HomeMy WebLinkAboutHO201000270 Legacy Document 2010-12-13Application for t�:
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Home Occupation Class A Permit
Home Occupation Class A Permit = S13.00
---, � I" - '-t''� Cif %l i i /,167
i\amc 0f B11siness ��( , I
Magisterial Distric,617-- ' Av--/Z 0 1111114:
Physical Street Address (if assig�ted);
Location of pr ol3erty (landmarks, intersections, or other):
Contact Person (Who should we calliwrile concerning this project?):
2 Cit l-( .I L 5Vl � � Stale Zi "r'
Address �f3�} r�tl T i D, )' C'— p
Daytime Phone (Z51 � y —�C Fax V ( ) E-mail
�-)Ick.-ru FfN t� f l /3-- Ti t' cvJ�t
Owner of Recorder—�
Daytime Phone L_)
Applicant (Who is the Contact pea -son representing?):
Daytime Phone
Fax # (_) E-mail
Fax t i—)
E -trail
State Zip
State Zip
r � Q ( r
I:ee Amounl C 13 . o b Dale Paid I �' 16- IoB, ,vho? �% l (k. I �/ f r, Receipl tl t� 11j T� Ckt GD. SI 13y: L L
Cin„n+.nf' dlhnm :�rlr Tlen�t•Yt»eilf Of COIIIII llIlltl' DeveloU Zll elzt
401 McIntire, Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126
2/11/200'9 Page I oft
f )oc:s laic Public vise' lite suc" Y cs or No
I )OUS the uSc involve procedures, nlachnlery or chemicals that CHnase noise, vibration, air or welter poruon, radioactivity, electrical
ulicrferencc or non-docncsuc• ", ame dischmged to a septic field or sewer? I f yes, performtmce smanc is must be addressed by an
ungmuer's rcpwi (Please impu t the Certified Gngineer's Report packet). Yes or No _
Thi:; certlf icale m Coll.Iuncuon with a business license, represents zoning approval to conduce the I 10111 Occupation identifMl above.
I Ionic Occupations, (;lass A must be conducted a) entirely within the dwelling incl are not allowed in ane' accessory st.ruelurc, such as a
detached gnnigc; and b) muss be cmuluctul by the cimm/applicant (and ol:her family nlenlbers) residing, in the dwelling. I Ionic
Occupations Chu rare also sue?icct to the Bellowing restrictibn5:
I ) I%mployccs no( livin ', in the dwelling are 1101 allowed. 00
2) 'There shall be no change in (be 01-111idc ;g)pcarancc of the builchngs'ar prenla:;e:;, or Other visihlc evidence of (he conduct ofsuch
home oceupaUon. 1J0
31 OnlSlde sloMgC Of nlalcrials used in the home occupalion is not allowed. t\/0
4) On -premise sales of' goods, other than items hand-crafted on the premises, is not allowed. N O
5) NO mcWhan 25% of the floor arca of the d velling may be devoted to the I tome Occupa(aon; and the lolal arca devoled to such
oceupnon shall not exceed 1,500 square feet. No
6) No Me shall be gencratcd in grcalcr vOlumes Ihan would normally be expected ill a residenlial neighborhood. No
7) My need to parking Shall be nlet off (Ile street. W0
Si) All home occa.apationS Shall ccaMly with performance standards set forth ill Scction 4.14.
(-)Nadler/Appiicarlt Must Read and Si;rr
II I,da
by apply f•or approval to conduct the Home Occupation identified above, and certify that this address is my Icgai
r; , I also certify that I have read the restrictions on Home Occuhations, that I understand them; and that I will abide.
cif Owncr, Contract Purchaser, Agent
Print Manic „
l)ay[i111C 1)11011C 111.1nibur Of ` ignatciry
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