HomeMy WebLinkAboutHO201100079 Legacy Document 2011-06-201,U1: OFF1C1_ USL ONL1 Fla J ` t ----------- �S.�J laic: `7 J'��_ts, atm _r��s�j"��� �c q,.s __ I �� a 011 >p ? ffiQ.�• Home Occupation Cleara.i��� � tJ (0111}, f'or parcels in the Rural Areas Zoning District) Mbior Borne Occupation Clearance =S2-5.00 T applicable fees hU177(''UC�'�)C!F].017,U1Ja11U11.alot e:a�le��1\'hlohlblled by SeCLIM �,�k, r�pnnllCled 1C» ]]Citi! V lfllin a d��rellm�, -- - unit solely by one or mora members 0-f the family residing v,'ithill the dwelling' unit: providc;d that 110 111,11L, herein prol>lbnts the pCCLr])al.loll from enga«ing other persons who rorl; off-site and do not come l.o the d"'Clling unit to engage Jr, occupation. Applicant MUST HAN7E the following information to apply: 1) Taa Map and Parcel Dumber (or Address) and a description of the ILome Occupation. 2) A Floor Plan Sketch on the ne,;.t page witb the following: a) The total square footage of the dwelling: b) The square footage of area within the home being used for the occupation (note this cannot be more than 25% of the gross square footage of the dwelling), 1✓�l� IJi ����►� �� Ci Name of Business; 05 2n l !I�i T}Pe of Business: IV ( 6 S �-VtoTax map and parcel: Contact Person (Who should NN-_ call/write concerning this prn_iecl?):S�l e�/fV�L Address I ` / q �'�n (� S h G I Vtl�� l GCU� CityI V'D�5lll I �/ State f 1 Zip ri-Zil)_-3 �y�y/� / Daviime Prone ( � "1 ) � � _ Faa - ( "I) i/ y / �7'� E-mail `J�(/�t/f • r 417 V VL,1 t-110 GflM�s l dall ' 1 owner of Record `Ste, �W � � & n a �' q 2 �14Gg �{� Cin' Wi a_Kle) #e5 Ville State `Vk Zip A910-3 Dmime Prone ("1 ) U �c J a� J� Fax - ( 1 E-mail. Pi. !'. %� �rJ 'i/•I�jy�� DESCP`IPTI0N OF USE (If necessary, attach an additional sheet. Include information about the number of vehicles and parking areas,hours of operation. etc.): r ( 1,-,q ti. rtir! l'i rl'ti9� 1 V ,� , i1 U Each minor home occupation authorized in the Rural Areas zoning, district is subject to the following: PLEASE CHECK EACH BOX SO TT -TAT IT IS CLEAR THAT YOU HAVE READ — AND UIOTDERSTA)�D THE REQUIREMEI�'TS FOR T -IIS CLEA]RANCE [�/LOCATION s AREA The home occupation shall be conducted entirely within the dwelling` unit, provided that not more than twent�r five (25) percent of the gross floor area of the dwellil.ng unit shall be used for the home occupation and further provided that the t_Tross floor area used for the home occupation shall not exceed one thousand five hundred (1700) sduare feel. j Section 5.2A (b)] County of Albemarle Department of Coinnrtlnity Development 401 1lZcl.nti] e Road Charlottesville, 5'A 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 2/1/2011 Pare 1 of3 B' F, SOtirlt'1' o!? I_1'3?OR TJIf FOLLOW1N(�: MZEA 'I ill' ill -Cil I-(:(IIIiR IIICIII: II, 111 " bC 4vnlvC(i (ll I11oCitflUd, provided thal tl'.I:.' walver of'llodlllcatIoll shall illi -Itithori%c [he holllc ounipn[1011 to Occup', thiol - than Forty -11111c, (149) pCI•ccnl of tilt gross floor arca of•(hc d4>rcllin t. IIl LrontHIP - - }'<li\ C1`Oi' I]i(rillll"t;IlfoJi L7t illC tl1'C;.i , C iUL' Ilt: ]:: !I1 ' :io]]l:],1..5101} sli ifl 11]£1) c the-fo11Awlllc findinu I 1 iicldlI all_ to t) osc Cin(iinl,; 111 suction :i.l: (i I Ihe- nature n;'Ille home occupation requires st.oragc or additional space wIlilir; thu dwcliirl.' unit io conduct thC• I]011ll' UCCLIiN111011: (2) the primary use of the dwelling, unit as a residence is maintained: and (3) the v.vw Vcr (Ir modificntioil would JIM c:h;ln.Lc the character of the I)eIghbol-iJIL,agricultural area or the residential neisIhhorhood. [Sccl.ion 5.2A (m) (I )I P•-, - L_{ NOTI I� I CATIONS 8: I"4'SI'1l CTIOR'S 1�%ril(cn nollcc Ihnl ;nl ;lpphcalion lot a%i lvu' (Ii-i1),o iflcnliolih',, bc;Ull i.CCILI.SIC(i for'; nlfn(ir`hon]c occ:upa(ion ilns peen subnli(iccl vvII] he' sent In the owl-wr ofcnch ahultin,- pnrccl urlilcr different nw lul III) thrid thy pnrccl oil 44hich (hc proposed 11011W occupation would be IoC;lled. Thc: nolicc will idcrltif-V (I)c prollosud honk occ:upntion, its sire. its location, anti (hu requcsl for \v;liver oi• 1'nodificalloll. Thc' notice' sholl irlvilu (hc rccinient In suhmil an4 c(lnlnlcllts bCfO1•C the r.oninl1 cicarancc• is ocic;cl upon. The notice shrill be rmlilc(i of lu;lsl five• (5) doss prior to Ihe• action on (hu r.clnin!r cicm'ancc• w. provided in scctiu!I ''.-'i._.`. h1 ilddilioil. n publi(' rlolicr sista will 1losted on the prnpcl-ly for the dur;llion of the rcvicv, . ISuci.ion 5.2A (n)I I - - - \l I I I,Ot_:1_ WAI1 EIR .R QUEST (S25) SlIbIllit 110111 • 000LIj (tion application (s25). _'. Staff w'll I•Cvie v• for cunpiell oil and approve (lie i1pplicniloll if requirements have. been ].net . W111-1 A \A'AIVER REQUEST (525 + S425) + natice fees) I Submit Home Occupation application and Waiver application (S25 + 5425), 2. Staff wi11 review for completion and mail ;. buttima orwnlernotifieation (Fee varies based on number -of ett.ers). I I , Staff wili vlsii propu•i`,` to posi p1l0lil.C 1:laUCC 611trL. 4. Staff vvill coordinntc elate of ne):t available PlanninM i Comnllission mcciins, Ic) process waiver or l nlodillc;luol:. i i :�. Staff will apl)r(1VC;l111i1C il'IOI'i i.l 1'CCli.ul'elll'tll.t' have -- - i.)cen rnrt and pick -tip public ilo_icc si(n: --`— Owner/Applic-mit MUSt RC ld incl Sihn 1 huchy aPply 1'01- approval In conduct LhC Ilona: Occupation fdcl-Iti(iul ai)(lvc, and ou'tifv that (his addre�,:s is n -Iv len) resI k't1t,�!. I also cu'Iff4 Ihoi I have rend the restrletiont; on 1 Ionic Occupations. Thal I tI1.1dC1':;I.;111C1 them, nrld 11MI 1 4vill abide I)v I :..__.. x". - -- .- Siena' -c o 'Ovvnu /\pphuull Print l\I;iI,( `• Rev)ewur HN IIUINIF'Fk'S RE,N)RT ATTACHED: 1 TS NCI--- CIONI)I'I TOMS: �// (� �� Uaie l)aynnle phone ntlnlber of Si'm"llon, Date IV/ 2/1/2011 Page3 oi'3 I MCi-C' x11,111 h!' 1i1) CIIiIl1L'� I1. ItiC C`:I(.'1-1(11' iij)17CIIri111G1' (�� i' CI1\'C111111! Illll' t)I c)111G! \'I;:II)iL• t'NI(Jl;I1G;' l)i tel: eUnClllei ell Cllr' li nc oc;c:upillion. Isuc•tiun 5.2A (c)I \'ISI'I I%)S (K SAI,ES NO cuslumers. clients or students nlny visit (i)r it purpose related lu Tu Wrote occupaliorl. The stele of;toods or the provision of•scrvicus h\- 11)c berm: occupation Io a el1S1011iM Mill or sludull at nu site is Drohibitud. cetion S.2A (d)(2)I 011'I'1)UOI: STORAGF, fhc titcn,Ipc c)I eoud _, ploducls ccluipnlcnl c�thcr lhan vc h!cles uticd in it horrlc. occupntuni. of ll) lTl llcrials Istioc:ialud _-. wdlillic honk occupation. olhu Ihau Natural laudsu.li)nl 11alell llti spell its mulch tend plants, oulsldc of an elle: once X l Iclurc iti0i'Ohibited. IScc'tion 5.2A (g)I fv'UM131';R OF VE1IIC'I,I;S & PARKIJIM ; 'I'hc number of,vchicle's That rlur\ he used in the home occupation shall not exceed two (2) motor MAN* nod Iwo (2) /'1N1"t1;11NqBI1'R ur:,. All vehicle:, 11S�:d ill it hull)c uc:cupNJUll shall he• parked anode. [`section i.2A (i)J ISeetion 5.2.n. ({)I OI" HOME (}CC'tll'A'flO1�;5 Mime dinn one hollic occ_upaiion i:, perrnitted ore a parcel. pavrided that the area occupied and by tele' hoillC OCCnpatiOns sl •i1 he considu'cd curllulntivcly nod all requirements of this section shall apply. [Seft.ion y.2A (•[)I STANDARDS The honk occupation shall corl)ply v ith the periorniancr- sWridards in section 4.14. [Section 5.2A (k)) Docs the use involve p}:'OC('.dI req'Mac Tc'lnery or (vhC:Inicalci thatnla`' cause the following? YIDS NO Vf I; RA'1'l 0 *; I I FAT 1 A I R i'OLI XTION i.. �-._1 WATER POLLUTION RADIOA("11\'iTY !_ _�_J 1;LE.('TR1(.'A1. DISTURBANCE NOR' -DOMESTIC WA.S71-: DISCHARGED TO A SI•;I''i W1 FIELD OR 91:'WE I{' )71sS, then applie'lhl.e standards lnclst he addressed with a OWN Hrig necr's 1Zeport Nadlahle f•roln staff). PRO III BI'I'I U USES (I) any use re.quhInV a sl &;d use• permit under section 10.2? (10),shooting ralgLes (2) animal rescue centers (i i) conlnicrcial stables (-i) illlloll'1Oi)Ile Til\'C'\'ill dt: (12) 1 Ui1r11•mgv or `un, sales Other tank tilOsu (4) restal.jrnnts detewhiecl by the zoning ndministrafor Ir., he occcisional (5) sloragla yards 0 3) veterinary clinics or hospitals (G) gun sales. unless the nuns are' We on-silc by one cw rnorc (14) pyrotechnic (fireworks or bomb) device My inumbu's residing within the dwel hg pail manufncturin,� or sale (7) on-siw pee ;roonun�, (15) Arty other use 1101 expressly listed that is (8) body shops det.ermincd by the zoning, administrator Co be contrary (9) equipment, trailers. vehicles or ma.chk)ery rentals to the purpose and intent of section 5.2A. [Section 53A (I)i Count' of AIbanial'l(' Department O.1 COnI1Ti.Llnity Development 401. McIntire Road Charlottesvillc; <<%A 229()2 Voice: (434) 296-5932 Fax: (434) 972-4126 2/1/2(11'1 I'ap 2 ot3