HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA200500003 Staff Report 2010-01-07F COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE PLANNING STAFF REPORT SUMMARY Project Name: ZMA 05-03 UVA Reseafch Park Planning Commission Public Hearing: January 12, 2014 to correct advertisement errors; (Original Public Hearing held August 18, 2009; deferred from May 19. 2009 & July 21, 2009) [Updates since the August f8, 2049 staff report are redacted in bold italics) Owners: University of Virginia Foundation Acreage: 34 acres to be rezoned to PDIP added to the 526 acre research park TMP: 32 Parcels 18, 18a Location: North side of Airport Read (Route 649) approximately fine third of a mile from the intersection of Airport Road and Route 29 North Magisterial District: Rio DA (Development Area): Hoilymead Proposal: Bequest to rezone approximately 30.56 acres from RA to PDIP to be added to the UVA Research Park and allow an additional 700,000 square feet in the park, request to amend proffers associated with approved Research, Park haracterof Property: undeveloped. 1920s house, fires station, research park Factor Favorable: 1. Rezoning is consistent with the Industrk aI Service designation of the Land Use Plan, 2. The proposal rneets goals and objectives of the Economic Development Policy plan. 3. The application plan prow ides for additional interconnections into the Research Park. 4_ The applicant has provided for requested commitments to mitigate transportation impacts. Staff: Rebecca Ragsdale/Elaine Echols Board of Supervisors Public Hearing: February 10, 2010 Applicant. University of Virginia Foundation. represented by Valerie W. Long, Williams Mullen Special Use Permit: SP2008- 0015 - Parking Structure SP200800062- 1-aboratories, medical or pharmaceutical SP00800063- Supporting Commercial Uses SP200800064- Hotels. Motels, Inns Existing Zoning and By -right use: RA Rural Areas: agricultural, forestal, and fishery uses; residential density (4.5 unit/acre in development lots); PDIP researchfindustrial park with up to 3 million square feet of building area permitted Conditions. Yes Requested 9 of Dwelling Units; NA. Plan Designation: Industrial Service Use of Surrounding Properties: undeveloped. residential, research park Factor Unfavorable: Staff has found no unfavorable factors REOOIYMIIENDATION: Staff recommends approval with the attached application plan and proffers. I IC.•:�.Lf L I'.u�_ �II.I ri II I I'y f late s w ou 1& .I rag rul. I N ?SAN ;f2 #1 ret)r7rr orr rrllb,ried in bold ka{tes) Its r, STAFF PERSON: Rebecca Ragsdale PLANNiNG COMMISSION: January 12, 2010 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: February 10, 2010 ZMA 05 -03 UVA RESEARCH PARK P2008- 0015 - Parking Structure P200800062- Laboratories, medical or pharmaceutical P200800063- Supporting Commercial Uses SP200800064- Hotels, Motels, Inns Petition: (Revised to reflect correct list of Tax ManlparceU PR0JECT ZMA 200 5-00 3 UVA Research Perk {North Fori ) PROPOSAL: Request to rezone approximately 30. 56 wes from RA Rural Area which allows agricultural, forestal, and fishery uses, and residential density (0, 5 unWacre in development lots) to PREP Planned Development industrial Park, which allows industrial and ancillary commercial and service uses and no residential uses). for 744,000 square feet of office and research use and 534 ;L Acres to be rezoned from POI P to PDIP to amend proffers and application plan associated wO ZMA 1995 -04 PROFFERS: Yes EXISTiNO COM PREHEN IVP PiAN LAND USEJDENSITY: Industrial Service- warehousing. light industry, heavy industry, research, office uses, regional scale research, limited production and marketing activities, supporting commercial. lodging and conference facilities, and residential (6.01 -34 unitsjacr,e)- ENTRANCE CORRIDOR- Yes LOCATION: on the north side of Airport Road Route 649) approximately one third of a mile from the Intersection of Airport Road and Route 29 North in the Domnnunity of Holly mead. TAX MAP�PARCEL: Tax Map Parcels 32 -15, 32-6A, 32 -1 SA, 32-185, 32 -19 , 32-19D, -19E, 32 -113 F, 32- 19F1, 32 -'19G. 32 -19H, 32 -19H1, 32 -19H2, 32 -19J, and 32 -19J1 MAGISTERIAL € ISTRICT: Rio Characteristics of the Site _& Surrounding Area The property proposed for rezoning consists of two parts, one is the 30 -56 acres to be added to the park zoned RA and the second Is the remainder zoned PDIP. The County's Hollymead Fire Rescue Station (Building F) is located adjacent to innovation Drive and the existing PDIP zoned portion of the Research Park. The Rural Area zoned properties proposed for rezoning contain an existing house that dates to '1925. The site is relatively flat. with a stream and some wetlands located along the northern and western boundaries. Surrounding the site to the west is an undeveloped property zoned Light Industrial and to the east is = the established Airport Acres residential subdivision zoned R1. The United States Post Office is locate across Airport Road to the south and is zoned LI, with properties to the east and west ' " E � R of the Post Office zoned R. (See Attachments A & B) Specifics of Proposal: The applicant is proposing to expand and enlarge the Research Paris by approximately 30 acres to add an additional 700,000 more square feet to the park, which if approved would allow up to 3,700,000 building square feet total- The currently proposed application plan shoves development on both a portion of the existing PD- IP zoned land as well as the additional 30 acres. The bold black line on the inset to the right shows, the zoning line, with property on left zoned RA and on right PDIP- (Deferred to as Area D on Application Plan-Attachment D) 1M' I �� 111tf „L-.•r!It' flraltHN.IX 1 r Up4rex fince4WAgasr. 18. .14f 1901; -' 1 P;201 U 1Arl{rtpmI I1ajLi 2 -� The appearance illustrated on the Overall Concept Plan is one of an "office park", similar to the Research Park owned by the Foundation on Fontaine Avenue. Buildings, which will likely be multi- story are proposed and shown as Buildings A -M on the Concept Plan and are referred to as the Gateway District on Attachment D- Exhibit B. Buildings A and B are oriented towards Airport load Buildings -F are organized around preserved wetlands and referred to as the Wetland District (Attachment D- Exhibit D), and Buildings I -M and a parking garage are shown as the research & Development District organized around a central greenlamenity area. (Attachment D- Exhibit D) While the Concept Plan implies multi -story buildings and building footprints, the applicant would like only to be bound by the General Plan which would provide flexiWity in final building location, scale, and massing. So it is possible under the General Plan for larger buildings, possibly one story, to locate within the areas shown on the General Plan for buildings, with the exception of Buildings A and B which must be two buildings and a minimum of two stories, (See insets below) it A QVViAtt CaLIjrep# MJ Exhibar A- I: GellenlI Plan Background: The University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation applied for and was granted a rezoning F0 the North Fork Research Park on 525 adjacent acres in 1996. (Z MA 1994 -05) an addition to the PD -IP approved uses, three special use permits were granted for laboratories, supporting commercial uses, and hoteIsimoteIslinns- A copy of the proffers is included within Attachment C. In 1998, the Board approved an amendment (ZMA 98-27) to the district to altow setbacks to be ten feet from the internal streets withrn the d eve loprneM. .ZMA 200 5-00 2 for the amendments related to the fire station rezoning was approved February 2006 The fire station and a total of eight buildings have been constructed to -date In the UVA Research Park, with building sizes ranging from 25,000 square feet to 90,000 square feet in size for a total completed development square footage of 491,000 square feet total Work session January 31, 2006: A work session was held in January 2006 for the Commission to review the overall design and layout of the proposed park design submitted with ZMA 2005 -003. The Commission was asked to provide guidance to both the staff and applicant on changes, if any, needed to bang the proposal into conformity with the Comprehensive Plan and Neighborhood Model. Staff questions and Commission discussion are summarized below and how the applicant has addressed these matters since the work session are noted below and throughout the staff analysis in this report. The work session staff report and Commission mirtiutes are provided as Attachment C. Z A 21Hli,l M11 t:Vrt RL:sL: r,li I'.!i.. -i nd co nuii i snr k.PN 1 N l.t.119 bink es sinrr 1Aw AzWaml. M. ?M9 staff refwrl are n4lec and or h ld ilalivi) 3305 ': 10.. ao t lr tilaEI' Rcr,!II t'.tuc 3 Should the Statement below frorn the Lan d Use Plan result in a prohibition of expansion of the UVA Research park? Develop all industriallollice areas err a highly sensitive mani;er that clusters developrrrent in surrable areas and protects er?voronrnenfaf leatures through the pnoyo$+orx of open space. For the area now re rred to as the North Fork Research Park, limit development to 525 acres. Total buildable area Shall not exceed 3.000, 000 square feet Developer enf of the errfrre mdustnal area shall be pursuant fo an overall planned development render appropriate planned development ronong. The Commission did not find that this statement precludes additional adjacent areas from being rezoned consistent with the Industrial Service land use desigfiatdon fs the design appropriate or should it be modified to be more in conformity with the Neighborhood Model The Commission discussed whether the abditionaI area to be rezoned should be more consistent wish the existing Research Park or Neighborhood Model Principles. Some commissioners recommended ttrdt parking should he furthef relegated or structured parking provided Overall, the Commission did not have major issues u direction for changes on layout and design elements of the proposal Update. The revised proposal provides for a parking garage and changes have been made to the layout to farther relegate parking. parking will be relegated as show on the General Plan Is pedestrian access appropriate? ShoUld a concrete sidewalk be provided on one or both sides of Lewis and Clark r'athor Phan an asphalt path on one side? The C ornmission recornme rid ed a sidewalk be provided on one side of Lewis & Clark Drive. An asphalt path on the other side was viewed as appropriate. U ate: Proposed street sectiGns for Area U provide for a sidewalk on the west side of Lewis & Clark (Innovation) Drive. Should streets (either public of private) rather than commercial drives with pariring fats be used to. help establish a better design and traffic ci'rculatioa within the site 7 The Cod„rn ission did not directly answer this question but recommended that interconnections to adjmning properties be provided as public streets Update, Interconnections have been provided and are intended to be public roads Should an irMterconnec(ion (or inferconn ec (ions) be made to the property to flee west? The Corn mission recommended that an in ter con nWion be provided WJ da e- An interconnection to the Po- operty to the west has been provided. Should the open space adjacent to Airport Road approved on the 1996 plan be retained or should buildings front Airport Road? The Cc mmission had no issues with the proposal for buildings within previously approved open space_ provided that the buffer to the east was maintained. Update The proposed plan maintains the bufter to the east and buildings fronting Airport Road The General Plan maintains a building envelope adjacent to Airport Road with parking relegated behind il. ShGold centers be created within the park? Sh ould a center be established along Airporx Road? The Commission concluded that the focal points pfavided in the applicants Ccncept provided for adequate -mini centers" within this new proposed section of the Research Park The Co mmission also discussed the town center proposed within the approved park acid encouraged mixing of supportin g Commercial uses ire the °mind - centers" to Further strengthen them as focal points. U!.date The focal points have been maintained in the applicant's revised proposal Has the applicant appropriately provided for buildings and spaces of human scale? There was Some concern expressed by some comm iss ion efs and it was suggested Ihat one way to mitigate the scale and massing issue was with landscaping Update: Bather than make commitments to scale and massing, the applicant wishes to rely on the U esign Code established for the Research Park, which already governs the rest of the Research Park Given the unique mFSSicn of the Research Park and publiclprivate partnerships with research functions of the University, flexibility of building size and scale is needed. A commitment has been made adjacent to the Entrance Corridor to address scale and massing, where two buildings will be provided a mrnrmum of two stories in height Should greater detail art# commitments be provided for commercial rises or are the general special use permit requests su frciertc The Commission encouraged the applicant to provide for mixed use but did not consider the issue a major concern to be addressed The Commission suggested mixed commercial uses wautd be appropriate around the focal paints of the development such as first floor retail Sarne Commissioner's also suggested the addition of residential units on the upper floors of buildings Update- A special use permit to allow supporting commercial uses is part of this rezoning and of approved the special uses available in other areas of the Research Park will also be permitted in the new section. Foitowing the January 2006 work session_ the rezoning was deferred for some time and the applicant submitted revised plans, an updated Traffic Impact Analysis. and environmental features information in 2008 The rezorung request ( MA 2005 -003) was originally scheduled for a Planning Commission public hearing on May 19, 2009. Due to outstanding issues_ the applicant requested a deferral to submit revisions to address the following outstanding items identified by staff to the May 19 report= The applicant had not provided for requested commitments to mitigate transportation impacts by building the Lewis & Clark Drive connection to Airport Road saorier than 980,000 square Feet. Clarifications concerning improvements to Route 29 had not been provided, including updated language on ROW acquisition. LOS standards, and clarification that correction of vertical curvature of the roadway is required. • Flexibility in final building design that might result in larger single -story buildings in Area D adjacent to the Entrance Corridor. The applicant submitted revised proffers and Application Plan Exhibit N Overall Concept Plan to address these outstanding items. There were no changes related to the special use permits requested_ Based on the resubmitta[ date and need to allow adequate review time, the public hearing was deferred a second time by the Commission to August 18, 2009, Au_qust 18. 2009 Public Hearin The Planning Commission held a public hearing on this rezoning and concrirrent special use permits_ The Planning Commission recorr mended approval of the rezoning, special use permits, acrd setback modification, with the following changes to be made to the proffers for the rezoning., Modify Proffers 5.4.1 and 5.4. C(3) to specify that the LDS C average for the intersections with Route 29 is the standard and that individua) movements may be LOS D, as long as the average is LOS C at those intersections with Route 29, Proffer 5.3 Phases of Development - Modify Maximum Total Build -out for General Office in Phase ii and Phase ill to be inclusive of all other approved uses. A{iter the August 18, 2009 public hearing, it was discovered chat certain parcels were rant included in the application or advertised and legally another public hearing would be required for the rezoning acrd special use permit . There have beers no changes to the application other than to make the proffer changes requesfed by the Commission on August 18, 2009 and a few other non - sub,5fan live corrections requested by the County Attorney's office and ownership documentation. /. �t'k '!11;1 < -4W1; t % % 1i NCI IIJJ1 1'.111 .IJ LLr C4ITJL: IJTI 4111 %r`. r'r Irl r 5 11 I K .. .r7. r;J 5i J! to1r1J .Y i iii iJ �r r � rjr28.'' �d1we Mo _�jf.�w r, IN :009 4egh rg1fire aw rr fist -UJ YrJ Jill ildi %) 1101% 2 1JJ ? 11.1P %IJrI RIrLIJI rF_,1L 5 CONFORMITY WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The properties are located in the CommUnity of Hollymead and designated Industrial Service in the Land Use Plan, which includes the following recommendations; • Uses allowed within this designation include warehousing, light industry_ research, heavy industrial uses, as well as uses allowed under Office Service Commercial uses are allowed in this designation as a secondary use. Residential uses may be approprlule in the Industrial Service designation if such uses are compabble with the nearby and adjacent Industrial Service uses. + Care should be taken to insure that the impacts of the Industrial Service uses. including traffic, noise, odors, and vibrations will not affect residential arses ■ Where residential uses are provided. both vehicular and pedestrian interconnections are expected to nearby industrial areas. IndustrlaI S ervioe designation requrres appropriate site size {} 5 acres), arterial road accessibility. water andfor sewer availability, compat ib i I ity with adjacent uses. ■ Rail access may be necessary Areas for less - intensive industrial uses may act a5 transitional areas be twee rk IRP r commercial and industrial areas EE W The proposed rezoning is consistent with these recommendations for Industrial Service properties, The mix of uses proposed includes Flexiindustrial, tight Industrial, laboratories and office as the primary uses proposed vOthin v ► the park, Supportinq commercial and hoteilconference uses are proposed as secondary uses within the Park No residential uses are proposed or permitted in the PDIP zoning district_ A buffer is proposed and will be maintained along the eastern property line to mitigate impacts to Airport Acres. No pedestrian interconnections are provided between the Research Park and Airport Acres, since Airport Acres was an established subdivision prior to development of the Research Park. Residential lots adjoin the Research Park and there are no common areas of open space that might enable such connections adjacent to the Research Park, Recommendations from Land Use Plan for the Community of Hollyrnead that apply to this rezoning: • Develop aft indusinallaffice areas in a highly sensitive mariner that clusters development in suitable areas and protects environmental features, through the provision of open space. For the area now referred to as the North Furk Research Park limit development to 525 acres. TolaI buildable area shall not exceed 3,000.000 square feet Development of the entire industrial area shall be pursuant to are overall planned development under appropriate planned development zoning. Placement of this statement in the Plan predated the rezoning of the Research Park The language was included to 8tipulato the expected development of the laud thal at that time that would be subject to original Research Park rezoning, It was not intended to preclude additional area from being rezoned to an industrial designation, since the land Use Plan designates more land than were subject to the Research Pafi( rezoning as Industrial Service_ The current request for expansion of the Research Park is in this additional area of the Comprehensive Plan designated industrial Service_ The proposed plan provides for preservation of important environmental features along the northwestern property boundary. This was discussed at the Commission's January 2006 and the conclusion was that this rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan in POOP ,ti' tS Ov Ulkilrr-Y shrew Me efk9Pa ;. 18. 21MV sraf reporr are rejleried in brild rrrtfrr. -q i . CC lkcfKkri Pop-- fi Principles of the Neighborhood Model Staff has analyzed the revised overall design and layout of the park for conformity with the principles of the Neighborhood Model and provides the following assessment, Pedestrian Orientation Neighborhood Friendly Streets and Paths Interconnected Streets and Transportation Networks A Pedestrian Circulation Plan (Attachment D- Exhibit F) and Streetscape & Sidewalk Sections (Attachment D- Exhibit ) have been provided by the applicant. The Pedestrian Circulation Plan shows a hierarchy of primary and secondary pedestrian connections_ All pedestrian connections will be concrete sidewalks with the exception of the nature trail around the preserved wetlands and along Lewis and Clark Drive, The design of Lewis and Clark Drive was established with the prior rezoning, It is an urban section with 4 lanes separated by a median with trees, It has been approved for a six -foot asphalt path on the west side of the street. As discussed in the Commission's work session, the Commission and staff support having pedestrian access along only one side of Innovation /Lewis and Clark Drive for Area D because the east side of Lewis and Clark Drive abuts a 50 Foot buffered area to which pedestrian access is not essential. (Refer to Section B. Lewis & Clark Drive) There are existing sidewalks along Airport Road at the front of the property and "Gateway District", Staff believes this principle has been met_ Streetscspe and sidewalk sections have been provided on Exhibit G. Planting strips are proposed on all road sections between the sidewalk and roadway. At the tirne site plans are submitted, more area than shown may need to be provided to accommodate planting strips. Parallel parking can also be provided in some sections of the internal road serving the park. Staff believes this principle has been met. The {proposed plan provides for an interconnection to the west to the Industrial zoned property owned by Goldleaf Trust, this is shown on Exhibit A as a Con nect[on to Adjacent Property, Goldleaf Trust has a platter interconnection approved December 2006 that would interconnect the Research Park property to the north and impact environmental resources at the location proposed with the Doldleaf Trust plat. There are no site development plans under review or approved for development of that property_ At the time the property does come in with development pians, the County will request that the interconnection now be provided for in the location shown on the Research Parr plans. In the portion of the park already zoned, proffers have been amended to provide for an interparcel connection to Northside Drive from the cul- de-sac street adjacent to Areas 8-11 and B -10, depicted on Attachment D- Exhibit . Lewis & Clark Drive is intended to provide an interconnection /parallel road to from Route 29 to Airport Road_ Staff and VDQT recommended that the connection be provided sooner_ The applicant has agreed to limit building square footage in the new area of the park (Area D) to 180,000 square feet unless the Lewis & Gi ark interconnection is made. principle has been met_ t t;,: I i,..,,,, .'r1. r) ,f,rOl &)'p,-1-1 ,rrN' *,'fi,-,-1.•,1 rkrf eq Parks and Open Space Neighborhood Centers Buildings and Spaces of Human Scale Natural Features and Wetland Overlay are shown on Exhibit H- The original rezoning for the Research Park provided open space at the entrance to this development as well as along several stream and sloped areas. Open space was also proposed for the buffer areas on the east side of Lewis and Clark Drive from its intersection with Airport Road. There was no Commission concern at the work session with the open space along Airport Road converted to building area as the buildings are shown to establish a face to Airport Road. The buffer areas to the east are to be retained in the new proposal- The new proposal removes the open space at the entrance to the development and replaces it with buildings. Open space continues to be shown surrounding a wetland area and another open space area is provided at the rear of the development near a stream and storrnwater facility- The proposal provides for two amenity areas including the preserved wetlands area adjacent to the Hoilymead l=ire Station and the Village Careen proposed Staff believes this principle is met - The previously approved Research Park identifies a town center in the middle of the development. The buildings proposed in the new section relate somewhat to the town center, although the walking distance for the closest buildings is approximately a half -mile away. The applicant has said that "the inclusion of support commercial uses will assist in the establishment of "centers" or gathering spots to support the Park and adjoining neighborhoods and uses. The proposal for Area D of the Research park is organized around open space focal points internally. with the preserved wetlands area in the "Wetlands Districtb and the open space green area in the "Research & Development District " - Staff believes this principle has been met, based on the Commission's evaluation at their work session. The applicant is proposing the design code for the existing Research Park to the new area to be added. However, the applicant wishes to preserve opportunities for building height, scale, and massing that would suit a variety of uses, as shown on the General Plan- So buildings similar to those in the Fontaine Research Park may not be built. The applicant has made a commitment to break up the buildings along Airport Road and provide a minimum of two story buildings on the Entrance Corridor. No elevations or perspective drawings have been requested or provided with this rezoning request because of the commitment to design in accordance with the Research Park's design code, Front setbacks on the Overall tloncept Plan appear to be at 12 feet, side setbacks are proposed at 15 feet on the application plan, and building heights are limited to 4 stories. Light Industrial buildings are permitted as one or two story buildings within the building envelopes shown on the General Plan and the applicant has provided a note on the application plan that buildings adjacent to Airport Road will be a minimum of two stories. The applicant is requesting a modification to the setbacks of Section 26.6 to allow reduced building setbacks along public roads, including Airport ` - F .r.•x. �r,•s.srxx�• +Frt• .lr�},��r.�f. l��. �fu� +�.�lrrfj rryxarr! rJr� r {'Ifcx'fc.l. r. hrFfr! +lufi� s J Relegated Parking Mixture of Uses Road and Lewis aind dark Drive, from 50 feet to 10 feet. Places where setbacks are most important in the proposed project are along Airport Road and Lewis and Clark Drive_ The rest of the setbacks would relate to internal driveways and parking lots_ Parking lots have also been broken up into this layout and are organized, along with the buildings, around the proposed focal points within the development so there is more of a human scale created. There was no clear direction or concern from the Commission at their work session regarding this principle_ The Overall Concept Plan reflects a more human scale than the General Plain, Staff recognizes the unique needs of some of the industrial uses that may locate in the Research Park and believes meeting this principle along Airport Road is sufficient. .. _ Generally, parking is relegated from Airport Road and from Lewis & Clark/Innovation Drive. The application plan was revised since the Commission's work session to relegate additional parking lots and to provide for some parking in a parking garage. Parking lots that are adjacent to Innovation Drive (Lewis & Clark Drive) are screened or located behind the front setback of buildings. The proposed rezoning is for PDIP zoning within an area designated Industrial Service in the Land Use Plan. Commercial uses are recommended as secondary and these areas are intended to primadly provide for industrial service uses. The applicant has provided allowance for commercial uses as is currently allowed in the existing park_ The applicant is requesting supporting commercial uses not to exceed 5% of total floor area and commercial uses not to exceed more than 10% of floor area at any time during phased development. Since the total square footage in the park wi11 increase if this rezoning is approved, the total supporting commercial will also be increased within the entire Research Park_ The condition of approval with the previously approved SP for supporting commercial permits up to 5% of total floor area ithin the Park and up to 10% of total floor area at any time during phased development_ At the 2006 work session, the Commission did not ask the applicant to commit to any particular location for mixed use_ Staff finds that this principle is met_ l.jUw.,s firrta'11M.Amfeev ?4 .' rara4;Iq gr.•# a:, rf ,ur0'tJu','rl•.irn hold ilnfi(w) Mixture of Housing Types and Affordability Redevelopment Site Planning that Respects Terrain No housing is proposed, use in the PD -IP district. Housing is not permitted by -right or by special This principle is largely not applicable because of the urge portion of undeveloped land; however, a small portion of the 30 acre tract proposed for addition to the park contains a house. Although the Virginia Department of Historic Resources has not surveyed the subject parcels for the presence of historic architectural and /or archaeological resources, County Real Estate records indicate the presence of a c. 1925 single family dwelling- The applicant has been requested to document the buildings on TARP 32 -18 prior to demolition, which is provided for in the proffers, The Neighborhood Model recommends that development conform as best possible to existing terrain. Where extensive grading is needed, though, to achieve other principles of the Neighborhood Model, large expanses of 2.1 regraded slopes are to be avoided. Large retaining walls should likewise be avoided. Because the site is rolling and 25% slopes are not shown to be impacted, in general, the proposed development respects the terrain- Based on the information provided on Exhibit I Grading & Utility Plan , there is a retaining wall shown around the perimeter of the parking near Building K. While retaining walls may be appropriate, they should be terraced with shorter walls rather than be tall and expansive, The applicant has provided a note on the application plan sheet that no individual retaining wall shall exceed B feet in height and if additional height is necessary, it must be terraced with each wall not to exceed 5 feet, unless a modification is granted by the Director of Planning. This principle has been met- Clear Boundaries This principle is not applicable as the property does not adjoin the Rural with the Rural Areas - Areas Economic Development Polic The County's Economic Development Policy is a part of the Comprehensive Plan and was recently updated in March 2009, referred to herein as "the Plan, The Plan recognizes the importance of economic growth and vitality to sustain and enhance the human economic, cultural, and natural characteristics of the community, by creating a diversified economy, jobs, and workforce development opportunities. The Plan recognizes the University of Virginia and its associated entities as a main economic driver of economic vitality that can provide important resources for lousiness and industry. The Plan recommends the County work with the University and associated entities to take advantage of opportunities to benefit from this resource in innovative ways. Supporting further development of the University's research park is clearly consistent with and supportive of the goads of the Economic Development Policy- The University's Research Park's mission is to encourage relationships with the private sector and the transfer of technology and expertise from research to the business environment. The Park is designed to support companies in a variety of businesses, from research and development, to light manufacturing and knowledge -based commerce- The proposal also meets the Economic Development Policy strategy of "Increasing diversity in business and industry which will accommodate a variety of ski tiled u cationall levels, and provide for a diversified tax base, in Particular to reduce the tax burden borne by residential property owners -" The Research Park's current list of tenants is reaching 20 and is attached for Information (Attachment F); there are appraximately 1, 300 employees now associated with existing operations within the Research Park. Draft Places 29 Master Plan VVhile conformity with the current Land Use Plan recommendations is the standard to which the applicant should be held in this rezoning, the pertinent recommendations of the draft Places 2 Master plan are summarized here for information and provided as Attachment J- The Plan anticipates that the Research Park will continue to develop as a major employment center. The draft Places 29 Plan offers opportunity for the Research Park to include more integrated mix of residential and commercial uses and land use designations are intended to be consistent with the Research Parks approved Application Plan- The Future Land Use Map designates Area D as Urban Mixed Use, Office /R &D /FleyJUght Industrial, and the Hollymead Fire Station site as Institutional - About one third of Area D is designated as "Uptown " - The draft master plan recognizes that the "Uptown" is a long -term goal of the plan that would take many years to redevelop as envisioned. evolving over time as described below. Tire draft master plan currently recommends a maximum building footprint size of no greater than 25,000 for the Urban Mixed Use area in Up #own and for OiFce /R &DIFIeYJLight Industrial uses up to a 40,000 square foot maximum building footprint size, The UVA Foundation is requesting to acid 30 acres to in Area D to the existing Research park PDIP program and apply the design code that is currently in place for the rest of the pafk. The Foundation requests the same level of flexibility In Area D, as the rest of the park, allowing for buildings that support employment opportunities and research function of the University- The design code allows LI buildings as one -two stories and there are nD restrictions on building footprint size. The applicant is willing to make a commitment to have two buildings fronting Airport Road which wiil be a minimum of two stories rather than one s i rigle-story building. This is provided as a note on the appiicaltion plan. The tralnsportion component of the rezoning application is consistent with the Places 29 Transportation Network (inset to right) with one exception. The proposed road layout and proffers provide for the Lewis & Clark interconnection and for a future interconnection to Northside Drive- The road shown in green is optional but not essential to the roadway network- It is not provided by the applicant as because if built would go through environmentally sensitive areas shown for preservation, on the rezoning plan. �� M1,.JR.teauyu,e M.�4 ', ! 1 RL - r.irt h I' -it t, -in,J c- i4xiirren k 11'x + , 10fes SkVr Ow 4 rtk frrl. IS. 2W9 shy rgwrl ure refleeied in hufd rfalrc s) LADS . 3tult I(Cph,; 1:-L.-. L. I I Most of the proposed rezoning is consistent with the recommendations of Places 9_ The portion of area D designated Urban Mixed Use (Uptown) is not totally in keeping because the suggested mix of land uses are not provided in the Uptown Area and, as previously indicated. the Foundation would like to maintain flexibility and allow for the potential for industraI uses to locate on Airport Road_ Because of the uncertainty as to wh ether this area would ultimately be designated for Uptown, staff did not request that the applicant commit to mixed use at this location. The future Small Area plan for this area may revisit where the best location for an Uptown. Nothing precludes future long term opportunities for a greater mix of uses, as this area could evolve overtime towards the Uptown idea, STAFF COMMENT Relationship between the application and the purpose and intent of the requested zoning district The applicant is requesting PDIP Planned Development Industrial Park zoning, The intent of the PDIP district as described in the Zoning Ordinance states that the district is intended to; Permit a variety of industrial uses, together with certain uses ancillary thereto, which are compatible with and do not detract either from each other or from surrounding districts. It is intended that PD -IP districts may be established in areas in conformity with the comprehensive plan and having all of the following characteristics - Areas served by water and sewer facilities, or if such facilities are reasonably available Areas served by major highway, rail c air service, or secondary road improved to standards approved by the county; and Areas having clearly demonstrated suitability for intended uses with regard to physical characteristics and relationship to surrounding development. In the establishment of any PD -Ifs district, the board of supervisors shall designate the category of uses which shall be permitted in each parcel, or part thereof, which is the subject of the application for such amendment The proposed PDIP application is consistent with the PD1P District as it is providing for a variety of uses including gen oral office, flex/industria1, light industrial, laboratories including research and development, and some supporting commercial and hotel uses. The site is served by public water and sewer and primary road access with Route 29 and Airport Road, Impact on Environmental, Cultural, and Historic Resources Environmental- Attachment D- Exhibit H of the Application Plan depicts natural features and wetland overlay, with preservation and conservation areas of the site shown_ Staff and County Engineer have evaluated the proposed resources and impacts to them with this proposed development, including a wetlands delineation study. There are linear wetlands at the western boundary and middle of the parcel associated with a perennial stream. and 50" stream buffer requirements apply. The proposed plan disturbs approximately 0- 16 acre of palustrine (forested) wetlands to allow construction of Building J and parking lot improvements. (Attachment D - Exhibit H) All wetland impacts must he authorized by federal and state regulatory agencies, and ideally the proposed development would preserve these natural features. Assuming that federal and state agency approval were obtained, the natural Resources Planner and County Engineer have found that impacting this area of wetlands could be reasonable if the wetland systern to the southwest, along the southern property boundary were preserved the applicant has provided for a 100' stream buffer and preservation of these wetlands with their current application plan. OulturaiiHlstoric Resources- As mentioned previously, the applicant will survey the existing building on the property and provide documentation prior to demolition_ At this time the building does riot appear have significant historic value. Entrance Corridor- Airport Road is are Entrance Corr clor and subject to ARB review. The Design Planner has commented that it appears that the site layout as illustrated in the concept plan could meet Entrance Corridor guidelines, Detailed building information and review by the A R B for conformity with Entrance Corridor guidelines will be dare at the time of site plan application A ficipated impact orr public facilities and services Streets -- Currently, there are two entrances to the existing Research Park. The main entrance (Lewis & Claris Drive) is located on Route 29 and the back entrance to the parks from Dickerson Road, Innovation Drive has been constructed from Airport Roast to serve the Hollymeaad Eire tatlon and the proposed developed of the area under consideration far rezoning to 'Incorporate into the Research Park_ The applicant submitted a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) with the initial request for this rezoning in February 2005, It was revised in March 31, 2008 and again in Juky 2008 to address County and VDOT ccmments_ Information from this TIA is provided as Attachment E. The TIA analyzed impacts of the adding 7 00, 000 square feet to the Research Park, beyond the 3,000,000 square feet already approved. The analysis assumed all proffered roadway improvements that were identified in the proffers approved with ZMA 1994 -005 would be in place. This included the interconnection of Lewis & Clark Drive to Airport Road, wit h the TIA anticipating that a significant portion of the traffic generated by the Research Park site would use this connector road and thereby reduce impact to Route 29. The provision of phasing for road improvements provided on Exhibit M of the Atipphication Plan (Attachment D) and in the updated proffers (Attachment E) as indicated in they table on page 4 of the proffers. The original proffers also specified that two -lanes of Le is & Clark from Route 29 to Route 649 through the Park shall be provided within six months of the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy for a building constructed beyond 980,400 square feet_ (Proffer _4 (b ) 1) At the time ZMA 1994 -005 was approved, the Comprehensive Plan did not include text or show on the Land Use Map a parallel road system along Route 9_ The Comprehensive Plan has been updated since that rezoning to provide for the connection of Lewis & Clark Drive from Route 29 to Airport Road, Rezonings have been approved to the east of the Research Park (North Pointe) and south that align with Lewis & Clark Drive, to provide for an interconnecting parallel and perpendicular road system. NiC has also been developed and expanded since the rezoning for the Research Park was approved and has created more of an opportunity to provide for local traffic creeds between N IOJNorth Pointe /UVA Research ParkiHollymeasd on an interconnected road system alternative to Route 29. VDOT has also approved an Access Management Strategy in conjunction with the US 29 North Corridor Transportation Study that shows the connection of Lewis & Clark Drive to Airport Road. Achieving the interconnection of Lewis & Clary Drive through the Research Park is now a higher priority than it was at the time of the 1995 rezoning. Staff and VDOT recommended the interconnection should be provided for sooner in the phasing of road improvements and that at a minimum, the road should be provided as a -Lane Section prior to construction of more than 184,000 square feet in building area_ This is approximately the amount of building area that could be achieved on the already P IP zoned portion of Area D included YOM this rezoning. The applicant has agreed to this recommendation and provided for this in the updated proffers. Proffer requirements with regard to Route 29 improvements have also been clarified_ The 1994 proffers disc not specify that corrections to the vertical curvature of Route 29 are necessary to make the required road improvements, proffers recently approved with rezonings along Route 29 have specified that the correction of the vertical curvature is part of those improvements. Tide applicant has updated to specify in the proffers the vertical curvature will be addressed Also. VDOT has recommended that the Level of Service (LOS) language in the proffers be updated. In DOT's evaluation, it was recommended that the LOS be changed From "D'° to "C.' (Attachment H) VOOT's Chapter 527 regulations enacted since the 1934 proffers, govern traffic studies and do not use the minimum level of service criteria but change in delay. This means that when a study is reviewed, the increase in delay is looped at for each movement and has to be held unchanged if possible. Delay does correlate to LOS, and it was previously the policy that in rural areas LOS of "C" or better is acceptable and in urban area a "D" or 1�etter is acceptable. The area around the research park is still considered rural by VDOT and therefore VDOT has said LOS C should be used for intersections with Route 29. The Count} Engineer concurs. To bring the proffers in line with mare Current standards, the Commission recarr mended at the August 18 public hearing the applicant modify the proffers to specify that LOS C average for the two infers ec lions with #route 29 is the standard but that the individual movements may be LOS D, as Fong as the average is LOS C at the intersections of Route 291A irpoff Road avid Route 291Lewis & Iwfark Drive. This is acceptabie to VDOTand the County Engineer. The applicant has provided for all requested proffer additions and clarifications to mitigate Iran-spoliation impacts, including the additional LOS update recommended by the Commission at the August 18. 2009 public hearing. Schools — There are no residential uses proposed with this project and no impacts to ;schools anticipated. Fire Rescue Police- The proposed rezoning will incorporate the Hollymead Fire Station (Station 12), application plan and proffers approved with ZMA 2005 -002. The 16,257 square foot fire station has been constructed (shown on the inset below)- and is occupied! in operation. providing fire protection and primary emergency medical response services to Hollymead and surrounding Area. The property is leased from the UVA Fo�,ndatiun. It is depicted as Building F on the .application plans and depicted on the inset to the right. ib Albemarle County Fifth Street Office Building contains the county's Police Department, although Police patrol all areas of the County. Current policy for police services recommends a response time of five minute or less 85 % of the time in the Development Areas and this is achieved through their sector/beat system. Police satellite offices are recommended within a service sector to help achieve these desired response times to all police emergency calls and the nearest satellite office to the Research Park 1s located at Fashion Square Mall- Utilities -The Research park is served by the Albemarle County Service Authority for water and sewer. The proposed project will require the completion of the Forth Fork Regional Pump Station to provide sewer capacity- wilier has an expected completion date of August 2010. Water is available from an existing 1 " R1 SA water line running along Airport load and from a 12" ALGA water line running along Innovation Drive- (Attachment 1) fAJ-% �11a1E5 -Qn11 I - %',k lii5 c;1rh flail. ,mJ r4jr,C,arMn, %,I,, P1 I `12 141 r f a r1Jf. J� -rrr! lrrp�n .S. x rJ �� U r#inK since Me .F gjue. 18.1 9 aaff rr fwrt try ee)JI cfed !fl #rofr111glif � SM 2i 1 U. 21II 17 4u1 Ykcpcirt flagc f4 Anticipated impact on nearby and surrounding properties The area requested for rezoning is located between the existing UA Research Park and property zoned Light Industrial to the west so there are no anticipated impacts to surrounding properties with development of this site. The Application Plan maintains the minimum 50' open space buffer between Airport Acres and the east side of InnovationfLe is & Clark Drive and in some places the actual buffer that exists is more than 50'. The proposed interparcel access to the west does not match the platted connection approved with SUB 2006 - 273 and would result in the need to request that the owner provide for the interconnection as shown on UVA Research Park application plan_ This provides an interconnection in a location that avoids environmental features. The owner should be notified of these changes, so that they can plan accordingly when submitting any site plans to the County. PROFFERS - This rezoning involves amending proffers approved with ZMA 1995 -04 and incorporating the 30 acres proposed for rezoning into a single application plan set. The reprised set of proffers provided as Attachment E also incorporates the proffers associated with ZMA 2005.02 (fire station amendment }, There have also been a number of other technical updates and edits that have been made to the proffers that are not listed here, including formatting, and ownership documentatian. Substantive proffer changes that have been provided include. Gross Floor Area to be Devehal2e d- Updated the total build out proffer to reflect the increase in permitted rip to 3,700,000 square feet of building area. Transportation. Phases of Development - Modified Buddy -out for General Office in Phase H and Phase III to be inclusive of all other approved uses • Provision added to allow for a future interconnection to 1Norfhside Drive. • Provision to allow dedication of right -of -way for future Dickerson Road widening and improvements + Clarified required improvements to Route 29 include correcting vertical curvature ■ Updated right -o t; ay acquisition language Specified the LOS for traffic studies also applies to turning movements at intersections. Proffers modified to specify that LOS C average for the two intersections with Route 29 is the standard but that the individual movements may be LOS D, as long as the average is LOS C at that in f ers ectians of Route 91Airport Road and Route 291L ewis & Clark Drive • Provision added that development in Area D is limited to 180, 000 until Lewis & Clark interconnection is provided Recreational Areas and Open Space. ; Allow an additional playing field in the recreation proffers, as requested by Parks & Recreation Department, Historic Resources- . Provide recannaisance level documentation of historic structure on property. ALL PROFFER CHANGES REQUESTED HAVE BEEN MADE AND THERE ARE NO OUTSTANDING PROFER ISSUES. in,'e dru A JdXepw 1-4. Valf rvjwre are rt!fle fed in h aid hours) 13011 ` III .,I;I!l SUMMARY Factors Favorable: 1. Rezoning is consistent with the Industrial Service designation of the Land Use Plan_ 2. The proposal meets goals and objectives of the Economic Development Policy plan. _ The application plan provides for additional interconnections into the Research Park_ 4_ The applicant has provided for requested commitments to mitigate transportation impacts_ Factors Unfavorable: Staff has found no factors unfavorable for this rezoning, Recommendation: ZMA 2905 -003 Staff recommends approval of ZMA 2005 -003 rezoning and attached proffers. Modification to Setbacks Staff recommends approval of the setback modification to Section 26.6 to allow as setback reduction. of to allow far buildings, including those exceeding 3 5 feet inM height, to to reduced from 50 feet to 10 feet along public. roads, including Airport Road and Lewis and Clark Drive. ATTACHMENTS: A_ Location MaplAerial B. Zoning Map C. Planning Commission work session staff report & minutes, January 31, 2006 D. Application Plan Exhibits; A. Overall Concept Plan A -1. General Plan B. Gateway District Plan C_ Wetland District Plan D. Research & Development Plana E_ Vehicular Circulation Flan F. Pedestrian Circulation Plan G. Streetscape & Sidewalk Sections H. Natural Features and Wetland Overlay I. Grading & Utility Plan J. Zoning Application Overlay Plan K. Overall Zoning Application Overlay Ilan (K-1 through K -6) L. Internal Road Network Plan M. Off -site and Internal Road Phasing Plan N. Open Space System Phasing Plan E. Proffers dated December 14, 2009 F. UVA Research Park current tenant list G. Transportation Impact Ana lysis Summary Table of Site Trip Generation H. VDOT comments provided by Joel Denunzio, P-E„ vial e-mail dated March 4, 2009 and Charles C_ Proctor. III via e-mail dated July 21, 2009 I. ACA comments provided by Gary Whelan. dated October 9, 2008 J. Summary of Places 29 Information-UVA Research Park STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: Rebecca Ragsdale January 12, 2010 February 10, 2010 ZMA 116-03 UVA RESEARCH PARK SPECIAL USE PERMITS: SP200 -0015- Parking Structure SP200800062- Laboratories, medical or pharmaceutical SP200800063- Supporting Commercial Uses SP2D0800064- Hotels, Motels, Inns PETITION PROJECT: SP200&0015 (Concurrent with ZMA 05 -03 UVA Research Park (formerly North Fork Research Park) PROPOSED: Parking Structure in PDIP Planned Development Industrial Park Z () NINta CATEGORYIOENERAL USAGE, PDIP - Planned Development Industrial Dark - industrial and ancillary commercial and service uses (no residential use) SECTION: 27.2.2(16) Parking Structures COMPREHENSI E PLAN LAND USElDEN SIT Y: Industrial Service -- warehousing, light industry, heavy industry, research, office uses, regional scale research, limited production and marketing activities, supporting commercial, lodging and conference facilities, and residential (6.01-34 unitsfacre). ENTRANCE CORRIDOR: Yes LOCATION: North side of Airport Road (Route 649) , west of Innovation Drive approximately one third of a mile from the intersection of Airport Road and Route 29 North- TAX MAPIPARCELS: Tax Map 32 Parcels 18, 18a MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: RIO PROJECT: 2008 -00062 UVA Research Park - Laboratories, medical, Pharmaceutical {Concurrent with ZMA 05 -03 UVA Research Bark (formerly North Fork Research Park) PROPOSED. Allow laboratory uses in association with the UVA Research Park ZONING ATEOORYIGENERAL USAGE: P D I P - Planned Development Industrial Park - industrial and ancillary commercial and service uses (no residential use) SECTION -. 27,2,2(15) Laboratories, medical or pharmaceutical. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USEIDENSJTY. Industrial Service -- warehousing, light industry, heavy industry, research, office uses, regional scale research, limited production and marketing activities, supporting commercial, lodging and conference facilities, and residential (6,01 -34 unitsfacre). ENTRANCE CORRIDOR: Yes LOCATION; North side of Airport road (Route 649), west of Innovation Drive a p prox irnately one third of a mile from the intersection of Airport Road and Route 29 North. TAX MAPIPARCELS; Tax Map 32 Parcels 18, 18a MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: RIO PROJECT: 2008 -00063 UVA Research Park -S upporting Commercial Uses (Concurrent with ZMA 05 -03 UVA Research Park (formerlyr North Fork Research Park) PROPOSED: Al low supporting commercial uses within the UVA Research Park, not to exceed a total of 110.000 square feet of floor area. ZONING CAT EGORYI ENERAL USAGE: P D I P - Planned Development Industrial Park - industrial and ancillary commercial and service uses (no residential use) SECTION: 27.2.2(14) Supporting commercial uses (reference 9.0) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USEIDENSITY: Industrial Service -- warehousing, light industry, heavy industry, research, office uses, regional scale research, limited production and marketing activities, supporting commercial, lodging and conference facilities, and residential (6.01 -34 unitslacre). ENTRANCE CORRIDOR, Yes LOCATION: North side of Airport Road (Route 649), west of Innovation Drive approximately one third of a mile from the intersection of Airport Road and Route 29 North- TAX MAPIPARCELS: Tax Map 32 Parcels 18, 18a MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: RIO PROJECT. 2008 -40064 UVA Research Park - Hotels, Motels, Inns (Concurrent with ZMA 05 -03 UVA Research Park (formerly North Fork Research Park) PROPOSED, Allow motel, hotel or conference facilities within the UVA Research Bark not to exceed 1 90, 00 0 square feet of floor area. ZONING CATEGOR IGENERAL USAGE: PDIP - Planned Development Industrial Park - industrial and ancillary commercial and service uses (no residential use) SECTION: 29,2,2(2) Hotels, motel, inns (reference 9.4.2) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND U S EIDENSITY: Industrial Service -- warehousing, light industry, heavy industry, research, office uses, regional scale research, limited production and marketing activities, supporting commercial, lodgings and conference facilities, and residential (8,01 -34 unitsfacre). ENTRANCE CORRIDOR: Yes LOCATION; North side of Airport Road (Route 649), west of Innovation Drive approximately one third of a mile from Ilse intersection of Airport Road arFd Route 29 Forth. TAX MAPIPARGEL S Tax Ma 32 Parcels 1$, 1$a MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RIO SPECIFICS OF THE PROPOSAL Concurrent special use permit application have been submitted to allow for a parking garage, uses approved within the existing park for supporting commercial, laboratories, and hcteliconference facility. The applicant has flexibility as to where the uses would be allowed in the park and land uses are governed by the Land Use Matrix of the Application Plan_ Supporting commercial uses_ hotel uses, and laboratories were approved along with ZMA 1994-05 and are requested now for Area D. STAFF COMMENT Staff will address each provision of Section of the Zoning Ordinance as it applies to each of the four special use permits requested: such use will roof be of substantial detriment to adjacent property, There are no deMmental impacts to adjoining properties anticipated with these uses. Provisions of the ordinance will address parking structure design and it is located internal to the research park. Buffers are provided on the application plan for any residential areas adjoining the Park and an additicnaf buffer requirement was imposed on labs with the special use permits far the pafk approved in 1995 and are also recommended here, with the ability for a reduction if requested to avoid excessive buffer requirements_ A certified engineers report is required to ensure performance standards of the ordinance are met to address light, noise. radioactivity, and vibration and that the character of the district will n at be changed thereby, The request is to allow these land uses within a planned research/industrial park. Considering the uses and plan of development, staff believes that the parking structure will have minimal impacts and would not change the character of the district and would provide for more of an urban character in Areas D, rather than suburban character in the rest of the Research Park. The supporting commercial, laboratories, and hotel uses are secondary to the primary uses in the park and would be consistent with the character of the district. Staff believes that the parking garage will improve the character of the district and provides an alternative to a "sea parking that could result from a surface parking lot_ that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this ordinance, Staff has reviewed all four requests for special use permits for compliance with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and has not identified that any conflicts would result from approval of these special use permits. with uses permifted b -right In the district, A variety of Ll industrial uses and office use are allowed by -fight in the Category I uses of the PDIP district. Secondary supporting uses vvithin a PDIP are encouraged The requested special use {permits are supportive and complimentary to the land uses permitted in the Research Park. with the additional regulations provided in sec(ion 5.0 of this ordinance The additional regulations. are identified below_ Staff sees no issues which would prevent the regulations from being rniat- SP2008-0015-Parkina Structure 5.1.41 PARKING LOTS AND PARKIN 0 STRUCTURES A site plan shall be required for each parking Iot and par€c ng structure, unless the requirement is waived as provided in the ordinance, Section 32 .7.2A of the Zoning Ordinance also provides for the fallowing requirements for parking structures: a. The developer shall submit architectural elevations with both the preliminary and fi nal site plans The elevations shall be part of the approved final site plan b. The developer shall submit dfawings, photographs or other visual rnatedals showing the proposed parking structure and surrounding structures (if any exist) and land uses, c. Mechanical equipment or other utility hardware on the roof, ground, or building shall be screened from public view to the reasonable satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Community Development with materials harmonious with the building or they shall be located so as not to be visible from public view. d. Air handlers shall be located so that emissions are direcled away from any adjoining residential development. e. The structure shall be designed so that the light from all vehicle headlights and all lighting fixtures Ml not routinely shine directly outside the structure. SP200800062- 1,aboratorles, medical or pharmaceutical certified engineers report is required to ensure performance standards of the ordinance are met to address light. noise, and vibration to ensure compliance Wth Section 4.14_ will be required with lab uses within the park. There are no additional regulations in the ordinance for supporting commercial (SP200800063) or Motels, Motels. Inns (SP200800064) uses. Arm with the public health, safety, acrd general welfare of the cornmunity The public health safety and general welfare of the community is pfotected through the special user permit process, which assures that proposed uses are in the appropriate location and any impacts can be mitigated_ RE OMMENDED ACTION SP20D8- 00'15- Pair king Structure Staff recommends approval of S P2008 -001 5-Parking Structure with no conditions of appraval SP200800062- 1-aboratories, medical or pharmaceutical Staff recommends approval of this special use permit with the following conditions; 1. Laboratories shall be subject to Section 4.14 Performance Standards of the ordinance and a Certified Engineers Report is required pursuant to Section 4.14.8 of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. Laboratory buildings shall not be less than 30 (thirty) feet from the perimeter buffer areas to adjoining properties not located within the development, unless modified by the Director of Planning. SP280800063- Supporting Commercial Uses Staff recommends approval of this special use permits with with the following conditions- 1. In addition to proffered limitation not to exceed five (5 %) percent of total floor area, commercial uses shall not exceed tern (10 %) percent of total floor area at any time during phased development_ SP280800064- Hotels, Motels, Inns Staff recommends approval of this special use permits with with the following conditions; 1. Not more than one hotel. motel, or inn shall be permitted. Such hotel, motel, or inn shall not exceed two hundred fifty (250) lodging rooms, 2_ Conference facilities (other than those as may be provided by individual occupants) shall not be required to locate internal to nor on the some site as the hoteVrnotel{nn, but total gross floor area of lodging and conference facilities shall not exceed 190.000 square feet. i.. .i IN. U 4 101 1 1 001 iE ONE x � �' � F' �. {� ♦� �}. f`�� vas in op J ' 4,0 ' W t rW Ln A0�'•IV�'° lot Qk C eq CA 1 F f JW _ i m d S � 4 4L * r AFL rh w•r iD On C5 y r + r is ■o■ mom ■»e■ ■■umcm �E I Lo I El ME ❑ co ry i'sa M M MM r5 op C7 � �I_r� Q� m e r+r q �� c ry r of r, W lu LJJ W m W .rtZ w r r °. SINCr IV / _ r � i *• . :[�':'[4 OY r �y 1 tq 4j� co r— F� V y� � 1 T n O O t M r5 NF ra J r5 N r5 d AitaChment B Attachment C COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA TITLE: Work Session: ZMA 05-03 UVA Research Park (North Fork) at Airport Road BJEOTIPROPO AUREQUE T: ZMA 05 -03 is a request to rezone approximately 3 x.56 acres from RA to PDIP. The worksession is specific to discussion and recommendations on layout and overall design. STAFF: Elaine K. Echols, AIDP PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: Qctob .2 -6t 2045 January 31, 2006 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DATE: Net yet scheduled OWN ERICONTRACT PURCH ASE R: The University of Virginia Foundation owns the property and is also the applicant_ PRnPORAI.- The applicant is requesting this rezoning in order to expand the Research Park (formerly known as the North c=ork). The proposal includes 500,000 additional square feet for research, office. and other university related industrial activities which are allowed under the PD-1P zoning. The application plan is included as Attachment A_ The applicant is aware that the rezoning application includes portions of currently zoned land which will need to be included in the application. BACKGROUND: The University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation applied for and was granted a rezoning for the North Fork Research Park for 525 adjacent acres in 1996. In addition to the PD- IP approved uses. three special use permits were granted for laboratories, supporting commercial uses, and hotels/motels/inns. A copy of the proffers is included with Attachment 8_ In 1998, the Board approved an amendment to the district to allow setbacks to be ten feet from the internal streets within the development, A copy of the approval letter is included as Attachment O. DI DU IONIFINDIAi : Staff has reviewed the overall design of the park and believes that modifications are necessary in order to be in conformity with the Neighborhood Model- The applicant believes that the park is appropriate as presented. The purpose of this worksession is to gain feedback from the Commission relative to conformity with the Neighborhood Model and the rest of the Comprehensive Ilan. RECOMMENDATION: Staff asks the Commission to provide feedback and guidance to the staff and applicant on the appropriate design for the development. STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: ELAINE K. E HOLS, AICr 3ANUARY 31, 2006 MA 05-03 U A RESEARCH PARK AT AIRPORT (NORTH FORK) WORK SESSION Owner/ Contract Purchaser: The University of Virginia Foundation owns the property and is also the applicant. A piicant "s Proposal: The applicant is proposing to expand and enlarge the Research Park by approximately 30 acres and by building 500,004 more square feet than is currently approved, The current application plan shows development on both a portion of the existing PD- IP coned land as well as the additional 30 acres. The appearance indicated is one of an "office park ", similar to the Research Park owned by the Foundation on Fontaine avenue. tax rnap showing the parcels included in the development is Attachment D. The plan of development is included as Attachment A- P ctitiewi. bequest to rezone approximately 30,56 acres from RA Dural Area to P D I P Planned Development Industrial Park for 500,000 square feet of office and research use. The property, described as Tax Map 32 Parcels 18, 18a, and a portion of 6A is located in the Rio Magisterial District on the north side of Airport Road (Route 649) approximately one third of a mile from the intersection of Airport road and Route 29 North. The property is located in the Entrance Corridor (EC) Overlay District, The Comprehensive Plan designates these lands as Industrial Service in the Holl mead Community. General usage for Industrial Service is warehousing, light industry, research, heavy industry, office parks, supportive commercial and service and residential if cortipatible (density is not specified) General usage within the PDIP zoning district permits industrial and ancillary commercial and service uses. No residential uses are allowed. Purpose of Workcession: The worksession is designed for Planning Commission review of the overall design and layout of the proposed park. The Commission is asked to provide guidance to bath the staff and applicant on changes, if any, needed to bring the proposal into conformity with the Comprehensive Plan, Background: The University of Virginia Beal Estate Foundation applied for and was granted a retuning for the North Fork research Park for 525 adjacent acres in 1996. In addition to the PD -IP approved uses, three special use permits were granted for laboratories, supporting commercial uses, and hotelslmotelslinns. A copy of the prolfers is included witli Attachment B. In 1998, the Board approved an amendment to the district to allow setbacks to be ten feet from the internal streets within the development_ A copy ofthe approval letter is included as Attachment _ Conformity with the Land Use Recommendations in the Comprehensive Plan 'There are a number of recommendations in the Comprehensive Plan for which analysis cannot yet take place. As additional information is provided by the applicant, the rest of the assessment will be possible. There is one staternertt, however, which should be reviewed by the Commission before the project proceeds. I Recommendation from Land base Plan; Develop all industriallof ice areas in a highly sensitive manner that clusters development in suitable areas andproleers enviroamerrtal features through the provision oj`open space. For the area now referred 10 as tyre Nw-ih fork Research Park, lirrril development to .525 acres_ Total buildable area shall nol exceed 3, 000, 000 .s q Fiore feet. De velopm em of lire ent ire industrial area shall be pursuonr to on overall planned development under appropriale planned development zoning, Question for Planning Commission Should the statement above result in a prohibition of expansion of the U A Research Park? Staff Position: Staff believes that expansion of the UVA Research Park is not prohibited by the statement in the Comprehensive Plan. Placement of this statement in the Plan predated the rezoning of the Research Park. The language was included to stipulate the expected development of the land that at that time that would be subject to that rezoning. It was not intended to preclude additional area from being rezoned to an industrial designation, since the Land Use Plan designates more land than that subject to the Research Park rezoning as industrial Service. The current request for expansion of the research Park is irk this additional area. Principles of the Neighborhood Model Stag' has assessed the overal I design and layout of the park for conformity with the principles of the Neighborhood Model and provides the following assessment. Questions for the Commission are embcidded in the table where assessment of'the principle is made. Pedestrian Orientiatinn The proposal is for a suburban style "office park" designed in three different "clusters" with parking lots located to the sides of and behind buildings. (See Attachment E.) Pedestrian paths are highlighted on Attachment F. The paths dcmonstratc that pedestrian access is iatefldcd between buildings in the park and along portions of the drives and along Lewis and Clark Dr. The design of Lewis and Clark Drive was established with the prior rezoning. It is an urban section with 4 lanes separated by a median with trees. It has been approved for a six -foot asphalt path on the west side of the street. This path would riot meet current standards for either a sidewalk or multi - purpose (bicycle and pedestrian) use. Staff believes that either a concrete sidewalk or a wider multi- purpose asphalt path would be appropriate along Lewis and Clark, depending on the setbacks of buildings on Lewis and Clark and the ability to provide bicycle access through the site. An "urban " development would likely have on- street bicycle lanes and sidewalks separated from the street by street - trees. If the Commission supports the existing park design and layout, a wider asphalt path would be needed. A different design which promotes closer setbacks would need concrete sidewalks. 3 Pedestrian Staff supports the proposal to have pedestrian access along only one side of Orientation Lewis and Clark Drive because the east side of Lewis and Clark Drive abuts Continued a 50 foot buffered area to which pedestrian access is not essential_ The applicant has indicated that a► hierarchy of paths will be used that includes asphalt, concrete, and rustic components depending on the purpose of the pathway. Staff supports use of concrete sidewalks in areas where the most foot - traffic is expected. Staff supports use of asphalt paths where pedestrian access is provided through open space or as a second way to walk safely and conveniently within the park. 1. Is the design appropriate or.shoufdit be modified to be more in conformh Evith the NH? Is pedestrian access appropriate? 3. Should a ceircrete sidewalk be provided on one or both sides of Lewis and Clark rather than an as haft ath on one side? Neighborhood Accessways throughout the development are presented on the application Friendlv Streets plan as commercial driveways connecting parking lots and clusters. A and Paths hierarchy of driveways is shown on Attachment G. Streets are not really proposed. The primary driveways would not have perpendicular parking adjacent to them; the secondary drives would. Trees appear to line all of the driveways within the development. Staff does not believe this principle has been met and recommends that a redesign which includes streets as well as commercial driveways is more appropriate than the design shown. 1. .Should streer.r (efther public or private) rather fisa n corn"Perc'iaf drives Evirli parking kmv be used to help establish a better design and traffic circ•uffilien within the site? Interconnected The proposed plan shows a single street and no interconnections to Streets and adjoining parcels. A seri es of public and private streets (streets for the park "Transportation itself) may be most appropriate. The applicant has said that, "connections Networks to adjoining parcels and street systems do not reasonably relate to this project." 1 lowever, staff believes that a public or private street connection to the adjoining property to the west, which is zoned Ll is essential. 1. .Should air interconnectiort (or rnlerconnectiorsa) be made to /be rc, er , to III west? Parks and Open Open space is shown on Attachment H. The original rezoning for the Space Research Park provided open space at the entrance to this development as well as along several stream and sloped areas. Open space was also proposed for the buffer areas on the east side of Lewis and Clark Drive from its intersection with Airport Road. The butler areas to the east are to be retained in the new proposal The new proposal removes the open space at the entrance to the development and replaces it with buildings. Open space continues to be shown surrounding a wetland area and another open space area is provided at the rear of the development near a stream and stormwater facility. Staff believes that the Perks and Open i applicant intends to make the wetland area closer to the entrance into a Space Continued I feature. This area could be improved as an employee amenity area. The buiidi ngs appear to be similar to buildings at the Fontaine Research Park in scale and architecture. While the scale of the buildings at the Fontaine Park is not overwhelming, the location is critical in creating spaces of human scale. Staff would like to see a better relationship between buildings and the street in order to assess if appropriate spatial enclosare has been achieved. 1. Has the applicant approprralet4- providedfor buildings and spares of hrrman scale? Relegated Parking Generally, parking is relegated from Airport road and from Lewis and Clark Drive. No information has been provided to indicate how parking lots are to be screened, either with vegetation or using arc hitcctural treatments, from the various streets and driveways. Additional details are needed to ensure thatparlCiIg is apprciprraiL [l 5 tat Tis not concemed that open space along Airport Road would be converted to building area as the buildings are shown to establish a face to Airport Road, More information, though, is needed on the environmental lcatures of the site before this principle can be Fully assessed. Two streams traverse the property at the northwestem part of the site. Wetlands are knmNm to exist in an area shown on the plats. More potential wetlands may be identiffed near the streams_ 1. Sh ould the open space adjacent to Airport Roar[ appnwed on the 1996 fan be retained or should burldin s rorte Air ort Road? Neighborhood As previously stated in the section on "pedestrian orientation". the layout of Centers the park doesn't establish a "place " or "place" to which the surrounding streets and buildings relate. The previously approved Research Park identifies a town center in the iniddle of the development, The buildings proposed in the new section rebate sornewhat to the town center, although the walking distance for the closest buildings is approximately a half -mile away, The applicant has said that "the inclusion of support commercial uses will assist in the establishment of "centers" or gathering spots to support the Park and adjoining neighborhoods and uses." A difX rent design could help to create a walkable center closer to Airport Road_ Ft is also possible that the buildings along Airport Road could create a ne", center. The existing design does not really create centers but the applicant could use the commercial uses being requested by special use NTmit to help define such areas and provide destinations, I. Should centers he created within the park? . Should a ceeiter be established alogg A ort Road? Buildings and The applicant is proposing to apply to the new acreage a design code Spaces of] I unran prepared for the existing Research Park, Front setbacks are proposed at 12 Scala Fcet, side setbacks arc proposed at 15 feet. alid building heights are limited to 4 stories. Places where setbacks arc must irn pm-tan t in the proposed project are along Airport Road and Lewis and Clark. Drive. The nest of the setbacks would relate to internal driveways and parking lots. The buiidi ngs appear to be similar to buildings at the Fontaine Research Park in scale and architecture. While the scale of the buildings at the Fontaine Park is not overwhelming, the location is critical in creating spaces of human scale. Staff would like to see a better relationship between buildings and the street in order to assess if appropriate spatial enclosare has been achieved. 1. Has the applicant approprralet4- providedfor buildings and spares of hrrman scale? Relegated Parking Generally, parking is relegated from Airport road and from Lewis and Clark Drive. No information has been provided to indicate how parking lots are to be screened, either with vegetation or using arc hitcctural treatments, from the various streets and driveways. Additional details are needed to ensure thatparlCiIg is apprciprraiL [l 5 Mixture of Uses it is difficult to know or teI I how commercial uses would be integrated into this development, even though a request is made for approval of some commercial uses. It is also difficult to know what commercial uses are proposed. More specific information and cumrnitments are needed in order to assess whethor this principle is being met. At a minimum. the ratio or commercial and laboratory to the industriallresearch use is needed. Staff believes that a range of commercial uses should also be provided. 1. Should grea rer detail and corriniftnients be pro w'ded for eonomereial uses or are the enerui s eeia! use permit re uesls su rcient? No housing is proposed. Housing is not permitted by -right or by special _ Mixture of Housing Types and use in the PD-11' disuict. AfforJability Redevelupment This principle is largely not applicable because of the lame portion of undeveloped land; however, a small portion of the 30 acre tract proposed for addition to the park contains a house. Although the Virginia Department of Historic Resources has not surveyed the subject parcels for the presence of historic architectural an&or archaeological resources, County heal estate records indicate the presence ol'a c. 1925 single family dwelling. The applicant has been requested to document the buildings on TP 3 -1g prior to demolition and if anything pertaining to historical significance is found within the project area, to let the County staff know. Site Planning drat The Neighborhood Model recommends that development conform as best Respects Terrain possible to existing terrain. Where extensive grading is ne ded, though, to achieve other principles of the Neighborhood Model, large expanses of ;1 regraded slopes are to be avoided. Lame retaining walls should likewise be avoided. Because the site is rolling and 25% slopes are not shown to be impacted, in general. the proposed development respects the terrain. Where the plan appears to have prubli=s though is at the western perinicter where streams exist. A retaining wall of approximately 20 feet is shown on the plan. While retaining walls may be appropriate, they should be terraced with shorter wal Is rather than► be tall and cxpansivc. Additional environmental information is needed before this principle can be fully assessed. To date, the applicant has been requested to look for ways to gradr. the site in such a way that tall and expansive retaining walls or expanses of 2. I slopes are avoided. _ Clear Boundaries This principle is not applicable as the property dues not adjoin the Rural with the Rural Areas. Areas RECOMMENDATIONS The addition of 30 acres to a park o1'5 25 acres raises questions about the desired character of the new section of the park. It is common for staff to view the addition of small acreage to a larger development as a continuation ol'the previous form. in these instances, staff' dues not generally ask for changes to that form. Here, the 30 acre addition would be joined to anoxhier 27 acres which has access from Airport Road. Staff believes it possible and appropriate to establish a more urban character for this section of the park and carry this rorm along the Lewis and Clark Nve from Airport Road to it the first public street intersection shown on the previously approved plan. With 6 this in mind, staff concludes that the proposed development is not yet in sufficient accord with the Comprehensive Plan and especially with the Neighborhood Model. Staff ask s the Comm ission to answer the questions in the body of this report. Staff recommends that the Commission advise both staff and the applicant on whether and how to change the plan to conform with the Comprehensive flan so that next steps can take place_ In addition to the Commission's determination on general conformity with the Comprehensive Plan, staff asks that the Commission identify any additional areas for future discussion or problematic arras in need of resolution, ATTACHMENTS Attachment A — Application Plan dated 8/16/05 Attachment B — ProfRcrs from LMA 95 -04 Attachment (: — Approval letter for Setback Reduction dated May 26, 1999 Attachment D — Tax Map Ait sic hrnent E -- Building Organization for research Park dated October 05 Attachment F — Pedestrian system for research Park dated October 05 Attachment G — Driveway hierarchy for Research Park dated October 05 Attachment H — Open Space for Research Park dated October 45 7 C e a ti r w h ;7 �4 r � i a w V A a G 0 r� LU x n c 1§ 0 +,� m Q k L W^ pRod fw � 1 J JS 11 0 4 h+d I� �t • �1 s �1 bo 1� s �1 ir.+r � I .� �I �y y 8 �1 w 7—F G.i 6d E Ed Attachment P Al-fk 7 M COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept_ of planning & Community DaMopmenl 401 Mclnlire Road Charlottesville, VkSinia 229I]2.4596 (8N) m5m June 14.1996 Turn Rose Chief Operating Ofiica University of Virginia Deal Estate Foundation P, O. Bost 9023 Chorlottesville, VA 22903 RE: ZNIA -9S -04 - The University of Virginia meal Es la le Foundation Ek-ar W nose: The Albemarle. County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on .hone 12. 199¢, approved, tht a bovc -noted request to rezone Approximately 525 ac frorn RA, PD -1 P. R -1 & Ll to PD -IP and to amend sewer service boundaries of the Albemarle County Service Authori ty to include water and sewer for dtc North Fork Business Park. This request irw1udes the Ulo%ing spacial use, permits: SP -95 40 - Laboratories, medical or Pharmaceutical; SP -' 5-41 - Supporting commercjal use; SP -95 -42 - Hotels, motels & inns_ AD0lyrED the attached rrsolu6on approving ZMA -95 -04 w'd tic special use permits. If you should have any questions or conunents regarding the ab0Vr wted action, pl=c do not hesitate to contact mc, sincerely, 24� Ronald S, Kexrler Chief of Planning U Y R , cc: Amelia McCulley 40 Jo kf iggu►s I.' G F- NFfiALLSHARFaARBARAV MA95 -W ACT Attachment B RES0L'CTi'I0N TO APPROVE Z MA-9-5 .04 UNIVERSITY by VIRGINIA REAL- ESTATE FOUNDATION 49 Whereas, in accordance with Section 15,1 -431 of the Code of Virginia and Sea ion 33 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, a public hearing was advertised, adjoining properr owners notified, and a hearing scheduled on ZW 95 -04. University of Virginia Real Estate Foundarion, to consider the rezoning of approximately 525 acres from RA, PD -IP, R -I, and LI to PD -1P, as more Particularly identified in the zoning application; and N hereas, this application and the attached Proffers are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, good zoning practices, and supported by the reasons set forth in the staff report. Now. Therefore, Be It Resorted Char, the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle Count}, Virgirxia hereby approves MA -95 -04 with proffers, such proffers being dated March 2 1, 1996 and being attached hereto and made a part of this approval. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. that included within this approval is the approval of the following sper`ial use permits with the stated conditions: 41 (A) - -40 IkWAW=, conditioned upon: 1 • Compliance with Section 4.14 Performance Standards of the Zoning Ordinance; . ' Building location shall nor be less than thirty {3 0) feet from The perimeter buffer areas to adjoining properties not lc rated within the development. (B) SE-95-41 -Su'paming e- KWalm, conditioned upon: 1. In addition to proffered lirrritation not to exceed f)vc (5%) percent of total floor area, commercial uses shall not exceed ten (10%) percent of total floor area at any Lime during Phased development. W Attachment 8 �I.tels. Inns, conditioned upon: t . Not more Ehan one hotel, motel, of inn shall be permitted, Such hotel, motel, or inn shall not exceed two hundred fifty (250) lodging rooms. Conference facilities (other than €hose as may be provided by individual occupants) shall not be required to locate internal to nor on the same site as the hotel/rnotellinn, but total gross floor area of lodging and conference Facilities shall not exceed 190,000 square feet. The time lirnit to commence the above special uses shall be extended for so long as the application plan for ZMA -95 -04 remains valid. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that there are no Modifications pursuant to § 8.5.5 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, but the following Findings are stated for purposes of cIarification: 1. Uses and treatment of "open space" shall be as defined in and governed by the proffers. Since- "open space" is not required For a Planned Development - Industrial Park and provision of open space is vOluntMil proffered by the applicant, the open space areas shall not be governed by Section 4.7 of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. The approval of the special use permits with the extended tirne for €omrr►endrtg the uses shall not preclude the Board from revoking any spedal use permit for wilful noncompliance as set Forth in Section of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, 3. The terms General Office, Light Industrial and Rex Industrial as set forth in UREF, Volume 1, Part IBC of the zoning application shall, in addition to Zoning Ordinance definitions, guide the Zoning Administrator in use determinations. In the event of definitional convict between the Zoning Ordinance and UREF descriptions, UREF descriptions shall apply. In such case in width more that fifty (30%) pexcent of the floor area for a Flex Industrial use is developed to office use, the entire floor area shall be deemed to be General Office. In such case in which less than fifty (50%) percent of the floor area for a Flar Industrial use is devoted to office use, the Page 2 of Attachment B entire floor area shall be deemed to be Light Industrial. This provision shali apply only for determination of maximum square footage by type of use. This provision shall not apply to calculation of parking rcquiremcnts or other requircments of the Zoning Ordinance, nor to any requirements of the Uniform Statewide .Building Code nor to any other ordinance or regulation related to f}►pe of usage of buildings and structures. f, Ella W. Carey. do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true. correct copy of a Resolution duly adopted by t}le Board of Supervisors o lbemarIc Count} b vote of 4 to on June �� 1996, 0 ZMA95,q4. Page 3 of Clerk, Board of bounty Sup • Visors 1 0 Attachment B PROFFER STATEMENT UNIVERSM OF VIRGNIA REAL ESTATE FOLWDATION 0 Final Version: March 21, 1996 40 )I Attachment B Pi OIiFER STxrENIENT UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA REAL ESTATE FOUNDATION REZONING APPLICATION: #ZMA -95 -04 - Final Version: March 21, 1996 University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation (the, "Applicant), Through its Wholly-owned subsidiary, UREF Research Park, Inc, is the fce simple owner of that ceaain property described in rezoning application #ZMA-95-04 as Tax Map Rcference 32, Parcels 4B, 6A, 6, IS and 19, less and except Parcels F -2 and 89.1 described herein (the "LFREF Property,). 1vlicroAirc Surgical Instruments. Inc. is the fee simple owner of Paxel F -2, more particularly described on the a«achcd Exhibit 1.1 (the "MicroAire Property "), Motion t:ontro] Industries. Inc. is the fee simple owner of Parcel B9.1, more particularly described on the attached Exhibit 1.1 (the "Motion Control property,). The UREY' Property, the MicroAire Property and Motion Control Property are referred to collectively as the "Property ". Applicant. [,]REF Research Park. Inc_, MicroAirc Surgical Instruments, Inc. arid Motion t~ontrol Industries, Inc. hereby voluntarily+ proffer that if the Properly is rezoned by the Board of SupervisDrs of Albemarle County (the "Board ") to the Planned Development Industrial Park ( "PD- IP " ), dcvelolaincn of the Property small be in accordance with the following proffers pursuant to Section 15.1 - 491. 2 :1 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended (the " Code"), and applicable portions of ;he Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance (the "Ordinance "), If Applicant's Rezoning Application is denied, these proffers shall immediately be nuil and void and of no further force or effect. All of these proffers are offered voluntarily pursuant to the Ordinance and relevant sections of the Code. The proffers herein shall not be irlterprewd to authorize any person to apply lesser standards than Those contained in any: (i) state statutory, regulatory or code minimum standards, or (ii) County ordinance or regulation, including the Ordinance. except as permitted by the regulations of the PD Zoning District. These proffers shalt supersede all other proffers made prior hereto, including those proffers made by Applicant in 11 A- 78 -15. 1. REZONrNG REZONING APPLICATION PLANS AND ILLEIST ATIONS: 1.1 PI rks and Illuscrations , Applican[ has presented, as part of its Rezoning Application. a number of conceptual plans and illustrations for various purposes, but }principally to provide justification for the rezoning aetian which it seeks. and to illustrate the process through which the Applicant developed its proposal. Applicant's development of the Property (also referred to herein as the "Project ") shall be in accordance with Applicant's Zoning Application Plan (the ,Zoning Application Plank'), as provided in the Ordinance. Unless specifically referenced in [here proffers, all plans and illustrations submitted as part of Applicant's rezoning application shall be deemed illustrative only, and such plans and illustrations shall no[ be deemed proffers- 11 Plan Exhibits. Thcsc proffers shall include the foilowing plans, width (except, for the �ning Application Plan) arc limiter] to the purpose for which they are referenced in a proffer: 1� ! Attachment B * Zoning Applica[ion Plan • torrtt a[er Management Plan. Exhibit 4.2 * Internal Road Network Plan, Exhibit 5.1 • Road Hetwork Phasing flan, Exhibit 5,3 • Open Space System Phasing Plan, Exhibit 6.1 it. OWNERS ASSOCIATION AND DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONINTIONS AND RESTRICTIONS 2.1 DeCIATatiGn, The Applicant shall prepare and place on the property wit,lin six (G) months of the rezoning. a Declaration of C:ovenant5, Co nditions and Restrictions (the "Declaration "). The Declaration's purpose will be to facilitate the Planning arld developnicnt of the Property in a unified and consistent mariner. The Declaration shall set forth covenants, cottditioas and restrictions for private enforcement anly by owners withirt the Project. The clear intent of the Declaration will be that the County of Albemarle will have no rights or obligations to enforce such covenants, conditions and restrictions. The Declaration shall not be interpreted as authorizing any relaxation of state or Albemarle tvounty regulatory or Minimum code standards. except as allowed by the regulations of tilt PD Zoning District. 2.2 Masi n Standards. The Declaration shall impose design and archi[ectut -al guidelfties for each development area within the Property; the architectural and design standards for the respective developmert areas ([lie "Design Guidelines ") will ensure high duality architectural and landscape �esign and a h8rmonious, well-balanced business comnYUnity. 2,3 fixed Standards. (a) The following elements of the resign Guidelines shall be referenced in the Declaration: (i) Types of materials to be used in constriction of buildings; (ii) Required setbacks frora properties adjacent to the Project, lot/building ratios, height restrictions; and (iii) Types of materials to ba used and standards for landscaping. 2. 4 D"i n tzidclirnes. The Design Guidelines also shall: (a) Provide the standards far develoPmeni within the Project and explain how such standards are implemented; {b) Provide for creation of a Design Review twomtnittee orz which the Applicant shall have a Permanent seat unless or until the University of Virginia occupies at Jcast one seat. (The County of Albemarle will not participate on such Design Review Attachment B Committee. The Design Guidelines shall not be interpreted as supplanting any applicable design review by the County's Architectural Review Board): (c) Provide an outline of the procedures and contacts for approvals by the Design Review Committee in connection with design and constructiDn within the Project; and W Include recommendations to users for water conservation techniques (such as low flow showers and toilets, water- conserving landscaping techniques, wager reclamation, and water reusey 2,5 Maintenance of Q ornmQn Areas. The Declaration shall provide a mechanism for establishing and maintaining all common areas within the Prcjee[, including the following: (a) The Applicant shall either: i) organize a North Fork Owners Association or such other private, area or business associations as may be necessary to address specific area or business concerns of the project (the "Organi sion(s) ") as iron -stock organizations under the laws of Virginia For the ownership, care and inainicnacce of all such lauds and improvemerus owned or entrusted to such association (the "Commort Areas "): or ii) directly control such ownership, care and maintenance of Gammon Arcas, unless or until a public body or a Bove mental agency assumes control and /or ownership of such Common Areas. (b) The Organization(s), if formed, shall be bound by the Declaration's covenants, conditions and restrictions rurining with the laird. The Applicant or such Organizadon(s) shall be responsible for the perpetuation, maintenance and function of all Common Areas, including lands, uses and facilities located therein, (c The Applicant ar such Organizations} shall provide a meam for identifying Common Areas as to loeaticnr size, use and control in one or more restrictive covenants, and such Mvenants shall ser forth the method of asscssrncnt For the maintenance of such Common Areas. The Declaration's method of identifying Common Areas shall not supersede arty applicable regTArern"ts to identify common areas in a site development plan or plat, (d) The Declaration shall he in full force and effect for a }period of not less than twertly -five (5) years and shall be automatically extended for successive periods of twenty -five (25) years unless terminated in a manner set forth in the Declaration. (c} If created, the Organization(s) shall continue in effect so as to control the availability of the facilities and land thereby provided and [o maintain the Common Areas for their intended Function, Such Organizations) shall not be dissolved nor shall such Organization(s) dispose of any Common Area space, by sale or otherwise, except to snceessor orgarntz,ations conceived and organized under the 3 f� Attachment B sarne standards and principles set Forth herein for the Organization(s) to oven and maintain the Common Areas. 0 III. DENSITY 3.1 TOW $uildout. Total gross floor arcs within the Project shall not exceed 3,000,000 square fete, excluding reEycling centers, picnic shelters, fire and emergency response station(s), office trailers for temporary use during construction of permanent structures, small (not to exceed 1540 grass floor area per building) storage -buildings, and structures included as amenities within Common Areas (collectively, the "Excluded Ares "). In the first year of development of [he project, from the date of the County's approval of [he Applicant's rezoning. (the 'Initiaa dear "} total gross floor area within the Project shall nut exceed 500,000 square feet, (ecoluding the Excluded Areas and the total gross floor area either existing on tho NficroAjye Property, or as approved on the preliminary site plan far the Motion Control Property). After the Initial Year. the total grass Boor area within the Project which may be constructed in ally one year shall not exmed 200,000 square Feet, l�us ally accumulated undeveloped square Peet of gross floor area. Far the purposes o this Sections 3.1, accumulated undeveloped square Net of gross floor area shall mean the sure of any square feet of gross floor area allowed but not developed its the Initial Year and the square feet of gross floor arcs less than 200,000 square feet aot developed in each subsequent year to that date. IV. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT AND WATER CONSERVATION 4.1 PLt. The area of the 100 -year flood plain within the Project shall remain undisturbed except for road crossings, public utility facilities and their crossings, and pedestrian and oding trails, and only to the extent such exceptions are permitted by County ordinances and g Ulations. 41 Sto wa r mans a ent pl . The Applicant shall implement (as part of the site development plan approvals) an overall stormwater management plan For the Project, incorporating the applicable drainage sheds oft the Prggenp and in accordance with the Stormwater Marragenrent Ptan, attached as Exhibit 4.2. Applicant's implementation of the Stosmwater Management Plan shall include those modifications that comply with design and engineering standards necessary for appro h l i the County during the site development plan review process for Project development. 4.3 d-s- Wetlands, as dented by the Federal Manuol for I'dentif in and elineatin Vegetated Wellands, in a #felt on the date of these proffers. shall no[ be disturbed in the Project e for the installation and use of roads, permanent retention ponds, utilities and walking trails, or any xcept other uses approved by the County after obtaining all necessary federal, state and local permits and approvaIs, 4-4 Ne single industrial or cOmmercial user which proposes a use that Mil require more than 125,000 gallon per day (average daily consumption) of potable water shall tie constructed without obtaining County approval. The Caunty shall consider whether to approve such a user through the same procedures as requited in an application for special use permit (including the same notice requirements, public hearings, and Planning Commission review as in the process For �nsidering a special use permit)_ The County's approval shall be limited solely to issues of water 4 Attachment B usage anil mus; include a findjng that sufficient capacity exists to support such a tizer, The County's approval may include reasonable conditions relating to water usage. V. TRANSPORTATION 5.1 Internal Road- AIe[work. Applicant shall prcvlde vehicular access within the Project by art internal road network generally in the locations shown c the attached Exhibit 5,x, ("Inertial Road Network "). Applicant shall design; construct, and install signs and signalization for the Internal Road Network in accordance with minimum standards of [lie Virginia Department of Transportation ("VDOT"), unless VDUr approves a lesser standard at Applicant's request. Applicant shall make the necessary modifications to previously constructed intersections to the extent that subsequent development of areas within the Project impacts such prcviously constructed intersections, including modification of the Internal Road Network ork design and signalization for such intersections. The exact location of roadways depicted on Exhibit 5.1 shall be subject to adjustment during the subdivision platlsite plan approval process, is 5.2 Road Cnnstructi n Stands (a) All internal roads which serve an area submitted to the County for site plan approval, (and other Internal Road Network irnprovemernts which VDOT and the County reasonably determine are necessary for safe and convenient access to such area) shall be Constructed or bonded for constttrc #ion and dedicated for public use, for acceptance into the state highway system at the tune of recordation of [he final subdivision plat recordation for each applicable area or at the time of issuance of a certificate of occupancy for development u[rder a site development plan. M Applicant shall construct the Internal Road Network in phases according to Exhibit 5.3. The proffer to construct roads to VDOT standards stall not require completion of commCticn of such roads, or segments thereof, before the issuance of the first certificates of occupancy for a building served by that road, or segment thereof, so long as adequate bonds are in place and so long as the Zoning Administrator determines that safe and convenient access to public roads is preserved in accordance with Section 31,2.3 of the Ordinance. Before issuance of certificates of occupancy, however Applicant shall complete that segment of road which serves the building for which a certificate of occupancy is sought with at least the base and one (1) layer of plant mix asphalt. The final layer of plant mix asphalt may be withheld until all sewer lines, water lines and other conduits have been placed under the pavement but will be completed to an approved VDOT Pavement depth and design before [he request for VDOT acceptance of the road. Applicant shall be responsible for [he maintenance of the roads within the Internal Road Network until they have been accepted into the state system for maintenance. 5 Attachment 13 5.3 P ases ref I] velnptnent. The fallowing Sr. hedule shall appi for dcterinitiing the tirt�in road improvemcros set ford, in 5.4 below. g of 0 Maximum Toiai Build -out, Phase I (all uses) 950,000 3 PHASE 11 Maximum Ian L1sc1 Cumulative Build -out 2 General Office: 1,068,000 Support CO tnmercla1 110,000 Hotel: 190 AW Maximum Total Build -out, Phase Ii' (all uses) 1 56 ,000 � 1'HA E Ill Maximum land ]se 1 urnulative Build -out � cncraI Office: 2,300,000 Support commercial: Hotel; 110,0 l90,OQD Maximum Total Build -out, Phase Ill[ (all uses) V0p Q00(3} R S lA Land ,Us Maximum CunniTative Maximum Build -out to be build-nub accessed by road A (ail uses): Support Commercial tU 85,000(2) 635,000 M ' Huild -ou( 10 be accessed by Rt. 606 {all uses). eneral Office limited to: 120,000 345,000 Support CGmmerclal limited to: 25.W[) 0 Maximum Toiai Build -out, Phase I (all uses) 950,000 3 PHASE 11 Maximum Ian L1sc1 Cumulative Build -out 2 General Office: 1,068,000 Support CO tnmercla1 110,000 Hotel: 190 AW Maximum Total Build -out, Phase Ii' (all uses) 1 56 ,000 � 1'HA E Ill Maximum land ]se 1 urnulative Build -out � cncraI Office: 2,300,000 Support commercial: Hotel; 110,0 l90,OQD Maximum Total Build -out, Phase Ill[ (all uses) V0p Q00(3} R S Attachment B (1) late; The use categories in tine charts above shall have the following definitions for the purposes of this Article V: "Oeneral Office" shall mean busirzrs and professional office uses as contemplated in the Zoning Application Plan and Zoning Application text. "Hotel" shall gave 11 i definition se[ forth in the Ordinance. "Support Commercial" shall mean those uses listed on the "Ion- Residential Land Use Guidelines" Table, Village and Neighborhood Service Areas, Typical Primary Uses Srccjon, in Section 9.0 of the Ordinance n.well as the following uses: copy centers. florists, newsstands, pipe and tobacco shops, barber and beauty shops and tailor shops. (?) Date; Total grass floor area, in square Feet. (3) dote; Nothing contained herein shall restrict Applicant from altering the mix of Land use types within any Phase of development in accordance with the Project Zoning Application Plan. Applicant proffers that the total build -out of hotel, General Office and ?Jpport Commercial use for any given Phase shall not exceed the gross floor area limitatiam shown in the charts above. 5.4 Proffered Road Improvements. Applicant shall design. construct and/or contribute for road improvements in phases. road improvenzcnt proffers in this section 5,4 shall not include dedicattan of land unless expressly provided for herein, All construction by Applicant of offsite road improvements shall be conditioned upon the County or VDOT obtaining required fight-of-Way. (if such right -of -way is not owned in fee simple by Applicant), uriless expressly provided herein. So long as Applicant is ready, willing and able to construct an improvement as provided in these proffers, even though the necessary right-of-way is not available. (and in the instances in which Applicam has Wffered to acquire right.-Of-way, and the Applicant has made good faith efforts to acquire the land cessary for such righ( -of -way) Applicant shall not be precluded from developing the approved density build -out tinder the applicable zoning, unless the improvemarlt is otherwi se required by applicable regulations or ordinances. Unless air earlier time is required below, the road improvements described in this Section 5,4 for each applicable phase shall be completed or bonded, or contributed for (as set forth below), before ecnstructing each phase's Maximum Total Build -out as set forth in 5,3 above. (a) Applicant shall satisfy the following phase I road praf#'ers .before the Maximum 'T'ot'al Build -out, Phase I (as shown in 5.3 above) is constructed or earlier if (i) specified in this 5.4 (a ), or (ii) a geed is created by such development and is demonstrated by a traffic study approved by VDOT. Ire general, the proffered Phase f road improvements shall be as described OR FXhibit 5.3 attached hereto. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Applicant shall be permitted to construct beyond the Total Maximum Build -out. Phase f in advance of satisfying all Phase I road proffers, if a traffic study approved by VDOT demonstrates that the following intersections win hsnction, with the proposed additional building construction, at a Level of Service "D" (LOS D) or hetter: (i) Route 649 and Road A, (ii) Route 606 and Quail Run, (iii) Route 646 and route 649. and (iv) Road A and U.S. 29. (l) Applicant shall design and construct a northbound turn lane from Route 606 onto Quail Run for approximately 150 feet €rorn the existing intersection. 7 2D Attachment B () Applicant shall acquire (or reimburse the acquiring governmental entiryf for acquisition costs, if Applicant is unable tq acquire) right of way For, design and construct two northbound right turn lanes an U-S. 29 at the interscecioil of road A (North Fork Entrance) and U.S. 29. Applicaru snail acquire (or reimburse the acquiring governmental entity For acquisition casts, if Applicant is unable to acquire) right of war for, design and construct a "channellzed southbound right turn lane ore U3. 29, The Road A exit shall include dedication, design and canstrucrion of two eastbound left turn lanes and tWo eastbound right turn lanes. Thy entrance a[ Road A also shall include dedication. design and construction of two westbound through lanes, (3) Applicant shall install, or pay for the installation of all traffic signals necessary for appropriate traffic control at the improved intersection at U.S_ 9 and Road A no later than completion of the two northbound left rurn lanes on U,S, 29 (referenced in proffer 5.4(a)(2) above). tf an add i ionaI road is added to such intersection to satisfy needs of other development in the County however, Applicant's signalization requirement ,shall not iriciude irnprovernen[s serving such additional road. (4) PMvidcd that all construction of the turn lanes is corriplcted within 10 years from the date of final approval of this Application, Applicant shall cOntribule upon completion of two left turn lanes a[ the intersection of U.S. atad Route 49, the total sum of $78,71$.00 (Applicant's "Contribution"). Notwilt landing the Foregoing, [he Applicant's ontribution map be used, at [he County's discretion, to fund prior to completion of the project, a portion of the design and engineering costs izt order to expedite the widening of Route 649 from two lanes to four lanes so tang as Applicant is afforded the opporniriity [o participate in such design slid engineering process. In the event that the Contribution, after it is received by the County. is not used. within 10 years either for construction Of the turn lames. or for the design and engineering costs for Route 649 widening, then the Contribution shall be returned to the Applicant, without irt[Cre'St, (b) Applicant shall satisfy the following Phase 11 road proffers before the Maximum Total Build -our, Phase iI is constructed (but oat before the Maxirnum Total Build - out, Phase I is constructed) (As sec forth in 5.3 above) of earlier if (f) specified in this 5,4 (b), or (ii) a nr-ed is created by such development and is demonstrated by a traffic study approved by VDOT (provided however that if [hr, site development Plan review process does not otherwise require Applic= to supply a traffic study. Applicant will provide at least a [raffle count upon [he County's rcques[ for evidencr. that such need hna not been created). (1) Applicant shall design, dedicate, and construct within the project a two lartc collector road extending frorrt U.S. 29 to Rou[c 649 through the North Fork Project within six months of the issuance. of [he fjrsc certificate of occupancy A Attachment B for a building eclistructed after construction of the Maximum Total Build, cut, Prase I (980,000 gross floor area)_ Applicant shall dcd-Ecale and widen to Four lanes the Iwo lane collector road extending from U.S. 29 to 649 wheel traffic volumes wilhirl the Project crease the nerd for such widening. (2) Applicant shall design, dedicate and construct at the Route 649 entrance- -two southbound WE turn lar}es on Road A, one southbound right turn lane on Road A, and two northbound through lanes on Road A. (3) Applicant shall comtruct at the intersection at toad A and Route 649, one wesEbound right turn lane on Route 649, and one eastbound left turn lane on Route 649, (4) Applicant shall design and install all traffic signals necessary for appropriate Eraff c control at tine intersection of route 649 rind R4aad A as improved in satisfying these Phase 11 road proffers, but no later Chart when a need is created by the Project. (c) C011s #ruction of imgrovemenIs may proceed up to the Maximum Total Build -out, Phase III described in 53 above if any one of the following conditionq shall have been satisfied (but such conditions shall not be conditions for constructing the Maximum Total Build -out for Phases I and 11), (1) Applicant shall design and construct (within existing right of way) the addition of a third southbound through lane on U_S. 29 from the entrance to porch Fork at Road A to Route 649. In the alternative, if VDOT requires, and at the County's direction, Applicant shall contribute an amount equal to the design and coMtMC60n costs which world oz.herwise be contributed by Applicant for an additional southbound through lane on U.S. 29 for the Purpose of constructing of a grade separated interchange at the intersection of Route 29 and the entrance to Noah Fork. Nothing contained herein however shall be deemed to be a proffer by Applicant to construct such a grade separated interchange. () Before the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy for improvements in excess of the Total Maximum Build -out, Phase II, VDOT shall have approved funding For the design and construction of the widening of Ul S. 29 to six through lanes bet etn the entrance to North Fork at RDad A to route 649. (3) Construction may nevertht less continue in excess of the Total Maximum Build -out, Phase 11 (but in no event bey .ond the limitation contained in 3.1) without all the road imps- ovemems raving been completed as contemplated in (1) and (2) above so long as Applicant can demonstrate to VDOT through traffic studies approved by VDOT that acceptable levels of service (LDS 9 2.2: Attachment B "D ". or better Far U.S. 29 and Route fi49 intersection) can be mailrtained with existing, or altcmativc imPravements, (d) App Iicam shall dedicate within its Project, an area necessary for construction of grade separated interchange. The approximate locatiort shall be as designated on Exhibit 5,3 as "Future R i&Iit of Way area For Tirade Separated Interchange.° Applicant shall dedicate such area wilh= consideration, and when the interchange is to be constructed, it is Applicant's desire to participate in the design for such interchange so that Applicant may preserve the aesthetic fearures of the Project's entrance. - I. RECREATIONAL AREAS AND OPEN SPACE 6-1 Developed Recreational Areas. Applicant sli:kll dcvclop active recreation and picnic areas U Shown on the attached Ope115 pace ystem Phasing PIan (Exhibit 6 .l) - Phasing of the Open Space System irnprovetncM Shall foI €ow the phasing schedule of proffered road irnproveinents as set forth in 5.4 above. Far - xample, those open space isnpmverneats described for Phase I on Exhihir 6- 1 shall be completed before construciion of the Ma ximum Total Build out, Phase 1, as set forth in 5 -3. Such recreation areas, unless conveyed to the County, shall bu maintained by the Applicant or an appropriate Organization for use by users within the Project. Applicant shall coixvey to the County, without cansideratiun, the ball fields depicted c Exhibit 6.1- Active recreation areas will not be lighted with field or stadium lighting. 61 Onen Spa ce- Applicant shall restrict development of areas not shown as developrnent Parcels on the Open Space System Phasing Plait, subject to boundary adjustrmem once boundaries are Otablished by plat (and the boundaries later shown on plats may be adjusted from those depicted on xhibit 6 -1). In no event will the total area of such undeveloped areas, including the Green Bell (defined in 6 -3 below), Puffer areas (defined in 7. 2 below), and recreation areas described in those Proffers be €ess than a total of 200 acres- These areas shall be for the use and enjoyment of the residents of the Project, subject to the restrictions imposed by the Declaration. Applicant may dedicate such undeveloped areas to the !north Fork Owners Associailon or to an appropriate Organization- No structural imprevemenm other than titili(ies, pedestrian and riding trails, and Common Area amenities shall be constructed in these areas. Applicant does not intend by this proffer to subject these areas to Section 4.7.3 of the Ordinance, if such areas are not currently governed by such ordinance. 3 Rivanna rein Belt. Applicant shall reserve a 100 fort wide area along the boundary of the Property artd adjacent to the Rivanna Diver ("Green Belt'). No structural improvements �othcr than pedestrian, and riding trails, and utilities) shall be constructed, or erected within the Green Belt Without the consent of the County, Applicant may grant across the Green pelt utility easements, and access easements to the Rivarrna, Rivcr for [hc users within the Project and their guests, artd may at its option, build pedestrian and riding trails or similar uses of the area, 'T`he Green Belt shall remain undeveloped except for pedestrian and riding trails and to the extent necessary to accommodate utilities crossings. At such time as the County decides to establish along the Rivanna River a public area or park within the Green Belt, and upon a request by the County, Applicant shall convey the Green Belt to the County without consideration, provided the uses allowed for utilities, and pedestrian Sd riding trails, etc, are reserved in the deed. The Greert Belt may continue to be maintained by the pplicant, at its option. 1H 23 Attachment 8 A Cemetery_ and Ice Pat Site. Applicant shall not disturb the cxisting Family cemetery located approximately in the area as shown or} the Open Space System Phasing Plan. Applicant shall complete within one year of these proffers, a preservation plan which incorporates the cemetery, ice house and formr-r homestead Site into the development of the Project. Oncc completed, the tservatian plan shall be filed with the CounEyF to accornparty these proffers. The preservation plali ail memorialize the historical significance of this site, consistent with the wishes of the family of those interred in the cemetery. The plan shall include a strategy for preserving these sites. The plan shall 1i-- implemented as be areas surrounding the sites are developed or as necessary in order to prevent further degradation of the sites from the date of these proffers, V11. LANDSCAPING AND BUFFERING 7, l Landscaping. The Applicant shall landscape all Project roads in accordance with the standards contained in the "Exhibit D. UREF's Forth Fork Street Tree Master Plan ", fled with the Albemarle County Plarming onunission on Ixlovembcr 1, 1994. Placement of trees and underground utilities shall be designed to avoid root in(erfcr=ce with such utilities. 7.2 Buffer Areas, applicant shall not disturb the Buffer Areas as depicted on. the Zoning Application Plan, other than to: i) construct signage, fences or walls, ii) rernove underbrush, or iii) plant landscaping trees for screening, Applicant shall plant additional landscaping in Buffer Areas as reasonably required for screening. Applicant shall plant durable trees on parcel B -7 (as identified err the Zaniiig Application Plan) prior to cornmming construction of improvements on parcel B -7. The Purpose of planting additional trees in (his area, will be to provide screening to adjoining residences. VIII. FME STATION 8.1 Fire Station. Applicant shall dedicate to the County, at County's request, up to a maximum of Five acres for 'he purpose of construction by the Count} of a fire and emergency response facility; provided however, that Applicant shall not be required to dedicate such land until the County has included such a facility in its Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). The five acre parcel shall be located on Parcel D in the area designated on the Zoning Application Plan, This }gaffer may be satisfied by Applicant's acquiring and dedicating an alternative parcel of land located offsite that is acceptable Eo the County. So that the Project's design integrity, as contemplated in Applicant's Design Guidelines, may be maintained it is Applicant's desire that it be consulted on the exterior design of the fire station if it will located within the Project. Applicant shall contribute funds far, or provide directly through its own programs, hazardous materials training for County fire and emergency personnel. Applicant's contribution of funds small be limited to funding for up to 2 sessions a year for 3 Years, beginning with the completion of rile County's fire Mtion. 8,2 No Hazardous materials, including medical wastes shall be disposed within the Project, 8. 3 Dis ositiori Of IDedicalgd. Pro ert , In the event any of the property dedicated to the County Pursuant to proffers 5.4(b)(1) and (2), ,4(d), 6.1, 6.3. and 8.1 is not used for the purpose for which it is proffered, with such use being undertaken within twenty (20� years of receipt of the property by �e County, oxen the property shall be used as open space. 24 Attachment B IX. PROJECT PROGRESS REPORT Q 9.1 Project Re rt, Applicant shall submit a report to the Dcpartnient of Planning arLd ommunily Development, or its successor, every 3 years. The report shall outline [tic development activity in the Project over the applicable period, X. SIGNATORY 10.I Certifi cate. The undersigned certifies that they arc the only 0wnex-s of the Property which is the subject c tilis application. 10.2 The Applicant_ These proffers small run with the property and each reference to the "Applicant" within these proffers shall include within its mearnin , and shall be binding upon, Applicant's successar(s) in interest andior ttse developers} of the Property nr any portion of the Property. 0 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA RIVAL ESTATE FOUNDATION By: I I Title. c-- V IJI EF RESEARCH PARK, INC. By:,�- Title: t .ta LC MOTION CONTROL MDUSMIES, INC. By: Title: I 11CROAJRE SURGICAL)NSTRUMENTS, INC, By: ��.. A Tide: e ',c fk, 4 12 Attachment B it is proffered, with such use being undertakers within twenty (20) years of recerp[ of the proper[y h%- the County, then the property shall be used as open space. ix_ PROJECT PROGRESS REPORT 9.1 Project Report. Applicant shall submit a report to the Department of Planning and Community Development, or its successor, every 3 }ears. The report shall outline the development activity in the Project over the applicablc period. X. SIGNATORY 10,1 Cerllficate. The undersigned certifies that they are the only Owners of the Property which is the subjeeE of this application. 10.2 The Applicant- These proffers shall run with the Propc y and each refererice to the "Applicant" within these proffers shall include Wilhin its meaning, and shall be binding upon, Applicant's successor(s) in interest andler the dcveloper(s) of the Property ar any portion of the Property. • 40 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA REAL ESTATE FOUNDATION Hy: Title; UREF RESEARCH PARK, INC. Tay: Title: MOTION CONTROL INDUSTRIES, INC. Fly. r --e ._ A MICROAM -E SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, INC. $y:, Title: 12 Attachment 8 STATE 0 iTY /COUN'CY OF -,— -i'he foregoing instrument WRs acknowledged before me this 4 day of. 1996, by the Universi ty of Virginia Real Estate Foundation 0 r behalf' of the Foundation. My cornmission expires: 0q-, _ r [SEAL] Notary Public STATE OF � ; ; CfTYICOUNTY OF The Foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me [his day of �y r; 7 by - , f1,cr.a r I� - 4_% on � behalf of #:IR ct -rte, MY commission expires., �tJ [SEAS] Nclary €'ubli 0 I 2� Attachment 8 STATE OF TY/COUNT`f O The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 1996, by l €: - LL-it ... of the University of 'Virginia Real LO Estate Foundation on behalf of the Foundations. My comrrsission expires, c, Q - 3 c> - q , [SEALI STATE OF ITYIC UNTY OF Notary Nblic The foregoing instrument. was acknowledged before me this day of f 4w 6, by _x_.u. 0 f24"-W— , on. behalf of U1 EF Research Park, Inc- y commission expires: t� [SEAL] Notary Public c: 14 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged befote me this _TLA days of 1996, by . - - -, , orl behalf of motion Control Industries, Irrc, My cor�xrrtissiorl expires ; + � (SEAL] - Nory Public 1 DIANE M. CALVIN Nol" Publkc, Slate of Now York No. 50G8517 Guaiilled in Onond4gi County CUMmisrian Er,p,r" Fat,ruary 22, 19-1:7 P-j U;UJRllt995D0 pRF.4ZCC.DOC 0 #5 Attachment B 21 Attachment B NORTH FORT _ BUSINESS PARIS OF W ti� I•.s i� I ��y��trlti� � + Notes Adjju'nt Owners Approxinuir Metm and Bounds Land U!;m �,._, -� -T.- �; ` �` � a •� rte.,..... ZONING APPUCATION PLAN Syr university of ifamu" 1ie�l Fsla�p F4luldah4n ��+ McKee raaati Attachment B FORTH FORD BUSINESS PARK AhCM"ry,*ujW" J r • T p¢L rr53 UniWcmty of Virg p Re�j Book Fuundita0al OFF -SITE AND W�iAL ¢-+'* Y•rY ROAD PHASING Markr /c= a.r.rr 1 NORTH FORK . BUSINESS 'ARK -.. . Alb"-"C�Ly. VJFVLr� y� b -rw ROAD i i 2 -ba vr,�rs LSK7 + 1G TOM R{ f5 . .p ?dotes s�� =+�•• +ter- ...�... r E1CF'RB1T5.1 U1LLmsily of VLJ ginli Rea4 Fsra* Nundadon I1VI'ERNAL ROAD NETWORK M{ ,"2 Cusc W..,i...... • w� Attachment B 3 2 i= +k .4 COUNTY OR ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planntny & Camn7unity Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virsinia 2M,45% (804) 2965823 May 26. I999 Attachment John Mai1hows P O Box 5603 Charlottrville, VA 22915 RE: 7-MA-9&2 7 University of Virlittim R&w rcb Panic Ak Yargh Fork Tax Map 32. parcels 413, 6, 6A and 19 1]o:l.r Mr- Matthews; , The Albrma.rle coanty Board of5uper%iwr�. at its meeting on May 5. 1999. t lanimously approved the above -noted rNuest to amend Z A -95 -14 to reduce building 5ctbacks along internal public road rights -of -way from 50 to 10 real- If you should have aft} questiom orcomm=s regarding the above -noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ti 1 V. Walmle C' Mbterg DirectorofPlartnm & CanM=MurtitV,- VWC1jcf Cc: Amelia McCaHey Jack Kelsey Tex Weaver Srtvc MISIlvuw Attachment D Albemarle County 032 `!� dM Aldo bodr irYl60�Y1-0n k/ i�tl�'CPIi� tlYIA�' � i fr MI P" k� 2) k\ a? ) � � 2§ A �■ � � � . C -M e C LLI Opobr - Attachment � � § i 2 72 & .2 � � a `c � 4 a � � G 4i if] �r now Attachment F I ti CF ti 44 ATTACHMENT G ! � � ® � � \ \} � \ z j £ do - � 2� - •- n p w v: . I an � ° '4 I d — � I % � 14 r ' r� a �¥ L\ ^ t \� 2 § "! " � I � @ Pon . . | . a IL - PLO,?�m$ I C �a 9 O � 8 C 7 4 �+ Q -I-- -- Z � pece ]�gQIJrt, Attachment H N 11} Albemarle+ County Planning Commission January 31, 2006 The Albemarle County Planning C;nrnmission held a meeting and a public hearing an Tuesday. January 31, 2006, at 6,00 p_ m., at the County Office Building, Room 241, Second Floor, 401 McEntire Road. ChartoIrtesville, Virginia. Members attending were Bill Edgerton, Jo Higgins. Eric Strucko. Jan Cannon, Calvin Morris. Mice- Chairmen; Pete Craddock and Marcia Joseph, Chairman. Julia Monteith, Senior Land Use Planner for the University of Virginia, represented David J. Neuman, FAaA, Architect for University of Virginia Other officials present were Wayne Oilimberg, Planning Director; Bill Fritz, Development Review Manager; Steve Tugwell, Senior Planner.- Elaine Echols, Principat Planner; Ron White, Housing Director; John Shepherd, Manager of Zoning; Amelia McCulley. Zoning and Clirrent Develapment DirectorlZoning Administrator and Greg Karnptner, Deputy County Attorney. Excerpt for ZMA 2005 -03: ZMA 2005 -003 UVA Research Park at Airport Load Sin #18 - Request to rezone approximately 30.56 acres from RA Rural Area to PDIP Planned Development Industral Park for 540,000 square feet of office and fesearch use_ The property, described as Tax Map 32 Parcels 18. 18a, and a portion of 6A is located in the Ric Magisterial District oil the north side of Airport Road (Route 649) approximately one lhird of a mile from the intersection of Airport Load and Route 29 North. The property is located in the Entrance Corridor (EC) Overlay District The Comprehensive flan designates these lands as Industrial Service in the Hollymead Community. General usage for Industrial Service is warehousing, light industry, research, heavy industry, office parks, supportive commercial and service and residential if compatible (density is riQt specified). General usage within the PDIP zoning district permits Industrial and ancillary commercial and service uses. No residential uses are allowed. (Elaine Echols) Ms_ Echols summarized the staff report This rezoning request was brought to the Commission for a work session because there were a lot of issues that reiate to this particular proposal that staff feels are important for the Commission to have some weigh in on before the applicant proceeds to the next step_ Staff needs the Commission's input to provide direction to the applicant. Application has been made for ZMA -2005 -003 to rezone approximately 28 acres of land that is adjacent to the already approved North Fork Research Park. The rezoning plan for the North Fork Research Park is posted on the board. The areas highlighted in orange are the approved developments or buildings existing on the site_ About 3 million square feet was proposed with that rezoning. The applicant has constructed about 350,040 square feet to date. That number was is ir1 the application. The plan is fairly conventional_ It was approved back in 1986 as an office park plan. The applicant wants to acid another 500.000 square feet to be accessed from Airport Road. It contains some of what has been approved as well as this additional 28 acres. The applicant would like to do it generally in the same way that the previous approval was dome. That is something that staff wanted to bring to the ommission's attention In general, the uses meet what is on the land use plan. The Commission asked staff to bring a copy of the land use rnap, which she parsed around to show there the location of the Industriat Service Area This area is shown as Industrial Service on the County's Land Use Plan. There are specific things that staff would like to draw to the omrnission's attention, as fasted below • Staff is concerned about some of the design elements because there are some things that might need to be brought up to date • The relationship of buildings to the street. • Pedestrian access as it also relates to the streets and the overall design Also, there are sorne other gtiestiarrs about the pedestrian access, • The streets themselves and the rnte=nneCtions • Changes to the Odginally approved open space. • Whether or not the designn shotild reflect a new center • The mixture of uses that are proposed. Ms_ Higgins asked how much staff is capturing of what the North Fork Business Park is now. She asked if staff was justifying her discussion to the 23 acres when taiking about the relationship of buildings to sheets and that sort of thing. She asked if they are proposing to change the zoning in the existing park. Ms_ Echols stated that the applicant was not requesting a zoning change in the overall park. She pointed out an the map that the area on the right of those two parcels is already approved for the research park The area on the left is the area to be added to the research park. If they look at the boundary lines on the design over on the far left panel, they will see that it covers both of those areas. So there is a reason for a portion of the already approved park to be reviewed in part because they are showing building development where open space was previously approved_ So the applicant has to modify the older plan in that area in order to be able to accommodate what they want to do there. The answer to the big question is no that they were not talking about the redesign of the entire park. But, what they are talking about are changes to what has prev icusly been approved in the area adjacent to the rezoning. She asked to talk a little bit more about Afea 0 because the Commission has recently seen Area D with the fire station rezoning that #hey made a recommendation on about two weeks ago for approval to the Board_ So there is a real small area in this rezoning that is going to the Board of Supervisors on February 8 for the Final rezoning action on it. which included Area D There were a number of proffers that related to Area a The Fast issue is Echols noted tomes under the principle of pedestrian orientation for the Neighborhood Model When staff looked at the new proposal for the development what they saw was a fairly conventional office park very similar to what has been previously developed on the Fontaine Research Park. When staff looked at that and thought about the Neighborhood Model they saw something different than they are now promoting. If you gc to Attachment B. on page 35 there are three distinctly planning areas that the applicant wants to use. It is a little hard to pick that out on the plan on the board and so staff asked the applicant to identify it further. The applicant has divided it up into three general sections. There is an area that relates to Airport Road. There is a middle area that surrounds watlanids Then there is a further northern area that has a fare to the street of Lewis and Clark with buildings that are fairly well set back. This kind of thing was promoted when the original rezoning took place. But, staff does not know if this is the kind of development that they are looking for as much anymore. But, there is a very legitimate question to be raised here about an existing development and adding more area to that existing development. She asked if it was okay for it to develop in a similar fashion to what was previously approved. Or should they be looking for something that is a little more in keeping with the Neighborhood Model in laying out streets, either public or private, and having a face to the street for the buildings rather than what looks a lot like a series of buildings and parking lots that are just sort of laid out in an aftiCe park. Staff's first question for the Commission is whether or not they think that the layout is appropriate given that this project has been over time. Ms. Echols continued that the second thing is the pedestrian access issue If the layout were a little different with a series of streets she felt that they would have sidewalks that worked well with the development itself The next page of the attachment, on page 36, shows the general pedesthan access system Along the drives there are same concrete sidewalks proposed Along Lewis and Clark there is an asphalt path proposed. That is what was previously approved with Lewis and Claris. Throughout the developrnerrt they are looking at a series of sidewalks and paths_ Staff would like the Commission to discuss whether or not they think the asphalt path along Lewis and Clark is still appropriate or whether or not it should go to concrete. The plans are already being drawn up_ But. the road +s not under construction. If there is a desire to see this change she felt that now is probably the time to ask for that. Staff did nit bring this up in the fire station rezoning because they lcrrew it would be available for discussion at this point Therefore the questions are -. o is the design appropriate or should it be modified to be more in conformity with the Neighborhood Model? a Is pedestrian access appropriate? o Should a concrete sidewalk be provided on one or both sides of Lewis and Clark rather than are asphalt path on one side? Ms. Joseph asked If the applicant wanted to do an overall presentation to get the Commission oriented_ Wherk the Commission goes through these issues Gterri by item they would like to have the applicant's input on those, too Bruce Stoffer. Director of Real Estate Development of the University of Virginia Foundation, stated that Tim Base, CEO of the University of Virginia Foundation; Fred Mfssel and Todd Marshall, Project Managers of the University of Virginia Foundation: and Valerie Lang. their legal council, were present. He asked to quickly go over a few things for everyone. The University of Virginia Research Park is their fourth name for their park The reason for their name is their association with the University and they wanted to make that very clear to the people within our community as well as outside of our community If you include the 30 acres, the park is 562 acres. As Ms. Echols stated. they are zoned for 3 million square feet of develapment. They have 320.000 square feet built to date. They have an 64,000 Square foot office butldIng under construction. The rezoning happened In 1996 and they were doing roughly 35,000 to 40,000 square feet per year. What they call the heart of their community is the town center district. In the town center they have a hotellconference center, which is where they hope to support comrnefciallretad. They have Pado 's Deli out there right now, which is the only support commercial that they could get out there at this paint Obviously, there needs to be a lot of people before they can make a business successful. They are trying to get more support commercial all of the tirne This is their heart where they very much hope to have an urban environment. They will have concrete pavers and sidewalks going dawn both sides of the town center area. Mr Stoff er continued that there is another area they call a technology district. Thera is some flex like industrial space, which is for start up companies and companies that don't need to have a Class A office space image, but are in a technology business_ There is a light industrial district. The rest of the districts are yet to be determined. Buz, they have a plan as the park builds up_ It is a large development, It has been happening over a lot of time. So right now their goals are a little bit separated, but that is by design because of the different uses With the 30 acre parcel in quesflon, they would like to incorporate that m to the rest of our planning. Some folks have said that they are not at 10 percent build out and why are they asking for additional density at this point. The purpose of this is that they did acquire this property after the initial rezoning. They have already had some prospects that the County actually participated with us in trying to recruit who very much wanted to be located in this area_ But, they had to tell them that it was not available because it was not zoned appropriately, What they are trying to do is to take a large flat piece of land that is highly desirable because it is close to Airport Road and be able to start planning and working with this parcel. Also, as Ms_ Echols mentioned. the fire station will be built irr this area_ It is going to cost the Universrty between a million and a million and a half dollars to put in infrastructure for the road back into the f re station. The fire station was going on their property so we needed to do it. They are pleased to do it. They are hoping that they can work with that large investment and try to have this rezoning so that they can recruit some of the dollars that they are going to spend for that. Mr Stoffer asked to address the orientatron and some of the issues that Ms_ Echols brought up. He noted that one of the design features that they have at the University of Virginia Office Park is that they actually want to have the buildings sort of flush and center. They have two parks already. One is the park at Fontaine. The other is the PRA building at the University of Virginia Research Park. They have a set of Design Guidelines that people need to adhere to_ The duality of construction is very important for the long term as well as the visibility. Everyone will have to where to their Design guidelines, So they would like to show off their buildings_ It seemed to make sense to break up the three areas. Originally they did not have the Smith property_ So instead of having this as open space, they thought that a good planning principle was to put some signature buildings up front. As people Come into the Charlottesville area one of the impressions that they will have is that this is really a quality development_ Those will be buildings that all of us will be very proud of. Next, Mr Stoffer continued that they Came to the wetlands area. They wonted to preserve the wetlands. Therefore, they decided to try to make it a feature. As they made it a feature it made sense to try to put some buildings around I so the people could enjoy the wetlands. On the third part of the parcel, they would like to have buildings up along Lewis and Clark Drive, which was why they put the fire station in this location. But, then if you bring the buildings out it creates a huge parking lot In the middle. What they tried to do was bring same relationship between these six buildings. The thought would be that these six buildings Could be research buildings where they Wald share services that other types of research buildings have. They don't know the exact mix of uses out there, but the market will help sus determine that_ Sut they feel it with be the same uses that they presently have in the parts, such as high technology and some research They would also like to have a support commercial component_ They feel like creating a center within this area may not be the most prudent thing to do since they have their own town center just up the road and Hollymead Town Center is just this way. But, they think it makes a lot of sense to try to get a sandwich shop and some other support amenities to be part of this package. They are trying to hide the parking as much as they can They do have primary access ways into the parcel_ They feel that the asphalt sidewalk that they presently have in the park, which is larger than standard, is used a lot by their tenants. They are very happy with it When they designed Lens and Clark Drive there was a Cot of discussion_ It was suggested that Lewis and Clark Drive should be like a rural parkway. It should have that feel as you dnve along that you are not in downtown Charlottesville_ They felt that an asphalt pathway with the tree plantings is a nice way to continue that. They feel as they get into the process and becorne more urban that it makes a lot of sense to have concrete sidewalks. Ms- .Joseph asked that the Commission discuss what Ms. Echols has proposed item by item. If they have any questions, the Commission will invite the applicant back up to make comments. The first question is whether this request is appropriate as it relates to the Comprehensive Plan. The language limited it to certain acreage, uses and sizes, which actually comes from the Comprehensive Plain. !fir_ Morris felt than it is extremely appropriate as far as the Comprehensive Plan. The one thing that he really likes about this is that industriial land has been changed to residential in many cases and here is a chance to get some land back. He felt that the proposed use fits right in with the development area. Ms. Higgins stated that she did not see any points that made it in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Edgerton stated that the Comprehensive Plan Says 5,5 acres per million square reet_ Ms. Joseph stated that they felt at this point in time that it is appropriate. But, she felt that it still was not appropriate because that is very specific to the acreage and the square footage_ The applicant is asking for both But, the Land Use Plan also designates this as industrial. The Commission needs to decide whether it is appropriate at this particular point in time. Mr. i :ilimberg asked to mention something because he felt that Ms. Echols tried to speak to this in her position statement under the question. The 3 million square feet was specifically associated with the 525 acres that were subject to an amendment to the plan~ back In the 90's. What is proposed as the new area here is designated in the plan for industrial and it is outside of those 525 acres So where staff sits it seerns that it is consistent because it was not part of the restricted square footage area. Mr Strucko staled that it was an additional 30 acres and an additiona1500, 000 square feet. Mr C ilirnberg stated that was correct as proposed Ms. Higgrs stated that she was assuming that warding was not imended to prectude areas adjacent, Mr GiIirnberg stated that was why it was 525 acres. Ms- Joseph noted that if they all agree on that, then that is Rite. She suggested that they go on to the next question. Mr. Cannon stated that the language was ambiguous. But, if the Land Use Plan etsehere indicates, as he takes it that it does. that the additional 30 acres is within an area contemplated for industrial service. then he felt more comfortable He asked if that was the case Ms. Joseph stated that was correct. She noted that staff specifically requested design elements. She asked if staff was talking about the layout itself. Ms. Echols stated that was correct - Ms. Joseph asked it the layout itself was pretty much what the applicant was using In the other portion of the park. Ms. Echols stated that she felt so in part because the old plan does not give specifics in terms of where the features are going and the buildings and streets would be located. She felt that the best guidance with what the applicant has given us is what Fontaine Research Park looks like. That is the image she has about what is being proposed here. W. Joseph asked if the Commission has any comments on that. Ms. Higgins stated that it was somewhat clear that there was a whole different focus. At Fontaine it is more of an ufban setting and a more ifltensely used site. She questioned if this park was suppose to be consistent with the Netghborhood Model or with the original 525 acres- This plan is a lot mare specific than the original rezoning plan, which was why she asked the question It appears that they are not because they are only considering this parcel. She has always been impressed that the land area or the mass. even though there is a lot of square footage involved, that it is a lot of vertical multi -story that is being treated from an e=ntrance Corridor perception and the University in their experience with planning has approached this as a parkway design with a pathway. She has driver[ through there a couple of tirnes- It is like an unoccupied space right now. But, as it develops over time she felt that with the proximity of the buildings in such a large area that they can't gather them all together because it would be a mass of parking - Ms- Joseph asked if this was something that she could support- Ms. Higgins stated that based on Mr. Staffer's presentation she felt that a lot of thought has gone Into the three zones and why the buildings are located that way. She asked if this is potentially going to be the concept plan that they approach with the rezoning Ms. Joseph stated that it was. Ms. Higgins stated that she could Trot say that she disagreed because she could see their focus. The asphalt pathways are very well located in the existing research park. Mr_ Edgerton asked if there was any reason the sidewalks could not be concrete and be wkde and winding. Ms. Higgins stated it is lice a rural parkway and it was a part of the County where they were not putting the Wildings close_ They are not doing the Neighborhood Model. The question is whether they are going to impose the Neighborhood Model on these 28 acres that is not imposed on the rest of it. Ira other words, does this have to be consistent with the County's Neighbcrhoad Model or can it be oonsistent with the University's grand plan. Mr. Edgerion asked what our Comprehensive Plan says IV15_ Higgins stated that it says that everything that comes before us has to be exactly the Neighborhood Model Mr Edgerton agreed that was exactly what it says. Ms. Higgins stated that she did not believe that in all cases. Mr Strucko noted that was the twelve principles Ms. Higgins felt that pedestnan orientation of 560 acres is a diffpCult thing to achieve, Ms. Joseph asked Mr Strucko if he would like to weigh in on the design elements. Mr. Strucko stated that he saw too much building dispersion He believed that the intention of the Development Initiative Steering Cornmittee and the Neighborhood Model was for a more compact development that utilized the space very efficiently and preserved as much of the open spate arour4d the property as much as possible. But. he was not ready to condemn what he was seeing Isere He understands the need for the parking for the intended uses that are outlined for this particular development_ The Neighborhood Model itself can't apply to this because there is no residential component here. But, certainly there are etements or principles that they can apply that are more of a custom style of development with relegated parking and Borne open space. But. he has to disclose that his employer is a tenant of the Fontaine Avenue Research Park and he does not use the sidewalks. He walks from the parking lot to the front floor So be was not sure what the constant walk ability gains you here other than a recreational use exercise during the middle of the day. 8A he was anxious to hear more. When he looks at that it is very spread out. It is an intensity of use here, and he was curious to see more Mr. Mums stated that this is a continuation of the current research park. He sees that as important as the Neighborhood Model and possibly even more so. Mr Strucko stated that in the DISC work, which he recalls very clearly, they understood that there were going to be uses in other areas that don't fit a mixed use development when there is residential and commercial. An Gndustnal use was a big example. Mr Edgerton agreed with Mr Strucko's comments. He understands the University's desire to continue the traditional office park experience. but frankly he thinks the Neighborhood Model is the whole reason for them applying hose principles through the Comprehensive Purr. He would like to see more effort made to apply sorne of those principles. The relegated parking, especially in the section in the back, should be tooked at. There is a tremendous arnount of parking that dominates towards the north He understands the argument of trying to develop some sort of relationship with those buildings, but there would be other ways to do that besides just acres and acres of surface parking He would like to see more of an effort to address as many of the principles of the Naighborhood Model that would be appropriate for this sort of activity_ He did not see much effort mere to do that. Mr Cannon stated that ha Ilked the asphalt because it was better to run on C oncfate is not great to run on- He asked for a conceptual statement from staff to help him to be able to orient around the real issue here. It sounds as if there is a pull between the Neighborhood Model as something they want to happen and a set of design principles that animated the original concept, which are still present at least to some degree in this new component Ms Echols slated that the Neighborhood Model is trying to create a place with unique characteristics to it that people want to be in, work irr, feels comfortable to be in and also fills the needs of the community. She felt that it this were redesigned more around streets and leas around driveways and if there was more of a relationship between buildings and the streets that it would provide the opportunity for people between buildings to travel back and forth. Mr. Strucko was talking about he wont into the budding and there comes back into the parking lot She would like to think that a research park could have some interactive parts to it where you have people who are going from building to building and are potentially working together on things and relating to one another Mr. Strucko stated that he taking a larger view by looking at the region around this industrial park. His view of the Neighborhood Model was a sense of self sustainability in the region, which was a place to live, work and recreation There was also a place for schools. There would be a way to move to all of these places with some ease with the lack of congestion They know the nature of 29 as it exists now. There is hardly a lot they can do with what has already been established But, the virtue of this that he sees is that here are potential employment centers He already knows what is around them. There are intense residential uses in both Forest Lakes and the residential component with hfollymead Town Center and North faint. There are existing residential areas with North Pines and in other neighborhoods down in that area So possibly if he lived in one of these residential areas and worked in the research park he could potentially walk to work. The potential he sees here is that this could be an employment center that could potentially alleviate travel on 29 with commuters heading towards Charlottesville and that people could crass 29 instead of traveling along it. That is where he was seeing some encouragement in the location of this development with respect to what is already there. He felt that was sort of the Neighborhood [yodel in abstract. Mr Cannon stated that kinds of shifts the focus because they were not trying to create the neighborhood necessarily within the confines of the park. The park, as he understands it, is designed as an industrial cornmercial area. There is going to be a hotel there. But, there is not going to be a lot of residential, Ms. Jriseph pointed out that there was no residential Ms. Higgins stated that the park was basically between the two town centers Mr Cannon stated that they have to think of this in a broader context - Ms. Higgins stated that the other concept that may be an explanation was that they were looking at a flat plan. But. if you look at it more dimensional these buildings as shown in the pictures and from the footprints world emulate and then you would see these brad acres of parking. To support that footprint of three of four stories of office space you need acres and acres of parking - There is no place to make the cars more compact. Ms Joseph suggested that there may be holding patterns for sorne structured parking at some future time when something else is built out there Ms. Higgins stated that regarding the limitations of the square footage that the applicant could increase the square footage by the time they build it out- She questiono flow they could better relegate the parking because there are acres of parking and those buildings are tall. If those buildings were spread out, those buildings would shrink in perspective. But, they have gone multi -story that makes it more compact_ The only other alternative Is to put parking underneath the buildings_ With the area that they have after protecting the wetiand, she had no problem with the orientation and the way they are connected. She felt that they were talking about a lot of square footage and maybe the proportrpn of this w+as not shown clearly in the pictures_ Mr_ Craddock felt that the O, unty should have gotten more land for the fire station. He agreed with Mr_ Edgerton that there was too much parOg Wit# the crilical mess of six building right there it looks like a parking structure similar to the new crver in Staunton would look really nice in there. He questioned if this is the maximum build out of this parcel, or if there is a phase 2 comrng in on some of those big parking lots with other buildings and parking structures_ He questioned it that has been discussed. Ms Joseph stated that they could ask the applicant. She looked at it and thought that they were trying to use some of the principles of the Neighborhood Model. There are a lot of street trees, pedestrian connections and open ways that made it possible to make come connections to the adjacent properties_ They did line up the buildings and put the parking behind_ They did line up the roadways. There are an awful lot of trees within that parking lot if that is the kind of things that they expect to sea if this represents that. Therefore, she felt that they have made an effort to make a sense of place by that this roundabout in the center of the top part of those six buildings. So there is same attempt at trying to use some of the twelve principles, but not all pf them But, again. they were not dealing with a residential component here. It is industrial and this access comes all the way through The fact that they are actually looking at a Comprehensive Plan designated land use that ras this category instead of someone trying to put it into residential was positive_ Also, the applicant's plan speaks to all of those things that the Commission has spoken to in the past, particularly how close this is to the a4port and the major transporta0an connections. Therefore. she was really not having a problem with the design elements In this. Mr. Edgerton stated that Ms. Joseph made a good paint that there are elements in here that are sensitive to some of the pedestrian scale. Although, the bulldings are larger than what they would consider to be pedestrian scaled buildings. This is still a proposal that is totally focused on the automobile being the driver. The Neighborhood Model stroke is a way of getting away from the automobile Being the driver In all of our community. Therefore, he would like to see more of an effort to try to create friendly pedestrian spaces, He felt that they have worked out pedestrian linkages through the sea of automobiles. He would like to see some effort to try to get people out of their cars and get them to using this space comfortably without having to get into cars or walking across huge expanses of parking lots. One of the things he had been struggling with in this conversation was why they wouldn't want some mixed use here. The idea of that being taken Care of over in North Point or in Hollymead residential section reminded him of their previous conversations with those projects that spoke rather directly to the fact that you can't count on the guy across the street or dowry the road. They were trying to get away from putting all the houses over there and all the businesses over here_ This is what they are trying to get away from. They are trying to give people the opportunity for a better way of developing. This is still of the old school. The car is sacred Isere He questioned whether the parking was really relegated. Conceptually It is a very nice job as long as you Forget about trying to get people out of their cars. There is no effort to try to get people out of their cars. Ms Higgins painted out that this was not a beal employment center because many people drive from other areas to work in the research park. The draw here is potentially for a national draw due to the airport's location. She asked the applicant to come forward and explain the appearance of the large mass of parking in context with the buildings. She asked how many jobs this would create and how far people would drive from_ Mr. Stoffer stated that as far as employment opportunities they feel that it wlII be between 10.000 and 12,000 employees at the U A Research Park once it rs built out. There is no way to tell about the pafkang because research space lakes 2 parking spaces per 1,000. Some office spaces need 5 spaces per 1,000. They have eotuslly tried to use the Neighborhood Model principles_ They have tried to build out as much density on this site as they can so they don't have a continuous sprawl out_ They ere trying to get the density compact. 7o build structured parking it takes 512.000 to 515.000 per space. But, at a lot of locations 9 can't be done that way and it is more like $25,000 to $30,000 per space They have to be able to charge about $500,040 an acre minimal to be able to justify doing structured parking. So structured parking 1s certainly a possibility here. but not for an awful long time because the econornics just don't allow it For 500,400 square feet they have parking for 3 per 1,000 square feet. They estimate that it will be part office, which may be 4 per 1,000 square feet. Usually what they have in park research is per 1,000 square feet. So they have averaged it as 3 per 1,000 square feet, which around 1,600 jabs. He noted that the parking area really depends on the uses. They have been working with the County, particularly John Shepherd, on how much parking is appropriate They have a lot of shared parking opportunities. They do get a lot of people from other counties There are not a lot of people who walk or ride their bikes to work The paths are meant to be an amenity for people tc use to jog and walk an As part of their proffers they plan to have athletic fields. They want to create a special environment. It is going to take some time On page 36, it shows their peda5trian connections. Granted they don't go to the extent that maybe they could. They would agree to work with Ms. Echols on that. Also, they would be happy to try to identify the street more clearly, it is hard to plan for this amount of acreage in the future because they don't know who their users will be. They don't know the actual size of the buildings, but the 20.000 square foot footprint seems to be the most economical size to build in today's market place. The market will help determine the number of stories in the buildings But. it will be of a quality that they all will be proud of. They have tried to bring the buildings up along the $#Teets They are happy to continue working with staff to do it the best that they can. They would like some flexibility with a note to be able to make some adjustments because they can't predict what the market is going to require. They are committed to try to do the best planning that they can do. Ms. Echols felt that they have already disco Sed the neighborhood streets and paths. With the application plan staff is looking for commitments to the infraMructure where streets and drives are gor.ng to be basically out of the buildings_ Staff would have an expectation when this comes back to the Commission for public hearing that they have thaso fairly well identified and that they would remain in place, The interconnection is an interesting item to bring up at this point_ When the Commission saw the proffers for the fire station they saw a proffer that proffered to have a public street that would go from Lewis and dark west towards the west of tags map 32, parcel 18. There seems to have beery a misunderstanding at the Foundation level about what that meant. So the proffers have changed between what the Commission has seen and what is now going to the Board of Supervisors to reflect an opportunity for either a public, or a private street at that particular location. There has been a lot of internal staff discussion on that particular change. But, in the end staff is comfortable with the Commission dealing with the issue of whether it should be public or private and connect all the way west through the rezoning. The proffers have been modified and it would be in the Corn rnissian's hands to approve a private street if that is what ultimately is desired, if this rezoning does not progress and the other rezoning is approved with the proffers that are there right now, they would pretend like this thing goes away. Bo the fire station is built and the median is put in the road and the roads are rearranged so that there has to be somethin g that goes west from this parcel for the fire station driveway to connect into. Now whether that is private or public would ultimately be the Commission's decision if this rezoning were to be set aside for a long time. She did not think that it was going to be_ But, she was trying to d8monstrate that there was a protection in there for that decision to be made at a future slate_ Staff hopes that the Commission will consider whether or not it should be public or private with this particular rezoning and make a decision along those lines. The issue here is whether or not it should be a public or a private street and then connect all the way over to the other property. That is where she is headed with this. She Felt that they were protected by the change in the proffer and she wanted to make the Camrn ission aware of it. But. the ultimate issue is as you go west are you connecting to something And, if so, what is the quality of the street, The Commission had quite a long conversation earlier this evening on interconnections. She felt that there was some value in it being a public street rattier than a private street because of all of the other arrangements that have to be made But, it rs ultimately what the Commission wants to recommend in that regard Mr Morris asked if this was the inter con necfcn that they were talking about with Gold Lcaf Ms Echols stated that was correct r Edgerton noted that was not shown on this plan Ms Joseph stated that the question was if the street as depicted is appropriate as a design element and making the corn rrtitment to infrastructure has to deal with this public road aspect. Ms Echols stated that the question was whether interconnections should be made to the properties to the west and should it be public or private or if the Co mrnission cares about that. Mr Edgerton felt that an interconnection should be made and it should be public so that there t5 no question about access Mr Craddock agreed with Mr Edgerton Mr Edgerton stated that h* only question was the location His recollection was when they were discussing this with Mr. Wood was that he had a particular client that he was trying to support. He recalled that they had left some flexibility about where that interconnection would occur Therefore. he was not sure if it was going to work right beside the fire station Mr. Morris asked that the Commission invite the applicant to discuss the interconnection. Ms Higgins stated that it also has to be recognized as flexibility that over time they will have to adapt to deveIopmant that has occurred on their boundary. And if there is a shifting of some sort that it works both ways. Obviously, a public street connection through this property bisects it and creates separate parcels She felt that was something that they need to address and integrate into their design Mr. StTUCkO asked in this case what the distirtction was between public and private. Ms Joseph Stated that it was maintenance and design standards. Mr Edgerton noted that it also included the access. Ms. Higgins pointed out ll?at as a private road In a commercial travel way there would be more flexibility with on street parking and with the design dealing with infrastructure. There are a tot of problems out there with the Neighborhood Model trying to be implemented with state roads_ It is much easier to implement with private roads_ State roads are sornetimes not as accommodating and have to ba much wider. She suggested that there be Some comprornise Mr Cilirctberg rioted that when the Commission discusses! Pantops Park and the connectioll with potnap Road it became very important to them because of interconnecting different parcels that it would be a public road Irk sorne ways that circurnstance could exist here. Mr Edgerton asked if that would be directly related to the use of this road by a fire truck trying to get to a Fire west of this property Mr. Citiornberg stated that it would. Mr. Edgerton asked if it was a private road rf that could be restricted Mr. Cilimberg felt that it would not be restricted. M,. Higgins noted that private roads are still b4i dt tc a safe standard Ms. Joseph stated that someone awns private roads Mr CilirriWq stated that stated that there wouid be stipulations for the interconnection to be availabte to that traffic. But, he felt that it becomes a question of how much more diffiCuft it is to accommodate what becomes public traffic across multiple parcels. Mr Edgerton stated that he heard loud and clear in the need for the fire station in this particular region of the County that it was important that they make sure that they left a way to the west available in whatever they do on this property. What they are looking at right now has no interconnectivity In fact. it has a storm water management facility proposed right at the terminus of that Fire station road. Mr. [Norris agreed with Mr. Edgerton that it needs to be public simply for the maintenance and so forth. But, staff needs to sit down with this applicant and Mr. Wood and ask what they are going to do. He recalled that Mr. Wood's proposed road does not keep going - Ms. Higgins stated that it was somewhat governed by who gets there first with a plan. She suggested that this applicant confirm that he would accommodate Mr Morris stated that if the road we guinq to be constructed that it be where it is suppose to be. Mr Strucko stated that the existing development has three points of access or exit, which are Airport Road, 29 South and then Dickerson Road to the rear. The adjacent property that they considered with Mr. Wood had the proposed road going directly west and them immediately south and Airport Road is the only point of entrance. Therefore, an emergency response would eventually end up on Airport Road with a western access- If there is something blacking that Airport Road entrance there is a second alternative. Mr- Morns agreed that was the way that he recalled it. Ms- Joseph asked the applicant to address the Domrnission Mr. Stoffer stated that as Mr. Strucko stated they have an entrance on 29 Sotith with a cross over and an entrance on Dickerson Roars. That is phase one infrastructure. Phase two takes the road out to the entrance on Airport Road. They are going to be building this infrastructure into the fire station. Right now this is a public street. They have an interconnected boulevard, which they built as a spine off of that. That is a private street because they are allowed to do parallel parking and can have the street a little bit closer. That offers a little more flexibility- They also have Discovery Drive going into the technology district. That is also a private street to provide more flexibility for the developer They have a part of all of their tenants' common area and maintenance fees to help pay for the entrance They have a little bit higher standards for landscaping than VDOT does. Bo they have an agreement with VOOT that they can landscape the road and they receive money from their tenants to pay for that A5 they look at the interconnecting street up to Mr. Wood's parcel above their property they struggle with a couple things. They are not saying that they don't think that it is a good idea. But, from a planning standpoint they do think that it is probably a good idea But, from a business point of view it makes it a little mare difficult for them. They would really like the Commission's discussion and input on this. They don't dust allow any company to come to the Research Bark. They need to have some kind of relationship with the University of Virginia. They try to build buildings that are a little bpt higher standard than normal. They also try to landscape things a little different than others. If they have an interconnecting parcel street to other parcels that allows folks to market their's as being part of ours because someone can go right into their property- But, yet none of their tenants have the same Design guidelines as our tenants. Their tenants are not paying For the landscaping of our roads and our entrances_ But, yet they are having access to all of that_ From this perspective it is more of a challenge for us to understand why it is that we would want to do tfiat. They understand the principles behind interconnecting streets and respect those. They would just ask the Commission to help +is come up with something Fair and equitable with the money that they have pot into their development. They need to some way be able to protect their borders a little bit so that the tenants that do come and locate in our park. since they pay a lihle bit more axon elsewhere because of the amenities, to feel that their investment will be worthwhile. Ms_ Higgins asked if there was a signalized intersection plarined for the Airport Road location rn conjunction with the fire station. She asked when tKat was planned to occur Mr. Stoffer stated that he believed that it was when VIDOT calls for it. They plan to put it in as soon as VDOT wofrld allow #hem to and it would make sense in order to peep things safe For their tenants. They have not had this specific conversation with the fire department. But. they would be pleased to accommodate their needs and mission, Ms. Higgins asked if there entrance off of Airport Road was going to ultimately be a four lane divided road with a rnedlan sa if someone breaks down that it would not preclude someone being able to have two lanes going in direction Mr. Stoffer stated that it would be. Ms. Joseph reiterated that Mr. Stoffer had said that the roads that this will be connecting to will all be publte roads even though they would maintain the trees_ Ms. Joseph stated that it was the consensus of the Planning Commission that the road should be public. Ms. Higgins stated that she appreciated the statement about what this involves The applicant had asked for input_ She suggested that at that border there was always the potential on either side ifr creating a stone wall with a lighted entrance through the parts whether it was from a side road or whatever. They cannot overlook the interconnectivity need_ She appreciated that the scale, the character and the architectural requirements on this development do really set it to a standard than what it will connect to potentially. But_ no one has any control over that. Mr. Morris asked staff to take a look at this with bath of the folks involved because there is no sense on having this interconnecting road that leads back to Airport Road, Ms Higgins felt that they were trying to have multiple connections to Airport Road, Mr MDrhs stated that the road could go on out and catch another road to the west- Mr. r. Cilimberg pointed out that the Commission did not require that connection, and Mr. Mords agreed. Ms. Higgins noted that topographically there were other issues Mr, Cilimberg stated that Ms. Echols had mentioned that in the lafger road system of Hollyrnead. which will get more clarified in Places 29, the connection that Mr Wood's road would make to Airport load would line up at the road coming out of Hollymead Town Center next to the post offrce coming into Airport Road, So in a sense It was creating more circulation with more parallel street opportunities by going west and then smith. Mr. Strucko supported a public road because of the fire station and the fact that it provided an interconnection to HoHymead Town Center to the south of Airport Road He felt that it should be interconnected to the adjacent property as well. Ms. Echols stated that the next was the open space issue A lot of the open space that was established on the first plan revolved around the expectation that along Airport Road there would be a rural appearance as well as trying to protect the wetlands_ They are now dealing with a more urban environment. Staff does not see any problem in recommending that the open space on the previous plan be replaced with the buildings that are shown lining Airport Road and especially the corner that is made between Airport Toad and Lewis and Clark. Staff thinks that is a very positive aspect, but wanted to make sure that the Comm .Fssion agrees, Mr. Morris, Mr Strucko, Mr. Edgerton agreed with staff. Ms. Higgins test that it was labeled open space previously because it was tco narrow to develop Ms. Joseph stated that the consensus of the COMMiSSIGn was to agree with staff on the open space issue. Ms. Echols stated that there had been a little bit of discussion about the neighborhood centers. Staff wondered whether from a walk ability standpoint looking at it more as a place or destination that you could get to on foot if there aught to be something more centrally located. Staff wonders if there should be sort of new center that is created on Airport Road that the buildings that front Airport Road might be able to relate to that had more of a commercial aspect to it and a pedestrian destination. Staff also thought about the cenlor that is arrcady in the approved development that has same commercial and sort of the town center idea, But, that location is a bit of a far walk from this particular area to get to their town centers. She asked if the Commission wanted to suggest that the applicant do something more to create a center or leave it as it is. Ms. Higgins stated that when she read this she felt that was an inconsistency because when they looked at Old Trail they wanted the center internal, Hollymead Town Center has a oentrat focus_ The struggle with North Point was that the deveioper wanted to bring it to the major road, but everyone wanted to focus it inwards. Now the question is whether they want to push it closer to Airport Road. She was okay with it because of the amount and mass of people and Pf they want to create a center towards the middle that they would not want to push it out on Airport Road, Ms. Joseph stated that there was sort of a mini center that they have given here with a boulevard and a little circular thing. Ms. Higgins stated that it was not litre a town center type of thing. Mr Edgerton stated that he would like to see a center. It is hard to know what is going to be in these buildings Hint, that could lend itself into a little center, Ms. Joseph stated that there were not dimensions, but it looked tike it was large enough and there was green space thero. It looks like thafe is some connection. Ms. Higgins felt that this location for a center does not share with the rest of the park. It is at the very southern most tip of the property Even at Belvedere there was discussion on putting the center internally or to push it out to Rio Road. It was always to give something to whole development. Mr. Edgerton felt that Ms. Joseph was not talking about out at Airport Road, but in the northern section. There were two questiorws asked in the staff report. f=irst, should centers be created within the park's He felt that the answer to that is yes, definitely Secondly, should the center be established along Airport Road's He felt that maybe it could work. Mr. Morris noted that it might not necessaMy work along Airport Load Ms- Joseph agreed Ms. Echols asked if the Commission was saying that they want a more fully developed center inside the property with something a little more that lists what uses would be there or are they okay with that evolving. Mr. Morris stated that he was okay with it simply evolving simply because they don't know who the lenants afe at this particular tame. Mr. Cannon stated that it was very difficult to force this as something that would actually work without knowing what the array of tenants is going to be They would want to push towards that and facilitate it with as much additional pedestrian friendly infrastructure that could be provided- It seems hard to try to force that Ms. Joseph suggested that they focus on this mini center and make sure that it is pedestrian accessible by everything that is out there so that people Can get to it She stated that the Commission was okay with this- Ms- Echols slated that they were now In the bullding and spaces of human scale- The Commission has already commented on that a little tonight concerning the scaling and massing of some of the buildings- She asked if the Commission wanted to say anything further on that issue, Ms. Higgins asked if there was any expectation that in the architectural standards for the University mark that a lot of this is not going to be addressed. The buildings that she has seen are multi -story and fairly compact. They talk about 20,000 square foot being the most optimal footprint. She supported relying on the University's control an that because she felt that they were one of the most stringent architectural types. Ms. Joseph stated that it was not at a neighborhood scale. It is larger. She asked. if they were gang to spread the buildings out. Ms. Higgins stated that it was industrial. She felt that with the k+nd of users that they have if they don't go vertical then they can't make anything compact Mr Edgerton felt that the buifding5 were too big - Mr Moths, Mr. Craddock and Mr. Strucko were fine with it- Mr Cannon stated that if the original intent was that there would be dense development that big buildings would accornpl{sh that He was not sufe bow to deal with large amount of automobiles beyond a mass transit system Ms. Joseph suggested that one way they could bang down the scale of t# a buildings is through the Landscaping that is required. She felt that was one way this could be dealt with- Ms. Echols stated that the Commission had already talked about relegated parking and staff has gotten the guidance on that one. The next issue is the mixture of use. Can page 9 in attachment B. it indicates that with the original rezoning there were three special use permits that were approved The three special use permits were laboratories, medical and pharmaceutical, which obviously this is geared towards Supporting commercial use are hotels, motels and inns. Right now the way the application is put together the applicant wants those same uses to be available throughout the Pest. In most of our rozonings that the County reviews today they ask for a little more comm Rment to particular places or at least to some uses and some rnixture of uses. AS the Commission has already decided tonight, this is a little difference from many of the ones that they have done, So staff wants to call that to the Commission's attention and wonder if they want more specificity, or if they want any locations for these uses. or if they are generaaly supportive that they are available and can be put anywhere in the park, Ms Joseph asked if anyone had any comments on the commercial uses or the mix of uses and where they might be more appropriate in this area or whether it should be Just flexible and they can use their 10 peroent commercial where ever they think is appropriate_ Mr. Edgerton stated that he would Iike to see the commercial use in this Piffle mini center that they were talking about. Mr. Strucko stated that it would be the supporting commercial uses. Mr_ Edgerton agreed that it was the supporting commercial uses and it ought to be a way to work that in there Bert, he did not think there was a way to be specific right now on the commercial uses Ms. Joseph suggested that they focus on the mini center and look to see where that development occurred Ms. Higgins noted that they had just said that the mini center might not be the center. But, They all agreed that it might not be the center, but it could evolve, Mr. Morris stated that they were focusing on that. Ms. Joseph felt that they all agreed that it should remain as a mini center with a green space Ms. Higgins noted that they all did not agree to that. She felt that they said that it could be a center_ but they don't know what the uses are and may be the center is more Centrally located. What if these buildings tended to be purely technological and they put in the mini center She thought they said that it was going to evolve and they were not going to restrict it or label it_ But, if they are suggesting that they are labeling it she was not sure. Mr Edgerton stated that the question was whether there should be a mini center in this rezonrng. His answer to th2t was yes Ms. Joseph stated that if it was not there then what they were suggesting was where ever it is that is where the commercial should be clustered. Mr. Morris suggested that it not t e restricted to just one center. If that area in #3 where all the beautiful green space is works, then wonderful_ Then the same thing around that beautiful water area in section 2 and would facolitate the people kn section 1. Ms. Joseph stated tha[ i[ shouI'd be clustered_ Ms. Echols stated what she heard was that they don't believe that there is a need to make a commitment for a center at a particular location. What they were also saying is that there is not a need to commit to commercial uses at any part c+jlar locations. So what they are asking for is the ability to put something anywhere and that works for you. MS_ Joseph staged that she was not sure if that is what they were saying Ms. Higgins noted that the 28 acres was all that was before the Commission J15. Echols stated the answer was yes and no. They have more than 28 acres that is being consideyred with the other part of D It is about 50 acres more or less with 401h sides, The area to be added to the industrial park is 28 or 30 acres. The acreage that is under rezoning for the fire station has not really been removed yet- So it is about 30 acres It that is removed, it goes down to about 28 acres_ But, the old plan has to be amended. If you look at the area where the old plan would be amended in conjunction with the 30 acres, it is about 50 acres Mr. Edgerton felt that what he heard previously was that most of the folks wanted a center in this area and they wanWd any commercial space to be worked into that center Mr. Morris and Ms. Joseph agreed Ms. Echols stated that it was in the 50 acres, but they were not particular about where within the 50 acres it needs to be Ms. Joseph felt what they had all agreed to was that the center could be around the wetlands. So they were going to let the applicant decide where that was Mr Dorris stated that it could be both Ms. Joseph agreed that It could be botb with two mini centers, Mr. Stoffer stated that he had one comment. They would love to have supporting commercial. But_ what they were finding was to bring in the really nice retail, support commercial they ward to have public visibility, which is puts them out on Airport Road or Route 29 That is where the bigger restaurants were going to be. They don't necessarily want to do that because of the architectural aspects of having the signage. etc. So to try to recruit folks to be within a mini center in practicality they were struggling to find people to do that. They agree with the Commission, but the practicality is that It just does not give them enough +risibility so that they get a lot of drive by traffic. They would appreciate any type of input by the Commission on haw to make it happen_ Ms_ Higgins felt that when there are 12,000 jobs in the park that would help drive that_ Mr. Cilimberg stated that what he also heard them say was that if the choice were made in the design to orient more than one building along Airport Road and a first floor retail wanted to go there that the Commission was okay with that. Mr Edgerton and Mr. Morris agreed. Mr Ciiimberg stated that was a way may be to address both the needs of the park and sorne of tha retaIierrs need for exposure. It just takes a little bit of design ofieritation towards Airport Road to do that, Mr Edgerton suggested that there be apartments upstairs, loo Ms. Echols stated that when they First got this plan it was hard to see where the environmental features are of the property because they were covered with buildings and parking Tats. Staff has provided comments to the applicant letting therm know that they need to expose the streams at least on the pJans so that they can see where they are Also, along the edges of the property they need to be doing something that is a little more sensitive to the stream and give us more detail about how they are doing it. That is going to affect the retaining wall comments in the staff report. There are two streams and one is less defined than the other. Staff needs to see the streams and see what it is that they are doing with it to be able to assess that before they can move to the next step She felt that the applicant got that She felt that would the =n relate to the retaining wall comments, which will change what will happen to the edges_ Ms. Joseph stated that they would also like to see where the critical slopes are located so that concept is addressed during this stage Ms. Echols agreed that would be necessary if there were critical slopes That were going to be impacted She did not think that there are any critical slopes in this particular section. aut, they do know there are some strearns and stream valleys that staff needs to know where they are located. She asked rf there was anything else that the Commission wanted to discuss. Ms Joseph asked if Mere were any written reports avaiJable_ Ms Echols staked that there were no written reports. All of the reports have been verbal reports that have been taken over the years. The site plans are carrying the notes about how much square footage is being developed and the timing of that. She pulled one site plan, but it did not have anythrrkg about the water on it. She noted that they would need to make sure that they are keeping track of those things rn the site plan Ms Joseph asked Mr Stoffer if there was anything else that they would like to be discussed at lhi.s point Mr Stoller stated that he did riot, but Lust wanted to thank the Planning Commission for their time tonight In summM. the Planmmng Commission hold a work session on MA -2005 -803, LAVA Research Park of Airport Road to review the overall design and layout of the proposed park in relationship to the current application to add approximately 38 acres of land that is adjacent to the already approved Northfork Research Park Staff asked the Commission to provide guidance and feedback to both the staff and applicant on changes, Ff any. needed to bring the proposal into conformity with the Neighborhood Model and the rest of the Comprehensive Plank before the applicant moves W the next step In order to farniliadze the Commission with the project and to discuss several issues that would benefit from advance input prior to the public hearing. staff presented the proposal with the applicant's input and answered questions The Planning Commission held a discussion with staff and the applicant and provided feedback on the rezoning proposal and preliminary discussion topics. 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Amodwal Joj sanlitai ao o ` (s)uotivis os110dsa1 �Dua j.-Pwa buts oaU . allogs arunrd `saaluna �urin�Cn�.t 4utpnloxa leoir ao0U ssoa,,i laN munbs 0W00L`E paaaxo 1011 11Rgs laafoad agl uigiih -, padol mop aq of aftlooj 3junbs amiumm Iviol 'inoPl!nfl imoi, I G3,10 1AAHa 319 O.L V3HV H00r1A SS0MD '111 -uoilaaulaa aql Ol oaa qns .(pgaJZg lou aata my Awodoad aqi jo suotuod asegi 01 uoilrzarlaaCj ZRIJ p=lxo 01 IuMNIS111 ln3 aarl.IO s.1a01D P }IOsa Ca11? a;qj ur pton a ll!A% lura!Iddv 3141 'E00-So DZ V pvZ 3o IrAwddt# uodl-1 '969 zSud le `580. `I0o0 P' u! a:1t130 S, NJ I 13 Frvsaaojas 2141 Lit P10= j sr Spxuw staj Prtt? suoitMJsa l `suolilpuo `sltr1eu3n03 j0 u0ilt3ielnaC] ItivauaolddnS H 'bEV o',I `bI$I Moog paaq u 9tta011 A • 1un0 j .2k1mw zpqlv jo iano Itnai! at{l 0 app s.'laal au1 u� ppso s! sl�tarias�e Ptir. s�nittl�:,1 `s�o }1iPu0 slunuano j0 uorie no0 ;pq_L 'pogsprs rzaaq s11t4 t,0-S6 VWZ ILI0JJ I I a, 0 d SM011311i IsAll IINV SNOLLIGKO D `S.LI VNH O d0 I- 0[1VHVTM(1 GSTV N:011 -V130 SV SHASIAW 'II ,ivaurdolannp P�sodoad ogjjo uoilatdap 31gd-gil u si uuld uotlratIdd agL wIT 1oQU ssoas laaj amnbs ()00100L`E of Aliodotc{ .tql Tio ailnlogj -munbs a1q!ssruraad aql saseaaaui E0b -goo v 'suorleatsnlll puL suuld S?401,LV*I.L 11III (INV SI V-1d NOIIVJ]IddV 91SI 1N073H '1 '13ajla pun aaaoa i3glarrj ou to puv ploA pum 11 nu aq Almpipaunut IIv4s siaUDid asgj `paruap st g00- 00Z VyqZ uoiren!lddia Suruozot ji `o1guosew uR ' uotltpuoa :) �j legl s*nlAroujau .t,3"0 iql put, 1,3uruozia palszmhat oq1 jo prd sR pamjjcud '(pilnunjoA QIIR suoil!Puoa asatij- 'nuruipa0 ffuiucyZ Ajuno:) 01.tuu. qjV aril .#0 E':E uoij S of lutansind pue `PaPuatue se `0961 Ttutffa! A ;o apo all Jo EOE& E- 9 1 u0 II3;)S of jurnsind saaj0id Ruimoll0j aqt qt!,,n pi0aag ui (podwj oil dolmop IIut{s numkp ails 'pals,mbw Se d1Qd 01 E04-500Z Vh of 1aafgns Si ndoid aT otiozai of siav saosrnsadn jo pnog Ajuno:) alatewo-qf aqi jr wy sp oad AllinjunloA �gaaanl mmo �rj -sl!grrlxo ogijo nwos u of p;)j l aj sP L.wkp(] jj-ol puv stmo l,. su%aaw oslta sia oid os iqi ut of paunjaa se ;,3v' Peo „ Uum aL L ..'iLmz)ildd .. aili pUE ..sa"o_ ati] S@ 01 PWo,}os St rroilsPuno.l utuTatl A �o miuoAiun aq, saagotd -Psagi_ #o C L uantulutw qj!Nk zaurP10331a u! �JOMPN Pend 1rulmul agi col uoi1ez {leu21s pua sues Ilelsut pue vn11suoa 4vRMsap Ijvgs lueattdd '(,.�jow Proll [ alu[•• ,gi) tmld WANNI peo'd jtaulaluY :•1 ltq!t[xEj uo umogs suotiv;101 agl ut xljrmax �Jompu Pvcu jeulalut up Aq 13aCojd ngj ulclil.�n ssa00e .telnotrinn opytotd Il#tls pue soil iuuotlddV 'IfDmlzN peon l usalul ['S •uialnq pap!Aojd se ueld uotivatldd Q4j 4ll!A1, anueptoOIV ut SNOB mau twulsuoa ll!m luealjdd NOIIVIHOdSNVUI 'A •a 'gesn .tai .o,rn of �ullv)aj suotltpuw 01gt}uoseas ,pnjatt! Sm lenoidde s,diutlo:) aqj •.jnsn a tans laoddns of slst a Stprdn luatntllns 1e1I1 Ruipuy n apnlaut isrtua pue 3,9esn iajum jo sarisst 01 ,41aJos pal!ultl aq FINS Mno,idde sAuno ate, {(l!uuad asn lelaads a fful-mppuw aoa ssa old 341 ul se momad uotssiustuo OutuuMld Puts 'Aut.teaq wlgnd tiunusatinhaz natlou cures all Sutpnlaut) lturzad asn je=ds a 1oj uo� mildde ue ui paatnbot se salrtpaaoac[ atues Hill g2notgl jna r, Bons nnwdd of �aglajm saPtsuoO Ilrys Xjuno aq,j, •[eAotdds ,(lunoD Ouiulelgo inogi!m palanslstm acl IIm1,; -mip n algmod jo �uotidtunsuoZ) ,(]!up affkwAe) .{tap .tad suajled 00c'5zj leql o3ow minbw 11w. legs asn u sosodwd tlaq%A Lasn letazawwoa so jewisnput olButs o •u !leA-asuo f -Sjenotddt: pue sijuijod Itiaal puu aluls •jMapa{ SGessaaau [le flu!umlgo saUe xluno:) agl (q Panoat[de sash jaglo Am ao 1sj4V11 'Juillum Pug satltl!ltl `spuod uo!luolo-1 luautauuod -spew Jo ,.,;n pue uotl )lu1SUt atli 10j jdiaxa laafwd at{1 ut paqjrusip aq jou IjPgs `I ltgjgx ] uo u_� %ogs sv Z pue j sjoctj ut spurtlim asogl Juipnlaui lou lnq luDwdol -mLaci {iiunwwoj ju wwwerjaci Xwnoj zkjmuijqjv aql LplAt alu uo Puta 1ue,tlddV aq1 q palj!tugns {pnls spuulia,�% at[l ut PautPp se `SPTJella •spujlo £`f �uauadnln ap laaCotd iol ssajoid maiAw weld luawdo[a.Nap oils 0111 Buiinp Xluno ayl Aq le, ,.oxldu ,roj Xnssa= sp .Mpuuls fful naulgua pue u3isap glt,vL Xlduloa wqi suounutpntu asoT t�2prljaui ueld luatuDgeue Jaler,�uu01S Oql jo u0lleluL ulaldtut, s,lueDtlddv -ADadoaj at{l uo spans agvutrip ojgenijdde ol�l fluilt�.todlo,ul `1nafOld 0111 aoJ umjd lualua19MIN Jn1en ',uuO1S [leJ12 .ko uu paptno -id star{ anumo aqj 'uejd ivatua MMIN 131vA %uuO1S -# •suopuln5w }qtr. sa,u ,eutpto Xlunoj Aq pailtuu.tad ve suotidaaxa g,ns 1ua1xa aql of �juo pue `f 1 ;9jgx uo u cigs se pue l slnetl `sit l ulpl� pue uvu�lsapnd pun `sd issot:� ltagl pue sailt1juj .�jgjjn aijgnd °sSulssm) peon 10; idanwa pagsnls!pun uteuaaa llrgs lnnCold a�i ulgl!m u!etd pool ,toad -Opl agi ja Lwp oil •uneld Pool:. 11, N1O1JLVA l3SN103 II IVA% UNIV .LN3W39VNVW 1131YtIt MMO.I. `Al 0 -1 osald fu imp r ZtglLlxg uo umoqs sB Z pri L pun I pluj, utgl!. n palanalsuoa aq liegs uair iooU ssoag 1aaj aamnbs 000`48l tivgi wow IoM (f alms) 000`02 (sasn liu) 1 lkivq,C 'ino -pling Ieloy LEI nlu«R 000,gZ of pal!uiiI Ieiaiawuia oddn 000`02I :01 pa$itutiI 3 :1LU0 jr.1lu3r ;(sOSn Ilt) 909 'I'd . {q pOssaa v 000` VE zq Ol inu -pl!nu Wnwlxe" (Z tyou) ()OOISS of l t ia4uwn, poddnS ;(sash lle) v peo-d ,�q passaove 000,90 oq al 1nO -plinq umLup.e ;vou) 1nO -pltnq anivgnwnD u�ntu i xg W T: d asrl purl :molaq t,•S UOIJONOS ut gJJOJ las S1Ll- 1M.MDidwI pvoaIa OuiLup atll fuiutmaaiap iaj XlddL, Ili3Ns alnpaps 5utn1,01 [o. )q.I. -1ta;7Ll1 01MOCI ,lo sas qd £' Sr {1llagdse xiLu lunld jo iakq (l) auo puu amq ;)ql kcal Ie ql!m iggnos st Axrednmo Jo 31ing!Naa ta gouln toj Su tpllnq aril S;)Al.IS ElatLlM peal Jo WOW1,1as 11241 alalduioa Ilrgs laumko 3y aaAamoq `�imdmao jo saluoijllioz jo o�aenssi zaojig ' Id uotm:�gMV aip uu u-ftugb puU utasaq V'� uopaS ut paquasap se sasrgd ut �l,Lomiip4 pumd llnl,aJul aria la uism) llstls =mo aq.L -q -uuld tuiutd()JOAOp a1!s v iaptin luawdOlanap iql Xotrudnno ,lo a1L,:)ylluaa R jo aauenssi jo atull it11 jr ao seam ilgai[ddu clam ,tol jig Id uoistAtpgns lnusj atp jo uOZtepaoa a p otutI QqJ In ua31sns Aumglaltl areas oft Mut a3urldnor 1oj 'asn atlgnd .tql pareaipap put: uottawis= aOJ papuoq J palonjJSUo3 aq IIeLIs (w1ju 1pns Ol ss201v 1Et:t=AUO3 PUC qes j l ssa:pau zin auiuualap Alglmeseza Alum q1 pue IOCI 1 t).; iqm sluauianosdwi ljoA'QZlK pUO-�l lt'oa ,4lol radio pine) •lenoiddr uvld oils .it?l. Clunoo atll O1 palXtuagns e mu ue ass pzt[nn speoi leu mul 1[ `V spr put 1 Ual lanslsuO pt:Od Z• g -ssaaoad luAcudde umld ops{]rld EtoisIAtpgns aql 'Ruimp Luau )snCpe of l:)aCgns aq llegs -1 1!ggxg uO pm3ldop SsumptW JO UOileaOl pma aL1_, 'asmboi s,lEm3qddV iB pieptrets iassal a sonczdde .I OCIA ssalun `(..1.OQA..) uopvvadsuw L io luau mdac[ elu;1alA aril JO spmepu s 9 u1 saaIload 1UaWnouduq pRo-d •sasogd ui sluawAwdwi ptoi loj 2oingiuluo3 io/pum lonnsuoo lulisap llrgs lui?nilddv 'S1uMUDA00Lug PV011;XUDjJ01 V'C • f'g U01POS aril ul anogU uvga aril ut LLmogs suoslelsuail ease , ooh stwfl oql p =xa lou Ijugs qd MAO , (ue xal sasn lagl() 111 Pug 'll.pi u maj uoddns '1310H JO lno -plznq Dial aril 1egj st3gaud lueaildd 'ulald uoiieaqddV aql Cj ;m xwopiwolo u1 luotudGEPAap JO asi?gd Am? utgiim viclM asn pug jo xiuu oqi Suuaije woij itm-.)ilddv 1a1j1sou ilutls utasag Paull luoa -3uTTON ;alo (f) io ;l a-mbs ui 'rwr uooL; ssoj3 irla,l, :alo N (E) 'mold uopro i jddV aqi .lo l atgn{xz-[ u xuju" as (I par-1 3ql as •sdotls zopm puL, sdogs Kann pug uagtuq `sdogs oaaecloi puu ad id `spalssmau ;slstloLl =sualuaa Xdoa :sasn -RulrNol[ql ayl se Mann sB aaumilruo aill jo ().6 u011Oa, ui `uatjoaS sasn frewyd luaidXj. 'svaiv DiiAjos pooyogq�p puu aRt']I! 1 `algul ;isoutlap!nO asrl Pu-P'I Jig] lu,plsa -uo .t aq) ua p isil sasn asagl Ereaua llut#s .,1vlaoowwo:) uoddn .. -(;,aaueuipio}„ aqt) aaut.uipuo ldutuoZ Xjuno alwLuoglV )ql ut quo.L 1os uoillut ap aril aneg ll s ..10101 C,. '+old uotjntIddV aqi of N i!q«lxFI uo xpinVi asn puzq all pamlullap s i: afo3d qj uzililm poiljul ad [i;tax wwo:) ijod'dnS pue MIU aattwaJUo:)llolOH u eyl iagio sasn asaY ueaLu IINS, ., asf1101110 11V., : A 3131U r stgl jo s ochnd aqi $oI suoiliU!J,4p iftxnna1[Cl aLlI Z,AVi 11FLls OAL)gr sue ya agl ui &mtogm.:5 asst zql =:)10 ( E1 (F aXIO 000'00L`£ (sasn ilu) E11 a'ugd 'lrl PI111q Irlo.L ulitiiuIxzyq UDU`f }fit' :sasrl laglo II 000'061 lajua o aatsalNUOD /Eajol-] 000,011 - .pptawwoj uoddtl � .��r�ar lno- Plin1;I MileInlun EEE ISVE-Ed Q ajim sjsl7 puliq (F aim) 000, 89g'i (sasn flu) it aseggj `Inc -pl!nq Iulo.L ulnUT'%-uYV ()00`89z,l :sOsCI milo [IV 000'061 0DO'D1 L :peIoAznuL to uuddn aiou lno-Pltufl aAileEntun turnuuixeE If 3 vHd Q 310u asfl PUTI 9 (i) suojlaasMut lfu1A.oljol ogt 1e a &.IaAe .4Q„ SO1 pug `uoriaasaolut S•fl 3q) 12 luawannw lluttum lunpjnjput g3eQ lot "CL, S()l Pue `6 ' •! 1 PUR (b' prod) OA 1.1c] J.Mjj Pre sr a1 jo uoiMsaOWT 3q) le ARIa ne . , (i O`j -, 031A.ra Jo laAaI r :2U1AnnlloJ oqi uugl zajjoq JO of JUJUAMbO SL 110q) k9lop a [jj!m `uotlanjlsuoD $ujp[!nq jeuoilrpptr pasodojd oljl qjua `uotjaunj jj!M (sluaw Aotu Rutuanz Ile Ourpn[aup) suoll s -'aIur urnnojjo} atli 1eg1 SO1r1JSTJOLuzT .LOUA A9 pano.tddrr Apnis oujali r jr `sjajjoud PrOl 1 1SVgd j[e UTAJsilias Jo 0 :M3APV u1 1 asegd `lno -pjing wtiwtxvW jV10 [, ogt puoAQq latulsaoo of pltjuuad aq llrqs juiearlddV 11mo woj all Suipurlsill!mloN 'u'eld uoiju3 [ddV 041 JD N 1[ qxg uo pagta:mp su oq llugs sluawaAwdWL pupa j os'egd pajiD sd oq L JOCIA Xq panoadde sr pue `J_OC1A Aq io xjUnOD agt jo 1sanbN aqi it osuadxa alos q 1r lue-)i jddV og1 �q pared vd Xpnls = 11j,[r11 la Act p;Dwgsuouaap si pur lua)wdolmop gars Aq patea�ta si paau r< 00 ao IV) #'g uorlaaS situ ut Pali':) ds W 3! aaz[Jea .ro PD) aMlsuo sr (a, -.oge C•� uoipa S ui u, -volts se) 1 asuqd `1no -PjrnH Irjc_L uwntuixtyq aT -IaOJN s.MOO-ld pvo.r I as?M 3utm0j[OJ ai[l XJstlus IjNs 1uuarjddV -V •uMILstnbar purl oqi jo uoijalduwo uodn suogngpmoa ssaaxa jjr jut?3qddv aqi of punpi jjugs Ajuno arj_L •A$urro ay �q isanbar aaljta sXrp ( ()c) A1-rttll uirji }nn sisoa ssaaxa Mans jjr AwnoD ay asanqurtoa (jugs luearlddv uagl `anoge paingtjluoa {jsnomr id lrtnolu�e aq) spaaaxa Uorlisrnbar .4'em ,jo iyflu aqi jo isoa oqi j[ 'sasodlnd uotwutuapuoa x uoilpinbm Ioj pamdoid j> SWrldde s, lur<o aq1 Jo ( %o9l} uaa3 ,)d Ajij paapunq auo paaaxo 1ou jimis tun u u qans legl paprnoad Xotuo)IV , {luno ar{1 , {q uotlisrt7bir ,{vodoad ag1 jot kjussaaau pausaap se lunow a oqi ui asodmd Bans jol X{ Ulolj gwno,o oqi Xq panoaddr ruioj r ur Jipaja jo ao]laj a aprnoid so uoijngi.rluoa rjsra r a)[vu2 [113qS lueailddV 't-5 uojloaS sigl Xq luowAwdwi a�[l jo uo1prulsrtoa 10j x1am jo 10!j ajjgnd alts -jUo ar[1 iqI poi mbw si legI uorljsinbar Auodosd aoj `uoprppe ui `ut uq Kmjuoa atjl of ult[tr;ue 9u1purlsglx,,&lol f•g uortaa uj rljj oj 1as sr Ino- plink[ trio -L wntu eN s,asegd gara '3uilorulsuoo arogq `(molaq g1joj 1as e) .rot palnquluoa to `papuoq jo pala[dwo ag jletls asragd ajgvarlddu qma ) aoj #•S uorlaaS srgl ui poq!r sap swotumo.Aul Pros oqi `nnojoq pa_rnbw sr quail jaijioa up ssilurl - saaueutp.ro rio suoptjnft algvaildde Xq p arnba.r osrn atllo sr luawan U t l 4)u1 ssojuo ` uraoa o[quatldde 041 aapun ino -plrnq Aljsuap pano.rddle aqi 1]u�dola,�ap woaj papnjaard aq 1ou [Irys 1u aijddV ( cm- jo -jq'3 t ilans tot �{srssaaau pu�el ot11 oitobae of s�ao �a gij1 j pooll opuLu surd luuarlddv aqi pun inboe of pars oid seat tueajjddV goigm ui saaUMsut atl.) M pre) o1quljene 1ou sr A8m- j:o -1q11_1 .russaaau 4g1 g5noyl uano 1,;z ,lord asogt ur pappLoid Sr luawaAwdwi ue 1analsuoa o1 a[qr pine gurll!m ` piuw si iuuaijddV se 2luol o •uta.ratl paPTAo.rd jssaldxa ssalun ` (jm,:)1jddV �q aldu.ns oat ui gauxAo 1ou si 11) S'em io -1y2u p ;.iinbaj fuiutmgo .[.CSC]A is �{1uno ay1 iuodn pouorl?puoa aq [legs sluaMaA0.1dwi pro-z ajrs o jo iueajjddv , {q uotlarulsuoa jI -uiariaaj .tol pip!noid X1,;sa.rdxa ssal tin PUP[ jo uoi1wIpap apnlaur lou Ijrgs t, oil aaS siyt L : (Pow.Ua uoaq 10U sley paau gans 110t11 D:KIaPina 1�j mnba1 s,.�iunaE) ag1 uodrr 1un0:1 a)IUCJ1 V 1Ml 119 Optnold llr ittle qMV `Spnis auile11 r �jddns o1 1ue -,mIdd aainbal astir 1at110 jou swop ssaaold m.aiAaj meld juatud0jzn0p alts tly Ji 1ei11 13.1,3M014 laapinold) L0(1A Xq panoaddu Xpnls 3ut#11 a ,�q palemuoutop si puv luatudo10nap t1 ms , {q pivo a si paau a (!t) to `(a) t'S sttl] u paIl!:)Dds (1) J! AallaMa 10 (anoge � - g unilaa u glxo[ 13S Sr) (pa13tuIsuoa si j asugj `ono -ppnig Ile1oJ- tuntulXVN .lya wctpq lou tnq) Pala1111suoa si 11 asatld '00-pling IG101 wnunxuvy aqi wjaq s-u oid prou 11 neild himollal aril ,pipes [Iugs luca!Idd 'g •patalduaoa uaacl sla y tO -96 VVQZ J0 (t) (OF94111 Wd W •palaldWO) ua,)q 'Seri 170- 9 6 VWZJ0 (00e }VS 130OJd W -(lumtalalS 10 -110id sail Jo 'up atli Jo se' paloIdLuoo uaag srq aurl auo) sm el y 'Sno -iqt punngrmm wAl jo ttogon.ttstraa pue Oisap �uoiintpap aPnjl )uI 111�45 ONJU ()Z • •jl W a^iIQ �SgTj P1118 sLina^[ /)/ pleo 1p x U-ulua at#J. '(1uauualul 13JU01d sigl jo allep aq1 .lo st* p widutoa uaaq suy uuxiaajip gnzzi u! aural no) s=ej utul Igla t punaglsea 0ml pule saulel u1n1 1pl ptmoglsva oml .lo umoruisuoa pue ugisap `uoilLnipap apnlaut Ilvgs 6Z ' 'n 01uo lixa a, 'LIACI '[191D Pule sinka'I /V Plao�l a'41 '(1u=01>i1 pjjwd siqi 3o nep agl jo se pala[duioa uaaq svy stt[J.) 6Z ' T1 uo auel ulttl jglip punogillnos prttlau"tla 'e tarti.u=oa Pu'8 uSlsap 'loJ r12m .10 IOU (, s.gnbau of ajymn st zuuailddv p `sisoa tioipsinbala 10j 1!1ua 191uauRuWno1i ft!ii tbora ag1 asingwpi 1o) wtnbav lllogs 1uuatldd •aAt1(1 I-MID puts s!x► 'I MO 6Z • 'f) uao1J laaCoud alp Owl ffultum s013tt{a,N punDgg1nas 10j 1ra3uu3n0tu usnl iql. u SUIMoLJ 9 apjAwd of lrec[ pmsad at11 ow[ aulal umi pt2nogisa,v, a iannsuoa osp, II! m lun qdd •(luauta11r1 JaIJ oJd s 1 t 1 Jo MIT 0111 J0 sL' palaldtuoa uZ)aq -;mj a wI wn1 punoggpou Quo) 6Z ' 'n pur 03M M19 Jled galeasa l 14)) v pumdjo uoiIaasaalui aql le saunI u1n1 Ua1 putnogt(ltnu anti latulsuoa pule uff!sap `10j gvm .f0 14'sy (Xlnb,)e i1 algeTjn si luvaildd J! `slsoa uoilts!nbae 1oj 1!1uD 10l(1,11,M OS Stiumbar nql asingwta to) aimbou Drags tuuoilddV ( ) -pala(dutoo uaaq svq 10-96 VIN J0 ( I )MV 91gJJOM (1) '6b9 a)nol pole 909 a1no (111) `umd IWO PLm 909 aInGH (4!) 'V PROM Puu 6tf9 aino 1 8 `inn -pj}nfj uanwixuAT lrloJ, aql ;o ssaaxa ui sluawanoAdtut .ioj X3wedua:tojo meatjtltaa tsitj agl jo aauenssi agl axopil (Z) '61,9 atna-d of v poll la .1aed gxm.asa-d aill of aaulejzua ag1 wM 6Z 'S'il do auul tllnorgl punoggjnos lieuotlippu uv joj luEoildd Xq paingijluoa aq asiAuoglo p[noAn gMq.M SIM) UOt1DI ISUCI pulC u21sap agt of [onba lunowu um D1nClywD Ilugs lueat1dd v `uotu)altp s,KlunoD aq1 lu puu 'sai}nku IOCI1 Ji `anllu4uatlr 3ql uI '6179 alno'd of V NON lr 11rd galeDSa'd 3ql of mr -ilua aql tuO.0 6Z ' '(l uo 0"1 OnOuT purnogTnO NIT t? ,lo uoxl!PPr aql (6Z -S-fl jo wnlrnina lratlJan 1tl) tjrlaD na ffuipnlaui) spJteptt s .LOCiA 01 Vem jo lgolj Oullsiv) ut 01 pine uRtsaP 1I0tls ltn*a[lddV (l) 'Qt PUB I sar,etld aaI lno -pjtng lrlo.L LunwixRIN mp Sutlanilsuoa ioj suotltpuoa aq lou ]pulls suoilipuoo tlans loq) pagsilt#s uaaq anleg Ilieys suoll!puoa gui,,�►olloj Dgl j0 Duo Aw J! a.Logla E'g uoilaac� ui pagtiasap [11 a old "tno-Pl }nq lrm.1, umagxnyN xil of do p iwid . {riu st imvioidwi Jo uoprutsuo3 - '10CIA ,�q puiuu;)Iap se mfotd atli r q paisata sa pa.-)u r Lmgm. magi said ou inq `saagosd prow 11 agNi asagl IdUISIsilt~s ui panosdwi se v pro-[ Puu 6t9 alnod jo uoilaas.talul 0111 lr tolluoa 3gjrjl aleudosddu ioj kiess. =u pAls a l l [in 11131sur pup ufisap Iltgs 1ur.3ijddV (0 •p,lalduio:l uaaq s811 #G-96 VINZ 3o (E)(q)#'� aa,Uo�,j Q) -V pt?od do satnel q',Inojgl punoggvou onnt puu -V Puo-1 uv aurl wnl 100 punvWnos auo V peold uo sauel uanl IJa[ punoggmvs orkl :aausilua W alno -d aq1 le lonilsuoa pue 31leaipap •u2isap Ilrtls iul ?mjdd Q) - utuap!Ai tans ioj pa�u atll alraJa laafoJd agl utgl!.lA sauanloA a rai uogm 6179 41 6Z ' 'l WOIJ "ItITUDYxa peon .tota.)lloa au-01 o'"l atll sa wl ,moj nl uop! "%n pug alratpap [[qs jurnilddv -(palaldutoa uaoq sett `aApC[ I.LelD PUB skmal 'Pe«-i stg1.10 uougod u) (f ligiyxg uo Z puie l laril, ui aq Auto von jooU ssoiff OUo`08l of do yatgm 3o ata3e JOQU ssvA 000`086) 1 aid `lnO— '3ulp$!ng 1e1n1 uttitum w agl jo uati. -i lsuoa jaUv palarulsuoa flutpt!nq a loj ibuudnaao jo air atjt -maa mLl at{1,10 Daulonssi aql IK) stlluou= xis uigllA laafcud *md gaieasa-d atll 49TIOJ41 6179 WnOld 01 6Z 'S'fl ulOAJ Fu'puat a peon Jolaalloa auul onnl 9 laafaM agl u!giim pulsuoa pule `a1eaIPap `u 'llsap hurls lueat[dd (1) 6 lgJu atlt j -asn aItgnd xaj pownipip s Sum jo igitu zgl tt?yl uotmou r SON pue Xumja Ig 'Ru ayj laidap IIe13s iv Id uotsI.AIpgns gins V[ D .sliatd uOtSIAjpgns amw -to auo Aq paivaipap st ftsx jo tq',Iij atll ,3l 'lsanb�a uatiym agi .[o tdlant sjtm.)t[ddV ,+Tt Ouimotlol sgtuouu () xis uigl!,m poXakuoa aq Ijugs :4um jo iijRy age, junoa ay Xq isanbaj uaxlu uodn Sum ,lo ly2!s ayl `uopMZPisuoa nMtauout InOq . `41nlpap Ilnys luC;)ttdd at[l •pro)l uos ol3iQ ja 2utuapi.A oq) zaj pojinbw si Sp, jo ly9 ;.t jo uotvnipap agl 31 IOCIA ^q pros uoslD111C] .[o lluluMM agt jql paiinbal si 30 Iq2» jo uotie:5tpap aqt jj iaal (()g) ij of do , {q pan pai oq Amu `}[ tjgigxg uo .Fealv szgIng ,0gI_ se umogs pue ptso'd uosIMIG of lunrpn jajnq ion, (ogj) )CIIU Pa-jptTml aria atl.L "B •aaustxua s,taafcmd mpjo sajnluoj attaglsav ayl a,uaswd �C u,r weaijddV legs os al mamut Bans jol ufftsap t u ateclt2tied of altsop s,limmjddv S tl •uOIIVMpap .lo spaap Wu w 10 ol#o 'JIutp 'Jo3a.t puiv fluuirdald pun joatagl sleid zu'mu to auo gui.red and `nuic agl Oui�zv sns ,lo smi al[l XiRd Iluqs iue :ijdd ayl `iuld uoist.ktpgns Xq pmeazpap uaaq iota seq V;Me agi ,ll asn at[gnd joj patempap sz it ieyx uoumou a .maq pue p wnpop oq of vuti az[i lmdap Ijegs iuld unjsIntpgns gins q=.? `siejd UOISInipgns w ur ao auo .gig Pmeatpap si uwu aql ,I1 "Paton- 11SU00 14 of m afft rg3njut agl uzgm pun •uoilsaapIsuaa Inoglt," 0= dons al'eagpOp IIV4'- matidd ..'aiu� gD.13Iul pale3eda ape.tr) amen j ajgtssad IT pa�aasaH raiv XrM jo It 4i 1„ se K licl!yxH uo pawu2tsap se aq Ilegs uopnoj alrwix<udde aq jL •aWuEgasalut pajeledas apm9. v •}o uotimsisuoa .10j hemnu laafotd sli utqj!m oon ue )[dwis aaj ut �anuoa pun on ax[gnd of awlpop II'Rgs l remIddV agl `Aiuno ayl jo lsanbca ayl uodn 'Matuanoui 9utwrtj 4ae3 IDJ a €Q,. 0 "1 pLm. 'o'AvaAv << ,, S0,1 a ueaw Nuys aalAuas JO sjaAaI alge�daaae `() ,' uonaosgns sty#) jo somUnd so j[ -v pen- I {armi.tq I.M13 put S!,vull Pula U SYI J0 001 )aastalul ayl }e pue '669 atna -[ PUB K •S'[7 ;)T le aaautltu-I tuna ayi Puu I.OQR Jo uoitae�st�es ayt o1 pauTeluin u aq uea a -iwm •}o sIaAal algeldaaae 1941.I OCIA ;iq pa.taiddia Sol PnIs )9JEJI 01 11 .LOCIA ol. nuisuoutap una iusoildd su Ruol OS anogrt (I) 'S UOTJnaS UL p3irlduKaxu03 SE palajdWoa uaag SuznnI[ SIWWDAcuduu puw ayl j[e tnogty% (['E uopa3s ur pau]eIuoa u011eatu 11 a]41 PuUAaq tuaAa ou ut inq) [I aseyd lno-ppnj] uunuitxeVj Iulo.L aqi ,lo SSOOV) u1 MIMI= SSal3t{j13nau )Cetu uoItarulsuoJ { } wauifug XiunoD 3 4 putt .l.0aA J uo[1aePlles 0141 016" a1rto-d pu'R V pPa}l to I'M gateasa}d agijo aauuaua aqi uaan %#aq bi 'S'Il RUOIC p roruisuoa uaaq z)Aoq llRgi� saint[ y9nonp xis `[[ n!;nqd 01 u0 uIn5tls sr .rant eutrent aql 01 luaaefpu pu-c XlJadoij ayi jo kmpunoq 3111 Suv19 Ypt," ui ioN (()01 po�punq atto uugl ss31 0u Smuoar v -si[tzurosua 3jow to auo sr �o ajdwis aal ui i3rliia asti ot(gnd aql {1uno:) aqt of atraip3p llutls JOUMp -Ni `.(19110j allnw;)gjV jo isanbaj undo r., a u!) eu9uni-d E -9 .aau69iplo g its Xq pa913A(A A Ilu IM) #vu ors mm t{3ns jt �aiuluuIPO 3111 J0 £'C'b UOMOS 01 suwv mql Inofgns of aajj ord sIL11 : q pu;)lUI iou swop Iwo atlddV -s`t<a asar{j iii polaijisuoa .�q IIgs s311!uaiur V.aiV uotuwo pu'e `sI!ell ffuIp!.t pm uu pis ap3d €satli(Ilrt uu11i sluatuoAwdtut 1ampruls oX -unil9Vtuu1.10 31etrdoidde ur 01 t0 U0110130ss slaum() Dql 01 wart padolmapUit Mans aleaIpap Xew iui D dd -uoueze1aaC1 alll Xq pasodtul sumpulsai 0111 01 133Cgns 'laafo.td mpic smops3i ayi.lo wiLu ofua pue asn aql ioj aq 11 qs s aru os3q.L ,sane QOM, jo p aim P urgi ssal aq s.1: 0oad asarll III paq!rasop scare u01l6as301 pus (sl!gsil)o uo umogs) wands uodp `�AlCj I —L uDTIOL$S III paullap) seam rajjng `(molaq C•g uoipoS ui pauUop) sia.muaair) 3,11 du,prllau, `sua u p3dn1anaptrn Bans ao uam lulol X11 Il!M IMAM ou ul -field �Cq poggqelsa am s3impunoq aouo w3tulsnfpe Aiepunoq of =fgns `urld '5111Mld uiotsAS aauds gad -N INN NU u0 ..00-90 VVW sZu3V 99'01., sr .10 slaajrd ivauzd0lanap 11LIl 'l em ri,v►ntls Lori s6a.wjo juawdopA;)p pulsar lings 1uni[MV -aa S ua " Z-9 '�C�uno 3ql . {q p3n5�cJti� osl,�.ial;to ssa(un 'Rullg1 ilj uunlpuis JO plan til!m p nt it 3g 1ou lei. st5m splai:1 shads 'POOP AlusrRAlk lrrauag r jo UUgj ar41 III 3q Ilaq& put aldmis aaj ui ,�juno aqi oi laajud splat_4 sliod atla . anuaa llugs tlaig 'uonealpap .10 spaap aj0tu .10 auo 5uapr0aw ptw 'Juupdaid pue joajagl s1r(d a etu ao auo'Supedard `hand splat j Spods 041 ful4muns p slsoa aql (ed llrtls iueaildd aq.L '!: IMNXEI aqi uo polaidap splaij sijadS 3111 `lsanbar umpm z11t -lo 1dia3w s,luvilddv aqt Buin10110i sgiuolu (9) x1s uigiim umaumu iit0yim `Aiuno aqi 01 tletls lueoilddV all ` iuno,3 3111 Xq #sanbca uodfl -uopeziuelfao - lIrirdordds 1te .so itw* 1ddV aqj Aq pautrluictu aq lletls •xjuno;-) aql 01 pazCmuon ssalun 'suzup uoilea.taar q S •E• g uoitaaS ui t11r0j 1as se -1 asi*gd `1no -piing lutol tuntuixe[y 3111 j0 uoil3rulsuoa arojN pmoldwoa 3q Iletls l asIRtld rot paglaasap sluaulaAcuduri ands undo amp -31dwlexo ro.j -oAoqu V-g UOIIaa S UT tllraj 133 se slu3waAOIdwl pew paia .Uord jo aanp3g3s Sursmid oqj . "allot 11egs sivatu.- ordtut tuoisAS aDWS undo ag1 jo 'gulsvgd 'urld llutselld =js�g ooedS u3d{ ; 1tg1t1x 1 u0 tiA -,oils se sualr '31WId pur splai,� mAeld •uOm?w33r 3miae dopAA p llutls iumaildd -sla53V 1695R.513a l pa ��lono(l 1.9 HJVdS NWO (]ITV SV311V F1VNOlJLVHHDalq '[A -poop Al=auvt 16.131131 e j 0 ttu0j atll u aq llugs pue aldwIs 0a1 U .tiltlwD 3ql 01 Am 30 111th agi 04uoa hugs 11alt1m 'uo in ip3p 3o spaap amw so auo "luipjoaal puie RulitdO.rd puu .Ioar3t11 steld WOLU ,ro auo Rusred3ld -pazeaipap ag of Arm jo jq r atli JutAanjns jo spsw ail Kt?d IIeLEs kuu311ddle Atli `field uoIsrAtpgng �q paIe3tpap ]5u S SWAj0 11 .to} saaui Surdleaspuul lurld (!tr 'gsrugjapun m .owai (!t -sl I em io saomaj laflut �ls urcluleru pun tlsllgttlso (r :01 urtll .10410 'Mid tt0t1is0!1ddV atlt uo pala><dag su (,,Smut/ sgj1nEj.. 3q)) sleaAV nPRO .7q) gantstp lou 11mis .1au." all '($) -L Pue (V) Z'L suoimS ut urasar{ pap!Aoid �jssoidxa sre ldaaxg •sFaaV .taW11H i.'L '90,iWIn tans gltffi aauslsaJ -1.11 ut low ProAu of paugtsap ag Ijugs s33.l!lrin pun0agxaptm puu s -jan jo wowmejd -V661 'j JNWAON uo uolssrururo:) Ruruuutd AMOD alauvaNIV 011, TIM Palti `.o ld .1319uyN aaa-L IOM Jao3 11PO E s,c[3ufl (] aql u1 paulleluoa splePURls gill tll!, aauepaoaau ui spr3oi taatoid lle advospuu[ Ilurls 1uu,)ilddV aqj- 's ur easpue-1 l'L ON1 13ANIG UNV DN1dV SGNV'I '1IA -kzliauxaa ,rli ur pinmut asogl JO ,(I! trgl 0111 10 sagst.m aq1 411, 1uals1suo1 tqs siqi jo aaunaUrudls leatlolst><l aqi sazrle! rouraux uuld uolluA rasa .id aq L •s1glJoid asagl AundluOaart of Aluno ag1 rllt. k paltj uaaq suq ucid uollvAiasaad at j 'loafoad a+Jl ,la luatudojanap .)ql olur alts pValsau10tl xouUol PLM 4moq aat `fbol trawl atlt sa1rw1odtaaur g3iq,-A uvid uottrAu a.td r pava$dwoa surd ulearlddV 'uuld OtttsuM urals�S anndc& tiadp mil uo u. oqs -m umv aLjl ut .� 11muixoAk p il'3o1 (Jai -1uax -1 ^irtu�j Id utlstxa aril gjrnstp lou Ilreys 1um;IddV at{ S 1!d a; l puu a�,JO awz)J V9 -1=8 q-)xp;mxH atll mj aireds undo sm palunon aq of mutiuoa IIr't#s nnrraa r all •rlotlraLpap Ia V •�ouuonV Aiuno,:) atll �q pa, 'taidde =oj re ui si pawl iqt iugi paptAoad ao4vn; puu 'paoc agi ulptoxu puu ftaredaad pue -Aowo11V Siuno oqi pue I�aau.alo1Dn. CJ A!Unurr.uo ja Ict otl 01 a(gtxldaaau joajagl uopatdop j.)gio to 1iR1d uotstAtpgns aril c.iuixedatd ` tx uoa4 a11. ?utXDAMS fo slsoa agi Xed hut`s ja+.umo oy 'geld uotstAtpgns SuiXuudwo.3Du ue AN paxeaipap iou si a uzQ E) wilt `uolXnalpaP jo ?Lutz aqz 1U 'JI 'PODCl aril uttll!M pain luoa SU011CtMOS01 pug sUocsWA of mrgn� `asu ot(gnd .to] paWarpap s! AWnaaa. O ar� lugs uopulou a r3uyeaq pule XumuaaaD aql furlaldap w1d uotslArpgrls a Xq palutzdtuoaau aq Iluris paaC[ 3qJ •tuaua )o.15V Iuatuasg- Puu )JID 3o paaQ Xq aql k{ Auoa Ilugs xmmo a4.L -(%j jwi l adSj_ 9 ssrel ) sllmi aimeu amiituud ldmo spral :Cue ja uolaorknsuoa .toj mautl3ug AmOL) art Wkj 1eMo.rddu utulc[o Ilrm jou,"i7 aq.1. -slrun 10j junuuN spmpuui� AisaCl S) UnOD aril al uu0,luo3 I11egs s[!wl IAutpp pur tivpjsapad jo uot#anilsuo •nary 0q13u sash ,telttuls ao sltre,u llutpp pue uer,rtsgod pIInq `uotldo sea to .�rtu `puu sjsar1l9 .trazlt pue laz)rcmd oqi jo stasn aq1 aaj xvkt -1 leuuu l l a>lt of stu, uraslea ssanau pule Slu3LUzsva �jtpjn �Bmuaarr aql ssone nmif knu aau."() a>.11 .�I?Muazg) aq1 ut paMojle awe sarl!Iltn j1 'a^!l'eruallu algleuoslear ou sr aaayl `saaul2u3 . {luno j oqI jo uotutdo 3qi u 3! XRmuaa.rr) aql u! pap!, ,Losd aq i'leW Sal #!Itlfl •.jaumo agl jo luasuoo x1l lnoggm gr- .%% uaajr) aql uigt1 n p:tlaaja to Paj3rulsuo3 aq Ilr qS s1!us1 Surpu pun ulelrIsapad URg1 sat#lo sluaur .,widusr isinlaruis o!g '(,��{r�x►uaair „ 3q><) ueld 'Autseqd itmisiCS aaudg uadC} -K tigtrlxA z wu3ijdd v nqj �q pauiuluiuu.t aq IIegs j ,jjjje tuolse j otLj, • 'd rrtl rid ,lo awii 3ql to sagauI (z /r Z) .IIi tq-auo pur om.1 N Ilrgs umml poll WON 5a3J1 aFOV j[v ja x -dEjra tunturuiur 311_, •Xuauadal3na(j MtunwwoD to 1t,;,u w&C] aqi jo xpasEc] X41 ,10 liewlade puu ArarAoa 3111 al aaafgns oq lleels AEsap a3jjuq atll pyre lst-1 luvj,[ p3puwwoaaN �junoD ap u agIV 3q1 woij paup qu 3g Urge saraads Wjd paAWddV - adeaspuuj jeans agsilersrltu u olzix sSuElurld p sodold .tll alt3�ut d�3t{ of passuua ag IlntCs sqs jlet () Put :s.S pL1u s.E o sdnor3 u pap!. -wid a9 Ilu11s sa3al jrluatutlwa _ ;o saalsn13 (a% t) °.sa,al utt�oaa3s gill 'duotuu pasaodsaalui ,g lluq-z soap 3pugs (Et!) 'ac[u3spuel ivana 3pstlmintuu le aleaa, of pip!noad aq Ijugs s33r1 ffutuoamjo sdnoaff aneuiallle pur sdnoa3 ui pajalstrjo aq guils s. awj �uluaar3s ,lo sa�,acis 3uat3s 341 (q) 'ialu33 -ua Inj (51) u231jg `patoS&ls X1a3001 'saan ffulu aas se Outnaas TJSIarl 111 laa•} (g) anr} lsZa1 119 p3lueld suDaIRA ana satlads antlt:u 30 xtw 11Ouuajut ur3 (E) : c pun uon:)ni)suo:r gins gtir,n uop- xinCuo:i ut 'puu 103aed uollul 0 a!J aqt anaas 01 10A'U }s otlqud a ` auoyme ojmzdwddu zoill 4q ameld3o3u pug umpruisum aaa isn 01 )uaja!j,lns lunowe uu u1 '�Iunoj aql of Alaatrs 3o uugj jaqlo ao puoq mrajj3ns v ap!Aojd to `asuadxa olos s;! in latutsuoa puu u2isap 11Lgs tuu31jdd app • j •g uollx)s LIT P.- iqp sap U011VIS 1111 zqj 3o tualudojaAap fiuirisogm, puu Suiluaaa uujd alis join pine lield uminlpgns Iruij aril u!c;ql -iogjo ()()g(0 - 00-00-OOZCO j3quinN WOO pug drVq xvi u,gtt,rn ao '1' itq!gxj uo patwdap r. pug 1 svirii t,alm" 1umadolanap .�u6 1Rj jimaiddt: uejd al!s [Ouz; so iujd uoisiAipgns jeuiI ,lo uoiitpuoa sir uoiim S F11] of TFOS 51j9nd 30 t,otsuat •aards undo w pasn aq I[ugs ,{iaadoad oqj uaj4l `fC;unoZ) aql Aq Xjmdosd iql 3o 1diaxu j siml (OZ) 91u3Akl uql!,�% t11%rmaptm ,fulaq asn qms �j!m 'paid; joad sL 1! qa!xlnn ao3 asoc3ind at11 c13 pasn tou s1 1'S puu `:'9 `1'9 `(p)tr'S '(Z,) pure ( I )(q)f -g umin is of 1timmod Siuno:) of 1 of paveajpap X{ jadotd -nqi. j Am tuoAo oLli u -, %wi oj,f pmuatpac 3o U011Iso sICI •ixafaud Ni uiqttnk pasodstp aq qugs smsmvk jBaIpaul fluipnjaui 'juiaa}uu1 Snopa=11 o f •juuatUN snap m-fl Z'S -t'g gduiffturd ut papjAord se Lu nsX,; minas 3ggnd ;Dqi of paiaauuaa sj ja d uopul a.qd angi xjgc paimbai .mScol ou si Lums�s aqi =iqm asuadxa alos st! ju lamed uotlralS axi:1 mp uo LumsXs IrsodsIp ai}das aqi aiwwas puu asola ljurls tuuaijdd arl_L •pzjaj&uoa uaaq seq plod uivap aijdas pure �j axtdas r q1! m fuIIvap zoo- gooz b'vaj0 (G)1'8 -' 3Jrldj0 uotwod a li "il •stuau 14> uotwipm put, jrDiwag2 'jjmplojoiq of ttiFuod 11vgs ttmAoid lluiutwi atl_, •panssi sN ummis aqA age ioj ADuudnaao jo ajUa1;!jaa3 ay a1up atil uo 3uiuuiSaq poijad m,a�C (f) ;) jjy atjj 'Ruunp j ,tad suoIssas, IU1UIwl anoq ) idol (Z) owjo is!SuoI I2AS 'a utt,tVl1 a�j,� •;�oasa�j a��;� 30 ;uaur��da s,�turto a ,jo la }+�;� aqa �q aatu�,�p� u pmojddu ag hugs uruAoad 0uluiuji z)qj, •1auuosaad anzsaa puu -u; XtunoD of fututraat sluym us snopau q apinoad jlugs maildd azll •patajdwoa uaaq s>?g Z00-g0 ()Z vN.Zjo (9) I' ja,13oid 'fl •patalduloi uaaq sreg coo -g00Z. VpqZjo (V) I'll mjjwd ' •g•8 gdanimud u pap!noud su Atunoj aqI of joamgj uoiijod ao `jaaaud uoilriS asid aqt satsaipap junaildd ayj jitun spuatxa lugs uraaj le 30•} aq jlurls 3sV3'1 pur -1 aq_L '(..maq pup -I., atl3) Sjunoo agj of a1qr)d=ame we sr sausj jogio 4ons ;*pun puu Mun oD iqi of =a ou i1c (.,jaaavd uoim s a�i;3„ aqt) fls 1 - c jaaxd dvp\1 w.1 IuauaolVt, INJ Old SIT JO 0110p 0q1 JO st, parjttuap! S tlaigm jaaaud actim aar;i aqt �juno azlt of p3sual suil ammIdd ag_j uo��ui :�a��[ I'8 I- OI.LVJLS HIA '11111 f1 jo (s)aael punogq -aou a11 tuo j ssa33rz tun) yal laaltp v �Ulmojle �mq timpow oy atogag -ojquajldde sR -,0vno- 1 SXS kvevkgllt Djels aLji c ut uo4lulladsu ��lo luatulleda l e ti {I1l 1 aN1 g aauelcl -11M .10] pawlidwoa aq 1peq j0311 q L jql O1u! 3Ar1CJ `IJel:) put} stvkvD-1 LUCq� lAei pul? aurI ulnl -ya1 pwmbal 2111 .toj Mol12 01 1aaJl UTAlas 1aAo -Sso1a agl ptle ( „sso1 j loo (l Arg. atll) ja=d ualmfs ait.1 agl �UlAlas atll uaamjl q a..%pCj Jet;] pine slm3 uo u01 1el1,das ;o `ualleliod u-p.t,L 10 luau mdaci exu!511 A atll ,�q p3,-,ojddv `aau lstp lassal gans is 1.31 (00£) paapunq 3altll si a10tj1 mqi os paleaol 39 Iler{s puv ` -iommoj all 1111, ,L% uoil3astalu, s1Z alep0Luut0a3e 01 Palm- llsuoa pue paudlsap N lletls `laautflit �Cluno aqi , {q pauluump se splrpms aa31is algsotltidu to splepurls uollellodsmjL 10 tuawl -is Cj r lul 'Ja} 01 Pa13ntlq 103 pue paufts,)p oq ljeNs 13311s ag.L 'v :.Aoj Pap!ACUd su `G10133uU0 :D— --All) U01I i a11:.I aNl JO lUDWd0IaAap 3111 10j umId al!s jVu!j paAojddr oql uo umogs aq 1j1,” goigm %xmud uo[lel aqA )ql jo 13d01aA3p aql pue wu:)qddV aql Sq of paalfie 41le mtu `algs3llddv SL' '1,?=d uolleNpa❑ in hole {1 uollVl W [ 3111 u[gj!,m lulod uotlaauuox a 01 halts agl woaj XVAII,IAR13 n pur, ( { {�: 1� .. 3111) la3.rnd 11011VIS 311.E 3T Jo 41.rou 00810 -00 ° ()0 -oozCo aoquznN 133AVd pue dsyq xn 1. of aAij(j `l -MID pug stIVa-j tuo11 lM)S e 11nalsuo3 Il1zt{s lttUallddv atl,I. 'a1rLUsll .jaalj( o� u[}R1el 011. jo uoil;�auuo 9'g 'alma, ai. ljugs l •g u011ao ul pag!la ap asea-] pUe-J aql `D- .)UUXZlAUoa clans uod( j03X8,j ualM31paU Oql OUIXOAU03 POOP atll Ul 31111 10 Smiulmem 1e13uaff aptAcvd llegs 1UUot[ddv iq.L N1 01 la310d uolleatpal 311] C-lAU00 of p3ap aql 10 u0llwed3id 3111 ptm `si�anms to sleld pal }nbal laglo nur. pue `Aluno j aql al 1oiLrud U01I #3lpa{1 atjl jo uolleatpop ,Iqi .toJ X.Lessaa lu lrld UOISIAlpgnS aqj ffuljedlid j() SIS03 atll leaq Iletls wu3TIddv aql -Zo()-50OZ y\r gltnn pa, ,kalddu si3il0.id aqi of U 1!q!45cj uo umogs Sr pup (sazae gc' ) l3a} almbs Izc'II I nlawtuixo.tdds 3q 01 polt?turisa s 103'vd uol3le 31p3 aql, jo az[s otl.l, '(.133Jrd uolleolp3 ,, 3111) asn 3llgnd 101 p3poau aq lou of . {tuno 0q) Aq paulurlalap p.vud uoilEIS aj,A .?ql ulql!. ,k, spur ?, gululoCpe Hans ssal pue 'ulalsA jusodsip :Ppdw zql 101 l paau 1a2laol ou uoRl. d wqj ssal -joUud uopuls an;1 341 a[durxs aa} tut AwnoD age 01 aleatpaP lletls lue3llddv ;)ql `t, tia113 t! pap!Aald SL 131sCs aaA3s 01 a1t lgnd ay ►g panas s! ja31 [i0lMIS 1 3111 as � s,(W (06) laulu uttlli •10=cl ua!lal ailjjo uolxealpOQ 5. -paisanbzw iunow -e aql voddns 01 uolleluatunoop .'Cg p3uurdtuazoe luauiasingtotai jaj is3nb3i v j0 tad013Aap 2qi Xq idjaaaa jo s,(vp (0) Aix's ulglt.m ap�w aq Ilrgs luatuasxnqulla -1 -u ml s aamzs 3ijgnd oqi o1 uollrl ajl:# ')ql liulwouuoa J0.1 paalnb3j S31J lle red llugs puR `Flatial otll lletsul pue u 'Jts0p 0l slsol slt 10,1 iuu3i[ddV atll asmquatal Iletls 13a-led WPM S a1!_4 aql 10 aadalaA3p 3tll `apuuu s lsanbal gars ,)1 13mas 3ilgnd atll 01 u0pelS 'Ili atll s1a3u= w4i camas 3zlgnd aql tuoal Ira3luI a 11'RlsuI I Ietls •1a31ed 110 QVI aa1d aqi jo t3daIwn r ,qj Sq mnbw trndn S[ -Aijadw,j ails jo uotuod �ug so )C)JzdOzd ai[14o (s),todolanap oy io {put, ISata]uz ui (s)jossaaans s,lmijddv `uodrt flutpuiq aq I[ggs pue •JutuRmu sit 111411M apnj -.)m [legs ssajjaud asap U1411M .: ilujllddV„ zljl 01 aauoulJoi gaea pue Xpado-y agl qI!m Tuna I I a 4 s siajjo,id asaLU '1=51l b' Nu ' I l 'Eo -50OZ V W710 pun 1uawalelS Jo U wcf sigt jo 1aafgns a�[1 si g,'Itgm �uadcud N1 jo 5mwAo , luo 3111 aie 4341 1 , i 33 s -mu "Ww p mftlapun aq.L 'a���t ;��a €' [ [ AHOIVN91S 'l `aaep Dl palatdwoa oWnlooj of nbs sscxiff In 01 j0 Iazgspcoids kowuins v jo istsuoa IIegl; pug ssaooid MO 1naa weld a1!s oqt jo wed se pal [dwoa aq Aw soiepdn AlIml -n juautdolan;DC[ •poljad a[qx *Tjdde at{I izaAo laafold aq1 ul jrnrlau luau.ido[ nap 141 3u111no [[e ;Is Nodal oq,T, •s.ieaX E X-Jana `sosWIMN sit =o `luatudojanaq klzunuI4uo-) pue dutuurj j jo Iu3wjmdaCj aq) oI uodat a vwgns jjugs Iuiezmjd N uo a I l Wd 1-01 JLHOdMi SS31i9011d ID3FO d 'woo pl1l.I X"'nS a�uess'euuoaa ARCIA aqi Ito p,�p�,�osd aq p"'• (UHUA) saninosj'A atsols!H Jo ivatupnda >stu"RJI A agIio sluaua31inbas aqi 1o,7w IIegs XoAjln s aq,I. u ;11!,alk s 'Ju1pjtnq AUIsxxa ayx ja p.IoaaJ [e^lq:)UV nn ap!nodd Ajm1anbape 01 IMPIATpu! pau!jrnb ioT4Io ao utuolsiq Iamrai!pju up Aq pauuojiad .WIM Canal a,IU2SMLTUDaW a ap!Aoad Ijtaqs -11MAo alp `(1Cl,adold uoIJel a -ig aigi ioj zdaoxa) r ijq!gx3 uo [ 1:M1 uli%A I!Muod OueprlfI 4I,m) u-e jo urld aIss X LLILIaLja,ld.1 U leld uumAipgns Xxcui wtIoA 3siiI ogl,jo Ienoiddle of zop,[ Saauflos3u JIB OILSIR ' [ 'IaaJU UOTIelS OJid agl Jo luoy ay iluole Suzdeaspuel 'Rupstxa ail gtjA% lualslsuoa searu asol[1 ut 'uldtaasptrul SuMnlsut pun Iu.DuMnrd folomoauun Ije ffUFA0UII ;M . ;0 lsoa aql 19utpulaui `ssaaav X,teaoduza_L Jqj `asop of slsoa Ile Atd Jo 'Z)'; 013 JJVq!s taaaed uo1)VI S ali:j at[l 10 sadolanZip ag,l. 'pas010 st �ea10 ulrIPOJN ail alojaq Sjunoa agl dq aauuldaaaP iol pooldwoa N [[ y; Iolaauuo a -junmIN spjepuulS urllsacl pue aaueulpao uots!rmpgn s,Xluno zipmaq[v ut glao{ Ids SP.M URIS 131i1s air iid ajgealjddv of paimasuo-) put- paulSisap ag 11e4s .1013auu00 -141, "d 'paso[a s[ ( €.ssomv kwuodwij, ag1) luau[al>elS jajo.d s }q1 jo 31vp ail jo se asn ui si IVgI (.,40a.;G UrtpaW.. D41) aAl.JQ EMI,) pun jaared UGEIBIS ait:[ aq) 01 ssaam uaaquou �sql 01111 -.+AuO puE smn -j 91 I 4turl N WITRAIs1 3- fCaelo :)Tign,l ,auto :sauidxj uaisstuiwo A I`I'dal -uq jupunoj oqi jo j I eqaq uo'uo Ile punO- 410 1uiff .' I j0 AlIsaonau fl oql Jo aa3U ;0 41npnoax3 Jaig 3 'aso}d "d Lu l.L Aq '6 Doi ' ja XLp sigl aui asojaq pa -3paj2 "oujje sev, w3tun.ilsui ogxo# �qj_ 30 Al O) /,kl[D -40 91VIS :acs uoijeaodno I:)o)s -uou glutff-Jr P L .Aaqu[nN uOUR319013 to Oljgnd AMO h31 :salidx� uotssir�u�o n .U011rSodioa ai4i jo.l lt'gsiq uo . 3u -so iiIsnpal [oxiuo D uoi low ja q '60GZ Jo Xvp sigl 3ua alopq paipj.mou�m mm luau Tuisui 2utoilaioj agLL 10 A.LI+ n03/AJ l 40 ILVIS :311 ;1 :jg UOt3VXdJ03 UEA&RIOQ V 'Dell `Sa 1113 _LS a a N I IONL NOD NoT Low jo ,gyp 81 oggnd V1oN [ -ill :s uidxa uoissitau[oj XN Xurdiuo3 N)JOJPOPq ua `x'1'100 91Iea 1 T1011p9 A `60OZ ` sp4i aua ojolaq paOpol oujzp sRA% juatunilsui BLitoga»1 ;jqj :x11!.1. :aumK pliuy l :XE Xuedwo) ig!giq paliuul axemup(] 'i'7 m A L-IV3 i InFIU7 1191 191 JO J- 0 AJ,Klf10 lAIIZ) -4O EI.L J,S 1414E 1 IkL41I. ;.tagtun,NL uorlgilsrffo UIoN ot�gnd {l�lo :sat�da rao�ss�uiuia�,�yy -Xueduroa Al! !gm1 pai!tu$l ail t.lor.11uqDq ao ':)-1 -1 •;)- 'ejotg jo i Aq '60OZ jo Xlep styli our atojaq pa2pal:wvoulm slam waurrulsut Suto',I m l aLLL A0Al.mno.Dl l.lD -40 3J.VJS NILL :au.wN Pluisd Xg 4uudu:o3 Al! !qui[ pal! 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