Proposal: SP 201200004 Community Christian Academy
Staff: Claudette Grant
Planning Commission Public Hearing: June 19, 2012
Board of Supervisors Hearing: To be determined.
Owners: Alliance Bible Church of Charlottesville
Applicant: Community Christian Academy,
represented by Kimberly Moore
Acreage: Approximately 3.14 acres
Special Use Permit for: Private school in Residential
district (Section 14.2.2(5)
TMP: 06100000012700
By -right use: R -2, Residential uses at a density of 2
Location: 1410 Old Brook Road (Attachments A & B)
units /acre.
Magisterial District: Rio
Conditions: Yes EC: Yes
Proposal: Request a special use permit for a private
Requested # of Dwelling Units: 0
school in an existing church.
DA (Development Area): Neighborhood 2
Comp. Plan Designation: Neighborhood Density
Residential - residential (3 -6 units /acre) and supporting
uses such as religious institutions, schools and other
small -scale non - residential uses.
Character of Property: The property is developed with a
Use of Surrounding Properties: Surrounding
church, related parking, and a residence (parsonage).
properties are office uses, apartment complexes, and
(Attachment C)
single family residential uses.
Factors Favorable:
Factors Unfavorable:
1. The site is not in compliance with the
1. The use is consistent with the Land Use Plan.
landscaping shown on the approved site
2. Provides an alternative elementary school option for
plan, dated 4- 14 -87.
people who live and work in the area.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of SP201200004, Community Christian Academy with
Community Christian Academy
Planning Commission Public Hearing June 19, 2012
STAFF PERSON: Claudette Grant
SP201200004: Community Christian Academy
PROJECT: SP201200004 /Community Christian Academy
PROPOSAL: Request a special use permit for a private school in a church on 3.14 acres
under Section 14.2.2(5) private school of zoning ordinance. No dwellings proposed.
ZONING: R -2 which allows residential uses at a density of 2 units /acre.
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood Density Residential - residential (3 - 6 units /acre)
supporting uses such as religious institutions, schools and other small -scale non - residential
uses - Places 29 corridor.
LOCATION: 1410 Old Brook Road in Neighborhood 2.
TAX MAP /PARCEL: 06100000012700
lvi r_W 6119 4 N F-11 N 916*11 V lot aVre
Character of the Area and Adjoining properties:
The subject property is located at 1410 Old Brook Road. The surrounding area is primarily
developed with office uses, apartment complexes, and single family residential uses. Across
the street and to the south are the Abbington Crossing Apartments and the Glenwood Station
development. Single family residences are located to the north and east of the subject site and
an office building is located to the west.
The property is zoned R- 2- Residential. The Alliance Bible Church of Charlottesville, associated
parking and a parsonage for the minister of the church are currently located on this property.
Along with the church, the Merridale Pre - school was previously located in this facility. The pre-
school closed a few years ago. The applicant is requesting to use the old pre - school site for
the day school for up to 85 students. Approximately 8 staff members will be needed for 85
elementary aged students. School will begin at 8 :15 a.m.; however, parents will be allowed to
drop their children off at the school, as early as 7:40 a.m. The school day will end at 3:00 p.m.
with an afterschool program available until 6 :00 p.m. for working parents. The school will be
open Monday through Friday.
(See Attachment C)
Applicant's Justification for the Request:
Community Christian Academy believes the proposed elementary school will fill the needs and
desires of some families who want a lower cost Christian elementary school in Albemarle
County. Although this school is not marketed as a neighborhood school, the applicant does
anticipate that some students might attend who live in the surrounding neighborhoods.
Planning and Zoning History:
The building was built in 1986.
ZMA198600004 rezoned a northern portion of the site from R -2 residential to CO Commercial
Community Christian Academy
Planning Commission Public Hearing June 19, 2012
SP86 -50 amended an SP84 -45 condition to restrict access for the subject property to Old
Brook Road.
SP 84 -45 approved the request to establish a church on the property.
The property was zoned R -2 residential prior to 1980.
Conformity with Comprehensive Plan:
The Land Use Plan designates this area as Neighborhood Density Residential in
Neighborhood Two (2). The Comprehensive Plan supports institutional uses such as places of
worship, public and private schools, and early childhood education centers including day care
centers and preschools. A private elementary school is appropriate within this land use
designation and for this area, as it is surrounded by a variety of uses including several different
types of residential uses and businesses.
An analysis for consistency with the Neighborhood Model was not done for this project since
the applicant is not proposing any physical changes to the existing building or site. This
proposal is not in conflict with the Economic Development Policy.
Staff Comment on SP 2012 - 00004 - Request for a Private School Use in the R -2
Residential District
Section 31.6 of the Zoning Ordinance below requires that special use permits be assessed as
Will the use be of substantial detriment to adjacent property?
The private school is not expected to be of substantial detriment or impact to adjacent
property. The Merridale Preschool was located in this building for many years prior to
recently closing. Staff is not aware of any major conflicts created by the Merridale
Preschool. The private school will be located within the same building footprint as the
previous preschool. The location of the building is on a corner lot bound by a single
family house to the north and an office building to the west. Parking is located on the
property and is adequate for the building with this use.
Will the character of the zonina district chanae with this use?
The character of the district is not anticipated to change with the addition of this use in
the existing building. This use will occupy interior space within the church and should
operate very similar to the way the previous school operated in this building. In many
ways the school will operate in a similar manner as an office would operate within the
Will the use be in harmonv with the purpose and intent of the zonina ordinance?
The R -2 zoning district is intended for residential uses. However, churches and private schools
are allowed by special use permit, if sited appropriately. The private school is viewed as a use
supportive to Albemarle County residents in all residential zones.
Will the use be in harmony with the uses permitted by right in the district?
This area contains a wide mix of existing uses; some small and large scale strip
commercial development and a mix of residential uses. Private school uses are
allowed in the R -2 district with a special use permit. The private school facility is a
supporting accessory use for several of the existing uses in the surrounding area.
Community Christian Academy
Planning Commission Public Hearing June 19, 2012
Will the use comply with the additional regulations provided in Section 5.0 of this
There are no additional regulations. However, the following conditions are recommended:
A condition regarding minimum age of the students because of building code
restrictions relating to daycares versus a school.
A condition regarding the maximum number of students enrolled in the school because
more students could have a different traffic impact to the area.
Condition 1 below requiring that the site be in compliance with major elements within
the site essential to the design of the site. This is inclusive of the landscaping shown on
the site plan approved in 1987 or an approved revised site plan or letter of revision
(LOR). The site is currently not in compliance with the approved landscaping shown on
the site plan. Over the years some of the landscaping initially installed near the parking
area, per the approved site plan, have died and were not replaced. The
applicant /church plans to replace the required landscaping, and
A condition regarding the hours of operation for the school.
Will the public health, safety and general welfare of the community be protected if the
use is approved?
The public health, safety, and general welfare of the community are protected through
the special use permit process which assures that the proposed use is appropriate in
the location requested. There are no safety concerns with the proposed private school
Staff finds the following factors favorable to this request:
1. The use is consistent with the Land Use Plan.
2. Provides an alternative elementary school option for people who live and work in
the area.
Staff finds the following factor(s) unfavorable to this request:
2. The site is not in compliance with the landscaping shown on the approved site
plan, dated 4- 14 -87.
Recommended Action:
Staff recommends approval of SP 201200004, Community Christian Academy with the
following conditions:
The existing building and use shall be in general accord with the site plan titled
Alliance Bible Church "Community Christian Academy" prepared by Roudabush,
Greene, & Gale and date approved 4 -14 -87 (hereafter "Site Plan "), as
determined by the Director of Planning and the Zoning Administrator. To be in
accord with the Site Plan, the existing building and use shall reflect the following
major elements within the site essential to the design of the site, as shown on
the Site Plan:
Landscaping (or revision of landscaping in accordance with current Zoning
Ordinance requirements)
Community Christian Academy
Planning Commission Public Hearing June 19, 2012
Location of buildings, uses, and structures
Location of parking areas
Location of outdoor play area
Relation of buildings and parking to the street; and
Site access
Minor modifications to the plan which do no conflict with the elements above may
be made to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance.
2. Maximum enrollment shall be 85 children.
3. All students shall be over the age of 2 '/2 years old.
4. Hours of operation for the school shall be between 8:15 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., except
that occasional school - related events may occur after 6:00 p.m.
A. Should a Planning Commissioner choose to recommend approval of this special use
Move to recommend approval of SP 2012 - 00004, Community Christian Academy with
the following conditions:
The existing building and use shall be in general accord with the site plan titled
Alliance Bible Church "Community Christian Academy" prepared by Roudabush,
Greene, & Gale and date approved 4 -14 -87 (hereafter "Site Plan "), as
determined by the Director of Planning and the Zoning Administrator. To be in
accord with the Site Plan, the existing building and use shall reflect the following
major elements within the site essential to the design of the site, as shown on
the Site Plan:
Landscaping (or revision of landscaping in accordance with current Zoning
Ordinance requirements)
Location of buildings, uses, and structures
Location of parking areas
Location of outdoor play area
Relation of buildings and parking to the street; and
Site access
Minor modifications to the plan which do no conflict with the elements above
may be made to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance.
2. Maximum enrollment shall be 85 children.
3. All students shall be over the age of 2 1/2 years old.
4. Hours of operation for the school shall be between 8:15 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.,
except that occasional school - related events may occur after 6 :00 p.m.
B. Should a Planning Commissioner choose to recommend denial of this special use permit:
Community Christian Academy
Planning Commission Public Hearing June 19, 2012
Move to recommend denial of SP 2012 - 00004, Community Christian Academy. Should a
commissioner motion to recommend denial, he or she should state the reason(s) for
recommending denial.
Attachment A — Tax Map
Attachment B — Vicinity Map
Attachment C — Site Plan, approved 4 -14 -87
Community Christian Academy
Planning Commission Public Hearing June 19, 2012
SP 2012 - 00004
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