HomeMy WebLinkAboutZTA200900009 Legacy Document 2009-12-10STAFF PERSON: Margaret Maliszewski PLANNING COMMISSION: December 15, 2009 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: TBD ZTA: ZTA2009 -00009 Entrance Corridor Process Improvements ORIGIN: Board of Supervisors Resolution of Intent (Attachment A) PROPOSAL: Amend the Zoning Ordinance to change Section 30.6 Entrance Corridor Overlay District (ECOD) and related sections to streamline procedural requirements and improve efficiency and effectiveness in Entrance Corridor (EC) review, and to address recommendations of the Development Review Task Force (DRTF). PUBLIC PURPOSE TO BE SERVED: This amendment will provide for greater efficiency and effectiveness in the review of applications for development proposals madc under section 30.6 of the Zoning Ordinance. BACKGROUND; Following recommendations in 2007 by the Development Review Task Force and joint meetings of the ARB, BOS and PC in 2008 and 2009, the Planning Commission held work sessions on this ZTA on May 12, 2009 and November 17, 7-009 and provided comments on the draft text. On October 5, 2009 the Architectural Review Board (ARB) also held a work session on the draft text and provided comments. The current draft of the text amendment (Attachment 13) addresses the comments made at the work sessions. STAFF COMMENT: Attachment C is a table that compares the current ordinance text with the proposed text, section by section. The far right column in the table provides comments about the changes that have been made since the Planning Commission's November work session. Please note that in this table the current text is provided in the order in which it appears in the current ordinance, and the proposed text is re- ordered in a few places to correspond to the current text. Attachment D is a flow chart that outlines the review process proposed in sections 30.6.6 and 30.6.7. It has been color coded to highlight the various track's through the process (for example, green identifies the quickest track from submittal to approval). Administration / Review Process: The proposed amendments would allow for staff review of sonic EC applications without the preparation of a staff report and review at an ARB meeting. This would save time in the review process. The proposed amendments also clearly outline the steps in the review process. This clarification allows for a better understanding of the review process and the costs /benefits associated with the various tracks of the process. Housing Affordability: N/A Implications to Staffing / Staffing Costs: The proposed amendments would not increase staffing/ staffing costs. The amendments provide the opportunity for streamlining the EC review process and increasing efficiencies in EC review. Applicant Costs; Zoning fees are currently under review by the Board of Supervisors. Although specific fees have not yet been drafted to reflect these proposed amendments, revised fees for EC applications would follow from this amendment and would be expected to be lower for those EC applications subject to staff review than those that are subject to ARB review. As an example, there would be the addition of fee for the county -wide Certificate of Appropriateness. The county -wide certificate fee would be lower than the fee for a standard, non- county -wide certificate. To maintain consistency with other similar applications, fees would also be required for: reinstatement of applications, re- submittal of revisions (after the first re- submittal), and for extending the period of validity of a Certificate of Appropriateness. It is anticipated that these fees would be comparable to, or less than, those fees for other similar applications such as: the reinstatement of a site development plan, extending the period of validity of a site development plan, and extending a special use permit. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward the attached text amendment to the Board with a recommendation for adoption. Attachment A: Resolution of Intent Attachment B: Draft Ordinance Amendment 12/7109 Attachment C. Ordinance Text Comparison Table Attachment D: EC Application Review Process Flow Chart AI I ACIINIENT A It1:SOLUT10N OF INTEN'i WIIE.REAS, /.Lining l Ordinance k 3I16 "as mhpwd in 1990 for the pLirpose Of•inlplcmcilling [lie er)ahlin><; amhonty in VwWnia ('cA ` 15,2-230(9/%) h) VIC111iI' ing those artedaI sircus and h1h":q, round to he sin routes (if' tourist access to designatcd historic landln :irks, structut'es 01' Lllstl -IetS 11 ithin the CL7t1III1 .,t in COntiguc7us localities (licivinafier, "011tr[111cc L orridor ; "). recltriring 111,11 the cl'ectiun, reciillSULIL:tion, alteration or resforation ol'slructures. inchldins1_ signs, on paivels smi: 1ihws w tNoe mwds and highways, be architecturally com pat ill le \ti it 11 those 11isloric landmarks ur titrtlL:lnreti_ and e',MhIiShing the substantive and procedural rcquirenlcnts Ior approving developmcnt lly the .AI'Aitecturcll RCVie.1L [IO'Ll f 1%ithin the enlranceCorridor". and WtIEAVAS, the 1)= 01mscn; IN% iv" l isk Dove l llic -OR I r) "as charged by the Board or supervimw" in 2006 to t -L:% i :w and assess ctlrlelil RgidaMe land use pr11L•.l'sws to iduntily n"ded improvements in L'rfleicmC ' el'li:rtiVcrles,S. L11[101ily and ptlhlie 11.a•1icil)ali0I1: Lind WIII;I E AS, one or the 0R I F's r-cerrnirlendation,, tL7 tIic Board or' ,np •rlis„rs in 2007 41 as ILi clarify Ilw CNteIII ol'Archilectural Revicw Huard rclieL\ e\I -ec °tell l)y the Board 01'Nuper� isors wid de�elopinent prupusalti drat %, Mlld later he cunsWelmd by the Ihmrcl ul'Supen Owt and as a vallt of that recommundalirll- the Board Llf'SuperviSON. the Planning C omunksion aml the Arcllilectural AM" Bounl hilly' rcuenlly held w 1 hiu rllc0hWs ILA discuss issues pL:rtaining ki the 1)11!'11 Fs ruomnlcndation und. Mated divrL•a dISCUSsed recommendations presented by ('uLntty staff kir sIroanflhi1 ng Ilic Architceturid Itel ic%% Boind ro icy. in /LIIriln -1 (Ordinance § 30A ,1nd AI I I I•: U"As' in order to imllrm c the cf hC:14`ncL . cffecl11e11e", and qua!iy, in Zoning Ord WrIce 1$ 3ADS, substantive and pn}cedural rvquirer11L:W1 fiwhg ( Ord mce § 316 ;1rld related sections oi'the Zoning Ordinance should Ile 0111e11d1'l1 to ri:orgriniie, res A rlud Mrawllinc r117111baMe prnceduml re*iircmernts, to) rcl iSL. and arlleud applicable s0vantlle relltllremolt, to l'MS,claril'} the atrthoriq and the rule ofthc: Arehitecllrral Ro'iuw Board to laciIitale Ilse etcrcise ul -its po%kerti. and to make otllercllangcs Lleented appropriate in s,rLler tO IM M' iCIIic: C llle ptlr11s1"e of oning Ordinance § 3116 amt M addl'ess the recommendation ol'Ihe I)R'I I-, NOW, '11'111 FIiEFORE. 13E IT IiESOLVED TIIAT Ior purpose; of public necessity. contienivioc. genrral WeII'MV and g00Ll I 011 LIe1cIopincl11 practlecs. Ihe. linard or supl'11 i-01•ti IICI'chy adill)(, a re,nl tit ion 171' intent IL) r Ill l ell d Zoning Ordinance §§ 3A, Ali, 316 and am other regulaAms of the IoAng (lydinance deemed approlwhHe 1c) achieve IS I)rlrlu� yeti described herein. BE.. IT FURT11ER RESOLVED TIIAT the Planlring, 0,111111ission tiltall I101d 0 I)LIMiC 11011'illg Lul lhL: 1.Llning text an1LAnLlrlrent 111'01)OSCLI by 11liS res011,16011 of intent, and nrake its rccommcndalion to the Board Carliesl po "ible datL:. 1, l ",lla W, Jordan. do herebl Iha[ Ih� k1lUL -ping "Hung is a true, correct copy ora ltesoiution duly adopted by tilt Board ol'Supervisors ul' Alherilarle C'uanly, V irginirt, by a vtalc of In , as recanted beknq at a reguWr meeting held on _ Board o1'County 51Ipervis0l-s 11y:L; N M r. Boyd NI r. Dal -rir:r _ Ms. Mallek Mi'- Rooker till '-dutzk1' 1%1-�. I homas Clerk. 2 ATTACHMENT B ORDINANCE NO. 09 -18( } 12/7/09 DRAFT AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 18, ZONING, ARTICLE 1, GENERAL PROVISIONS, ARTICLE 11, BASIC REGULATIONS, AND ARTICLE III, DISTRICT REGULATIONS, OF THE CODE OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA BE IT ORDAINED By the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, that Chapter 18, Zoning, Article 1, General Provisions, Article 11, Basic Regulations, and Article III, District Regulations, of the Code of the County of Albemarle are amended and reordained as Follows: By Amending: peve.l pment_ex"=.frot r gttirement Sec. 3.1 Definitions Sec. 4.15.2 Definitions Sec. 4,15.15 Regulations applicable in the entrance corridor overlay district Sec. 30.6.8 Appeals By Amending and Renaming: Sec. 30.6.1 Pitrp Intent Sec. 30.6.2 Aisatietta _undari�_�tEie�is_irict Sec, 30.6.3 Permitted uses and applicablc standards Sec, 34.6.4 ; latidseapilig avid C.crt.i.F.cafe.s:Qf-ap.p gp-rjd0L5.§ Sec. 30.6.7 Ad-FA :..:- +.. -R•: .Std_ wittal, mvic "' and action on atpplicp�ov aJ-review By Amending, Renumbering and Renaming (old section number first, followed by name, followed by new section number): Sec. By right Sec. 30.6.3 (part) Sec. By special use permit Sec. 30.6.3 (part) Sec. 30.6.6 No.,. onf .. .hies. exemptions By Repealing: Sec. 30.6.5 Signs Chapter 18. Zoning Article 1. General Provisions Sec. 3.1 Definitions c ' , riJiGcrde of A decision mad4 by the arihitc4ttuul rrvit' b_�2grd fir, an p tal-b -the-board-of Attachment B peve.l pment_ex"=.frot r gttirement tbto[ia_C�r1i.gpptonriateness Sec. 30.6.5 Sec. Untitled Sec. 30.6.5 (part) Sec. Repair and maintenance of structures Sec. 30.6.5 (part) Sec. 30.6.63 Exemptions By Adding: See. 30.6.6 Submittal, review and action on application; preliminary review Sec. 30.6.9 Public health or safety considered By Repealing: Sec. 30.6.5 Signs Chapter 18. Zoning Article 1. General Provisions Sec. 3.1 Definitions c ' , riJiGcrde of A decision mad4 by the arihitc4ttuul rrvit' b_�2grd fir, an p tal-b -the-board-of Attachment B supervi'surs, certI1y Ing that a proposed structure Mid '()I' site inlltir <r� ellrwnr; 1� �nr4•I. I �� illrin tlrw wttlrttnCC c«rri4l��r overlay.distrit;tt_as may be mod iIted_bx terrrty and ColldIlik111!, 01 1I1�. ccztil.:tca1�, ,u-C -0.0tisinent with the ipplicable dcsigr7 guiclelinc5. C't r f !CUfc' ref alrlrrnl)riafctrlc'SS, _cU =ti i.cic���1 decision made by Ile grchilectural review board establishing specific design criteri,r eomtiisterrt with appLica�le design bL1idClineS for a clef structures, sitcs, improvements, or architec turd elements. I lic decision applies iii any struclur'c. site. rnipro4entent or architectural element within that class that coniplie•s with tilesp iilc rtcritcria. Nonconforming 51ructure: The term "nonconforming structure" means a lawful structure existing on the effective date of the zoning regulations applicable to the district, including any overlay district, in which the structure is located, that does mat comply with the mininttun applicable bulk, height, setback, Iloor area or other structure requirements of that Zertirtg district. (Amended 6- 14-00) Article II. Basic Regulations See. 4.15.2 Definitions (36,1) Oilaquc- hackgrr?w0: I'he term `opaque background" mcans the_portio.n of tltc i'zcc ol':+ sigh_ that lies behind cite message por ion oI the sign, made ofa material Through which light cannol pns, % hen the sign is internally illuntiitatcd at Sec. 4.15.15 Regulations applicable in the entrance corridor overlay district In addition to all other regulations set forth in this section 4,15, the following regulations shall apply within the entrance corridor overlay zoning district: a. Cerlifrcate of rrpproprialeness required. Prior to the erection of a sign that would be visible from an entrancc corridor street, including a sign erected on or visible through a window on a structure, the owner or lessee of the lot on which the sign will be located shall obtain a certificate of appropriateness for that sign gnl_ess_th-e-s]gt .j m 1-Un&T section :30.6.5. b. Authority and procedure for acting upon application. for certificate of appropriateness. The authority and procedure for acting upon an application for a certificate of appropriateness for a sign shall be as set forth in sections 30,x. of this ehapter, and as fellews� 4 541 -41;4 4 IS Find thA Fehiteewpai eonsisteney, inelodiog t tti „ is ad _a:.: indow sips, not d' Y appf,E�prmate style-, • • 5 l)lrcrqirr` l,a( r[Jll1_!l�4�'. All inicrnully� illilirlimacd box -tit) Ic'Intl cal�inet- st�'Ic siglis shall l avv ;Ili o , al bac:kg,rnund., (12- 10 -80; 7 -8 -92, § 4,15.12.8; Ord. 0 1 -18(3 ), 5 -9 -01) State law reference — Va. Code §§ 15,2 -2280, 15.2 -2286. Article III. District Regulations See. 30.6 Entrance corridor overlay district - EC (Added 10 -3 -90) Sec. 30,6.1 Purpose _and i•Intent 1 y to suppoo y health, and welfare of the enfizems eF the eaum�, and thereto. ThLDtrrovs�¢f ]j,S� J iL 0- 6 —,iAgu 11pImcm till: G.tlabling mi ty_in Yi_C ial C'� X14 y I -�' Sf1(,(/� 1�1 1CI�`Ill l i Illy those arterial street5nnd higbju.ys found to be sib ttt ficant route;zofts�uri t.access to the �:omliN and Io ck�,i� sl;l,ts'(l 111�1'lric laii(I m—ks, strucltlrew or- dish'i -c15-withkahe.catln Lin contigtlott p lines, al�cl to retltlirc 111at ttic ;4cii 11, 1'ecolNI'lictit'll, .tltor,ilion or restoratim of 5trticture5, in�ludin} i ns. do C_'IS 01 a Lis to tl osc :111d hi.�lixia-YA a,S t)rtn idVd ILCI'Cill, 1%c arcllitvknLirally Qompatible with thow historiQ jglC�Il7s_1CitS oLstructures, The comprehensive plan pror ides that scenic rtsour4c�ti w,,ntrillut ` 111 11}x• �_:omr111111i1% ; illsiral,711ity aS a place tU lii=Y.cjha coh.m1ce and I7rotcct 1)t•c,puoy \alucs, and 4nntrihme 1.0 111 ' L1\0ra11 cltia1ityALLJi1'1< (Qt111�: tslttrlty's cidetits�.hc C01111,W1tc.nyi%'c plan also ak:knoNN k:dgvs tkii ;colic rc•'ol.1rL�'•; me important to )JAW.s a, :ls_t17e county_5_residelits, 1114 tk1a1 visitor,., to tilt liltiv f lcl 4. tt�ttttrl ,1nc[ the �c,ullt\'� rural 11iStoric structure ri ;iIh(:r it lasihig inrpressicin ot'lltc �01_1111} :tS tlwc trJ1 el 111c county's SCO�ie road«;ly �,. The significant r'c}t1t4ti 01 tMin"t ;lccuc'ti �N ithirt the V1111';llictr ':orrldl,t' o\k:1 k, district 1)t' , idc; aCCclis to the p0 mm ilild to malty of the cuulzt., "S hiStl,rik: lallllrrl:irl:5ry^}trlj�GUrtS ,111x1 (list] lctti includia& =but nol limned to Moitli(xilo, Ilic home of 1 ilonias.J016 -sot ,x...hich P, t,it tllc.World I"leritagq 1.•Iwt ;tcknlirli.l�rccl by the United Nations ;tlld a Nalion,tl I listursc I.zindimirk, Ash I.a«n -1 111;hlc7_nd, the home of Mmes Monroe, the l �lii�crsily clt.Vll.' ,'Itl. liar 3Y_imag_Rot1.1 1111' I le[ it.tbr 1.i,,t and ;i Natiamul I listc}ri�: Landmark, and whose acadcmic;ll village is on thq World I Icritage List, it Naiik)iml I lisloric 1,midlu11-11 :Iml it Valiomal Registercd l listoric District, anti (llc county's eight historic districts on the National Register of I hstoric 11h xs, including 111c Soutllwe.st Mountains Rur'll I Ii ,1 5rii I)i;t1 i,21 and t11c Sa +llth4rn Alhctna -1v Rural I l0oric: Dislricl. 5 1 11v VIII1;ul�:c C, III itI(Ir okQ11;13 dIMI-Id Iti IIIIClIkIctI hl Irnlllk'1 )IV IIt IhL oI III t7rchcIi ii\,c I)IiiWs goal to pr4sC1i,v: the o)iitlty'S ti��IIi4 r� ,1111't�w hCeati, et- a , ;tr4 cs tllliall to the Q: ttlli�= 5_.4l�trr,14t4'r, c ills tsli� \ it.11M, Aild (IL1,1111IN' OFIIIe. 1111 of this val Is Io 111miltaill til'11 integrity Ott lllc county's roaikkk iys key- using JQ,-ogn tl IdQhiik j, I liv e illii ice c orridol• overlay district ti� ill ensure tht11 devclopmcnt 1.ti compatible wilh the county's ►IMUN11, ScefliL:, historic ,Intl asi'1111CCI ill resowrce•, h� rro, (ding I'or Ie\ it:'t A,lle\� ConL,11,0c6111) along the identified significant route. elf tourist 4icccss bs an ;Ir'�Ili1+ elllr ll r'cvk:w hom-d tl ider kicsign wiidelrrlc�, pI'0I11111gAVd bt' tlEfl h1,;ird ,tail t'Lltllted 111 the JVW'd elf supervisors. Sec. 30.6.2 ;9 ,d by ,r, . board of , tO be iri ,, .(e O"1143 ..e to the countyj (,.) to histeric landmark aeoess .d r..��, d....'.a. ., 1. ;....,,...... a, —An entrance cfwi -dor ov delL neated nit subseeimen (e), f�om the edge of die Fight Of WBY 10 !he gftldtff OF eilkffi (i) the kill ddpO"khe parcel. as !he parcel existed on the original adop6on date -of seotieAi 30.6-; of (ii) a depth ef five kwidmd (500) fet+. Ir....:.,., h:..1...,ays-, T1 ,mirance— corri.do; OYtY ay district is e•l;►hlished t poll._ind comprised of those parcels corttiguous to.: goiftcant r4ttte5 tt�.utiSt 5:, g :r..d.�es5 (11 the Illlderly Im, /.,olling dl�rtct or th4 \IS14111.0 of odwr LippI Ic ;tblc. ovt.day dlstrlC.ts.,.ats pr_�ryi:dsd =ia� s�ctio_n,3�,.4,2(Iwf it�ll�,��y; a. ------- Sign jcccvl,j,o lry r, /rr}mv' r U ,'e.M. The following �rt ri rL.t� ts_. c_higl,cvay are round to he signiti4anl mi.acs of tourist access and are hereinafter referred to in ,sect.ion.30,6 as "EC stt'eets_', 1. U.S. Route 250 East f Ricltimond Roadj. 2. U.S. Route 29 North CS�jpilloft Trail). 3, U.S. Route 29 South (Monacan TraiD. 4. Virginia Route 2t] South_(Ma?l>lill tivette�__ d cotts�cillAlaad]. 5. Virginia Route 631 gouth (51'' Street and C7jd=LXpchl.vrgKo d)_from Charlottesville City limits to Route 708 OA-ffi ll Road)_and yirginia Rowc 631 (Rio Road Wei from U.S. Route 29 North (S-gsnino rail) to Route 743 (l'arlysvillc Road). (Anumded I 1- 14 -90; Amended 4- 12 -00) 6. U.S. Route 250 West..lvy Road aad fi.O'dfish Gap Turnpike). 7, Virginia Route 6 11.Rod). 8. Virginia Route 151 CCA rs- Zop.�O4d). 9. Interstate Route 64. 10. Virginia Route 20 North (S-tony RointBs��d]• 11. Virginia Route 22 (l�o�aiQad]. 12. Virginia Route 53 Quin.as. c.fferson-brls 5tl. 13. Virginia Route 231 (Gordonsville Raadl. 14, Virginia Route 240 (T_hrw N ch_C oa 15. U,S, Route 29 Business (rQgt iC AY_enus� 16. U.S. Route 291250 Bypass. 17, Virginia Route 654 (13arrack5 Road). (Added 1 1- 14 -90) 18. Virginia Route 742 (Avon Strut). (Added 1 I- I4 -90) 19, Virginia Route 649 (Airport Roa ql) from U.S. Route 29 North (.Seminole jai to Virginia Route 506 (Dickerson Road], (Added 4- 12 -00) 20. Virginia Route 743 (Hydraulic Road_l d. Early villel d) fir rn U.S, Route 29 North (Seminole Trail) to Virginia Route 575 CW:gpolands Road). (Added 4- 12 -00) 21. Virginia Route 631 Cgig -Roaddl from U.S. Route 29 North (Scnlinolc'1'rail) easterly to the Norfolk Southern Railway tracks. (Added 11 -2-05) &rc & cn>tr! uauAao EC v, Pa[s is contiguous to EC streets are: .L__ parcels .41(rring bo nclury will) ull-ECLair•c cl on iv/i'vv cv daiv. 1:.;rch paucccl th�t11 �ol��zd�ry, tlit�w�� allared at any point a ith thr right-of-WO y of an I ;t' Street oll olw of Ille 1'�)Jlcl%c ill j � � O dates: (i) c,n C)ctobcr ;, 1990 r i11ose_p irccls sharing .1 bx�.11I14 o-- with wLE(' �t1��.t1d IllifLeSl1I]_5e�tJ91t 1) through ( l()); (ii) on Noveni tic r 14, 1990 [Or thvsc parcels sharing a bOLlr1d.aryAvi0L_an_EC aireel icicntilied in seQtioii 30 6.2(;1)(17) anti (18); (iii) On April 12, 2000 Ior those parcels sharing, boundary % %ilh an l:(' identified in section 30,(,,1(a)(19) anti (10); and (iv) on Nlo� ember ?,.j095 fQ.r those parcclti 'h lring-a bmindary \% ith an I ( titrcct identified 111 section 30.6.2(x).01 1(IlcrcinalteC�`th "applicable reference daiv" ), 2, f'crr•c is rot sharing �?orrrrcl�rr ilf� uri. ±_Irccl�acli parcel within five hundred (500) feet of ate street Ihat c6d, not share at any point it 110undary ruiih [he_C]_ h.tg -Of a ofll _EC_s1rvk;t dw opp:l.i le rl'IC['i114t< CICItL'. c. Exrerrr cif crt er Irr} cli,ti'Ir rc'f, "I Ile c�VCrltly district e�tellds n4l'oSS the entfr� «iclt}t _parceL_c=igIr0liti 1,0 n 11 EC_stre_et�'I'he overlay district extends to the depth of each parcel as follOWS: L.- _ 1'crrc't'1,� .�Ir<rri1r (�rarurcl�rr,t 11 ^if17 crrr 1:( ,�lr'eer_Ur'r r c'frrtru�'t' <lclrc', l l' lilt I7;1r'� cl 5llal'Cd a lloltlldal' �t E111 ;ill IBC` strcQ1 on 111e gpp_iC lbIv relerencc date a5 prw6dccl in >c l ,?t1,6._'(17}(f ), the o erlay district e\tcild' So flic full depth. of-d tLrccl, .�Pctre�r ng.borrrr&irj, wirh.an EC',srreef. If t lie- p-Arcel.is-withiri_five.hundred_( 5 9 LOf_ati_EC 5 sill. Marc a bnuldary with ali I;C struat.a)t_1t1t�p 1tcable reference date as_provided_1rl KQUQn_aQX,2QX2), the overlay district extends tart dcpthoffive btand.red C.00) feel £rani the ri &hi-rrf: Way of the EC-A=. I. 7 fla t' l of s�tlerrr c 11s1Fl�,rc' !r, �.�rlrc'c'f far,rr,rclru'rr s. 1 ltc SUbdivlsion, boundary lineUdjustnlcnt, or an} o111er Cll.ilttgc,t0Ah9 b01iilLluriC, 01`❑ Isar "Lafter Ilia apl)lic�ible rc1'Crc•ncc dale shall not red.ucc the fired titibjeci to this section 30,6 V"1010t11 it /01MIg rtlap- ilnlCTI {1111011 Illstt � 5.tllr l.s0urtdjlrie1 try JlJ entrance <orridor overlay district. (12- 10 -80, § 30.6.2; 1 1- 14 -90; 9 -9 -92; Ord. 00- 18(4), 412.00; Ord. 01 -1 8(3), 5-9 -01; Ord. 05- 18(9), 11 -2 -05) Sec. 30.6.3 Permitted uses and annlicahlc.s.tandards Within the C iverlay_di5Irict: a. Uses. The following uses may be permitted within the -EC_oxed4y -- sseict in accordance with the a requirements ol'this section 30,6 and tilt: underlyinga Toning district; By . igM t , UY r•ighf- 'rile fallowing shall be ..fflililted h5' Figh! i BR5' Lr _ sFl05' ,i:..t_:,,.. _,ses_ ernittte. Jghl ill the irllderlying Zoning district ,dull lie permitted by right in the LC overlay district, except as otherwise provided in tieQtioii i (1•(1, _ 13y_�p s�%ul u.wl. grit, `l'Ite._loll.+? -wing, uses shall be permittcd by special use permit in ilrc L "C' �1v..erlay clislriCt: a. YYM-tt.Uses authorized by special use permit in the underlying zoni.vg district*, b, Outdoor storage, display and /or sales serving or associated with a permitted use,..,, otller than rtMsidential,.a ,rictllturai..vr f r _st, �,:�lset any portion of which would be visible f'0111 M-1 the EC: street to ti *hicJLiti es�nti,puaus or fmn nv other EC street whichis_locatc -wiII& five hundred (500) icct; provided that review shall be limited to tae intent ofthi° section d-etennining w1]_othcr the outdoor storage,, display . and /or -saics is. coitsistcnLwiIiLthe applicable isdyJi_t]e . lie . Amended 9 -9 -92) C. The construction or location of any structure, including any subdivision sign or sign identifying a planned development as provided in section 4.15.16(1) sf this ehHr4eF, upon the superjacent and subjacent airspace of an EC street that is not required for the purpose of travel or other public use by the Collin10nwealth of Virginia or other political jurisdiction owning such street. !!'r'r1 rrr,f f�lrl� rlllrf oih, r r(willrNiorr.y. T11C .IFC,1 illILI bu1Fc, nlin.ltnuni yard and setback rccluirCmClLts, arld limmnlunl huildiilA height rc;gl,ti(et]leniS 01111. uridedykL_m r►ing.district shall apply to all uses and ti1r'liCturrw ill the FU overla% district. Domisfcrctorti'. A condition-of a celrtificalr cal- appropriateness -that requires. improvements, or design features for 11 IMI i1 bOlIMS n1i, 11t 011lenNI"C bC pcI'lllitICd t111LIC1 1111: ❑111?licable ciislXiCt te#; ttEa. t. i.? lL�_.s11;�.11_tloir�.l'fcct.thc eligibility For tic bonus. d, Cfr'uilirrg or lcrnci rlr.slrrrbrrtg act N� gr;ttding =4t olltgr land disturbing=actiYity tun rlel in f;), except as necc M for the construction of tree wells or tree walls, shall occur withirt_the .drii7. lisle o i3 <any trees ter wooded areas de ignitted on the sit4 plan to be preserved, our intl'tule upon any othere xisting fe- MILINw design¢ami in lltc ecrlilicnte rlf,appnTrialt Hess Or presemaadon. A fc.sr},r,lulrr��i ulllr(,,. An applicant fora dec'elopmaH so "ea to the pair, isbns ol'wcohn .10.0 shall Sign as consetwation chccUNt provi l d by the ditwor of planning m his or her d0g,nee (the " director ol,plonning") spcl:ifying the method lilr llre"c•r� ing the dctiignated featturc," and the method ;111111 Cold ,n'nl to the specifications comaained in Standard and 5pucll ic:ation .i_38 at pages 111 - .393 through 111 -4 13 of the Virginia l;rosion. and Sediment Control I lalldbollk; III'M itled that the aarchheetural l_e iCW huard, MAW W director 111' planning, may require alternative methods of uve prolcedon if water fsrt >tee m, is deemed nt:t.'t.'rsmy. Dl'.5'1g!!{lllN g (110111'{ 1!['(7l11sti•'7J'l'.,'('! "1'{'(I fC'C!l111' {'s. AI'Calti (111 it SItC 447111;1111III Il(ttlnl'. all 1)L: III CS 'I N Ut1 ,11;111110 identified on approvetI pile 111an.s and building plans and shaaII tv clearly anal visibly deI ill eaicd oil the aiIc prior to conlntcncing gradilig or t,alm- lane) distui lling a0kily, including trenching or tunneling. No 011114' land ciistur6ing alai, ity, tlr In,l,cnlcnt ol'heavy equipment AI.111 Sonar "Ildn the c1dhwaalc(I mvm, The %Wilde delinemiun ON btlundarles tilt the areas 1t) hL' pru-,�:r%vd Amll he maintained umil as certificate clfoccllllancy i4 inued by the comity. All fealturc,s designated I'or atitln shall be Protected during development. (12 -1f 811 § 30,6.3.2, 9 -9.92, Ord, 01- 18(3), 5 -9 -01 ) Sec. 30.6.4 A ewr+m4-1f }..1k . ulloi:. ns4 ninimmm yHyd mm! ..,. rec r t��sE t >t t �lEei t-r l lfrts ; 4M+ck. Csllmutes of ap �priaric�ess Av d I+ .II: •I••�-T}}ti,4iiciiiLIifi}, opiimi, Gw4*t4m+'.`4m4 e pt Whffe the .kh .i: �3f4k'F!�'* k kt�ti N'4rti'IhiH`i 4iT{��i -lake i5 �?Ik1iYiEtil-1 t t+14dei4-Fhl•Y4i*h +l`e .,t thm the 1'.,Ilo 1 I�"u"} nt,-�4iall apf)IM to Nlth {�i'a¢`it+{lfaatll4 -L . h . I. Q .11 be vivilkle I'. L , mt�d,+,(�� 'gin r.:1 I n . .ki fi, ate 4.,.,.,...,.-.r ateiie s is required kw the following: ' s� IleruliI Nil ;iII Ile till less d ua- lt- i- l- ft- eerlilicr}teofeEs}�'clfsrittt Subje tr ,1141 ded k; 70 4 !. „c.,,e .h'.s ,. ,I .1e seeiiell 32.0. ;te deN'el .............. , il�ila' .,1. ,i il.. shall I, .I'k fl,e e*)+++r1+4t,6,+0 r0F he Sigliied p ,t to . ..t; , 314.3h ..,I..e mimid ..,i;1 . ,..E +r tte„t4 i111f,1o11rinteness has, betxn The .•eat ..,,5 f -. wh1E1f1 ' tF�1t Wl {�iLi sr 13k►`iCxkl de oo ..i as t. eendki, T ;t+et+c ° 1 I, u , _. , ; r,,..,4 .. ` (�t t tae --PF 1 JN4` e d - tiweek-- gl +;it• e by W vaikg rat., `.....,..... POHAN dev sRteltE se case my be .-1,,,11 be E1 AI COIN il4lt� itt�ii -�t'1 t� I itziEiHr� ..ifi +we AW10*40 ctl +iti �itleli les. fia -il�y t# �izi- rc - Rr@- HS -10 -aip4H= ee, s'i cr-T+' - - r, if, cri#� i � E W,myi l together a. con Pleat kn; &yal ,"T�4 . s , sh . height d Imeminm F h NA ti L s4e hl iiL 4rt ; ainid 1 la. ,t bukking ms to We .. em! li �i#3k�itt�.. —a -r- ''�'�.....�.i�l.• „J • �1., rlop;mrl Ire'il �tklf4�44fitgV+rlEiTlrllt feg*fd4e—ft +4e4+0n5 ,f Ilse LIIIEIe1'14'll1s; }s,nlrlg dltill'1L't t1r= regillt+lli111[1+ ,__. r n d 5 _449144 to ^r v lands.pAg allEI R ,.Jtti+'t*W+1-t,. Sharll 11,1,4,- Wifl+t"fly EC F1. ,1;,-,. e,.1 ep,E X11 +L 9 that is cefiFiisten! %4!h Elie desime-H goideknes ii pied by tile bOQFd of stapem4seF,44 ..... - Wilii's-5iwill-t eew- within ihe d d. Amas designated on approved plans lbr preservation of ex-sting 1:�atupes shall be eleady and ViSibi occur within such area. '"ie visible delineation of all such e%i9fing J�-at"FPM 514-All 1-;P-k M-Rim-awRed -1440 ---- 10.6, shall sign a oomsei�vmien eheekimm appreved by the desigRaied agent oPhe a Phi4@v4wr-Rl F board to fwtheil, ensure that (he speeified e features wi • l-e5 ` ` Ease, 111 eemhr'i4ttir.4 "4 297. he trr'Clii1ce11u:11 rC% IC%% huM'd IN :iuth,,riitd to ccrlilicalc�, ()I'appropri 1len�'�w ror any 5tru4ilrre, and {ssso4iatcd it }rpn» errleill , cu .ii1v 11(,rti4In tllere0f. 111,11 are % isil�ir: hvin the• l:t irrrstt 117 ��hie11 the parcel is contiguous, as follows: LJS'I."l Ijllm -111 IvilIIIrbig 11 ccrlific 11l `rhe I611o%k iltg developments reciuire a eerliliergte of �1�7i]iUprltllel }eys: 1i1 oil, # j �l�rrrc'cl, I: seh Irli4lurt .[nLl'�.�r -'flk: irsipivN .1 4ml i'or wh1.411 a building= rmiLis realuire[ iis6 _V_811.1hQLighit_15m43.s1 [iw%tlu b]�llifor \Nhi�:ll n site plait is rcqul -Cti, 1 this the struotire is i;xe npt -udder section No building pernlil shall he ❑pIlrm eel mil ii th .c. cc rtufts�t'�o�- �.lzpx�pri��t1�5� is nhlained., Solt, lr/ow; r "ilrilvd, 1 ;1L:h 1111CUm, site improvcnl++nt For which a huildirlg Permit is.required in _a de%Ql(>pinent 1'01 %N 11 Rd] a ;itc-plan is required, tinless the imp ovement is exempt under section. 3(].6.5. q Sit1;- Rl;•tt`sh;111 _b_C__aJ7prativcd unlit life ccrtilicale ol'apprrona t]��ss is o� fined. b. —�R n_cer� kv1es of_.uppr._aprj . rte, s The_ar�hite rural review bore -is-n horized to issue the following type-5 �� i e,rti fte�t of aa iabvmuz i� 5pcc{fic cic'VC? Qprlren1s. For specific cicvcl�lprnextts s s� i;�t dpi ILQne_or more btasWinjz.p- mi_ts_ Qr__a__siagle site ,r�lan. $j' ns ha rr ne }t'' lr ulli- husiness complex or shopping ('enfer.—E-or all of the si *u�, LiU rlew mult6bma ness C nlpla'v sir .tih„plylil� �'e[ }It'r• �� Ilt'r�' Ilr�' ,1r� lrite.clurrpl CCView N ar(i firs_t_oQnduclS- .- cciml,rell J]SjY Sim J,e%le%% t.)nce it c:erliIIcate 101 "i'�n" in a 110% 111Ellli -b� s-cDmR X_4Y'shoppi enter rs i d, 1C 10 director of planning; i.5 authorized to determine whether a particular sigt1_�itlsfies -1he-conditiot}s of the «['tili.c.al4._�.tf ;gip. ru ri ;tlen_cs�, 3. 1?r-Q TiW tr 3 —Comi1l -" idc ce.rtiflimIcs of pprc�priatcne s_.fo�s r�cific L S vl ructures, sites, impromi-icrlts, or architectural elcnlents, ukl rt to si�cGilic design criteria tll;lt each structure, siWJmpro nt or architestistr L to ttL itltin tktc-� lass must &j& in order Io bk s� 4 the coup+ -wide certifca� nd sulljcct t[t,.the follo in& a. (;uC'lo_x.,Y_Carrslclered i1tr,�,r ,mil b rd_k. lj s.idP�I�_tl�e.li� {I��� in ; ILtc.. __ ?n clvterart,il!i.lt� \x hcthlr to- inue_a-c.o. tin(, -wid certificate -ofaDpropmaten -ss: tl�e nrot sed�istan�e oLthG sirucl ures�_ c.SLimpraverncttts, nr architectural clvlllcnts Prom an C street, th-e- _ Qicat on pf ilw trm-tures sites imt emend MardlAuctual elements relative to ;In EC street and other buiIdMga-aaLd —q 1toSlir s. Consist b=dg;3l pt1earank:Q, .Intl IIIV ,Il,tiViI)alcd limited impacts frogt.II; t,e 5trLtCtU1 S Si Sif7]pi_Q1!, 1TI rit�S�IjrQhileettlrul elelllelltti h;ttistl all II1Qj iZQLQr _S.CUI�I. b. Dedo criteria. The board may establish appropriate desieluitrr•iat thaLa.struoture, site l�Tgvenlent or architectural clement must comply v,ith jn_ordcr to Lg=�Riject t.Q..a Ro- anty_W PSJJaQate. illcludin11 tlly lulls,\\ 1118, (I and structure heigklt, (2) building; and structure size: st alp or rnas ppru��iate r(st ±I It,rinsI (�) arpprc,prialte htlildin ; nlx tq alLandl_QC �rllillile,ultt p Unting requmremMLS_L7) nlinilllunl screening rlyuircments; (8) the 9WWR7Lar1d dv5lgn details of sigma -, and (9) taller architectural or de4ig;n ft:mures rcquin:d For Gg= ,I.ialice,raith the architectural des. }g;n guidelines, De.lerl1 inallou Uf t'oinji1icince by c ).ector g1,111amling. Qm;Q.A , 0- -a -1hitic certificate of appropriateness is issued, the director rsl-planning is tltttltorizcdtQd- tcrmjile 1%llctlier':I;1:Irlicultlt slrticittrv, site, itttprt,441nent or CI.Cn7etlt s ;Itiwlies the spc(;Hk dv,ig-n :Hm-in t,t lllc c:.c)tmty -wide vvrtilicatl rrf;Ipprc,garittt tl@.4 :ll i�+~ tcu or n nlcrllliexc�f _t[74_t1r411ilccttgrai r(� ir�v board may request that tlly arcllltecttlral n y•ew pard, lnylla(I ui the- director�delorm -ine holier a particular structure, site, imps Vellletlt 4r Wmhitectura.l elen)CIII satisfies the.speoi�ic crltel-la(d thlcky [III t \- \ \It It: ��rliltcateofal7f]CO rl�e$$tll:rII ng)ct.)tttiI111at�tt�g; •ic•llem enut olycal, Am per -011 rlcgulslin +� a d4lcrnlin,lli(,n %fee tiler _a�TO�z.7+M�d_5truoSltr�SiL�. bsrox emcnt or arcllitccutl•al e]enlcnt satisfies the specific design criteria of a count, S&Cfktl4.ltc Ofa11111nllzri:ltlrtwws shall su %mil a request io the dil's:ctor of pkinuing providing_; the rill ;ltiull repel N(I h \ tl,e IISI-441>1I I Ill pr < +(lclurl list- the; s- ubmiunI ;1114 aclit.,ll II11(Icr -,t :C04n 3Q.b &b). !C). (cl) ;uttg (1') ,hall) ;Ipl,k 1. B Ite�it c c,_ li'tllc direciol. dclenllinc, (lyre [lie pr_gRgj0 strutiulrv, site, impr•ovcnlvnt or architectural elvnnalt ducti nut saltisiy the slNlil IC (ICS, LS:r.it4ria t sleet uutu wi{ic certificate of appropriate.:ness, the director shall send notice to the )person reguestlnl !, tlly dlternllna tion o1 Illy decision. I•he lm-w t rt4*iestklg; the_detern71n -attic n n ay either: ( I ) appeal the director's dcctslon to tllc architVC111ral re" le\\ board by trllllg an atlt7tul � \fell lln.e_director within ten Q) aFter Iln(; date ol'thc . (2) file an application and proceed under sections 30.o.6zaad3_OA.7. Bi, the hmrr-cl. I I' 1 he board determitlps -its--own review or on an appeal of the director's (IeLltil�,l! tll;it tllc• pr(�p(,aeci su•lrclure,,_sit��., ill }pi,ovvmcllt or architectural,vlvmcnt does slut ti !the spetiiil cic.sin criteria e.11 else count}+- widertificatc ist_apropriatenesa,.�i1 board shall send nulicv to dw per5c)It re, uestin .the. d. terminattiun . :c��its_decisi :c?t�, 7'l>e person requesting; the determination inay -calime- 1-APP I the hoard's decision to th4 board.Qf supervisors under the p ed �e s ction 30.6,8(b), (4) illld (d); of (2) file an appticalion.aud..proceed under - and 30.63. 11 l crl //Iwil1'!o (Is.%10 L t ool.villem 1 11 ilh rr1111/;(.41hlt' 414-.,ign g11icic lirrL'.v. Ill LltM-111 ill illb '< haler a St 1-111CI LI IV or associated improvements are con�lL mil with the ;Ipplizable dcsign guidelines, the architectural review Board may Specify the litho%% ing, Wlich arc' in addilion 10 tilt I Lluircnlcniti L,I'Ihe uncicrly Ill, distl-ict (W 01'SCL:6011 32, pro, idccl ihat the board may not M11.11011 AC an} rllaxilllunl SWIlLkli'd to he c\ceCLIVkI, 01, Jll.L 1111nilllum Standard to I101 he MCI: i L lrLJrilc'clrrrrrlfirrlrrrt'w I IIC;II111c;)r.lnee ol'Lltly architeclun,11 leALIl•e including, hill 1101. limited tO, its I'ornl and style, color, texture and mater Ink �. Yi =L' cum rlrr'crrr�;L'lr It, rrl rff �lr irL lrrIVA, HIC cLlnligurilli011, orivluutiun ilnd utlrcr lilllitiltions as ILr the I1latss, "bathe, area, bulk, IlCigh1 ,1111.) It7t alllt,ll 01 11111Ct11t'CS. hl Considering the al -rallg elllcill anLI IciciltiOrl (11 t1W archilcctural r-cr iCS� hLl,n-d nl,I) reclllire thill the V\istin ; cgetatiLtin and natural fi;aturc5 he used to wcrccn s(ruclures and associated inlproS cmvws front oiw or Int,rc IV 'streets to which the parcel i5 c"IlliAllouti Lrs provided in section 30.6.2(b). Lr,('crrir,rr crrrcJrr,crJi�,rrrrrlir,rr r,f l,crrkirr g cuccr,l' crrrcl JcrrrcLtilcr iirl '['11r luctltilln and configvradon of parking areas 111d IanLlscalling 011d bul'lzring requirements, Landscaping rr cavrr!'r.'t. 111 ;Iddli it'll to lil4 r"Illircnlents ol'section 32.7.9, IanLlscill�'tlig measures detCl'I11ineLl 10 be It, W illl-C that the s1l`llctut'CS'ulkl alSs1ieiatcL1 improvcments are consistent �' 'till 1110 alpplicillllt~ (Iv "Igrl gtlidclincs. 5- 1'r- esel-1•ulion r, f c'Xi.11iirA, 1•egelation rrrrrl rrcNrr wl fiwflwv.s. 1110 pzv. CTA atioll X11, L:Xisting tree's, and nalurill features. 6. Ally Ill addition to the appl lea tile rt:gLlircnlL:Illw 0l`1vcti0I1 4.]'), the appropriate style, tint. Color's, lll,tteri.11,, illumination and lot ;Rion A all proposed sign,,, and an) other applicable: design gI1it. 6im:,,. I ,1 11 aj1p1it ❑titLll Ii1r o cwrlilica lv A'appropriatenes" for one or more signs Shall lie acc(1nlpanit:Ll hk a .wits pi'I1I of skciuh plan that shows the location of all Signs pr(1pclsLr(I t1.} !71. er4ctc d (ln tic Int or loin subject to the site plalt Or sketch phut_ 1'rrre'irr Tile Iucati011, t) 111. ,111(1 c(llor elf all h 1161%, including w<II'L'ty fullCing, A11111m,ill' to impfom, c mulilirvi.v to osson, cicr elularrrow is cr,rmwela iviih the alplicoblo rk,sign guirlrlirwc . TI1c archilCk:l(u•01 I•CVicw h0,11-d is ;lu111or•ized to impose rcasorlahlc conditions ill c;clrljLll) burl �l ill MI) Approved certilicalle o1 alpprc117rialt�'Ilc4s 1t, :IS�urk Ilml 1110 dc%cloprimit is consistent with the applicablc dcC,ign guidellfl s, The arcllitc:ctural re% lc: \ ht 1,11-d alsL, iw aLllhuri /Cd ttl ilpproVc 1.>'lan, shM%ing;, or i(lerlti1'� in a ccl- tilicatc of a1lprLlprialt ne ", em"'Illlg trcc5, wooded areas .Intl natural areas to be prcticrvcLI, 1110 11111W, (ll'gII`:jclitlg Clr• Other' land distLH -H11; activity including trenching~ anti willicling, ill Order it), among other things, protect existing fe,ltures, 4111(1 brilLlc lllalllgCS I-CLltllr•Irlg; tree WWII -k or Ire( +NOIIs. .-I mall -ill' c,f'=nrrirrg rIfht till L lr rriru to (10O'rrMIC L f }mml,lkrruv lrillr c et-lifical '111Q gulling administrator is alrihc11-1Led tl1 dCICri11111C tklletllel' ;I CIOC1ol)nlent, including it sign, , ;aislics the terms and condlitions of flic ter•tih ate of appropri,ltvmzss. 1sJJc' c' 1r, fccrliJicrr Jtr {,jtrl,l,rr,iuicrrt'rrc'�.�. FacllslrucEureoia5st, cia tcciillq_jrnreltlenl IL lt '+<hi�:lracerlilicilleof appropriateness "as issued lmll Ifc e,tmhlished and maintained ill ucordance \Y Ith the terms, condtlion.s and rrLltrilvincrllw oI'Ilie Cer'tIlicatc. I. ;IC II'siLe 131 an and 1.ltllldillg pt:tmIt slmII LICIll ,II tc I 11 the 'structure" and ;1,,SOcinted site i illproI ements ~,v ill SOLisly' Ilie tel'111S, Wild iIicul', Mid rc^(Iuil'enicnls L,fllle certiflk:mc. 34 i.A.0 lE{y N S 1T1--aZI. E:tp 10 tile ;Peelid .,14- FLa-pliItllIv I11 I'Or llw-re sigws dt. 01 ;1:u L4t,.... 7f�-- .� --Y�i :�: ;�+'1' !!, :�I, tilt' ei!�Filft L'tH'Fid tir 1)ti rFl ".' 'IL. I,':..t 1,.,11 Its ; ,.1, _l4F{j}e t't'�,- ntIdjimo s rioii I 1 C of this dli -VtNow' �tt}, lily# ICI' F131t,r1iTi41' }tT i'L Ft'' �rll. �I, .M1 .. : 1., 11 I.e wil 1,. s�ekl- EW- Ftitili[ PLC# lttfie a ie!i oklpjvE �'r1.""-r°.""c,rl";r meligible 147• 12 +' 1 1 C 7O L� ?if l t Ei3 El�w- ��- r- f�-- F�t�- :;tte�•t�tt}i•+ -k'�+t signs. .. ri;:.- �;v --�-�t . l { 12 -10 -811. § 30A31.1,7-8-92; Ord. 01-18(3).5-9-01) .Wr.{.' GENERAL vrr^1ltl ATIONS (R w" � sir, IGHrr ARV ► Tvvl�cr F r4Ir�t�S (Rel}�rtl�74 --n) , . �7�7'fC.T,i -r lr]..,...., to ^t 1 Sec. 30.6.6 Exempt-ion JDevelopme taitals�rti�i�:itu:t i�pronrrnteness 30.6.6. I Any ki5e, 1 : iii l „r or sirtheikirte iiljeet.i. 4 .k:.- +. -:.., I, el, .1., n i eoli!# + +i#--tt# µ}yd Y !;C- }i,..I , di!A. A SIN! h .I. t i.. .,l: � n ,r ) 4i�e- 4;- t•"}i�;•- r�tE&ttla�� 1 R hr LT aY1— A 1, . AT A NGE QF STRUCTf RES A. d ,i., ,1; iii }i# !AFtt4W -t-OF 14 S t is -tt4fe OCeill4ed d h ,f' Ju.k imi Stmien 6.2(C). r. (A )(3t d c 2(14) ol'thischapter. g adminktrat 1, 1 a k4 tt*IlEthr•ll# F}iEFWt{t*f#tF . The PFOv is- Ofseet;on ��:�f:�3�- -1(44 l!�F�•1����t�i- �f�- �'I•���^! 6-4,1 tit _;i h, i..i44# T""1-'-""�1- Elte :-I, I b e d 1: to �ic,rrRr�r. e.lr�l�taitfi et�t�t a. (,Oml,;! `Jxrc+sr4ci ret tt ! 3. eeIirc /��iz' i.'),, . aeiioji 31]1. -27 1 A__+ �.�dv- tT-� t. AA.,:,, „ ,.J a delilild. k;.r 4 -011d a liffl•al btlilklilitt� lefe , Site (level pillellt .,1.,,, : - 5. h. Addi+ )ElhiC�E�itS .' ftltoi- The following development is exempt from Ilse requirements orihis section 30.00 lt. Primary and acccssor\ d%wi1rng urtrts il' no site plan is rcquirsd by t11i5 Chapter. b. Structures lbr agricultural or forestal uses it' no Site plan is retluil -Od ley this CIMPler. C. TuTill'wrary coW,,Ir-uction headquarters (section. 5. 1.1 8(a), lemporary �onstruclion yards (scc.tiun 5.1.18(6)), and r4'Ir1lti n,1ry 11lilhIl+ llrn7w, Oc0ioll 5 -7)- 11. Tk:lllpurary Hntl "anti« icll hond signs. 13 C.tiTllc rcpj)ir and maI Well ance of`structuresand site irllpIkl%enlcut t where I I icru I i,, w) ,iib,tariIial cIIange lit design or Materials_, f The repair and maintenance of nonconforming structures or site improvements as authorized by section b.3(1�, R- AL.Iditiuns 01' I1Wdi11e,)IIon-, to structures or site irrlprovcmcnts Nvhcr•e thcrc is no substantial change in desi n or Ii. AdditIons or modific,ltipns to structures to the extent r)ece sary to,ctamply ��'itIi Ow inininimn reiluirement,� elf the. Americans kk ith Disabilities Act, the lair I lousing Act, or any ether simil"d. oral or sralc law_Ewrvjgliig telr th4 rer►wtln:tf,lt N;C0nlmodativii of per'sons k%Iih disabllllles. Additions or modifications to noncelnk)rming structures as audloriztd by section~ 11,3(;'1)(3) and- "3 A). 5Z Interior-alterations to structures where there is no ch;angty in the emerior appearan.t tpl'thc structure.& Issuance of pCrm.its classliled In sections 5 -202, 5.203, 5 -204 find :5- :08(A) tr,l hllild'iig ticrmit -.h so bw issued and flier work authorized by Ilic permit clas,111ed in 1110SC seC11011, CIOCS 110I cllarlgC the emernal appearance nfthe structure. rlppji.cations for preliminary, review )muter section 30.6 shall be subject .to. the Apj� ficurrQns"Art pplieatiiLtLarp_reliminary review shall contain -I completed CoUlity_providO ;Ipplicalioll I,01,11 and supplemental information required by the directprff planning (tl>_e-'ap�a3i�7n��7 Ilt appllcallon 111a) he f i lth by the nw ncr, the e}w ncr's agent. or a contract purcha5gr it_h ;he oWrter's written corneal (the kkilh the r.i+`p,trlmcltl c}FCOIll Ill Lill it)' d.4t [Q..PlI Al.t, i.ght ($.} p11; _�� 1 1. 5s) blt_applicatio ll and .111 r,'•thur information required by the ai2uUrAliQnforrnLfoL-a"prclimittm -_m iew shallb� filed. Thc..applic.at.iwL5La.11 he accompanied by the Ice required by section 35 at the time of iWfili g, D 1c };?'rrfincrtiQtt= (fc{rrrrlrl le srlrplic'crlirrrl: rr?jc #cYir}rt.o tncor,r p11�_, W p ccrtiwi. Ail application that provi��_tlae mform itlon required by suction 30.6.6(a) shall be accepted Ior revie%� and decision. T le .l cal shall make a &terminatloll as to %%11clher all apillIcallon iw complete within lclr (10) days after the submittal kle,+dlitle. ('f,url >104' fr1rlllic ,rtir,rr; rlcrlc.��c {torteCllr, ha r,J /ic troll }' •�'rrhrrr111eai, The dale ol,111c Ilea applit:;16 11 LIC"Idline 1 "114 kk,11ig the: Sulloultal ofa C ()litplote application shall be deemed to Ile the dais G1pojp4hich rllc apphwrttton ww, ilfllcl�tlJy''.Silbmilled. '• hrecurl1llcw trfrpJicrrlrrrrr, rrUlrec 1r.., rr1,l,Jrcrrr+r. All :tttplicTklLp.n OCI�Ltltl7 _tt �M tion required by Section 0. 6.6(a) shall be dcenned to he inwo Ili plete and ,IlaII riot. -be_accemeA The aeei Uha11 i iki—m the app Iicalit in wriIin;. of the reasonLwly.t11c app IiCntioII `vas rejected as being in.complete._ lf_dw_ilw, It cls >e _1tC1 _4lchk el" the Ilol ice w ilhin the tcl, ( to) dat pet loo, Ohl application Shall be accepted ror rCl iekti provided that the 'IL;Clll nr,) r"ecluire the appllc,ml to later pro% I& owitted inform,10MI %%itllitl a petted spec:.ille_db)' the agelll ;11'r,el( lei that) lea (1tl) da3. *, stud Iurtllcr provided that il`thc applicant I'l-dis to timely m-) vide the wittc•ci ittl'c�rtl�ttelLthe_agent may deem the application to -bt-it>w- Dipletc and reyjQct the application is pro% idcd Ilereill, Re.srthnrillcrl of crl;plr`c'crfiwt be inc'omplele.— Within fiffeen (15) days after Ilse date the n< ihx of rc_jc4lion k�as riloilcd or d Ik creel h� (Ile agent as provided in section 30.6.6(b), the applicant_niay retitll)l,lll tllc applic:,tilul �� 1111 all ,.I'thc 0.6.6..(j_togCt lie I- with pay Ili gI1F till _fCC fQr IIIC relllstatertlent ul 1,4 :%ic«. I Irw kl;rle o[the nw\t iIpplicatioal ile.lcllille tollpvvjng the resubmittal of gpplic;llioll shall he duellwd t,+ h4' Ih4• (1,1w upon %O11ch 1110 applica(I m .%:1, If the applicant Iaik tee r'ea111?mi.Lthc :wj, llcatioil kk itllin the fifteen ( 15) day period, the al)P_licatiQ "_halLi1e &CIlled 10 ht elclliQd ;Ind a ncv�..appi atioll an l I've .',It.1ll he rccluirccl tcl tiuhnlil Lhc 1tc�ti ,r1�l�liCBt.ao.q, 14 d. — Rcslrhurirr�l!.,f 1'c i i.�ccl frl,f,licrriir,ll Uli �Trrlrlly c'lnt l:fr1.4'(lli �?G'tQrrlpl+?l'.. lrrlria the mvicw proccss_ofg=gQtrWlete application, the director of' planriing (for- c411ml -wide certiiicmvt (1 1'.ipproprixtmve .$) or the architectural review board iitay reclueot I'tlrth4r re~ isiow; it, 111c opplicatlyn in tIrcicr 10 1111d tll;ll tliC_apj)lMl110rl Iti el,n }rstent 4S 101 the appllc <iblc.dc`,r'Ij,]�;klid�ilrt 5, or (lie applicant.mayyeYi s�3ll rpjilicailllll llq_tts lwri II1111; ilve lei IIic al7jg� �)l strl 1 a request, StibjW to the 1 ,111, +sing: Re(pie.si fi,r;VViSjQ11, T11c slit -001 01' plaiming or die ar(:hiteclural rL�viv%% hoard sltall 'Ili lrnl the applicant ill ss riti.11g of the ;iW reti isio to the application. The letter tihuil inform the applic:ant that it' it slLV�+�es to make scenic or all of the t clues ctr is tls, it shall ot> }' the ciirccic,r ut pl,trrrlirlr sti 111111 fift = 15) y f the date ofALW-writingbeletter shall Aso itlfOrin the �Ipplie';II11 ilim It Illay choow to pt'.oceed to AC(igR_gLtI]€appli4'. "tit?z=mit 0yt Ittrtltet_rcr i�ir.yll , ,Inca rQgw,"t that t1w applik ;lnt 11 i the director of plqRtl.irlg withiti.fifjecn_(1S) days of the date of the letter if it desires 10 L10 ti,,. 1 11w fnilure.ol the applicant.- Wespond to the Ictler sltall be prc•,mncd to he ,I rquitil h1 Ihc• ; pplic;lnt to jlro4L Qd to aaio.rml_tl>e application -,Nitliout furt_h.cr roviyion�. I31,,s idCLI dull ;III mil HI1,: 1N 11,,illi4ntiou by the applica111 thta- t_desires to make ,,onic or all ul'tlie reclucstecl..r isiQtlss1mll Ili,' l,rccludu lht: applicant t'r Mj 4, __Revi,ic,lr on ul.iI.licaw',s iadiativc. The applicant ntay,r on at any time, provided that tkl!� 1ic.allt s1101.11 l inf0rni the diwc:tor of planning [il' It doirlg50 sOlVil thtlt cic•citiion IS emcee. ----'~.t�F!_P�4i vc�i.tioll elem•. 'I he m igt by t11e. directorsifplanning of a writing finutll the nIppli:,1111 Wi al- t kvill tvvi�c• i1w ;rlll,lication sl�iall suspud the sixty (60) da) period in %Oiich a cic4i i,,n nluwt 1amade..on Ihc MKIVE_,mbsccuon 30.6.6(1). �, IJcrl �ia,«d c pr�iicaiion de n, it'idlly rVSUhrrliiled. TIC dale oC the ncXl appliccltiurl LIC1 1i110 fol1mviti$_tlle _M&ubmilt0l of revised and complete tt Jill IicajjgA.�haII bt dcetil(:cl 10 I)e the elate 01100 which the application was Officially rest11,niiiic 1, e. Notice o sKkiiaucl crlll,licotion- The director o plaiming sltall send a tlgtice._to_vach member oftllC board of a��sors -th,e wmillission anc! the archirec111ral rc% ietic k,~,,iI'd lli;lt ttll ,r1,1}lication fins been officially sub.trtitled. The notice shall be sent within five-, 11;1 },, alter the application IS cictc•rniinesl to be colitpletc. I he nolic� s.klttll prnYide the iQC 111011 ol'thc dti tnenl h� tilrtel ucidress ati ti, �;i*tericil �iititr ice, jdvntify the 1S"ate that llie application ma _reuieN\ L:d in thu offices -WLthe departmeill of community dcvel_Q.pmvjLmW Pr.pvidts liic tittle Of te arO C o�appWatiyl_Yill be...w.u.sidered.. l • Tirtt.ej� w cic�c.i.,si. ir. An applicationshall _beiacted girl within..5ixt�(6Q1days-after the date the original application was ollicially.subiniuccl or by <t 1at:+rr to reauestcd by or agreecl, apt (Colli:4tively� tllr ciccisi�,n date "). 12cronm�ertclrrilpl S aCrcl c.lccisivll,�.. fhe_. rchi><ecttttal rev.icw board shallrcsigm-Abutp a ie don for coilsistcncy_�tlt ille applical design guidc- lines, _mrc:ising the authority grgltej_bXs WO,urlrli•lrrlW1011 curet <1e<i,sir,lr r,rrl„c'Illllrlrcl!'i' 1•c1VrgY. in m.lking its rQQomme1idailons on applicatiorly I•or prtlimill ;Il-N review, the h1 >;1rd Shall crosider the- ropillicndations ol'the ogcnt, 111e Stits:rtienl _trllti info.ripatioll 1110 �icled key the ; :1,1}licatil a�ri�any other int-ormatiori pertaining to the colllpliavcc oftlie .pl�icalion >%idl the I'4quirl111 ill,, tit lhl$ `icctlon 30.6. In maklnb a dv6sioii oil the applicatipn foi- ltreliminaly revie%s, 111e hclnrcf ;iko may Blake any M r�ot11n1endittir +nw it cieerllw ,11,j7rc,pritttc. I Ere bc,;u'd shall sendnotiee to the applicant of its decisiotl_on -the pretiminar, IVN icw. — Deviriorl ris c1c1lurr orr _ .*w. The boacd_ tLits- discretion ti ._determine that additi_ortal.rcv_igwq� the applicaLm iimg A – ssary and make a decision- ou_tlite,apIi cat ioil ut>cler coon ... (l. 15 11. A to(les qI Sending nolic•c'.w', and other wrilin s. Notices, lc'lters anti other writings rC:C Uired by sllbsectk)m 30.6.6(b), (d), (c) and (g) shall be mailed to the identified recipicn(s by first class mail, be personally delivered to the applicant, or he sent by cnlail. I. Ap)f)licalion defined. For the purposes Elf 5c'Ctlons 30A0 and 30.6.7, the term "appllca(IOII ' Illcans an appllcatloll for a cer-til icatc ofappropriatencss and a revlQN%- 10) detel-mill': %t lllrtll4r subnli(tcd drawings satisfy the conditions of a certl llcaIC ol'appropl'IElIelless, and any other request fly an app IIcrmt for review. See. 30.6.7 Admailimstrati Submittal, rgyle wand action on a nnlic��tinn; final review C...,t� �fl f_ „�.....,...� .L, _ . -.Lx _.r:�t,• i:r'' Shall l,. till s4er d b- .. 1, :t�,..r... -.,1 , I . l , ,J ,r.,,7 by rl,t be d of b : L 0!4111!;--t1' kjfiteFiEjl'i!ig - , le kill Ill iit)ti �l I R.,.,1 ..s .,.a,. ,..1, :0, may he i- ......Bahl, i- a +imred io i lake -4he Ea etel..,,1.im:.,.,,...01k'.' in die particular easiE , with _ EIRYS Offlit dillit Him Nokee ,l` ,l: .6 4,, itlal imliall he .t k.1V-tfr ,41 'I., milil t„ each member tfthe •f nli4:'f and b ff.I ti .. 001iEeL The ,t: ,.1, ,rl Stilie rile 1 ,l' ? 4dj � isi f .:,t, ,i - lfite f Ill .NtL- mi, ,l 1RI sib �. tx wffille -t' heElFilig Ellid Shill' 11 r1Efl,rrf.�>sy.,.l:r: t. ..et1, :rl, .1, ,.7:1. ..r: ale 't-fl NN ,l'll, +l,:le,wral 1.eN TeNs h A to disajqpho�e ,1, 'li atllli' "ithili - rt. (60) days Alfltifi' eoniksilied imi stodkin 40A :. 1. A.erlay dirii"ret 1 C, sh ,I1 he .leer „e.7 (0 i�olllj)ffifflke, lilliit, Mfr Hth the eallimissmon [ iklllii or fillial siie development plan review Fks set ji)l'tli All seeiltill 2 1 !S 7te .le le . pm tl, h.. I ,7' rl,.t1 rifer•• ri�lxricci tci ptiWie I,u,.ltl, „7 .I'ety H4-3 ., 4 OC SIheti.' bL- d iifit4 1..,. Applications for final review under section 30.6 shall be subject to the following: ApxlVit idiots. An application for final rc4 it:r� Shall contain a cclmplctcd county - provided applI cat iollt 1Orm anti supplemental infor'matioii required by the dliector of pla11111I1g (tile "application "). The application may be filed by (11C OW11CI'F tile OwI1Gl''4 ilgellt, clr a contract purchaser with the owner's written consent (tile "applicant "), with the department of Co111111mlity dcvc lop nlcllt_ Eight (8) Collated Cop IL`S l ?E tI1C iIpplI 'Itlllll 21110{ illl Utllc'[' IIllltl'111:lIILt11 r'egUired by (lie applica(lon Il rin Ic11' a final reiiew shall be Illed. '['lie ill)l)liQItl011 shElll be ACC( }rllpanie`d h, LIlc tee r'etlllil'CJ by section 35 at the time of its filing. h. Delerminalion rafc'amplele uplVication; r-ejection upplkulion. An application that provides the ill f0l'I11E111011 I'CCllllred h, sc'c' ion 30.6.7(a) shall be'ICCeplcd fin- review anCj (JeCiSip11. "file agent shall make a delerminaliorl as to \vhelllcr an application is complete within ten (10) days after the sllbnlittal deadline. 16 1. conivIm- applic•cifinn; fn lT c rrrllar s. b�rrill cl�Thc.,d #e- of the nest application deadline k Ilowirig the submittal of a 0r1mplcic ,tpfllicauon shW QAkvMeQ1DW the doe_wig Nuhic.Uoic application mas ofFicWHy submined. Iucruu��lc'r' crf�frli(rrlir>rr; !r <r:rl. Ali a 7,licaliotl olt,ittin g ill I I r _[C ecticm . � — 31170) slW hu deemed to lac incmnplcle and ;hall not he acCQp1,:J. I lie 'diall inforrti the app.lic ;alit in %%riting of'thv reasons " hy the appkadwi "as ingce'1cd ,t, being ineomplcte. If the agent does not deliver the nolAce "idlin Ow len (1 U) 0.11 ?Dcr 91 the application shall be accepted l'or revue i•, prol+i -de.dAhat -tlic ,Irient may n quire the app.li:4ttnt t-o later proyidg-pmittcd infocWtion �ti ithin.a -Paw specificd by the agent of lioi le -, 11r;itl tell (10) days, and ft1111i.QL.yidecl that it' the applicant faik to timely provide the oilliltcci illArniation the agent mesa! degm the apph cation to he ilW0l11l71etc .tllcl rejQo 411"plication a', I,r4,vided herein. fl ,mb,uiii r! r f rr1�l,Jic rrrrr�u err igiircall} clz rc'r,r,i,rt's�_�0_kG' irrc c�rrrl,lc rt . With ki Ii llvcn (15) days. after iliv clan llte notice of rejection was 1naikd_9rdc;livered by the agent aag ovided in wctir,ri 510. 6.7(b), the applicant may ritilibrnit the aplilicatiotl Willi all ,afthc inTrmation rccluLed by stwo A 0,0.7(a) tugcthcr with pa�III nt ol,flie.tle.v for lltc r lLi5i71clne�it ell :evie�v. The dmc Whe next appovistioli dcadlinr following the ry iibimltal of ttic appllcA rl shall be deemed to he the daw upon Wah the vtl,pfie.admi "a% of l ie illy subniltmi. I I IliQ slpplicant lilils to resubmit the appliMmi "ilhn On (I51 01 1" imb tl,c applicatiellt .11x11 i7e do caged to t7 c p. l.e_ni. ON a new AT he regUircd to.s.u.brnit_tht ncN� .i1,l,licatis.ln. c[, ��,t; {rll�raillccl cf r•c�ii.4c�dclppfit�crlirur r,r•igirrcrllt clr'1c'r•rrrirrccClrr f1c' c r,rrrfrlrf +'. I ?itr'itt1:~ tI1���.YLC�prc�ces� (?f a caimpleic capplicatiQll, the: direct0J' aLPlallliil" (Qr cocrntynvWc ccrtit icatc� ol'appropriateness) or the archit4Gural ri vicw boilyd may requcsi Imrlher reN Iwlons W the application.in order to land Ihat the application is consisivilt \, ilh the appllcal3le deb 1 t;411dAw, ,air the applican, nlgy�MYi,5c the application 4711 itS.,OCt 11 I11lIt4idV J11 tllc ttbwcncw c,l` such it rc+que5tju1?jcc.U0 lire 110 ' 1�ec A .or revisirm, The clirector�f plat in&oir the archilecturgl review boarci_shall inlcirin the applicant Ir1.1Yrt[In .g OI 1110 r I- ILICti10d IMAMS ti.) tliL_appliVatio n, The ICHCY,11:lll inform thtr applicaill that if' it 4hooscs to make ;omo or all „I the requested revisitna, it Shull ns Wi % the dircclt,l 01•planmirig w ithiri I111CCn of dic OPW of the writing, Ile leucr AWH awl &&Will the alplicant that it rim, cl R ,e tc, proi;ecdAgjg LCaii`on tlic_.appl.ication %vitho=at that the appkant 11C.,oly the dircq-QEDf fifteen (15) dgm aI: Oic doe of the letter. Wit desires to do so. 'I he 1•tlilure kit the applis<an.t_to_tespond to the lcttcr -still be :stti-4,d t.1 be it rcgpi st by tllc_applie;tnt 117 IiroG�ctl to alstion on the appllc. ltuiEl sul ;how furl.lter revisions, pro%iklcd that an untimely notification by the applic_arat that it dcsires to make some or all of tliv requested rcvision1 , .s1wil nol pnevlu& the applicant frollt_doing M Reg r,srcui rrr� ey)pli (mi',s irriliolive. Hic appl_ig k j(..revitic the rltlplication t11 an) tinge lirv% iciccl that the aprdicanl shcluid intAn the chrechw of planning.of it .doing so %viletl tllal tlLer41c111 is nla dv, �'rr.tilrrrl.,irr,r :r1 dcc.i}iG!fr rlcrlr, The rcccilit l.,y the dil'eclor vl`plau.ttirt.g ui a "riling ('r{,1n t11�. ,i1il,lie,rnl ,!;It it %%01 rc> iwQ its Pp�ttlictn sltull sttwpend the.i.rty. (6Q day peri+,cl in "11icIL #t decision must I,e made on 1110 appii.cation micler S1tbsection 30.6.7J,l Il l ?•e+'i�ed crp�3lic �tc�►< <!c?L3�� G�rJ:rc?_h •__u�1ic ically res :lhrrrirf rl, Tb hr. xt.a l} t oru, djkw 1`611mving the resclbiiihial cif a revised and conlpl�tc zlppliccltian..sJtall._lie dee.mS to be the date up tt XWiich thjZPpliet11i01L1LaS c,lliciall )' resutnllitted. e. Notice of suhrrtilfc•r! uf,l,lr� rrlra�r, The dirQgkq_r c +f 17ltlnnin ; 51iall_ . xt ttiUtic _to cltlriembcr of'thc board of supervisors, the e,lninlitiwitm and the ar,-1diectur:rl re\ iew War�haLatl..sDpl.icatiort has E-cm— tficially subriiitted. Ile notice shMI be seal "dhin fivu (5) da) waiter Ih0 :11,1,1 is IlOn_ de. ��17il r d L�U =b CS7tIlpjm, The notice shall provide• the localign crf we developtlicllt b1 ,trc°ct aildres, and m r].aLdistric , ideritifv thc proposed Alle dim the ;lppllcatioll play be rcvic\tCd ill 1110 of f lee, of-Ole clt tlnva-gf- commtlrti.ty 41CV010p1T1ctlt, Siiq 17r+FvidQ the dale of Me architcctund rc0Qw- .b.U.ard ;<l. vQ -tint cylui�lttlte�appl.icatian will tic considered. 17 Tillie fi11•clec.^i•sion. An it ppI14rltioII SIlaII hC aelcd a111 11 i I I I j I I sixty (60) d iyw after the dalte the original app IiL:it Boll t %ati officially slib111111wd or by a later date iccluctiled by or agreed lit h} the applicant (Collecti%ei), the "ciceisiun elate -, II' ion 11pplic eItiuu 1u u}• he (Ice mcd 11ppr(Irer1. 11' (Ile dccision datC has passed lvi III out tilt; appIicit00111 being tletwd uNm, the aplllic,rnl niay make al IQuen demand tilt aokm llult i4 delivered to the direcl.or of f11a1uiin I l' the i)OW'd fail, lit acl oil Ilrc ;Ipplicalion within l\%wnly-una: (" 1 ) days after the receipt ol'lly, 14ritlell llwlnalrcl, the application Slmll he deetlled tai hC appn+sed. Notice (jopplk'(WI 11 41c'c.'111c'cl {11ywfn ;A I I An application is deemed appru%h, the apml ~hall send Zuni .. Mul the application "as deemed approtcd Iii [Ile applicant, the Zoning Idl1liIIislratOl' anti the Ccnurty, executive. I he flowe Will he sent wdilrl We (7) day's wher the expiration of'the twenty -one (2 1) clay pc Hod in "Idc.h the amhitumial rc1 ie" Nuird had to act. ('r)IIwlI/ to C11i•M111Nw- frwde'cisiw1. 'i IIe applicatnt may conscnl to e\t ell el iIIC Ii Ill e for a dcwisi(III g. 1.1, i +ir�rrti. I IIC aruhitcrttlrall re% ie%% board ~hill] I,C%ie%\ the ;rpphQation Cor cow i�,tcncy with the applicable dv gtlidclhwm crcr'ck ng the amilwAy granted by ,wwtiun Nth In making .1 dcci,ir,lr on ;In Appli"lion for it calif irate s +I oppropriaMic„ wind other applic;m nls li,r rep ieN%, the board %hall eou-Nidvi- tile• rocornmendaIi( +n, A, the agent, the suilwnicnl, and inlilrnlatialn 1110siLICLi h) 111C npplieanl, autcl qtly cttltcl' init,rl11.11i1111 pa:rlaining 1L, rite• complialwv ++I the application %%kh iiie rwallill'elllli1(, of this ,ccti n ?ll.6. I , Issue r1r^ clr'11•)'. In making, a ducisiam on an aMilicaliun li,r it certificate ohappropriatencss, the 11ti;1rcl llul1 i��ue the wertilic;riw of 111prupri;itencss and impose conditiun', suld gl lot nu}dilicaltiolt, if it linds thm the application iti e'ow'wvnl %% ill] 1114' applicalhlo dc,i ,n guideline,. or Wotlld he Con,iSIC111 with the appliw;ll,IR• &Sign i�uidAIIcS,uh.jecl t:+Conditions of•apprunal or SpCwiPud mudilicatiallic Hie board shall Scnd notice tc1 the applicant ol' it, decision on thc• final rc,� ic11. 2. Rec"rrlluuwmhaitmr In licit W issuing x deny Ng a cet•ti nun a,l' appra +priatena S4, lbw^ ho;rrd lumti make ,illy. rwcurzllncrldatitills it clCCnls'rppn,pl-i;l(e to [Ile a111111iea1nt tat rcvisc tile application tit, thal it is c, +n;i,lcilt % %ilh the applic;lhle design guidelines h,.!Iorc Ill,: h,,;Ircl acts to issue or dell) the applicalioll. 11 II1C time l'clr a decision undwr ,celii,ll 30.6,7(1) «utlld U'liliN hc•I01-C IIJC applicatiori COUld he Ihcrcal'tercuri,idcrcd by the hoilyd, the board mint nhtain the applicatrit's coll,ctlt to C.rtenel the lime l'or clCwi doll. h, 1Yl-ir,(1 rJ vuli (li1) crlc• rrj crf >f,rrr111 ^ic.r1N11a.a'.ti. A cer'tilicalw Shall he• N Aid I''Cr llte wutllw period that the Site I)fan i, 1a1id or, it'uo silo plan i, required fk>r the Silt itllpr„tiwtnentS, It7r thrwC ( -'} )`ears. 'I Ile arChitcetilral rCN ie%% board may extend the perusal ol'N-alidity c +I•a upc,n the It1'11ien ree]tlesl of'the applicant. The «rittell rekilicwl niu,l he reecived by the director ol, planning hcl'ore the ccilif icaitw'S period o1'validdy expires rind, upon reweipt, 111w ruoriNg ormia period 1,11'validity shall 11e SuSperldccl until tilt` architectural revicsti hoaral acts 1111 the reclurtit• 'I hC hunral iwi) grant ,ill extension determined to be reavinable, taking hao c uisAuttion the We amt phasing of le pimpu,ed duvelopilienl and the laws, ordinances, regulalions and design gAddKes in cl• a al rile 11111 • e11 the request R)r an extension and changes illcreto since thc M- 61iCa1C 111 appl -Ol 'lallCUSS MIS originally issued, i. Re.s'1rhmilltll (Jf•.si111ilw- clvirie(l rlpltlr'ca irm. An applicant may not Submit gill tll)I)IIL'Wi0l1 (11.11 iS SUbstantiatily Me same as the denied application within one ( l) ) ear of'tllC Lhi(C of derliid. Ahhh'n Qf W10ilig 1101iCes, lettei•.s cute] c,1her ivri1r11g , i\' {lttte,, fetters and Wer ltirtlh, t' quiTecl by Suhsrctlalris 3tl.C>. ML (al j, (e), (I) and (g) AM he nwiled to the identified recipiwrlts by first class mail, be personally delivvre,' to the applieallt, or he went by email. ticc.30.6.9 Appeals I li l,caar€ cal' Ott }yet rt�:re•, -e time :,.• ,t.r' �.IIr + ���i�w -fil4 .1.,..;.,;.,.,,...r• he . . .I,;iieei.+lat,I- r4--4- i- ew4>oa+-1 18 i , it shail deem neees-sary to the proper administfation Fek,iew of the applieetion. t F3 t 11 Se t a wt, kw -rev mew by film hig a petition at law, set! ing lbf!th the alleged illeg&4ty-"e HL.40F� Of the bowd of vided sueh petition is filed witW4 &Fpy (90) dekys, AeF the final deeision IS Felider-ed by the bear The fi liiigrt�f said pet4iwi shall stay the deeision ekhe bOaFd Of - iding the euteame a the appeal to Ome--e—OuAl A decision ofihe_architectural review board on an application.for a.ecr6ficatc ofappm.li�L�t»�s�nd �1Sller aopJj��ti� 1 1r ri:� ic�N, and an applicatlon deemed approved under section 30.627(f), imi) he appualed to the board of supervisors as COI 1 144 b : - - - - - a- 1'c�r.,FO1a crr?c1 c�►rrrrir,s hell i,ag,t hL(o 1 af+lrc�al ,t7;iy he 111QLI by Ilse al,illicalit,.a person a rc Vcd, the zoning administrat t e, county executive. b. YYritlerr �iXi l�cyi_rired; r_n far jilill �. An appeal shall be in writing and he bled with the clerk of flic boar -d pt 5- u2erviism=w4hill.ten (10) days after the date of the architccttnal rcvir�� hx + {il'tl'w d1:0 %iL111 l 0ci sv':tloil 30,G.7(1), t,�r within ten f I0) days -after the date of the regr.lire.d notice if the applic;ltioll is deemed al)pro%Qkl turldeL��G�js73> f(1)- The arzp_e. al shall scale the grounds for the = Qeal. P.. _Cons' ra.tio — Death boarcl of supcn,rsors. The board ofsupci' isors may affirm, reverse, Or modify in Jtou i lllcatc �1 J _ ' xi s t appropriateness. In w.dging, the board Nhall gi4c due con iiclrr'atioll (11 Iht rcpt lllntcnci;iticlis of the architcctur;ll review hoai_d pgether with aily� olliCr ilrll,rill;lli011 it 4leenls neccssar� I'ur a proper rcvi�%N . I tlte 4ppiiC;itiOul. When e.un5idering an upp! 4al I)crtilihiug 10 l I1111zIic ttCc[y_frlcility, llwlaard may issue 4i of appropriateil..e55jf .tftnd:zAh.at -tliQ fiwilil ; i�, a public ncces:ity, d��ilpl�c'rr! rff llr�cr,,l �,f'.srr�,erY; C <lcc r,,i,,,. 'I ht:.tppRwall( ul•:Illy person M191-ickled may appeal the final ti.Lcisit >n of the beard of supervisr,rti t- the ei.t4t1i1 cQurt ley Ei1.i_n� a netitic�n setti.[jg ford) the allegq Le Lily' of ilte�Si�2f the bom-d of Superx i rlrw. The petition shall 14 tiled within thiqy_(30) d.1ys after tlic dgtr-thg -finaI &CI'Siun w,ls �ttcicrctl. y Where Ili p.ub.lie lic4j _oTwfolr :,lid any rye uirciagN ofthis section 30.6-or terns or conclitiot o p cQrtifmate c7f ;tpPropriatencss _ti _ilflict the i)LI1111,; health or safely shall prevail. Therefore, nothing in this � &q .t. ,6 shall he deemed tQ._4�71)ll7.r lZ1i5G�.�3177it, of ,illcrv, 1, ;Q impair (liv :wait or tlic commission III theiucview' Cif a iweliminary or Ianal tide pinil CgYJ ut]der.5ecti,on ? �, �tilt.l l.11e_ ii}�4111 ,11111 Ills �I,IllTniti,Jkm in llicir review of any prclin roar\ oi- I lliiil site plan ma) m4S1&_yary or .w iY_- ny term or On 111110ti 01'' l k�urlilic.ltc of appropriatcnesS ul,rin 1i11dilIg 111;11 yu411 a411L,n WO�ljJ better met -ft_P- Olin -huth or s;1103% 'l'llc agQilt matt modify, vary or waive tiny 1crn1 or 1 ttmklitioll 14;1 ccrtilic.ue o a appropriateness only after consult ia.g with the building official, the eQuuty g inccr, a of the department ot• 19 lira NSCUC OF ulllel• 13ubliC ollicial w4110 adwiscs the agent [1111t puhliC health or saleiy %%0111d he al risk if (lie condition is nut Mticlikeda 4ilrltd of wwalvcd. I. 1:'Ila W. Jordan. do hereby certify that the 11oregoing writing, is a true. correct copy ni'an Ordin1111cc dilly adopted by thy' Boan•d ol'Supervisurs ol'Albemarle COLIIIty, Virginia, b� a vote of to , as recorded hclo w•, at a regLIL11• meeting held on AUL Nab 13ON d Mr. 1.)c7rr•i� r Ms. MaIluk Mr. Rookcr Mr. Slutzky Mti. Thomas Clerk. Canard nl'County Supervisors 20 z w W r�r 5 F C F V �J L �-9 ilLTr� r U u ^ + Q C arm+ v m SJ 'C a ° ZJ - y t Cl w y N CL J k RJ _ w = J r J r r O J a k 4 L t7 4J !J: K � O!} W Q 7 a n J L Q�j y E_ + 'ti L f, 4] gym'' aJ - � w r t y U L Cl C U Sr L= U = U r3 r K � 7 a n J L Q�j y �. 'ti L J p!1 C d gym'' aJ - � w r Cl _ L= Q t J Ln v CL C6 L V _ 45 E1 J C ,n U s � •— C� f N N °r} a rI ti 6. n 'C-3 SX G !r, � —• r S'3 Q � r, r ..., m — 0 �} LN r� r J it 'J 1 ✓f'1 � 'V U C S] CL C a Cd G 4 0. 4 v mz a V f..1 W F' T rEr K} C F.! L� r h+ r b O H'Y n 5= } i? N L M J J - L. a 7 a n J L p!1 C d Cr - � w r Cl _ V _ 45 E1 J C n 5= } i? N L M J J - t C ed i. V � V L � � s w bIJ L .J u C �y Q 7L U .0 F �3 U Cl !n CIIrn I-t G a} CS Vb U N C Cl ej C v L U C U v U n � N w � 4 C} C a n J L p!1 C d Cr - � w r Cl V _ 45 E1 J C rI � —• r S'3 � � r, r ..., P Y C- f r � U m � � .L- 7iJ Y `• .v C r a� t C ed i. V � V L � � s w bIJ L .J u C �y Q 7L U .0 F �3 U Cl !n CIIrn I-t G a} CS Vb U N C Cl ej C v L U C U v U n � N w � 4 C} C a n J L � w r O 45 E1 J W 5 F IIr,I,a Q) O— - a' O L C — L .d j J • n '� U') cr Q --• . r J � elf .L f GJ L fir..^ Q IJ Lam• rS, CS Sf 'J 'n I: Z3 '- 9J C . " Y j •J `.I ID J Qjj '� +C-' r f U � n � O MJ C ° m _ D - n C t y •.�• Vii. _ L L r S' ci 04 6. Cll • L J u, � J J _ S-. r � V^. t � — i--. �i J ^' � J U rSJ � J �• _ � r J Cw j 7j ^.I C G % C o.J ^!r% �- - r rJ ^ - C-.+ L is C ` -u 'n 1 OCJ y JlJ U -� r f 'J J di dJ .-- %. t'j y s'3 J CL CL z 4L 7 r J J = r cl �. �- C •r .� P=: r r W4 •f GI!�, • � n i . �r�; C/i } '� r '_ : vI J' � J •'Y + Y: ►U Cb • - ri e_ y U U 'J C - t._ -0 mil, 1�-,f,_ „+, J :W U `d U D � ' ~ M :2 0 1 � w 'U :+ �'.' _ 1 ^ =— J :} 3 r f - 7. r,J „r ,rte-, .� J� r' .= - T L — J J tm La v Q7 fir_ C.Y. �J '� --• I/; J �: r —_ cii - —�i �_ ' �= C U mb — • r- ay - A U Z N Ir ^`� f —r �Jj •L — 5= ter+ '�. r �. ' C Jl •r :! •-'� n U f J • 'y. ' ^1 u , i ' Lr: L - r -” y ., U Gi J vi n -_ �. t .7 �' r ` _ ! "� '~ :4 IIr,I,a Q) O— - a' O L C — L .d j J • n '� U') cr Q --• . r � elf .L GJ L fir..^ Q IJ Lam• rS, Sf 'J 'n I: Z3 '- 9J C . " Y j •J `.I ID J Qjj '� +C-' r f U � n � O MJ C ° m _ D - n C t y •.�• Vii. _ L L r S' ci 04 6. Cll . r IIr,I,a E- G:7 x d c a!s � 5 GG � � /s CLG C? U a O b u O 7 n L y °+ ev ❑. a �+ n a•Oi �' v; m O v K % to pp v cv v 0 ) -0 b F ar , v U y u y fn EL Lq Lu 4 C r i rt Q •'r U C. _ O, O t7 qy N O CD °4l 5 ° m x x x «. v a r x d a 4, �, r ns `' a as 4; ro a, .a ° v bA 1�1 btr cn ��.+ C] 4" end Cli � '4 ti C -� as p •a " (Li on r d) tA •� C L 4 m C C Gi D 4) ; b , di !Z q� - [ a••, n M n m L]. r1 e I cd tr, +. F rtJ 4, r t? Sl,'C Vi 4, ° ar '-cis G In- > � � v C v' C r> •� � G O, � 7 L C � 7J •'C t= C1 � L cr � r c°s Ca � W U C •C fi` O Cd ` C U z Gl r11 C 'a 0Ln o 5 U ++ cn D,�.� U U W v (U °' W L •L] ua o 4, ° ar '-cis G In- > � � v C v' C r> •� � G O, � 7 L C � 7J •'C t= C1 � L cr � r c°s Ca � W U C •C fi` O U ++ cn D,�.� m} (U °' W r� 5 d b 4, ° ar '-cis G In- > � � v C v' C r> •� � G O, � 7 L C � 7J •'C t= C1 � L cr � l� W �n G u v d! Y O > +� G. r) ��' 'CS as O cc .Q 3 .14 ' G H dj air, a o "a .w G c C h O ' ` b y p �+ p o Gail 146 'C,7 7, 0± L4 0 -0 CA p O `� � y a� p O c� +� N pG pE U, -C aG q rs Q'= �.LU�C] �.flq� w 7 a.G so C rd ry N •C -- d 4 C"] N ` d O O O O O m r0. a � - Z u C 94 cu 04 -R ' c4 y 0 c � u° c 0 0 o o `, w W N a c y .^ c c � aG Cd a Sri vi ) a vi V) s '4 O C CJ �J CV .,. Gp r4 '5 45 0 ? Ca G 4 M 7� c 43 Ui sa o 1`� CG j t' 'J7 4? ^ rte}' iJ S"•5 i•• Y �Y .3 G 1.r1 'K!' ' �# _ Nn 'Z O M Ln [V r i in r t N `� tiD t— �o d r- d do u q .G �ti • ` WY p a �p N 0 0 U ' U v 7 V/ �� i Q 4� qti aU aCi c in Q+ ++ (} N 5r ty fy �aa 4 tea/ .:�// ,yy� // .ry 'c 'c 'c 'c 0 0 0 .`d sa V] o '� c C �• x c aG c c c oC c c ^,, 'au y� �q w AC �, au'ab'e'an' w4'u'C-Q 0 0 op Sri atJ '- f' fi o vivav� erg r >> >>> �> s s7s 3 � Rs X55 S fir^ �c ''!t° 4-J En ej — — - — — Z Z N Z CC M3 r' J arses I"' • C Oq 00 Qh C� ^ r L L� L^ i b rn } 0 fit 49J 1 ) �� �CCt ' va y = '73 � _ ' n — c cu* C- U C! C u Cw. «� rn G �, s° 4. a N U Er L M CL ' 'C ea :J Cn t N b! tfJ c Wn • m u L «s". v p4 u) -0 4 � ^1 0 v et CL C tjj "O � CL • � W a � +- � q a 1 u U a. v? 73 Y v 7:$ w w b a m 4. 3 c .n f]. sd o C- CL u wn •� a � � •CC 4 y�j k" 4 ci "C m n C- 4J n� .�. fi W • � 9] �y � • r i 4r . � i � � . � � � C C y � U � � � � G.i i � � , F +C- ++ W a a ,� aJn -� .. o n[ ri7 c y M Cj t c, tlz (�#� y S y OA W �) V r�i7 � « C + ] r ' r l C9 Cd L n LP 4— C- J.. t •`a 6? d3 N - � �.y C G O K CA R, = rn In y G " '{r ;�, v7 p cfJ rC wi w ++ L I aC L C +L- ' � � F� �, � w �, � o o ,C °? o •� � o � c � � • �° C.I F U 0. J W � � � y 7 C t7 a)) t vJ G y i G1 a U '� W o m c C p y cx X72 cam— ar .E 0 a - Cs� ro e+ u-t��{ v�F- U ❑ 't E ' e o 8 `� �' - ` � w7 � " W sa c a °- - �Z1 ee s r . ? v5 _ M y C �+ ! f. CCl !W rr—' CJ Vi cc C4 .' � -� il. 41J .Lw T,•O V A ',n a. V Cy Ca.r C ,�Sy' m Ix GL Grr ca.., a o f CL C2 C-1 Z v1 ' 2C Q n r � LLL IV L2 CL CL t ob O O lu , c!, Y 4i y • �. ed ifs U 0. 4) 'V v, R �•' rho CL 0 k3 " *' v ~' �U G Q G c a nL rL o s �a 4 co E O 'D � CL o n ees � .0 0 6) 0 cz a t3 C •p a�i vtni v o Y V1 iUV VS cd �••I ¢ 0' (n _ `. y0- A ca v Cw co aj en bf) C L•'+ ^J Fes., ti cd 4IJ L p, I�' Ln Cl Q LA G vi 4-, C3 C7 43 U7 Vl y Q D to } y w .Y Fes , W tj LJ CL v V W cC p, cn �* o, °. ci a a� �, Ma a 1[ r- .0 to N 0 0 I S Ri 0 w LO �q CL C u7 C4 C y in O — 00 F, C n L p, .. �, }A L V � = 4[7 ..: Lr �"+ ` U C., Qj 4) O O G 17. !d L'' LC U v L 5 E Fl GU U +, 'A d O O pmp to v� v' L t u L11 y CL y O 4 N ? td d 7 r"'1 U 4i 0 7 d 0 ' 4=y '.rr C =C C d C vCi C C \p Vi 4J G E 4 ' v C q} d ' 4 ch `.3' vi O .0 r1 rn T} G ar vi ',�� U v od C 1n C O �. 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J � I 4r 4. • 4 d ~ u'7 � L t Vi 6J 1 1� Wj r •`� � fir � � J i} J f� �* U n(J y ^J J l ` =J v1 + J rr rJ r J % r .'1J J rJ ^ J qj ' 1S Hz f •} N C 1 1� L i j Q y _ CL U f J 'J,� •J r- r+ r F. •' r '� r j S �J 4 V J � .J � r• • :J - r 7 I - L � - J '.J 1I r: t.. J � I rs —7 C � T 1-1 Iu lb tij tj 1-= ri IN Fj ;m 77 f rl, , -7— cr CJ Wj rj Wi —ld ni, rl Ej I. Li C - LA ri rs —7 C � T 1-1 Iu lb tij tj 1-= ri IN Fj ;m 77 f rl, , -7— cr CJ Wj rj Wi —ld ni, rl Ej I. Li C - rs —7 C � T 1-1 Iu lb tij tj 1-= ri IN Fj eu f rl, Wj -ID rs —7 C � T 1-1 Iu lb tij tj 1-= ri IN V e� Fyyn, 29 rn -f in 1.0 �. -i� .J r� C C U G C:l d1 CL m C wi V u 1i d f cC U ti r d ^ _ i d CL L air �1 w n� 11 C CIJ ' F-, [Q 'Sl1 C61 f G rj ,m CL iJ N O ii1 — QJ CC LA c '�" L � � ✓I r^ r V7 "'n C Q n t 'C7 ¢- � H N qj u od - � V L O mil! r d Ej ct r: d G ar U h y :1] O n C a} L d G Y c d i w1 G d G 121 c1 ^ LM jn rr EL af) .Q d w v L U _ d y L C U V C- L" ^r C L Q 1 L a 2 J u SA q d . rn -f in 1.0 �. -i� .J r� C C U G C:l d1 CL m C wi V u C� 1i ti r f Pr, C d 'rti Q � cr L qj _� w n� 11 C CIJ ' F-, [Q 'Sl1 C61 f G rj ,m iJ N O ii1 — QJ CC LA f - � C� 1i C d 'rti Q � cr CIJ ' F-, [Q 'Sl1 C61 f G rj ,m iJ N O ii1 — QJ CC r�1 W A Gy ¢ ^p to N �7 v ro a3 + c ti 13 :I3 � Q a1i s � 'v2P s m v :d c cs to U �, • tC car, o 3 b1c tt � C CL,0 � 0 U I.- 4 ..- 41 r+ s S7 R cUi Z -0 tA to u 4] —� Y 0 . rn 41 bI��. __ 73 �, 'G % ►� C O U .r, V7 s .L3 US L' «• G rC b4 61 O 1 'e3 SG . +. ,. y Y *-" W #"+ s rn 4i L • �-+ e�ss 0 � K 7-y U T� � � � Sa � � � Q � Q � ' � C � � "a C � 43 L �" o W G fl. t]. p v ._ �? 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FjJ .7: � • 1 M G r ^J r ti% cL C ,n = r G. � y vs C cq 11J ++ .u+ GJ L un rl CL — r� C — e ^I ' r 5 G Gy r'1 N C -5 6m C 7f1 :J iJ '••' •i C 4a G U O r � C ro .� 4J ' v; C y fi J rry � f fi o Fsi L ° W C+} rl I crl fl v Ln AA eLi �rJ n L ti L •S :i C ^1rJ � ti w r -- �, L Ij iJ rrf r � w +, 1 P ` J •� rte°• CL a� v_ C �' ! L 5 r _U _IJ � � ,'�+ ter• '� – v •rJ � D v r L t J J LO rte. � - y f J _ G. .J � J J � •' ;n C rte• j J _ • �n G 'p rJ = SJ 7 4a EL J 91 r ^fJ "�vs L r r C � r, •� � SU '7 C3 aj r 4r u u L—C � -.i rte+ — — J LL iy J J '� .� ,,f- I_' G � � :J 'i7 J � l•-. C1f } � � Q ^il rr r•, C_ r n!1 . 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CS. �d ° a m v, �+ eEi N ° E m tti y y tq C s us E b a E 3 N1 ca -� a� is n" m v �, y 4 C] 7ti • Ld �S a.a •,C L' .a.. U L'• u f+5 "p R 6.1 Cal u E^• rn U rq y 73 0.1 C y "' m' u C ' U c � . Cd � � • r-. Q 1:4 �^ U � U p a D_ o-.i '-' `�_ � D_ � �, � �' 6+ 93 � � °' � Ci. v a M p" L sd y CC yr . ` 4� w E E cw v' 0 CL �yy aas cd a - Q) O A 0 —_ a a "' "' 7, U v vs .� al -0 0.i 0 _ @ = `O } + Q1 m -0 C. �,. L. 4] E C7 7C .�+ p G n p •r" C6 "u Cd L G�i 4 n 4 Y Sd VI p pA O r p 0i RC Qi U b L�1G •� L CL ta a R y R rsi .-. +.• m r+ti 4 Q. E •Y s.. .�? .rr R p � � rr ..+ � � n7 ° Q C, y w C. w, � C> ryer is V o v C � C) 73 m v= to 'P, u y o a.. cd n ai z 2— c� a a� v o a '� c L a = w 0_ C a Q a, o ap. b cj A tt. Cori Q. a 48 L 4 U "C U S� u O E5 F� G p .�� — T1 cC rz r u p C L. a— L/7 w f. a E vi u7 C , i ca a c'- c' p �� tq .A eC sd en c 4�i o " o F" v y C ' a a �A u p cl. Cd .Q Qi a v R • +' eiq R a 3V� to 0 -0 eC 0 7-. C vs as a a � - P. p R ++ R E +. , Er a a ca wl 4 '+r'1 b Z Q CL c.O j0a �� ' v '� tn Q 9A C c a 1 ca IA t.- • }w m O c r-6 �' _ pj .�.. U ori 'Y ya L •� O 6] .0 _ U 6J 'Q G C H 7 i 7i' :� O Y U M U qy C. CL CL E R[ F ea E: I W rZ L L� r F � r r rn � � •a= V r) 77 r C cJ C �y U G a l i u Alp p 511 G � 'v U y^ r t+ Ld VF M 4 _ n � � k j /7 J - r v-� S3 r-- J r CP ~ _ �q • CL —4 aJ M 4 _ n � � k j /7 J - r v-� S3 r-- J ~ _ �q • CL —4 aJ -_ ^ •�r' tom. r - ^ . _ J 4.. J .ti VS ,1; CL S7 .� M 4 _ n � � k j /7 J - r v-� S3 r-- J A E� F-' c G LO v j O m C c0 t , 'O U 4> y aj rz CU �} fA CC r'" m L -7:� V Ln _LLh. -0 L :r -0 l,I.w C L CC L U '! L� C'^ Qy,� U Gr i m i 4p cn -M aj C tj di to a L a -C a Gs, �, r a U G r 4! = a -� v ❑ Y -, 0 m a d 0--o ' CL M M� N M m U M M U U O .0_' iq O3 t_ «, ari CL F" r �° '� ca 3_ ^o o �' sic ' ro� �- i-' ' iii QJ I G V) y v C y v C v5 G C b C F app � o ' G cn r O v 6. r� v a b y s, C a, _ L, v 1 Cs� ' o v o = v I v Cu u C^ d Z Sr7G -7 t v � � d . � a � a � '� A � 4 � ors •� C � *� CC i s. v� v .A O — � fir, • ., � � � •f� � .�..� .711 � CL o m A a A m -5 4 '� 43 EL � a � r > v a 2 c ci Q. � 6J v5 � Ctl lr a V C Ci- a y� w � � r 4'- k •.1 v3 y f ti rr•, v t� C- re CL '7- — C zc � ff� — L LC CL w Vi J t .0 - J G j — tin 7! C 4J � •O ° % ,� ,� v, o by in CD r 'C. O. O �' CJ � j '+r � .� C v v p S o •7 '� R� +� i0 �L 1. +. �-. ?7 S.. % h -+ 6> ,� ti- L ,� 7J R C 7u U �fy % Gam^ C G Zij 7:3 _ it w W 71 t tit "J ..r �„ C C r U J r ✓ 0.+ % c'3 L CJ u 'O M 0 O ;J 9 w r %5 4= U L1 rry U � c� r � � cC — G ns w � � r 4'- k •.1 v3 y f ti rr•, v t� C- re CL '7- — C zc � ff� — L LC CL w Vi J t F �+ U � � C? 4J U7 e4+ 4# ate. L d r � t• Ctl SC C � A W d 4a N CC] a w Ld Ln 4i 6Qi , q] a_ p K 0. aar O •O t, o N 0.w R. ,d+j U 4J cG +�1 = on E75 o -5b 0. '� D y a o IA c_ rd y 0. U 7 "a } d — C V bi) ❑ C op 4i G U �•' " d 4m .. ..G CJ ,yly— •"'-^7 ^= � y a��i ° u "� C • °- ar w � � � o Q ° � � �" L a � � r , ai aci , ,� -d • . . •�. E C- 'G' .x(1••4 .0..m •L. Q cd d, of Sd d7 y raid. U Ci c6 U �..` �. •� 'v `�' --+i N F-• CO /.+ yr C [*1 r�} C .`d.. 41 G7 fl. 4a au r.. s. td Cd L L �, ca C 4r C, e4 F, Fi M ❑ •� C6 d 2 O 6J _ '� Lv C SC 7w cn 1C C '+; q R 'G a - O w c 6 ao E Cr o r, OU .� Y `7 G -!� •- O 4S C • 1 pUp , C CL 7! 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Cy C ✓� C L a s o �' 4"" tCp �, [C bU 0.] �� 4J a «..• a +. G w ol} C • V. CL ar a C L C a cr ^ b 0 U a r i4 �. .� CL CA C6 �. • ° o cr c ° 4, v w °' ` a e.. °�' ° aafs • v_ U ° ry o ,U mar ai m ° ° 'a co A CL cz «. a b C a o 3. L m[ a, M u .- s� u r a u c 4 a of; cS°i ou m ca G. +, 'a 0. ar r- C 4 w rl F ca rn o vs P. r a >, v c u = cu m asp h c s° `° :2 u o - Q -0� V Er Cd 0 it CL 4-- . ti *' K' a C G 'G sl = u S • s:: d • ✓ «. ' Lti �' !per u q> • u , u� C a rn r* C' —M. p1J �j 0 a C C b C cd � 'C7 �«" O _ eq w o. c C w CL C 4: .r7 ¢- r +. O O v L1. cC �C Q C N sC 'G r t+'i r, rd ++ M '.. 91 r� r C r W r. J J � — a � J � � 4 v � r [A ��y a G - C j v h y' :J w rj n ` r3 Iv _ C 1 L C w• J � Ir f ^ GJ n 'r 1 ie W -A � r r� r C r W r. J J � — a � J � � 4 v � r [A ��y a G - C j v h y' :J w rj n ` Iv _ C f w• J � Ir f ^ � �. `w y F3i 1 ie W -A r� r C r W r. 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