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HO201100106 Legacy Document 2011-08-15
rorz orrlcz USE om.� whoNo�6-cit► — Lvto 26 llau•1';lid 54-013\ '. tJ[.C�iri661 Fc_• �nnoun;��pp��— -- I Application for Minor Home, Occupation Clearance ,- (Only f'or parcels In the Rural .Areas Zoningb District) ❑ ]lZinor Home Occu ation Clearance = S'15-00 -i- applicable fees Home Oceuimli.on, Jilir70r: ,A.n occupation, not e)tpressly prohibited by section A. conducted for profit v,,ithin a dwelling unit sole1v by one or more members of the family residing within the dmlelling unit: provided that nothing herein prohibits the nccul)ation frons engaming other persons Na,ho worh off-site and do not come to the dwelling unit to engage in the occupation. Applicant MUST HA�7E tlhe following, information to apply: 1) Tax Map and Parcel Number (or Address) and a description of the Home Occupation. 2) A Floor Plan Sketch on the next page with the following: a) The total square footage of the dwelling; b) The square footage of area within the home being used for the occupation (note this cannot be more than 25% of the gross square footage of the dwelling). MS Itanle of Business: ,/� pp�� TNTe of Business: � V''1� Tax map and parcel; �� to - ©`Umm —w v 0 t/V Contact Person (who should we call/write concemin, this project?): / !kJ C K Address SZ8V W ✓�5 C��' 4- 'V�VU StateVA rl Zip 27�43 Da,,nime Phone 42A) 4-45 —40-3 Fax 1(�q 1 E-mail Owner of Record `Jay 1� o47 Gem,? Address Daynime Phone t—) Fax - ( 1 Citv L --mail State Zip DESCRIPTION OF USE (If necessary, attach an additional sheet, Include inforrnation about the number of vehicles and parng areas, hours of operation.. etc.): . A 1 i-. , ,-� — ,,'\ I � r i6!<� ` v •� 1 , l i � 1 — it i � Each minor home occupation authorized in the Rural Areas zoning district is subject to the following: Ci z5 Ou AND UNDERSTAND THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS CLEARANCE LOCATION & AREA The home occupation shall be conducted entirely within the dwelling* unit; provided that not more than twenty-five (25) percent of the gross floor area of the divelling unit shall be used for the home occupation and further provided that the gross floor area used for the holue occupation shall not exceed one thousand five hundred (1500) square feet. [Section --).2A (b)1 Comity of Albemarle Department of Coinznunit-v Developrnent 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 2/1/2011 Page l of3 1. ti,I" ( w , I , I I t. 1,.() 1, 1,() w I N. i - Or:; I od i I'I (:; I I ml I �J m 11 1 it,: N IV; (I I I I I't I It'! I! I P Nt -L' I If 11 ' . "% t ' I I I ) ; ; I ". it)), 1! nitrt.- lil;ll! 1,01-1% o: 1!1:' !2rox" f(1C)i' IR;;- OF III(' (iV,Wll ilIP- 11. Ill!' V"NIV," o:- illmlif'r.-:111ol! (11 liI( ;I:v:: simli ninkc IIIc f0lioNving, filldin!.!, iii! mmill(II! l(Illiti.,v I i Ills. H;11111% 0' OIL' 1101111: 0C.C.Lipallm. or additional spa,;- wilim. HIC (I\V;;1111)1! Hill; it, u.siduicc: mainta nud: 1111(! i mc \v;6vl.,; comitIC' fill hOl1W OU(.-All):11101): 11.qc of, (he dwc-lim.'! 111111 as ii I wililid im! lil:- Alarac.le- oFffic. ;1ru:1 ti:rcsidc'mUll J�wclioll 5t.2 -k Ow (I )I it if I,-:- ;:\V;I:\v: a t t 11 t •;Ilmlllllo! wil, i)(. :.::11: 1, "wil(.1. W l:Wl. ow: it,:' ll ::1 w willcl, liw w(Illk: I), iot:;Iw(�. ir. II' . lic-thc IW \VTVt.— 11' ill( ld, 11i::111, )I: !mil. .-JINH )IwI 1L.- flit, c''inicn, it• :Ilhnli ; ;111\ UtTlIMIt.,111: 1( 11V I(' 11,11111:' ,i!1,II';jI)C' P. ;r Ic(, ll:)( 11 1 ht• llw,t wil I :)w;It.f, t! 111:' lit, lilt d1l:' 111,11 llC 111%, 2 A I I R R I :(.) I FS F 5;2 1. �;u R.": 1.11 );If lol . appi ):;;I; I ".:idj tvll, rt-vlt-�\' I*oi, c.omplemm am: i1pprovf2 [11": .),I v "r -.-I f A!"�D ADDITIO"I'Al, I NV ]TI I A VVAIN'I,,R S425 notire fees) 1. :--LIN1111 1 10111C 101; ;111( 1 ;Ipplication (S-25 -cv,cv, Vnr colunicilol! ;lm, :11.!;, :1* :)161121 ov,qlcnoti-ca-Don krce� vai-jes bin;'al: of ii If r fli I en ers i. v, lo V.*W . V, V,:; N 11) t ;ypl I 1; 1: 1 1;;: V1, J Owiwr/Applic.illll[ !VIII -d K'C.,ld 1111d !"NI( ilNl:!:)\, 'S 1,11THP] ATALI'-IED: )-"ES---.-- CONDITIONIS: 'Alb .. 5t7Z 11m: i:w. wlt'� 1�1;1: ! wil: ;Iiodc 16_ 1111 I I I Ti C 1)!10!1(: I I L I I I I 1 0i' S 1 i2 11 ; I I ( I I 2/1/201 1 Pagc 3 of 3