HomeMy WebLinkAboutZTA200900009 Legacy Document 2010-05-14FINAL ACTIONS Planning Commission Meeting of May 12, 2009 AGENDA ITEM /ACTION FOLLOW -UP ACTION 1. Call to Order. • Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Eric Strucko. PC members present were Mr. Franco, Mr. Morris, Mr. Edgerton, Mr. Loach, Ms. Joseph and Mr. Strucko. Absent was Ms. Porterfield. Julia Monteith was present. • Staff present were Margaret Maliszewski, Brent Nelson, David Benish, Wayne Cilimberg, Sharon Taylor and Gre g Kam tner. 2. From the Public: Matters Not Listed for No action required. Public Hearing on the Agenda. • None 3. Review of Board of Supervisors Meeting — Staff May 6, 2009. • The slide presentation on VDOT's proposed plan • Question brought up about significant regarding the funding for maintenance to be VDOT maintenance budget cut from 13 emailed to PC. million to 7 million which was discussed • No other action required. at the Board meeting. 4. Work Sessions Staff: ZTA- 2009 -00009 Entrance Corridor Staff to address the Commission's comments and Process Improvements - Amend the bring back for Commission review at a future work Zoning Ordinance to change Section 30.6 session. (Attachment 1) Entrance Corridor Overlay District (ECOD) and related sections to streamline procedural requirements and improve efficiency and effectiveness in Entrance Corridor (EC) review, and to address recommendations of the Development Review Task Force (DRTF). • The Planning Commission discussed and asked questions about the proposed amendment, took public comment and provided input on the draft ordinance language changes. No formal action was taken. 4. Places 29, Chapter 8 - Implementation - Staff: Follow up to the Commission's April 14 • Staff to further address the Commission's work session on Places29 Chapter 8, suggestions regarding the format and making the Implementation Table Format - Review information in the implementation table easier to of sample entries for a list of understand, including the way the project priorities implementation projects and an appendix are presented, and bring this back for Commission with more detailed information about each review at a future work session. (Attachment 2) implementation project. • The Commission discussed and asked questions about the information, took public comment and provided guidance and feedback. • No formal action was taken. 8. • Old Business Schedule public hearing for June 9. After the Commission's public hearing on SP- 2008 -00058 Harris Garage Amendment staff found that the public notice sign had not been posted. While the lack of posting a sign does not affect the Commission's action, staff has heard from the public that they did not have a chance to talk to the Commission. Therefore, a second public hearing will be held on June 9 to receive additional public comment before this goes to the Board of Supervisors meeting on June 9. 9. 0 New Business None 10. Adjourn to May 19, 2009, 6:00 p.m., Auditorium, Second Floor, County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. The meeting was adjourned at 9:01 p.m. Attachment 1 — ZTA- 2009 -09 Entrance Corridor Process Improvements Comments Attachment 2 — Places 29 Draft Master Plan: Chapter 8 — Implementation Follow -up Comments Attachment 1 ZTA- 2009 -09 Entrance Corridor Process Improvements — Work Session In a work session on ZTA- 2009 -00009 Entrance Corridor Process Improvements the Planning Commission asked staff to consider incorporating the following comments and suggestions into the draft ordinance text. • In 30.6.1, the question was raised how one defines a "quality development ". One commissioner felt that "quality development" belongs in the guidelines (not the ordinance) because it is a very subjective term. The Commission suggested changing the wording to "Ensure the development is compatible with ". • In 30.6.1, the question was raised why the references to historic resources have to be so specific in the Code and not remain in the guidelines. Is there some other way that this could be done? The concern was raised that some resources will be left out and some people will read this and feel that these are the only resource they need to be concerned with. • In 30.6.3.c, the Commission generally felt that the bonuses should stay the way they are. This is an instance where the ARB would be making a land use decision rather than an aesthetics decision. The Commission generally agreed that if a requirement of the ARB earned the applicant the opportunity for a bonus, that would be okay. • In 30.6.3.d after "(including trenching or tunneling)" add "designated on the site plan to remain" or something like that so the scope of that provision is limited to what the applicant is actually showing on the site plan as being protected. • When the statement in was broken into 2 sentences, the meaning changed. The last part of the old language, which qualified what it pertained to, was dropped out. It should be put back in. • Regarding the ARB's concern about "overbuilding" a site, it was noted that the ordinance could be reviewed to determine if coverage requirements need to be revised. If the ARB thinks more green is required, then maybe the ordinance could change to allow for less building and more green. • Concern was expressed that the ordinance should be the standard. If there is an omission in one section of the ordinance, and that contradicts another section of the ordinance, it will be a problem. • Regarding 30.6.4.d, a Commissioner asked if the "without regard" wording was too powerful. It was recommended that "without regard" should be changed to "in addition ". It was also noted that it should be made clear which types of requirements the ARB can /can't modify. This may need to be dealt with in each individual regulation. • The current regulations provide that if the ARB does not act within 60 days the application is deemed approved, which is unclear. The Commission discussed several options for staff to look at to simplify the process including denial of the request by the ARB or staff, ways to deal with an incomplete application such as placing item on consent agenda, the starting and stopping of the time clock, and consideration of modeling the City's denial letter procedure. A mechanism is needed that gives the applicant the right to get a timely approval, but also parallels the state law that applies to site plans and subdivision plats. Staff will work on addressing the issue concerning the review time particularly when staff finds out that applicant has not addressed guidelines in the way they need to. • Discussion was held on the term "county -wide COA ". It was recommended that a definition be provided in the ordinance. 3 Comments were provided by members of the public Morgan Butler, SELC: asked if public comment would be accepted on the county -wide CofAs; recommended time limits on the temporary construction headquarters; discussed appeals; asked for clarification of "agent" in 30.6.8 and 9. Neal Williamson, Free Enterprise Forum: recommended retaining the bonus factor provisions; stated that only one item in this zta responded to the DRTF recommendations; questioned the need for an expiration date; recommended that there was no need to "stop the clock" because an applicant can defer. Discussion - • In 30.6.5 f and g, "and site improvements" should be added after "structures ". • The section on appeals, 30.6.8, should be expanded to include the ability of adjacent property owners to appeal to the circuit court. • Regarding 30.6.7.e/f the commission discussed incomplete applications and the timeframe of review of applications that don't meet all the guidelines. The county should be given some flexibility in stopping the clock based on circumstances, but the language must allow applicant to move forward. • Section 30.6.7.b should be further embellished. • In 30.6.7.g, vesting requirements relative to CofAs may need to be clarified. 4 Attachment 2 Places 29 Draft Master Plan: Chapter 8 — Implementation Follow -up Comments In a work session on Places29 Chapter 8, Implementation Table Format Review the Planning Commission reviewed the form and discussed how they wanted the cost reported. There was a general discussion about the presentation of funding options and what level of evaluation and recommendation the Planning Commission should have. The Commission felt that the format of the simplified table and description were going in the right direction and made the following comments and suggestions. • The Planning Commission generally accepted the list and appendix format. • Provide cost estimates in year of plan adoption dollars. • Deemphasize /relocate UNJAM cost estimates in format of year of adoption dollars. • Wanted total construction /right -of- way /utilities cost breakdown. • Provided other general comments on form improvements • The Commission wanted the list to have those cases when the right -of -way is not separated to have a brief explanation and the reason why. • Work on columns to make consistent dollar figure amount possibly by using the adopted year figures in today's dollars and moving the UNJAM column figures and provide that information in a footnote. • Provide for cost estimates for projects recommended in plan through private means. A suggestion was made that it be listed separately. • Funding options were discussed with recognition that the Board of Supervisors has the power of the purse. The Commission should explore different mechanisms that would provide funding. • Discussion held about the need for a timeline when expenditures will occur in today's dollars. Comments were provided by the following members of the public: Jeff Werner, Piedmont Environmental Council and Neal Williamson, Free Enterprise Forum. (See minutes for specific comments) 5