HomeMy WebLinkAboutLOD200500025 Legacy Document 2014-03-13 (2)0 Request for -'
Parcel of Record Determination and or"rl= "
i DeveloDment RiLyhts Determination
❑ Parcel of Record = $75
M Development Rights = $40
Tax map and parcel(s): }�,4&0GEL,5 � .3� 63 A. ani% 6 9 B Zoning:
aq-63 : /o,00r
Acreage total: Acreage for each parcel: -29.&3A : I95. 74 --7q-4g3B:-2-2• 95
Number of parcels: THRE5
Location of property (landmarks, intersections, or other): �r}57 d F MECM4, 5 SP1 U�i2..5.6ard
0F' T46 :Nnu:ny 5:2RK ar ZY9 92111,4414M Ri VU. 41E,49FRE9 u,yJOAZ
Address 317 a WD TDAb City C9 State State V,4 Zip .2a -9o/
G/0 Log) 5C,4 v)ELLBR
Daytime Phone ('j34) ati, 34./ 8 Fax #e29(a.b9D�- E-mail. {�1, SC�wELL,E,Q leClairr pA.Com
Applicant (Who is the Contact person representing?): PI)L E d f� el r4 A%D /14,49 V !4M6MFT AiRel
Address ul}� �L rE 1,5:r ks!S 48 City P 84E FF I kD& Stae AND
�R AN4 Zip �j� Wz
Co►) 41 4334q
Daytime Phone (Oil ) 41 ��3 3W 6ggp Fax # 4q9q E-mail r b A rylPa(a opjgg, L
Contact Person (Who should we call/write concerning this project?): L & R 1 14, .SGN W g'a E6QY ES 4, L.EdJ.A-1 g &4AI
Address U3 EAsrA4W =6'gr 5rt181-apk City edkel-njFsawz State -1/A Zip e2a9G�
Daytime Phone (4,V) 44„::5�.t3449 Fax # ,2lgL-291 E-mail ,*; 5r hU1eller oelairry4n. e"ev"
Submittal Requirements
1. Tax Map Page
2. Last Instrument of record in the Cleric's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia on or prior to
December 10, 1980 that includes a plat or metes and bounds description of the property. (Highlight or underline
references to the subject property).
3. All plats and deeds of record after December 10, 1980, UP UNTIL THE PRESENT DATE. (Highlight or underline
references to the subject properly).
4. Any other pertinent information.
5. Cover letter stating the assu>ned number of parcels and development rights, with explanation of same.
A fee is required for each separate parcel shown on the tax map.
Signature of Owner or Authorized Agent Date
o 0
File Number Fee waived? YES / NO Fee amount $ 4/D Date Paid W heck Receipt
County of Albemarle Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126
3/24/05 Page 1 of 1
A Professional Corporation
123 East Main Street
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
August 25, 2005
Mr. John Shepherd
Manager of Zoning Administration
Department of Community Development
County of Albemarle
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Re: Division Rights Determination for Horseshoe Farm
(Tax Map 29, Parcels 63, 63A, and 63B)
Dear John:
Direct Dial: 434.245.3448
Direct Fax: 434.296.0905
I am requesting a Development Rights Determination for the parcels comprising Horseshoe
Farm, located on Tax Map 29, Parcels 63, 63A, and 63B. Enclosed is a request form, a check in the
amount of $40 to cover processing, and copies of the documents to which I refer below. Following is
my calculation of the property's development rights, which I ask you to verify.
Horseshoe Farm is comprised of a 195.74 acre parcel (TMP 29-63A), a 10.001 acres parcel
(TMP 29-63), and a 22.785 acres parcel (TMP 29-63B). The subject property supports two
dwellings and dependencies, is zoned RA (Rural Areas), and is in land use.
TMPs 29-63 and 29-63A. On December 10, 1980, the 195.74 acres parcel and the 10.001
acres parcel (total of 295.741 acres) were owned by Lester V. Laurion and Helen S. Laurion, husband
and wife, as tenants by the entirety. The property was conveyed to Lester V. and Helen S. Laurion by
deed of David E. Stainton and Virginia H. Stainton, husband and wife, dated June 8, 1979, recorded
in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of the County of Albemarle in Deed Book 673, page 564.
The deed conveyed the property using property descriptions referring to the plat of survey of the
195.74 acres, prepared by T. W. Saunders, C.L.S., entitled, "PLAT SHOWING TRACT OF LAND
FREE UNION," dated September 13, 1957, recorded in Deed Book 334, page 576 (the "1957
Saunders Plat") and the plat entitled, "PLAT OF PARCELS 'A,' 'B,' 'C,' AND 'D' ON ST. RT. 829
ABOUT 2.0 MILES S.W. OF FREE UNION, ALBEMARLE CO., VA.," dated May 6, 1968,
prepared by R. O. Snow & Associates, recorded in Deed Book 443, page 30A (the "1968 Snow
Plat"). Parcel "A" is the 10.001 acres parcel conveyed by said deed of David and Virginia Stainton.
Alexandria . Blacksburg . Charlottesville • Glen Allen . Norfolk • Richmond • Roanoke . Washington DC
Mr. John Shepherd
August 25, 2005
Page 2
TMP 29-63B. On December 10, 1980, title to the 22.785 acres parcel was held by Paul B.
Russell, Jr., to whom title was conveyed by two deeds. The original four tracts shown on the 1968
Snow Plat -- A, B, C, and D - had been reconfigured into three tracts by dividing Parcel C into two
parts, thus leaving Parcel A (which stayed the same), Tract One, and Tract Two, as shown on a plat
of B. Aubrey Huffman, dated June 10, 1971, recorded in Deed Book 494, page 177, entitled, "PLAT
VIRGINIA" (the "1971 Huffman Plat"). The part of the former Parcel C that was incorporated into
Tract One was conveyed to Paul B. Russell, Jr. by deed of John H. Russell and Constance B. Russell,
husband and wife, dated August 2, 1971, recorded in Deed Book 494, page 175. The other part,
Parcel B of Tract One, as depicted on said plat, was conveyed to Paul B. Russell, Jr. by Teresa M.
Garth and Hugh N. Garth, her husband, by deed dated May 8, 1968, recorded in said Clerk's Office
in Deed Book 443, page 31.
Post -12/10/80 Transfers and Plats. Paul B. Russell, Jr. conveyed the 22.785 parcel to Jane N.
Russell by deed, dated December 21, 1989, recorded in Deed Book 1085, page 527. The deed refers
to a November 14, 1989 plat of B. Aubrey Huffman & Associates, Ltd., entitled, "PLAT SHOWING
COUNTY, VIRGINIA" (the "1989 Huffman Plat"). Jane N. Russell conveyed the 22.785 acre parcel
to Ann Pendleton Alexander by deed, dated December 21, 1989, recorded in Deed Book 1085, page
531, referring to the 1989 Huffman Plat.
Lester V. and Helen S. Laurion conveyed the 295.741 acre parcel to Ann Pendleton
Alexander by deed, dated May 17, 1982, recorded in Deed Book 739, page 137, referring to the 1957
Saunders Plat and 1968 Snow Plat. Ann Pendleton Alexander conveyed both the 295.741 acre tract
and the 22.785 acres tract to Ann Pendleton Alexander, Trustee of the Ann Pendleton Alexander
Trust by deed, dated May 7, 1990, recorded in Deed Book 1099, page 569, which refers to 1957
Saunders Plat, the 1968 Snow Plat, and the 1989 Huffman Plat. Ann Pendleton Alexander, Trustee,
then conveyed the property to The Horseshoe, Ltd. By deed, dated December 14, 1992, recorded in
Deed Book 1279, page 272, also referring to the 1968 Snow Plat, the 1957 Saunders Plat, and the
1989 Huffman Plat.
The Horseshoe, Ltd. conveyed the 22.785 acres parcel to Kathleen G. Smith by deed, dated
April 28, 1993, recorded in Deed Book 1305, page 1, referring to the 1989 Huffman Plat. Kathleen
G. Smith conveyed the property to Kathleen G. Smith and Eben Putnam Smith by deed, dated
November 19, 1996, recorded in Deed Book 1579, page 393, also referring to the 1989 Huffman Plat.
The Horseshoe, Ltd. conveyed the 205.741 acres tract to Horseshoe Farm, Inc. by deed, dated
September 15, 1997, recorded in Deed Book 1645, page 503, referring to the 1957 Saunders Plat and
1968 Snow Plat. Kathleen G. Smith and Eben Putnam Smith conveyed the 22.785 acres parcel to
Horseshoe Farm, Inc. by deed, dated September 23, 1999, recorded in Deed Book 1862, page 16,
referring to the 1989 Huffman Plat.
Mr. John Shepherd
August 25, 2005
Page 3
As the property has not been subdivided since the date of the adoption of the ordinance, the
22.785 acre parcel of land may be divided by right into 5 lots of no greater than 2 acres each. The
285.74 acres may be divided into 5 lots of 2 or less acres each and 13 lots of 21+ acres. The 10.001
acres parcel may be divided into 5 lots of 2 or less acres each.
Based on this analysis, I respectfully submit that the property in aggregate contains three
parcels of record and a total of 28 development rights. I request your determination of development
rights. Please contact me if you have questions.
Very truly yours,
Lori H. Schweller
cc: Mr. and Mrs. Rolf Hueppi (w/o encl.)
A Professional Corporation
" 123 East Main Street
8th Floor
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Mr. John Shepherd
Manager of Zordng Administration
Department of Community Development
County of Albemarle
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Re: Division Rights Determination for Horseshoe Farm
(Tax Map 29 Parcels 63, 63A, and 63B)
Dear John:
Direct Dial: 434.245.3448
Direct Fax: 434.296.0905
Enclosed please find our firm check no. 2663 in the amount of $80.00, which, added to the
$40.00 check submitted earlier with our request letter, will cover fees for the division rights
determination you prepared for the three parcels comprising Horseshoe Farm.
Thank you very much for your work on this matter.
Very truly yours,
'x " jr
Lori H. Schweller
iiiclo s Gil e
Alexandria • Blacksburg • Charlottesville Glen Allen • Norfolk • Richmond • Roanoke • Washington DC