HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP201100007 Legacy Document 2011-08-22 (5)Rivanna River is especially sensitive. The most sig-
nificant site in the County, Jefferson's Mound, is lo-
cated in the Carrsbrook floodplain.
Register or National Register of Historic Places or S
which are located within a designated historic district. ,
(Historic register designation may not include the en- V
tire parcel as shown.) Four of the Virginia Landmarks C
are also National Historic Landmarks: Monticello, the _
Rotunda, the University of Virginia Historic District, T
The Concept Map- shows these resources. State
and Shack Mountain. In addition, Monticello and the d
designations are determined by the Virginia Depart-
University of Virginia Academical Village are included ' m
ment of Conservation and Recreation. County desig-
on the World Heritage List. n
nations are described in the Zoning Ordinance.
_ Additional sites of historic significance, too nu- S
State Scenic Highway:
merous to show on the Concept Map, are shown on S
Skyline Drive in the Shenandoah National Park
USGS maps prepared by the Virginia Department of V
Virginia Byways:
Historic Resources and available in the Albemarle
County Department of Planning and Community De- R
Route 20 South and North
velopment. These sites have not yet been prioritized, R
Route 250 West
but many are potentially eligible for inclusion on the R
Route 6
Virginia Register. Another source available in the De-
partment of Planning and Community Development is R
Routes 601 /676/614
a Phase I Historic Architectural Survey prepared for R
Routes 22 /231
the U.S. Route 29 Corridor Study. This report priori- C
County Scenic Highways:
tizes the historic sites which are located in the vicinity R
Route 20 South
of the several bypass route alternatives. R
Route 250 West
In the Growth Areas, all Virginia Landmarks R
Route 6
Resister and National Register properties are R
Route 151
shown. All surveyed historic sites are shown from.
the Virginia Department of Historic Resources 0
maps. Also, all sites listed as potentially eligible for
th N +. . t h f t41. U S
ona 'Fria ex are s own rom e
Route 29 Corridor Study Maps.
Archaeological sites have not been comprehen-
sively studied and located, but are recommended for
study under the Critical Resource Inventory. Specific
areas have been identified, but only on a case -by -case
basis. Due to the lack of a comprehensive listing, ar-
chaeological sites have not been shown on the Concept
Areas most likely to contain archaeological sites
may be identified on- a site specific basis. In Albemarle
County, most sites occur within 900 feet of a drainage
[stream], and less than 100 feet in elevation above that
In the Growth Areas, archaeological sites have
not been shown, although all the Growth Areas con-
tain archaeologically sensitive areas. The northern
and eastern periphery of the Urban Area along the
0-- - _-- -- - _ 11
The Concept Map shows the following roads as
designated entrance corridors, subject to the Entrance
Corridor Overlay District:
Route 250 East and West
Route 29 North and South
Route 29 Business (Fontaine Avenue)
Route 29/250 Bypass
Route 6
Route 151
Route 631, South from Charlottesville City
limits to Rt. 708
Route 22
Route 231
Route 53
Interstate 64
Route 20 North and South
Route 240
Route 654 (Barracks Road)
Route 742 (Avon Street Extended).