HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-08-14 adjAugust 14, 1980 (Night Meeting--Adjourned from August 13, 1980) An adjourned~-meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was h~ld on August 14, 1980, at 7:30 P.M. in the Albemarle County Courthouse, CharlOttesville, Virginia said meeting adjourned from August 13, 1980. Present: LindS~rom and Miss Eile~ V. Nash. Absent: None. ~ Mr. Guy B. Agnor, Jr., County Executive; Mr~. George R. St. John, Officers Present: County Attorney; and Mr. Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Planner. Messrs. Gera~d E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr., F..Anthony Iachetta~ C. Timothy Agenda Item No. 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by the Ch&~rman, Mr. Fisher, who ~equested a moment of silence. Agenda Item No. 2. Public Hearing: Amend the Industrial Development Authority Ordinance. (Advertised in the Daily Progress on July 30 and August 6, 1980.) On July 9, 1980, the Industrial Development Authority requested an amendment to the Industrial Development Authority ordinance in order that a research group could be allowed financing for a research-oriented business. The current ordinance does not allow the authority the power to issue bonds for such facilities and the purpose of this public hearing is to provide that power. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Don Holden, Chairman of the Industrial Development Authority, was present. He noted that the ordinance under which the Industrial Development Authority operates is rather limited an scope as to powers and issuances. However, the State Code allows a variety of items over and beyond theselitems included in thellocal ordinance. With no one else to speak for or against the amendment, the public hearing was closed. Mr. Fisher said his concerns remain the same about broadening the use of Industrial Development bonds and the general public's benefit from this request. Therefore, he did not intend to support the request and felt the company has adequate assets to borrow~on its own; Dr. Iachetta asked if the County's past limitations on bond issuances was legal. Mr. St. John said that has never been tested in~e~t. The Board has maintained control of the limitations and such is neither prohibited nor provided for in the Code of Virginia. The Boar~ reserved unto itself decisions which ordinarily are left up to the Authority. Mr. Lindstrom felt the AuthD?1~y is depriving the federal government of tax dollars throu the use of the tax exempt status which has been established in the federal system. He felt the system should be restricted in order to benefit the general public. Mr. Lindstrom felt th suggested language in the proposed ordinance will expand the power's of the Industrial Development Authority and was concerned about this. He also felt that Section 2-49 of the Ordinance should requ~e that the new jobs created by theaestablishment of certain offices be filled prior residents and domiciles of the County. He was opposed to amending thecordinan~ for the Sprigg Lane Investment Company because the amendment will offer the same type of issua~ to others. He did not feel there was any unique public benefit for this type of expansion. Miss Nash disagreed~with Mr. Fisher and Mr. Lindstrom. She felt the State statute was established for the benefit of the community. She did not feel this request will hurt the community or the tax base of the United States because the taxes the government will loose will be partially made up by the taxpayers paying less in general expenses to deduct. Althoug~ she understood the philosophical reasoning that the bond issuances are to a~d the poDr and age¢ there is no indication of such anywhere in the Industrial Development Act. She felt Sprigg Lane Investment Company is a good industry ~hich will ~reate new jobs in theccommunity and the company is not a large'.~plant. She felt this facility will be built within the growth area of the county and that is where industry is desired. Therefore, Miss Nash supported the request. Mr. Henley felt approval of this request would still allow the Board the opportunity to rule on each particular application. Therefore, he did not have any problem with the request as long as the Board still has the oppDrtunity to deny a request if such is not in the best interest of the County. Mr. Lindstrom felt there had been some impact on the municipal bond ~arket as a result of the Industrial Development Authority approving bondasfor facilities. He felt this resulted in the County "cutting its own throat" bydd~ing this to subsidize private enterprise and maybe some of the intentions behind the original ordinance need to be questioned. Dr. Iachetta did not feel "~ando~a's box" was being opened up by this request because there are still limits on the~number of bonds which can be issued. Mr. Lindstrom then suggested that since it is unknown what o~her applications will be received the following wording be added to Section 2-49: "requiring minimum local public utilities and providing new jobs, the substantial majority of which shall be filled by prior residents and domiciles of the County." Dr. Iachetta th~n offered motion to adopt the following ordinance to amend and reenact Sections 2-49, 2-50 and 2-51, Chapter 2, Article IX of the Albemarle County Code entitled Industrial Development Authority and to include the suggested wording in Section 2-~9 as stated by Mr. Lindstrom. Mr. Henley seconded the motion and same carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: Messrs. Henley, Iachetta and Miss Nash. Messrs. Fisher and Lindstrom. August 14, 1980 (Night. Meeting--Adjourned from August 13, 1980) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REENACT SECTIONS 2-49., 2-50 and 2-5t, CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE IX OF;~T~E[..ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE ENTITLED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that Sections 2-49, 2-50 and 2-51 be amended and reenacted to ~ead as follows: Section 2-49. Powers and duties generally. The public and corporate powers of the Industrial Development A~th~rity ~f ~he county, are solely and exclusively limited ~o~the powerLto finance ~ndu~&al pollution control facilities for industries presently located in the county; the power to finance industrial plant expansion for industries presently ioca~ed in the county.; requiring minimum local public utilities and providing new jobs, the subst~tiai majority, of which shall be filled by prior residents and domiciles of the county; the power to finance new industrial facilities ~n the county which new industrial facilities shall be exclusively limited to light manufacturing industries~ research-oriented industries requiring m~nimum local pub~.~c utilities and providing new jobs, the substantial majority of which shall be filled by prior residents and domiciles of the county; the power to finance medical facilities and facilities.for the residence or care of the aged in the county, and the power to finance multi-state regional or national headquarters offices or operations centers and commercial office buildSngs to be used as headquarters offices or operations centers for research-oriented businesses, requiring minimum local public util'ities and providing new jobs, the substantial majority of which shall be filled by prior residents and domiciles of the county. Section 2-50. Board of Supervisors to approve financing. No financing of any facility by the Industrial Development Authority of Albemarle County, Virginia, shall take place without the prior approval of the Board of Supervisors. Section 2-51. Financed construction to be located within county; Board of Supervisors to approve location. Any facility f~nanced by the Industrial Development Authority of Albemarle County, .Virginia, must be located within the legal boundaries of the county; and the Board of Supervisors must approve the proposed location of any such facility prior to any f~nancing by the Industrial Development Authority of Albemarle County, Virginia. ........ ~.===H-~d~g~' then requested the approval of the location and financing of the Sprigg Lane Investment Company. Mr. Fisher said this item is not on the agenda but if the Board so desires such can be considered after the other publichhaarings have been held tonight. The Board agreed to discuss this matter at the end of the public hearings. Agenda Item No. 3. Public Hearing: Capital Improvements Program and the Planned ~'se of Revenue Sharing Funds for Fiscal Year 1980-81. (Advertised int~h~ Daily Progress on J~y 30 and ~ugust 6, 1980.) Mr. Fisher said on June 4, 1980, the Board received the Capital Improvlem~nts Prog~mm Budget and on June 10, a summary and recommendations by Mr. Ray B. Jones, Director of Finance, was prss~nted. On June 30, 1980, a recommendation was made by Mr. Agnor and a summary which is to be p~ssented tonight for the overall Capital Improvements Program for Fiscal Years 1981-8 Mr. Agnor said two actions are required by the Board on the Capital Imrovem~s Program. One, to adopt the program, and 2) appropriate funds for the program for this fiscal'-ya~r. Appropriations usually ocuur as projects are ready to begin because the money is normally held in the General Fund before it is transferred to the Capital Fund. The reason for this is because the money is invested and the inve~stment income is part of the County's operating:~budge Mr. Agnor then summarized where the figures for the p~ojects and the funds required have been derived. The Capital Improvements Program was adopted in February 1978, with a revision in August of 1979 and this is the second revision. The plan has increased 6.1 percent since last August and the needs this year in County money have increased 6.8 million dollars while resources have increased only 2.1 million dollars. Therefor~,~the County has suffered a shortfall. Mr. Agnor noted indications in earlier reports made by Mr. Jones and himself that there were a number of matters pending which would have an effect on the planning capabilities which accounts for the deferral recommendations on some projects. The matters are as follows: 1) City and County negotiations on ~haring of revenues which are currently underway. 2) Acti by Congress on the Federal Revenue Sharing ~aw which expires next month andh~as~n~t yet been approved for extension. 3) Completion of the reviews and the final figures for the 1980 censu which affects some planning formulas. Mr. Agnor said two other items which will affect the next cycle of the Capital Improvements Program are the completion of the zoning ordinance and the completion of the five-year review on the comprehensive p&an. A great deal of concern has been expressed on the matter of deferring some projects and the deferrals have been interpretated as being deletion of projects which is not true. Further concern has also been expressed about the obvious inflationary increase which will occur as delays occur in proceeding with projects. Mr. Agnor said that concern has been recognized and weighed by the staff. A comparison has been made on the potential of expending funds on projects which may prove unnecessary and ~h~r~f~re wasteful if needs change as a result of pending matters. In conclusion, Mr. Agnor said the staff recommends approval of the Capital Improvements Program as submitted by the Planning Commission and with the projects ~commended but with the funding for the projects approved as listed in the following report: n ~~~__~______D_gust 14 1980 (Ni ht Meeting--Adjourned from August 13, 1980) PROJECT Administration and Courts Lane Bldg. - Phase 1 Lane Bldg. - Phase 2-Architect Court Square Bldgs.~ ~hi~ct~ Juvenile Court Bldg.-Construction Sub-Total A.i~rp or t s Crash, Fire, Rescue Bldg. Air Cargo Apron Runway Overrun Taxiway Overlay Sub-Total Education Scottsville Elementary Red Hill Etamentary Meriwether Lewis Elementary Greenwood-Croz~t Elementary Miscellaneous Repairs Albemarle High Track Albemarle High Renovation Burney Renovation Energy Conservation Sub-Total Rescue, Safety Waterline - Schools 911 Telephone System Radio Relay Tower Sub-Total Highways Hydraulic Road Georgetown Road Pedestrian Path Commonwealth Drive Culvert Sub-Total Libraries Main Library Crozet Equipment Scottsville Addition Sub-Total Miscellaneous Vehicle Maintenance Building Community College Expansion Health Department Renovation Sub-Total Parks and Recreation Chris GreeneTPark: Comfort S~ation Tot Lot Renovation Road Paving I~y Creek Preserve: Site Development Pa~kkExpansion School Recreation Improvements: Hollymead Crozet Scottsville Broadus Wood Western Albemarle Other Scho~ls (Reserve) Beaver Creek Road P~ving Mi~t Springs Bark Road Paving Sub-Total Solid Waste Ivy Landfill Access~Road Keene Landfill Trench Development Sub-Total FUNDS EEQUIRED $5,629,820 35,000 t00,000 57,750 $5,822,570 $ 5,000 1,500 30,8~ 7,500 $" 44,875 $$,690,~000 1,752,000 50;000 60,000 250,000 130,000 97,000 113,000 600,000 $ ,742,ooo $ 21,750 35,000 27,000 $ 83,750 $ 151,700 59,96O 27,370 $ 239,030 $1,030,143 8,500 46,500 $1,085,14~ $1,025,000 142,285 99,940 $1,267,225 $ 3~,000 11,500 60,000 42,500 37,750 8,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 5,200 5,800 15,000 25,000 $ 272,750 $ 679,000 15,000 $ 694,000 FUNDS RECOMMENDED $ 5,822,570 44,875 $ 4,742,000 $ 83,750 $ 239,O3O $ 1,08,5,143 $ 1,267,225 272,750 $ 694,000 $14,251,343 August 14~ 1980 (Night Meeting--Adjourned from August 1~ 19_ This list does not include the following major projects: Court Square Building RenQvations County Office Building Comp~ation - Phase 2 (Lane Project) Airport Terminal Building Expansion Meriwether Lewis Elementary School ConstruCtion Greenwood-Crozet Elementary School Renovation Albemarle High School Renovation Burley Middle School Renovation Broadus Wood School Expansion Library Branch - Northside Park Development - Southside Utility Extensions $o imp~ament Comprehensive Plan Pollution Abatement - Crozet Interceptor Follution Abatement - Cro~et Collector System Utility Improvements - Scottsvi!le Water and Sewer System Highway Improvements throughout County Resources at this ~time to fund the recommended projects total $10.64- million as follows: General Fund Balance General Fund Appropriation Revenue Sharing Thru 9/80 Federal Energy Grant Literary Fund Loan.s~ Total $ 7,100,000 1,000,000 240,000 300,000 2,000,000 $10,640,000 The staff also recommends a mid fiscal year review of the Capital Improvements Pr~ram rather than deferring funding of p~ojects for a full year. Dr. Iachetta asked what the funds recommended for Meriwether Lewis, Greenwood and Crozet Elementary Schools would purchase. Mr. Agnor said the funds are to do a study to determine whether the schools should he,rebuilt on the same site or relocated to another site. Mr. Lindstrom asked how the funds are expected to be spent this year. Mr. Agnor said the funds for the Meriwether Lewis Elementary School may not be spent if the school remains in the same location. The work on the Gre~nwood/Crozet Elementary Schools has not been concluded and he presumed that additional studies may be r~quired. Mr. Lindstrom asked if the decision on Meriwether Lewis is deferred, if the $50,000 will be held until a decision is made. Mr. Agnor said yes. Mr. Fisher said there are a number of projects other than the ones noted in Mr. Agnor'is summary that will not ~e funded. Under education, there ara no funds recommended for future site acquisitions and not enough funding for renovating ~lbemarle High School nor Broadus Wood Elementary School. Mr. Agnor said future site acquisitions was one of th~programs that the Planning Commission indicated should be reviewed further andif~m~d~g2~s not recommended until such review is completed. Resources for funding will be ~a~r known at the mid year review. The addition to B~adus Wood School is tied to census data which may result in some redistrimt~ Discussimn then followed on Libraries. Mr. Agnor said the proposed Northside Branch is deferred due to negotiations with the City, and if the branch were to be built it could be handled on a lease arrangement as other branch libraries have been rather thani~nvolving capital funds. Mr. Agnor said the Data Processing Center was recommended to be deleted at this time in order~to aid in the balancing of the budget. However, the consultants recommended that the system be purchased rather t~han leased. The data processing center is for the new County Offic Building and the staff has been instructed by the Board to determine whether to lease the compu on a lease/purchase basis and to defer the capital out~y at the beginning of the~project. Mr. Agnor said a sum of money has been reserved in the Parks and Recreation Budget for a number of years for unknown projects. The program began with $325,000 two years ago but has bee~acut almost in half~ While waiting for a five year capital pr~ects plan for Parks and Recreation to be completed by the Planning Commission and staff. The staff felt it was inappropriate to continue carryin~h~ese?res~v~d2~m~s and recommend that this be reconsidered when the Five-Year Parks and Recreation Ma~ter Plan is presented. Mr. Agm~r noted that bids for additional renovations on the Juvenile Court were opened last week and the County's share of the lowest bid is $71,000 instead of $57,750 and the projec has been deferred for six yea~. The public hearing was then opened. Speaking first was Dr. Ronald Baurele, Chairman of the School Building Update ~mmittee. He summarized the work the committee had done on e~imat the cost of projeOts and s~e~i~g~~ties of the many projects. Dr. Baurele did not feel the recommended funding in the Capital Improvements Program addressed the priorities which the School Board has established for the coming year. In particular, the Green~ood/Crozet Elementary School a~d Burley School projects. He said many renovation and rebuilding needs wer evaluated particularly for M~riwether Lewis Elementary School and Albemarle High School. Even the School Board was d~vided on the issue of Meriwether Lewis but the majority of the members did support the plan for a new school on the same site. As for the Albemarle High School proje such was planmed for a three phase construction plan. The first phase is currently underway and the priority of the project ~s high. He recommended that the Board consider continuing planning funds for the Albemarle High School project. Dr. Baurele also noted that the School B had recommended $50~000 in ~&~ning money for Albemarle High School and Burney together, but he did not see this on the list. T~e amount has essentially been expended because of the feasibility studies as well as the schematic studies which have been done on the two schools. He then suggested that the $60,000 recommended for funding of the Gre~nwood/Crozet Elementary Schoolsprojects this year be transferred to Albemarle High School since the School Board does not project any planning o~ any construction of Greenwood/Crozet for hhe!~t tw~ive ya~s. Dr. Baur~eaa~so noted that the total project cost for the renovation of Albemarle High School will be substantially less tha~ originally thought since the plumbing is~better than originally believed to be. I~ conclusion, Dr. Baurele felt the question of the Meriwether Lewis School should be dealt with by the Board of Supervisors because it is at a stage where planning can begin~ immediately and the longer it is delayed the higher the costs will be. ge er ng t~ ~ard August 14, 1980 (Night Meeting--Adjourned from August 13, 1980) Mrs. Jessie Haden, Chairman of the School Board, was present and noted that Albemarle f~gh School and MerHwether Lewis Elementary School are at the top of the School Board's priorit list. Mr. Fisher asked Mrs. Haden her feelings about transferring the $60,000 for the Greenwood/Crozet School project to the Albemarle High School project. Mrs. Haden felt the fund should be put on e~h~r Meriwether Lewis or Albemarle High School and if-the amomnt is just for planning, ~he suggested same be used for M~riwether Lewis. Speaking next was a parent from the Meriwether Lewis School district. He reviewed the iistory of the School and noted that replacement of the School was slated for 1974 and placed n the priority list in Fiscal Year 1978-79. The school was placed on the priority list in 978 and 1979 for a study which showed many problems with the building. He did not feel ebuilding Meriwether Lewis within the Ivy area or one-half mile out of Ivy would make any ~ifference to the peopt~ around the Ivy area. He also did not feel annexation would affect ~he Meriwether Lewis area. As for the census information, he did not feel much was unknown ~bout the~students in terms of capacity. He also noted overwhelming support of the parents in the Meriwether Lewis School district for this replacement. They support the proposal for a 50 student school on the present site which is also supported by the Planning Commission. Hea ~sked that the Board of Supervisors accePt the School Board's priorities and make Meriwether Lewis the top priority under education. Speaking next was Mr. John~Aad~rson, Assistant Principal at Albemarle High School. He aoted the proclaims at Albemarle High School particularly the need to renovate the school to ~nclude air conditioning, renovation of the auditorium and classrooms and covered areas for loading and unloading children at the school. He is proud of Albemarle High School ~n~ feels the request for renovating the school should be seriously considered. Mr. Lindstrom then noted that the Charlottesville Bicycle Club unanimously recommended ~pproval of the pathway on Georgetown Road. With no one else to speak on the program, the.public hearing was closed. Mr. Fisher noted receipt of a letter from the National Association~f Counties stating that House Resolution 7112 whiah would authorize the general revenue sharing program has been reported out by the government operations committee. Therefore, the House of Representatives will take up the matter of extending the General Revenue Sharing Program for another three Mr. Fisher urged the public to communicate with their Congressm~n on the Federal years. Revenue Sharing Program. Mr. Lindstrom supported the County Executive's suggestion to defer some of the items in th edu~a~mn part of the Capital Improvements Program for a period of time but did not support the concept of waiting until the negotiations on annexation are completed. He felt a decision aeeded to be made about Meriwether ~ewis. The enrollment figure at Meriwether Lewis School for 1979-80 was for 295 and in January 1, 1979, the enrollment was 278; enrollment for 1980-81, 248; and for 1981-82, 229. Therefore, he felt a 350 student school could sti~ulate growth in an area which is not projected for ~rowth. He also Supported thea~eati~n~ to have a mid-fisca~ ~ear review. Mr. Linds~rom supported maintaining the $45,000 currently held for the school a~d Ihe did not feel there was any use in spending money on planning if the Board is not sincere in wher~ the ~lding will ~e built. Mr. Lin~Str~m cauld not support increasing the amount but did support a review by the County Executive because deferral of both Meriwet~her Lewis and Albemarle High School will only mean higher costs. Mr. Lindstrom then noted other concerns not included in the program, part~mu~rly the Croz~t Interceptor. He noted waiting since August of 1979 for information from the State Water Control Board and the~fact that he and Dr. Iachetta had urged a~n be taken to seek ~ocat money to implement the proposal for the interceptor. He, be~g a strong supporter for ~he protection of watershed, is uncomfortable in restricting land ~evelopment around the ~atershed when the Board is unwilling to seriously consider doing something on the l~cal level so cure the most significant point source of pollution, which is Morton's Frozen Foods. He ~nderstands funding forj~he interceptor will not be available until 1985 and that concerns him. ~ven though the dec~sion on tha~nt~eeptor is for the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority, ~lbemarle County as one of the jurisdictions of that authority, has the responsibility to make ~ decision to press the Authority to follow through on the kind of protection that this Board h~ ~ndertaken for the watershed. He a~so noted ~h~t the Board had requested information a year ag~ ~bout an~mpoundment in Crozet (Lickinghole Creek). He isoconvinced that the State Sup~mme ~ourt and the Legislature intend that the Comprehensive Plan is to be taken very seriously and ~f the plan is not implemented there are very few things of any significance ~hat could be uphe] ~n Court. Therefore, he felt one of the most important aspects of planning is thepprovision ~f incentives and utilities where the County wants growth to happen and growth has been projected for Crozet. Mr. Lindstrom felt there were a number of projects expensive to thet~ ~ubli¢ but the projects will not get any cheaper and he felt a decision on such items should ~e addressed when the mid-year review on the Capital Improvements Program is done. Mr. Fisher said he has questioned the wisdom of relocating Meriwether Lewis on the same si~ ~e expressed his concern that many of the school buildings in the County are not being used in the way they shmuld. He did not feel a serious att~empt has been made to use these~school ~acilities pr~per~y since many schools are operating with less than full capacity. He felt this Board should move forward with a decision on Meriwether Lewis in order that work can begin ~hen funds are available. In conclus~mn, Mr. Fisher supported the request from the School ~oard to plan for the work on the Me~ether Lewis School and the Albemarle High School project Dr. Iachetta said certain schools were operating five years ago near their design capacity a~d now have 25% !ess~enrollmant and noted many seats are empty in Hollymead, Greer, Woodbrook ~nd Stone Robinson Schools. He felt the Board has an obligation to do the best it can to deter. mine whether repl&cing aaschool, particularly Meriwether Lewis, when funds are not available and such would come out of the teachers salaries was justified since there are empty seats in schools. He felt the problem is not a matter of a building whic is inadequate, but rather the need of a building at that location at all. He also felt the Board has an obligation to provid the same education everywhere in the County and all schools should be considered. In conclusio~ Dr. Iachetta felt the Board should make a decision soon on the Meriwether Lewis project without continuing to delay a decision that is costly. AuEust 14, 1980 (Night Meeting--Adjourned from August 13, 1980) Miss Nash stated her concern in expendingp~hnning funds for something that is two years away. She felt that was a big risk in addition to a possible change in population. Mr. Lindstrom felt if money is to be spent on planning it should be spent with the idea that when planning is finished, the project wi~ll begin. Dr. Iachetta felt the $100,000 is intended to produce a set of drawings that will be ready for bid and that is not planning, but a commitment. Mr. Lindstrom said if the planning is a commitment to build, there is no reason to wait because the Board has the ability to get the money. The question in his mind is if the comments about the need~for further information is sincere, then the Board should not spend the money until that information is available. Mr. Henley said whe~n he was approached by representatives from Meriwether Lewis, he inform them that if the School Board felt this was their number one priority, he would support plannin funds, if the SchoOl Board convinc~d~him that this project could be done within a year or two, he would support the project, and if, if Mr. Agnor could assure him that theffunds were availab he would support the project. However, the funds do not appear to be available for five years, so he could not support the request. Mr. Lindstrom said having the tax rate remainbhhe~same for another year is wonderful, but the federal and~state government have shifbed a lot of responsibility for programs to localities and inflation will mean buying powers will be ~amaller. Therefore, the question is, should the project be done. If so, th~n it is unwise to wait Hntil funds are available. Mr. Lindstrom said he had not heard any details from the School Board about the Dransfer of funds suggested by Dr. Baurele from Greenwood/Crozet to Albemarle High School. He did not see any reason to defer action~n Albemarle High School since the work is needed and the School Board favors the project. He then noted his willingness to adopt the budget as rec~ammended by the County Executive and offered motion to adopt the Capital Improvements Program as recommended by the Planning Commission and with the funding level recommended by the county Executive as set out in the summary above and with the following conditions: I) The dollars being held for the Meriwether Lewis projeOt be held until a ~nal decision has been made on the school. 2) A mid-year review in January, 1981, of the Capital Improvements Programs and a r~view of the other questions he has personally raised. 3) Une~D~nded funds from the Greenwood/Crozet project be transferred to the A~b~marle High School r~v~tion. Miss Nash seconded the motion. Mr. Agnor said Mr. Jone~aamd~h~i~e~fha~ddiscussed the list of appropriations and such will be presented to the Board at a later date. ~e then asked if the motion was to oonsider ~he~funding levels without actually making appropriations. Mr. Lindstro said yes. Roll was then called on the foregoing motion and same carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and M±ss~Nash. None. At 9:55 P.M., the Board recessed and reconveyed at ~0:05 P.M. Agenda Item No. 4. Public Hearing: Amend the Comprehensive Plan as it relates to public water and sewer areas. (Advertised in the Daily Progress on July 30 and August 6, 1980.) Mr. Robert W. Tucker, Jr., Director of Planning, was present. He discussed two maps, one indicating the sewer lines and the other a tax map of the County which delineated the jurisdictional boundaries of the Albemarle County Service Authority. He said the purpose of this amendment is to bring thel>project areas into line with the recently adopted growth areas of the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Tucker said Crozet is'proposed to be served byxwater and sewer ~ventually and that is the only area Which has~been reviewed in depth prior to this meeting. He then mentioned the following questionable service areas: 1-Tank area on Piney Mountain which.~s~es~o~ly a couple of customers. 2-Gap along~Proffit Road-small lots on north side of Proffit Road presently being served by water, but lots lie outside of the Hollymead Community. 3-Properties near the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport along Route 606, both south and north©~f Airport property. 4-Parcels on Georgetown Road, Hydraulic Road and Rio Road. Some parcels are not shown for either water or sewer services, but are surrounded by parcels being served. 5-Parcelgsouth of Colthurst (Faulconer Estate) split by the ridge line so that one-half is in the watershed and one-half is outside of the watershed. 6-Parcels just south of Whittington along Route 631 (Old LynchDurg Road) which are being served~by water°but which would be outside of service areas. 7-Kearsarge Subdivision on Route 250 West, average lot size one acre. 8-Parcel on Garth Road near Montvue. 9-Garlick Tract has approval for 158 dwelling units, but is not in the growth area. Mr. Tucker also~-~_no~ed~hhat: 1-North Pines Subdivision (Route 29) was required by the Planning Commission to be served by public water. 2-Piney Mountain Village is to be served by water and sewer. ~t ~: '~9Rn F, NiMht 1V[~tilq~----AFtl!F~l~l~lqeFt fT~om A~Ru,~t~ ~: 3-Hmntwood on Hydraulic Road is to~.be served by water and sewer. 4-Ashcroft (Urban Neighborhood #3) is to be served by water only. 5-Everything from Montvue and Colthurst on Garth Road, across country to Farmington/West Leigh/Flordon to Ivy is sh~n for water anly service. The only exception is the 'Clubhouse and Treatment Plant at Farmington which are shown for water and sewer. 6-Georgetown Woods, Phase II and ~our Seasons West required water and sewer service due to density. ~ 7-Sc~ttsville remains basically the~same. This area could be served by gravity sewage in the future. The only ~xception to that is one major farm which is now being served by water. However, part of that farm is in the Totier Watershed. Mr. Tucker noted that the Scottsville Shopping Center is within the watershed area of Totier Creek. Mr. Lindstrom asked if the Evergreen tract was included because of the federal court orde~ Mr. Tucker said yes, there would not be any reason to recognize the tract otherwise because · falls outside of the gro~wth area. Mr. Tucker noted,~a request from Mr. Dan Roosevelt, Resident Hig~i~y Engin~er~ that the Mormon Church at the corner of Hydraulic and Rio Roads be included for wa$~r and sewer service since when right-of-way is taken for road improvements at the intersection, this will eliminate their septic field. He also noted that the area does flow away from the watershed. The ar~a ~mrr~.~t~Y~sho~m~for water only. Mr. Tucker noted another request for the Berta Jon~s~.~property. The water line from Stillhouse Mountain comes very close to the property and the Planning Commission required public'~!~water for the subdivision. Mr. Tucker also noted that Mr. R. E. Lee's property, known as the Terrell property, will flow naturally by gravity through the pumping station which was requested by the Planning Commission several months ago. Th~efore, Mr. Lee has requested that the area be included for water and sewer but since the property is in the Rivanna Watershed, Mr. Tucker felt the Board may desire to consider this request. The public hearing was opened. Speaking first was Mr. L. A. Lacy, Chairman of the Albemarle County Service Authority. Mr. Lacy said the Service Authority is a self-supporting business which does not use tax money for its operation. Therefore, as a business, the Service Authority protests and objects to the preliminary map because it is a reduction in the Authority's jurisdictional areas. He notad that a water system exists in the $outhwood Mobile Home area and will exist either ~by obtaining a certificate from the State Corporation Commission to operate as a water company or the Service Authority will have to buy the system and incorporate such into their system. Mr. Lacy said the Authority used to serve to the Greene County line and he did not see a~y need for such since the Authority does not have the ability to serve that area and there is no reason to unless there are plans for growth in the area. From the North Rivanna to the Airport Road area, the Service Authority can serve on one side of the road but apparently cannot serve on the other. The same thing happens from Hollymead to the South Rivanna. Mr. Lacy said the Service Authority requests being allowed to serve the areas in which they can serve. Mr. Fisher asked Mr. Lacy which areas the Authority serves that are not'in the jurisd~¢tiona! areas now. Mr. Lacy was unsure. Mr. Fisher asked ifLthey can serve properties which are not in the jurisdictional areas. Mr. Lacy said it was agreed to by the Board of Supervisors. Mr. St. John said it is not illegal. Mr. Clyde Gouldman, attorney representing Mrs. Gay Hathaway, spoke next. He noted Mrs. Hathaway is the owner of one of the islands on Georgetown Road containing thirty acres completely surrounded by p~perties currently being served by water and sewer o~ just water. Therefore, he felt Mrs. Hath~y's .property should be included in the jurisdictional are~. Speaking next was Mrs. Gay Hathaway who noted that the water line is across theffront of her property and could be connected to sewer at G~rgetown Green. She also noted that she did not have any plans for development in the future. Mr. Dan Roosevelt, Resident Highway Engineer, spoke next, and reemphasized the statement Mr. Tucker made about the Mormon Church. The only other alternative for the church would be to buy property for another s~ptic field or to pump the sewag~ uphill to th~ property which is behind the church. Mr. R. E. Lee, Jr., spoke next. He noted that his property on Hydraulic Road was erroneously ~eft off of the map because he pays a water bill every month. He said'the sewer serving0~d~orge Road is on his property along Georgetown Road. He asked if the Board would deny him the right to hook onto a sewer line which is on his property. Mr. Fred Landess spoke next in regard to the Garlick Tract. He was concerned about the inconsistencies of gaps and is~s between properties being served by water and/or sewer and the G~rlick Tract is a good example. Water and sewer are in the a~a~mm~n~ the Garlick Tract and he did not feel leaving this area out when the Service Authority is able to serve the property made any sense. He also pointed out that a ridgeline runs through the Garlick Tract and a substantial part of the tract is outside of the watersh~d~area. In conclusion, he did not feel it made sense to leave gaps and islands and fe~t something logical and consistent should be done. With no one else present to speak, the public hearing was closed. ~ 10:50 P.M., Mr. Fisher suggested deferral of this matter to August 20 since the hour is late and this will be~a prolonged mat~r. The Board concurred. Motion was then offe~ by Miss Nash, seconded by Mr. Lindstrom, to adjourn to August 20, 1980, at 3:00 P.M. in the Board Room of ~the County Office Build±ng to continue this dis~.ms~mn. Roll was called on the motion and same carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: Messrs. Fisher, He~%~, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Miss Nash. None. August 14, 1980 (Night Meeting--Adjourned from August 13,~ 1980) Agenda Item No. 5. Public Hearing: Amend the project areas previously specified for the Albemarle County Service Authority. (Advertised in the Daily Progress on July 30 and August 6 198o) The public hearing was opened. Mr. R. E. Lee ~qme~t~d that his prev~oms~oomments be placed on record. Mr. Fisher said he assumed the previous speakers were speaking to both this amendment and the previous amendment. The public acknowledged same. Mr. Gou~dman felt everyone seems to be saying thatL~he Comprehensive Plan is intended as a general guide and suddenly property lines are being used and beyondt, those water and sewer will not be available. Mr. Willi ~n~ Brent, Executive Director of the Albemarle County Service Authority, was prese a~d noted that~no one would be presen~ at the meeting on August 20. Mr. Fisher felt the comme~ tonight from the Chairman of the Service Authority are sufficient. With no one else to speak, the public hearing was closed, Motion was then offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Lindstrom, to defer this amendme~ to ~u~t 20, 1980, at 3:00 P.M. in the Board Room. Roll was called on the motion and same carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: Messrs. Fia~r, Henley, Iachetta, L~ndstrom and Miss Nash. None. Agenda Item No.66. Other Matters Not on the Agenda. Mr. Fisher said the request from the Industrial Development Authority to approve the financing for the Sprigg Lane Investment Corporation would now be considered. He then referred to letter dated JR~y 2, 1980, from Mr. James Deter, President of Sprigg Lane, which contained information about the use of the proposed facility. Mr. Holden said the request was explained at the July 9, 1980 (See Minute Book 19) meeting The request is for the Board to consider the project in accordance with the ordinance adopted earlier this evening. The request is for assistance of a ~nancial resemrch business ~Sprigg Lane Investment Corporation) and funds will not exceed two million dollars; said facility to be located on Route 250 West across from the Bellair Subdivision. Mr. Holden said the bonding is expected to be private instead of public and noted that negotiations for cons~.ruction are being conducted with ~R. E. Lee and Company. Mr. Fisher asked if there were any further comments. Hearing none, Miss Nash offered motion to adopt the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, hemeby gives its approval in accordance with Sections 2-50 mnd 2-51, Chapter3~, Article IX of the Albemarle County Code to the financing by the Industrial Development Authority of Albemarle County, Virginia, ~for the benefit of Rosser Associates for a project to be located on a tract of land on Route 250 ~est, adjacent to Piedmont Tractor in Albemarle. Counvy, all as outlined in the letter dated June 2~, 1980, from Mr. D. A. Holden, Chairman of the IndUstrial Development Authority and as approved, subject to various conditions, by Resolution of the IndUstrial Development Authority dated as of June 25, 1980. Mr. Henley seconded the motion. Mr. Fisher said he would not support the motion because he was against the use of the bonds for this particular purpose. Roll was ca!lsd on-the motion and same carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: Messrs. Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Miss Nash. Mr. Fisher. Agenda Item No. 7. Appointment: Library Board. Mr. Henley offered motion to appoint Mrs. Karen Harden to the Board of Directors of the Regional Library for a term beginning this date and expiring on June 30, 1984. Mr. Lindstrom seconded the motion and same carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Miss Nash. None. Agenda Item No. 6. Other Matters Not on the Agenda. Mr. ggnor said the media has been stating that conservation of water in the County is underway. He then noted that a water problem is a fact in the urban area. There are supposed to be four million gallons in storage and half of that storage has been lost. If there is a fi line break, or power failure, the remaining two million gallons in storage will go down very ra~dly. The Ri~anna Water and Sewer Authority has had a special meeting to consider a conservation program. Mr. Agnor said the Authority has known for a long t~me that there is not enough storage forthhe community and hopefully a new storage tank on Pantops will he~p cure the problem. Agenda Item No. 8. At 11:12 P.M., motion was offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Miss Nash, ~o adjourn to August 20, 1980, at 3:00 P.M. in the Board Room of the County Office Builii~g. Roll was called on the motion and same carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: Messrs. J~isher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Miss Nash. None.