HomeMy WebLinkAboutZTA201000001 Legacy Document 2010-07-26 (2)Albemarle County Planning Commission
April 6, 2010
The Albemarle County Planning Commission held a meeting, work session and public hearing on Tuesday,
April 6, 2010, at 6:00 p.m., at the County Office Building, Lane Auditorium, Second Floor, 401 McIntire
Road, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Members attending were Duane Zobrist, Vice - Chairman; Ed Smith, Thomas Loach, Chairman; Don Franco
and Calvin Morris. Absent were Linda Porterfield, Russell (Mac) Lafferty and Julia Monteith, AICP, Senior
Land Use Planner for the University of Virginia.
Other officials present were Amelia McCulley, Director of Zoning /Zoning Administrator; J.T. Newberry, Code
Enforcement Officer; Susan Stimart, Business Development Facilitator; Bill Fritz, Chief of Current
Development; Elaine Echols, Principal Planner; Rebecca Ragsdale, Senior Planner; Wayne Cilimberg,
Director of Planning and Greg Kamptner, Deputy County Attorney.
Call to Order and Establish Quorum:
Mr. Loach, Chairman, called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and established a quorum
ZTA- 2010 -0001 Industrial Districts — Phase I
ZTA- 2010 -00001 Industrial Uses - Amend Sec. 27.2.2, By special use permit, of Chapter 18, Zoning, of the
Albemarle County Code. This ordinance would amend Sec. 27.2.2 by adding as uses permitted by special
use permit in the Light Industry (LI) zoning district all of those uses permitted by right in the Heavy Industry
(HI) zoning district that are not otherwise permitted by right in the LI zoning district. A copy of the full text of
the ordinance is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors and in the Department of
Community Development, County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. (Susan
Ms. Stimart presented a Power -Point presentation and summarized the staff report. (See Staff Report)
ZTA- 2010 -0001 Industrial Districts — Phase I - Adding HI uses in LI Districts by Special Use Permit
Why add HI uses?
• Industrial Inventory study showed shortage of HI parcels, and poor disbursement. There is one
pocket in Places29 and then two smaller parcels in Crozet.
• To address this issue, the Board directed staff to investigate allowing HI uses in the LI district by
special use permit, to be followed by a more lengthy review of all uses in the Industrial district.
Industrial District ZTA Timeline
• 2/3/2010 - Industrial Inventory /Board of Supervisor direction
• 3/16/10 Resolution of Intent for allowing HI uses in LI district by SP
• (Today) — Planning Commission hearing
• June — Board of Supervisors public hearing
• Phase II underway to add other uses to the LI district and minimize office uses
Summary of Current Overlap
Staff reviewed a chart of the current overlap currently in effect noting that some of the uses are effectively
allowed in the two different zoning districts, but only one in LI by special use permit. There is also additional
utility for the wood planing activity and the vet practice in other districts.
In the second graphic it shows the current LI by special use permit and current HI by special use permit.
The column on the left would be expanded to include the uses by special use permit that are indicated on
the right. Many of the HI uses by right are subject to a fair number of federal, state and local regulations in
how materials are transported, stored and managed. (See PowerPoint Presentation)
Staff recommends adoption of the proposed ordinance in Attachment C
Mr. Loach invited questions for staff. He asked how the criteria was being developed for which uses they
were going to take from one column and moving over, or all of the uses going to be allowed. If so, then why
have two categories at all.
Mr. Cilimberg replied that the right hand column would move into the special use permit in the LI. The
reason they would have the distinction is that in the LI district only those uses shown in the right hand
column would be provided with a special use permit. In other words, it has that extra legislative review,
whereas in the HI District the by -right uses already exist as allowed there. So what they were doing is
opening up the possibility for any of those uses on the right to also be developed in the LI District, but only
by special use permit. There is a broadening of the opportunity.
Mr. Loach noted that they would need a whole new set of criteria for those special use permits.
Mr. Cilimberg said that there are already a number of regulations in the ordinance for industrial uses, which
they were actually looking at now for future modification. Performance standards are mentioned in the
report and in one of the attachments, which already exists for industrial uses in both LI and HI.
Ms. McCulley pointed out that performance standards apply to any use of industrial character, which are
requirements related to emissions into the environment for the most part. It includes noise, dust, glare, air
pollution, water pollution, vibration, electrical interference, and those types of things, which are currently in
the ordinance. As part of the next phase staff is assessing those regulations to see if they should be
modified or updated to reflect state and current standards. Those are general engineering environmental
impact standards. There are supplementary regulations that relate to particular uses. For example,
petroleum storage has a list of regulations just for that type of use. Staff is working on those, too. There
may be more special buffers to add since they would be allowing the use in LI Districts that might be getting
closer to some other uses such as that relating to storage areas. This is their opportunity with phase 2
proceeding along as they do this phase 1 to look at tightening down and adding some more applicable
regulations for these industrial uses in general.
Mr. Franco asked if the timing of phase 2 was relative to phase 1. He asked if they were approving the
ability to do it before they have the standards or does it all get finished at the same time.
Mr. Cilimberg said that they already have the standards in place as mentioned in Section 26.7 of the Zoning
Ordinance, which refers to Section 4.14. They are not making these changes without standards because
they already apply. The update of that will be part of phase 2. He asked Ms. Stimart what time frame they
are looking at since she has been working on the timeline with the committee.
Ms. Stimart replied that phase 2 was three or four months out.
Mr. Zobrist pointed out that the question being asked is the same question he has. He understands that
they have standards for HI and LI. The question being asked is how they decide when to grant the special
use permit, and whether it has to be granted if it complies with all of these standards. His understanding is
that special use permits are completely discretionary. He asked if that was the law.
Mr. Kamptner said that special use permits are discretionary.
Mr. Zobrist asked if they have to state a reason for not granting a special use permit.
Mr. Kamptner said that the action cannot be arbitrary and there has to be some basis.
Mr. Zobrist said that it was a good idea to go back to these ordinances and make sure that they don't clamp
with each other. But, certainly they don't want to see a cement plant next door to a professional building.
That would be their valid basis. It is only the general standard that is set or established by the case law.
Mr. Kamptner said there are standards and certain criteria in the Zoning Ordinance for all special use
permits, but each evaluation is on a case -by -case basis.
Ms. McCulley pointed out the general standards for review of any special use permit is a finding that the use
will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property, that the character of the district will not be changed
thereby in that the use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of the ordinance and with public
health, safety and general welfare. That is section 31.6.1.
Mr. Cilimberg noted that is also the section that staff cites in staff reports for special use permits.
Mr. Franco said his concern is how staff will evaluate this in the future if an application comes in for a
special use permit for a HI use in LI. Past experience would show him that there may be input from the
surrounding community and it is always going to be that there is a negative impact. Without performance
standards that are up -to -date or modernized he did not know how they were going to rule positively to
Section 31.6.1 or how they were going to process it in that light. That is his concern. Right now he did not
know about the engineering performance review that takes place because transportation is not an issue.
He thought if they look at HI coming in someone is going to argue that LI could be a warehouse and be a
much smaller use than what he would expect from a sawmill.
Mr. Cilimberg noted that is part of what they would evaluate because they were not limited to just the
performance standards when they review a special use permit. That is one element. They are also
reviewing for the broader impact and relationship of the use to the location and the facilities to support it. In
a sense the special use permit review is like a rezoning for a very site specific location and the use
proposed there. So they are not hemmed in by what they already have in the ordinance. Actually the
performance standards update is more to make sure that any industry is meeting the standards that were
expected today for their general performance in any location.
Mr. Loach said that to some extent he would rather require the special use permit than to start arbitrarily
moving things from one column into the other to make them allowable in the LI.
Mr. Franco pointed out that he was not proposing that they make it allowable. He was following staff's
recommendation of a special use permit so that they have that ability and understand that. But, if they are
really trying to encourage HI uses in these other places he did not know that they were giving the business
community clear enough guidance on where it might be acceptable or not. There may be too many gray
areas where everybody is going to say HI has been a higher more intense use and isn't appropriate for LI.
Maybe that is just something they will have to live with.
Mr. Cilimberg said he thought it was the first step. They may ultimately end up with one general industrial
district, which they don't know at this point. Industry is different now than when these LI and HI districts
were introduced in the ordinance in 1980.
Mr. Loach pointed out that technology changes in the HI industry may make it very appropriate in the LI
district because many of the negative consequences may have been ameliorated. With that said, he
agreed with Mr. Franco that those negative consequences must have the appropriate level of
measurements so they can say it meets those standards.
There being no further questions, Mr. Loach opened the public hearing and invited public comment.
Lucy Goeke noted that in part this has to do with what will come up next because her understanding of the
Crozet community was that they were light on Light Industrial in this area. They are considering changing
RA to LI in the next agenda item. If they are already light in Light Industrial she questioned why they are
already going to move HI to LI. She agreed that it should be with a special use permit, but felt that it opens
up a whole can of worms. They are already changing LI into commercial and now want to change HI into LI
Neil Williamson, Free Enterprise Forum, said this was an interesting action and a very small step. He did
not see a huge number of applications coming in, but felt it is an important first step in making LI workable
for LI uses as Ms. Stimart explained in the PowerPoint presentation. It is important to note that the special
use permit is a higher level of consideration and would anticipate significant negative feedback from
neighbors, etc. He was still trying to come up with a use that would make its way through the public
hearings required to be in LI. However, each of those categories and some others that would fit into those
categories that are not applicably described are about jobs. It is important to recognize that they do need to
think about the ideas of the jobs behind these applications.
There being no further public comment, the public hearing was closed and the matter before the Planning
Mr. Morris said that it was a very good first step
Mr. Franco agreed that it was a very good first step. They were moving forward in a positive manner. He felt
it is going to be important to get those performance standards so that there is a way to get the special use
permit through the process eventually.
Motion: Mr. Franco moved and Mr. Morris seconded to forward a recommendation of approval for the
adoption of ZTA- 2001 - 00001, Industrial Districts — Phase I, as presented in Attachment C of the staff report.
The motion passed by a vote of 5:0. (Porterfield and Lafferty absent)
Mr. Loach noted that ZTA- 2001 -00001 Industrial Districts — Phase 1 would go before the Board of
Supervisors on June 2, 2010 with a recommendation for approval.
View next set of minutes
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Albemarle County Planning Commission
March 16, 2010
Consent Agenda:
a. Approval of Minutes: August 11, 2009; August 18, 2009; October 6, 2009; October 13, 2009;
December 15, 2009, March 10, 2009 and January 12, 2010.
b. ZTA- 2010 -00001 Industrial Districts — Phase I — Resolution of Intent (Susan Stimart)
C. SDP - 2008 -00125 Pavilions at Pantops - Phase 3
The request is for final site plan approval for an 81 -unit residential townhouse development on
16.07 acres. The property, described as Tax Map 78, Parcel 12, is zoned R -6, Residential and is
located in the Rivanna Magisterial District on Verona Drive [Route #1771] approximately 500 feet
east of its intersection with Rolkin Road [Private]. The Comprehensive Plan designates this
property as Neighborhood Density in Urban Area 3. (Elizabeth Marotta)
d. SDP - 2010 -00005 Stone Robinson Elementary School Baseball Field — Waiver
The request is for a major site plan amendment approval and associated waiver to Zoning
Ordinance Section 18- "Location of Structures and Improvements" to allow disturbance of
critical slopes, pursuant to Section 4.2.5 and in conjunction with the construction of a baseball field.
The proposed disturbance includes 0.33 acres on two properties described as Tax Map 79, Parcels
20 and 23A. Both parcels are zoned RA (Rural Areas) and are located in the Scottsville Magisterial
District. The properties are located on the north side of North Milton Road [State Route 729]
approximately 760 feet west of its intersection with Richmond Road [State Route 250]; The
Comprehensive Plan designates the properties as Rural Areas with a secondary land use of Parks
and Greenways in Rural Areas 4. (Elizabeth Marotta)
e. AFD- 2010 - 00002; AFD- 2010 -00005 Hardware Additions Planning Commission acceptance of
applications for additions to the Hardware District; direction to the Community Development
Department to provide notice of the applications pursuant to Virginia Code § 15.2- 4307(1); and
referral of the applications to the Agricultural /Forestal Districts Advisory Committee (as required in
Section 3- 201(B) of the County Code). The proposed additions include the properties described as
Tax Map 74, Parcel 2813; Tax Map 75, Parcels 4A and 5; and Tax Map 87, Parcel 16A. The
proposed additions include a total of 192.54 acres. The area is designated as Rural Area in the
Comprehensive Plan and the included properties are zoned RA Rural Areas. (Eryn Brennan)
f. AFD- 2010 -00003 Kinloch Additions Planning Commission acceptance of application for an
addition to the Kinloch District; direction to the Community Development Department to provide
notice of the applications pursuant to Virginia Code § 15.2- 4307(1); and referral of the applications
to the Agricultural /Forestal Districts Advisory Committee (as required in Section 3- 201(B) of the
County Code). The proposed addition includes the property described as Tax Map 66, Parcel 3G.
The proposed addition includes a total of 38.85 acres. The area is designated as Rural Area in the
Comprehensive Plan and the included properties are zoned RA Rural Areas. (Eryn Brennan)
g. AFD- 2010 -00004 Moorman's River Addition Planning Commission acceptance of application for
an addition to the Moorman's River District; direction to the Community Development Department to
provide notice of the applications pursuant to Virginia Code § 15.2- 4307(1); and referral of the
applications to the Agricultural /Forestal Districts Advisory Committee (as required in Section 3-
201(B) of the County Code). The proposed addition includes the property described as Tax Map 41,
Parcel 19. The proposed addition includes a total of 10.5 acres. The area is designated as Rural
Area in the Comprehensive Plan and the included properties are zoned RA Rural Areas. (Eryn
h. AFD- 2010 -00006 Fox Mountain Additions Planning Commission acceptance of applications for
additions to the Fox Mountain District; direction to the Community Development Department to
provide notice of the applications pursuant to Virginia Code § 15.2- 4307(1); and referral of the
applications to the Agricultural /Forestal Districts Advisory Committee (as required in Section 3-
201(B) of the County Code). The proposed additions include the properties described as Tax Map
14, Parcels 26A and 26C; and Tax Map 15, Parcel 1. The proposed additions include a total of 32.8
acres. The area is designated as Rural Area in the Comprehensive Plan and the included
properties are zoned RA Rural Areas. (Eryn Brennan)
i. AFD- 2010 -00007 Jacob's Run Addition Planning Commission acceptance of application for an
addition to the Jacob's Run District; direction to the Community Development Department to
provide notice of the applications pursuant to Virginia Code § 15.2- 4307(1); and referral of the
applications to the Agricultural /Forestal Districts Advisory Committee (as required in Section 3-
201(B) of the County Code). The proposed addition includes the property described as Tax Map 31,
Parcel 1. The proposed addition includes a total of 155.047 acres. The area is designated as Rural
Area in the Comprehensive Plan and the included properties are zoned RA Rural Areas. (Eryn
AFD- 2010 -00008 Hatton Addition Planning Commission acceptance of an application for
additions to the Hatton District; direction to the Community Development Department to provide
notice of the applications pursuant to Virginia Code § 15.2- 4307(1); and referral of the applications
to the Agricultural /Forestal Districts Advisory Committee (as required in Section 3- 201(B) of the
County Code). The proposed additions include the properties described as Tax Map 136, Parcels
8H, 9A2, 6B, 9E, 9D1, and 9C. The proposed additions include a total of 115.061 acres. The area is
designated as Rural Area in the Comprehensive Plan and the included properties are zoned RA
Rural Areas. (Eryn Brennan)
Mr. Loach asked if any Commissioner would like to pull any item from the consent agenda.
Ms. Porterfield asked that the record reflect her commendation of Luck Stone for being a good corporate
citizen and providing their assistance in making the ball field at Stone Robinson School a reality by
providing some of the property.
Mr. Morris asked to take his hat off to the applicant for the Pavilions Phase II. As many remember that was
a highly contentious program going into it. This time there was a real partnership between neighbors and
the applicant that was great to see.
Mr. Lafferty asked to discuss the Heavy Industrial going to Light Industrial under ZTA- 2010 -00001 Industrial
Districts — Phase I — Resolution of Intent. In looking at that under objective #2, strategy 4 it says that it
needs to identify through the master plan and other efforts. He felt that the other efforts seem pretty open.
He takes their master plans as being sort of a contract between the County and the residents of who is
involved with the master plans.
Mr. Loach noted that he had the same question when he reviewed the ZTA objectives. It seems that it was
talking about amending the zoning code by special use permit. He questioned if most of that would be
covered under the master plan.
Mr. Cilimberg replied that the master plan would be the plan document or blue print for how it would it be
considered. The background here is making reference to what is in the Comprehensive Plan right now as
guidance. This resolution of intent actually would be to change ordinance provisions. If the Board
ultimately adopted the amendments that brought HI uses into the LI district, those HI uses would only be
allowed by special use permit. In review of the special use permit they would be referring back to things like
master plans and the economic development policy, which are the plan documents for the County. This is
intended to provide background on what guides the decision making and what would guide future decisions
regarding industrial uses as they might be proposed under the ordinance as it would be amended ultimately
reflecting this resolution of intent.
Mr. Lafferty asked why they would need an amendment to do this.
Mr. Cilimberg replied that they need an amendment in the Zoning Ordinance to be able to implement the
idea of generalizing the industrial use opportunities in the County. The amendment brings the HI uses into
the LI District; but, only through a special use permit process. The special use permit process involves a
public hearing by the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors and ultimately a decision by the
Board on whether or not to grant that special use permit. Right now they could not have a HI use in the LI
District at all. It has to be a rezoning to LI. This provides a slightly different opportunity for any HI use that
may be appropriate in LI to be considered through the special use permit process.
Mr. Zobrist assumed that there would be a list of criteria to qualify for the special use permit in the
ordinance language.
Mr. Cilimberg replied yes, there is going to be a list of uses brought over and any supplementary regulations
that are necessary would be identified as well as part of that amendment. The Commission is not doing
that tonight. Tonight the request was to simply pass a resolution of intent that authorizes staff to proceed in
doing this. This is part of what the Board had asked staff to pursue as part of the adoption of the Economic
Development Policy, which is a part of the Comp Plan.
Mr. Lafferty asked if the ZTA would come back before the Planning Commission.
Mr. Cilimberg replied yes, the Commission would initially get this as a zoning text amendment, which was
scheduled for a public hearing in April. The Commission will make a recommendation to the Board at that
time and they in turn will act on it. The Commission will see the specifics of an ordinance change at that
Motion: Mr. Franco moved and Mr. Zobrist seconded for approval of the consent agenda
The motion passed by a vote of 7:0.
Mr. Loach noted that the consent agenda was approved.