HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP197600030 Action Letter APPROVED FILE FOUND: BOSLETTER MISSING CERTIFICATION OF APPROVAL SPECIAL PERMIT SP-30-76 '. In accepting the approval by the Counts of Albemarle, Virginia of Albemarle Virginia of Special Permit SP-3u-76 for the pl~cement of a mobile home on property described as County Tax Map j4 , Parcel 44 in the Rivanna District, I/WE agree to the conditions of this approval as outlined below: 1. A minimum one hundred (100) foot setback from the right-of-way of - I ''I- t mL,C. , ~ ,I, './ (If requirement is waived indicate circumstance and sett>ack approval. 2. A minimum sixty (60) foot setback from the right-of-way of 3. A minimum rear~n setback of 35 feet and a minimum side yard set'DaClC-of--rr feet from property lines. 4. Skirting shall be provided around the mobile home from ground level totb:eb-a-s-eor-Yfoor--o-rthe-mooiTe home. 5. I acknowledge that this permit is issued to me only, and is not transferra:t>1-c or saleable to any other, individual or corporation. 6. I certify that there exists two (2) acres of vacant,unoccupied land area on which this mobilE'home is to be placed. 7. Igfertify that the mobile home will be occupied by Clinton & Mary Ayres who is the (underline one) owner of the land; ~ fl. I U1Hlf>rst~1Jrl th~t thfs mobile bome ..."nnnt be TP1'tPrl "p,J"r ?1'Y ~Sfil1Ce . 9. I_~..hall PJ:"o~ maintain ade_'luate screening from public roaas-aud adjacent prOperties with existing tree cover or supplem~ntal planting as may be determined by the Planning and Zoning staff. 10. I acknowledge that this permit is val i~LJjl..!: a period of five (5) year-s--froln t hecrate-QT--nrrs---approva 1 'and t ha t the mo bil I' home is to be removed or renewed on or before that expiration period. 11. I shall comply with th~ requirements of the Virginia Uniform Statewide 'BuHafn-gl;ocre. - - BUilaing, Phnnbing, and Electrical pemi ts . I have read and understand the above conditions of this approval nnd shall abide by them accordingly. Failure to comply will result in the cancellation and invalidation of this permit. WITNESS ! I , 1 " SIM~;'f-f'1 ?*. 8 ,,( II tLl/ in: /\d~ v I, -(name of app iean , / June , 19~_ by me, , APPI.ICANT FOR SrrC:JAL PERt!lT SP-30-76. /' <:'.",-,0;....- DATE OF APPROVAL I, / / " / i,\ert w: llic~er. Jr. '1 Di~ector of Planning and Agent for the Board of Supervisors APPROVING AUTHORITi/OR ITS AGENT