HomeMy WebLinkAboutLOD200900017 Letter of Determination 2010-01-27�� OF ALB U �'IRGINZP COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 December 10, 2009 Lee Rasmussen McCallum & Kudravetz, P.C. 250 E. High Street. Charlottesville VA 22902 RE: LOD-2009-00017 - OFFICIAL DETERMINATION OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS - Tax Map 112, Parcel 20 (Property of VIEWMONT FARM LAND TRUST) Scottsville Magisterial District Dear Mr. Rasmussen: The County Attorney and I have reviewed the title information for the above -noted properties. It is the County Attorney's advisory opinion and my official determination that Tax Map 112, Parcel 20 is comprised of all or portions of nine (9) parcels of record, and the development rights are outlined further in the table near the end of the letter. The basis for this determination follows. Our records indicate Tax Map ,112, Parcel 20 contains 455.00 acres and zero (0) dwellings. The property is in the Carter's Bridge Agricultural and Forestal District. The most recent deed for this property, recorded prior to December 10, 1980, the date of adoption of the Zoning Ordinance, is recorded in Deed Book 559, page 330 and is dated June 12, 1974. The analysis of the breakdown of each of the nine lots is outlined in the following charts. The 32 acre lot is on the west side of Scottsville Road and no longer part of Parcel 20 but is included in the chart because it was part of the property prior to 1980. Deed Book and Page numbers and acreages listed in bold refers to the creation of the parcel or the applicable Deed Book when the parcel.is listed with other parcels in the Description column. PRIOR TO DECEMBER 10. 1980 370 acre portion of Tax Map 112, Parcel 20 (Map id H Deed Date Book / Pae Parcel Change Y or N Description Acres 137/86 1885 Parcel created 370ac, 25ac & 190ac 370 236/466 5/31/1907 N 370ac, 25ac & 190ac " 243/566 7/26/1939 N 370ac & 25ac " 244/113 8/29/1939 N 370ac, 25ac & 368ac " '244/420 10/27/1939 N 370ac, 25ac & 368ac " 266/7 12/5/1945 N 763 ac (composed of 3 tracts 370ac DB 137/85, 25ac, 368ac " December 1.0, 2009 - LOD-2009-00017 Page 2 of 6 559/330 6/12/1974 N *** 819.92ac consisting of land conveyed in DB Parcel Change Y or N Description Acres 122=/398-_--4/23/1902—=Parcel=created— Book / Page 266/7(763ac), 3231587;`365/19 (40ac &'20ac)-and 25ac---------- - __ _-__ -_- 25— 137 / 85 2/3/1908 N 456/455 40ac , and 301/243 20ac 236/466 PRIOR TO DECEMBER 10. 1980 AFTER DECEMBER 10. 1980 370 and 25 acre ortions of Tax Map 112, Parcel 20 25 acre portion of Tax Map 112, Parcel 20 (Map id I Deed Book / Pae Date Parcel Change Y or N Description Acres 122=/398-_--4/23/1902—=Parcel=created— Book / Page 25ac---------- - __ _-__ -_- 25— 137 / 85 2/3/1908 N 370ac, 25ac & 190ac " 236/466 5/31/1907 N 370ac, 25ac & 190ac " 243/566 7/26/1939 N 370ac & 25ac " 244/113 8/29/1939 N 370ac, 25ac & 368ac " 244/420 10/27/1939 N 370ac, 25ac & 368ac " 266/7 12/5/1945 N 763 ac (composed of 3 tracts 370ac, 25ac DB " 122/398, 368ac 559 / 330 i 6/12/1974 N 819.92ac see above *** " AFTER DECEMBER 10. 1980 370 and 25 acre ortions of Tax Map 112, Parcel 20 Deed Date Parcel Change Description Area Development Book / Page Y or N Rights 872/272 3/27/1986 N No specific area noted for each 370 & 5 & 5 parcel. Listed as 819.92ac. 25 (composed of 2 tracts 31.04ac and 788.88ac) Listed as multiple parcels including Tax Map 112 Parcel 20 909/18 11/17/1986 N Certificate of plat of 701.10ac. " 1395/186 4/4/1994 Y Added 86.29ac with zero (0) " DRs - Now 787.39ac 1510/544 12/18/1995 Y Conveyed 31.037ac. was 32ac " from DB 173/295 above 2029/255 1/8/2001 N No specific area noted for each " parcel. Listed as 820.087ac as shown on survey In DB 909/18 consisting of multiple parcels including Tax Map 112 Parcel 20 2712/325 3/22/2004 N No specific area noted for each " parcel. Listed as multiple parcels including Tax Map 112 Parcel 20 3154/87 2/2/2006 N No specific area noted for each " parcel. Listed as 820.087ac as shown on survey In DB 909/18 consisting of multiple parcels including Tax Map 112 Parcel 20 3545/85 10/22/2007 Y Boundary adjustment 337.23ac 5 with 25ac; 5 portion of Parcel 20 added to with 17.21 ac; 17.21 ac portion of Parcel 6A for unassigned new 354.44ac parcel number to unknown portion of original 370ac 368 acre portion of Tax Map112, Parcel 20 (Map id A, B, C, D, E, F, G Deed Book/ Pae Date Parcel Change Y or N Description Acres 100/172 05/31/1893 Parcel created 188ac 188 135/130 4/6/1907 N 188ac " 202/437 10/18/1928 _ N _ _.__ _ 311.1 ac composed of 38ac -- 3rDivision, 38ac -- _4th Division, 17.8ac Lot A, 1.7.8ac_Lot_B, 188ac,,, " _ 11.5ac 241/358 11/9/1938 N 368ac as conveyed in DB 202/437, 204/62, and 208/470 " 244/113 8/29/1939 N 368ac 244/420 10/27/1939 N 368ac " 266/7 12/5/1945 N ** 763ac (composed of 3 tracts 370ac, 25ac, 368ac DB 241/358 " 559/330 6/12/1974 N 819.92ac see above *** " Deed Book / Pae Date Parcel Change Y or N Description Acres 112/170 09/01/1898 38ac & 36.66ac — 2" Division 133/248 5/3/1905 N 208/470 5/5/1930 Parcel created 21.6 acres is created by combining the northern portion of the 38ac (2nd Division) and the a southern portion of the 2.4ac (Lot C from DB 133/248) with 20ac (Tax Map 112 Parcel 21) remaining by estimation 21.6 241/358 11/9/1938 N 368ac as conveyed in DB 202/437, 204/62, and 208/470 " 244/113 8/29/1939 N 370ac, 25ac & 368ac " 244/420 10/27/1939 N 370ac, 25ac & 368ac " 266/7 12/5/1945 N 763ac see above) ** " 559/330 6/12/1974 N 819.92ac see above *** " Deed Book / Pae Date Parcel Change Y or N Description Acres 1531494 10/11/1913 Parcel created 11.5ac 11.5 2021437 10/18/1928 N 311.1 ac composed of 38ac -- 3rDivision, 38ac -- 4th Division, 17.8ac Lot A, 17.8ac Lot B, 188ac, 11.5ac " 241/368 11/9/1938 N 368ac as conveyed in DB 202/437, 204/62, and 208/470 " 244/113 8/29/1939 N 370ac, 25ac & 368ac " 244/420 10/27/1939 N 370ac, 25ac & 368ac " 266/7 12/5/1945 N 763ac (see above) ** " 559/330 6/12/1974 N 819.92ac see above) *** " Deed Date Book / Pae Parcel Change Y or N Description Acres 1121170 09/01/1898 Parcels created 38ac & 36.66ac -- 3"Division 32 171/037 9/19/1919 70ac -- 38ac & 32ac See below " 1731295 5/10/1920 Parcel created Divided 36.66ac into a 32ac and a 4.66ac parcel. The 32ac and 4.66ac parcels are not part of this determination but the 32ac is part of the 368ac until divided off in DB 1510/544 " December 10, 2009 LOD-2009-00017 Page 4 of 6 181/278 11/25/1922 N 32ac " 203/326 12/29/1928`_ _ N _- _ 32ac , - -- 204/62 2/20/1929 N 32ac 2411358 11/9/1938 N 368ac as conveyed in DB 202/437, 204/62, and 208/470 17.8 244/113 8/29/1939 N 370ac, 25ac & 368ac " 244/420 10/27/1939 N 370ac, 25ac & 368ac " 266/7 12/5/1945 N 763ac (see above) ** " _5591-33.0 6/12/1.974—_ - _N- -- - - . _ —8_1_9.92ac see above _*** .. 17.8 Deed Book / Page Date Parcel Change Y or N Description Acres 1121170 09/01/1898 Parcels created 38ac & 36.66ac. -- 3Division 38 171/37 9/19/1919 N 70ac -- 38ac & 32ac See above " 172/340 2/2/1920 N 38ac 2021437 10/18/1928 N 311.1 ac composed of 38ac -- 3r Division, 38ac -- 4th Division, 17.8ac Lot A, 17.8ac Lot B, 188ac, 11.5ac " 2411358 11/9/1938 N 368ac as conveyed in DB 202/437, 204/62, and 208/470 " 244/113 8/29/1939 N 370ac, 25ac & 368ac " 244/420 10/27/1939 N 370ac, 25ac & 368ac " 26617 12/5/1945 N 763ac (see above) ** " 559/330 6/12/1974 N 819.92ac see above *** it Deed Book / Page Date Parcel Change Y or N Description Acres 112/170 09/01/1898 Parcel created 38ac & 36.66ac -- 4 Division 38 175/554 2/19/1921 N 38ac " .202/437 10/18/1928 N 311.1ac composed of 38ac -- 3rDivision, 38ac -- 4th Division, 17.8ac Lot A, 17.8ac Lot B, 188ac, 11.5ac " 241/358 11/9/1938 N 368ac as conveyed in DB 202/437, 204/62, and 208/470 " 244/113 8/29/1939 N 370ac, 25ac & 368ac " 244/420 10/27/1939 N 370ac, 25ac & 368ac " 26617 12/5/1945 N I 763ac (see above) ** " 559/330 6/12/1974 N I 819.92ac see above *** " Deed Date Parcel Change Description Acres Book / Page Y or N 112/170 09/01/1898 38ac & 9ac -- 5 Division 133/248 5/3/1905 Parcels created 17.8ac Lot A, 17.8ac Lot B, 2.4ac Lot C and 9ac 17.8 17.8 2.4 140/39 5/25/1909 N 17.8ac Lot A 17.8 175/554 N 38ac -- 4 Division, 36.66ac -- 4 Division, and 17.8 17.8ac Lot B 202/437 10/18/1928 N 311.1 ac composed of 38ac -- 3rDivision, 38ac -- 17.8 4th Division, 17.8ac Lot A, 17.8ac Lot B, 188ac, 17.8 11.5ac 2411358 11/9/1938 N 368ac as conveyed in DB 202/437, 204/62, and " 208/470 244/113 8/29/1939 N 370ac and 368ac " 244/420 10/27/1939 N 370ac and 368ac " 26617 12/5/1945 N 763ac see above ** " 559/330 6/12/1974 N 819.92ac see above *** " 368 acre portion of Tax Map 112, Parcel 20 Deed Date Parcel Change Description - - - Area Development Book / Pae Y or N Ri hts(DRS) 872/272 3/27/1986 N No specific area noted for each 188, 5 each parcel. Listed as 819.92ac. 21.6, (composed of 2 tracts 31.04ac 11.5, _and 788.88ac) Listed as.multiple_. parcels including Tax Map 112 17.8, Parcel 20 38, 38 909/18 11/17/1986 N Certificate of plat of 701.10ac. 5 each 1395/186 4/4/1994 Y Added 86.29ac with zero (0) 5 each DRs - Now 787.39ac 1510/544 12/18/1995 Y Conveyed 31.037ac. was 32ac 5 each from DB 173/295 above 2029/255 1/8/2001 N No specific area noted for each 5 each parcel. Listed as 820.087ac less the 31.037ac as shown on survey in DB 909/18 consisting of multiple parcels including Tax Map 112 Parcel 20 2712/325 3/22/2004 N No specific area noted for each 5 each parcel. Listed as multiple parcels including Tax Map 112 Parcel 20 3154/87 2/2/2006 N No specific area noted for each 5 each parcel. Listed as 820.087ac less the 31.037ac as shown on survey in DB 909/18 consisting of multiple parcels including Tax Map 112 Parcel 20 3545/85 10/22/2007 Y Boundary adjustment 450.01ac 5 with 188ac; portion of Parcel 20 added to 5 with 21.6ac; 4.99ac portion of Parcel 6A for 5 with 11.5ac; new 455.00ac parcel unassigned with both of the original 17.8ac parcels; unassigned with both of the original 38ac parcels December 10, 2009 LOD-2009-00017 Page 6 of 6 On the basis of these deeds, Tax Map 112, Parcel 20 is determined to be a 455.00 acre parcel comprised -of -all -or portions -of eight (8) parcels O -recordas - determined above and by LOD-2009-00018. Three (3) of the eight (8) parcels (MAP id A, B, & C) can be determined to each have five (5) development rights. The 370 - acre parcel, the two 17.8 acre parcels and the two 38 acre parcels each have five (5) development rights. Each of those five (5) parcels of record (MAP id D, E, F, G, & H) is now part of both Parcel 20 and Parcel 6A (LOD-2009-00018) and the acreage of.each within Parcel 20 and Parcel 6A_ is unknown_ thus it is not possible for the County to assign or even speculate as to the number of development rights in those portions with this letter. Development rights would need to be properly assigned with any future division of Parcels 20 and 6A. MAP ACRES A 188.00 acres five 5 development rights B 21.60 acres five 5 development rights C 11.50 acres five 5 development rights D Unknown portion of the 17.8ac E Unknown portion of the 17.8ac F Unknown portion of the 38ac 4 fndivision G Unknown portion of the 38ac 3' division H Unknown portion of the 370ac J 4.99 acres added to Parcel 20 zero (0) development rights (portion of the 20 acres in LOD-09-18 86.29 acres added to Parcel 20 zero 0 development rights The parcels are entitled to the noted development rights if all other applicable regulations can be met. These development rights may only be utilized within the bounds of the original parcel with which they are associated. These development rights are theoretical in nature but do represent the maximum number of lots containing less than twenty one acres allowed to be created by right. If you are aggrieved by this determination, you have a right to appeal it within thirty days of the date notice of this determination is given, in accordance with Section 15.2-2311 of the Code of Virginia. If you do not file a timely appeal, this determination shall be final and unappealable. An appeal shall be taken only by filing with the Zoning Administrator and the Board of Zoning Appeals a notice of appeal which specifies the grounds for the appeal. An appeal application must be completed and filed along with the fee of $120. The date notice of this determination was given is the same as the date of this letter. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerel , Francis H. M cCall Senior Planner Copy: Cheri Roberts, Property Transaction Technician Ella Jordan, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors