HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP197600027 Action Letter APPROVED FILE FOUND: BOSLETTER MISSING CERTIFICATION OF APPROVAL SPECIAL PERMIT SP-27-76 . In accepting the approval by the CouDtX of Albemarle, Virginia of Albemarle Virginia of Special PermitiSP-2/-t6 for the placement of a mobif~ home on pro~~rty described as County Tax Map 95 , Parcel ~ in the H1~ -- District, r/WE agree to the conditions of this approval as outlined below: .. 1. A minimum one hundred (100) foot setback from the right-of-way of 'jec r ,'k::+ a.J,C I=-) (If requirement is waived indicate circumstance and setback approval. 2. A minimum sixty (60) foot setback from the right-of-way of 3. A minimum rear yard setback of 35 feet and a minimum side yard set'llaC'K of 25 Ie-ei:- from pr ope r ty 1 ines . 4. Skirting shall be proy~ded around the mobile home from ground level to the base or floor of the mobile home. 5. I acknowledge that~ermit is issued to me onl'y, and is not transferrabie'or-5aleable to any other, individual or corporation. ---' 6. I certify that there exists two (2) acres of vacant,unoccupied land area on which this mobile home is to be placed. 7. I certify that the mobile home will be occupied by James J. Hicks OWner who is the (underline one) ~er of the land; ~ I I L----.-j' :----- 8. J \!.r>Aerf't>'md thi'lt thf" moldle ho",<> ,..pnnnt be rented I1nder~n~' circumstance. \;)Li\;.J" ;",' +c- 9. j'l.,.I\~'\ LIJ<(..A.:c^",L +~(c\::..., I sh~.prn"j de--a.n.d J:l8.iU-ta in _ adeq uCl_te,~cr~~ping f rom pub 1 ic roaos and adjacent properties with existing tree cover or supplemental planting as may be determined by the Planning and Zoning staff. - - 10. r acknowledge that this permit is valid for a period of five (5) years from the date of this approval and that the mobile home is to be removed Dr renewed on or before that expiration period. 11. I shall comply .lith thE'; r~uirements of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Bu'HCfTng Codc~ " - ----:- - - . '.' ~ \"'~'"_' I_lr-~\- "'. ~~.~ "" , E Lt-._< h..; .I I have read and ~nderstand the above conditions of this approval and shall abide by them acrordingly.Failure to comply will result in the cancellation aud invalidation of this permit. _~":CI'r'::' Sr\tic;c tv- - elL 0-.\.. f-~ql:'}:>"7 (".;LL ['j'-IL' ,v.r/AC' ;".'>- ~Jh. ,_YAY OF May , 19~ by me, e ,J< /:./.~-}, APPLICANT FOR SPECIAL PERMIT SP-27-76 me of aPI? icant) \ _ WITNESS /}\.~ (lLt...-, // /. .r..~~ { Ahdrew D. Evans 7/~7t, DATE OF APPROVAL ./ 1/1 ' ,// / ,[ I / ~~.~ "~~er, :.~' /\ Dir"&tor of Planning & Agent to the Board of Supervisors i'" APPROVING AUTHORITY/OR ITS AGENT