HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP199800021 Approval - County 1998-09-16
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September 16, 1998 {Regular Night Meeting}
(Page 22)
Mr. Martin then restated his motion to grant a waiver on the building
square footage to allow 2,600 square feet, which is the size of the existing
building with no enlargement in the future, to lessen the visible impact of
the home occupation on this property.
Mr. Bowerman seconded the motion.
Roll was called, and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Mr. Marshall, Mr. Martin, Mr. Perkins, Ms. Thomas, Mr. Bowerman and
Ms. Humphris.
NAYS: None.
Agenda Item NO.7. SP-98-35. Pantops Texaco {Signs #35&36}. Public
hearing on a request to establish drive-thru window on 0.9 acs. Loc in NW
corner of inter of Rt 250 (Richmond Rd) & Rt 20 (Stony Point Rd). Znd HC &
EC. TM78, P4. Rivanna Dist. (Advertised in the Daily Progress on August 31
and September 7, 1998.)
Mr. Cilimberg reported that SP-98-35 is actually to allow a reapproval
of a prior granted special use permit which also went as far as a preliminary
site plan approval. He said both the original special use permit and the site
plan expired, and the applicant is back to request essentially the same thing
again for the drive-thru facility at the corner of Routes 20 and 250. He
stated that there are four conditions representing the current situation, and
they are basically the same as were with the original SP-95-32. He said this
request has been recommended for approval by both staff and the Planning
Commission, at its meeting on August 25, 1998.
There were no questions for Mr. Cilimberg from the Board members. Mr.
Marshall asked the applicant for comments.
Mr. Paul Sisk, representing Tiger Fuel Company, requested that the Board
reapprove the application as it was approved three years ago. He noted that
the Commission approved it several weeks ago on a unanimous vote.
At this time, Mr. Marshall opened the public hearing.
No one came forward to speak, so Mr. Marshall closed the public hearing.
Mr. Martin offered motion, seconded by Ms. Thomas, to approve of
SP-98-35 subject to the four conditions recommended by the Planning Commis-
sion. Roll was called, and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Mr. Marshall, Mr. Martin, Mr. Perkins, Ms. Thomas, Mr. Bowerman and
Ms. Humphris.
NAYS: None.
(The conditions of approval are set out in full below:)
1. No direct access to Route 20 shall be permitted;
2. Access to Route 20 through Tax Map 78, Parcel 4A (McDonald's site)
shall be required;
3. provision of a raised curb to separate the drive-thru lane from the
travel lanes; and
Development shall be in general accord with the site plan titled
"Pantops Texaco" dated 7/27/98 (copy on file), except as the plan
shall be amended to address the above conditions and the recommenda-
tions of the Site Review Committee.
Agenda Item No.8. SP-98-21. CFW Wireless (CV100) Rio Road (Sign #73).
Public hearing on a request to construct personal wireless telecom facility on
approx 1.4 acs. Loc on N sd of Fashion Square Mall approx 0.3 mls E of Rt 29
(Seminole Trail) & is the location of existing tower. Znd CO. TM61, P129C.
Rio Dist. (This site is .recommended for Regional Service use in Neighborhood
2.) (Advertised in the Daily Progress on August 31 and September 7, 1998.)
Mr. Cilimberg stated that the proposal involving SP-98-21 is to place
additional antenna on the existing tower located adjacent to Fashion Square
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september 16, 1998 (Regular Night Meeting)
(Page 23)
Mall which will be for CFW Wireless and Triton Communications. The existing
tower is nonconforming and requires approval of a special use permit'in order
for additional use to be made of the tower. He noted the favorable factors
relating to the request and called attention particularly to the fact that
approval of this request allows for collocation on an existing tower and may
alleviate the need for the construction of a new facility elsewhere. He added
that the staff, as well as the Planning Commission, recommends approval of the
special use permit with five conditions. The fifth condition was added by the
Planning Commission members and they made a couple of modifications in
Conditions One and Two. He stated that the fifth condition was to make sure
that the antenna added were only for personal wireless service providers.
Ms. Thomas mentioned that the tower currently appears to have a cellular
phone triangular base with panels on it approximately 200 feet up, and she
wondered if this Board approves these types of things. Mr. Cilimberg replied
that the Board approves such things now. Ms. Thomas asked if the Board of
Supervisors did not approve these things in the past. Mr. Cilimberg responded
that he cannot recite the history of any ordinance changes that may have
changed how cellular and other communications have been viewed over the last
few years. There are a wide variety of antenna on the tower that were
established during the nonconforming status, but any new antenna now requires
special use permit review.
There were no further questions from Board members. Mr. Marshall asked
the applicant for comments.
Mr. George Cummings, representing Triton, PCS, one of the applicants,
informed the Board that Triton and CFW are working together on this project,
even though they are competitors. He said this location will eliminate the
need for construction of two other towers, so he hopes the Board of Supervi-
sors will approve this permit.
Mr. Bowerman asked if this is the first site. Mr. Cummings replied that
it is the first site for Triton.
Ms. Thomas wondered if Mr. Cummings is planning on developing an entire
network of cellular phones. Mr. Cummings replied affirmatively. His company
is building a network stretching from Richmond to Charlottesville to Roanoke
to Lynchburg and as far north as Fredericksburg. He stated that it is a part
of AT&T's overall PCS network.
Mr. Marshall commented that he liked some of the things he heard during
an earlier conversation with Mr. Cummings when he told him the appearance of
the existing towers will be changed so they will look better.
Mr. Dick Shearer, Site Acquisition and Construction Manager for CFW
Wireless, said CFW is the other applicant for this special use permit. He
cannot add anything to what has already been said, but he would appreciate the
Board's consideration of this matter.
Ms. Thomas inquired if there is a picture or sketch of how the tower
will appear. Mr. Shearer replied that CFW will have six more antenna at the
183 foot level. Ms. Thomas asked if this involves one or two platforms. Mr.
Shearer answered that it will involve one platform. He said Triton will have
its own antenna 20 feet from the CFW antenna. Ms. Thomas said this must mean
that there will be two new triangular platforms and both plan on having panels
and not whip antenna. She then asked if whip antenna could have been used
instead. Mr. Shearer answered, "no."
Mr. Bowerman inquired as to who owns the tower. Mr. Shearer replied
that Sprint owns the tower. Mr. Bowerman next asked if Sprint is the company
that took over Centel. He said he was wondering if there was another over-
arching company as far as the tower is concerned. Mr. Shearer answered that
CFW is leasing from sprint, and his company deals with Sprint from North
_ Carolina. Mr. Bowerman asked if perhaps Alltel has facilities on the Sprint
tower. Mr. Shearer said he cannot say.
Thfre were no further questions for the applicant, so Mr. Marshall
opened t e public hearing.
No one came forward to speak, so Mr. Marshall closed the public hearing.
Ms. Humphris commented that this is such an unattractive tower already.
She trie~ to visualize what it would look like with six antenna at 183 feet,
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September 16, 1998 (Regular Night Meeting)
{Page 24}
with each of them six feet, three inches tall and nine feet, four inches wide.
She noted that there will be another six antenna that will be six feet in size
between 193 and 200 feet. She referred to the conflict between trying to
collocate and making the tower uglier than it already is or adding more
towers. She does not know the answer.
Mr. Bowerman stated that he does not even notice when new equipment is
added, and he is unsure of the steps the applicant went through to get the
tower to this present situation.
At this time, Mr. Bowerman offered motion, seconded by Mr. Martin, to
approve SP-98-21, subject to the five conditions recommended by the Planning
Roll was called, and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Mr. Marshall, Mr. Martin, Mr. Perkins, Ms. Thomas, Mr. Bowerman and
Ms. Humphris.
NAYS: None.
(The conditions of approval are set out in full below:)
1. Tower shall not be increased in height;
2. Additional antennas may be attached to the tower only as follows:
a. Omnidirectional or whip antennas shall not exceed twenty (20)
feet in height or seven (7) inches in diameter, and shall be
of a color which matches the tower;
b. Directional or panel antennas shall not exceed seven (7) feet
in height or two (2) feet in width, and shall be of a color
which matches the tower; and
Additional satellite and microwave dish antennas are prohib-
Additional antennas may be installed without amending this special
use permit, provided that all necessary building permits are
obtained from the building official and the antennas otherwise
comply with these conditions;
3. The permittee shall submit a report to the Zoning Administrator once
per year, by not later than July 1 of that year. The report shall
identify each user of the tower and shall identify each user that is
a wireless telecommunications service provider;
4. The tower shall he disassembled and removed from the site within
ninety (90) days of the date its use for wireless telecommunications
purposes is discontinued; and
5. All antennae added to the tower shall be used for personal wireless
service providers.
(The next two agenda items were heard concurrently.)
. 1-
Agenda Item No.9. SP-98-36. North Garden Fire Co (Sign #54). Public
hearing on a request to fill in flood plain of South Branch Creek (tributary
to North Fork Hardware River) to allow 3-bay addition of approx 2,500 sq ft on
a 39,00 sq ft pcl. Loc on S sd of Rt 692 (Plank Rd), across from Crossroads
country Store & adjacent to North Garden Post Office. Znd VR. TM99, P5D.
Samuel Miller Dist. (This site is not located in a designated growth area.)
(Advertised in the Daily Progress on August 31 and September 7, 1998.)
Agenda Item No. 10. SP-98-40. North Garden Fire Co. (Sign #54) .
Public hearing on a request to allow conforming use of fire station. Loc on S
sd of Rt 692 (plank Road) across from Crossroads Country Store & adjacent to
North Garden Post Office. Znd VR. TM99, P5D. Samuel Miller Dist. (This
site is not located in a designated growth area.) (Advertised in the Daily
Progress on August 31 and September 7, 1998.)
kill .7
Dept. of Planning & Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
(804) 296-5823
August 27, 1998
Larry Ryan
CFW Wireless
P O Box 1328
Waynesboro, VA 22980-0909
RE: SP-98-21 CFW Wireless (Rio Road)
Tax Map 61,Prcel 129C
Dear Mr.Ryan:
The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on August 25, 1998, by a vote of 4:1,
recommended approval of the above-noted petition to the Board of Supervisors. Please note that
this approval is subject to the following conditions:
1. Tower shall not be increased in height.
2. Additional Antennas may be attached to the tower only as follows:
a: Omnidirectional or whip antennas shall not exceed twenty(20)feet in height or seven(7)
inches in diameter,and shall be of a color which matches the tower.
b. Directional or panel antennas shall not exceed seven(7)feet in height or two(2)feet in
width,and shall be of a color which matches the tower.
c. Additional satellite and microwave dish antennas are prohibited.
Additional antennas may be installed without amending this special use permit,provided that all
necessary building permits are obtained from the building official and the antennas otherwise comply
with these conditions.
3. The permittee shall submit a report to the zoning administrator once per year,by not later than July 1
of that year. The report shay identify each user of the tower and shall identify each user that is a
wireless telecommunications service provider.
4. The tower shall be disassembled and removed from the site within ninety(90)days of the date its use
for wireless telecommunications purposes is discontinued.
5. All antennae added to the tower shall be used for personal wireless service providers.
Page 2
August 27, 1998
Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and
receive public comment at their meeting on September 16, 1998. Any new or additional
information regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of
Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date.
If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not
hesitate to contact me.
William D.Fritz, AICP
Senior Planner
Cc: Ella Carey
Amelia McCulley
Jack Kelsey
Central Telephone Company of Virginia