HomeMy WebLinkAboutHO201100084 Legacy Document 2011-05-13FOR OFFICE- USE DNL� /� j� ii 1-1c) ����y��y� r� �j 4 ,-(L By wlxt° V �u yCl J" Receip! Fcc : mount c, G llat:: Yaiu -- e e a Application for 1` Amor Home Occupation Clearance (0111` for parcels in the Rural Areas Zoning District) ❑ Minor Home Occupation Clearance = S25.00 -1- applicable fees HOMe Occupation, Minor: P.1. occupation, not expressly prohibited by section 5.3A.. conducted for profit within a dwelling U1111 soler- by one or more inembers of the family residing within the dwellin« unit; provided that nothing herein prohibits the occupation from engaging other persons who work off-site and do not come to the dwelling unit to engage in the occupation. Applicant MUST HA 7E the following information to apply: 1) Tax Map and Parcel Number (or Address) and a description of the Home Occupation. 2) A Floor Plan Sketch on the next page with the following: a) The total square footage of the dwelling; b) The square footage of area within the home being used for the occupation (note this cannot be more than 25% of the gross square footage of the dwelling). Name of Business: N ' C/G +� !L .� e � '� 17 T}pe of Business: 116 t tL-e �f -e Tax map and parcel: it Contact Person (Who should we call/write concetnin_�, this proiecf?): � l ✓11GP.rJ� Address C> Vt \` 'i LA,ecitp b `)L � r����State V)J:: Zip ZZ Daytime Phone O Fax = (�_) E-mail owner of Record Address ) ,!j b� �O '�y`� State Zip Daynime Phone ( � /) c5 �/ ` d Fax - ( ) h �� ��� S^ E-mailL° QO e✓H� ry(' i Gc ^'yI DESCRIPTION OF USE (If necessary, attach an additional sheet. Include infonnation about the number of vehicles and parldng areas, hours of operation, etc.): CIL L--L— Each minor home occupation authorized in the Rural Areas zonixlg district is subject to the following: 1i E CHECK EACH BOX SO THAT IT IS YOU HA17E READ ,ND UNDERSTAND THE 'OR THIS CLEARANCE LOCATION & AREA The home occupation shall be conducted entirely within the dwelling unit, provided that not more than twenty-five (25) percent of the gross floor area of the dwelling unit shall be used for the home occupation and further provided that the gross floor area used for the home occupation shall not exceed one thousand five hundred (1500) square feet. [Section 5.2A (b)] County of Albemarle Department of Coinrnunit<° Development 401. McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 2/1/2011 Page 1 of 3 E i?1'1'1,10OR APPI;ARAN 0, There shall he no change in the exterior appearance of'a dwdlhg Imp or outer visible cvidenct of Ihr GaIduci of the' Isom • ccupm.oil. ]Section 5.2A (01 VLS1'1'URS &, SALES NO Cusunllers. clients or stud nts may visit Rn- a purpose related to the home OGGtII),16011. The sale of':'700(1-" or the provision of'servicus by I.hct Ilonle oGGupaUon to a customer. client or student al the sil.c is proi]ibite.d. ��iec ' n 5,2A (d)(2)j O[1TDOOR STMZAGI The storage of goods, products, equip1 mn Other than velliGICS used Ill a h0ITm OGGILpatioll. of ally materials associated wills die honle occupation, other- than nal.urrll laudsuapin,: materials S(IGh Its mulch s.lnd pI8111S, outside. of an erlGlosed strut lQr(lhibited. ISection 5.2A (;;)I '11M131 i.Z O1 1'I;II'iC°I,1+;S & PARKING The number of vehicles That play he used in At home ocalpation shall not exceed two (2) motor vehicles and two (2) trailer! 11 vchic:le!; used in a I10111C OCCupatiorl Shall he pulled on-site. [Section 51A. (i)] Section 5.2A (f)j UM13h;It Of f!OMI; OC.:C:UPA'I'lUl\'S More than o )Ionic occupation is' pernliued on a parcel. provided that the area occupied and by the home occupations S11 ,111considered cumulatively and all requirements of this section shall apply. [.Section 5.2A (j)I sy l:0,10 RIGIAN'C:'I?. S'I'AN'I)A121)S Ile honor ocmTatlon shall comply "AM the performance standardsI s(wttion�14.1? .Seaton 5.2A (k)] Does tlu, use. invoh+c procedures, machinery or chemicals that may Cause the following? Yl^ty NO N0ISI V1BRA71015 GI ARE II EKF A I1Z PO1,LUTI 0N, )KATER POLLUTION RA1)10ACTJ VITY EI,I.!,C l-'JC:A1, DISTURBANCE POWDOMESTIC. WASTE DISCHARGED TO A SI,,P'1'IC FIELD OR 'St"WE'R if YES, then applfcahle st. dar(is must he addrenul wRli a Certified Engineer's Report (available from staff). f..1 1'1ZO111111TI;1) /USES (1) any use requiring a spodnl use permit under section 1001 (2) animal fescue cent(:rs (3) automobile gravey:uds (4) restaurants (5) storage yards (Ci) gun salen unless the g ns are ma(:le on -sit(: by one or more f".u11i1y members residing, within the dwelling unit (7) on -sitz pet gl'ooming (S) body shops (9) equipment, trailers. vehicles or ma.chincry rentals [Sect -ion 5.2A (1)] (W) showing ranges (1 1) commercial stables 0 2) rummage or garage sales other than those detel'111hod by lite %oiling adlnllll uwWr to be occaskmal (13) veterinary clinics or hospitals (14) pyrotechnic (fireworks or bomb) device manufacturing or sale (15) All), other use not express]), listed that is determined by the zoning aClllllllistl-aloe- to be contrary to the purpose and intent of section 5.2A. Count)' of Abemarle. Department of Comm.unity Development 401 Aldndre Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5932 Tax:: (434) 972-4126 2/1/2011 Page 2 of 3 WAIVERS Oi.: 119OMPICATIOINS MAY BE SOUGHTONLY Y 1<OR `IH I<OLLOWING: AIZI-A The be walvcd or nmdificcl, provided that the \vaiver or modification shall not MIHIOl•I%e IIic 1101110: OUGU11n6011 Io occupN, more than forty-nine (49) percent of the Cross floor area of the dvrcllino. hl ornlltiml a Waiver or modification of, dlc arca requirement. the commission shall make the folio\vin- findings ill addition to Idose findings in section 5.1: (I) the nature of the home occupation requires storage or additional space within the dwcllillk. unil to conduct the 110111e Occup,.Ition; (2) the primary use of tale dwelling unit as a residence is maintained: ,Incl (3) the \\ giver or illoclificnilon would not chanLo., the character of the neighboring agiricultural area or the residential neiullborhood. [Sectio]] 5.2A (111) (i)l 1..1 NOTJIhICA'iJ0NS d'_ INSIIR,("I'f0NS Written nolicc 111,11 lu) applieation fin' n \vat\ er or nlodifictinon has been rcqueslecl ('()I' a 11111101' 1101110 occupation has ben) submitted Will be sent to the owner of,cach nbuitill" parcel 1.InCICI' diffCl'Clll 0\\llel'Slllj) than t11c• parcel on \which the proposed home occup,Ifion \\,oulcl he locnlecl. The notice will iden[ify dic proposal home occupation, its si•rc.. it.s location, and 111c rcqucsl for a wliver or nlodiflunnorl. Thc: notice shall invite tile: rccipicnl In subnli( an)' comments befOl-C the •rolling GICW,,.lnce is acted upon. 'fhc notice shall be mailed at Inst five (5) dn'ys prior to the action on fhc r.onill.v cicarl)ncc as provided in suction 31/1.=).5. In addition. rI public notice sign \\gill poster-] on the for fhc duration of the rcvic\n•. ISect.ion S.2A (n)l «'1'.1'11 OI T WAf VVIR .Ri-w-uu7' (s25) I tri TT.1_f A M'AIVER REQUEST (`n25 '+- S+425 notice fees) 1. Sulmlit HOIIIC Occupation application (S;25). 2.Staff will review for completion and approve the application 1f requirements have bean islet . Submit Home Occupation application and Waiver application (S25 + S425). Staff will review for completion and mail abutting owner notification (.Fee vanes bases' on number of letters). t Staff will visit property to post public notiec sign. Staff will coordinate date of next available Planning � Commission mcetin,<_, to process waiver or nlodifica1011. Staff Will approve application i.f'requirements have been rnei andpick-111) publ... notice........... Owner/Applicant Must Redd 1111d Si;;n J hcrcb.,- apply fill-approva to conduct [he ]Tonle Occupcltion identifiul above, and certify (11a1 this addrcsr; is n1v Ienl residence. I also ccrli \' l}ln )ore: read file restrictions on 1lollle Occupations. [1181 1 understand thein. end tint 1 \gill abide t lam. Signature n'f O\\ 'r,'Applictul ]'rill 1\ kill e Rev1c\\ cr Date _.__.. ___Li ^._..- 3_�.. I...�J.l Daytime phone number of Signamry Date Hi G,INEHR'S IZi N'.)RT ATTACHED: YES CON1.)ITIONS: n --- 2/1/2011 Pagc3 of3 1'-