HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201400048 Review Comments Initial Site Plan 2014-08-06 (3)�pF A vt�r�1Q COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126 Project: The Lofts at Meadowcreek Plan preparer: David M. Jensen, WW Associates [3040 Avemore Square Place, Charlottesville, VA 22911] Owner or rep.: William Park, 1821 Avon St. Ext/Suite 200, Charlottesville, VA 22902 [wpark @pinnacleconstructionva.com] - Bluestone Land, LLC [SAME] Plan received date: 1 July 2014 Date of comments: 6 August 2014 Reviewer: John Anderson Planning Coordinator: Christopher Perez RE: Initial Site Plan (SDP201400048) (A site plan is a record of zoning compliance on the property. It should not include VSMP plans) Code Chapter 18 section 32, part of the Zoning Ordinance. 1. Update Coordination Note 5, sheet 3 — VSMP Phase I Land Clearing General Permit is not an option. 2. Update General Construction Notes for Streets, sheet 3 — Note 1 is now two notes (1 and 2). Ref. ACDSM, p. 21 -22 [link /.pdf: htW : / /www.albemarle.org/department .asp ?department= cdd &rel2aae =4447 ] 3. Minor: Update General Notes for ESC Plans Note 17: "Straw mulch —to be applied at 80LBS /1000SF" 4. List `D' in schedule of abbreviations, title page. `D' appears inside manhole structure symbols, sheets C -6, C -7, and C -8. 5. Confirm design of semi- circular parking area at base of entrance drive ramp and position of dumpster pad allow waste management service vehicles sufficient space to reverse and exit. [AC Code 18- 4.12.15.e.] 6. Parking spaces to immediate right and left of parking garage entrance should be replaced with islands. Vehicles cannot use either space without reversing. These spaces impede sight distance for vehicles entering and exiting the parking garage. Eliminate these two spaces and replace with islands [AC Code 18- 4.12.15.f.]. Radii on islands should be 3' min. 7. Curvilinear parking spaces (exterior to parking garage) require bumper blocks or paint striping (4.12.16). 8. Handicapped parking spaces should be located on the east side of the parking facility to eliminate the need to cross vehicle access aisle. [AC Code 18-] 9. Sidewalks — Maximum grade is 5 %, revise sections that exceed 5% [VDOT Road Design Manual, Appendix A, p. A -121]. Furnish 1' wide (min.) flat (< 2 %) area at back of sidewalk leading to biofilter [VDOT Road Design Manual, Appendix A, fig., p. A -123]. 10. Relocate /revise design of SWM biofilter. Floor of proposed basin is 20 -ft from 21 -ft high retaining wall. Final contours (east side of basin) disappear at retaining wall. Relocate biofilter away from retaining wall. Evaluate 100 -yr storm water surface elevation relative to retaining wall; design must eliminate influence of subsurface saturation on retaining wall foundation. Provide a 10 -ft W (min.) maintenance strip on the west side of biofilter, and revise biofilter side slopes to 3:1 or flatter to minimize risk to residents posed by 2:1 slopes. Show basin dimensions (L x W / floor of biofilter). 11. Furnish SCALE, sheet C -7; correct SCALE, sheet C -8. 12. Sheet C -10: Channel @ Retaining Wall detail —see SCC calculations on Dwg. No. C -17 for channel lining material and Dwg. No. C-15 for channel location. Sheets C -17, C -15 not included. Show channel location. 13. Segmental Retaining Wall Notes (1./6.; sheet C -10) are inconsistent with review and approval process. Retaining wall design review and approval required prior to final site plan approval (see #2, below). 14. Reference to guardrail detail in SRW detail, sheet C -10, is confusing. Please clarify. 15. Sheet 15 of 16 shows building and retaining walls, East Elevation, in profile view. Retaining wall sections Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 3 appear discontinuous in profile, yet continuous in plan views. Please revise or clarify. Needed with Final Site Plan (SDP241400XXX) Code Chapter 18, §32.6.2 1. Provide drainage easement from outfall of proposed biofilter to property line, sheet C -7. 2. Furnish retaining wall design (checklist available); high walls adjacent or near buildings, parking, and public areas require detailed design and approval prior to final site plan approval. Show safety railing for retaining walls over 4' high. [ACDSM, 8.B.2.a. /c.; p. 14/15 (pdf): http : / /www.albemarle.oriz/de]2artment .asp ?department= cdd &relpage =4447 - checklist available]. With detailed design, furnish structural computations with original seal and signature (walls over 5' high). Include batter in plan views to represent true depth. Confirm adequate space exists between wall and building structure for geogrid, if geogrid used. 3. Drain pipe /inlet information required (checklist available). Pipe slopes at 0.5% min. to 16% max. (per VDOT standards for anchors over 16 %). 4. Show profile for sanitary sewer clean -out, NE corner of site. Show sanitary line profile between building and existing sanitary sewer. Plans show retaining wall at least 17' high at this location. [ "details for bridged utilities" — retaining wall plan checklist] 5. Confirm that New Entrance Road Pavement Section, sheet C -12, relates to garage entrance drive. Specify how far pavement detail extends toward underground parking garage. 6. Furnish sidewalk TYP detail; garage slab detail; SWM facility access drive detail. 7. Show 4' wide (min.) sidewalk at SWM access entrance, Int. Rio Rd (2' width shown; sheet C -6). 8. Final site plan approval requires VDOT approval. Needed with SWPPP and Pollution Prevention Plan (WPO201400XXX) (The Virginia stormwater management program, stormwater pollution prevention plan application and documents) Please provide a VSMP application, a full copy of the SWPPP documents, and fees. Link to Application: http: / /www.albemarle.org/upload /images /forms center / departments /Community Development /forms /Engirt eering_ and _WPO_ Forms /WPO_ VSMP _ Virginia _Stormwater_Mana-eg ment_Program_Application.pdfJ Link to WPO (VSMP) Application process: http: / /www.albemarle.org/upload /images /forms_ center / departments /Community Development/forms/Engin eering_ and _WPO_ Forms /WPO_ Application _Process.pdf Needed with VSMP: SWPPP: Stormwater Management Plan (WPO201400XXX) 1. The plan must demonstrate compliance with quality and quantity requirements using the Runoff Reduction Method. 2. All BMP's must meet state specifications. Term `biofilter' fits no clear category in DEQ runoff reduction spreadsheet (bioretention / infiltration). Explicit description and design required for proposed biofilter. Adopt runoff reduction BMP descriptions: bioretention #1/ #2, infiltration #1/ #2, etc. Link to BMP Clearinghouse: http: / /vwrrc.vt.edu/swc/ Link to post - construction non - proprietary technical specifications (Part IIB / Ef. . 7/1/14): hlt2://vwrrc.vt.edu/swc/NonPropriet4ryBMPs.html Link to post - construction non - proprietary technical specifications (Part IIC /VSWMH): http: / /www.deq.virainia.gov/ Programs/ Water/ StormwaterManaiZement /Publications.aspx ; AND http:Hlis.vir ig nia.aov /cai- bin/legl2604.exe ?000 +reg +9VAC25 - 870 -96 Link to VDEQ Proprietary/Manufactured BMPs: hqp://vwrTc.vt.edu/swc/ProprietqmBMPs.html Link to VDEQ New or Re- Development spreadsheets: http: / /www.deq.virainia. aov/ Programs /Water /Laws,Reaulations, Guidance /Guidance /StonnwaterManalzementGu idance.aspx 3. There is record of this project in VDEQ database: General VPDES permit registration: VARl OE747 — provide copy of General Permit registration and permit correspondence from VDEQ, for this project. ZMA approval, 12- 11 -13, does not qualify for grandfathering under § 17- 501.C.1. Part II B technical criteria appear to apply. Engineering Review Comments Page 3 of 3 4. Furnish drain inlet capacity- spread computations; furnish pipe schedule, HGL, velocity, capacity of proposed storm drain system. 5. Furnish treatment and containment (quantity - quality) analysis for proposed SWM biofilter / Filterra units, using Part II -B criteria, or Part II -C criteria, as appropriate. (General VPDES permit date of issuance may affect which technical criteria apply —AC Code § 17 -501) 6. Furnish plan and profile for biofilter. Include floor dimensions (L x W), forebay / main basin. 7. Furnish L -W -D details for riprap culvert outfall protection. 8. Provide SWM narrative and notes. 9. Show drainage divides. 10. Proposed Filterra units must be sized to accept and treat pervious as well as impervious runoff. Filterra at base of parking garage drive, for example, receives runoff from grass slopes and paved areas. 11. Furnish 100% storm inlet capture at base of entrance drive to avoid flooding parking garage. 12. Provide SCS 24 -hr distribution routing calculations for SWM facilities. 13. Label and dimension all drainage structures. 14. Provide end sections on pipe outfalls (ES -1). Needed with VSMP: SWPPP: Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (WPO20140OXXX) 1. Perimeter sediment trapping measures and diversion dikes must be out of the work area, and in places where they can be installed before grading activities commence. 2. Provide MS -19 (VESCH, Ch. 5, Engineering Calculations; p. V -97 +) downstream of proposed bio- filter, pursuant to 9VAC -25- 840 -40 [link: https: / /Iegl.state.va.us /c i- bin /legp504.exe ?000 +ree +9VAC25 -840- 40]. 3. Furnish ESC at locations as needed. 4. Show limits of disturbance. 5. Show drainage divides. Feel free to call to schedule a WPO plan review meeting. Meetings are weekly, Thursday, 2 -4pm, 30 -min intervals. I may be reached at janderson20)albemarle.org . Please let me know if you would like an Application completeness checklist. Link to WPONSMP PERMIT APPLICATION; form and content/ items required [AC Code -§17-401; p. 32 of .pdf / A. -J.]: http:// www. albemarle .org /upload/images/Forms_ Center / Departments /ColMly Attomey /Forms /Albemarle_CountyC ode _Ch 17_Water Protection.pd Thank you - John Anderson ACCD — 434.296.5832 —ext. 3069 File: SDP201400048 -ISP- Lofts - Meadowcreek- 080614