HomeMy WebLinkAboutZTA200900003 Legacy Document 2010-03-10COUNTY OF ALBEMAF LE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA TITLE: 2TA2009 -00003 Farm Wineries SUBJECTIPRQPOSALIREQUE T: Amend the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance so that its current farm winery regulations are consistent with Virgin ra Code Section 18.2- 2288.3, and in order to promote the efficient and effective administration of tale Gounty's zoning regulations and meet the intent of the County's Rural Area Plan and Rural Areas Zoning District_ STAFF CONTA Tf I: Cilimberg, McCulley, Kamptner Yes AGENDA DATE, March 16. 2010 ACTION: X INFORMATION: CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: INFORMATION: ATTACHMENTS: Yes BACKGROUND: Ire 2007, the Virginia General Assembly enacted legislation limiting the extent to which localities, under their zoning }lowers, may regutate various uses and activities associated with farm wineries intended to promote the farm winery industry. The Planning Commission passad a Resolution of Intent on April 14, 2009 to consider amendments that assure consistency of the Albemarle County zoning ordinance provisions with the Virginia code. On July 15, 2009, staff held a roundtable with approximately 20 community and industry interests and received input on an initial set of concepts that would form the basis for new zoning text language. On November 10, 2009, the Planning Commission held a work session on this matter, received input from the public 8ltending end provided direCti0n to staff regarding possible changes- 0 n February 16. 2010, the Planning Commission held a second work session, again receiving input from the public, and 2uthorized staff to schedule a public hearing on the amendments, incorporating the Commission's input regarding waiter allowances for setbacks. Staff has incorporated the change regarding Setbacks requested by the Planning Com rrmission as well as other minor clarifying language into the proposed amendment, (See Attachment i) To address the Oommission'5 request. language has been added to Section 5.1,25 (f,) stating that, °the zoning administrator may reduce the minimum required yard upon finding that: (i) there is no detriment to the abutting lot; (ii) there is no harm to the public health, safety or welfare; end (iii) written consent has been provided by the owner of the abutting lot consenting to the reduction.' (See Attachment II which shows this change and other clarifying language.) BUDGET.IMPACT; No direct impacts are anticipated, although amendrents that better define allowed uses and activities at farm wineries consistent witty the Virginia Code should enable local winery and public interests a clearer understanding of what is allowed and result in fewer questions of staff and greater efficiencies in use determinations and enforcement. RECOMMENDATIONS. Staff believes that all issues that have been raised in prior discussions with community and industry interests and PIanning Commission work sessions have been addressed by the proposed amendment. Following the required public hearing, staff recommends approval of ZTA2 009-000 0 3 Farm Wineries as provided in Attachment I. ATTACHMENTS: ATTACHMENT I- Proposed Zoning Text Amendment (Cie2n Version) ATTACHMENT II: Proposed Zoning Text. Amendment (Compare Version) ATTACHMENT III: February 16.2010 Staff Report ATTAC HMEN'r i Draft : 113101!10 ORDI ANNE NO. 10 -18( ) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 19. 70NIN(l, ARTICLE 1, GENE KAL PROVISIONS, ARTICa, 11, BASIC R 17 UI .ATIONS, AND ARTICLE I I L DISTRICT REGULATIONS, OF T1 IE CODE OF THE COUNTY OVAL BEMARLE:, VIRGINIA BE IT ORDAYN ED By the [hoard of svwrvisors t,f the County of AIhen1urle, V irginia, that Chapker 18. Zoning, Article 1, General Prvvi5ions, Article 11. Rztsic Rqulmlons, and Art icle I11, Dist ria RquIat ion F, are hereby amended and reordained as follows; By Amending: sec. 11 Definitions Sec. 4,1 5.2 Definitions Sec. 5.1.25 Farm wincry Sec. 10.2, I Ry right Sec_ 10.2.2 By special use permit Chapter 18. Zoning Article 1. Oeneml Frnvisinnl. See. 3.1 Derapitions Accessory else. Rvilefing or Slr'uchsre,- A snhnrdinate n5s , bui !ding or structure ctistoinarily iricidc�PITal to and located upon the same lot occupied by the primary use. building. or structure. and lor;ated upopj land zoned to al Iow tlrc primary use, building, or structure; provide d that a w[Ibor(lInwe iiscF_buildir4 Orr- sti`"Itire customarily ilrcidsnl;al s a.fr im ry. farm use, building or slruet;Ir�` IJCC(l IICil I,C Ii5L.otccl Karon I he. soine lot cccuPirtl by the l�rilll:ir} 1urm _buildir(g, or �trtacttlrc. (A mew ICLI 10 -1) -02 a ilcl1 viI), carried out on -a-fann or ranch ihat a11g 6L aaatr»tlx,rsry�t tl�e.geala;ral.piibl lc. for 1 4rcalipigI-, gre st 1111 CI11, Q L:dtNMiQIM PIJI`PQti,C,. I 4iL 3 tP1 VINJOY...fU#a1.A0iVitlC5, InCIUdinb,f9Mi119, WI lie Hes, ranc11111 „ 11istorica1, ct4kup,1,11.1TV "i -y }uo -L1 11 ;ao:tivitits, Or 11,7tti1`.1I act iviti1�x al d {t#Cr,�tclicxaIs, rcg ;arcllcss of wl><etllca nr not the panic ipaalt paid to.partici Farm Xis-i er_v: An establishment located on n- A-F.w. W441! El lWoduaing Yin 1eyar"rekvd 1.)r si- --l`.- .__._...:_ r, Aft)a ar4^ it7 - - ..:..... .t.. r1, ... I }i ei11 .,r .. �L....._. .1_.. ,... ._� 7 .......... .........f.... ►,r � uraI pi-cdttets gr WR OF P Kid k WIIALN one .or mom lots in A.lbcmarlc puinty 1.ice�� a _as =a are t.± lit r}' under Virginia C.vdv § 4,1 -207. jAdded 12-16-81) F(+rr)r H - f) .'O ; { i -cwi_ A 11 e: - ent c40��ct�d �l a farm +� in1 r pal 0 yr n 1k1a,C dR _� whem the. .tizpQSe is agri #atirism or t�I pi 11111t,tL: wir>e. z�.Jrs 1 i n& but not Glniled lo,p -thy rings not iFihcrwise expressly authorized a� a usv tlll{s~r tIcioh w 1, J. �'i). Lh }(I)and (b )(3) 111 rQ11gh f.Il)(10) illti1; it] iIIg, bL11 110 limited W %Vi1W fain, r"ej)tIon s )!01Qrk: me Gs sold. car s, reed; Wink' c ill b Thew` 111, %.:11ul ACt1VIo W,: i% i11t tasting educal iQ iwI wenl111, -1 w 11 ( Illstirig ATTACHMENT T I Praft: 03/01 /10 Itrnchwn% business mectinl s, and corporate luncheons with a Focus on sel Iing wines; gatherings with the purpose vf'prQniv1ing sales to the lradc, such as restaurants, distribulon;, and local chainber of commerce act 1v11iC�; xvinemxkcrs °.dinntrrs %.+hwr�: winc. is paired with Food; agriIQLirism promotions; and fundraisers and charily cVcnts. Article 11. 13asie Regulationg Sec. 4,1 .2 1Detnitiens The following definitions shall apply in the inlerpmtation and implementation of this section 4.15: (IA) A ric•uluireillvculisa sigh. The term "agricultural product sign" means a sign or signs identifying the produce, crolis, animals or poultry raised or (1k1artCri:d aT7 the property,- gLi(�4nlljj!L[I .2 lcarm, wint . (Added 3- 16-05) Sec. 5.1.25 Farm winery Fach fans %vincry shall be subject to the following: a y e. The fel -and eetivitiev, are permitted -fa- 'aver -Y W ft n--as -81-4 Pfflh OR -84-469F—F—Nam . y . esmbik hed -or} eaeh -form 5ales amid eensumptien 5hall ftet e-veeed fifteen hundred ( 1,509)!5quaFe fee!. A speeiel use- epp geed -€�l eetl li ii{1Fed , -54�#i Sf1c1A #eE*t;{ rd ed+"? !6-&!,-.AH }i'Hded , 1 an} A nnended r 2. of a Fin-winety shaII.be nits , Feces eAeen ba y q4iinnem, other everts eond+.�ete"ef-t e se-pennit.-issued puwsiiant fe S,,. l en 3 � of( his eltie} ter } }ay�at�tltior #ce tl�e nun�her of sp _.a events per year to _xeee, twelve f 12) e� 41 ATTACHMENT Drafi; 03101110 u,'too�rr rT�TT mite plan-. lr#init'.�h ire +�lt—FY -rIld- �k given to pmvi&ion�, e €e -aM eoIr+ el ' i 'o adj oining- property - x+ 01' smell' a#ver; {' - dded 4 i 9 8 e. Spee ..I e ni .d q-- - .1 --1 s4i..11 b Y .1 ..t : ::1:P l :I: iw0his,; 5Ai 'T- -4 ra hiilii#r i A 50- sen5 -will be a16wed to ra s.id - -A s: pig! ._ . kmig : `gr}FV:KII::.:.e oil obiained -f 4) II: t...1 -I.nll n ly-for.0- elear 4.e ....r C...r:.�e.1 1�,. li.�,- .�.._:_... .. 1....�.._..... rpl, .� .I :..r, �'I El , 11 mFMi #;te #FppiieeE19" le I °Y &) rorl% ii Illlig dale or- . ale f81 #Ie 518 ) 6- W poF3-a-delermkiwien th% all . e .Ph m Rid;g .;::.I.: once are sai;sfied and 0 +' eelpies ..P,, admii :m .,,.w ',k,,,ll.:n '. -eq +reMerr r (h° -: eFliml-g ,a.l:_ ........ .. :: eomi iii B ; F4 1+y4liia r$Ilee: #mod e,,9) Up *tlpmmm�iAFdRw . Fog tm%rA 1s-i #` 14) I equired WL -fl E! C .. I:. .._1 a_. l ....._. ...-- ,.., -lie 25ORinp Ci ell- We;' l::1 �1.�.�,.,.ig .._I..._:...:-.....rm e+1 + .:........... .l.: �ai #'egiv is s - amid simel 14+f1} the I A- IA :ej -LNls #1 zo-nin mined, En„ II be Q t?f5zerv^i�ii- �r #C�k'kl k _ A+3{11fFi+ rF}11E# +strikl�i�iol -a#--S► , (Added 4 1 08 4 (�%tiie€ ill i ape cd 10 3 01 � t ATTACHMENT I praro. 03101110 —1s a ;fir i The following-gip, eveno, and aoiviti ;:5 (it ii arksg,, llcrti�cly, .•kr�t� „� ire I., The prn twiion fj11 h.1rv�;�liA1g c1 I' I'rrlil .L11L1 �?111Ur A�IJCUItUral I�r�� ducts gild tli manufacturing of - I13, h4n 11QUin1 i1Vd 10, aaL[i} Iiit�s.related to the prvduc-(iongf the agrictlllurul products -tkagJ in xvine�imGudiitig but not limited tck,.gra►►ia�p, IaJ.�ntir�g �lptil:k }8trkc�lillg ilia agrialtuu'al_produwis and the use of Nu i pmcnt.for.Ihv . a oi.Yities; 2. The - salex. tasting, iPWILldiY19 WrwI iamirigs, or consulupt�ojn.,pf:wirrc- within the normaI couT-Sl crf busincmAZkl)c rariII xsincr� , T1 1;. and Aiprneni pf �vinc by cominon carrier to.ctmurnvm� in it] 1 -Title 4.I of tht-V irgi n ia Code.and the rep lat ion s. of the.. o&_12-010g; F11c Salsr and Phil }iiicnl t)l'Nvirw to ilic AkohoIic- U.0vcr a Coll troI Board. licensed- who.lesaIt: ,Ilk([ s��lk-��l-wt,�k� IMICINIM21-I ilk a�L ;coI'LIiII1tL' kXa[I� I'ltle .1 Ql tlxc Virl;tnta Ct_fC U_E#kll?[t C AIccphL-1Iic Beverage.C�t1mrol Board, and federal law. _ The storage, {inn v,IwIc,:Iliiig {Ef 14111 L' r11 ;ICggrdance wit h..TiIIc 4, l of-thc'Virginia pde,.regu.I; lions- th4. _+.k>c,t 1 u%v,,aag (.5u!)tr l lloxrd..Avd federal law. 6, Private permonaI gutlicriggs:Of 4 1'mii wiiwry owner who resides m ilic fa.nn 1vinCr� Ur u„ I)rOl)crt) OLI- leerlt thel'ctu that is owned Qr ;:winkrolh�cl �,� III,: ,)%vjjL 1, pl-o% l d tint %% inc i.s iiot s xld or lnarketcd and fur wfaicli ray+ corvsidcratiI ctik iw rt.N caved i }} i I i c Iarm w111cry or Gts agents. b. griwvr•ism IU3es or'_Ivine sales - t±etwed- uses, -The roflowing, uses are perm iItud at u..fiiicul- ima, ro 'ide 41>I ., r relptts t_><I _ grtiounsm or wine sales; 1s .Exhibits, mkiscuins, and hi. grit tl_ e ? t�_%1„ 1 9 to the fa FM winery, 2. Farm winvvN e %crkr,, al which rioi more-thatt two hundred (?00) persons arc;. its a Ici1doui;_v-At y lulls;, 3, (;c,csi wimopplcers_aud -trade accommodations; oI' invitai.gtwe� #s��t:,� ry? v►�i�r��- o�vn�r'�:privat� residence at-the farm wlrxm, , i.iuy_ridts, l ilt *r1 al?d cc +turing rco % Ii ivs vk lInied to a rise at the farm winery. 6. Picnics, either self -pro% iota{ car a vailabR. —t:Lpurchtlsed pit tltie.f:�rm wiilcry. 7. .P_r vj ing. oiger foods, soups and appctizcrs for vix;iwrs- S. Sale of wine- related i1; ms kha( aarc irICic1VIL1.L1 115 iIIL' 4.1.1,: 4)f wine incIudin& but pot. Ii.mitcd_to I 1 SztW gf ltcidje n1a I g111s such as cork scrcl -% Inn glasses, anti i -d.1 -i . 2. Tours- of_[htR -farr i wincry. including the vinc� -p C. -1-0— Weddings and wcdding r�sNp!iyiis aai 111ucki lipt CQCii_thp1.1w_c Itiundred (200).perwR5 i1LC_A attendance at any tinw. ATTACHMENT 1 1) raft: 03/101110 11, Otheruws no gxpr� ;m k ;Lu!h ,ri ;,vd that are agr1W13risill �sesq�.r._ r c :ire =��lcs related uses, ?'h1;h jjr4' Llc`1c•11iIjDI, -I1 1n 111c .1iM1i4� M.111111)i�lN OF 10 bL' usu'al_anCl_1=t15.tomary useS at farm }viftcyj� rill oIjgh0411 111c C- Qjnmon. caltll, 4 +.hich do- not.cre1,11c i subsiaatial.imp_act Dn ihv hcalt4, safety. rFt 44olt:1re oftl»pslblic, and L11 +t llirh not i114rC than t w'o hundrxl 01>I) y_ rx ns a is a.gcgdancL: ;Ii :1rlytinit. C, dgrilouri.vil 11ses or 10m, srr {r,€.1• {4c tee wws: wary than 200] cri ran 141 rfrr }' fx # # #t . sV,d'c.iell 11-VV P-' 0f2 —TILC fO I IQW 419 us `x, ;LL W1`1ic11 11101'�; IhaLI1 r +S s, 1111rldIv {1 (200) 1)1 1 Son's. ".III be alto %v d 1n :a(tend at any time, arc pgrLllr.twd at -a fijT111 %1111L'ry k'L i111 :3. sj)ecjal use :Pcri3Lg,: ot=ds 1•rq are related to a ritourism or vvimq Cann igy ,events. _ other uses.rtgt express ly.authori,ccd that are agril�.iUra�I11.11 L I F IY i 114LWqLr r&o 11SCS -which are determined by the zoning attmini�tral�r��� �, ualI aind .,;lEskQI11at]LgM-g(JArm wingncs throughc,ut t-he crmmvlalys;. Ul. d= .101c skU c11Llh rr fir, alip{icr-If i,Yn for a sjvcial rase perwil. fn additivn_1t -ally 4d7 [r11,tti4E1I r *c1,Iia'VLl #ti. , t1 lll.itted )s- ith.aln appIicition for a sl)cci 11 U:W Pc' rlrli1 11ridw :r LL: L: IrL 31.6 cLpj)jl k I ror>L. r L,ne- ar -nlQre uses - wthoriZCJ L1 rider sgction_.5,1.2 5(c ) J1:111 i33cIL LEI C tIIt: Ii }I If Itik IIIg; I , 1rx fo)•fntrlrcr . Inrurn„ iI ion pertai++ingjo llle folI in _(i) Slue proposed uses; .0.0. thg maxinwa] INL1111114'r' 111 1WIN0114 %01.0 44111 :111UIId CUJI kise 3L.any.gIVCI1 tin`IC; (iii)111C_ �rCRU�si j'_ilni�_.cmratlOt LrI C1h: IINCS, I,I% J t11C ]C'L \ 1 14Fih ,5r t Il - site. park- img; {v} the. 11 rnativp,_hcjg; - AV�0_Lwxxgps,gf o,-u->_dgg I i � 1 it i 119 .LQ 1 —c ' -Y,59; 11141 0 i) 111 ;' lQc a tion all }'.5ts1� C, 0,uq tn.,pC i} I I I be performed. , Sketch I)frru. A sketch phut, %, Ii iclt ShaII be a C111al I dro;% Ijlg.of the site with noM; ita ;k rk+rm �Iric1 ,L ,c,1Ic :ipprLI3 L;LI 1 tltc director L, planning d 1)it t111g,_Ci)., II *1rIj4'ttsr4',, III ;11 4441ttIL1 11 L: 11kL.' {t [{Fr 119L1 LI \r,'51..�iJ�.IYQ C ess, Oal•SitC park in ,.0 —q(& 5r ligh 1" &t..gI1:1ti ;I 11L1 III IIII111LI 11 ygr4$ ~4111 lie pro%Ided incmpliance with this.chaptc;C;.arjd..Uii) I I L I W lxolenxial ad -°cr�-t anlpacta to adioIning property %v i ]1 be mitigWcd sii 11,Ly }' me tiol snbs lam Ial, e. Soinut Sqund.gt;7gsitcd. )y otilkloor amp] i f icd music shall be SUbjccL la.Woit�n . 4 r;1�}[S }. pd. shall r>c }t.bc_vvTl i icred rl c err7Y?l SiA111d LI1ldC1' sc,�19 {711 7 -106, lin4:144t utliCr nroyisialL 'Lltis chapter, the nliniLnLLn1 lLC}At 4 n{..rc r rd clLl ire tllcL ts.an.s t.iuil. I.0-4 shal l Opply to all primary �kpa ;t"t;xx Qry� btrtrct.�ires embIislied After f ilnsrrt 0-,ile j and to all tents, off slreel parking alga s mid I,OrtrlW 11.611 , 3S ti sod in whole or in part to serve any use 11o.IIIiILwd at a r`irllI k ,,.1riCF) pi.q.n iLtcci ill; #I 113 zollnlg Lid 111ini5trator in ay redu.gr, the nlinirT,Llttt j[#;gLliW y:arLl Er fl.lindirlg t11A :_ il.tht:re is no detriment tt, 111c abtritiIig loo, {ii} 111cre iS 114 har111 lL) the blic health,."f"efy or welfare; and (iii1 ► ►'rittval_c:.Q.uSent h is.k --Qji providud by t1v owlicr of t1 abutting lot consenting Lo the reduction. {my-mA v l Il rip -getar _prateibiced I,..— t,rstaurgnts. ?. 1 Ir�icopter rilies. ( §5,1,25, 12- 115 - 81.1- 1- 84; Ord . 99- 20(1 ),k- 1- 98:Ord. 01- 18(6 ).10 -3 -01) 5 Article III. Distract Regulations Sec. MI.] By right ATTACHMENT Draft, 03101/10 The following uses steal I be pennitted by right in the RA district, subject to the appiicable rcciuir; ipur fits of this chapter- 17 . Farm winery uses 4LI(fi sri'BA unde r sect ion 5.1.25(x) aiW (b) (m ea-enae { 1 . (Added I 1- 11 -92) Sec. 10.2.2 By stx -cial rose permit The following uses shall be permitted only by special use permil appmviA by the hoard of supervisors pursuant to section 31 _2_4, (Added 10 -9 -02) 53. Farm wiaery..uses. aut hod 7ed under section 5.1.25W. I. Ella W. Jurdan. do hcriJ)v certify that the foregoing writing is a true. correct copy of an Ordinance duty adopted by [lie Board of Supervi:�ors of Albemarle County, Virginia, by a vote ul' 10 . as recorded below. at a regular mecting lteld on Nav Mr. Boyd _ Mr, Oarrier Nis, Mallek Mr_ Rooker r_ Slim r, Tholms Clerk, Board ofCcmnty Siipervisors ATTACHMENT 11 Draft: t13i4VPito OR01INANCF. Nn, In - ICI( ) AN ORDINANCP TU AMI-' 11) 0 1APTER 18, ZONWCr. { RTICLr- 1, GENERAL PROWSIONS. A wn n x 11, BASIC REGULA7- ONS, A ND ARTICLE I 11. D1 STPJC`T R r•.GM ATFONS, OF T1 IF CODF, 01' T1 n: COUNTY OF ALDEMARI .F.. YIR{'P1N1A ElF f1' ORDAIN LD By 1hr 13BUFd o1'tiuP4n'15urs Of IhV County etf Albcrnarlc, Viginia, Omt Chopler IS. Zonii% ArI le 1, 04.74 - l PruviS i mu, Articic 11,1 OSk Ptigulalionsr and Article 111, Disuia Regsel rations, iec hcrehw UFMH&'d Lind nvrduirM'd US follows kV Antcnding! Sec. 3 1 1 >cflmmnns See. 41i.2 Defirmi,ma Sec. 5.1 -25 ]=arm wuscr% sm 10.2.1 isy rtghs sec, 14.12 By special UN pennil C'h:hWr 1M. Zoning Ar7irle 1. Gene raI ProvhWam tiec. 3.1 1WIn{1Eoas Arctssru•I' Usc, audifing or SYrrretere: A Hutwdinuttr UK hUilJing yr s4TUCtWV VUS",W IIr IIIL:Idonttl to and loce(cd upon Ihg sang M uavpjvJ by Ilse peimajy use, b u i I JpPig. or gTUCIUW, hmi 101 3A[V i uhlrlr Uhl �0,nl)ed 10 ul1u ;+ the prinlar} tie. building OF slnictflre; }y_{ht.� sub¢rdtnitc trsc, b1t11dIIU; of kiruclurc ct��ia.J }' iUJW9A&LQ a pri111KY L=.usc_ bull+iinaz pt uvctur 11co not bc.loc vd 11Px111 ltw SW11s lur _ussunw ibLlhg paMoy fiLm WC. budditl & suvcU=. (Armm,ied 10 -9 -02) .,Xrrivuram. A.IV 4CI0r 1Iy c,urlcwtoul off afarrm or rancll Thal d] low MC MIX r5 Of 11110 g00ral public, for tCi<uwork>~1,ttlictl"wTa- or cdocanonal purpvscs, uh Ylww u1 aUo) ruTal acltvtti%Z.. Ineiudulg fillrlullg, wJ rlq rarrc}ting,h t artw; �l. CLttoral ,hu�c�t- }OUt-okxI7LiC�s54�its, u� l.utili+ilic - �udathatW. pQ,jrd1e$4 Of WIlclhgr OF DLA 1hCPMCIPLin1 PMd It' p:ulieiPAV in IL iuk, F-eorm IFU;rrra y Art esIai,lisfimcnr 1ocsled on a f `}+11roi 15F Si N- gru+wa+g wsu r 11tr owl" k +F krsstre ,..r om ........ r_..... r__..r_ r .0..... Rte 1ik-ulltttu1 W0dtK!b VIE-6 ilr 44 ftuilc, frU+t jtliees one DT murr_luL m'L%q W1v County IiraiscJ ma Wmmocry urkdm YlrALnka Cock i 4..L- , {AJJcd 12 -Ih -31 � f��t'm�s'1 +rcr�' ix'�'1ar rin cwcni cantiuctt� of a furrll wtrn�y vu utu u1 1usrlc dCly�,tlk�5lutiil►�buEntNe+d -I� �ti1�i2PHi WhCFCthepmpwuIS .ugiLikWaSlr1Vrtib121Uj11VIL'; 1, 11i C. 5JJC,. 111, I111I1( t[�, h1,111n11111}I1tcl1.i},gklkhci!!J�p 1 u r is %nx ll ris.a 09 RAkgLi n !.1_Z5 a1. (0)(1) WW but not 1Lj1 tCj Cu u iat fijjr5_ [GeriginnK tk h rg wing is sold or j[ycd; wim c] Lib nuetiugs and iuq #YW ATTACHMENT II Draft. MIA-W110 lastnw C�Uu A 1lm4l sari i i r �w iny�t . i, lunch .cons - busWrss mmim , and.colgota g luncheons with a iocus oil 5elling ;viuc5; gathUhlp with the purpuse ofpromoift safes 10 the ttadw, sttch as restattraota, dL$trrbUtQrs, ,iW local chamber of mmmcrcc acriwrtres. k%�incmakcrs= d.InnCfF, W[IM r%;11% is PHIrtd With food, wtzilouiism pronioltuns, Ud lundrU.1iQ1S and churity uvcnts, Arlfcle IL Rkisic Regulmiorm See. 4.15.2 Definitions ThC following definitiorkx shall apply in the inlerpretalion and implcmerlt&tion ofthis 4;ea ut 4.1 S,. (1 1) rfgricUlraraf prndicr sign. The term "agricultural product argn" means a sign Or signs irknti fying thr produce, trope, ammEls or poultry raised OF quarrurud on (ht property, W A-Mti jU a farm LN nM. (Added 3-16 -05) See. 5.1.25 Farm wintry Each farm winery shall he subject to the Fallowing= Tlwre Foci -k-'e r eF4etto grewiifig arrtr Ires i3 Sdr piarl :r: .{ to tlwa eddilioneg fegtrift rmems fur S-uuh 3iumked i 1500 90tkmt kei. A Spec A Feu pwiW i;�uCd pkinsuaill to seolioer 31 -2.4 of ihisehap -- ter exoeel: 1111te14 Irfrr I br ptvmil" tip to t++:el of-11 1}jhlR4ik91i91F#Fr - fe:#eFF`iM " "' "o v.:cPHHIL"IPHFHS des zmA rxt*red mW 11URdFOd filly Wl e'".7 i 'lidtxlr, 1aut.txe i f+anquet�- dinrwrr , ww� fwv�ir� -o►xi orlwzr �r+enl 1l- spearrd {rsepermit rsx �VIr......W WE Seel: 4 a f I �1 7 ehap#er . is i im* mr} ev�Msr to eMCMI -one hundFed (Mdeti i i 99 ATTACIIMENT [[ Draft: P_Q1127M 46*w r lwi j yew . F{?f IFIIft7O5 rb♦� i�14`r srAiwn, a fr!'torrd iq mt rmkl } d. A use or troe&-k rIk upprovel from disk m4aFfiee -ef f-kYSiw I>IMdf wui" i9 regft- gi Mro 4o FH ov iyr ells lbf safe and Conve'rl"l fl'{'eeLe4; pFxki Pabo ma; adveme !i kbjtwl lo liwc folilowi - -x-981 Y The g..%yneF A..LI . hma:......OM :.......4..ORAI M flFiOF ... Oil _.:....:..... ..A....:.....:..:...:....:. ....._.. ::........... nt Oral alK'C Inny lw Is AS pfoYided f be YEp GfeaFkireS#w.1:..:r:... ....,J.LeI wFd..rx:.....r.Y,.. Virgirki4 Dc "Aik V Of f twh such ftwl YYal, ilMe -Ie oilities, Fd AC 4LH)IbfY of pf lioiIMls -n1 Y..l,t,Y h rte -j!ivaYri ATTACHMENT 11 Drs t: O-VO I!#,7410 �.., permilred. Tike following prio—w uses. o mis aDd wtivitics-acrAngLcL sulls�t;��13, t:�tis']�iC pC2tt11Il�d�l3- 13CBLwltlCr3'; 1. Jhc rodusli aad bE[vcstiUli.4i GNia and othu agricultural Diroducts and the manufacturing o f uia c iuclurimp. hur nor limited [D_ actrvuI Fri awdxQ thcproduct[unofdat agricultural nroducis aged in lvrne_ mcluding but not limitid tu, g[uti3 . planSllrr, aLtlIhLuiviILL19-tht: ,ryglictrhura] pradtic[s and tk . use -of c_gpjpMwnl For thusw activities, 'I'hcbUlc,tZJt JXLuiti]udiifgbarttllusUt s.or(oir$wription of + %incuithiu the nomaliowrsvor bmium of the farur rimuy. 3_ l'tw dIrccr sAc and shipiumt of wine by minor a uniivi lu r�uusuuler5 iu accordance with'fi[Ic 4.1 v1 tho Virginka (bde :utd die ngula[ions of the AICOhultc Ikvcragc Cantrol Iio:Lrd. 4. h< Sali: Mid slnpiiii t of Winr tv dn' ALwhollc Bewcr:&o L O=9113OJ d, las mcd ;Yhirli aLus, anslv3ll- vt- �,tatcuLarrIJJQQr5 ilt;acourdauo with Tidi;4 -1 of [bt Virginia (.'r}clw, rCt;tel.11Lans pt the Alcoholic f wage Control Board, and federal law. I— fire sloiagc, rrarulrousiLW, uud whyl Cudti, rtgULWILS of On rilcvhalic BQVOrag. Cvniml Board, and feduallaYL 6.rnvatcjwsonal gathmw of.a f4m wind umner who Wperty kucUu lhcnto dig iy vwrYed oY C5}t3tH}lCojby jhg QVIFL =coded Thai wine is na t d yr rook+ t!� wed fnr whirJl ]1u consideration is FCC6i. Cdl b the farm winery. o� 4l# awD-4 _ ._ -... y rH6t!rtkE iftOffl Mal JLaiO erslags a1 Qk�wi C1t+fenfr A&Imrrism uses or wine sides refaced _uses, - The Fu11U agA iWw iwII alts turJ +�iiie:�ales te�rJ c ati;_pL:nVI(LCd at a l anli 55 ZWE3', ptuvidcd Uiuy uslclaled L acrkw t141u tu3l7uc Sakti: 1. Exhibits, Lnuscunas, and historical sa ns relalcd rp wtne ar 19 th4 lilrm WinerY. l'anII MIMI' evenis at %rich nat rraan than iwv h cc ate IIIt1C. 3. (iuc5t wkwmakQrs and teals: accorruriodations Of Mited gues6S at a fiffM %VLncry uwncr's priVLLtc rCSidMCC at the lalrm u Ines)'. 4 lbhxmks. S._ Kstclscu and caumng actmucs rclakA to as Lin ut Um furor wWut r. - Picnics. cithu Stil t pfOvj d or awa i Ii3W-tQhs PUFChaSi%L{ Ot LILC rEIr1U 711 ZY. _ kruviding fu4c[ Fouls, Wvu WW 4peliuc[5. for Visi[ors, ale of wi rurretated Ltems that rare inVA ntul W llle Salo of wine including hUL not lirnuod a u �!ulc of int isknCLjl giiis SuCIJ .O cork 5crcws, u.ine IIA scs, acid o-xli l rLs. �_ 1�tL�mwillsr5r ..illrludin};tl►�5+iney,7[�. 10. IV i ngti and weAdino jCccp[ious at v&hichnOLMOIC JbW (WO hu»drtd (304) pursulas arc iu a!�Fkdan; t a[ any Buis'. ATTACHMENT II Dr2n, 031011 24410 J J _ Other usrs :iq! cxaressi3' auLhyrixcd th:kt are itoufism uses or ari: wIllc Sale% rel awd us;L m*ich arc dctcrmLaod lay the zoning ai111limstrator to be usual and cuswalwy uses aL JzIII ,&jnffics Him out Clad- Commurnwcalllh, which +lv out i;tu 1i it ubi-LalklW j=u on die kcalth. Zjklcty ur wt:lfwu of tllc pyblie� ullsl arl3 ii h t1o1 mole dixi two huudd -i 200] psrJQns .; LQQ g C. (Faorlrrsm arses or.winesdfes rekiedNSes; mare d(111 209 nersarr7 at arry rravet_ aurcNrl.—r+e d- The ti11i LrkttlkkrkS +ttyreuil s�,i;r sale reMtrJ iY�Bg, at which more lh8rk l}ftlt h�ndrcd (2tHil oersorLs Will ha=:k[ICAMLI- a0:i1LLLI I 1L inkIiiiii,.krL!norrmkiwdata farm wL ry- wilhaspixialusd-pd-rmiy]prffridW Ra OMUTALILM $EClMWASM or w7nc Sak-51I I11J kll 'r4lkkti Jl elkLll4 LI LiM L%% {, I1111!ditrd I.11.'I /f }lrtl S4Irb die A OR Hdd 11W WIF ffit Me H! WHY arluwwina) cv,COJ , WeddiW and wedding rearplulns. 3, Ovii asr 3 lual eapr arm a i.. vrisrrk uses or wine sales rel sled ayes 3whlch aiw iiti Mil road by �111L: 'L JW911 �fliznitt 10 he usual and tusiomary uses at faun Wincrit-a Lh(out;Ik)LkL the CL)mnsom%ealth. Inforrrumon cardsketchphee? lo & :ar rraattrtlwej (jta}+f+frtzr(ri+rtjor.ar, xCr�af trtii'1 'rnrrf. In addi[iontoany Lnfulili kLiUU reilu i ivJ Luk Ur suklr.ul Lud s+ r 11 ,1 11 ,,y ]U ical iorl far a Spceial Uk prrnli 1 killi it SwCI Loll L .$ -3, j;ocli gpliC,ritL)n iVI QiIC OF uturc LLSCS aadwrjLtidAn uectkon S. L_35Cc).-Shall kncki.&L Lhc fullowvni& I�ffurrxrrr {ur1, JnfurnnalivaUrtai[ki1IA 10 1W (�] I]rc proposed US %LS; (ii) the maximum nLUIIULF o1 jaekM]s w1jo wUl alteild rack usr ai aukV jl jvca limo; (iik) Lhc frNucacy arld duraimn of 111r Zo UV) Lhv prow is ion of on -Site Parking: (v) thr0 IocaWQ� hclgtat and umcns of ouC+kwr Ilt*Ik�g for e=11 U.W: - aw -Lyj) lilC lix albs A F an 8iage, structure or Other place w hut: musiv +wil l- h4ttgmw J. L -___ _aeeclrpl an- A sketch plan, iAhick shrill be a scheauatic dom.krkg ef.lhvAw with notes in d iornt and ofasu: ald-uuRiurl.. dby Lbs dijwW .COt` ii)al SULlt[utesthatwooidbt recd fvt lha: . (R) how acce5,c, an -sitC park lowdam lligll l ng_ ske[kaee and m Lnamkam ywi6i fYillbv tuovidrd in caippli pkq.%vith ibis choplct; and (u L) hM_piAd-nLia] a dV1.:F c imRncbs (u 24jbjiilijjyt;}t} r util L he mLtJ to cd sum}_ art klt +t s ubstkuatiall. C. Sgxm d. Somil.Y=&Sl_1'I V!!1 $ I'df1i .Yr1.�� +."k _ -vuvi utei.l Ljil) .li]i53• =) and %hull not bs: L 011 ti l l li'rc iI .111 i.iQJ11V136kknil ialkdCr st:c alOn 7 -1(16 rk} rWti#(*W Iyelrilsiii' ul irnrrwknerY %list!lbe95pfuvidkAtlkli utiu[t10.4. 1 ,%JOtwJlhSIand4j anv othrr L+rovssma u! this c]ja z, tl �k 11,4�i,lm. -, i;IL, ,iml rc,sr YArd rcqulrcrrlcnts III AUti 21 I dl,t,J� [w ,AIL prLmerY and acc9s50ry SnCIUNS MabliShcd aticr Lrnscrt Ju:k i;mg areas and xfob c tollrts used In whale or in pwl iv 3szve = iiLkA.31:aiarMtk111%15,. d,kLl YtH15 SI ] bL+ractiiinCd11UtelslykItFUFtLi �k ltAll"t ,.1rniri1S1I.dl,r Mill nCjkitc [hc mirliitlui1i riguLI .M l !E' yd I.I Wn E'II1dI11g 111:11 E . ;51GA. o IhL! Lhi ill iri. lira (ii I Ihere Is no har ! J !-LILh sot'IV s,r +SCI I.int', , iii, '.51IlsLli tiilltSfidl has be n priyk IJ4"i1 by IN! vi ni•r offliv.-buiting lot cOn5elillnQ to j4L.r4;&WWmk 9. Uwprohibi[ed, Mo fo[1o3ttine Lees w prob]b LLLA 1, litstuurnits- Formrtted: Indent: LeR' O', KwQk4; OS', Tare sW: Not i t 05" 2_ HcL%x m rides. (§ 5.1.25, 12-1 &81, 1-1-84, Ckd- 98-20(1).4 -1-98, Ord. 01- 1S(6), 10 -3 -01) Articke 111. I)iclrirrt RetuhIinns Set. 101.1 By righl ATTACH ENT II Drnfl: 113M112 -WI0 The following wc� s shall be permitted by right in the RA dislricr, s111wj2d io the ;IpplicaNe rcquircirwrus of Ihis chapter: 17. Farm WiIICry uiei autll ML12d wxier sectian S_ 1.25{a) aad [b ] - . (Added I 1 -1 1 -92) Sre. 10,2,2 By special use permit 'I he fel [owing usc> y11o] t be permitted only by special use pcm it appr*wd by the heard of supenisom pumuml Iv seel ion 31.2 -d: {Added 10 -9 -02) 53. Fum wij=v usrs.authorued under seetim 5.1- 25tc1- t, ]:Ira W. Jordan, dux hereby VUlify thal flU foregoing writing is a Irue, correa prey of an Ordinance duly adopted by the RoCrd of SUrW nr sort el' Albemarle Counly, Virginia, by a vote of to as rmorded hrlmv, aI a regular meeting held on. A-u Mr. BQYd Mr. harrier Ms. Malltk — Mr. Rooker - Mr, Snow Mr Thomas Clerk, I #card of County Supervisors 6 STAFF PERSONS, Amelia McCulley and Wayne Cilimberg PL ANNI NG COM MI ION WORK SESSION: February 16, 2010 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: TBD 2"TA: ZTA2009 -00003 Farm Wineries ORIGIN: Planning Commission Resolution of Intent (Attachment A) PROPOSAL., Amend the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance so that its current farm winery regulations are consistent with Virginia Code Section 15-2-2288.3, and in order to promote the efficient and effective administration of the County's zoning regulations and meet the intent of the County's Dural Area Plan and Rural Areas Zoning District. PUBLIC PURPOSE TO BE SERVED: In practice, staff has implemented the Counter's farm winery regulations in a manner that complies with Virginia Code Section 15,2-2288.3 since that section was rewritten in 2007. However, staff also believes that language added in 2007 and, more recently, in 2009 that provides that "(I)ocal restriction ... shall take into account the economic impact on the farm winery of such restriction, the .agricultural nature of such activities and events and whether such activities and events are usual and customary foe farm wineries throughout the Commonwealth" necessitates more detail be incorporated into the County's ordinance provisions to assure full consistency with the Virginia Code. Amendments that getter define allowed uses and activities at farm wineries consistent with the Virginia Code should provide local winery and public interests a clearer understanding of what is allowed and result in fewer questions of staff and greater efficiencies in use determinations. zoning clearances and enforcement. BACKGROUND: In 1981, the County adopted amendments to the zoning ordinance establishing a definition and supplementary regulations for farm wineries, and establishing them as a by -right use in the Rural Areas. Subsequent updates to these zoning provisions have been adopted over the pears since, the last of which occurred in 2001. In 2007, the Virginias General Assembly enacted legislation limiting the extent to which localities, under their zoning powers, may regulate various uses and activities associated with farm wineries intended to promote the farm winery industry, The Planning Commission passed a Resolution of Intent on April 14, 2009 to consider amendments that assure consistency of the Albemarle County zoning ordinance provisions with the Virginia code. On ,duly 10, 2009, staff held a roundtable with approximately 20 community and industry interests and received input on an initial set of concepts that would form the basis for new zoning tent language. Motes from that roundtable are included as Attachment B. On November 10, 2009 the Planning Commission held a work session on this matter, received input from the public attending and provided direction to staff regarding possible changes. (See Attachment ) Attachment III STAFF COMMENT: The County's Rural Area Plan says the County will recognize in policy development that the following, among a number of principles, are "Important components of the Rural Areas protection of "Albemarle County's agricultural lards as a resource base for its agricultural industries _ _ "; provision of "support to local agricultural and forestal economies" and connection of "local producers and consumers of rural products ": and encouragement of "creative and diverse forms of rural production" and support of "rural land uses that provide rural landowners with economic viability" The purpose and intent of the Rural Areas (RA) zoning district includes as a purpose "(p) reservation of agricultural and forestal lands and activities ". It further states, "(r)esidential development not related to bona fide agricuItrlra11forestaI use shall be encouraged to locate In the urban area, communities and villages as designated in the comprehensive plan" and that "(i)n relation to residential development. agriculturaItforestaI activities shall be regulated only to the extent necessary to protect public health and safety_" The stated intention of the RA district is "to preserve the county's active farms and best agricultural and forestal lands by providing lot areas designed to insure the continued availability of such lands. _ , to enhance the economy, and maintain employment and lifestyle opportunities. In addition, the continuation and establishment of agriculture and agriculturally - related uses will be encouraged _ , " It is the obvious intent of both the Counter's Rural Area Plan and the RA district to help enable the economic viability of the County's agricultural activities such as vineyards and wineries. This is furthermore consistent with the state's policy to preserve the economic vitality of the state's wine industry. While staff is of the opinion that the current local restriction of farm winery activities and events to market and sell their products is reasonable, d is important tc be very clear in defining "usual and customary" activities and events that do not cause a substantial impact to public health, safety and welfare, Under current ordinance provisions, all activities exempted under Virginia Cade Section 15-2-2288.3.D- and E. (see Attachment D) are allowed in the Counter. In addition, current ordinance provisions permit each winery: on -site tasting and consumption on tap to 1500 square feet of floor area, olailyr tours; special events (meetings, conferences, banquets, dinners, weddings, private parties and wine mafiketing events) for up to 150 people per event up to 12 times a year; and, up to three (3) day festivals nc more than four (4) times a year. House Sill (HB) 463, a 2008 General Assembly bill that was not ultimately adopted, also identified a number of "usual and customary activities and events" at farm wineries "throughout the Commonwealth " that are generally permitted under current county provisions such as picnics, wine tasting as part of promotions, guest winemakers and trade accommodations of invited guests at a winery owner's private horne, barrel tastings and wine clubs, outdoor music not audible beyond the property line, fundraisers and charity events. exhibits and historical segments 0 related to wine, gatherings to promote wine sales, appetizers for visitors, on -site retail of incidental items such as cork screws, and catering activities for wine dinners and wine activities. HB 463 also identified festivals, but for up to 200 people rather than the 150 maximum the County now allows_ In consideration of the public input received during this process, direction from the Planning Commission, principles in the County's Rural Area Plan, the purpose and intent of the C ounty's Rural Areas zoning district and state code provisions, staff has updated amendments to Sections 3.1, 4,15.2, 5.1.25, 10,21 and 10.2.2 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. (Attachment E) Currently proposed changes tc the ordinance with comments on the masons for these changes are included as Attachment f=_ In particular, staff notes the following in response to Planning Commission direction on November 10. - Review the agritcurism definition. The definition now proposed is the same as the definition of "agritourism activity" Ire Virginia Code § 3.2 -6400. - Review the farm winery definition. The requirement that farm winery lots be contiguous was deleted to be consistent with Zoning Ordinance's definition of "farm," which does not require that the lots be contiguous. The proposed definition is otherwise unchanged, but is relatively easy to administer because it depends merely on state licensure as a farm winery. - Review hours of operation_ The prior daft ordinance limited some uses to between 9.00 a. m. and 6:00 p.m. Staff has deleted reference to hours of operation for any uses and instead proposes using "normal course of business" to determine compliance. - The attendance limitation for oertain uses that are accessory to primary uses should be based on "persons at any one time" vs. "persons per day" References to attendance have been changed to "persons at any one time ". - The 50 person limitation should be revisited for appropriateness and enforceability. Requirements related to ever 5U persons up to 200 persons in attendance, such as the requirement of a sketch plan, have been removed. For certain uses where more than Z00 persons attend at any time, and attendance Is event driven and typically in addition to people coming and going throughout the day associated with the other typical farm winery uses, a special use permit is Still proposed. - Address grandfathering of site plans that exist that could suffice for the zoning clearance. There is no longer a sketch plan requirement with a zoning clearance. A sketch plan is now only required to be submitted with an application for a special use permit so that the potential impacts of the use can be best evaluated. An existing site plan could be used as a sketch plan if it provides the information required in submitting a special use permit application. The result of changes made since the Planning Commission's work session on November 10. 2009 reflect staffs opinion that the by -right uses that would be allowed in the proposed ordinance will not have substantial impact on the health, safety or welfare of the public and need not be required to undergo any special approval by the County- Only certain uses that exoeetd 200 persons attending at any one time were considered by staff to have the potential for impact to the health, safety or welfare of the public and therefore are recommended to require a special use permit - farm winery events, weddings and wedding receptions, and other uses not expressly authorized that are agritourisni uses or wine sales related uses which are determined by the zoning administrator to be usual and customary uses at farm wineries throughout the Commonwealth. Prohibited uses are now limited to restaurants and helicopter rides as staff determined that the previously prohibited hot air balloon rides have negligible impacts and currently exist in the County in association with other uses. Administration 1 Review Process: Amendments that better define allowed uses and activities at farm wineries consistent with the Virginia Code should enable staff as well as local winery and public interests a clearer understanding of what is allowed. Housing Affordability: NIA Implications to Staffing f Staffing Costs: Amendments that better define allowed uses and activities at farm wineries consistent with the Virginia Code should result in fewer questions of staff and greater efficiencies in use determinations, zoning clearances and enforcement. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is seeking final Planning Commission feedback and input on the changes identified in this report. Following this work session, staff recommends finalizing the zoning text amendment language and scheduling a public hearing with the Albemarle County Planning Commission. Attachment A: Resolution of Intent Attachment B, July 15, 2009 Roundtable Notes Attachment C. November 10, 2009 Planning Commission Minutes Attachment D' Section 15.2 - 2288.3 of the Virginia Code Attachment E; Recommended Amendment Language Attachment F. Recommended Amendment and Associated Comments Attachment ; Table of impacts /Reasons for Changes Attachment H- Selected Relevant Sections of the Virginia Cade Pertaining to Farm fineries F11 W TFAC14MFNT A RESOLUTION OF INTrN,r WHEll EA S, the Gcn ura I As;w;Gnnbly hoc racently estabiished in Virginia Code. § 15.2- 2288,3 1imilatifins on the wxhml t(I WIN icln locaIitieq, under their 7oning powers, may regulate various uses and acIivities 3ssociaicd with Farm wineries intended to promote the farnn winery industry; and HRRF.AS, although the County comp]ies with Virginia Codc § 15.x- 2288.3 to prauIicc, it is desired to wnend the AlEno mar le County Zoning Ordinance so that its farm winery rebuial]ons arc ctnra nt With Virginia c �`od§ 15.2- 2289.3 in order to promote the efficient .and effective administration ol'thc; Couptty's .7sming regulations. UW. T EltEFORE. BE IT RESOLVED THAT ror ptp of public necessity. convenience, general welfare in d good zoning practices, the Planning Commission 1wreby adopns a resolution of intent io amend Zoning Ord inancc §§ M. 5,11.2 5. 14.2.2, and any ocher appropriate soctions oi`the AIbemark County Zoning Ord inancc to achieve the fxoGr =!� described herein; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Abe Planning Cominisston shall hold a public hearing on tht; zoning text amendment pruposed by ibis resmI Lit ion L) I- intent. and make its recommendation to the Board of Supervisors, at the carlicst pim;ibk date, •M••s r � �7 ATTACHMENT E Winery Roundtable 7-15-09 .Albemarle County Office Building Rm 241 Approximately 16 attendees (not including staff or PC members). PO members attending include- Edgerton, Joseph, Loach & Porterfield, Staff members Include ilimberg, McCulley, Schlothauer, Higgins and Taylor. Tom Loach opened the PC weeting. Wayne Gilimberg introduced the purpose of this roundtable and history of this issue. Went to PC for a resolution of intent. In line with Virginia Code, more specifically for a d rn i nistration of ordinance. He explained that staff prepared a straw man far discussion of the ZTA. Economic vitality in RuraI Areas, Legal questions will need to be deferred since the CA's office is not #resent, Matt Conrad_ Began 2406 with a list of usual and customary, 2048 Legislation and 2409 farm wineries are agricultural uses. Wayne ilimberg- He went through the Po erPoint presentation, Jeff W,; He tanked about the Code definition of restaurant and traffic impact. Neil; He asked what are reasonable conditions? Organization -What is by -nght? vs what requires a zoning clearance. What about if 200 people show up at the tasting? Is this ok? If yes or no - what is the number limit for tasting? Neil: He referenced page 4 - I & J and asked are these a €lowed by right? Additional uses. Wayne Cilimberg; He said that~ in spirit of the State Cade, zoning clearance is appropriate to make a determination not substantial impact_ Jeff_ He mentioned Items on page _b - Do all or any apply to uses permitted by -right without a zoning clearance? What is left out? Neil: He said ridiculous to require a zoning clearance for a picnic. Wayne Oilirnberg, He said we will go back to see what can fit irk by -right categories. Neil; He sald focus on the Rural Area and commerce conflict, Example - lighting in parking lots. Talk about large items and reasonable way to mitigate impacts_ Pollock: Need people to give in the number to buy wine and l don't want to - impact on the community. I just went through the process to bulld a winery. but I don't want further approval. Shelton; Had to go to the ARE with a 4 month wait. The County has a reputation for making it difficult to sustain agriculture. Will put in rules and regulations for peak events Context Winery Roundtable 2 July 1. 2009 PotterfieId` A couple weddings spread apart is reasonable„ Shelton, Why not say „don't black 9 ?" Marcia Joseph; Asked about a blanket zoning clearance Amelia Mr ulley' Yes. Maybe need to limit only large events_ Wayne Cilimberg; He said to shorten the List and focus on those with most potential for impact. Who said this? Cost of zoning clearance? Edgerton: He said that he likes separating out non - impacts vs. major impact. Noise, traft and lighting. Could backfire (legislation) on all agricultural activities. Impact on health, safety & welfare. Loach; He asked how to determine substantial impact? Example Byrom Park & 50 parking spaces. Wayne ilimberg; He said that a presumption that 200 people can potentially be accommodated. Consider context and conditions. King. She asked where does 200 people carne in especially if already have appfoved entrance that can accommodate more? Matt: He said 200 people for special events_ Wayne Cimlimberg, He said by -right — list not subject to #200 people- Jeff - How to distinguish a large wedding and tasting at the same time? Visitors Center: Have we chocked Napa, Sonoma, Walla Walla Washington? Jeff: Walla Walla probably was not all licensed - some issues. Neil: Concern understandable for wineries. heiton: Welfare (review) in tyre weeds that can bolux up legit operation_ Allow common sense - Albemarle being identified as Napa of East Coast. Highest & best not to subdivide, but wineries. Good for general welfare supporting the economy. Jeff: Consider conservation easements, But taking out viable option to subdivide. Keswick Winery; Member of the conimunity can negatively affect business. Be aware of. II Winery Roundtable 3 July 15, 2009 Bill E -- Speak to the concern that if not approached positively, can lead to that. Wayne Ctlimberg, Leaving to them (wineries) to decide how to run and impacts. King: How to consider welfare — the individual or greater public good? PotterEield` Noise ordinance still applies. King: Prior to conservation easement could have development number to Old Trail but now limited to 200. Leach- Transparency and clear so everyone knows what is required. Marcia; Board of Supervisors involvement and publicize that we have these wineries. Caunty (elected officials) can promote. Shelton'. Like any industry it needs an outlet. Already have reasonable guidelines and regulations - adding too much will be cumbersome. Bill E - Apply for all uses up front. Jeff Shelton: Special events, Wayne ilimberg: We now allow only 150 people X 4 events. This is to liberalize. deed to document what/how. heltom Ought to be positive, not negative- Neil: Make sure can regulate this way. Wayne: Gou rity Attorney's office has been involved Jay: Every business needs a zoning clearance. This is standard, not onerous- ca hundreds of zoning clearance applications a year- Architects: Starting winery but can't initially get farm winery.. Where does winery fit? Easy to tell if faking it- Something to lessen cash flow. - Future interpretation of 'event" when does a promotional activity became event? -is 200 all day or at one time? -Whal. if beautiful day and more than 200 arrive far tasting? Marcia Joseph; Selling of wine related Rerns? Open up to selling produce and baked tread Add distilleries and breweries. {apposed to WPO for protecting water quality but afraid our requirements over - the -top? Schoenberg-- What about Orange Co? Pollock- Three wineries within few miles with no limitations gives them an unfair competitive advantage of our wi nery- Shelton: Why 200? Why not restaurant not in usual & customary list? Winery Roundtable 4 July 15, 2009 Matt, What is considered usual & custornary can change overtime Shelton: Want to provide some food sales with alcohol Jake, Why is amplified sound regulated more that ex. noise ordinance? Wayne ilimberg: asked that any comments be provided to him no later than the end of July, Usual & customary, normal uses. Harvest - September -end October. Alight be more helpful to have work session after harvest. ATTACHMENT C Albemarle County Planning Commission November 90, 2009 The Albemarle County Planning Commission held a work session on Tuesday, November 10, 2009, at 4 30 p m - at the County Office Building, Room 241. Second Floor, 401 MOntire Road. Charlottesville, Virginia Members anending were Marcia Joseph, Galvin Morns, Don Franco and Linda Porterfield Thornas Loach, Dice Chairman, Eric Stfuckc, Chairman and Bill Edgerton were absent. Julia Monteith, AIGP, non - voting representative for the University of Virginia was absent Other officials present were Wayne CiIimberg, Director of Planning, AmeIiFj McCulley, Director of Zoning & Zoning Administrator, and Greg Karnptner. f]eputy County Attorney, Mr Gilirnberg noted that an Acting Chair needed to be chosen due to the absence of the Chair and Vice Chairman, Motion- Ms. Porterfield moved and Mr. Franco secondad to nominate Calvin Morris as Acting Chair for the meeting. The motlon carried by a vote of 4;0, Call to Order and Establish Quorum: Mr, Morris, Acting Chair, called the regular meeting to order at 4;30 p. m. and established a quorum. Work Session: ZTA- 2009 -00003 Farm Wineries - Amend the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance so that its current farm winery regulations are consistent with Virginia Cade Section 15,2 - 2288,3, and in order to promote the efficient and effective adm[nistration of the County's zoning regulations and fineet the intent of the CoonIy's Rural Area Plan and Rural Areas Zoning 0islrict (Wayne CilimbergIAmelia Mo ulley) The purpose of the work session was to review the changes to the zoning ordinance being corrside red for farm win eries and obtain the Commission's input and guidance Mr. Cthmberg made a Po ei-Point {presentation. (See PowerPoint Presentation — Albernade County Farm Winery Regulations Changes) "Defined in State Code term winery - A Corse Stipulations re, Local Reslocfion Local restriction .. , shall fake into account sire economic impact on the form winery Of such restriction, the agricultural natura of such activitlas and events and wi thtpr such acfivit }es and events are Usual and customary for Farm wirperres throughoof the Commonwealth VA Cade Definition oFFarm 1N nery are estabJfshmenf (r} located on a form whir a producing oneyard, orchard, or similar growing area and with facilities for fermenting and bottling wirrc on the premises where fhe owner or lessee manufacture wine . , , or (rr) , , . wiftl a prodiiorrrg vineyard. orchard, or zifm tar growing area or agreements far purchasing grapes or ca1har frvifs from agricultural growers wr hin the Commonweallh. and with facilities for fermenting and bottling wine on fhe premises where the owner or lessee rrranufactrires wine ALBEMAME COU147Y PLANNING C- 01AMIMON - NOVEMBER 10. 20CPD � DRAFT PARTIAL MINUTES • ZTA- 200$ -MO3 FARM WINERIES N RsW1 yl101to11121!94 VA Code Limitation on Mass A and Glass B Farm Wineries Gfass A - at least 51 percent of the ... agricultural prcducls used by the Owner or lessee to manufacture the wine shalt be grown or produced an such farm and no more than 25 percer7t of the ... agricultural products shall be growr7 or pfoduced outside me Gommonwealth. Class 8 - 75 percent of tiro ... agricultural products used by the owner or lessee to manufacture the wrho shall be grown or produced fir the Commonwealth and no more than 25 percent of the . , , agricultural prodtxts shalt be grown orpmduced outside the Commonwi��elth, No Glass B farm winery license shah be issued to ariy person who has not operated carder an existing Virginia farm wfrr$ry license for at least seven years. Opportunities for variation from the % of on -farm production and % of oirt-of- -state products utdized under certain supply conditions through petition to the Dapartmenl of Aq&- ulture and Consumer Services. Dafinittons O Agdtourrsm O Farm Winery O Farm Winery Event Uses Permitted By- rfghIt as Primary Uses I- The production and harvesting of fnrlt and the manufacturing of wiae- Tire direct sale and shrprrrent of wine by corn men carrier to consumers , . , 3. The sale and Shipment of wine to the Alcoholic &everege Control Board, licensed whvlesa�ers, and ovt -of -state purchasers .. . 4. The storage, warehousing, arrd wljolesafing of wine 5. Activities related to the production of the a riculturat products used is the wine, including growing, plonfingr and harvesting the agrioulffirel produ4;ts and the use of equromant for Lhasa activitias, 6. The safe, tasting, including barrel tastiogs, orccnsurmptron of wire between 9 :00 a,m. and 6 :00 p.m. , . , the normal course of business of the farm winery, 7 Private personal galherings of a faint winery owner who resides at Me farm winery or on property adjacent thereto that is owned or t*nlrollLnd by the owner, provided that wille is not sold or marlreted ar;d for which no consideration is received by the farm winery or its agents differently from private personal gatherings by other, citizens Uses Permitted By- rigid as Accessory to Primary uses ?_ Exhibits, rnuseurns. and hisloricaf segmenis stare# ro wine or to the farm watery. 2. Haynde3 3. Kitchen and catering acttvtties. 4. Picnics, eifher self- provlded or available to be perchasad at tire" farm winery. 5. The safe of wine - related Items that are incidental to the sale of wine between 9 :00 a.m. and 6.-00 p.rn. 6. Tours of the farm winery, fncludtrrg the vineyard. 7- Providing imager foods, soaps and appetizers for visitors. Uses Permitted Syr -right as A ccmory to Primary Uses Daring regular business hours f9.00 .m. -x:00 p.m.), each attracting not more than 50 people: I Farm winery events, 2, Gousl wine waiters and trade accommodations of invited guests at a , , , winery owner's privato ALBEM.ARLE COUNTY PLANNING CQMWSSION - NOVEMBER 10, 2 '009 DRAFT PARTIAL MINUTES - ZTA -200e -00003 FORM WI NERIES I��T�I�M►�I�M�M��1 residence at the farm winery. 3. Weddings and weCldirrg receptions_ 4. Oltrer uses thal are ag6tour7sro or wine sales ... deterrrrined .. _ to be usual and customary uses at farm wineries throughout Virginia_ uses Permitted By -right With Zoning Iwlearmnce ?. Outside of regular busOess hours {before 9:00 a.rn.lefter 5:00 p.m.) or each attracting between 51 and 200 people _ Farm winery events. 3_ Guest winemakers and trade accommodations of invited guests at a . , . winery owner's private residence at the farm winery. 4. Weddings and wedding receptions. 5. Other uses that are �glrftourisr7r or ware sates ... determined. _ to be usual and customary uses at farm wineries throughout Vifpinia_ "Zoning Cieareoce purpose: O identify uses generally 0 identify uses that may cause more than two hundred (200) persons to be in attendance at any given tirrre 0 Identify those uses that will have a substarrt +al impaol on the public health, safety or general welfare Requires appfica #ion providing: 0 uses 0 Ma.ximum rr�jrrrber of persons who wfif attend the use at any given tirne O f=requency and duration of uses 0 VD0T commercial entrance approval (of necessary) O Sanitation facilities approval from Dep I of Heallh 0 N -site parking O t_ocaliorr. height and lumens of outdoor lighting O t-ocatioo where music will be performed (if applicable) 0 Compliaoce with setbacks O Information requested by the county police department or department of fire rescue O Accompanying Sketch Plan Substantial impact is an ompact rhaf hr its nature would result frorn the use OF activity based on facts, and that in its effect is large in extent or degree Zor ?irrg administrator may impose reasonable conditions to reduce the frnpacls from a use so they are not sowfanlial Zoning clearance is a determination that the uses conducted at a farm winery are usual and customary and do riot create substantial impacts Other uses Any other rises proposed at a faun winery which are determined by the zoning adminfstralor to be related ti;t agritou6sm or wine sales for the farm wvfrrery, but which are neither permitted by right por by right with a zoning clearance, may be permitted by special use perrnif- Not perm ttod: ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION - NOVEMBER 10. 2009 3 DRAFT PARTIAL MENUTES - Z7A- 7009 -00003 FARM WINERIES f. Hot a ir belloons and hot air balloon rides, 2. Restaurants- Helicopter ridas- Major Changes - • Sompliflad definihon for farm winery and new d�!findions for agritourham and farm winery event • Farm wineries added to the provisions allowing agricultural product signs • Extent of review based on potential to produce 50bWanOaf impact — tied to regular business hours and attendance levels • !Usual and customary primary and accessory uses producing no substantial impact listed as by- dght without limitation as to number of events • Certain usual 8nd customary accessory uses with the potential to ,produce substantial impact because they operate outside of regular business hours or due to attendance levels listed as by- right with zoning clearance Other uses determined to be usual and customary, but not listed as by -right or by -rrght with zonir}g clearance, permitted by special use permit • Attendance noquiring special use permit increased from MOA-5 than 150 to more than 200 people • Uses not cor?sidered usual and customary specilicaffy listed as not Permitted" Ms McCulley provided a mock farm winery zoning clearance, including the proposed sketch plan, to explain how such a process would work, Mr. Morris invited questions for staff from the Commission and asked if staff has a list of questions for the Commission to address. Mr. Cilimberg replied that staff is here to answer the Planning Commission's questions and asks that the Commission note any particular changes and provide further direction before the zoning text amendment goes to public hearing - Public comment was taken from the following persons; Matt Conrad, Virginia Wine Counsel, David Ding, King's Vineyard, Charlotte Bheiton, AlbemaMe Ciderworks, Jeff Werner, Piedmont Environmental Council, Neil Williamson, Free Enterprise Forum, Casey Gallup, Jefferson Vineyard, Morgan Butler, Southern Environmental Law Center, and athlyn Glenn - Mathews, Blenheim Vineyards, Based on the public input received. the Commission provided staff the following direction Review the agritourism definition. Review the farm winery definition. - Review hours of operation- - The attendance limitation for certain uses that are accessory to primary uses should be based on "persons at any one time" vs. "persons per day ". - The 50 person limitation should be revisited for appropriateness and enforceability. - Address grandfathering of bite plans that exist that could suffice for the zoning clearance- The Planning Commission recessed at 5.551 p.m. for a dinner break to reconvene to the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. in the Auditorium. ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION - NOVEMBER 10, 2009 DRAFT PARTIAL MINUTES - ZTA- 2Q09.00003 FARM VONERIES ATTACIIMENT D § 15.2- 2288.3. Licensed fann wineries: local regtrlaIion vf curl ain activities, A. It is the policy of the Corn rnonwva Ith lu prescrvv Ilse onon,jc vitality of the Virginias wine industry while maintaining xppropriatu land use a utheri ty to protect the Ilea It11, safety, and WUIrarc orihccilii ns orI1w Commonwealth, and to permit the reasonable cxpectatKn of uses in r;pccifw zoning categories. Local restriction upon stich activities and events of farm witaerics I icensed in sect)rdance with 'I-i11e 4.1 to market and sel I their products shaI1 be retssnnable and shall take into accoum tilt~ economic impact on the farm .winery ol'such restriction and whelher such auikities and evvnls are usual and customary for farm wineries throughoui the cupri unwcailth- Usual spud custr3111nry acii.viti es .3nd events at farm wineries shall be pr;rririltcd without local regulation unless there is a substaantial impact tan iiic houltlr, ssrety, or welfare of the public, No local ordinance regulating noise, olhcr tha4n outdoor nmlxl iced music, arising from activities and events at farm w inc-ritN 3halI be more restrictive titan that in the general noise ordinance. In auIIiorixing oti door amplified inusic at a3 farm wirtery. the locality shall cortsidtc r ilie c Elect on adjacent property owners and nearby residen(s, B. C. — Expired.l D. Nc) locality may treat private personal gatherings held by the okwncr cira iicensed farm winery wha resides at the faint winery or on property ,adjacent thurcto that is nwncd or controlled by such owner at which gadie ings wi.nc is not sold or rnarkctecl grid for which no consideration is received by the farm winery or it,, agents dif3'erently frotn private personal gatherings by other cilicens, F. No locality shall regulate any of the Following activities ofa farm vinery licensed to accordance with subdivision 5 of § -1.1 -207: 1, The production and harvesting of liuit and other agricultural prmlimis rind thie manufacturing of wine; 2. The on- premises sale. tasting, or cc}nMuruption of wine during regular business hours within Ilse normal course; car b, isiness orltic Iicensed farm winery; 3. The direct sale and shipment of wine by common carrier to consumers in accordance. tivilh Tills 4.1 and regulations of the Alcoholic Beverage Control 13oird: 4. "l'Itc sale an shipment ofwine to the AIvAolic Beverage Control Board, licensed %v hohuNalcrs, and out -clr state pnrchaw" in accordance with 'rifle 4.1. regulations of Ihu A luolcc)lic Beverage Control Board, and federal law; 5. The storage:, warelrou9ing, and wholesaling of wine in ao corclancC %villa Talc 4.1. regula3tions of the Alcoholic Beverage Control 13oard, and federal law; or 6. The sale of %vine: - related items that are incidental to the sale or IVi Pic , (2006, c. 794; 2007, cc. 61 1, 657,) ATTACHMENT E Draft: 01!271111 ORDINANCE N0. 10 -18( ) AN ORDINANU TO AMEND CHAPTER 18, ZONING, ARTICLE I, UNFRAL PROVISIONS, ARTICLE II, R,ASIC RFGU LA' 1'10NS, AND ARTICLE 111, DISTRICT REG ULATIONS, () F THE CODE OF TI Ill COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA 13E IT ORDAINED Ry tlic Board of Supervisors of the County QfAIbeinarle, Virginia, that Chapter 18, Zoning, Article I, {general Provisions, Article 11, Basic Regulations, a nd Article 111, District ReguIat ion s, are hereby rirncnded and reordained as follows; By Amending, Sec, 3 -1 Definitions Sec. 4.15.2 Definitions Sec. 5.1.25 Farm winery Sec. 14,2.1 By right Sec. 14.2 -2 By special use permit Chapler IS. 'Zoning Article]. General Provisions Sec. 3.1 Dcfiniliom4 Aceessmy Use. Building or.Struefure; A subordinate USC, building or structure customarily incidental it) and located upon the same lot occupied by the primary use, building, or :structure, and located upon land zotied to Ilukv the primary use, building or 51mr, ture y_idcxl 11 ml a saak-ardinate use, btiiIding- ,lructure_c.4womarily inr�idQmaI to a primary fann use. buildinR&ArAkcjw rc need not be locatrwd uporl 111v samc I o i occ tip ied by the primary farin usc, building, t? ;s1. !�Lgre- (Amended 10 -9 -0 2) . ir)orism. Any act1 %'ity CarriQd ptft (111 a firm or ra tic h that alto % %'4� mr -mbcr5 01'01t�- general public, for rec: +-�`ilti }+x'113 viiwFtaillment, Or educational ptlrpoSc�, tU k�iCW ur. el�jvj' r4Gral :iCli itiCS� incllrclin Jslrmlirl , } jnericN, ranch ill historical, Cultural,liam -k tiA- your -o%vil xtivitie% Qr natUraI ;WI r1' Itie '1114 attRwtiOnS. regardless nJ'vdiQtlwr�,r not tht participant paid to part ic7ipatc in (hL; aL:tI%-Ik). Farm W!rarer ' An establishment located on ti eing Y i sieyaFd , VOW in g a!eel . r . ...r. C :r:t: far � ntimg Rd 1 ._m1iH iAs on] 1h� m `C""`" cs ;; F AP F$ in- fr Sh f Ui1S e 011.,.... tm 1 N FA1 prod e s✓ .OP r tee farm . riam f ..:.:• iee!5 0 ..._i4.__ . ,,;i;; ;i ..r:.duels grDwn o]]e or more lots_ in A1bqnar e, County Iice.med il* it 1' ;rrrrl ti% iilcl;- under Virginia Cade § 4. L ;Q-7• (Added 12- 16 -81) I'cr+ur i.v uer em. An event.conductcd at'L €flan }�incl on one term inclu�ing,.but not limited -lp �,atheriri where thc.ptfrppsC i$j1g�il.oru-iSt1l car Ic'. pro motc winc.salc�_flgL2jtKmise.expressly AttttpgL -� ATTACH MENT E Uratl: 01127110 undcrseclion_5."1.25 {4 }, (b)(l).. ncl lb)(3) 111nictglk {Ik)(IIM) iiiL:lkjdjng,.- kw ilot Ii. .to.- tpmino. lairs, receptions Where wine - I s sold :or �cr1 tib kkwo ikk��..�,��c �� � 11,L s;, a Iasi ing.edm.ntionaI seminars; %A- ine LA51ing lun�;hct?r1s. Eau illcs 1 >> �i„ ,.Ant�t,�1rpkiraw I Lux heon � a focus on se l ing wines; j alherings � +-ith the P.Ar 4�s�'.+'._l }C" 11115111k111116 ,zllc �l7 tlic tradr, su-.;J1 ii a`emaklrants. distributors, and ImaI sham r QfCFC,t1trTlvrc v flCliVitiO; 1%IRV' III 'LL ktrti' d11111k1!; M. here wJ.ne is paired with fwd;.3I;; itoufi�iui pjv1il.QL1Qg . -Q 1d fttIIdraiscrS Z,1[I L11itriEV CNVF1ti3, Article 11. Rasir Regulations Sec. 4.15.2 DCfill iiillnli The fallowing definition shall apply in the ipuuproation and implementation of this section 4.15; (1.1) Agricuilturol})rofhicr sigh. The term "agrictiIturaI prc�dur.I sign" mc:anL a sign or signs identify in the Prrlduce, crops, animals or poultry raised or quzirtercd on thu property.-m(devitYing a farm winery, (Added 3- 16 -05) Sec. S. 1.25 Farm winery Fach farm winery shaII be subject to the following' .if rlt.tl be __.._.� �;;titiL1 .l farki }; rrr I - B ardwaiV ijin Oji 98 ) • f Follenting af..l'._ 1-..111i Shall rt e5lablirhed ..r.:k he _.:._......�.k fire Affi- l AWLF fi. Ise- k��ties -fo~ - ...� .,........ . : �r uo �+y °...a iem ( ,{ dde4 12 1"6 --81 -� r' lie pt _•,�f:m�F1-- 411�:4i., ray. �. ,►.k.a.,.k_ �1 , no t " 1#ftit� Stf tun- 1F_.... � ..L-1:..1_...7 . 1. f:....., n£+ oori ;..�t:, ., rr..., ... ;;} :;.to W400F W:-ea. for-- rHB-ii j3ftOn 1} 0 -)-SgLLft c feet.., *.y �peeiol . ."Iefi amid Et }}F t {O Iliir -.. " . -...t.. k..,.. . - ..4...11 i.. 1 0'11:-! ;"; {-Add ed-� i °'1 A.„ de.] .{ , Q9 even -f, , ed --1i�} i(} I.-We 41 Hd4lC,l. at i....:. - ,:gl ::: 14IiiC'li l +bi Rd ..1_._.... �.. `.:S- dE }-!1#}t e;x one _ r p`eR5 Pi ._t.. r... rY ._.,........i 1._- 14... e4#'krter-Ina event 5'per- 2 ATTACHMENT E. p [�► Draft: U1127I10 � m# ber- of- aItowed n..t:.:..en! .,i --I l -0 .,r:.::,,..;. Fed t:Iki. { I is r- I.edi; (A ap.Ia r &•cc-cl On, a-fie•lifdl�Llf .ter .. ..d....i....L •�-'Oftp�'� t:1. � #�L�'�•t�$�'�'�m?� "' F'1F ' y 8) dri n to pwv.,; of ilie 99 ie P19FI, II... n ..u, .-Ihm irii. 4Ffr -EFl 11 III'~ V •.4.h l idPDA IMP rti T •' TT.T II, a.[a .t .�. nI yin r site plan & O efl .. a :...., 6t� om sjdev nl A o sliall -be "M -aorr er " } ns-and xrte•ryial adyer tiu *4 -- ,..iyer. (AdjeA _1 l not "he be t5i5 -9,&) ..1...1 p i:;;i {+ :.. ; 1Fimi ne we J z � Rgit! be 1 . r._ rt • i1 F @5t1 S-} t „Vy� }0y�W +wYpw le rip �3FFF f�iElll,'t LII ..I....� .�'►:,,eor -1k ii Lpart . r + 1lie-lti_tkj. _r.., 141 t. ., n.,}t)4L by �F1 n., .... T.4. } i•# tE'r- anti lIr- E.FFmF��I{Y�$..t , F�it'ipRnI. 14 I;ac upon —fil, and any c- it clef -co" ling.. i 11 i-S! IF .I1 _ , 6 ...._..Ree r.__ .__....� ...,..,�, f °rti� @�4:. -� Fhe .,,t.,Ong a 1...._..._..... 1Y..11 �Id'FtiOFI a! upeg �l6fi�#}�I�ls i rrr -7 by lie$`eq u i red irk fe- I ra- be•eove d by il.a "..__ :_.. _.kAkFRRee, .111e -t et m-m i 'r s - -hat -e L. ,.1_ +• ..� : . 1 .I,rr.z ,r:., l l•�;# i41ii s ngl J oeaek hAlle 1 #i n , mer..:..1 4:...1 .._. ..1_.. I l i ....11.... t a el+4110 CaF R11 j iteFien m rs far- t #e H i+F-- end Mien- il; �Added.44 -W ATTACHMENT IIE Drafl: 01/27/10 Zor_-zRrrw -. I'Sl�Tlll�f��� ewins�t ar,�en�ne���r } ±±1 ��at�w a Rw����;+a•ae�e�r��s�e �u���1 a+ �.b -mior uses permr eel. The fol low mgpdr .q*-s. �10 rciI1afser} cc)licctivelY, "ruses ") are permitted at a farm - ,vinwrr, gq— uclion in I�. rvestin f irrr�it and trtllcr ivu�luol prodw;1, �d.thre..ii� �t f clurin o 1—yirle iltcluding, but not lirnilM to,,mivilics Tck,1c.djp.t11e „p ion of the agricultural products used 191 ivine, iorI A in g bt11 11 }r I1„111vd ik),,, p)ying, p anlirlg and bar 'cstin .the RULr pullura.l-prf)duuu; acid tliv use L)1' quipll ent for those activities. �Tlx�.- szle,.taming, inc Iuding 1aarrel m; tin , u *xmpl .uinptiq1Lpf) i1q.with iii. Ow normaI cour t bmsiness ofthc Farm %vinery. , 'h1k -1�1C' il� 21T94I S�1l�ijjj Rkt.Q�.wjt)� by Con1mon carrlCr I 4 :011SIITTlCfS i 1 - =0rdall9C kx III -141 !LUQ 'virgllli'I �'o& and. the rep, laIlons of lk Alo %I1,111ti Ilk- %L :1.5,-c Co Board 4.,_'I'!ie_saI; -and shipment.of % %irTti t4} Ilia' 1I�� +l is�li l3c�ct:igt ('4)rttl'Q1 1300; ce rd, Iinw d %%161.)1�},,Icrk, and out -of-!i 'iw' purchas*rx ill a crriltltac ..32, i}kT I it It -1.1 ofdw vir"illia C' + #&' I—Cp ili+nIS %,I'tile A1c +I10 i±: k3 cr c Contro[ Board, and federal[ay.. 5. The storage, warellc�u��n�.�luc�, - }!v, �c��IijIgof w.jji4 in accordance %� -iIII Till ). 01't]n VrrgLn.U1 Code, r �llatis �1 t�f t11. l.c iip vgrage Control N14r..�l, ;11541 IaW. {, __LHvotq pprsonul pilierings of farm wig ry. cm 1m- wIko resides at the farm w iner++.ur-o — j I roperty. adjacent thereto 111at -.ix v %% iwd s +r et�iitrks I I c d by the owner. prc?viiil~IJ ft a' I'LAQ-i sold or mark- and R,r % %11ici1 nsi 4{,ro,iatn-ation iw Nceived.by_lhc. li�r> i T r its 8e is diFfcrcnll }' from p a_ivaW per,s+n ;iI go it ring o r z�T7�, b, ,,Ip'rv+ralVirr m e 1s ioOt - 1�,rfI usov. Thc_ in ,g,agri!wiri�m use�.and wine sales mhltcd -lp s :1rc I+cn9,11 tail ;�t :1 11-1nri i� is cry, provided tl y;Iru rcl,itctl rlSm or ovine SaIC.S; Exhihils, rttus; lkim , pnd historical WjjmqjLjs,W4W r r to.tlYs Iurn winery., I ;rr111 } I,ti a k k 4 I,. ,t�I Nti I ch 11Qt joxore than two 11tindrv�l .{ .UJ..U- rsgns.are in- attendance at. any Iirr«., Gum h- irnvrrAvrs 1111LI Irade acc4>rr�m�Ii�tlonsofinv_it�� -.b' owrrer'.sps•iv�t4 ��e at Ili�.tun11 X�11itt}'. 4, . .F[ayrides. Kitchvii find cater ill9 activities related R., r1 t1 4u ;'I I)Ihe Will wiliery, b. Picnic ,.either self- prf.,)-i &d ur {v ;'ji 1;,I11v to 11Q 1}111` IWSed :1t IIli+ I .- Ir111 1Vr . 7, f rovlding G IngCT 1i,od5, S {)ups -ind -,ippctizers for Vi5it�sr`$_ 4 ATTACiI M EN-1'E u, -atl: 01127110 � als_o wine- rcIated items that arc iw;idwitI ir, tllc stile of.winc.i Pic IAing, 13t1t not Iiinited to the sale of incidental gifks stwh_ga.wrk were i i e glasses, and t -sh iris. `,_ T farm wa'in,F }t"d_i gilt ._vineyard. ] U, _ 1'eddings and wweddi g receptip i �r_jigLI : Ixar l '.c�_Itundred {?UG) pusons.arc in attendance at ark I.imiw t} cr.usen not expressly atithorized that �Lr Aw ql urjvll rises or are %vine sales related uses, . %yh.icll trc �3 *rcrinincd.[� .Il�c_ +ning adniinixtratorto loo tiwkial and cu -kn; musvkat (arm �vitt�i�L`w illrs�tirgltti uk tll C'ninmcnwwc;rlkly, } }hiwlt ci{, nL +� ere; iV„�#,SLLbSLsnt:i.al -inlPOl0 on the health, sakiy or we I I-a ru, of the pub.1ic. and- at. - whic11 r1LIk IIHP1u khaunLyp Iult1Lircdl (200) persons Are in attendance at any tlnu;. t . Agrilo w-ism i{sey. C*f 1'Ogg xw� ks rele��ectyS q; �x�ory fhao 00 PVr.Svf1 ill (1011• liju " glee lClf .t�,4'4'�J['f egil.. The IiQI101','iT1g.agri purj�m tiscs ;aad % +inr sales related uses, irk. pk:rmikl r1 .r t'lII11 % %Irrcr3 WI a al uZ;c PC 1-11111, 1)rovidcd III e): arc rtl.-itrd to i)- ritourisiri or 11c z-;1lc�, ,►r1c ;r1 % %IILCII tilolt ihaa iwo Ii tin JrM { 00 pgrs4,rls areaa atten dal icc for the u at ally IIr114; Farm %+ incry ( :Vi T,I,, y.eddings- andmOding rcccp(idxas. Other uses not- cxpr'sNl% mil it�ri e[I{- aS -ilC gritourism li�cs or %� im *ties re.lwJ tlse *.�rvhich arc dewrminccl by iiw % q)Imr ijistrator tO be tistr, #I -.arid �;U;At }r1101 uses !It.fOrm winedcs I}j1­QtlR1l I L L1 11 LV COrl1111u11 \%.VAl1li, cl, { +w merrf {,ri and .skcrcJx plan to be sybnOuV YYUif t 1} ficafia��. z._�r-,speckd use pe r' . ! t_ 1 a �. ?! ill k1rntatio11 required to be Au .bmiur Q_�YiiII all.appjga i€ n.for a special -u!;g u�lc#er scctiol� -�_I }6 , ackt al )1 l iw;i(ion l` T i .c .AuShorixed tinder se Tian- .1.� (CJ:� I II_in lude.>Glie following; I.. � orrxrrrriori. InformR ig .:crt ;rirxilig q the - following: (i} the props s ::.i ilih _maxil��xirrl ntiinber of- porspm who -w rliiend crich.us -at any given iim9-aQ-A1- - -;pd duration oft he vi,- igj-of On -site parking; (v) the of outdoor iighkin; I�r c;�c €i,ise }:ansl_{vi). -1Ile location ofauy'tnt, iii ttcirc_ir oiler place'hcrc Inriic will be- performed_ 2, k Icf cr = lw..slcaEch plait, wvhich : hbII be it w Iwm;itic dir +' wing Of Ilse site with i i ;t lb rm and -of a scale app_myi;4 by the d i;vQIor t7f'pi all IIL11 ; ticpictiPg.. (i)_1�i1 ytrrr�lrir�k t]�,rt �x�3111c1 he usrd _fc}r i11L2 us fro }x' access. on -site parking, ot,tdour IigbIirk& siguagsr.aad ininimmy� ird]* i�b�� -)wiii ;A in comp]iance. Wit 'kthis ;11aiZtcr; Mid (iii)11Owv potential acl�cr��:�1 Eo �d pi.n jag pr L117; rly ►►'il l be Ill iIigated so 0hey arc nut wsll7yttt pit ii0- q,� �rxlcf, could geiticrated froln a fartn +iilcty.tlss" shall bc. stibject to section 4.l. &rir-rrikj 014-150990 gm�r gr�ltc�d by.outdoor amp IiIw.d. ntila shall lie subiccT to section 7- LOCU) , f. Yarn's. The min imuttl i'ru111, side Ind Dear yards of a faun %vincr} slwrll lac as.prvvidcd in section 1414. Nut iIIIsJ nlliirlg A11)' of Ilcr provPi ,j on cif this chap(4r, i I ww Il irTimum ) and re.quirenlcnt�r whr111 apply to 4li priiiisir� tend accessory structures cs(abiishcd aller I irTsen date I and to a I I tents, p2iflCriig rlVUW, 011Ll Nrui1)]e.R?i lr*ts uwd in xwhoIC or In part (4 ti%!1A V .u1) u5O permitted at a lK' mi w+ incry, ar,d 0111 } ardi shall N measured from stnicttirrx mid �arkllTg areas, g._ Uses prohibited. The fallvwin�a��cs- ue�.�r jail ?, I telirr�t�r.ridc�. (§ 5 -1.25, 17- 16 -81- 1- 1 -84 -, Ord. 98- 20(1).4- l- 98:Ord, 01- 18(6), 10-1 -01) Article 1111. District Reg uhiIiiPas Sec. 10.2.1 By right ATTACHMENT E }raft: 91127/10 The following uses shall be perm itwd by right in the RA district, subject to the app] icable requirements ofIhis ch aptc r- 17, Fann winery tiscs akin I x)riral 4ua�cr swioa 5.1. 5{-Q and (b) �+eft!renes;. (l4dkd 11-11-92) Sec. 10.2.2 By special urt liertnit -Fhe fol low in# uses shall be permitted only by special use permit approved by the board o(supervisors pswr uaPiT to section 31.2.x#: (ridded 10 -9 -02) 5.3.,.- - :ttr�>�,vi�ci use authrix+F ultidcr scction_S.L.S }. 1, Flia W..lnrdnn, do hereby certify that thr foreguitag waling is a true, correct copy of an Ordinance duly adop[ed by the Board of Supervisors vfAlbumarlu Cimnly. Virginia, by a vote of to , as recorded below, at a regular meeting hod tin NOY Mr, Boyd Mr. Dorrier Ms, Mallek Mr. Rooker Mr. Snow Mr. Thonm, Clcrk. Board ol'Coualy gnp; rvisnrs 6 - ATTACHn ENT I Draft. 01127110 ORDINANCF. N0. 10 -18( ) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER IS, ZONING, ARTICLE 1, GFNFRAI. PROVISIONS. A[UrICLE 11, BASIC REGULATIONS. AND ARTIC1,F 111, DISTRIC T REGl:LATIO S. OF T] IE CODE OF THE COUNTY OF AL13FIVART.F, VIRCJINIA HL IT ORDAINED By the Board of S uperviwrs of the 01onIy or Albemarle, V irginis, that Chapter 18 ', Zoning, Article 1, General Provisions, Arlicic 11, Basil: RCgulatiorls, and A rlicle I11. District Regulations. are h;!rcby amended and rvurdain"I as rullowq- By Amending.- Sec_ 11 Dernitions T, 4,15.2 Derinitinns Sec. 5, I.2S F-ann ivincq Sec. 10.x,1 By right Sec. 10.2.2 By spxciml usu ilcrmit Chapter 18. Zoning Article L General Provi6atis See. 3.1 Definitions Acces,5my Else, Budd ing or Struclvre , A siiKirdijiate use. building or structure customarily ineWinal to uitd located upon the Mme ]ol uixufiicd by the primacy use, building, or slructurt;, and located upon land zoned to aIlow the primary ease . building or struchim ;.provided that a q subordir a�_ g,tibuilding t�r_strus.SLire. ctistomaril irtcitl( ',nIal.t<o.4 prim 9 r3 Iurni.tise, Wilding or structure n ;,W_t be lxatzd upoa.the.s.ame lot occupied_b prinim.). Iilrm use, kiilding,.or.structUN. (Amended 10-9-02) Comment: Because niarpy farms arc cum piu4c 1 of utort: than one lot and the enrrenI tic r, niiinn ui "rurue, allows i'arms to he composed of muIIiltli� lots. including noncaatiguous lots, Ihis dc Fin iIion would be anivrided Io exempt farmwt Crum thr general rule that accessory tusc.s ant# vtructures must be an the some Jot :is the lirinniq use. 4gr•orrrrsrism, Airy aiot iv 11 carded o tit. an. a harm or ranch. that a] lv�x�.;AvwNaof fl,e gee eraI public,_for Iitr ulit)>>,rl, CI1lelXali1m [it, or edKicatiortal purpaes. :jQ_Yj ,%- SFr Qojo:iuALjaciivitics, incl kid in l irmi� , xx i�tcries, rallchitl l�istori {a 1, ck[Iis[rail, I �Qamour o tivities, or naturaI acIivi(ics a1od Mtrax'tiota.'5, rcg,ird1vvv oI' x Iielher or i1ol I I I Q partiCiPj11t F4id t4_p2)rliCiI)iLtc irl IIIC ilcxiVI.L)'. Comnient: Virginias Code § 15.2- 2288.3 retluires tocalitics to a11mv uses related to wine 2inIew and Agl`etourism, b a ( it does nui dertac "agritourism.- This delroition is cite Fume s3i thv deiiniiion (of "•agrilourism adivily" in Virginia Code § 3.2 -6400. Farru triuery: An estahl is] i men I. located on rae If 5.f" 'EIF gF ..:" tilt the- emve 1:' ATTAC:IIMENT F Draft: 01127110 ai�iatia�ntly I cp)is .o.unq ?s_ A l emarlk Cou"t)_licensed as a farin %vinery under Virginia Cudg, (Added 12-16- 8 1) Comment, With the exception of the dvielion of the requirement that fitrm winery lots be con tiguQuk, this definition is subslantivelw nnchauged frrim the definition in the October 13, 2D09 d raft tomidered alt the Novcniber 10, 2009 Planning C:mmntission workse -mion (the "October 13 draft "). The requirement Ihal rarm wiuery Ints be contiguous was deleted to be consist4nl ,With Zoning OrdinHaee's definition of "farm," W- Ich does not require that the lots be culntigunus. A representalive of the winery industry suggested that this ortlinance use the defiTiRion iir "firm winery" in Virginias Cade § 4.1- 100, which i% a eery fact- iutk:rI.SiV ° defnitiOn that ultimallt4y leads to a farm's eligihility I be Iice asod as a farm iviner'y° under Virginia Code § 4.1 -207. The propoxed !definition is Am pie r and easier to administer b €'4auPit! it depen(is merely u lice nsurc ;ax a raruu winery. In addition. Virginia Code § 15.2- 22H8,3(A) and (F), the Iwo key provisions that grant certain rights to farm 3w'ineries, My on Iicunsure aq a farm winery as being Ihv central rv(Iuire III eut 10 be eligible for the rights con ferrcd by Virginia Code § 15.2- 2288.3. County -qt: €ff is sat isRed Ilint a Ft establishment licensed as a rarm winery under state law is a "fame Finer}•" for purposes of the `Zoning Ordinance, . J'J11' 01 Wrf VQ' L'VC0e1_ All k:Ve11i conducted at a farm _wig cry on one or more dad's including, bLIt not i lm.'it'W -Ltr ;Itli€ r i i i s }} l�crc 1 1 1 e pTlr}]t SC IS �i�;rlt 411'4ST_ 4T t.#7.FQTT1k}kU %% i,.ti ,,e Iv , nk 11 s1lllcr}w'kSC Cxpre�sJy 4� t1luRk" 49e Ui� der sec 4ica� _I,' (:M)r (b) 1} int1 (b)(3) tl1ruugh: b] 10k 111 L3aiaii11 g, ltiiit,10 k ]ianitcd to x'irTC. 1141 r , sec !.ions whcrc %viaik: i� solJ or staved iilc t;I Gib m"(ings, and acliviIics; w ink.' 1: kstin9`W4catiorlal_senli11 ars; win tasting Itincheonx,_bu ws .!ikecti�� *, aar,d c{}r1)a)rjtL [UIICJheanF, }k 11 ;G t[1cki�, k5i1 WIIjng- wines; gatheri ng�i with Iliq pu.rpo; v ut pMrgofjr ,�glc5 tt) IElks trade, Stich :is r x kGr;,kkk , �1 i;t� il.u4 r , .end local chamber d--yv ntr crcc actiyi '' win,.makcrs,.' dimiurs where wine is paired. ;iII1 1s,i)c3, agj-ijoUfj511i pronxdion�;_'nd arl!.x�rity events, Comment. This definition is akignificxistly ra:vi.sed from the October 13 alraft in clarify the term and to QCCGmmodate of her changes to section 5.1.25, a% discussed in the C0111[uc11 ts iln that section below. Among ether Ihing,:. the r'4v4wd dcfILWOn lncot-poraies a nom[ter Of the "u3; tie I Aad custama3'v" uses alclinv3ted in HR 463 (2008). a failed bill explained in more detail in the comments fallowing; The introductory pit rag raph to Saa Wed ir)n 5.1.25(h) Article 11. Baaic Rcgulatinns Sec, 4.15.2 Definitions The following definitions shall appiv in laic iatterpretation and amp kin entaIion air this section 4.15: (1-1) Agric•ighural producr sign. Thu teen "agricultural product sign" means a sign or signs identifying the produce. craps. imi Ina Is Or fiOultry raised or gtiartered un the pr€apekly r i t~ntify i rig, I Farm iner3r. (Added 3- 16-05) Cummenl: This dclinition is unchanged from the Ornilrrr 13 drall. Sec. S. 1.25 Farm winery Each farm winery shall be ;nbjeci io the following: ATTAC1-1MENT F Draft: 01127/10 Q� lie own er- skull- obtain-"fm , iftery 1ietnw r.._m !,,._ Sinn ..,1.".�4n lio 1i verag "1-Board. Ai lea t { per-cent Athe C .d. f.: :,n., {ti!I;•; ...:1,.. -;hai1 be er- p- --- 1..._...1 i1... 1}...._. ....I,.rr �f.a L'r r.kE�l� 1 whogeB Beverage 1�'eyAR.)1 1]._......! _....:.....- 11 tae+I :es r fe mieli{;�I�F�Ft�fo� l�r3E ai�"red•1ard or- eA ;er rl.�_ ,u.._..:_ .............. . 1111 +:11:1:.1 ..�� „�r,,.:t ,� atl-A5 .,..,�., O #..L..... '` }r- ovided-7`i„`e--'+ubs . (d) SP"ial e ..r., ....,a e.yliy k -rk.-- ::�4k�5iSiis�..,,+ r.3 the add :1:n.Yn.Lr..,.RiFe.R#9t., sink„ 4-1 p - 4lkhed- OIl-eN� Sale�-WW red { 1-, 09) AA,���� .. feet , Added. 12 ! 81, A-- -•_... d u44-4-S4Amon dod 4 1_ T�7 * r ;#- go-Its s .. iall be -r . eatr.- -- FOf- PuTese5 Vc+? f v -Ras wre-wil -441 #n1,.1...: :, ,1:111. _ 1; .,,111 And Y4*0,e pa 1. ,��_ .. iiBwjuets,-din a .t,eddi....- _._...l:...,;- 1R t :ai'e�end ..11.,., ,._. a.. ,...._.J.... �._.a .. rl. purMe ef fnuk-o i.,,,...,.0Fiv k 4ffo�f �iermit ' I - ft s 4 tweive i Y'3 el, i 11 k,+ .� .. _ 111 1 ., . e ltiita -dr d Aft., ( i 50), boil it r ; 4-1 qX s sha he per an ..1.., .. r.. ,•.. 1111. 1F.,,e.af �'� „�:,: ,}„ +ikirr FS fl#�,,.. .. k, peg -tt l 10t'-ti Added-4- .I --9S- A "vit rized only with.,.. 'o "Al ACE ,itePlarr, the owt t�' ]epa tii oil eFEiial -ent* 'h r.._.__ and EI )- ,rtgLA 11:1001 'ee-o# rHe N? a 'i'le 131ia I -WO vef : r n=;F::16 �.,R'Sideratiotr-S#iB11 FIV t F 11 llT # imp - imid Ai#le�St tF '1!-4 ii}}l ed a-, ,. ...7 `a'.__... ..J' Sit.,l.. T (A.1-4-11-1-11 l i 94 t' F mdr pupsof is to attend. _A Fi•LC`, e e raticL%- -i}iay be 11 fE*S ATTACHMENT F Draft. 01/27110 pp ing- _ - r 1g ni nt5tffit 9 } Ility - j+ee -d , he- l el vfflee e r t he Virginia Tla..n.f .,t.,.,l�.! 1 r....lrl_- r A .1. ed 4-1 9 9) 14- I Fie 1. P Pik e#1 1-s @il c4earanee;•li1 ti-wal,-t f pam ie r c a-,de4erinin..j i en thE,1 F, _.......: F...__.._w; f';Iie r'onIm: r{Ilnartee afe arms Pied .....I ff i"I t# e s ,,..._ ..... , &:m AL a f95tFvFki5, The zen m g „Iuum,....- f...17 1.., ;;u..:t. ^ui .: . ^^ pen :i# .,nmpliane"A - na CV-nnd all e �', � if!}I3 e , BF-11# r„r z . ,,. 2 , ,. r ..r:. als :f. f;t the apply the`f- equ4r -d ;-.f:-...,,.,t� 1 eta/- fest4l fl }'11 deLernline5-�i e r....�:..�, .....I,r.,.,Ir..,r,: 3i+ } } +I #1; ......,.a...,.�. - .._3..._.r,::: .1, rhat }gle , +rwkb - t A kitehen L} oy be u sed by i he-lie nd1-..., (Added 4 1 W4 pijred settm . ,tai .(Added 4 1 n9 4 — - -� 99—,Revt,*6! ��. f'rinitr+_}• uxe,� #,��, +,rite t , I lie:i Ijc, ±vjng 1)Hmary uses ;- Crml� slid &ctiyxties- (horOIlafur, toll .•4i pqk nritltd at a farm wincry.: I . F Ite pctductic,rx rand haresing.1 Inaii t {n41 01 11er agricUItLIr.11 products. :.�ii�.,l�.3?1!_►.ufrClkri�3_0, t+ inc iRGltidirig, bpi riot 11 n,ited .j,,, ricl1 %.II Ltr� rw l ,1lL�cl t�} she prs,?iittslron,of.lhe agriculturai I�ro ltacls_uscd in-Ane, inckiding bui not linriiud to, -owilig, planting and h agricultural product _and IN! u � flk tltui lltenL kir thow acdvili". conlment: The first clause slates the u!II: Ihat must be allo ed by -right itnd without regulatian under Virginia Code § 15.2- 2188.3 {F. }(t)_ The seconcl cl:luse vas in Sulmection 5.1.25 (a)(5) in the October 13 draft blii it hap: been moved ]sere because the activilieg identified In that clams are closely related lu the nelivilies identified in the lirsi cimusc. The second clause a15) is consistent with what the County's zoning regulations would Aim- for any agrieultural use. Finmliv, the Necond cIaiuse is tonsistent With the toaguage inc Iudvd ilk HK 463 (21108) (Virginia Code § 15.2- 2298.3(A )(2) in Me bill). a failed bill explained in irkure detail in the comments fallowing the introductory paragraph to Su hsceiion 5.1.25(b), as a usual. and eustum:er}v ;tc I i v i I V a a rarm winery. 4 } ATTACHMENTV Drah: GV27110 2. Tholt�l .1a tits, _ %n�cludi; , rr .l- i.'�sliltig , or consum lion Q. } n4w�lhit� _Ilr_c,�,�l_n��l_cours� =o #� business of,the_fArrn_xine -. Commeni: This suhsvc1iml. wdx Subs ctimi 5.11.25(a)(bj in the October 13 41raft. 11 has been miived to heciime SuImueI it) n 5.1.25(u) (2) so t h a I Subsection S.1.25(a) is organrrcd Ih4 ian1C %v 2y as the by- right user► delineated in Virgirilu O: de § L 5.2- 2288.3(E). With the cxcepIirrn r}f barrel Iastings, this use must be allowed by-right rend without regulation nniI er Virginia Cnde § 15.2- 2288.3(E)(2), tllongh the state statute provides Thai Ihis use occur during "normal business hours." The reference to barrel IKstings is W%tviI i i n the H 463 version of Virginia Cade § 15.2 - 2U.31 A)(1)(k). "Public wine mixing," ax envisioned in the 1113 463 vcrgan of Virginia 0ide § 1 S.2 -2288 3 {A}(1 )(d), is within the scope of this use class. The O Inher 13 draft limited this use to between 9 :00 a.m. and 6:011 p.m., which would have accommodated all of the 12 County farm ►Fineries surveyed (hat listed Iht:ir huNimms hours online. However, barred on the ptiblie eomrucnIx at the Novi. *miser 10, 2009 PlUuni n C.onimMion worklkession, it was determined IhaI IINC "etori aL cuurxe Of ltnwil!IUSS" laugnsige rill be used I detiv rmine cumpliwnce. 3, The direct . sale and olipment .of wioc liy gomitmon carrier to contim turs 41P 4.1 of 01alginia C odu arid Ilic rcgijIat ion softhe Akoho1ic He };t; oUcCentral Board, CiFminew: This use must be allowed by-right and willimil regulation under Virginin lode § 15.2 - 22NS.3(E)(3). 4, — ht;.' a i ;;_anti S11ipittcnt -of ilve to. (lie AlrohoIic_ _g.Yc l t d&ard} Iicen d wholesalersF and _put_o state purchasers.in accwd-,incw with Title4.1.ofthe Virginia Code, rvpI }lip }taw.Ql'ilrc Alcoholic Ctevertge Contrul Rvztrd, ;iiid i_L;41cr1t1 LLW. ommen1: This use innst be allowed by -right and wit hotiI rcgulaIian under Virg Inhi Code § 15.2 - 2288.3(F)(41. 3. The store , jv irrrht }taxiligjad whoIesaIing.of wine. in. acr vT-k1 ;inuc witlx ThIe 4.1- Virginia C rc • ri oI ihr: Alcoholic I It � rr.il;e CvnLrtr] 8ottrtl, ,anti t, 41cr:tl lay +, Cumn,ent. This use must be Hallowed by -right an {1; idwul regulation under Virginia Code § 15.2 - 2288.3(E)(5). 6.._ Private personal g:n h riiip f,f a f aria %vinery owner who rcSi <Ics ai the ftsrrn ," ii�ei} pr._9n_ gLcIp'rt) ;jiij�iccilt IILCI 14� t11iLi i� vi%ncd orr,ontmIlecj h} tlr a� } ;ner,�CovidCd tII;tt pine i5no ���ld s�i i7�arl.rtr�i aotcl Ct}r k�lri�li n� ?.�� ±�t�ial�rratis,rr i� i�tcr� eel I�� tll� f�ri3r �, ia�4•r_� 4�r i�w ;tg��i� diIfeimjt,Iy from private p�vso,ial_gkllisri.op by either citixen�. Comment. Virginia Code § 15.2- 2288.3(D) retiuirmi ili a( this use intill be allo 4'-d censisteuEly with hoot' the Count}' rcgulal" usher private gotheriPigs u n d e r its foniu- ra:gulations. Summary of the relrision anti reorgani7.alion in this d raft of $ubseeliow 5.1.25(b), (c). (d) and (e) of the [canker 13, 2DD9 d raft considered at the November 10, 2OD9 Pla NN Fi ing Commission worhsvwiion GCIo1;r i3 draft Current drat( Reason for change 5ubstoioli rh) iIIm cd 7 uwu:ri Arid cusivieiuq- skil)wtion (b) would aIlow $ uskwl and custoinau RC00nsidwl':tiirni of rmPa4rrs_ uses tltout Iinlitailon. uses twitliuut I ill, itation and i wdiiictnat usual and siroplification of rrgulatirkn5; e.,Xw' customar3 USLN +s ill s u'u p rxf 200 irer*..nti; at array of impli:M ntutiun WA Tinw. admini€Iration. subsuw'liuei (c) al [owed d usual and cu!;tornmy Subw tion (e) of the Dauber i 1 drall iw Ita wnsidoration of impatis; shiit uses (farm winery evcnis. utir4t wirlCmokdr5 and eliminated, 1'hr 4 usual wid cugornary use:; l6cus from q Li ntif li SuWaniia, ATFACHMENT F Draft: 01137/10 -- S Uin "ma ry of [lie rrvisinit and rear'gatnization In this d rant of Subsections 5.1.25 (b), (c), (iI) and (e) or the fktolier 13, 2009 drab[ cons We red a the November 10 2009 P I n n niii g Cone niission workgession -- October 13 drafi Current draft Reaso n fur Cliange _ made accommodationx asl imaud ku"tx, alluwvl iri Subsection [c) of the ociober 13 Lir;iit impuets by rcgulai«n 10 usual Lind weddings and tw&Iing rixoplians. and other trere mavr:d tv SL1bNL.V iVA (b). c-usiomary us m simplilicarum of ww5 detcrrnrned ln- iho zoning adminisirmorl regulpiions. rasa or betwoejj 9 :00 u-in- wld 6:00 p,ni.. Iimitcd rc 30 or implcrnwrikilioal WO fo%wr axons per dav, adminisiruciun. Subsection (d) ullowcd the same usual and 4uhsccurin (d) of the Octobcr 13 dFuft. along wiih Xwonsideration of Implas; .shift wustolisury Lives as in Sub%,Tdou (c), but required the preKedum and rcquimmnts for a zoning focus from quantifying 50510titill a zonIRg. vicaranou if dwy ++err Cunducted hefoie 0-carance in 5tihsoci[on {l), are climinstcd. impacts by rcgulutiun lu usual still '- - -(Hi a.m. or altar b_rH) p.m., ur may have had cucarnary us;.x; simplifLEation of t el wcvii f 1 pnd 21A) pervtmx par dnv- r ulahot ; cake 01' it p1trneniniion and adminisualion. Suhwcrion {ti} rquired a spaxial uxr purniii Cur arkv other uw nrii cxpr+csRiv allm%eil in Subs"j i on s I a 1. (b). (C) or (d r. %% hick would have iueludLd Fury wic that May huvv snare ilian 200 persons par day. Subz,"tion (e) of the ()rtohcr 13 drail if, rev] scd C cLonsrdtranan of impauls; and now Subscelivih (c). mid u 5pctial use Perm iI simplification nr rep lation; case i. required 1br any farm wirtury avant, wmldirrg or of implemcn[afion and wedding rOUPTIon, OF n1her liqual and Customary I admi istruliun. use no# expressly providod for, 03i may have Further cornmeRt on the rcnr ganization ofSub!-vctions 5.1.2-54b), 40, (41) Arid (c) of tiro (]ctoM' 13 draft' •]•hc organixotion and requirements of Sit hscctions 5.1.2 {(h), ( {), (d) axial (e) of the Octo1)er 13 draft rec0ved Preen ny commritls froni the 174 r 3w'incry interests it the November 10, 2009 PIanniag Camniismion wo r k-Nvs% i; P n. W i i h i horse conimenIs in mind, County stuff rig- analyzed the uweti in 4ular,Cctions 5.1.25(b), (c) and (d) and site siandards In those sections in light of the xccumory nature of those uses, their potential Impacts, the di rectives of Virginia Cade § 15.2- 2288.3(A), and the purpose and Intent or the rttiraI Areas zoning district, As a result+ C ounIy staff ruvoinrriends that the uSCS In tabs Lion 5.1.25(b) beloiv i%:ouId not have a substa ntial inipact naa the healslt, safrty or wclfarc of the public as explained in l lx• -S u hN ca n tial impact on the heailth, safmv or weINre of the 11 ulrli0 co [It ncttts folIowing the int rod ttctoPry liaragraph to Subsection S.1.25(b). "Igr ilortriwil rr.3 {', rrf.5' ' , fC'f +fC � ttse . The folli) wing igrilourkiii tks , :ind xi i1w -SAIC5 relatcd m'cs are pefm IitQd at a farm ;v1ricry, provid -ed. they ;11'c r�:lwed it) .igriitP11rI!;J11 L, 1- % % -1Pic :;, Qti is Comment: Virginia Code § 15.2- 2288.3(A) regLlires that Men rcgtlla><tions consider whether til low ed "actiivitics and events tiro irmi21 and customary for farni wineries throu1,hout the CurnninnwesIiIt" itnd tires i.!irnIinnLi, "Usual and customary ael1vitics and tvents at Nrm ivineries slialI be permlto ed withnuI local regulation unless there is a !cu bsisinl ial irri pael inn the lien II h. safety or welfare of t he pithlic." IImual anal eustotitarv: County stout worked with staff from olher I i ie.tli I i u,4 itt 2007 acid 2098 to idenILfy usual and custom an' activities a farm wineries. I ri the 21408 Gencrsti AssernMy Session, 11B 463 ivould have amended Virginia Carle § 45.2- 2258.3 to Include a list of usual and cuslumxry activities at a farm wineq. Although the bill failed, representatives of the farm %virier ' industiT told County staff in a meeting in 2408 /hat The farm winery indu ar'Y would rely on the list of usual and ciestorndry uses in HB 463 :is its model. The list lr ow . with the esceptiolt of subdivisions (8) rind (1 4) (sec ranunents for those lcnbdivkioiF:o), k based ou HB 463. County staff has considered ca *h far the items on the list and, though uirt ail ortliese acth-i[ics havt: been usual and eustomary a farin wineries in A] bemarle C'ount3,, tliey are all rels led Agrltourisnt or wine sales in a way tiial pro inotes the particular farts winery or Nrm *vineries in general. Suhsilintixl im lact fm [lie licalth safeb., or welfare of the public. Couniy staff has considered the impacts that couId IiLOY he expected from each or the ucIiviIies Iisled IFclow and reeommends ChaI Ihey would nut have a suhsWet ial impact on the health, safety. or n- vi rar4. err tIir public. 'Chc anticipated impacts — ( rA M1 A's ATTACHMENT F Draft.- 1)112711 G sitfely, htaIIh anti s:iiFiixtion, and noise - are atldres.ced. Traffic sa('ety n the fitrm winedes' entrances arc regulated by VDOT, Itcaith and sanitation issues are regulalk-d by the Virginia Deparlinent of Health, and m,i,re isi regulaled by the Count' as authorized by Virginia Cade § 15,2- 22i1S.3 under the County's zoning and non - zoning noise regulations, County stafr"s opinhPi-i ii+ that tht:se independent regulations wolild ncldress the impacts thstt County sIaffexlserlxcuriILI arise from 11LCSC uses. In making this reconimendalion, Colinly statrf i1xtt cansidered Virginia Code § 15.2- 2288.3(A), which providem in part i hat local rtgulationn pertaining to farm wineries consider the agricultural rialum , ur fa rin wineries, acid two kev stateniCOS in County Cody § 18 -10.1 regnrdiag Ibc IPurpme and in ten I of the Rural Arens zoning district: "Residential development nut m -laced I Nona ride agrieu It u rail forestal use sha11 he encouraged to locate in the urban area ... vv Ire re such development iv 111 not conflict with the agricttil tiral /fo rests l n olher rural nhjective" and "In relation to residential developmeni, mgrieuIIural /fttreAlaI activitiU shaJI be regulated only to the extent necessary to protect public health and surety." Those passages support Count' staff's recommended revisions in this dnifl. '('he 200- ncrson threshold for certain aclivitim 1'lrrii of the activities allowed in Su bseetion 5.1.25(6) wiII result In Visitors coming and going I hrc }ttl;lttF>uI Ilic day. Those neIiviIies delineated in subdivisions (2), (10) find {1 I} rstaibIish a cij)itfNO pi: rsnns in attendance at any lime. Ifmarr than 200 per,,loins may aItcnd,FUe ortheactivities in subdivisions (2), j10)or(I I) at any Iimv, a vpecial use hermit ottid be required uiader Subsection 5.1.25(c). Decatuse HB 463 ivkkultl have limited usual and customary activities to those s +'hich were for Over than 200 perxrFn8. f'nunty 5tstff r"Ckiy mends that this threshold lic used. The 204 - person Ihreshold is ci im islenI wiIh n I h e r Iltresholds for events allowed in the Rnr.tl Aress ziriiing district: special t -vvnIx a rarin ;Fineries far up 10 150 people under the existiFig rarin ivinery regulations (C'tttinl ;' Code § 5.1.25(c)); by -right festivals for up to 150 people:41 Itisturicaf ct:nte" (County Code 5.1.42(j )) (Iht: historienI center use classification rcytiires a special use perniit); and special events ror up to 150 people (County Code $ 5.1 ,43(c)) (thc sper+ial events use elassI flea tIon requires a special vise permit). Note also that the "2001acrxmi. in aiteirdancc at any time" threshold is less restrictive than the "persons per clay" lhre%hold iii the October 13 draft. Upon further anailysis, County stafl`cancludcd that the various "persons per day" Ihresh old s in Sulisceiions 5.1.25(c) and (d) in the Clctobcr 13 draft would have been diflir~ uIt for a farm winery In m (oil itor, difficult to enforce, and would have apliIied to a nuinher of grncraIN Iinv irn put I acILvitit:s simply because they attracl peaplti IItronghr,uI i Ire day. 1. Exhibilst min;up ins, agd. hiswrigjl o�gments related . to wing vr.lk7 lh* farm NYiq;j . Comment: Thiar use is based on the HR 463 version of Virginia Code § 15.2-22883 its subsection (A)� 1)(n }. Agricultural museums not r"elawd to mine +Pr In the farni winery are curren4ly permitted in the R urn I Areas zoning distrirl by -,irFec hal use permit. ?, 1 =anti winery events at which na ,m y ,k undfi:41200) persons are .in _ally at 0I)y time. Comment: The proposer! deftniIion of "farm wiucry even I" is section 3.1 incltities a range ar even # -1h, pe activities than were enunicrated Ire the Ilfi 4 63 Version tPf Virginia Cnde § 15.2 - 2288.3 its sUbstrtiiumot (A)(I)(b), (f), (g)., (k) find (m) and (A )(3)(b), (c) and (d) Ihai arc not otherwise~ t:xlFressly 1irovided for In Subsection 5,1.25(6. ir ow) re Ilisn 200 persons may attend a itny lime, s special use permit would be required, a*l lFrijvided in Subsections 5.1.25(c) find (d). . (ik1Cr .l 111[Lt 111.1r CF, .irid Ir.a a accom111odatlons Uf invi(ed..gucsts at a r'arm.wikiery owner's private R'Sich�rlcc itl tit Iaral tit.Visa )-. Cam 'Ch is use is based on the H B 463 version at' Virginin {:ode § 15.2- 2288.3 uImeetion 7 nk s ATTACHMENT F D rx It: 111 !2711 n Ka—re's, Cam inent: •Chia use 1s based on the I I 463 Version of Virginia Code § 15.2 -22 18.3 as subsection (A)(1 )(b), K i1c1ion and calcri.ng activities related to a Urie at the= faun wjT1cry. Comment: This use is based on the I I 463 version Ili Virginia Code § 15.2-2288.3 its subsection (A)(3)(1h)• 6.. Pign1cs, either se l =pf yid or. v .il bfc.1s be pi-an a aUft_.tanll %vinerY. Comment: This use is based on the fill 463 version of Virginia Code § 15.2 - 22$8.3 as subsee[ ion (A)(1)(a). 7, Providing Rugg food , u , apt c.�l�„ or i 'tttiors, Comment: This use is based on the H13 463 version of Virginia Corte § 15.2- 2288.3 as subsection (A)(3)(0, a— Sale oI'wine- related iIgq that �ri:.Jti. idc.tital toll dl _Qf wine inclt[ding, but rM 1iinitud taw the sale of in6dQntaL ail ku 1 . , r scr s +1rw glasse ..aild l- shicls, Co m mcn1: Thu sale of win!`- related items that arc incidental I the male or wine m ust be aIIowed by -right dncl ivithou[ regulation under Virginia Corm: § 15.2- 228831E)(6). The sale of incidental r,ifls such as cork %crows aad wine glasses W41UILi lie can side red to full under the umhrLIIm of -Wine -rclAtcd items" any -ky With lrut Ilhc vei[rud clause, hui the III aguage of the mwnnil clause is based on the I 1 463 vv mion of Virginia Code § 15,2 - 22$8..3 as suhsecI ion (A)(3)(g). 4. our _ol'tllc fare:': %vinery, includ_ing_tl]v_yia Qy d Comment: This use is brosed on the HR 463 version of Virginia Code § 15.2 - 2285.3 as slubseetion (A)( 1)(h). 1.0... Nvcddin :.and w dd ing receptions w +% 11 ivll rlca[ a of -ic 1htin two hundred .(20) -p rsc +11s urc: 411 attrndanct�1n� iir11c, Comment: 'I'hls use is based on the 1413 463 version of Virginia Code § 15.2- 2288.3 ss subsection (A)(3)(a). Tf mor4 than 200 persons may attend at :env time, x sl,ecial use permit would be required, as provided in Subsections 5.1.251cj and (it). I l : tl ii: r uNc.y Pica e,,,pj ;5A1;y auIhorixad that grc,agritt ±tiriwnl 1 ,,v� k 5 ai,c wine sales related.u5es, w h k h an: determinyd by Ill* /.1111i11S Adnliniwator t0 bk ti Al�11 41r1J J:U, [1r11.u')' W CS at faMl Ihrcpugjl v It oiv (_ o mmoin ealth, which do 11�,q crvaty :1 S11b�1:niti,j1 1111puct on the.hralth, w;sl'4Ik or welfare o 111: public, sin Li a( x%.flic.h.not mvrc I -Lk i1 1%% 1]enon5 am. in ;It1L'JRi;LI1LX Al :1113 [1111:. Cam nient: This xubdlvision would provide 1'Iesilritity Lli the adrlllnistration of the,, regulations to o[low the zoning ad minislrator I11 allow u partLcu lit t' use not otherm -is4 lyrnvi&C(l fr,r in subdivisions (1) through (1 L) iC slhe. tioelrmiues that the use is usual and custlllllar3 and would net create substantial ili pat! is, If Mare than 200 persons may .4tIL!niI at and• time, a special use permit would he required, av 1)ravided In Subseelions ,i.1.25(e) 3rhLL (rl). 8 ,�j ATTACHMENT F Drart: 01127110 Agrifo ur'r,sof rrsey or T,. irre�sgles_r-��crtrrl rfirea', +rrr,�(• flu+r� ? +� {��;t r%un at unri rrrsrc, ,�� }�c'rcr� ive pk,� enif. The L`ollti .ins: ti touri_s.t�t t; . 4 -,� ine saIcs rqj wall us.gs.are perniitied at a farm wincry with ;t *i±4c i131 trse. pgrm. L.prgvikd they nre. relatrd io agniourism or wine sales and at which nwi-v l7Tan �� +:�?.: I�.t,rGCil.�ii (200) pggpQjj.. r -,J t rtitmidanc.�. forte_usq at any time; (:om men C. Sec the table preceding S ubseclion 5.1.25(lb) a n {I ilie coniment to Subsection 5.1.25(b). I, Farrn wiircry evems Comment. See the colmnnenl lO Subsection cddings_;md..w ?dding receptions. Comment: See the comment to S111F w-clicFn uses noi.ex press ly uthOrized shat arc �igriwuri�5m ww,, v; x i�ac.s��les relaticd um.which afoActer1111ncd by the zoningadiniaistmtor Ic, I)c ,IMLIAI :lrId i�utpmary u s. at farm wineries throughout the C- OTnniQnyw 11h, Comment: See the comment to Subsection 5.1.25(b)(11). d, _ _ ,{ r 11 � r� arx skcrc'l- rfa .. .f c�strbl��� t dtisFrl . rppr<t'srrf�,r+,{rrr cr 3 ecr ,:r € pc�t'�lir1, Ln addition to aray information rcclklin_d_la lr..g= jg liiu(I %� it1, ,an app alioa l.or a spyeial use pprn it yndq, ;etic,l) 31.6- , *It;tpp1irr7iIi.,li f{;rQnq. —QL grtkFLgS a Lit hsirized under section S.I.?5Lc),- 1;haII inclkideflip.161 tow. ing: Commcni: lri, slwcijkl une 1ierniiI is required for one pr more or the uses allowed by Subsection 5.1.2Ste). this sulir;eerion requires spec! iie informalion and a sketch plan 1i lac kuhaiitted vVith Alt app lice (ion for a spacial use. permit. 1, & �nrtrrir:„ IiII'tirrrn:ttis7rt JW1-11inl1ng t -LN 111 e fallowing = {r} tfIC [3x411It5 *C 3 rNOSi. - li)AY6 1ttlrt R11111bcr of vol- i'ils %x h- wil l attcild i ;aCll use at any ,givcn _I}n ic, 010 1171 1'rgtleltcy and duration oI't tic. uscs; tt tIit: pi-o%Ii Jon of on -site prkiijg- ( % -) tike tm;iti rh, igllt anti luinens of qlAdpor lighting far ;: awIi ti!tc, ;ind ( %.i) Elie Iucatiorr t+i'.r,I% stake, �Ltrtititury t +r Other glace 1 ;'hcry ,6viII be' per Rim ivd. Skcii -h pion AA910 rlikn, � %ILicli S[tali In a swlien]atlw d1'4kk-iriA k3i alit tiiac• r I1Dtj :.j rnr,ii iIIT�I kfI,a �-ctalcY c1 li) 1 h k: dirccl.orofpIaiming_.gQi.C( ing; (i) s +li Stt LL; ttrrtis that ;'�0uId be tiled for the used; (ii} hp�,- ac,:c>s, Qri --;iIc psrrking, L1j1d4or IIghIing, !�igtti.t e ;tricl minim.4Fm.);1Fd wiII be pry % -idrd iuL 3srty� N� i t I I Ihr, C1raptcl� .rid. (iii) how potenti?L v11(l, 4raV irnp�4t5 1p a {€ t.airTitTg lropc .t %5 ill.bp- iniiigated so they ar nZt` u s , r. r,+rrrr , 5 +, +�n(3 Seri {rftttd fr(�m CI t'LirM win M ti se shall ke _g gp.[ cti�xit. , -1 , provided that satind rnc,,t�4i [,,tdc�or rinipll��wcl 11105i shall- l.eub.:4- Ct.lZ15�(l}f). Cam men1: Vhylnia Code $ 15.2- 2288.3(A) pr(Fridks that no 16101Ca1 ordinance regulating not ;, (Filter than outdoor amplified music, arising rrvrm at:livideg and events at form ;vineries, sh31111c nutre rogtrictive than that in the ge'ner'al nni w urdinance. -' Suulid. 2enerrally: Subsection 5.1.25(e) cross - reference% the general noise regulations applicable to land usrs; in {:ouitly Code § 18- X4.18, which establishes noise so based on decibel levels m ems ured iviIli a sound nteter from the properly line. For must farm wiaerics, lite applicable standard would be 60 AI [' CHMEI T F 1) r2t ft.- 1) 1127110 dccihcls during duytinie hours (7:00 a. m. to 10 ;00 p. m.) and 55 timi1,c11i during nigh IIitne haaurs ( 111:110 p.m. to 7 :00 a.m.). However, Virginiai Code § 15.2- 2288,3(A) states that the activities and events at a firm winery, pre pl;ricuItural in n:tttirv, and bona Gtic agrieuIIural activities arc exempt from the noise regul -it ionS under County Cud § 1R -4.18. 011Idnor arrt Hilted niusic., Outdoor anipIIfled music was no# s;eparatcly atidres8vd in ilic October 13 drift because the County was in the process of ame nil i n its genera], nrFn- ;p.oning, noise regu I it I Io ns. The new noise regulations were Adopted by the Board of Supervisors on Decem ber 2.2UU9. With the new noise regu [at ionx now in effect, County Staff recummcnds Ihat ontdonr anipIiiied music be subject to the general miiSC FTgLi[aIhFns in County Cud § 7- 1)15(!))(5). County Code § 7- 105(13)(5) es t; [ANhex nu 61c standar€lx emitted from viirians devires inelu +ling "ele €l runic sound aniiiIifientlon equipment" and the staaadard pro hibiis sournd Ihat it auLIiWe: (i) from a distanee of 100 feet or retort* from the properly lint of the par€el on 3vhich Ilie device is lnealed, or (ii) front inside a dwelling unit u hotel room F1 ti ;t iwareef oihcr than the Farrin 3vincry. The standard In County Code § 7- 145(13)(5) adtlresseN the directive: in Virginia Code § 15.2- 22li.3(A) that, lit itiithorizing OIL tdour nmpiiifired music at a form winery, the locality "consider the eff"t on adiacent properly owners a n i I nc:trhy j' ACICIUS." r ]~aids. The ill ini ill tiuLl a- si <i_uji ttd, mr ylr�-4 9f.4. farm. i n M sha I I be a5 provWO in �.kx;timl- 1.4.x#, Not "vithstand -rig and' otltier,pr visia��- _o..'this.shapter� -t Et= mini muin.yard rt :gtiir�rncnt�.$Ila]1 apj�[Y to.411 PCirTMIa :111L LL; UVS90k 5tdtiCt4Lrc� estlbIished after Jin -wrt cic,tc sl,to ail tcitts, parki11 g arcas and ponablg.loi ICI , use *d in who IRe or in pan toscrv�; tiny iISj IkL:rrLlitECd at a fidmi1 winej) ;, and all yards shall be mean tired- fton -i strti(Aurrr!� ariJ �) IT-0reci 11tLri,iir area;. Com rav n1; The iniatitttuin yards set forth above are the niinimtian ):1rdsi es1,- kblisherl for the RursI !Areas ziPning distriet (Co unIy ):ode IS- 10.4), !however, Ihis sees iois wauld iappIy these minimum yard standards to not only primary Mrtictares bttt alx,i ateessory structures and oiber temporstry f tciliiies such as cents and portable toilets. Rt!gartfing aecvssm y structures, this subsection is ninre rcritrietivc than aunty Code § 18- which ivnu[it otha: rwke allow accessary structures Iii be loeated aac elose as 6 feet to it 101 line. -- ._ Ul vs pr'ohihhed. The fgliowing,u--* ;ti'C' prohihi%,4 2— helicopter ridc�;- Com nip n : The October 13 draifl abtit pnjIai 1)iteal hot stir balloon rides but v;-a,, vIiminaled from this d raft because nr their negiigihle iMpacts rind their present cxiSieuce is the County in assochiIion with olher uses. Res Iau ran is are expressly prtahihiIELI 1,ec2 uSr tlu:y 111`e cartiniereia] in nai art-, nol LLt Ike rwise allowed in the Rural Ar €as xirning disirict, and are eonti'o�y to the stattuinrily esi>ablislted (Virginia Code § 15.2 - 2288.3(A)) ogricuIturod natu re of farm 3vinerjes. To Coaaty starr's knowledge, helicopter rides ttre niPI usuaI and custom ar►- activitie }s a far,n wineries and Ca staff is atwaare of a funFF ivinery in F'augttitr CounIy 9hai offered liclica,ltter rides thitt generated Significant LmnIruvcrsy. ( §5,1,25,12 -16 -1f 1,1 -I -84 Uid.98- ?U(I).el -I A8, Ord. 41- 1$(6),10 -3 -01) Article M. i)istrict Regulations Sec. 10,2,1 By right The I61 low ing uses shall be permitted by right in the RA dlstrici, suhject to the applicablc mgtiircmcnts of [his chapter: lQ ATTACHMENT F Draf[: 01127110 17. l'ann winery uses authoriruduncl��r jor1 5. f,25.( ) ,Qn (b) (Fefefenee- 5 - i.25 , (Added I i -1 I -92) Comment; This amendment was added to 1101 drift to expressly state drat the uses allowed al farm wWcries ueider Subsection - +.1.25(a) aad (b) ;ire by -right uses. Sec. 10.2.2 By special use permil Thl following uses shall be permitted only by special u!sc purmil spproved by the board of supervisors pursuant to section 31,2.4: (Added 10 -4 -02) 53. Farm wiiicry.uscsa4G horiz�!d km&r wcxtioa 1. Ella W. Jordan, do hereby certify that the Foregoing writing is a true, correct copy aan Ord inaTiw duly adopted by the Board urSupervh ors of AIhemarle County. Virginia, by a vote of to a-9 recorded bclm. at a rugular mcc;ing held on N 3Y Mr. Boyd Mr. Dorrier Ms. Mallek Mr. Rookcr Mr. snow Mr. Thoim.q Clerk. Board of County Supervkors 1 ". 3. LA LA E as {.�` t '-" •}-. r'x E .O C ,n ran ?-, •;,� r� }. C 'i vs C~ ca ca Z = i` :" v O C -0 �r L.) E j fl CZ s s a w s ` E ri sn + -5-0 :` _ 'o - O v -0 a� ai O ' ►: ?y F cs , ' ''per � s.. � � Y = � � � � � � yl} ,��-• E. •, 73 tj c G _ .L 4 Ff - L M 6n cn LOI � — � � 'G � � ¢ � • � L L 3 7JI � F� � � � � � •� .E E �+ ° O a�i c -. E: 3 eo' G cY, �a au Z E E E 2 E 12 a � - ri Ln u+ W j A7 ru L = Ca G C 19 U r t - GJ W _ - i•+ kn Lh • D R C U r 4} � ` V] bu Q L �} —}• 06 w Gp 4, i G SJ G Y cr .1 S 2! m E ` lLk E C } _ m .Y V) 0 CL di 'sq sq U' sq V C Ln u+ W j A7 ru L = Ca G C 19 U r t - GJ W _ - i•+ kn • 4} � ` � CJ � L �} —}• 06 w Gp 4, i G SJ G Y cr .1 S 2! m E ` lLk E C } _ m .Y V) 0 CL di C Lj f? Q o" EL Lx • 47 v v" *++ C7 Jz Li W 7J kn s ?` E u _ - r a ear -.:IUm ML•]`e.` '.�'.� � :` ���y6" •� s`'� -, .—; `�] ��s e�tl � � ,�,L rip t Y+ d � 4• • � pip `�'� 66 � {7 C � prt ,rs O Lry 4. EI - r. A. �fJ � G � — ✓ r i j � r"5 .� �Y e} '1' � � l tit ar m rJ coo ca tj ca rER Lr- va rIn A i rD F � .fI Lf: ti f L J. rJ r {Y. t .�f �l v U-0v 5 WL E'er a E in 113 e c o°o rA s O cry ] `c f� - > m t� O LA 4 2L w , a� Q u .' C i as - .G -0 CL &, ,n ;, •= r u Li tj ta El: CL C � i..* co v . C Jn w N V 2 4L ..� Lr 4e 42 r ty i ¢ t4 J ' a' - fA, 4 ' VY fi I ..� _ � •,j J' { •}•tip+ 4 '-� 'ii `' � �� - � � W. `} f ^ ,r{ 4+ { r ` t� O LA 4 2L w , a� Q u .' C i as - .G -0 CL &, ,n ;, •= r u Li tj ta El: CL C � i..* co v . C Jn w N V 2 4L ..� Lr 4e 42 r ty i ¢ t4 M '3LF =l� ' � �Ri ' GI o air r o c w 611 G a U zi ++. R CL Ell � M C Ln Z v -� E k7 i 4M 0 — MD 4 R, ft °Q m CL r_L M tA -0 r wj� C �j�f 2�k�2§J &%�§�/ Z / ch ��� ����� � \ \ � � � k � � \ 2 7 ixd U � � r •Y . • rp £J a -_ -M [r. Q } ro — v � L � i� 't -• T — — 4 10 o _ a' y u � O CA �a a`5n a :fir g ' a KL ` v. C cr c Y 0- _ 19 # c °-- um _ �., N� 1 f, 4� .� ri r- rg u L L F 6 .� G in 0 O sr • F u er e, E Ci s� r- i� 't -• T — — 4 _ •� J _ v 3 •� � 4 � J o _ a' y u � O CA �a a`5n a :fir g ' a KL ` v. C cr c Y 0- _ 19 # c °-- um _ �., N� 1 f, 4� .� ri r- rg u L L F 6 .� G in 0 O sr • F u er e, E Ci s� r- X z Li] G� d r � L cm Q M. •'� G o u+; cs 40 oG � ca a ep arr a C L N 'a N m GU C L r" U C �� im C > ' 03 LP MAO kmm s CL U% `A i • •'' • Sn ' 3 r R C L L 8 rA • 1 -' ' +�.' ° ° M O E u s o ^ � -- '# vas as J I 4IJ Id m • G 'r t 7 yF � � � sa q'•' .'�.� �y "' • � ' � Q = rn • � �! r r C6 r 4J SJ uS {C N • � » N .� C`4 • C- 0 c -0 C4 w C.., " E c +fig E k- Rn ' c E ear ��'r t' •� ' 1 T 7. Imo: ' ; y G7 ,- n u IJ r _ E u o L u C3 t t u r-0 p RO LX0 � � � � � k � � q E ƒ o - E! E® �) ƒ CL ca -cj } L41_, cd `ƒ § § § 7 = EL; u 7 G M U b V. § ƒ \ e k § 22t �� � � § .- U � ƒ2 � � 7 K� » k / � � 2 ƒ 2 § �•� �\ ƒ� %�� � E � � ) _ � _ U � � [ » � % / d � � \ ƒ � � � � '/ � � �� ATTACHMENT H SELECTED RELEVANT SECTIONS OF T1111h VIRGINIA CODF PIERTAINIING TO FARM WINFRIP X1.1 -100. Definitions, "J=atin winery" inc€ins an e stahl I A mernt (i) located on a fame in the CommonweaIIh with a producing vineyard, on; hard, or sitniiar growing area and with facilities for fermenting and bottling wine alt the premises where the oumer or lessee manu #actureS witic Ihat contains not more than 18 percent alculiel by volume or (ii) Ineawed in time CQmrnonwealth with a producing vineyard, orchard, or similar growing area or agreements for purchasing, grapes or uthcr 1'ruits from agrivniltural growers within the Common wea I th, and with iaciIiiies for fermenting and bottling wine can the premises here the owner or lessee nmanufactures wine that eoiitains not more than 19 percent alcohaI by volume. As uxcd in this dcfinition, xlie terms "owner" and "lessee" shall include a cooperative formed by an association of individuals for the purpose of manufacturing wine. In Lk event such cooperative is licensed as a farni winery. the term "farm" as used in this definition includes all of the land oy med or leasud by the individanI incnibcrs of (lie cooperative as long, as such land is l ac {heel in tlic C'onmri)onweaIth. 4.1-207. Wine licenses. The board may grant the following licenses relating to wine: 5. Farm winery licenses, which shall auIhori7e the licensee to manufacture wi iac QU FIT ain i11g 18 percent or less of alcohol by vol umc and to set I, deliver or ship the wine, in accordance w i t h Board regulations, in closed containers. to (i) the Board. (ii) persons licensed to sell the wino so manufactured at wholesale for the purpoxc ol're�ialc, _1- 26 notwith mantling, or (iii) persons outside the Commonwealth. In addition, the licensee may (a) acquire Hnd receive deIiveries and shipnments orwine and se11 mid deliver or Shilr dais wine, in accordance with Board regulations. to tlme Board. persons licensed to seII wine at whvlvc ale for the purpose of resale, or persons outs idt: the Commonwealth and (b) store wine in bonded warehouses located on or off time licensed promises Ripon pemliN issued by the Shard. For the Purposes of this title. a farm winery license sha11 be designated either as a Mass A or Class B rarm winery license in accordance with the Iimitations sut forth in § 4,11219, Such licenses shall also authodzc the licensee to sell wine at retail at the places of busincH designated in the licenses, which may include nu more than live additional retail ATTACH Ik:NT H cstabIishmenIs of the licensee. Wine may he sold at these business places for ern- premises consumption and in c €osed cont %irrtrs liar off= premises consumption. 4,1 -219. 1- imitation on Class A and Class B farm wineries. For C Iasi A Earm winery I icensecs, at least 51 percent of the Iresh fruits or agricultural products used by the c;vviier n lessee to manufacture the wine shad be grown or prod ticod on such fann and no more than 25 tx:m unt of the fruits, Fruit juice-, or other ag,ricuItural products shall be grown or produced outside the Corn monwealth. For Class B farm winery licensees, 75 percent of ;lie fresh fruits or agricultural prod um used by the owner or Iessee to manufacture the ►vine shall be grown or produced in the Camrnonvw•ealih and no mare Ihan 25 per wtft c the Fruits, Fruit juices or other agricultural products shaII be grown or produced outside the Comrnon weal tlr. No Class B Fang winery License steal I he issued to any perwn who ]Las not operated under an existing Virginia farm winery license for at least seven years. Ho- wt,ver. upon petition by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. the Boy srd may porini( tht use {i j of a greater quanti ty of out - cif =stalc prod ttcts i F Supl) lies grown or produced in the Commonwealth are insuMcicnl for a farm winery licensee, whether Class A or Class H, io achieve the level of production which otherwise could he ant icipated during a given license year or (ii) by a C lass A Farrt7 winery c a lesser percenlage of prudw;ts grok n or produced an the Farm if unusually seven wcather or disease conditions cause a signiftc ura redaction in the avaiIabiIity of fruit err other agricultural products grown or produced on the Farm to manufacture ovine during a given license year. As used in this section, the terms "owner" grid "lessee" shall include a cooperative f'ormud by an aswciation of individuals for the purpose vl' inanttfaclttring Nvine. The lean "farm" as used in this section includes all of the land oArned or leased by the fame winery licensee as long as such land is located in the Commonwealth. 2