HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200800144 Legacy Document 2011-06-14From: Philip Custer
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 11:12 AM
To: Ankita Kot
Cc: Glenn Brooks; Bill Fritz
Subject: RE: Crown BMW (Water Protection Ordinance: Erosion and Stormwater)
In the summer of 2009, an ordinance amendment was approved by our Board of Supervisors that placed
a 1 year expiration (17- 204.G) on all approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plans (see the text below).
In order for your client to begin moving forward again, you will need to submit the ESC and SWM plans
with a new application and fee ($600).
Please let me know if you have any questions.
(434)296 -5832 x3072
Sec. 17 -204 Rmiew and appro -val of erosion and sediment control p[arn.
Each erosion and -�ediaient control plan submitted pursuant to thi; article shall be reviewed and
approved as provided herein:
A. The plan shall he reviewed by the program authority to determine whether it complies
with the requirements of section 17 -203 and all other requirements of this article_
B. Duruig its review of the plan, the program authority may meet with the o-wner from time
to time to review and discuss the plan with the owner_ and shall inform the owner in variling of any
modifications, terms, or conditions required to be included in the plan in order for it to be approved. The
program authority may also consider and act on a variance request under the following criteria: (i) the
owner shall explain in writing the reasons for requesting the vaxiance: and (ii) the variance may be
approved if the program authority determines that the approved plan, with the variance and any associated
conditions of approval, would protect off -site properties and resources froin damage to the same extent or
bitter than if the variance was not granted.
C. Except as provided in paragraph (E), the program authority shall approve or disapprove a
plat in writing withift forry -five (45) day's from the date the complete appl.icatioa was received by tine
program authority. The decision of the program authority shall be based on the }Man's compliance with the
requirements of this article. The decision shall be in writing and shall be served by first class mail to the
address provided by the owner in the application for approval of the plan or by personal dtlivexy to the
owner- The date of the decision shall be either the date that it is deposited for mailing or the date that it is
}iersonally delivered to the owner_ If the plan is disapproved,_ the reasons for disapproval shall be Mated in
the writing.
D_ If the pro Yii authority- f A-s to act on the plan within forts -five (45) days from thie date
the application was received by the program authority'_ the plan shall be deemed approved_
E. If the owner is rewired to obtain approval of a site plan or plat, the grogram authority
shall not approve an erosion and sediment control plan unless and until the site plan or plat is approved as
provided by law. For purposes of this paragraph, a site plan or plat may be deemed approved by the
prograin authority if its approval is conditioned upon the approval of an erosion and sediment control plan
pursuant to this articIe_ and the program authority determines that review and approval of the erosion and
sediment control plan will not affect approval of the site plan or plat, The program authority may approve
an erosion and sediment control plan prior to approval of a required site plan or plat in the following
1. to correct any existing erosion or other condition conducive to excessive
sedimentation wbach is occasioned by any violation of this chapter or by accident. act of God or other cause
heyond the control of the ou7xer: pro,. ided, that the activity proposed shall be strictly limited to the
correction of such condition"
to clear acrd grub srmws and other activity directly related to the selective
cutting of trees, as perinitted by law;
3_ to install underground public utility mains, interceptors, transmission lines and
trunk lines for which plans have been previously approved by the operating utility and approved by the
count• as being substantially in accord ivith the compreheusiveplan, if necessary;
4_ to fill earth with spoils obtained from grading, excax -ation or other lawfid earth
disturbing activity;
5. to clear, grade, fill or engage in similar related activity for the temporary storage
of earth, equipment and materials, and to construct temporary access roads, provided, that in each case, the
area disturbed shall be returned to substantiall-• its previous condition, with no significant change in siuface
contours_ The return to previous condition shall occur within thirty (30) days of the completion of the
activity or temporary use, or within thirteen (13) months of the commencement of and• land disturbing
activity on the land which is related to the activity_ whichever period shall be shorter; or
6_ to establish borrow, fill or waste areas iu accordance with sections 5.1.28 and
10.2_1.18 of the zoning ordinance.
F_ An application for an erosion and �ednlient control plan that requires modifications,
terms, or conditions to be included in order for it to be approved shall be deemed to be withdrawn if the
ovmer fails to submit arevised plan addressing the omitted modifications„ terms or conditions within six (6)
months after the owner is informed of the omitted information as provided under paragraph (B).
G. An approved erasion and sediment control plan shall be void if the owner fails to obtain a
grading, building or other permit for activities 'involving land disturbing activities within one (1) year after
the date of the approv al.
From: Bill Fritz
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 10:41 AM
To: Philip Custer
Subject: FW: Crown BMW
William D. Fritz, AICP
Chief of Current Development
434 - 296 -5832 ext. 3242
From: Bill Fritz
Sent: Monday, June 13, 20114:48 PM
To: 'Ankita Kot'
Subject: RE: Crown BMW
This project has a preliminary site plan, SDP 2008 -03 that was approved on 8/12/08. A final site plan
was submitted on 9/25/08. The submittal of the final site plan within a year of the preliminary approval
kept the preliminary approval valid for a period of 5 years (until 8/12/13). However, a change in the
Code of Virginia has since modified that time period. The approval of the preliminary site plan is now
valid until 7/1/14. 1 have attached the two most recent email correspondence from the County to you
providing the status of the final site plan. (I have confirmed that you do have ARB approval.) If you have
any other questions please feel free to contact me.
From: Bill Fritz
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 9:23 AM
To: 'Ankita Kot'
Subject: FW: SUB - 2008 -286 Crown BMW
Below is the response I received from the County Attorney. With that change the easement plat may be
The site plan may be signed after the plat has been signed and you have the following approvals:
1. Architectural Review Board Approval - Margaret Maliszewski 296 -5823 ext 3276
2. Current Development Engineer Approval - Phil Custer 296 -5823 ext 3072.
The revised maintenance easement document received Sunday 1/4/09 has been approved. The
easement plat
(SUB 2008 — 286) may be signed with:
1. Revised Easement document as noted by County Attorney
2. Provide owner's signature on the plat. Be aware that both owners's (Baumgardners and the
owner of Tax Map 78, Parcel 15 must sign the plat. Our records show that Tax Map 78, Parcel
15 is owned by Crown Motor Car Company LLC, the plat shows it owned by ASTAR ASB VA2
3. Provide a notary seal for both owner's signature.
The boundary line adjustment plat (SUB 2008 — 264) may be signed with
1. Addition of information required by Section 14 -303A
14 -303 Contents of final plat.
A. Statement of consent to division. A statement that "The division of the land described herein is with the
consent and in accordance with the desire of the undersigned owners, proprietors and trustees. Any
to future potential development is to be deemed as theoretical only. All statements affixed to this plat are
and correct to the best of my knowledge."
(Of course the plat will also need to be signed by the owners and notarized in the same manner as the
William D. Fritz, AICP
Chief of Current Development
434 - 296 -5832 ext. 3242
From: Greg Kamptner
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 12:21 PM
To: Bill Fritz
Cc: Eileen Seaman
Subject: SUB - 2008 -286 Crown BMW
Bill- The drainage easement deed is fine with one recommended change — delete the reference to
Code 58.1- 811(C)(4) at the top of page 1. That reference is outdated and no longer appears in the current
Greg Kamptner
Deputy County Attorney
County of Albemarle
gkamptner @albemarle.org
434 - 972 -4067
Notice: This email may contain attorney - client privileged information, privileged work product, or other
confidential information. It is intended only for the designated recipient. If you receive this message
and are not a designated recipient you are requested to delete this message immediately and notify me
that you have received this by mistake. Thank you.
Philip Custer
From: Philip Custer
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 5:41 PM
To: 'Ankita Kot'; 'Ankita Kot'
Cc: Bill Fritz
Subject: Engineering Review of the Crown Automotive Site Plan (SDP- 2008 - 00144)
Page 1 of 1
Good evening,
Engineering review for Current Development has completed their review of the latest site plan submittal
for the
Crown Automotive Retail, Parts, and Service Building (SDP- 2008 - 00144). All outstanding comments have
addressed and engineering review has no objection to the approval of the site plan once the receipt of
recordation for application SUB - 2008 -00286 is received.
The ESC and SWM plan had previously been approved. A grading permit can be issued for this project
-the final site plan is signed by all reviewing agencies
-the applicant delivers 4 full copies of the latest plan and 1 copy of the SWM set (sheets C1, C10, C17,
C19, and
C21 -C30) to engineering review
-a SWM facility maintenance agreement and fee are recorded for parcel 78 -15.
-the WPO bond is posted (The forms and instructions to post the Water Protection Ordinance Bond can
be found
on the Community Development Department Web site on www.albemarle.org. You may contact Pam
(Albemarle County Department of Community Development) at ext. 3246 for further information on
procedures.); and
-a preconstruction meeting is held between the contractor and county inspector
Please direct all questions regarding the site plan process to Bill Fritz. For any questions regarding the
of the WPO, please feel free to contact me.
William D. Fritz, AICP
Chief of Current Development
434 - 296 -5832 ext. 3242
From: Ankita Kot [mai Ito: amodi @fk- inc.com]
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2011 2:24 PM
To: Bill Fritz
Subject: Crown BMW
hope you remember me as we talked long time back regarding Crown BMW project in Charlottesville (at
Route 250). The project was permitted in 2009 but was not constructed. Can you please let me know if
approvals are still good or any other procedure is required for project to begin?
Tax map 78, Parcel 15,115113 and 1561
Thank you.
Ankita Kot
Freeland and Kauffman, Inc.
209 West Stone Avenue
Greenville, SC 29609
Tel (Direct): (864) 672 -3433
Tel (Main): (864) 233 -5497
Fax: (864) 233 -8915
www.fk - inc.com