HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201100033 Legacy Document 2011-07-06 (7)f #" DEPARTMENT OF THC ARMY � NOIIF" IMSTRICT CCU WS OF ENGINEERS FORT NORF04 -K 404 FRONT STRF -t NIORFOLK VWGINIA 23590 -70% RFNLYTD 14FIEM7>�MI # Febmary 14, 2011 PRE LlN1INARjrJURISDIC Q—AA1,OETE101IN,%TION Wtiftm Virginia ReSulatary Section (NAO -2011- 00306) David Powell 4016 Hnrnpion Drivc Waynesburu, VA �21990 Dear Mr. Powc11' This letter is in regard to your rcque -t fora pre[ iminary juriisdiciional determi.m6on for waters ufthe U.S. 1walcd near 7$7 Jxasi Rio RoW, C h arlottesvi Ut�, AIhemark Cou rit . Virlinia- `1'he MP ( 5hmts ,, of 2) provides tine l mlion(s) of wAt�r and,or wetlands on the property lister! abuve- The basis for this delimmfion inclu.den, application of thr Carps' 1987 Wetland Delirn;ation 1r1anual and the punitive indicators of wetland hvdrok -pey. hydrit7 soi.N. and hydrophytic Vc6ctrlti0n and the presmw- of an ordinwv high water rnark. Discharge -s cif dredged of fill rnatrriall. including Lbfj sc acs iaW with mechmilcii lmdclearing„ info waters arld+ur wet Ian& on ibis site may rrquirc a Depalrtmrtit ofthe .km permit and authari7ation by state ak! local authorities including a Virginia Water Pwiewlion Permil Iron« the Virgirxia Department of Envirumnental Quality (DE Q), a permit from the Virgiria klarine l esor.t cs Cummi ciian (VM.F C) and.'or 4 permit fym your local wetlands ba orci_ 'l7vs letter is a wnfi nwtiun of Ili n Cogn piu m i nary juristbctiarti f6r ihr aralem andior �vwtlands ort the siihje pnopr:rty and not authorize and work in theses- ar.%is. Please obtain all required permits before -.qrw ng work in the drlirr ed Auters'wc;tland areas. This is a prelirninary ,itlrisdiciional determi nati un and is iherefort: not a Iegally binding &,wrmination u:gnrding whethor (•ear -A jurisdiction applies to 1he waters or wellandt in question. Accordingl y. ynu may vnik r consent tee jurisdiction us so out in this pre Iim-1 nary jwtsd,ciionm dvt,-nnlnadan and the cttachmcnts hereto il'yuu agree milt the determination, or you may request and ohmin arI *ipproved jurisdictional dererr i"Iion. If you agree with flw wetland delir►�an reap I b j r prelLmimry jurisdictional d0enrlination dnd nAgncLded 6vctiand deLine4e11 map Tnay be s-ahmitted with a rcrink application. Pao l of Eulv,.&M is a copy of the `'Pr+rht6nary .luris ctionid Deter inakiun Fern)" lbr *our recnrdb. Plcaw review Lbc documertt, sign and rerurrt one copy to Inc at the addm bdo within iii days of reeeipL and beep one for your- mear& '1 his delineatiun of A" er-., anWor wetlands- i3 valid fhr u pehud L+ `Five years l'rutn dw dwe ul'this letter unlcNs new information %varranu mvisinn prior to the expirativa hate. If you have my que� inns, please wn1=1 Vinmy wem at 920 Uardens BouluvaK Suite 1-00. Charlottesviilo VA, phone al 434 -073 -0568 or Email: � i[lccnt.d.�ero'u tMS�ce.rtl7my.mil. lueru�y, y i ncem D. Pero Enromement and C'onipliame Section Page 2 of 2 ■.'� 1 cr 4 49 If w- 4. i ` r. +r � �14 yt.�r17C �i � • y� ��'� � ;1 I Ilj i � ,r:. - . +fir': •;I _1 FL •r ' - r_ �. } , �" �-` 'fir � _�'■ ter iIM1 �i. �� .{ ''f13;- 1i l �, , i� 1�' � • *`� �'+�- - - * I i f ti 1 �■ r r Y LSVV,FtON.ML•"N't`ALLXC1NT ROL OPP(MUNUIM LLG TOP OG RAP] f I CL MAY WAY"if.W1 RO. VA, 229P4 OLUCO' U- S -O.S. 7 -5 M inkite I ojxi;mphis Ni (541)1442.1 104 East Chaflul(csvilIu. Va.. Qi pad niiible, Mtol srcvi vLd i 9M7 e ! ■■ j, ii XR� ILR a a� L �s # V ji sit s -.c l lug's � jr r ; k R I: -- A I "EA,C[ INMN -T PRLIMTNARY JLRISDI AT] ON tt1 TF- 16UN -E 1TtO FQ M BACUR01-M)IN-W&MATION A. REPORT ['{?MPLE 1'10N D=1tT . FOR PRELL\4[N -ARY .IIJRTSD[C" I'IONAI. ICE I'lrRN1TNATION (,1T]); l=cbmar r 14 2011 H. LNAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON RE l]FS'11NU PRE 1. IM INAR YJ0 David Pnwe -11, 41116 Ham ptun gyve. W, a nesbatu,1lA 2 29 R0 C. DISTRIC T OFI-10E, FILE DAME, AND NUN BER: titiAO, Soutlirrn Developmem ?{t11- 00306 D. P OJEC'T I OC'A 1'1Dhl{ )AN -D BACKCiROL NIA 1N1'DRMATIC . (xisu tl7r attwhed table to docurnmi malidple water 1_--cm3ics al ditrerent site ): ■ She: VA tpunrwPa.rish,'B rrou : Alhernarlo City: C'harlDrtesvillc Omer conrdinares ifsitc [.A'[. B 05894 ■ LONG. -78.46134 (laTo lo€tg in du rce decimal finrmM) i.l16vvx" Transvene ?der toy ■ N anie of newvsi water hods: Meudow Cry ldcalify (esdmate) amount ol'wawTs in the re~ -iew arcs: lion- wc(land waters (linear fcct): 2700 Comwdin clm ;- tmcarn HOW Open V rater: Wetlands : 0.31 ac Co ,kvardin class: 3 Name of anv water budics tea the site that haw: been identified as tiun 10 watery-. Timd�l: \oft tidal: b. 1t.k.WEDW PERFR( WA) FOR SITE EN_ I A'1 L id (clank all teat apply), 0Mce (desk N Detc:miinaLi '►. Date: Febmar+y 14, ?011 [K Field L]imcnnination. Dale: Amman 13, 2010 11w Carps of Engineers. buUeYes that there may be 1 uris6clional waters ul' the Uniled SiMes olk thL SUbje& Sift. grid the p =nit dMlicrtrtt or ❑tlWt- aITeccItd party who regkkw.stod this preliminary JD is hemky advised of his or her updon to request and ok5u m an approved jta i5dictiotial dcumnination (JD) fnr rhat site. Nevertheless, the pcmtit applicant or othcCr pimsun who requested this prwlirninar JD h&a de:clined to exercise Ehe optim to abiria an bl+[rrnved ID in phis insunce and at this ti.nkc, '_'. In any circumstance vrhQm a pertnit applic:a.ac ohm Lis an indIvIdual. permit. tar s Nation %vide t:-- uneral Ferinit ( P) or Mhct general pen-nit vctificatrnu rcquirine " pre- cunstrTiction rlotitication" ( N), Or FNu>erI�; veritic ation for a non - repor'ainV, WP or othp-r gcnerul permit. aaW the perm ii appiic:ant haq not r yurs-ted nn approved JD for tllc• acdx ily. the perntiit npplic;w a< is herehy niadc aware of the fo€ a%ing: ( I ) tfle pCTMit appl1CdnL has elec(W to seek n perati1 auihori7 atiOn ba nn n prclim nary J D. which does not inMk -c an official del4rmination of ju hWictional w7atcr-�; (2) rhat tlx: applicant has thar upidan in rc4uest an approved JD before >rc..cpUrtg The terms amd conditioiLs, of the penydi authorizaiion, and flier basing a pei r nit aut,horizatian oil 1m approved J cuuid p€ mibly rezult in less cotnpematory rnitigalion being requircd or diff6vaL special cnnditiurt�,; (3) that ilia: applicant has ific right io reqtiesl an individual pLTmlt rather than accepting the ter-►s beta - oundiLions of ncc N WT or other general pe"miir authorization; (4) iWt the applicant %;an accept a permit authorizntion and Lllereby tagrre in enniply v6iLh alt the tennx and coin diiiorrs of that perniit. including whate %er mitigation rLquirements the; bops has determined to he aixe 5san,: ()1hal undenaking all} activity in relia.aw upon the subject perm ii raathuriadon without requesting nit approved J f1 constiLutes the applicimL`s ace vpia ace of the usc of the preliarlLary JD. but ihrxt ciLher form of J D will be PWICesse d as snnn &s is practicable: (6) accepting a pen nit aaxxhori=lnn (o -g., signing a proffered uidividuml Peniiit f cr undW eking any aecdeity in reliance on any fat?n el'C'orps pmnit atahorization based can a preliminary.if) cons dlutes agrcemt2w thx all wctlwx6i and nester wale r bodies on tfic site a ffie,red in stay way by that ac dvity are jitrisdicdonal wriTer's of the l 1 niled Slates, and prmIudu:s any challenge Lu such juri -,diction in any adali.rtislmtive or .1udicial complcaluce or enfmceuwal action, or iii MY adm i ni H;nmtivv appeal cyr in any F,Acral court: arld (7) whether the applicant cheers to use a:iLher an approv,vd 1D or a pre] imiunq JD, aw JD vwi I l bu prmcssed as soun as is p= tics Further. an approved JD, a proffered individual permit (And AI tcrmi and conditions %:onta.incd Ltxwinf, 0 tndividiiM purmit den aaI enn be administmfir% %1y appealed pus-xuml to 33 C_ Yxrc 331. and iha in an aadminismative appc&L iurisdietio -naI isstwb t: an he raised (are 33 CY_R- 331.5(aX2) ), If, during that Wministralive appeal, it becnen s oc:cussary to make an 0ff$cial determination w4iclhrr CWA jurisdiedon exisane over a silo, or to pfovI'd,; an official del i neat ion of jurisdictionril waiters on the site. the Cc ps wilI provide an approved JD to accomplish that rcsuk xi %non as is practicable. YWs pr'elirninary JD Finds thaT t1w "mcn, be" waters of the I_lnitc4 Mates on the sulbjc t Project site, and identifies all ayuntic fea3ttuvs on flu site that Could bo adkcted by the. piuposed aactivity. based on Oic Cello in# i nfunnalion: �PPQRTNG DA I'A: DATA RLYIJEWED FOR. . Y GI NAR V Ji] tchtSk all that an t. }_..1 kicked item F a.cld inclnde(i_iu case .file and. whine checked afuJ r—LgL - q ested. yrcrpriayiy ret'o�rtat� aotlrce� k+elutivl; .. - -- irlaps, pinns, plots or plat siihniirtod by or on bediall'ol -the applivanYccntsulLaw, Data Aweu prepared1submined hy or on behalf of tNc_ aPglicanVc- nt7atiltaastt. X Offiec cxmcurq wide daw sheets; d e I i ncaLion repon- QDtEce dn)esc nut concur with .iota sheetsldelineation report. Darn';beets pfcpaLmd by the Corps: Carps navigable wnlcrSl si<udy: U.S. Geologi .l Survey Hydrologic Atlas;: ❑USGS NHDdala ❑USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC utapa U.S. Gcolog,icaI Sam y rnapfs). Cite nale & cluad name: Charl!otwsvitle East USGS quWJ 7 L' DA Natural I csuurces Cnr>w rvntiorl Ser%,ice Snit Survey - Citativn: X N a iumd ivedand-� uiYentory map(s). Cite name: C'harlulte - 'iIle Fast USCS quad ❑StnIc Local w- cil ;md invcntDry map(s): FJFF1r'1AI+ IWNI maMr - I00 -Fear Floodplain Elevation is (Nawnal GeMectic Veri#cal Datum o1` 1929): Photogyaphs. aerial (Nme & Date )= ❑ Other {Narvik} & Date); ❑Previous deten 6iiationt s). File no. wKI djW of respon w letter: ❑01her iulirrtxtation (ple c vtxiFy ) : IMPOR I ANT NOTE: The informathm recorded ure this form ha% rnat necessjarily buns Vrrified by the Coa!S and shnuld n a I be rrlied upon filr Inter Iurisdirtional dclerminations. Signature and date of Regulatory Project ManaCcr Signature arui date Lij' r'-,n 1l ny=Sling preliminaFN: !D REQUIRED, w less obtaining the signatulre i� impz ticahlel SAMPI_J I ABLE Site L ttiWe T,on it�,dc Cowardin E ti mated 1 .s f : N umber hinount 1" aq tmt is aquatic "L OUrCe I I'CrAllr" Ln re -vic b' area section i tidal