HomeMy WebLinkAboutHO201000262 Legacy Document 2011-06-06Application for M1
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Home Occupation Class A Permit
Home Occupation Class A Permit = $13.00
- Name of'Business: -' mm(,4 A, cra
Tax map and plu•cel: (�� � C r � 7 �D magisterial District: Zoning:
Physical Street Address (if assigned): 27 'z I •r �#` �tPK ' r !� Ti «< ��� �� ? `1u L
Location of property (landmarks, intersections, or other):
Contact Person (Who should we call/wrile concenling this project?):
Address 6) -MM, v -I' Cih, State Zip
Daytime Phone (5qq L, �' q 3 Fax # (_)
Owner of Record
Daytime Phone L—)
Applicant (Who is the Contact parson representing?):
Daytime Phone L_)
Fax #
E-mail 1/ ct_v,d M errs C6 1/a /, 0", ,w, --I
State Zip
State Zip
FOR OFFICE USE ONLY HOS# �pDI �' o� to oZ ppr
Pee Amount SDate PaidD By who? �)Ci JiGL C 4 (f Receipt #D _C0-6 k By:�
Count), of Albemarle DepartIllent OI U0I1IIIluI11I)' 11L1'elUP111C11L
401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, 1/A 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fat: (434) 972-4126
2/11/2009 Page I o f 2
I;usn .. j)- I: r Id I - Iv r�.((,•fier ., � r=_ _..._. ---- —._.
)uCh Ih: Pllnll(' V'isl! 111:' s1iC'" 'l ! or NO �.
I1(iC'; III:' 1f..e Ili\'UI\';' 1):'U.C(1LI1'CL, !11acnilll]ry o! Chunllcats Thal Callsc 1101St'. Vlbrat1011, al: GI' \','aleC I)O111.Inon, radloaC}1vil.\ ckUclrl,(:ai
InIcrICl•CIICC 01' IIUIi-(InI11CSIIC' \'rade dowlaym! to a septic h6d or SCw'el .' If yes, perful-ni 111cCstancial-tis lilllG; OC
!,.%,; n:porl (11Ieasc req!Ics; the C:crtllic:(I L-n`:,ineer's Repon Machel). Yes o, In ✓ -
Thl:, ccrufwale in c•onjunclioll \vitt: a husincs; license, represcnts'r.olmV approval to con(IuC; (ht' I I0111C Oecuplalon idcnlih(;(1 Ilbovc.
I Tonle Uccupatlons, (:leis A nnls; he conducted q entirely within the dwelling and arc nw OWN In my accessory m'ucture, suchras a
(Toadied pm, mul b) nlusl he conducted ll the owner/ q) IMM And other family nxi-n0';) modirig 1n the d\acllnu;. 1 Inmc
Uaalpatlons, (:lass A are also sui?lccl to lilt- fi)llomollq resu-iclions.'
i) 1:111111(I��CC:� Ilot llvlll!!. in the d\Ale11111,', al -e not all(Iwed.
2) 'I•huly sllllll be no change: in IIIc• outside Ilppcaranee o(Illc buildnlgt, or prenllses. or other visible evidcncc of the cnrltltlCI of sudl
hornc occupation. .
;) Uul:ade slnrn c 0['nl;lleral:. use(f Ill tilt' honk OCCI.lpauun 1S not allowed,
,) UI-prcllli sc sale:; of goods, other Than itenls band-crahed on the I:relrl:;c:;, Is no; alln; od.
5) W nvwc Than 25% of -kc (loop arca of (he dwelling nlav be cicvoled to the I-lonlc Ml."alln: and the lolal arca devoted to sucl;
OCCUpallon shall not cxcccd 1,500 square feet.
0) No u'affic shall begmeralcd m greater volumes than would norn1;111v he expected In a residential nein 1horh(0c!.
7) Any need to parking shllll he nlet ofTtlic strcct.
?;) Ali beide occupations shall c:canply Will perforrraulcc• Man" SW
in Scclion 4.i4.
Owiier/Applicatlt Must Read alid Sip
1 hereby apply for approval to conduct the Home Occupadon Identified above, and cerii l; that this address is my Icgal
InAdyme. I also certify that T have read the restrictions on Home Occupations; that I understand them, and that I "will abide
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S1zLtlaalrs e)I e1', C,0111_Tiact 1)LlrCtlBSCr, Agent
1) 1-1 1 1 I\a111C
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I�LI)OR'T /\ I FM IIED: 1'1?S _ -- TJ .)
CIO 1\U1'I'1O114S:
Daytime p11O11C I11II11IK%1' of Qicnatory
211 InOW I'age 2 ot-2