HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP199500001 Action Letter e It ..-r 17"/ ."/, ') , '- '), < / .r t, '/ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902A596 (804) 296·5823 May 4, 1995 Centel Cellular Company of Charlottesville c/o M. E. Gibson, Jr Tremblay & Smith P. O. Box 1585 Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: SP-95-0 1 Centel Cellular Company of Charlottesville Dear Mr. Gibson: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on April 19, 1995, approved the above-noted request to construct a communication tower/antennas and support buildings on 4.154 acres zoned Heavy Industry. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Tower height shall not exceed 200 feet; 2. Compliance with Section 5.1.12 of the Zoning Ordinance; 3. There shall be no lighting of the tower unless required by a federal agency. All tower lighting shall be shielded so as to minimize visibility from the ground; 4. Staff approval of additional antennae installation. No administrative approval shall constitute or imply support for or approval of, the location of additional towers, antennae, etc., even if they may be part of the same network system as any antennae administratively approved under this section; e e Page 2 May 4,J 995 5. The tower must be designed and adequate separation provided to property lines such that in the event of structural failure, the tower and components will remain within the lease area; 6. Tower shall be located within lease area shown on Attachment C; and 7. The tower shall be disassembled and removed from the site within 90 days of the discontinuance of the use of the tower for cellular communication purp(i)ses. Before beginning this use, you must obtain a zoning clearance from the Zoning Department. Before the Zoning Department will issue a clearance, you must comply with the conditions in this letter. For further information, please call Jan Sprinkle at 296-5875. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above-noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Q. evelopment V. Wayne C' mberg Director of Planning & C VWC/jcw cc: Amelia McCulley Larry & Barbara Hall Jo Higgins \ - f \ .' '-. _~ ~ 'ACHMENT .~ ~___ .,' A (f ~ _ j/' l'~~ ; -. r ; -,:0_.....,. .' ~"' ., ... ,::,A ..~~.~, ~ ,,' "", .-... ~ F ,~, I .'. -." - - - / . . 1=' ¿~SrrE.. '<' .' ·5 k ---- c-.''-' .-Z' - ~, _.' ·:C ~,...,.. è ..~~; _ ........ ' ..' ' t '!-. . . ~ )1 ,:'7<:,;"..;:.> :':è~\~ ' ;.:.:/~ ......~'...;. I~~' ~ :/. ,;:,' -", Ki~~~: :; ,~.::'/ .,-':1<! . " ,.... '--,: ,. \'=C ... ~... ø.nè . .'- p- , /.-._ ,"".<or : :' , ,.-~U1.i.~. - ~ ,;:- ,¡-~ . _ c.'--"'" _ !".O. - 2000' ..,.. "'. }Ì' - t . .. ~ ~,- . . MAP '- '" I -' , VICINITY HALL T J. [ 1'1- (trJ ,I , , IV:, '", " Ii;¡ '" '" ~ LARRY B. &- BARBARA A. TAX MAP #32-67 OB 1252, PG 28' O<A DB 1074. Pc, 74 / / / e e /-,/-(u/-,UStU r¡ ut IUW~R DA TA TOWER HEiGHT = 180'± MONOPOLE LA n TUDE ~ 38'08'392' (NAD 83) LONGITUDE = 78'26'00.0" (NAD 83) GROUND £LEVA nON = 5442' (NA VV 88) / / ~ / c c; !.-1 Ie¡ 19.' PEÄc ~ v ¡¡~Z,2 .'J 92R ~/A v 'I " / 545 Ii IIH il'f'A THER J SWALE GRA'vH .t CLA Y, ~B¡'¡ TOPY;F T-BAR ~ELEV- 54408' (NA'ÆJ 88) +5H8 ~ PROPOSED 12' x 28' E:QUIPMEN T BLDG. A .,FRAC[ r,;;"[E ¡_':- :>_" T -=- l.~ '.:. PROPOSED MONOPOLE: (sa DA TA) / k¡ Ä J-......, C< ~ PO~R &< TELE ;J0L: #A~4':;f1. "'- + 538. 74 ê-t' o --1C'C'ê '. C'(.--1 ",:Ja., 1-2~. "". Ss ê--1s~_ "'," '..oQ '''''ê-,\-, ¡I. 0.,,,.,. . -2ó'O..~ __ ""'>" -- ~ '~L GRAJJ p ,..,'., , GRA '" . :<í'Cloo«;. .,......... AREA ____ " '"<:0,.>, """__.. +~2,2 '. '.: Qr-1i-[:;' ____.__.___,.,__.___ .': '---.. (R0-10 "'--, EY --\~ 'l542 0 542.4 ~ .".':;4.1.0 "-..... '''-...., '-. GRASS .,.,. l' Ó ." JJ-(J '_, '''-.... :',9" ;¡. '''-.... fREt 6S't ~t?(; E.OGE v ,~CLiD5 A VERAL;t i-I[,,",>f' ,\i/Ç './/J,.\ffJA ;c;t.,9 PI ! 1vI. IfJ..' DB. Jl'i ',I ¡ PROPOSED 4' x 8' GE:NERA TOR ' PROPOSED CHAIN-LINK FeNCE: 0.5' INSIDE: LEASE: ARE:A BOUNDARY LINES. E:NnRE ŒASE: AREA TO CLE:ARm, GRADm AND GRA 'ÆLm. q/ S: k¡ "'" f'""\ " -,- J-......, '("; V) ~ ~ '" h 2~ C< ~6 a 1-1 0: '-;.. " <-, ............. ......?..,.-'.9 "'>_ " \/' f,Pp,/ S. ¡-{ALL M ¡d222L 5 :).8 593. PC 347 , j / ,~ I 4SJ PLAT SHOFYí/vC A SíTE.' PLAN FOR SPRINT CELLULAR LOCATElJ ON TAX NAP #32-67 lYEST OF NORTHSllJE lJRIVE 8, J.K TIMMONS AND ASSOCIATES, PC. ENGINEERS * SURVEYORS * PLANNERS HENRICO co. · CHESTERFIELD CO. · PRINCE GEORGE CO VIRGINIA ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1995 SCALE: 1"= 30' . RIV ANNA DISTRICT DATE: FEE. -06 J,N.: 950 RICHMOND MC5 SimA TeD BEGINNING A T THE: INTE:RSECnON OF NORTHSIDE ORI'Æ ANO U.S. ROUTe 29, THE:NCE ALONG THE SOUTHE:RN RIGHT OF WA Y LINE OF NORTHSIDE DRI'Æ D.2r MILES IN A 'M:STeRL Y DIRECnON TO A POINT BEING A COMMON CORNER OF TAX MAP 132-22C-5 AND TAX MAP 132-67, THENCE ALONG SAID PROPE:RTY LINE N 63'30'09' W. 229.47' TO A POINT; THENCE: N 36'49'19' E:, 25.41' TO A POINT AT THE BE:GINNING OF A PROPOSW 20' ACCESS EASE:ME:NT; THENCE ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF SAID EASE:ME:NT N 77'46'06" W, 169.59' TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEAST LINE: OF A SPRINT CELLULAR LEASE: AREA AND THE: END OF SAID EASEMENT,' THENCE: ALONG SAID LEASE LINE N 4179'48' E, 11.44' TO A SET ROD; THIS BEING THE: POINT OF BEGINNING (P,OB.) OF SAID SPRINT CELLULAR ŒASE AREA; THE:NCE S 41 79 '48' W. 40.00' TO A SET ROD ON THE NOR TH PROPER TY LINE OF THE NOW OF FORME:RL Y RIVANNA PARTNE:RS PROPE:RTY; THE:NCE ALONG SAID PROPE:RTY LINE: N 6071'38' W. 3572' TO A FOUND ROD, B£lNG A COMMON CORNER OF THE SAID RIVANNA PROPE:R TY AND THE NOW OR FORMERL Y UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA - REAL E:STA Te FOUNDA nON PROPE:RTY; THENCE ALONG SAID UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA PROPERTY LINE: N 4179'4/3" E, 47.14' TO A SET ROO; THENCE LEAVING SAID PROPERTY LINE: S 48'40'12' E, 35.00' TO SAID SET ROD; THIS B£lNG THE: POB - AIRPORT CHARWTTESVILLE SITE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN RIVANNA DISTRICT, ALBE:MARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SPRINT /) SPRINT LEASE AREA ANO PROPOSED 20' ACCESS E:ASEMENT LDCA TeD ON TAX MAP 132-67 AND CURRENTL Y OIlNED BY LARRY B. ... BARBARA A HALL. LEASE AREA = 1525 SOIT PROPOSED ACCCESS EASE:MeNT = 3392 SOIT CHK BY. ~L 'pl.~¡b, ':-:- ~ ~ ~ ~4~ ~ ~ ~ w,~.;....,._~ _ _ _ _ J. -- - ~ -' ,<,,, · V; . . _ ,_ _ _ .. \,... <":PR""o"",~,,¡¡-.. _~" I .'. .,~'_. 5456 - - - .. .. c" .. "cccss RO,oo/__,_,,,,-- . " - - - -, '''; ,; >. . . - . PPg:~~~, PR""OseD 20· ,~~ ê;;;;';;:, ~ ::. _. ";':.1::. .~ .'. .. ~ GRA'ÆL '" CLAY') . ~v GR., A'ÆL ì L/ A REA/ //'", , / +545.2 / ~ "'---, r: " "-.... . ," " 1.-\_,":' PROPANE 7 '~;, . TANK I ~~.. ...... j' '0 ,I ....... -,-' "" P'.'iJ , ~ « '.~'" s:: /l\,,-~ ,)" ~;' I (\~. ~ c~I/ \ "f "} 'TNCI' \ .. 540.68 r~: /l~ / --4- --- () ¡ .r _,._'\-_ __"', 540.13 , '\:2 E:DGE OF ~PAVEMENT '~ 538.56