HomeMy WebLinkAboutZTA200900019 Legacy Document 2012-04-18 (2)FINAL ACTIONS
Planning Commission Meeting of February 16, 2010
1. Call to Order.
• Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
by Tom Loach. PC members present
were Mr. Morris, Mr. Loach, Ms.
Porterfield, Mr. Franco, Mr. Lafferty, Mr.
Smith and Mr. Zobrist. Ms. Monteith
was present.
• Staff present was Rebecca Ragsdale,
Bill Fritz, Amelia McCulley, Rob Heide,
Wayne Cilimberg, Sharon Taylor and
Greg Kamptner.
2. Committee Reports
• No action required
• Mr. Morris reported that the Pantops
Steering Committee met and decided to
meet quarterly. Four subcommittees
were created dealing with specific areas
for communication, traffic, parks and
greenways. The subcommittees will be
meeting in the future.
• Mr. Lafferty reported that CHART met.
They are putting together a slide
presentation on transportation in
Charlottesville and Albemarle County,
which will go out to the community in a
month or so.
• Mr. Loach reported on the Crozet
Advisory Committee and the current
Master Planning. A meeting was held on
the Light Industrial zoning. Susan Stimart
provided an update about the status with
a presentation by Mr. Yancey on his
recommended Comprehensive Plan
3. Review of Board of Supervisors Meeting
No action required.
— February 3, 2010 & February 10, 2010
4. From the Public: Matters Not Listed for
Public Hearing on the Agenda.
No action required.
• None
5. Consent Agenda
a. Approval of Minutes: April 8, 2008,
• Finalize minutes for signature
May 13, 2008, June 24, 2008, August
15, 2009, September 15, 2009, and
• Action Letter — SDP - 2009 -00088 — Approved
October 27, 2009
waiver of Section 4.17.4 for standards regulating
outdoor luminaries to allow the usage of the same
b. SDP - 2009 -00088 Pantops Martha
type light fixture already installed on the two
Jefferson Medical (Building 3) -
adjoining parcels with the additional comment, as
In accord with Sec. 18- 4.17.5, request
for approval of waiver for standards
regulating outdoor luminaries. The
property, described as Tax Map 78
Parcel 55A8 is located in the Rivanna
Magisterial District on SR 250 East,
approximately 0.50 mile west from its
intersection with 1 -64. The
Comprehensive Plan designates this
property as Urban Density in Urban
Area 3. (Summer Frederick)
vote of 7:0 with an additional comment on
SDP - 2009 - 00088, as follows: The approval
should indicate that the reason for approval
is to allow the applicant to match the
parking deck lights with the two existing
buildings so it is clear that they are deviating
from the current regulations to allow the
structures to match.
6. Deferred Items
• Action Letter — ZMA- 2005 -00003 would go before
ZMA- 2005 -003 UVA Research Park -North
Board of Supervisors on March 10 with a
recommendation for approval with the changes to
the proffers for clarity prior to the Board public
SP- 2008 -00015 UVA Research Park
• Action Letter — Modification to Setbacks — as noted.
SP- 2008 -00062 UVA Research Park-
The modification does not go to the Board.
Laboratories, medical, Pharmaceutical
• Action Letter — All four special use permits (SP-
SP- 2008 -00063 UVA Research Park-
2008 -15, SP- 2008 -62, SP- 2008 -63 and SP -2008-
Supporting Commercial Uses
64) would go before Board of Supervisors on
March 10 with a recommendation for approval with
SP- 2008 -00064 UVA Research Park-
the conditions as recommended in the staff report
Hotels, Motels, Inns
as noted in Attachment 1.
(Rebecca Ragsdale)
2005 -0003, by a vote of 7:0, with the proffer
changes for clarity to be done prior to the
Board meeting.
SETBACKS, by a vote of 7:0, from Section
26.6 to allow a setback reduction to allow
for buildings, including those exceeding 35
feet in height, to be reduced from 50' to 10'
along public roads, including Airport Road
and Lewis and Clark Drive.
special use permits (SP- 2008 -15, SP-
2008-62, SP- 2008 -63 and SP- 2008 -64),
with the conditions by a vote of 7:0, with the
conditions as recommended in the staff
report as noted in Attachment 1.
7. SDP - 2009 -00004 Elledge Property (AT &T
CV313) Preliminary
Action Letter — Waiver from Section to
The request is for approval of a treetop
allow disturbance of 408 square feet of critical
personal wireless service facility with a steel
slopes based on the findings outlined in the staff
monopole that would be approximately 103'
report. The waiver does not require Board
2" feet tall (7 feet above the height of the
reference tree), within a 20 x 30 foot lease
Action Letter — Personal Wireless Facility for
area. This application is being made in
SDP - 2009 -0004 Elledge Property (AT &T CV313)
accordance with section 10.2.1.(22) of the
Preliminary approved based on the findings in the
Zoning Ordinance, which allows for Tier II
staff report, which includes the applicant
wireless facilities by right in the Rural Areas.
minimizing the visibility of the facility on the site.
This application includes a request to
This action does not require Board action.
modify Section to allow activity on
critical slopes. The site is located at 415
Key West Drive [State Route 1445]
approximately 2600 feet from its intersection
with Northwest Lane [State Route 1447].
The property, described as Tax Map 62131
Parcel E -11, is 3.4 +/- acres in size, is
located in the Rivanna magisterial district
and is zoned RA, Rural Areas. The
Comprehensive Plan designates the
property as Rural Area in Rural Area 2.
(Elizabeth Moratta)
by a vote of 7:0, from Section based
on the findings as stated in the staff report.
FACILITY, by a vote of 6:1 (Morris), based
on the findings as stated in the staff report.
8. Work Session:
• Staff to schedule public hearing on March 16 for
ZTA- 2009 -00003 Farm Wineries
the Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment as
Amend the Albemarle County Zoning
presented by staff incorporating the
Ordinance so that its current farm winery
Commission's input regarding waiver
regulations are consistent with Virginia
allowances for setbacks.
Code Section 15.2- 2288.3, and in order to
promote the efficient and effective
administration of the County's zoning
regulations and meet the intent of the
County's Rural Area Plan and Rural Areas
Zoning District. (Wayne Cilimberg)
HEARING, by a vote of 7:0, on March 16
with amendments to incorporate the
Commission's input regarding setbacks.
ZTA- 2008 -00019 Definition of Family
Amend Sec. 3.1, Definitions, of Chapter 18,
Staff should conduct further study regarding the
Zoning, of the Albemarle County Code.
number of unrelated people residing in a house
This ordinance would amend Sec. 3.1 by
before bringing ZTA- 2008 -00019 back to the
amending the definition of "family" as it
Planning Commission.
pertains to unrelated persons to add the
Rural Areas (RA) zoning district to the class
of low density residential zoning districts
(the R -1, R -2 and R -4 zoning districts) in
which not more than two (2) persons rather
than six (6) persons as presently allowed in
the RA zoning district, not related by blood,
marriage, adoption or guardianship living
together as a single housekeeping unit in a
dwelling or dwelling unit, qualify as a
"family." A copy of the full text of the
ordinance is on file in the office of the Clerk
of the Board of Supervisors and in the
Department of Community Development,
County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road,
Charlottesville, Virginia. Anyone desiring
further information about the above may
contact the Department of Community
Development, County Office Building, North
Wing, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville,
between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00
p.m., or telephone 296 -5832 ext. 3255.
Copies of the proposed plans, ordinances,
amendments, and /or applications may be
examined at such location. Reasonable
accommodations will be provided to
persons with disabilities, if requested. (Rob
STUDY BY STAFF, by a vote of 7:0.
Old Business
• None
0 No action required.
New Business
• By a vote of 7:0, the Planning
• Cancel meetings on March 2 and March 9, 2010.
Commission cancelled the March 2 and
• Reschedule planned March 9 work session to
9, 2010 meetings and adjourned to
March 16, 2010 to begin at 4 p.m.
March 16, 2010 at 4 p.m.
Adjourn to March 16, 2010, 4:00 p.m.,
Auditorium, Second Floor, County Office
Building, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville,
• The meeting was adjourned at 9:13
Attachment 1 — UVA Research Park — ZMA- 2005 -00003 concurrent with SP- 2008 -62, SP- 2008 -63 and
SP- 2008 -64 - Planning Commission Conditions of Approval
UVA Research Park — ZMA- 2005 -00003 concurrent with SP- 2008 -62, SP- 2008 -63 and SP- 2008 -64
Planning Commission Recommended Conditions of Approval
Action on ZMA- 2005 -003:
By a vote of 7:0, the Planning Commission recommended approval of ZMA- 2005 -0003 UVA Research
Park - North Fork with the changes to the proffers for clarity prior to the Board of Supervisors public
Action on Modification to Setbacks:
By a vote of 7:0, the Planning Commission approved the setback modification to Section 26.6 to allow a
setback reduction to allow for buildings, including those exceeding 35 feet in height, to be reduced from
50 feet to 10 feet along public roads, including Airport Road and Lewis and Clark Drive.
By a vote of 7:0, the Planning Commission recommended approval of all four special use permits (SP-
2008- 00015, SP- 2008 - 00062, SP- 2008 -00063 and SP- 2008 -00064 UVA Research Park - North Fork
concurrent with ZMA- 2005 -003 subject to the conditions as recorded in the staff report as noted below.
SP- 2008 - 0015 - Parking Structure- APPROVED WITH NO CONDITIONS
Conditions on SP- 2008 - 00062 - Laboratories, medical or pharmaceutical:
1. Laboratories shall be subject to Section 4.14 Performance Standards of the ordinance and a
Certified Engineers Report is required pursuant to Section 4.14.8 of the Zoning Ordinance.
2. Laboratory buildings shall not be less than 30 (thirty) feet from the perimeter buffer areas to
adjoining properties not located within the development, unless modified by the Director of
Conditions on SP- 2008 - 00063 - Supporting Commercial Uses:
In addition to proffered limitation not to exceed five (5 %) percent of total floor area, commercial
uses shall not exceed ten (10 %) percent of total floor area at any time during phased
Conditions on SP- 2008 - 00064 - Hotels. Motels. Inns:
1. Not more than one hotel, motel, or inn shall be permitted. Such hotel, motel, or inn shall not
exceed two hundred fifty (250) lodging rooms.
2. Conference facilities (other than those as may be provided by individual occupants) shall not be
required to locate internal to nor on the same site as the hotel /motel /inn, but total gross floor area
of lodging and conference facilities shall not exceed 190,000 square feet.