HomeMy WebLinkAboutZTA200900009 Legacy Document 2010-05-14 (5)COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
ZTA2009 -00009 Entrance Corridor Process Improvements May 12, 2010
Public hearing to amend the Zoning Ordinance to change
Section 30.6 Entrance Corridor Overlay District (ECOD)
and related sections to streamline procedural
requirements and improve efficiency and effectiveness in
Entrance Corridor review, and to address
recommendations of the Development Review Task
Messrs. Tucker, Foley, Davis, Kamptner, and Cilimberg,
Ms. Maliszewski
In 2006, the Board directed the Development Review Task Force ( "DRTF ") to review and assess legislative land use
processes to identify improvements in efficiency, effectiveness, quality and public participation. One of the DRTF's
recommendations to the Board in 2007 was to clarify the extent of ARB review expected by the Board. As a result, the
Board, the Planning Commission ( "PC ") and the ARB held two joint meetings in 2008 and 2009 to discuss these
issues, and staff presented recommendations for streamlining the ARB review process. The Board adopted a
Resolution of Intent to amend the Zoning Ordinance on March 4, 2009 and drafts of a zoning text amendment ( "ZTA ")
were reviewed by the PC in work sessions on May 9 and November 9, 2009. On December 15, 2009 the PC held a
public hearing on the proposed ZTA and voted 7:0 to recommend its adoption, with the incorporation of minor changes
identified during the meeting.
The Board held a work session on the ZTA on March 3, 2010. The Board expressed general agreement with the
proposal, but requested that the categories of the proposed county -wide Certificates of Appropriateness be included
within the ZTA. On April 5, 2010, staff presented to the Architectural Review Board (ARB) a revised proposed ZTA that
included a list of categories, which the ARB supported with two modifications. (See Attachment A.)
The current draft ZTA (dated 4/26/10) includes three changes from the April 5th draft. The primary change is the
addition of the categories of county -wide Certificates of Appropriateness in section 30.6.4. The second change adds
agricultural product signs as an exempt class of signs in section 30.6.5. The last change is the addition of a cross -
reference in section 30.6.9 to section 31.4(d) regarding Zoning Administrator authority and certificates of occupancy.
Goal One: Enhance the Quality of Life for All Citizens
The following categories of county -wide Certificates of Appropriateness are proposed:
1. Structures located 750' or more from an Entrance Corridor (EC), where the structure is no more than 5 stories
2. Structures proposed to be located behind another structure that fronts an EC, as viewed from the EC, where
the rear structure is no more than twice the height of the front structure.
3. Personal wireless service facilities.
4. Wall signs proposed for structures that have a single occupant.
5. Safety fencing and screening fencing.
6. New or replacement rooftop or ground- mounted equipment.
AGENDA TITLE: ZTA2009 -00009 Entrance Corridor Process Improvements
May 12, 2010
Page 2
7. Additions to structures or improvements for which a Certificate of Appropriateness was issued where the
design of the addition is consistent with the architectural design approved with the Certificate of
8. New structure or site lighting and changes to existing structure or site lighting.
9. Minor amendments to site plans and architectural plans.
10. Building permits in which the proposed change occupies 50% or less of the altered elevation.
11. Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing permits associated with new buildings or building additions.
Generally, these categories address classes of structures or improvements for which ARB conditions of approval have
become standardized or could easily be simplified and standardized. The list includes the types of development that
were identified in the 2008 and 2009 joint meetings of the ARB, the PC and the Board that may be appropriate for
county -wide Certificates of Appropriateness. It also includes categories for fencing, lighting, and equipment. The ARB
has already established, or is in the process of establishing, simplified design criteria for these items.
At its April 5, 2010 meeting, the ARB recommended that #7 above ( #10 in Attachment A) be revised to limit the size of the
additions to less than 50% of the existing building. Staff believes this limit isn't necessary because the category is already
limited by the requirement that the addition be consistent with the original design concept and because staff can forward
any unusual proposal to the ARB for review. The ARB's second recommendation regarding the establishment of a
maximum height for structures under #2 above ( #3 in Attachment A), has been incorporated into this list.
See Attachment B for the 4/26/10 draft text amendment. Attachment C is a table that compares the text of the current
ordinance with the proposed text section by section. Bold text (other than titles and subtitles) identifies changes or
additions since the March 3 Board work session. The flow chart outlining the submittal and review process for EC
applications provided for the March work session has not changed.
The proposed amendment will allow more efficient review of applications for development proposals made under
section 30.6 of the Zoning Ordinance. Adoption of this amendment would reduce staff time and costs associated with
preparing staff reports and making presentations at ARB meetings, as well as reduce the time necessary for ARB
After the public hearing, staff recommends that the Board adopt the proposed ZTA (Attachment B).
A — ARB April 5, 2010 action on proposed categories of county -wide Certificates of Appropriateness
B — 4/26/10 Proposed Zoning Text Amendment
C — Zoning Text Amendment Comparison Table
View PC minutes of December 15, 2009
View ARB minutes of April 5, 2010
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