HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP198200041 Action Letter rl:' '1 ut~\ c,() OFt r R:;) -~'" ~ j. u_ l-.J (t. f .7. . ~/l.~) ! ,~' p,o()~t~':i<f t~. VAUGHH Dlhflc'rc<-:: CH" .}i.~"'Z!CYIC.ri;:' 10H1H'], A~)~";;l:n~-.~':)"T(')?I Inspectio:ns Department H. P. CL.t.HKE. JtUILD1HG OF;t'"ICiAL BUILDING. ZONt:'lG. SOIL EROSION FIRE f'.,:::VC:NTION ANDREH D. EVANS DEPUiY %O~IN-:' ' .....;;INI~Tn~'\TOU 40] McIntire Road CHAfl:"OTTE:~<VILLE. VmGIN1A ;l;1&Ol IP.A D. CO~,T:'7. ,.IR!I "k~VkfJ TI,::,.'J O;-FIC.~N (1l04) ;:~6.U9:'l2 July 22, 1982 Cath.:~cine H. Graves Ri... 1, Box 106 Af tOll, VI, 22920 Rf' : Special Use Permit # Sp-82-41 Deal' t..-t,-, :.'). -~) . G:Cdves: Please be advised that your application for place,nent of a mobile hODe on property described as Tax Map 2Q___.' Parcel ..J..':L..._____.._____., _S.aIllil.e.Ll.l.i..UCL.-.-.-----.---- Ma g i s t c r:La 1 D is t r i c t , did not receive any written opposition. Therefore, your appli- cat iOll In:; b2en a11proved admi'nistratively subj ect to the condi- tion; of ;:~ppro',,'~;1. a:; required by Section 5.6.2 of the Albemarle CO\ln~y Zoning Ordinance. (Attached) This special use pemit \-Jill become void if not used yJithin 18 month;:; from _....iL.\.11L.22.J--l.2...Q2.-----.-----~. ____. Once the. penni t is voided, you vould have to re-apply in order to place a mobile h()illC' on your property. You ,,;ill 112ed to apply for a building, electrical, and plud::.ing pern:1-t: fro;[l the Inspections D(~p;:J.[TIl1ent to set-up your m:,[,ile howe. If you have any questions, please cont;:lct me or a member of OUT staff at this office. Sinc.erely, //) / I~~- /~{;j-,_ ,./(~c_~cj l/ ~/C-<2~u-.<) ~/ gndre\v D. EV'lllS Deputy Zoning Administrator FDE/st cc: File f) 51"-82-41 -----.- -.------..-.-- ---~_._..- ----