virginia Route 231 (_Qa dlouviII Ro ". 14. Virginia Route 240 Thr e_N tch'd Road). 15. U.S. Route 29 Business Fontaine Av ue 16. U.S. Route 29/250 Bypass. 17. Virginia Route 654 B( auac s Road)_. (Added 11- 14 -90) 18. Virginia Route 742 (A)on = Street . (Added 11- 14 -90) 19. Virginia Route 649 (A mort Road) from U.S. Route 29 North Sem np1Q T rail) Virginia Route 606 Dicj � on �. (Added 4- 12 -00) 20. Virginia Route 743 (Hvdra.ulic Road and! Earl vsvi11Q-Road ) from U.S. Route 29 North �Semn ole Trail) to Virginia Route 676 CW ponds Road). (Added 4- 12 -00) 21. Virginia Route 631 Rio Road from U.S. Route 29 North f Seminole Trail) easterly to the Norfolk Southern Railway tracks. (Added 11 -2 -05) r Conti ous to si r. aea_rI r outes of touri.q cces.v. "Parcels Conti uo is to sianifi t rrn Les of tour 5t access_„ are: 1. Parcels sharin_boundary with si—nicant route oftnurist ac cc date Each pXeel that had a boundary tk at was shared at_anv poipiwith the r��ht -of IhIay of a si scant route Of t st access on one of la follow F ale re erence dates' i) on Qeto 990 for those parcels shajjag_joun&D with a route identified in secti 6.2 a t mgbL( (ii) on November 14, 199Q for t n _varce1s sharing a boundary with a route entif ed i section 30.6.2(a)(17) and (l 8i_(iii) on Anr � 2 2000 for those arceIs sfiam g a o darv_wth a route ident ie in e ion 30.6.2(a)(19Land (20}; and ( ) on November 2 _2005 for 1.h...ose parcels sharin v, "..e identified in section 30,6.2(al(11 (hereinafter. "the _applicable reference date"). 7 2 Parcels rant .SIraLUJZ hn Mda� 7 _ -- ,_c. � ..yl�it��. s_r�rti rca�t r�otrte.�[te�i.�t_ cis, Easli parcel within fib Unfired a sip tAont mute -L tourist access that didmLshar e at aj? pL int a boundan- ,31tbLtlir-,-riZht- of-waQLa si rtificant rouiG.Dftotir_iSt_access on the _a _ icable r&r -vnee date, — - -. c, - -Lrtent_of Overlat- distrie�Thkoverlav district extends across the entix w' t 1 _.cachparcel c_ontiQuous t _ j i.ca.ntr �Qf � isi_ cuss_ tT is overlav district e ;.Vd ; to t�_kkpth of.°ach parse s follow: P „reels shar•irta i ,:t, t1T sau n to f _t , r F r r .Ol,F1lC{�. _,tst.acces4 -nn re. , {r 4. If the 1?V.rcel shared a boutdarywith a si�riif o-ute of toarist acmun the applicable re_fe� te..as- ovi ilL emotion 30 { 2{ii)_(� ),_th_c��'exis7]itYtends to the titll depth of the p reel 4dls not s aring boundart_jiit TiQ nt u -, 7 f7itr' access. If ih amqj -Avith jjg l; Qdred (500) Let oa si ,ific nt roLne,_oftouris i =- Laad did iat sftar!�_a.boundary- ,viti: R .;imlificant route of tourist accqg on the c able reference -, date as provided in section 3Q 2 �_oveda . r S --I — ...... �f . � .gA4�.�u- a�;tCfive. hundred 5 � way of the si can we of tourist - access. Flo -i n .Wbuw. ! ii -1mi r,` r' Y el. 'u t .f •nc The i , rt:rr:rir�n bounda r r ; _ i e .f.4r� c o.. 4' r7r,�f,ruurr�•,. •Lbse�xiaLlA! 111 .;. � a 1 c` a _t t le.l7ou.nd {tt1 of rc of ?ftcr the i1p. i . P r , erence. daite shall [1 �:..r l�.lax t P --n su ' ..Qt to this section 30.6 without a zoning maw amendment. (12- 10 -80, § 30.6.2; 11- 14 -90; 9 -9 -92; Ord. 00- 18(4), 4- 12 -00; Ord. 01- 18(3), 5 -9 -01; Ord. 05- 18(9), 11 -2 -05) See. 30.6.3 Permitted uses and annlicable standards Within the EC ov "Kd istnct-. The Howing u.s-es maybe permitted within the EC overla_v dis rict in accordpnce with the applicable reauirement_Qf this section 30.6 and the underlvin et _ t et: -8j? right. b : Uses t- ennitted by right -in the under] nn- _zoning district belle nested b rio tin tt e O � districtexceu s ot17cr4. -ise r vi -d -in sectio _3(? 6 e. Uses peffnitted by shall ineitide all ase.- t,e.— pdtEeA by fight R the underlying di4pk4& �_ ,',� eciaj_ rs nerrnit.. Th j2dtlowmg u;ies_sh loll e .qau tti ed by special -per"t' the ovorlay_ distrie_t: a. r "Uses authorized by special use permit in the underlying honing districts;_ b. Outdoor storage, display andlor sales serving or associated with a permitted uses, C the; than a residential- agricultural oLfuestaLu�c, any portion of which would be visible from aft dLc EC street w- \vhic it is contiguQUS Or-flu-IL-an L!a her EC ;'ree . whikh-is 0 l —ated within five hundred (500 ) feet; provided that review shall be limited to the intent of th s seetion deter rl,,��dnor story e d s 1� .3ndl'or sales is consistent with the applicable desigii idelia . Residefitia ag 'edka-alafi d f Fes'a (Amended 9 -9 -92) The construction or location of any structure, including any subdivision sign or sign identifying a planned development as provided in section 4.15.160 ^f *hi° hart upon the superjacent and subjacent airspace of an EC street that is not required for the purpose of travel or other public use by the Commonwealth of Virginia or other political jurisdiction owning such street. b. Area and bz{lk an- d.pther reLqtdations. File area and bulk, minimum yard and setback re anal maximum buildinheight requirements of the uudn� j� v- zoning district shall apply to all uses and structures in the EC overlav district c. Bonus sr�rxnrs... A condition of a certifiea�_off priateness that requires improvements_p d� esi" features for which a_bonus might otherwise be oennitt der the ]icable,. istrict regulations :shall ct the eligibility for the bonus. d. Grading Li -and disturbin r �.. To_�radin� or other land disturbin activity (including trenching. o.r tunnelinkl. except as necessary for the co rgctie„ of tree wells or._tCee walls, shall occur %Aithu—n the dnp e of any trees or wooded areas designated on the 5ite, plan to bee reserved nor intrud_ upon any other existiui-g_features designaLQ�LiL ►te - ificate of anpFopriateness for preservation. ethocl for 12 reserving des' ._ated features. An ap -ligpt for a deyelo inept ect to the provisions of section 30.6 shall sign a conservation checklist provided by the director of planning, or his or her designee (the." director _Qf,planning "1Tspecifyin the =I hod for nrervinu the designated fe1htres. and the method shall conform to the,=ci otjor), ontained in Standard -pnd Specification 3.38 at panes III - 393__truough I1I -413 sion and Sediment Control Handbook_;_ rovided that the arcWtectural review board, or the director of nlanninQ. may require alternative 1; t o.ds. tee protection, if ueate r protection is deemed necessary___. f _ eLLfii np!in a_, dprotecl'na preserved fontu features to be preserye hall br- identified on approved site Plana-and building plans and shall Ql carly-and visibly del ine ted on the prior to commencin grading or other land -disturbing activity, including trenching or tur�nelin�. No xadin�. other lapel Aig[itlbii . activity, or movement of heavy equipment shall occur within the delineated_ aromas. The visible delineation of the boundaries of the areas to be preserved_ shall be maintained until a certificate of occupaev..is issued by the count All fe r s desigaated for t.io.n res��rva shallh� cted during (ley to (12- 10 -80, §; 9 -9 -92; Ord. 01- 18(3), 5 -9 -01) Sec. 30.6.4 Area and butli regulations- b b ; b; Certificates of appropriateness The eei4ifieate appropfiateness be binding of shall b tfee wells ev tr-ee walls, authoiize additional finding that bettef- ac4ivity b C b b . b C b tfee wells ev tr-ee walls, authoiize additional finding that bettef- ac4ivity b will eqaally or- gef-ve the i9th-poses b b o b b ' a ) b , b a C b desigfi disniet of 32.0 this b egdlatiens of the � 18 94) b b Y-egulations of seetion of or-diiganee. (Amended b C b tfee wells ev tr-ee walls, authoiize additional finding that bettef- ac4ivity upon stieh aeti;,4y will eqaally or- gef-ve the i9th-poses b featufes in b tr b b ' b C b tfee wells ev tr-ee walls, T. b within the dFilq line ef affy trees E) b) b d. Affe&S b f6f the eenstfuetian of b tfee wells ev tr-ee walls, sha]4 eeeer- b within the dFilq line ef affy trees E) b existing d. Affe&S b b tr b a b , a 10 The architectural review board is authorized to issue certificates-Of appropriateness foc. a Imaur-e- and ssociated improvements. or arm own thereof that is visibt ;; ttu the EC strePtto whirl_ the parcel is c CO) ntiious,a follows: a. DeveloDrtle,6�, e uiringaccrlificate of'aoyrop;zatenQ, _The followin development ea irea ce ,—&r- of . efore a buildin oe 41 r a site plan--_ r e loved; 1- Structures and /or si. c i.in rove.ments. Each -am ure for which a buil crnut is reauired and/or site but for which a site plan is not xe�uired, unless the structtu� --- _ - gqf__ der_s p7" 2. Szhe p!4ns. Each improvement for hich a building permit is reauired in a development for which a site plan is reauired, unless the improvement is exempt under sect on..30.6.5. b. Tvves nicer � i�as o ctppt_o?r ater�.ess.. e..architectural review board is authorized to issue. the ..... _ ..............__. ..... - - - -- _ following tunes of certificates of appr�?tel]ess. Sped r ev laynients. For specific dentnents associated with one or more building permits or a single site plan. 2- Shzns in a new multi - business or shool2in center. For all of the ' it stein a new multi- -u ccmplex _o.r shopping center, where the architectural review board rust conducts a co K hensive sign review. Once a certificate fors iwas in a new - cp3d s— ng c4�tier_isissued the director of planning is authorized to determine whether a particular_sigjj. satisfie�,the conclitiQZts of. the -certificate of appropriateness 3. County -wide ci rt'iticatey ,9f annronrialeness. County -wide certificates of �opriateness for specific ciasses,of structures Oz improvements. subject to specific desim critciia that each structur ear imnroveent within -the class must satisfy in order to-be stibiect to the county -wide certificat..._Once a county-wide certificate is issua the director of lannin . i authorized to detqu ne whether a=partieular structurc or improvement satisficS;lhe_speeiric desii n criteria f_ the count,�-Wide certificate_gf ap r na eness. The director ofplanni o� a i,;,�emlrer o#'the architectural review board may request that the arQhit�,ctmiie_view board. instead of the hector of planning, determine whether a particular structure or improvement satisfies the specific desi= criteria of the county -wi-&e sate oft Dropriateness at an upcoming meeting under the procedures in sections 30.6.6 aCt_d -_ 6,?, C. Authority to assures5�st�n_cy with applicable design guidelines. In determining whether a structure_o_r 9it�1 ltTipzQrCO�sistent with the ap lei �design_gu_elines, the architectural review board may specify the following, which are in addition to the requirements of the underlying zoning district or of section 32, provided that the board may not authorize any maximum standard -to be �� d or ajwninimum staadard, to_ilpt be metmet- 1. clurai f- of any architectural feature including; Uut not linuted toA its form and =tyie, g texture and material 2. --Size - structures. The configuration, orientation and other limitations as ea,bulk he ion of structures. Inc to the r���r =� _ C)ilsideriny the arrangement 11 a ui MEN The architectural review board is authorized to issue certificates-Of appropriateness foc. a Imaur-e- and ssociated improvements. or arm own thereof that is visibt ;; ttu the EC strePtto whirl_ the parcel is c CO) ntiious,a follows: a. DeveloDrtle,6�, e uiringaccrlificate of'aoyrop;zatenQ, _The followin development ea irea ce ,—&r- of . efore a buildin oe 41 r a site plan--_ r e loved; 1- Structures and /or si. c i.in rove.ments. Each -am ure for which a buil crnut is reauired and/or site but for which a site plan is not xe�uired, unless the structtu� --- _ - gqf__ der_s p7" 2. Szhe p!4ns. Each improvement for hich a building permit is reauired in a development for which a site plan is reauired, unless the improvement is exempt under sect on..30.6.5. b. Tvves nicer � i�as o ctppt_o?r ater�.ess.. e..architectural review board is authorized to issue. the ..... _ ..............__. ..... - - - -- _ following tunes of certificates of appr�?tel]ess. Sped r ev laynients. For specific dentnents associated with one or more building permits or a single site plan. 2- Shzns in a new multi - business or shool2in center. For all of the ' it stein a new multi- -u ccmplex _o.r shopping center, where the architectural review board rust conducts a co K hensive sign review. Once a certificate fors iwas in a new - cp3d s— ng c4�tier_isissued the director of planning is authorized to determine whether a particular_sigjj. satisfie�,the conclitiQZts of. the -certificate of appropriateness 3. County -wide ci rt'iticatey ,9f annronrialeness. County -wide certificates of �opriateness for specific ciasses,of structures Oz improvements. subject to specific desim critciia that each structur ear imnroveent within -the class must satisfy in order to-be stibiect to the county -wide certificat..._Once a county-wide certificate is issua the director of lannin . i authorized to detqu ne whether a=partieular structurc or improvement satisficS;lhe_speeiric desii n criteria f_ the count,�-Wide certificate_gf ap r na eness. The director ofplanni o� a i,;,�emlrer o#'the architectural review board may request that the arQhit�,ctmiie_view board. instead of the hector of planning, determine whether a particular structure or improvement satisfies the specific desi= criteria of the county -wi-&e sate oft Dropriateness at an upcoming meeting under the procedures in sections 30.6.6 aCt_d -_ 6,?, C. Authority to assures5�st�n_cy with applicable design guidelines. In determining whether a structure_o_r 9it�1 ltTipzQrCO�sistent with the ap lei �design_gu_elines, the architectural review board may specify the following, which are in addition to the requirements of the underlying zoning district or of section 32, provided that the board may not authorize any maximum standard -to be �� d or ajwninimum staadard, to_ilpt be metmet- 1. clurai f- of any architectural feature including; Uut not linuted toA its form and =tyie, g texture and material 2. --Size - structures. The configuration, orientation and other limitations as ea,bulk he ion of structures. Inc to the r���r =� _ C)ilsideriny the arrangement 11 and location of structures. the architectural review board may require that the existing vegetation and natural features hesed.to screen_structuxes and associated ImproyelTlents from one or more FC.:streets to which the parcel is contiguous as -provided in seri�Ei 3. _ uc.:i n and configuration of 12arkin areas and l-gndg iy The location and configure i n o"f arkin areas and landsca ?it�g_ and buffering re4�uiremen 4. Landscaping measures. In addition to the requirements of section 32.7.9, landscaping measures determined to be appropnate to assure that the t tures and associated i.deliau, 5. Preservation of existing vegetation and natural features. The preservation of existing trees. Jed-areas and natural features. 6. _Appearance ofsiiens_ in addition to the applicable requirements of section 4.15, the appropriate style, size. co ors. materials, illumination and location of all proposed signs, and any other amdica h1c desimi guidelines. Each application for a certificate of appropriateness for one or more signs shall be accompanjed ley, a_sittAl,ar_ „ketchpla s_ el-ocatien Q"jl ss.,oy� to be erected on the lot or lots subject to the site plan or sketch plan. , _Fencing. The location, t5pe and color of all fencing. including safety fencing d. authority to impose conditions to a=ssu —i QLn—eg is. )n,sLm=nt with_the applicable desi�ri --uidelines The arehiLoc.tqal__ nevi! -&jfjgW3j J,� authorized to impose reasonable conditions in coniun�tiQr with any aapproved certificate of � atenes_s to.- aswre_that the development is cons.istent_ with _the, applicable design guidehE- -s. The amlirtmcctural review board g1so is authorized to approve plans showing. or identify in a certificate of appropriateness, existing trees, wooded areas and - natural areas to 1zm p served. the limits of giadu'i2 or i d clx.. irb s2ctiy inclltdingtreiic_bin - -atl�t �,-M order to,amongother--th—in s. protect existing features, and grade changes requiring tree wells or tree walls. e, ity of'zoning adminis atn t 1es3pn -o „de_terntine,conznliance with certificate of aj2propriateiqess. The zoning administrator or his or her designee is authorized t_o detem-une whether a development including a sign._sa sfi __the terms and condgi,Qjv 47 ,h° certificate of� p Qn ateness. f. E jW t of cer'ti -, teof anbrobriateness. Each structure or associated improvement for which a certificate of appropriateness was issued shall be established and maintained in acc the terms. conditions a1jd r , irements of the certificate. Each site plat��nsl�uildinpe�i xait shall demonstrate -that the structures and associated site improvements will satisfi, the terms. conditions armed requirements of the certificate. In addition to the special juiFemepA for thase signs identifted if� seetieit 30.6.�.2, sigfts within t a eligible Netwithstaiidieg atiy otber- previsien ef this seetien 30.6, the agent shall be authefized te issue eertificate ess for o a a (12- 10 -80, §; 7 -8 -92; Ord. 01- 18(3), 5 -9 -01) r REGULATION OF Nl:�MBEK HEIGHT, AREA-, TYPES OF SIGNS (Repettled 7 8 92) 12 See. 30.6.6 moment exempt from requirement to obtain ifi a P appropriateness ._ +o c +t _. h__....e. ....._._.......... to .. b ...........b e. br 2. .. Main and .........,.,".> r-esidential, vi wtul wiu ugi ivukui uc vcr b Plan: is re:lui ed f r t4e .. r-i sub eet t v ciiiJ tl biaildjngpeffnit. design r,. ., 1...J.,......,v ....�............d by the 5.v. -u ug uuiiul asrrcrrvr T �e -follQwijao, dcvel t is ex m t from the requirements of this.section 30.6: -- a. Primary and accessory dwcli g units if no site plan is required by this chapter. b. - Structures for agricultural or forestal uses if no site ire by this chapter Tem era co _ctio�l ]lead u ect on 1 18 a to r const .rti4ti yards (section _ ..._ 5.1 1 &M), and temporary mobile homes is cti4n d. Temporary Signs anrl saclwch board_sions. e. The repair andinai prenance of structures and site.irovemetlts.w °here thcre is no substantial change de�i�n or materials. 13 a . +o c +t _. h__....e. ....._._.......... to .. b ...........b e. br 2. .. Main and .........,.,".> r-esidential, vi wtul wiu ugi ivukui uc vcr b Plan: is re:lui ed f r t4e .. r-i sub eet t v ciiiJ tl biaildjngpeffnit. design r,. ., 1...J.,......,v ....�............d by the 5.v. -u ug uuiiul asrrcrrvr T �e -follQwijao, dcvel t is ex m t from the requirements of this.section 30.6: -- a. Primary and accessory dwcli g units if no site plan is required by this chapter. b. - Structures for agricultural or forestal uses if no site ire by this chapter Tem era co _ctio�l ]lead u ect on 1 18 a to r const .rti4ti yards (section _ ..._ 5.1 1 &M), and temporary mobile homes is cti4n d. Temporary Signs anrl saclwch board_sions. e. The repair andinai prenance of structures and site.irovemetlts.w °here thcre is no substantial change de�i�n or materials. 13 The —air. andmaintenan—of— -- onfor pg structures or site imnrovenlents as authoriz ec n 63B Additiom—oy..mo-difioat_ions_to _st Attu es at7d _5 to x ro Me_nts where there is no substant i esign or materials. h. Additions or modifications to structures to the extent neQeSSar� tct_e.o lywit e minimum rQquirements of the AmeE ans witli Disabilities Act, the - atr Housintr Act, or anv other sirnijar federal or state law providuig 9riLe= F?6�son ?.bl.e ac_oornm-odatjwn of persons with disabilities. i 4dditi or modifications to nonconforming structures as authorized by sections .k3 AX3) and 6.3.(AX5)= Interior alterations to structures where there is nee change in the exterior appeara_nce_-Of the structures. k, Issuance of permits classired in sections 5- 202. 5 -203. 5 -204 an 5- 208(A) if a buildin. ermit s s been issued and the work authorized by the permit classified in those sections does not change the external apl2earance of the structure. Applications fo b Tevlew under section 30.6 shall be subiect to the fallowing^ a,- _..��lnrnlicat ions. An application for preliminary review shall contain a Complet��l��untV -nrovi application form and supplemental information required by tl,i� director of piannin�he "ap iicatio �" . The application may be filed by the owner, t e, pyyp�r'., agent._or a contract purchaser with the owner's written c nsent the -�.rtinent of comimity devclop= S collated conies of the application and all other information required by the application form for prelinunary rvew 1 li ation shall be accom anied b the feeuired by secti -5 at the time of its filing. b. Determination ofcomvlete application: reieclion ofinc•omvlete ayulicatiol2.. An application that rp oxides the iilfornnation r wired by section 30.6.6(a) shall be accented`or_review_ and decision. The agent shall make a determination as to whether an application is com lete within ten 1 vs after the submittal deadline. 1. Complete a lr�v ication, elate deemed to l?e o cialT }:�st��jnzltl(1. The date of the next application deadline following the submittal of a con.312lete ap aiieation shalLb ..d�d.,tQ_.be_tLLt date u opo- which the anoli�,adon was officially submitted. InC —OD)l ete application: notice to applicant. An application omitting information required by section 30.6.6(al shall be deemed to be incomplete and shall not be accepted. The agent shall inform the applicant in writitig.�f t>j�Z masons why t e application was reiected as being Lilco let�.ifJhe.agent_ds swot: deliver the notice within tie t_ l0i day berip e application shall be accented for review, provided that the agent may reclu. e,tl;e_ RRliO to later provide omitted formation within a period specified by the agent of not less than ten -( 4) d.�� and furtherprov'ded that if the applicant fails to timely provide the Quitted information the agent may deem the V lication_to be irncom leie and reject the application as nrovi�ed ri. c. Resuhmittal of anplication_ etermined to be in. (.- mlete. Within f fteen (15} days after the date the notice of rcigption was mai]Qd or delivered i s rovidQd in sectiop_,30_6_6(bj,! applicant may resubmit the appiCation with all of the information required by section 30.6.b(ai together with payment of the fee for the reinstatement of review. The date of .ti=t,anplication deadline following, the resubmittal of the application steal l be deemed to be the dge which tbQ,, a4pplicatiQn 14 was official suli itte —d . If the applicant f;gls.to r esubut the A P.Phu ion 4hin the fifteen _(_t5)_dav p.qt e a ligation shall be deem_ ed to be denied and a new aplication and fe sha 1 be re wired to submit the new application, d. Re.subrnitt l {revised at?�li_cation origi.naliv determined to-,he coinniele, Durina the review process of a comlete ann;i4u�ion, the director of plannine (for county -wide certificates of _ — — a�pro�riatenessl or the architectural review board may—request further revisions tie lic app Linn in order to find tbat the application is consistent with the Upli_rLble design tzuidclines� Qr the applicant may.revise the application on its own initiative in the absence of such a rest subject to the lo i 1. -&au �rt for revision. The director of planning or the architectural review beard shall.inform the applicant in writing of the requested revisions to'the application The letter shall inform the applicant that if it chooses to make sprne or_< 11 of the_reaue�sions_ it shall notify the dir_ccAoj of planning within fifteen (15) days of the date of the writin�_he le �als : inform IhQ applicant that it may choose to aroceed to action on the apnlication without further reyisi.op5, and request thatt __pplicant aQti e direc la n wit fifteen (15 days of the date of the letter if it desires to do so--The-failure ofthe applicant to respond to the letter shall_be presumed t west b the a licant to roceed to action on the application without furthes_revisions,provided that anuntignely notification byte gplic nt.ihat it_desires to make sortie or all of the reguest_ed revisions shall n eel is he a _ant. fromdoirt� sQ. 2 _revision ot�nlicnnl's initiaiivThe a _nlicant may revise the application at acv time. provided that the ggg cant_should inform the director o Tannin of it doing so when that decision is made. 3. Suspension. otdecisio.n date. The receipt b_y the director of planning of a wr�tqg-fro n the applicfitatirtg that it will revise its aLplieat_ion shat? suspend the sixty (601 day period in wl>i h io must be made on the application under subs „ectLn -2 6 44. Date revised annlicati n dcopied to be offcWh re a od ate of the next aplcaiT 411 deadline followi the resubmittal of a revised and complete application shall be deemed to be th. dgte_gjj: yj ich the application was officially resub ittedrt e.. Notice ofsubtut ed au lication. The director of nlammn shall send a notice to each member of the board of supervisors -the commis-�im and the architectural review board that an a�nnliration has been officially submitted. The notices shat hc .tit within five 5.1 days after th application ;s d. e. tie be complete. The notice shall provide the _location of the development by street address and magisterial district. identify the uzonosed use(s1 state that the application maybe reviewed in the offices of the department of c -ommunit_y development aid provide the date of the architectur v eww bQAr i eetln� at which the application will be considered. m L— Timefor_,rlecision. An application shall be..a_cted on within sixty (60) days afler the date the o1i final application was officially submitted or by a later date requested_tzv or agreed to by the applicant (collectively_ the "decision date "1. 6. Recom mend ations__4g.ad deci ion .The r c vi w b s all review the application for consistency wjfi 'ne applicable design pdclines, exeT6 i the au orit anted b sectio i. , .6.b(d} and (e)- In making its recommendations on annlications fort )reliminary review, the boar s all onsider the reeotximendatiQp_Q.,of the t he statement;;_and information provi ed by theapplicant, and any Other information pertaining to the compliance of the_ g lication witU- e re uiremerts_Qf.tk is section 30.6. In making-a—&, ion on the apnlication for rehn nary review, the bo a also may mak rmon nendations it deems appropriate. The board shal l send notices tQ the aTplicaut of its decision on e reliminary review. 15 h. Mode,�-ofsendinz natices, lettcrs and other wr' i >� ice r w subsections 30.6.7(b)(2) (d)(1), (d)(3)._(e) and {)_shall be mailed to the identified recipients by first class mail be penqQnally dchycred to the applicant, or be sent by email. Sec. 30.6.7 Administrati ,Submittal, review and action on application; final review zoning this seetien. Appheation fer a eei4ifieate ef appr-epfiateness together with a fee as set fe�h in seetion 3 5.0, fi,-&� ef this efd4fiaftee shall be filed by the or- effii4aet ptir-e4iasef ef �he s*eet pr-apefty with the i�eiiiffg application b b Notice of appheation s:abfnittal shall be sent by f4st class imnail �e eaeh ffiember of �he eemmission and bea No eel4ifiea�e of shall be iss�aed within teft (10) ealeftdar- Elays ef �he date e ffiailing , b b architectural r , board b and shall eause sueh notiee to be sepA as herein aboVe r-equiired. The architecAir-al review board shall eenfer-with �h b applie.—LIOR'Within si*ty (60) days f:fofn the date of applieatieft shall be deemed t- ef the D ) ) finding ffeafth iR seetieft 32.0, site develepment plan, of this er-dinanee. it is the e?cpress intent E)f the bea:fd of stiperyis--I-S aestheties as may be defined by the arehitee�tffal -Feview boa-A. Thefefef-e, the its feview Of any public ie lth_orsa,[ ^t, ca _ al myj w unilff sectiQ 3O.6 5ha11 be inject t4 the foll wrn2; a. Applications. An application for final review shal] e ontain a G4Mp1q� _d county- provided application form and supplemental information required b; the directnr_Qf to ing {the,-�anptication "). The plication_may-be f -1_ed b_y_ the ownie th, owner's agent, or a contract laurchaserwith th�o�vner's written consent (the "a� C with the department of community development. Eight (8) collated eof the ann�iC_a #iootl.�' r iresl by_the application form for a fiat review shp ll.be f led. The a��licat� shall be accompanied y the fee require by section 35 at the time of its fillna.= _ . _ - b. Determination of complete avplication, reiection ofincomvlete application, A4L cation tt 12rovides the information required by section 30.6.7(a) shall be acc -ted for review and decision. The 16 agent shall make a..d-aer ulatior to_wh_e.#her a application is c_o etc within ten (10) days after the su_Wmittal deadline. 1 Complete ar?nlical n.- Jare -deernesl to_be Deal y, r nit esl_T he date of the next application c � 1:ine following the submittal of a co J X� a pli too X11 be de w to _he the date uyon whi lle_,3pplication was o�fi� ally submitted. 2. Incomplete application: notice to applicant. An application omittine information re ujred by section 30.6.7(a) shall be deemed to be incomplete and shall .not be accented. The a,, inform the an_nU22nt in_ ,,ii6 of_the reasons why the apnli lion was rejected as bei11 incomplete Af the agealsl4�s,_l�Qt�leliver the notie� wirhj� the ten ! 10) day period, the application shall be aceevted for review, provided that the agent Ray require dic later -provide omitted information within a period specified bythewent of not less than ten_= days, and fuier.rovided that if the aliat]t to timely provide e omitted information the agent m ay d-Qm the ap lication to be incomtalet� and reject the application as provided �._:_...._,.... _Resubmittal a i 6on or ib determined to he incomplete. Within fifteen (15) daysafter the date the notice of rejection was mailed p, d liv_ere-d =bo the a ent as rov e section 30.§ _7jb)-, the al2l2licanLmay_reauhmLi.he application with all o_f.the informa tion reuine section 30,6 7(a toaethe with payment of lhe fee for the rq ,sta gji,, -nt of review. The date of the e�T7piicatjon deadline following the_ resubmittal of the ap l�tioj $hall bcdeemed to be the date ppan which the application was_o fficiallv sub"tted. if the applicant fails to resubmit the applicati4tn within the fifteen (5 day en , lbe_application shall be deemed to be denied and a new ayolieation and. shall be required to su alit the ney, application. d. Resub lift l c revised 61 I? lotion originally determined to be corrrblete. During the review process of a egrj_V le _Q application, the direet�r�yc a �j g (for county -)xijj*e certificates of appropriate�P�,e . or the architectural r v��eew board may request further reAlsions -to the application in opoler to find that the a jcatigp.j_ consistent with the anplicahle design guidelines. or the applicant may revise the application on its_tpwn initiative in the absence of such a request, subject to the following; 1. Request for revision. The director of p>µrinjng or flve architectural review board shall inform the applicant in writing of the re uested revisions to the application The letter shall uIfQQLt nee applicant that if it chooses some or all of the requested revisions, it shall notify the director of planning within fifteen (1 j dLo.fl�� date of the writing The letter shall also inform the applicant ose to proceeito action on.T!e_.�Tlpk n u rtfr revisions, and request that the alicant notify the director of planning within fifteen (151 dam of t c_rlate of the letter if it desirP.c to do so. The failure of the applicant to resmond to t, P tp shall be presumed to be a request by the applicant to rote action on the ication revi Without further sions. provided that an untimely notification by the applicant that it desires �q make_. gjue or all of the requested revisions shall not preclude the applicant from doing so. 2. Revision on applicant's iniliative. �'he applicant may revise the application at any time, provided that the applicant should inform the director of planning of it doin�_so when-that decision is made. 1 ,Su. sr2ension o f decision el- tq. T jecgipt by the dirt tQ�_of ng of a _� t np from. the appljcant_s #atj� at it will revise its ap�li�ation shall sus, en the si�av (60) day period in which a decision must be made sU_ lie ap_plicatjgzl under subse jon 30.6.7(fl. 4. Die revised a lication deemed t 11 re u rn ed. The date of the next . application_ deadli=rle_followin the resub revised and com fete app lje inn shall be deemed O be the tunQn Fvhic}�the application was officially resubmitted. 17 e• Notice of submitted annlication. The director of nl.an shall send a notice to each member , e board of supervisors- the commission and the architectural review board.that an gppLciUion has been officially submitt&i the notice shall be sent within-five 5 days after the applieat I s determinedlo be complete. The notice shall provide the location of the development by_ street addresgisterial district identify the proposed use(s). state that the ham= cation rrma} be.reviewed in the. Off ie department of community development and provide the date of the arclitectural review board rnee ini at which the application will be considered. f_. _— Time for decision. An application shall be acted oruaxithrisixty (60) days after the date the original Application was officially submitted or by a later AM est aare.ed to by the applicant Lc__ l�tively, the "decision date" 1. 1:._....._ WlmrlicariQt2 may he*emed;w� >d. The decisz_on date is directoo: provided that if the 6ecisxs21. date llaspas,sed without tlae��plic1ation bein act cl anon_ the applicant may make a written demand for action that is delivered to the director of planning. If the board -fails to act on the application within twenty -one (2 1) days after the receipt__ Lhe written demand, the application shall be dQQme . to be approved 2. Notie a ' yey ra ruv��L If an application is deemed a _ roved, the.slgeilt lZau send notice that he applicajim was dpi ge 4 to the a licant, the zoning administrator apd the county executive. The notice shall be sent within five (5) days after the exniratin_ r_._ of. twenty -one (2 1 ) day period in whicb the architectural revieyv_bDaLLhuLtQ -act. - _Ct.c�n T]1e architectural review board shall review the ate 1p icalipn DoT consistency with the applicable desi idelines exercising the autho„ t , gratited by sectlort.. 0 7 d s decisions on annlicati4 %z c ert ;f cites] nronriateness and other applications for review. the board_ shall consider the recommendations of the agent,1 gtaI vents and information provided by the applicant, and any other information pertaining to the complianc " the _, li_ca_t_ion_wi h t le requirements of this section 30.6. In making a decision on an application for a certificate of a r_ opriateness, the board may Brant the certificate of appropriateness and impose conditio -ns and (rant modifitcation�if it. rlcls_that�he_ ap�21_ic ti9zr s consistent with the applicable design iidelines, or would he consistent with the applicable design guidelines subject to conditions_ ofappro'yal or specified modifications. h. Period of'validity ofeertificate ofaV?propfiateness. A certi ,cite ofappropriatene sLbgil be valid shall be valid for the same 12eriod that the 6,ite 121an is v if no site plan is required far the stntetu.S� QI site improvements. for three (3) years. The architecWrrl r�sriew board may extend the period of validity Q a e _-.Q f ppropriatenes.s. ori.ttl miacl Te:��te t9f the= applicant, The written r�tu tinust be received by the director of planning before the-certificate's period of validity expires and. LT-on receipt, e expiration of the period of validity shall be tolled until the architectural review board acts on the recu -jge board may grant an extea.n?m deternined to be reason le taking i .nnsid�ratii size and phasing of the proposed development andAhe laws, ordinan_c_e_s, regulations and design guidelines in effect at the time of the request for an extension and changes thereto since the -certificate of p ro ateness was originally issued. i. Resuhmittal of similar._Etrie 1i- r� ion. An applicant may not submit an aptlication that is r - �- - substantially the same as the denied application with, 1 ve _�f�e date of denial. L, ADn cczti �n_ Mined. For the poses of this section 30.6.7- the term ,p�jje -a oil" means an application for aswl e final review) and a review to d terznine that reyised drawings satisfy the conditions of a certificate of appropriateness, artd any other request by an anphcant for —vim. 18 k. A 6F.:Qf Fe,4. P n i cba Lucy- nd oth T within N ti _._..._ _ � � .� �'S._ �,.� gz elters and oth r writinbs required by subsections 30=6.71b1(.2�� {d)!11_ {dL3 . !e), andC2lshaA be mailed t .the id nom_ tifieieients by_fut claus mail, be personally d iv red to the znblicant_ or be.sent by em,,i Sec. 30.6.8 Appeals A decision of the architectural review board on an application for a certificate of anprapriatenessgnd fier applications for review _and an applicat o> n d approved iud section 30.6.7 ( 1--may be a ea-led toAhe board_szf�rvi. s as follows: ^ _ Persons and enti zes having ri�hl to anneal AneaLma be fi}� thy e a�nlieatlt, =a.ny person 2garieved_ the zoning administrator, or he county executive. b. YT %ritten appeal require � imin� for itlin.�. An appeaLshA ire in wr tinv a be filed with the clerk of the board nt_Lsuervisors within ten ! ] Ol days after th�date of the architectural review board's decision under sectio� 7( _, or within ten L10) days after the date of the required notice if the application is deemed approved under section 30.6.7(f). The appeal shall state the__grounds for the a� c. COnsidergziQn afaaneal by_ b , nervisnrc. he b id o _ervi ors affirm Leyerse;__or d f - whole or in part the granting the , pa ina with conditions or iodificattii�t . the Oi5app thQ board shall dive die consideration to the recommendations o.f the archilectural review board tower with anv other informati�, �t eei guess for a proper review of the apnlic t'on. When consi�rin�an appe� pertaining to.,a�ublic �afty faeilit . c oard may issue a certificate of anbrQpriatenes�rnds that the facilitys a necessity. d. e 1 r�rd o su eryirpr,s ' doc vi.on —T e 'can oo, 3 person agg eved may anneal the final decision of the board of supervisors to the circui_t_court_ b�f ' a e 'ions ttin forth the ed eaalityof the action of Shia boar f i .ors. The petition shall be fife within thixty {30) dams after t d al decision was ered. See, 30.6.9 Public health or safety considered 19 Where the public health or safety and any requirement of this section 30.6 or any term or condition of a certificat - f appropriateness conflict. the public health or safetv shall nrevail. Therefore_ nothing in this sectiQrt shall be deemed to compromise. limit- or otherwiselpair the a ent or the commssion in their review of a — —i —i - prphwinary or final sitephui review under section. K aad, thie site Wan and the commission in their review of any, preliminary or final site plan may modify, vary or waive anv term or condition of a certificate o appropriateness upon finding that such action would better serve_IL ublic health or health Ella W. Jordan, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of an Ordinance duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virgirua, by a vote of to as recorded below, at a regular meeting held on Clerk. Board of County Supervisors Ave Nav Mr. Boyd Mr. Dorrier Ms. Mallek Mr. Rooker Mr. Slutzky Ms. Thomas 20 M W U Q r N ct O b N c C4 Cl) cu �1 U v 'O Q 'p c�a + 9? ca d bG C "' W 6J y 4G M C n 3 0 a� •� p �`., .� p j U U 3 � cG N Q U U O N c•] G� 4J U U O ca c� 0 0 0 �, � � 3 . � cc � o�; --� •ti �' Lo 1Z 0 WU Q v CJ t cG c c1 c U O 5 O✓ y 9 C cn U G U I••+ rr ,r-, r . U Q 5D N O p y C ro 3 ,C ul O F co� Q6 cC C O O Id O O G fly fti N c� -5 U n o y 3 O Q U V bz O U J N cr O W A o H U01- co =] • CAE O J U .O � j U . � U r1 U c�V O � A O U W U z Q cc W w o H � A O rn ,U ar r � U � � y � C �U u vJ G C U ;7 U Q O o5 0 7S r H 7:) U b y N v ;d •rv� ' O U r y � N r _ v1 �' N X u y '� ,rte- -, Q.• = ` O �o � • � o o a� o ti° • � .� an .., on a� 5 a� is �C � U Q N C 'O 'G7 aQ o" gw o�U A F+ � fj rO M z h 0 W Q H v O C x ° c 75 -czi wr U o L" uo cn s Q.) o_0 cz O d N Cb F O O `O U N L O 4J cu r O � � N > O G 4 CU u C i o N C U v U L U O U N O O r U n O e� G. U U m C ^p q n -a iUi w Ti C C O aj N tr� ' y R O ccc C U O U N r Gp U � G Q �+ A i N V O_ O U C U O � D O " CL N cz - 0 s C 9J O a Q ZC C j n U n O cd DU C L ^ L v� N v� U s.. ; n O �.. 'G p �. O o 3 ._ C 2 r an o d o cn 7j c� .^ C .v N y n p ro =� O C T > 7 C a U O O O O O a� u p O n O ci ' Z. C x O^ '1 L' un R. ' L, ca y; � x ,� OG O N cd U= - c t N C V c� C 0 D L� ti 3 0 4 - �^ v— p; c^ y x, d= O r4 C p O C y U C O O> , U •U IM, 7s p p o O c 5ry = �, �4 �_ o o c LID cUi .�U Q U y U U U" cz O_ m C3 O p O �' U U x O c v U n x ccj ti U CL t o b o L o o v o v o o c -0 o p = c o o �? Q i N O OD U y O N O G U- U R U U i 50 U cn In p C C N U G� 4 cd - � . U cn U "7S O - 1 U ,� O y C y 'D O Q O O Uj V i '- m tz �O U U U .., D C U J U -�, �' O C U O u m aj N U¢ t v O V C) U 1:5 O O j C Q- N U coi O O O O y U> N 4-1 U n H Q C ro y C -a O U j c3 7� v � � O � m <n U v � • �C � U Z O cn U v b v W v v pp a> N vj-- d O N N U cC CL "7i c;, U ) r- N CO - .�- s... O C U r r U '< i Gar, v 'A cz � ^� o a.) y C v . U b4 sU v 5 v ti W W U U U v C5 vti c a� 0) Q a. U ro o U C y U U> o a v c U � ^ CL ca OA O N 0 'd .: �U al O N C _ _ _ cJ U 7 N Cfj 4i 73 U v d C M CU ti O - ? U m cn O O i o U v y O a 3 V d V CO J O cc U v cc y cn G �..� U vy N U •U ."' i O ry v cn t7 O > i„ .� G 4. O r3 � ca O _n O co L C O fl O N U U U J u U C v r U o11 O p t� i� O v s: O Lt cr OM Ti O U tt sU. O .� � � @ � � �U., � •L O G � C." C O � � b4 � ZD p U ca M ; ? U ^ cY U v O n a U V ca Q\ (V R v ro Gcl � p > O Ln Q G 111 v O V N cUCO • �.. , O �, O U C,5 cn cn v a U U o c o > U Y �' ti "a -cl O 2 04 "m V/ w cl, G� tG v, v rn 3 U ;4 t�u CA vn x O C;� O O '0 r m -a ono o s '� -0 Z O N p U N b4 N '-d - � >, � � C 4' ' > p a y U U a o 0 3 0 o 'a y c y _ ca v c U c ° -a a) o c cn { N �J v O cn U n b U a cn u_' ct OU �` G >+ Ste" i -a O C-, . C O O (y �C C v, s.� • aJ U ,� —v 'a p O U C C U 04 y v ca U `p U ca G O utU O U r C -O C v d] s vi E M f - U V; OU H -0 O > 3 C -S 45 v m .D m V cn ?.Is F'+ W r Q 2,�, r O y U V C6 N no rr y ni 'd OC N N s:: N U O cc: O p y O �. O G C G Rr) O cJ .y O C O CU y O y C _ r y y ° p CL • s:. O '' .. _ iU. U p v � 4-+ 'G 4'" o � m L 3 a M CA Z y cn o o y cn cu U U U y C-0 4 Ty y �? U O !� ter. O c j ti O b!7 G c�d O -5 ?C y me rA k O y Ud bb > U U> cc U U y Q ^, y b y C�3 o 'C ° o, �-� ..0 0 y y C r E U U G y G ti �p y G U y bQ U— O U in U C V ca U U ✓ c� ti •. C U to G =3 CIO r p C y d t0 b ` y C U U +o "� -- c O p v aJ V C O = C J 3 � cF O 4J G y �, E c�3 (Sa O u U 3 o a N N N y v o CL c y Y � � 0 0 0 Ui y .L c0 c, O `ii G- • ^ �.. ti -� y rn �, r, •� ` �' -7 V • cC cC cC ZD c lz U U O^ Jcl) P .7D G O N c N - U o C u U CC 7d -z; W H O p •� O U v� q C z p s N y s y 4- y U R% O =� G O Ln o,, cr c9 cy O O N N p N as O o � � u y > b o 0 71 E -=7 N r 2,�, IM W x r Q 00 ID1 ILIA Ip c O U L v r 71 c N ✓ � O z b_ b 04� cr,� cu v O O c C O N z O C1 -- O� c��a O O ? � N cJ G C " n N C p p �,��� r. ca m y CJ n, v O En �� A M �GO ��o�� 7:$ �� t O i p O O 7:� N O O N �yo y V2 r y' r R7 ^ y 6r N G _ S1 O '� N G1 �" M O lD �' pq N y d. M p ^O " Vl O N M M d rY •� {� [� M �^ y> r O y rn .--� R- N d 'D > Z N N N �1 N N N [� y [� C N y p r _ rn ,n y v y v Y ON ON v v v O p Q U 0 O 0 0> N v N 7b 0 u G O O D O O O O N N O D O � � y O r O G off' L O 4C.) 0O J V. cG C, p > cJ ca G r d c� r o O cr m c3 [/� c m + c7 cJ� C_ W v y ct . F4 oq E R) no pG w nb Kj U pb C,: t C1] ti UD N oq ED .. > CX > > > > ✓ > > .�- > > > z > > > z F•r••i M r.�- ^ J ~ N U v G O •-4 - - - N. - - - — . GII Ol O O N 7r G y y ' , �. -st ❑ Q� O [r1 p cn M M V V1 1* � IC O V N U N C v Nd' . O p r N O O G: i�i Chi G� Ri dQ �• 5n T �' Q'r On y �O/ P; Li cC cf cl i p C,3 cti � � G Cc � � E R 'E F > 'F > 'c - CQ bI1 � bU a ' nn M bb n E'D R En o ' an D ' to ' an p. C'; M ° m ..• � `- v � �' � "C '"'' ' , '✓ � � � rte- > � � .si 5 cam, .� > > > W O '% > p— v1 o0 0; O O O O cz G O pI N�� ti � C\ — — — — — Z N z N z Ry 00 ID1 ILIA z _W Z U E� O U U y a aJ QJ .0 O cz U X U U ..0 cti a o O cr, U r vUi O �U au W O � .0 N r W 47 � d U N y q' . y N si, ° , b c � ' SW aJ wT CID s C •y C � , gal y^ C -, 7s °? o ^ U y O> u L L, cr O s:. 73 ti C �- e� >' cl� Gs] o U 3 V1 w N rn q�j m GO w a o N— u O •� rn U Q L CL p r yJ O Q.) 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FZ � > . ti° o o o� T- � C, O L 0.� � �p `1 K ^ O `4 U tiD �. C 'G 7A V N � � � ' � Q C r C?. N •-' ' � . � C N '.�.. `� O C M O N W O ty y C M cc G U C! •� N �n �- ✓. F-- 0. .' cj rn U) C C C T' � O �4 .-• � U " � •- � b C � � O G d vi '> U N '� co :� `p v� Q 70 4r} U �O bFi U U G > w W GJ U '� SO-+ v� N rUn • `f O `�` j y c3 C C1. cc 00 -0 (:� '•' N .-. 0!1 .O ro - V W z _ C� ? bUq r U C j v C r O j v C u C O i cn' ? ° bD 0 roc ro o �' Sn y C'J a) o v_ O v O O• U R, N r G M O '> w ,v 0.( � cz `"'„ Ca) . a. 'O 0. V V Z ~ r0" F ° v zs o Z3 b O U L- O. cC •� C rn C O CL .7r ro C C Lf� O W C r O rn U•. L 0. N O C. t� C V2 Q v r . j c? ' .•"i cG L U' O L U .0 x ,, 1+ � Q 0.` U �p O rn -- Q w WUj 4•+ ro aJ N U 0> ',� O W ro W psj N I'l r./ z w r� Q Q M O � G f) U O b T w tz� t+ U cc r = U O U U U cv Wi cu CL 75 U C N U O C 'O Cl. O� p O E5 OC CD aj CI- ch G G iU N U U_ 4 L U L U O r ca N U U v W L U U y m U 76 a C] '" L r p LS -n � � -[•7 U cE •� G. • .._. ,� � O O c6 O., .... U C cv U DQ _r U N i. O z y H U o o C+ a VI bD O J O O p) N v M U � .fl ..r G C-1 vi Q �n O U N CC � � O CL 4- U G_ r C U O 4=r C U .0 'O � 3 L •� L vOi j C � c> •� _� � U � CL. `, J O r� r C •r O U J 7f1 U "D ob a> � p C U C� -, ^' O C � G f) U O b T w tz� t+ U cc r = U O U U U cv Wi cu CL 75 U C N U O C 'O Cl. O� p O E5 OC CD aj CI- ch G G iU N U U_ 4 L U L U O r ca N U U v W L U U y m U 76 a C] '" L r p LS -n � � -[•7 U cE •� G. • .._. ,� � O O c6 O., .... U C cv U DQ _r U N i. O z y H U o o C+ a VI bD O J O O p) N v M U � .fl ..r G C-1 vi Q �n O U N CC � � O CL 4- U G_ r C U O 4=r C U .0 'O W x Q "�C� � yam' � @ � •� � y V cn N � •',� � CZ. GR bQ U � .� ¢ ° p U co � �'in C � �"� O •� C N .� CG 'O U C C C �`� 'd t i N U• U iC C y U vJ G> ciz a L U b O c�J n c N O ti cC ^ U Ca G ct a .0 v y{ p m O O U Cct rn � e C a� d C ?+ N V C cC O «s UN cd O N + C v. o v '� o oIj Cd O t C-- w �. U CZ '7:) L ' > C r. [L N d t. ❑ N G JQ o O4 cant � a -c � °u � �-, N Y d V [Q fC .^ c� i .Si '"• _ C ~ L ZUb L G f1, C G O C U U_ ti [C b O U N SG r b i U t Cn 'd O v U t, N i d O v C M y U cj Ln O Ncn N N s U> d v N � � � i S�- � �U.. • � G . �"" � � ' U � c.>' � O � rC '� b ✓a C � U U . � � U rn � � F- ° CZ a ° o °�' a•° U U °? M N N p Gt] U C V C O O N U ° O N❑ '_ 4� C U O y 4--t N C cG � U U O rn U v C. i� U to •�"-. ` N � >' U i n w O N ~ U U ca "O Q) r c� C ob p '� . p C� no C> bf} C o cG w O m ' U> m U J c1 O O r U cJ O U 1 G 07 _~. 1 G C U � >, m ro b .O b0 vC p cd •Y bb N c� p O C fl^ O O U v S� N V U O O U T� pp v N N H C U E� Q r U U O O z O U p .rob• o CQ N _ _ + O p cz C) w m �t C C O N CL �p b U a v� M N u r DU in N O ro CID ,o C C U ti 70 N L U _ zu O ca > co ° o � ° ° o ro � :a,� o C0 �n m an u a°i U C G S U D U U U O SZL _- O DD Cz mp c6 Q�j N y CZ O O�J r�i� co ° O� • O O v .= '7s u O o" o O o 0 o J '� � u n o uj !:,D R v 5p ' fl- O a n v� U y d a� 'C _ y a c3 a U c ro cz C O w a O bij W G Q�j h U p O .`c N 6 v p U a ti v cC p n O o U U p 0 O ptb 5-0 G M cn c v d i'-i f CQ G DD U U U U U d ti Y Ur G U 'ZD o � ro " � . N ,o o D 'p cC M vl � cz u -ti ° - by . C,� "C td) cc L) ro o 3 O U p .rob• o CQ N _ _ + O p cz C) w m �t C C O N CL �p b U a v� M N u F� w �f d N H d U -a ru T = cG M ;> CL U L O N "O x V U D N 3 U v v> C CA tu ;:L, C-, � p O Y rr� C,� v '� O g O U C v v U C, V v r p u N G "O y r 'r vUi w bI 3 ctl N a N [ n r N i13 i i Eli U o ° Q) 0 O O rA UU _ C C L O O p. ' u U y C � of U � C c� to J o O U y, 3 0 cct s N O w aA O C O O C p aA O N . Z axi D C N n v x 3 o ca ti L V Vr y J, i aA o La Ln a.) o 00 r cn n 7D y ca A 2 i t? -a DO j y v v U ca m v N �I D v C _ _ a> co C d O O .? r .� C v _r_ v L R. CU' G t U r d O N C C > r = aD v `p Cl C T 'II G T tm 44 Li OU - 1= O r L L C J c0 y U G b11 N � n4 � O v>. U U N N 1 o i i o ° CU O .N � v oA U y, _ _L N _ O C O co , O , % c� U n C U 5A f" oli vim] rte- . L O 9 .7 N L O V r—� Cc ra z 0 cct s N O w aA O C O O C p aA O N . Z axi D C N n v x 3 o ca ti L V Vr y J, i aA o La Ln a.) o 00 r cn n 7D y ca A 2 i t? -a DO j y v v U ca m v N �I D v C _ _ a> co C d O O .? r .� C v _r_ v L R. CU' G t U r d O N C C > r = aD v `p Cl C T 'II G T tm 44 Li OU - 1= O r L L C J c0 y U G b11 N � n4 � O v>. U U N N 1 P, W r H F-' d U p O C L -0 z c y — � •o � � � O O •gin '� .� U r O y b.0 U U t CO c_ h b0 cl C pf 4 cQ U V � -� p -p -b •-CS .- "G � O c� 4--r V—� .y T 4i aJ v U tiko U 0 as U :J cn r C/? — r 'O O U n N O M C) o n p c� - y 0. U � C � c9 ° �-Wy i U fl G W CI) p C y y U V M N O S] oi O ' N - O C On _ U p O C L -0 z c y — � •o � � � O O •gin '� .� U r O y b.0 U U t CO c_ h b0 cl C pf 4 cQ U V � -� p -p -b •-CS .- "G � O c� 4--r V—� .y T 4i aJ v U tiko U 0 as U :J cn r C/? — r ry v � � — o 't1b� S 11) J- O-= (A y v oU .Lj- - CZ .t U r O O d ca p v �aJ UO O cc C, CO C rUi G Cf] uUi U O p U ten- G Ci �7 CL 0 o, 7� -0 Z y v� vv y "� CI- v Z ML CO 4 I� U � � 12 0o cr cwt ry 3Z 'O O U n N O M nom. U O > n p c� - y 0. 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N p D U C M cd n booms O Cv a O y bD Cj ro b4 O G Ti O d bA 3 cu 8 N O U r cd p C O U ct } O O v� U Ca c-, �r •- N �p 03 cam' n O OM bU G Vo '� b-0 :-a x bA bA r^ •� �, 4+ U C ^ p -0 ` Cn Ci Cb U CIZ U •L-ii r n °' n N00 O O 7 O cD N v evi O cC3 7� ran U1 vCi iL �O 'G vG d O n L7 N 7:1 cti O vj C i C r O D U C M cd n booms G O a O y bD Cj ro b4 O G Ti O d f V Q O V C ? D 'D U a y c w J U M P YW v L, 4? w O ti) cc Cd G U O c o •0 0 0 0' a1 C Q) o cp O cn w U_ 3 y L CC�j N c C O N O U 'i r.L �, C i n n L7 F. ti v Sa,b v� LD C r r� C ..� O c*� O G c00 « S W C.0 r1 n cn 5 bU C cc O O O Un TJ U C3 it cd O v u v r o 03 Q M .� _� O 4- G ti O O a� O U Ry C p E N L H 0. E Q Q Q U v U GVi .4 V O % cd U U L E L O Q> r Q cu 8 N O U r cd p C O U ct } O O v� U Ca c-, �r N �p 03 cam' n O OM bU Vo '� :-a x y O r^ U C C p ° m � r_: `_ n °' G Cu O cD N v evi O cC3 7� ran U1 vCi iL �O 'G vG d O n L7 N N U �_ N O O a� C co r O D U C M cd n booms G O a O y bD Cj ro b4 O G Ti O d f V Q O V C ? D 'D U a y c w J U M P YW v L, 4? w O ti) cc Cd G U O c o a1 C c'7 p L cp O a) cC w U_ 3 N -O O O N G N �, .� o � U O 0 F. r Sa,b v� LD C r r� C ..� O c*� O G c00 « S d M M 3 8 N O U r cd U } O —C Ca U 03 Vo '� y U O U m O cD N v o b cC3 7� ran U1 vCi iL �O 3 U z W Q E-� N c1 M M 4 C _ _ a> un n ca p m ct u co G � -0 N v � Q U c U C�j (10 c5 cc _e--) 4 .Os O vG Q C,5 �� •� = U ^ 3 O 3 CA a� U '> O ^ n '> `�" Z > v o L O O p "o V c,_, �, C .- �n cz {' G X OIJ U 4 O O n W N �• CL N d v 4-, G O N U A U V 'd C ..a sr� V 7-, U Uia C/D p^ U N N U v cG 'O O � -p G) CU G O cd O v ca j cd N Vi U U N N `n U O 3 O `. 4. M U p r1 v fl `j ❑ C r.+ V O En O J y `O p p 'U Q ;,U c3 s U iv G> N p b U U G U Q GO 'C ' 0 ^r O b c� C y •U ^ Qa 0 F aUJ ca Q cc m m H O aUi S1 ti cr Q sU cG m m Q b" cp N c1 M M 4 C O . 3 ca p m ct u co G � -0 N v � Q U c bA o 4� C,� -0 U s5 O D C O ^ 3 O 3 CA a� U '> O ^ n '> `�" Z > v o L 4 CDC N d v O O C ..a 3 N r°� Ln ti Cc °'Q o L=. r C! m g cv cd N O 3 O `. 4. M U p r1 v fl `j ❑ C r.+ V O En :3 Q, p V C � U 4, v, •� � O �, Y LO Ct v ; O U G,' cz C v U Q; bl] Cd O c6 Cc)_ .+ Q '� O C4 y p U ct� p N n � N Q '- O G .0 '� •O U L O U U cn Ln C15 u O O O~ cGG ti .~ N m � �,o � N c1 M M 4 O . ca p m co G N v � o 4� C,� -0 U s5 O D C O ^ 3 O 3 CA a� U '> O ^ n '> `�" Z > v o L 3 N r°� Ln ti Cc °'Q o N c1 M M 4 z Gs} U Q Fy Q - o a� 73 .o C LZ r b CO c� O C r U O > Z cn U C4 @ C v :d O- U > > � U C .~i '�.� @ O- O p M @ a b( T, r O a� G C1 n U a U a> O a, p O L G> r rs n V ti @ G7� U@ @ @@ ri C C. O U @ O ca cm 7D U cr in- U @ J O r N c6 N T @ ro "O ° tU v •�. U C'' O .2 @ G C @ iG • r, `�' O N �. Q -, U - y v, .-. is y R u r vCi 5 v G U U C O o V •U U G c� ro U L.� cG a) @ CL _ a > = a�° a v = a� U row n bD d V U G C G L- U N O�— p- O +. G> O, U L � C. o 'L O r• r cz O U L a > N ^ L 75 m 5 cl, N ^ :a 011 y cn ; `� - o a� 73 .o C LZ r b CO c� O C r U O > Z cn U C4 @ C v :d O- U > > � U C .~i '�.� @ O- O p M @ a b( T, r O a� G C1 n U a U a> O a, p O L G> r rs n V ti @ G7� U@ @ @@ ri C C. O U @ O ca cm 7D U cr in- U @ J O r N c6 N T @ ro "O ° tU v •�. U C'' O .2 @ G C @ iG • r, `�' O N �. Q -, U - y v, .-. is y R u r vCi 5 v G U U C O o V •U U G c� ro U L.� cG a) @ CL _ a > = a�° a v = a� U row n bD d V U G C G L- U N O�— p- O +. G> O, U v 0 � o cu cz o O cn O.. cri v n N QJ n O U s L L S Q U U U L cJ O U N Q? C OJ o o ti'> ) O s m o o O c y C cz C R M W V r c�u ca rn r O U c,_, y r C 7J G >� N .��,` U @ a> a� -O oA C ro^ U O O U U° IIa U = r U C C13 cr O v Cc m ca N 04 C1 Q f1 p O N 3 U Cl OU 3 u @ @ 4. o f C� @ C) v 0 U W U d H d C y � � v a� N � N p � co • U ,• N � �>, V r G i by CL . p cl) c • cl� `�-' }' U O b-0 U cc cc , - G 'd O U N �..� O '� q U bo >-, O ? .. cn m f~ N • — cv -g .� U o - � r o m v .a L: }; a� a t bD v i7 ro ' —Cl- C Cs m c ID, 'F. ca G O N U O S1. . G cE r '� U Zy p, C6 N ca N N U ^_ -- U— y 4 O O O Q•— �p ro U D o U> > U ro U n a EL, ro U U c y 7: O. i -� rU v o O L o n x C v a� C1 C; O v bA R O 0. U O C C1 3 U c•� ca � c,-, m a� r� -o U r � � -' :a U ca L c•� o U m � � U U 7:7, - 'Zi �-, � U � >+ s••, � ;j 'rn � y tO ro n .O U C7 O �_ O r fl C i. O_ O o) '7 _ c cn I " o s- p •C i .� c,_, Oft • C E C sU U v U U G -C U o C1 U C N- � m -0 of cc C1 G O cr . `4 U L r a cz� G . C .b • U_ al ..d q� O u � O � U _ > ° Q O C 0 U> U b) N m G C5 ca ° is iG N ro ti U 7D G 0> Q- > u' r c U� L o c> cG U°' j v V `° ¢ o o as U ca b o c p n. �^ s c U a U o U b� Cl. C C r v U CD a L o L U L r ca U ca c� O C PrO i/ j -d O v I U _q O.' U cz % cn bb G J Ca U U •� ca cC co ti a� ro fl o- U U 4. o °L' CL a ° 7Z; Q. n o 3 PrO i/ O m G 'UcG a. v SL p O O C i v m CCi • � Ci., m n ti N p 3 O U " p —_ U b o y '� O G 7:1_w O G O p b v J aJ r M, �_ r y •C V U O. �_ 4� 'cn �° 'v G bC .� a; V 'a cG ." m o m m cn " O U O cn >, p -o O• ro w _� ^ • U m 3 •° .b o U «' •' >LIJ v) O r O O En Dn j- ca n ca h fi O O co .0 •U m m p b Ti U n O ,ti v m o o i� �,o 'J., x O m C,5 m O c` m UO U m U w a"•3 � � h V p v y C N ca co O O -0 O m Q C: a_ to; 3 Y 3 °C), 0 E t ca ° ° m m U ti b O Cl) pA ' U fl" �� v� m a, O O y> Q o m 3 v° -ti m O N G r- s." .� f- " U�� P" cq U m Q O m v� � CL�� s- O m ca b D C r- C, O m G 'UcG a. v SL p O O C i v m CCi • � Ci., m n ti N p 3 O U " p —_ U b o y '� O G 7:1_w O G O p b v J aJ r M, �_ r y •C V U O. �_ 4� 'cn �° 'v G bC .� a; V 'a cG ." m o m m cn " O U O cn >, p ciJ O• ro w _� ^ • U m 3 •° .b o U «' •' ;� v' r" v) v m Y O j- ca n ca h fi O O co .0 •U m U p b Ti U n O ,ti m 3 m F O m C,5 m O P•, c` m UO O U O. O• 3 •° .b o � � v v m Y U F o U w a"•3 � � h � m U z w h o•° (.f, M s.. C�s V 'D cG rr cc U 4, o v o ,� v o �• 3 �, ¢ �o o "G c� C cd "n 7) Jt G � � L y r V U � •G y 'L7 ^ y O r • � � U ro .��. �i N c5 O O O y t CA V S� O ¢, J U t co U co v co V L1 .= C o•° (.f, M s.. C�s V 'D cG rr cc U 4, o v o ,� v o �• 3 �, ¢ �o o "G c� C cd "n 7) Jt O ^ O O O 4-. 'D ran • U O ¢, J NO :.� U` C V •� v � � � � W, - = y o ° F '� o o L � '� � � u Q. � v � n U 6J y -O cz k v -d c 'G S "O V., v �, r. . j y a0 v o m a� ° 'o v Q? °' h ay � o C w 3 ° v r a v � � o � o U y v .� � y �, • _, � v' y � as � 3 � �, U � y w O � p v cyi U ti j O U G fil Q U � p� y c6 7� ti 1 v U �• 4--� ."-+ [t1 Lyl V � ti • � V i, s� a v o n.W y o o o c v n v c r b cq a M U w C -o o•° (.f, M s.. C�s V 'D cG rr cc U 4, o v o ,� v o �• 3 �, ¢ �o o "G c� C cd "n 7) Jt z w x Q f J CA r C. a? n [Q U: � p ro Z; C/) v G L v �- rn U _ O J I cS y Q U _ C G O U O ca N O fl bA C E O 4J U O U n a� ca O .. �„' G C C N t U c� bA p 4J r^ > i; U n N J U ti C- c U N ti •� o cU� c� 4� U O a) c Ir (u," � N .__• fl, LO ,� p, � '� p � Q` U � r . �'" •D "Lh r, -� � � U C-� _ C _� C) �% �, _• Vii O U O r bf) U C N' N' 7 r Oli U_ N 'D C� U 7E-: -2 N _ ce _ ro `r �. C 'O 0 CD c" ro .� ro ro 3 ._ v 3 a Q o 4- o ro ro ro") c a ro b n _ 14 T G r U of cz --1 — A U P E C •`' O cn bL c u ,. CO � ^�1 • U � C �, . � U � E= .�" � w N � L2. L' � Q, � 'p O C � C- � �^ � ro . C � ' _L � `� y'-. O C y i 6J cu O Cc SS In C C U N C ^ r, .� U w 'aj U t. N _ cc cn ti - ti i. cz cu C_ Cl) 'G cG �.., � M '31? IN w V d E- H d a, 5 >, - N U -� �., � aJ rn • — s-, ca •-� 3 ' C y O b O as Q ° y 0 .se L o o aj o d o co lu U cz� m c o m Q ct y O 5 b ca p= O cu r C;� Y p C y y "> y C n y 3 r ID G fl m y U O 5- .p O i O ca y a C7 ca C 4 p U vN N CL r y 4) ✓ i' 7j y GJ _ O y .D O -p �, 7 U >., p is C- y V p Q) g = U p Cd Q ^ U [ i• . U U s—U-. _ U 0• �' �.: O d) u V y flC4 E. a) c-y"' �-'fl d. U w p —r D L Q, — U r�-. s O O fa. cn sy ca + c, r 'D 3 O G �- c3 cv r rn O v Q m Q. U ca cv M 4 U Sa O _ r•. y ca .0 c p ti U N y v w O N U L O y U 0 O ti y y O V U M U C 'O ca V_ U a7 N y G�J y = S c9 n %� y a y i i Q .� O bU ^ O O O 1 C c0 N ¢•. G cz N U r � nzi C y s p y y U y` CO .-r. U y '5 N O U Q •=n O -cam-, �' c[S h ,` U i., Q C �" m c'a v m O C 4 u ol y U U D U m y C V O y U U U LZ C O N O cG C U 'J .— V— U — y •� J a 'a v '— cu OD = O^ bA aJ J C r y y rr• c3 y yy., ca c� �. 'C 3 O cc L=am m cts sy, r M 'J� C 0j C. r C, U m cd t : c> cti O O 4D F W U d H d 41 L L V. yn Lr 4r O O O C y0 4 N yJ . O C t i✓ O U i v U C s C b O CL O N O O+ tQ O O = n G 4. N. o OJ v LC L w m O y O n v C O y N > V C a p O O 4�J O C a r Q O CZ � r O y Ln O v'• �, G .—. .� O O '++ C � � � v; �� . � v' O O y ° O i0 N N .� ° ° cz cY_6 1 o GJ �O U cG o� o O v' ti U C, • � c= m °' v ° a° C� r c G r r L s�"3 m ¢ b a� �I y O C cn O ? O O C� w r n - Q. r cc N O '3 fl a cM mIn u o d Q v- o o i fl al o a 'o i i 41 L W U d E- d �Y vcn C r U U ¢ ti O J C C,. - o p . ,= .- � o C, yG ami ° OJ no . y 3 -mv - N 3 m , C� U C C r 3 N s C' a o aq 'C Un U „ 7:1 07 b-0 m � ,-. cam, ,��,' 04 K O � C� � -�' O fl j vO L �� Q zi vO m 4z. O . L �" C p •� O cQ C L C 4.a N .-. .--, Ca y ca. 3 m--�t -3 3 m 3 7 v v -7 s., cd v> 7D cti L W U d E- d �Y vcn C r U U ¢ ti O J C C,. - T p . ,= .- � 'G N N "d N U C� U C C r 3 N s aq 'C Un U „ O •? 07 b-0 m � ,-. cam, ,��,' 04 � � O � C� � -�' �^, r � -O vO L G q L] O zi O Q O •� fl 'C 4 m a m _ J p C 2 O >C U mom- N a cr y I v N O C +. m m O cr '., L W U d E- d �Y W N 1# cC O � _T �p o O Y e? O p -0 cC r - 0 c'E "� c3 O •� ca € � O p � cv 'O � �y � O •� � ., C O N U M v, cli N U Ck vi (�� nj J F- n Cl cd C cG 0� '� v N � � y � U � N r U N �•-- �� LO cam, ' -' U ° ) .r = U ca �� L U �.-� is N • .y O 3 ' a� p r h � � � � .� vi O fl, � �, y Q, a _ .� y 4--i O � O" '� � � 7C � � , � , � � v C N - M u ti N O N �., c S~ Cl) a� C y �_ "� c° n y U � � � O J� � r � -f-� � � • � � � � U N O .� � G � � p O � � � 0 w r = v O G v U r r L-' G L O c3 75 X a O C, 'O >, R c p A n 47 - -�' YO.L F C J Lr p Q cn Q1 �• . U Lr r . L CJ U i••a A « r r s �i 75 N 1# ME Q H Y '� � •� •C r O ro O N � � � •Cn ro N � Y bA p U •= i- O � ' � 'C3 O O U O yc". •� y O � N Qj � .... M co O U 'C Lr O V1 It uw � y 0 y U � cd iV-. U � y N � r C in U O ��a z 3 ro r u o� o' r o a '_ a p of ro rot" ❑ Qn ro y ro a ro n U aU '� co U V' �, C y G C! C U C U y ? C r ca ca U o5 u d C U ro 4 � c v � 4-c ro U N � � � cG � --� O G • i. � U O OJ � v; � � a C y G o ro C o or, o > • y bIl .�^ C7 U CL ,�, C~ N O = 11--0 U cc -� y y ro C y O . ev c� m O+ y y i O O a O-, p y c. ro C U O O n p T 5 fl d D C U o G M m y G O O M Lt rn v o D U ca O +- L cv —• O U M cz ° CL G 7 . V O n �I Ej a p ° O' rn �-. U ? C: CJ n 3 ¢ ;-7- -Ioz; o Y '� � •� •C r O ro O N � � � •Cn ro N � Y bA p U •= i- O � ' � 'C3 O O U O yc". •� y O � N Qj � .... M co O U 'C Lr O V1 It uw F� W d N Q 4—+ a� o 'o r u F- i C� ti > . x ' V � � v ro �- ca N a� +-• cam, o ° o i —cq U w ¢, c3 w O 71 Q 73 U v> sU C 3 > r O ro ca O c O° d O o .0 tb 7D fl.. � Q) V Q Y r U a--' " '""i �. (� L-1 m :d cz N o O Q) cG O N^ U ."' 75 c4 c'� r v m 3 Iz CZ cn O- cv oll 1*0 � a a a n c a° 2 v o 2° n¢ o o a V2 Q c¢C c� N co � c j �M r n G U� G a v s- c� O ti T r y C7 N as co > � � � ccs 3 � . � Q) � � � O � ^r' � N ,' � y � � � � O �, •� cC br—D c4.G � 'B � � D " co 3 p °u' P > O c� r u -G .° > > °t' �`p cn CA CD Cu ra U a C-1 p O cc U O> U r m a M 110 1- It "tt q�5 qu N ^ 4" ° m '- dU r y r- EL C'� O `yam y O U Cd � N V � .D .may-• [1. ca Y G y �, QJ qu N ^ 4" tb r Y C'� O `yam y O U U L '� Y G y •G5 � " '•O C y � m 4= .p �O' (�� � 'U - o z= � -0 .fl o ^ � cz 0 U O. �V) v �- Q G m C U 6 J G p O.' O O V_ VD 7K u� O C 'n� Cl > y Cd Lj CC �, N U • 0 y a., p � �] N� G( U_ zs OU �• ems.., Of) - CQ 0.0 p y y to O v a oU o sy 1 of, c c > U >> dy v O U c3 y C y U O ¢.. C Sr O c J y 6J 01, cG ca 0 O ca v`-` 3 ro o Ito w d o -0 O� v qu C'� O `yam y O U U L '� � y G � � � " '•O O y � �O' (�� � 'U .fl m ? 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CO . cu N M 41 H Z d F� H d Qj 6 bA b!1 cC cC3 L :J J y N C � sr � O � O G U O O z z 0 � p v � m by c Z r. •U r i � � N G v � � o U Q,ry m v U r m U c CL b U cz o m 00 CL CL u � U ¢i c3 U U 7J J G •� ° O s., _ _ U U o � o •� n, 3 v" • � � a�i -� N 'G O cc LZ0 3 U v &- n., v '" O U jz� L [- .- v v n• v 3. Q. •.: ro� C C'j O ❑ E •� "d U cn OL U U o oCc .� �y v° o ca ir sr � O •^ - N U G U ~ L] O n O O G n U N U Ss ti O r � � � v � 3 O � • � m � .� � v O r U � � cc CU U cz U > Y C 'cr 14 v O v c e cd d O C _ ca co c G C vi n Om y0 a b� O C G ca i r N i r`n 'Z:5 o i7 o° ti �'✓ v a r h tl cn Ocr, cz 7 O G v � � o U Q,ry m v U r m U c CL b U cz o m 00 CL CL u � U ¢i c3 U U 7J J G •� ° O s., _ _ U U o � o •� n, 3 v" • � � a�i -� N 'G O cc LZ0 3 U v &- n., v '" O U jz� L [- .- v v n• v 3. Q. •.: ro� C C'j O ❑ E •� "d U cn OL U U o oCc .� �y v° o ca ir ATTACHMENT D In 5 days send notice to ARB, BOS, etc. (30.6.6.e; 30.6.7.e) Begin review. Determine if revisions are needed. Applicant wants to make revisions Applicant informs Director of Planning (30.6.6.d.2; 30.6.7.d.2) 60 day review period is suspended (30.6.6.d.3; 30.6.7.d.3) Revisions received Next submittal deadline is official submittal date (30.6.6.d.4; 30.6.7.d.4) Application is deemed complete (30.6.6.b.1; 3 0.6.7.b.1) Staff or ARB want revisions for consistency with guidelines (30.6.6.d; 30.6.7.d) Applicant responds after 15 days, wants to make revisions (30.6.6.d.1; 30.6.7.d.I) Inform applicant in writing (30.6.6.d.1; 30.6.7.d.1) Applicant responds in 15 days (30.6.6.d.1; 30.6.7.d.1) Yes, Applicant will make changes No, Appl' cnt will not make changes 60 day review period is suspended (30.6.6.d.3; 30.6.7.d.3) Revisions received (30.6.6.d.A; 30.6.7.d.4) Next submittal deadline is official submittal date (30.6.6.d.4; 30.6.7.d.4) ARE APPLICATION SUBMITTED (30.6.6.a; 30.6.7.a) Within 10 days of submittal deadline, determine if application is complete (30.6.6.b; 30.6.7.b) No one wants revisions Proceed to action without revisions Applicant doesn't respond in 15 days (30.6.6.d.1; 30.6.7.d.1) Proceed to action without revisions (30.6.6.d.1; 30.6.7.d.1) Application is deemed incomplete (30.6.6.b.2; 30.6.7.b.2) Reject application & inform applicant in writing within 10 days of submittal deadline (30.6.6.b.2; 30.6.7.b.2) Applicant resubmits Applicant fails to in 15 days w/ resubmit in 15 reinstatement fee days (30.6.6.c; (30.6.6.c; 30.6.7.c) 30.6.7.c) Next submittal deadline is official Application is submittal date denied (30.6.6.c; (30.6.6.c; 30.6.7.c) Was action taken within 60 days? (30.6.6.f; 30.6.7.f) Yes No (30.6.7.£1) Applicant requests action within 21 days (30.6.7.£1) ARB takes action wittun 21 days (30.6.7.£ 1) Send action letter (30.6.6. g; 30.6.7. g) Fail to inform applicant in writing within 10 days of submittal deadline (30.6.6.b.2; 3 0.6.7.b.2) Application is accepted for review (30.6.6.b.2, 30.6.7.b.2) Request that omitted info be submitted (30.6.6.b.2; 30.6.7.b.2) Allow at least 10 days to resubmit (30.6.6.b.2; 30.6.7.b.2) Resubmittal received in 10 days (30.6.6.b.2; 30.6.7.b.2) Proceed to action ARB does not take action within 21 days (30.6.711) Send approval letter within 5 days after end of 21 -day period (30.6.7.£2) Don't request omitted info Resubmittal not received in 10 days (30.6.6.b.2; 30.6.7.b.2) Application incomplete. Reject. (30.6.6.b.2; 30.6.7.b.2) 4q 10{28/09 draft EC ZTA flow chart outlines sections 30.6.6 and 30.6.7