HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP199700022 Action Letter
Dept. of Planning & Community Development
401 Mcintire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
(804) 296-5823
September 11, 1997
Michael MacPherson
CFW Wireless
40 I Sprng Lane, Sutie 300
Waynesboro, Y A 22980
RE: SP-97-22 CFW Wireless, CY 108, Piney Mountain
Tax Map 21, Prcell0
Dear Mr. MacPherson:
The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on August 20, 1997, approved the
above-noted request to construct a ISO' telecommunication tower and associated facilities on a
portion of 79 acres.
I. Tower height shall not exceed 150 feet. The tower shall be designed to allow an increase
in height up to 199 feet. Any increase in height above 150 feet shall require amendment
of this permit.
2. Compliance with Section 5.1.12 of the Zoning Ordinance.
3. There shall be no lighting of the tower unless required by a federal agency. All tower
lighting shall be shielded so as to minimize visibility from the ground.
4. StatT approval of additional antennae installation. No administrative approval shall
constitute or imply support for or approval of, the location of additional towers, antennae,
etc., even if they may be part of the same network or system as any antennae
administratively approved under this section.
5. The tower must be designed and adequate separation provided to property lines such that
in the event of structural failure, the tower and components will remain within the lease
6. The tower shall be disassembled and removed from the site within 90 days of the
discontinuance of the use of the tower for wireless telecommunication purposes.
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September 11, 1997
7. Tower shall be located as shown on Attached plan titled "Tower site for CFW Wireless"
and initialed WDF 7/1/97.
8. Existing trees within 200 feet of the tower shall not be removed without amendment of
this special use permit except as may be authorized by staff to permit construction of the
tower and installation of access for vehicles and utilities.
9. Minimum allowable radius for horizontal curvature of the access road shall be 40 feet;
10. No slopes associated with construction of the tower and accessory uses shall be created
that are steeper than 2: 1 unless retaining walls, revetments, or other stabilization
measures acceptable to the County Engineer are employed;
11. The access road above the 800 foot elevation shall be built with side slopes on cut and fill
slopes at 2: 1 or flatter;
12. The access road shall disturb no more than 75' in cross section.
13. Except as specifically required by the Federal Aviation Administration or the Federal
Communications Commission, transmission structures shall use colors such as gray, blue
or green, which reduce their visual impacts.
14. The permittee shall allow other wireless telecommunications providers to locate on the
tower and site and shall provide the County, upon request, verifiable evidence of having
made a good faith effort to allow such location. Verifiable evidence 01'£1 good fàith effort
includes, but is not limited to, evidene that the permitcc has offered to allow other
providers to locate on the permitee's tower and site in exchange for reciprocal rights on a
tower and site owned or controlled by such other provider within Albemarle County. The
permittee aslo agrees to execute a letter of intent prior to final site plan approval stating
tht it will make a good làith effort to allow such location and will negotiate in good faith
with any other wireless telecommunications provider requesting to locate on the tower or
site; and
15. A report shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator once a year, no later than July 1.
This report shall state current user status of the tower. Specitìcally, the report shall state
if the tower is being used for wireless telecommunication service
In the event that the use, structure or activity for which this special use permit is issued shall not be
commenced within eighteen (18) months after the issuance of such permit, the same shall be deemed
abandoned and the authority granted thereunder shall thereupon terminate. For purposes of this section,
the term "commenced" shall be construed to include the commencement of construction of any structure
necessary to the use of such permit within two (2) years from the date of the issuance thereof which is
thereafter completed within one (1) year.
Before beginning this use, you must obtain a zoning clearance from the Zoning Department. Before the
Zoning Department will issue a clearance, you must comply with the conditions in this letter. For
further information, please call 1an Sprinkle at 296-5875.
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September 11, 1 997
If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above-noted action, please do not hesitate
to contact me.
William D. Fritz, AICP
Senior Planner
cc: Amelia McCulley
Jack Kelsey
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