HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201400038 Review Comments Initial Site Plan 2014-09-151° l� A , COMMONWEALTH ®f VIRC31 IA In Cooperation with the Thonms ✓6,fCYS'Ott HeQ /1%1 D %stt'ict State Department of Health 1138 Rose Hill Drive Phone (434) 972 -6219 R O. Box 7546 Fax (434) 972 -4310 Charlottesville, Virginia 22906 PE Sewage Disposal System Construction Permit Letter (COV 32.1 - 163.6) September 15, 2014 Faith Christian Center International C/O Pastor Wayne A Frye 221 Carlton Road Suite 6 Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: System Location: 2184 Richmond Road, Charlottesville, VA Tax Map: 78-47&47A HDID: 101 -14 -0316 Reserve: 100% reserve area provided System Capacity: Non - Residential limited to 1197 gallons per day Description: AOSS to serve a Church with various uses not to exceed 1197 gpd Dear Mr. Frye: ALBEMARLE - CHARLOTTESVILLE FLUVANNA COUNTY(PALMYRA) GREENE COUNTY (STANARDSVILLE) LOUISA COUNTY(LOUISA) NELSON COUNTY (LOVINGSTON) This letter and the attached drawings, specifications and calculations dated July 14, 2014 constitute your perr nif fo install a sewage disposal sysfenn din the property referenced above. `Your applieatku for a permit was submitted pursuant to §32.1 -163.6 ofthe Code of Virginia, which requires the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) to accept designs for onsite sewage systems from individuals licensed as Professional Engineers (PEs). This law allows PEs to design onsite sewage systems that do not fully comply with the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations (12 VAC 5- 610 -10 et seq.) and requires VDH to accept such designs provided they comply with standard engineering practices, performance requirements set by the Board of Health, and certain horizontal setback requirements necessary to protect public health and the environment. VDH hereby recognizes that the design submitted by Michael Craun, P.E., complies with the requirements of the Code of Virginia and the Regulations for Alternative Onsite Sewage Systems and grants permission to install the system as designed in the area shown on the attached plans and specifications. If nnodifications or revisions are necessary between now and when the system is constructed, please contact the PE who designed the system Upon which this permit is based. Should revisions be necessary during construction, your, contractor should consult with the PE. The PE is authorized to make minor adjustments in the location or design of the system provided that adequate documentation is provided to the Albemarle County Health Department. The PE that submitted the design for this permit is required by the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations to conduct a final inspection of this sewage system when it is installed and to submit an inspection report and completion statement to the Albemarle County Health Department. The health department is not required to inspect the installation, but may do so at its sole discretion. The sewage Tax Map /GPIN: 78 -47, 47A Page 2 of 3 HDID: 101 -14 -0316 Faith Christian Center International system may not be placed into operation until you have obtained an Operation Permit from the Albemarle County Health Department. If your PE did not submit an Operation and Maintenance Manual for review and approval with the plan package, then (s) he will be required to do so prior to issuance of an Operation Permit, This Construction Permit is null and void if site and soil conditions are changed from those shown on your application or if conditions are changed from those shown on the attached plans and specifications. VDH may revoke or modify any permit if, at a later date, it finds that the system would threaten public health or the environment. This permit approval has been issued in accordance with applicable regulations based on the information and materials provided at the tine of application. There may be other local, state, or federal laws or regulations that apply to the proposed construction of this onsite sewage system. The owner is responsible at all times for complying with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations. If you have any questions, please contact me. This permit expires on March 16, 2016. This permit is not transferable to another owner or location. Sincerely, Josh Kirtley Environmental Health Technical Specialist Tax Map /GPIN #: 78 -47, 47A Page 3 of 3 HDID #: 101 -14 -0316 WHAT YOU WILL NEED TO GET YOUR SEPTIC SYSTEM OPERATION PERMIT • Your system must have a satisfactory inspection at the time of installation. This will be done by the designer of your permitted system, a private OSE or PE. Your OSE or PE must submit a copy of the inspection results, complete with an as -built diagram, to the Health Department. • Please ensure that your contractor turns in a Completion Statement to the local Health Department after installation. • If your permit is for an alternative system, you must sign, have notarized, and record the attached Notice of Recordation in your locality's laud records. Please bring proof of this recordation to the local Health Department Allow 5 business days after the last piece of documentation is received for the Operation Permit to be issued. To avoid delays, clearly label each piece of documentation with the property Tax Map number and FIDID number shown above and on your construction permit. Please note that due to the individual circumstances of your permit there may be additional required items not covered by this checklist. If you have any questions about any of the items on this list, please do not hesitate to contact the Albemarle County Health Department at (434) 972 -6219. COMMONWEALTH H of VIRGINIA In Cooperation with the Thomas Jefferson Health D7sIPICt State Department of Health 1138 Rose Hill Drive Phone (434) 972 -6219 P. O. Box 7546 Fax (434) 972 -4310 Charlottesville, Virginia 22906 September 15, 2014 Faith Christian Center International C/O Pastor Wayne A Frye 221 Carlton Road Suite 6 Charlottesville, VA 22902 ALBEMARLE - CHARLOTTESVILLE FLUVANNA COUNTY(PALMYRA) GREENE COUNTY (STANARDSVILLE) LOUISA COUNTY(LOUISA) NELSON COUNTY (LOVINGSTON) Subject: Owner Responsibilities for Alternative Onsite Sewage Disposal Systems Health Department ID Number: 101 -14 -0316 Tax Map Number: 78 -47 & 47A Physical Address: 2184 Richmond Road Charlottesville, VA 22911 Dear Mr. Frye: Records on file at the Albemarle County Health Department indicate that you are the owner of an Alternative Onsite Sewage System (ROSS) located at 2184 Richmond Road, Charlottesville, VA. This letter is to provide you with important information regarding owner responsibilities for the operation and The Regulations for Alternative Onsite Sewage Systems (the "AOSS Regulations," 12 VAC 5 -613) became effective on December 7, 2011. These regulations can be found online at http: / /rnvw.vdii.viriiiuia. eov/ Envii-onunentalHealtli/Onsite /reau lations /iiidex.litin. The Commonwealth of Virginia State Board of Health Emergency Regulations for Alternative Onsite Sewage Systems (12 VAC 5- 613 -120) outlines the owner's responsibilities for alternative onsite sewage systems. Owners are now required to: 1. Have the AOSS operated and maintained by a licensed operator. A list of licensed operators can be obtained by visiting the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation at www.dpoi-.virginia.gov, Select "License Lookup" from the menu, type an asterisk (M) in the name field, check the "Operators" box under " Onsite Sewage Systems Professionals" and click "search." 2. Have a licensed operator visit the AOSS at the frequency required by the regulations. 3. Have a licensed operator collect any samples required by the regulations (specific laboratory sampling requirements depend on the date your application was filed, the size of the treatment system, the approval status of the treatment unit, whether or not disinfection was required, and whether or not there is direct dispersal to groundwater. Laboratory sampling is not required for any small AOSS with an installed soil treatment area that is sized for septic tank effluent and complies with the requirements of 12VAC5 -610 Page 2 of 2 for septic tank effluent. Please consult your Operation and Maintenance Manual, the system designer, an Operator, or the Health Department if you have questions.). 4. Keep a copy of the maintenance log provided by the operator on the property where the AOSS is located, make the log available to the health department upon request, and transfer the log to any future owner of the property. S. Keep a copy of the Operation and Maintenance (O &M) Manual for the AOSS on the property where the system is located, make the manual available to the health department upon request, and transfer the O &M Manual to any future owner. 6. Comply with the onsite sewage disposal requirements contained in any local ordinance adopted pursuant to the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act (§ 10.1 -2100 of the Code of Virginia) and the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Designation and Management Regulations (9 VAC 10 -20) if the ROSS is located within a designated Chesapeake Bay preservation area. Proper operation and maintenance of an AOSS is required by law and is necessary to ensure continued functioning of the system and may prevent premature failure of the system. Operation and maintenance information for your system may be found by contacting the system designer, the local health department, or by visiting the VDH website at http: / /Nvww.vdli.vii- ig nia. gov/ EnvironnnentalHealtli/ Onsite /neivsofilterest /index.litm. If you have any questions regarding this letter or believe that you received this letter in error, please contact me at (434) 972 -6219. Your cooperation and timely response will be appreciated. Sincerely, Josh Kirtley Environmental Health Technical Consultant { "X (COMMONWEALTH ®f VIRCjINIA In Cooperation with the T%tORK[S ,f2 & —SOtt HeeINI D1Stt7ct State Department of Health 1138 Rose Hill Drive Phone (434) 972 -6219 P. O. Box 7546 Fax (434) 972 -4310 Charlottesville, Virginia 22906 September 15, 2014 Faith Christian Center International C/O Pastor Wayne A Frye 221 Carlton Road Suite 6 Charlottesville, VA 22902 Subject: Recordation of Future Operation Permit Health Department ID Number: 101 -14 -0316 Tax Map Number: 78 -47, 47A System Location: 2184 Richmond Road, Charlottesville, VA 22911 Dear Mr. Frye ALBEMARLE- CHARLOTTESVILLE FLUVANNA COUNTY(PALMYRA) GREENE COUNTY(STANARDSVILLE) LOUISA COUNTY(LOUISA) NELSON COUNTY (LOVINGSTON) Your application to construct an alternative sewage disposal system to serve a residence at the above location, filed on Judy 21, 2014 with the Albemarle County Health Department, has been evaluated in accordance with the requirements contained in Section 32.1 -164.1 of the Code of Virginia, 12 VAC 5- 610 -250 of the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations, and current agency policies and procedures. Your application is approved and your construction permit is attached to this letter. After your alternative sewage disposal system is constructed and approved for use, the local health department will issue an Operation Permit. The Operation Permit will be valid as long the sewage disposal system is properly operated and maintained. In accordance with Section 15.2 -2157 of the Code-of Virginia," operation permits for alternative systems serving residential facilities must be conditioned. Before you ° -- receive an operation permit for your alternative onsite sewage disposal system, you must record a notice in the hand records of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in the locality where the system is located. You must furnish to the local health department a certification from the Clerk of the Circuit showing the deed book number and page number (or instrument number) upon which the notice was recorded. The notice must be indexed in the grantor index under your name. The notice will state the following: This permit is issued in accordance with the provisions of Title 32. 1, Chapter 6 of the Code of Virginia as Amended, and $ 12VAC5 -610 -340 of the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations of the Virginia Department of I lealth. The continued validity of this permit is contingent upon compliance with the operation and maintenance requirements contained in the Owners Operation and Maintenance Manual and Regulations for Alternative Onsite Sewage Systems of the Virginia Department of health (12VAC5- 613 -100 et seq.). Owners are advised to be aware of the operation and maintenance instructions for their alternative onsite sewage system and to follow them. Copies of the operation and maintenance instructions can be found by contacting the local health department for the locality where the onsite sewage disposal system is located. If you have any questions or if this office can be of further service to you, please call us at (434) 972 -6219. Sincerely, Josh Kirtley Environmental I- lealth Technical Specialist COMMONWEALTH ®f VIRGINIA In Cooperation with the Thomas JCff2YSOf1 Health District State Department of Health 1138 Rose Hill Drive Phone (434) 972 -6219 P. O. Box 7546 Fax (434) 972 -4310 Charlottesville, Virginia 22906 September 15, 2014 Notice for Recordation: AOSS Operation and Maintenance Required TO: Faith Christian Center International FROM: Josh Kirtley, Environmental Health Technical Consultant Property Identification: Health Department ID Nunnber: 101 -14 -0316 Tax Map Number: 78 -47 & 47A Physical Address: 2184 Richmond Road Charlottesville, VA 22911 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ALBEMARLE- CHARLOTTESVILLE FLUVANNA COUNTY(PALMYRA) GREENE COUNTY (STANARDSVILLE) LOUISA COUNTY(LOUISA) NELSON COUNTY (LOVINGSTON) The Albemarle County Health Department has approved an alternative onsite sewage system (AOSS) for use for the property identified above as long as the system is properly operated and maintained and performs in accordance with the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations(12 VAC 5- 610 -10 et seq.) and`the Regulations for Alternative "Om -Site Sewage Systems (12 VAC 5- 613 10 et seq.)' This permit is issued in accordance with the provisions of Title 32. 1, Chapter 6 of the Code of Virginia as Amended, and § 12VAC5- 610 -340 of the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations of the Virginia Department of Health. The continued validity of this permit is contingent upon compliance with the operation and maintenance requirements contained in the Owner's Operation and Maintenance Manual and the Regulations for Alternative Onsite Sewage Systems of the Virginia Department of Health (12VAC5- 613 -100 et seq.). Owners are advised to be aware of the operation and maintenance instructions for their alternative onsite sewage system and to follow them. Copies of the operation and maintenance hnstructions should have been given to the original owner by the system designer and should be passed on from owner to owner; they can also be found by contacting the local health department for the locality where the onsite sewage disposal system is located. This Notice must be recorded in the owner's name in the grantor's index of the land records of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the county havingjurisdiction over the property. You must furnish the Albemarle County Health Department with certification from the Clerk of the Circuit Court showing tine deed book and page number or the instrument number upon which the notice was recorded before you can receive your permit to operate the on -site sewage treatment and disposal system. Tax Map /GPIN: 78 -47, 47A Notice for Recordation HDID#: 101 -14 -0316 Page 2 of 2 As owner of the property, I acknowledge that the sewage disposal system designed to serve the dwelling requires adherence to the Owner's Operation and Maintenance Manual and to Part III, Operation and Maintenance, found in the Regulations for Alternative Onsite Sewage Systems ofthe Virginia Department of Health (12VAC5- 613 -100 et seq.). Faith Christian Center International (Representative) Date COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, COUNTY /CITY OF , to wit: Subscribed and acknowledged before me this day of , 2014 by Faith Christian Center International. NOTARY PUBLIC for the COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA AT LARGE Registration #: My Commission expires