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SP200100050 Action Letter
:) J COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 218 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296 - 5823 Fax (80'\1972 - 4012 December 18.2001 Vôlerie W. Long McGuireWoods LLP PO Box 1288 Charlottesville. VA 22902 RE SP-2001-050 Tomlin (Triton PCS - CVR 3850) Tax Map 75, Parcel 9 Dear Ms Long The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors. at its meeting on December 12, 2001, unanimously approved the above-noted request. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions The top of the pole, as measured Above Sea Level (ASL), shall never exceed ten (10) feet above the top of the tallest tree within twenty-five (25) feet of the faCility, as measured Above Sea Level (ASLJ No antennas or equipment. with the exception of a grounding rod, shall be located above the top of the pole 2 The facility shall be designed, constructec and maintained as follows a Guy wires shall not be permitted, b No lighting shall be permitted on the site or on the pole, except as provided by condition number nine (9) herein c The ground equipment cabinets, antennas, concrete pad and all equipment attached to the pole shall be no larger than the specifications set forth in the attached plan (copy on file) entitled Triton PCS, Tomlin, dated November 6,2001; d A grounding rod, whose height shall not exceed two (2) feet and whose width shall not exceed one (1 )-Inch diameter at the base and tapering to a point, may be Installed at the top of the pole e Within one (1) month after the completion of the pole installation. the permittee shall proVide a statement to the Planning Department certifying the height of the pole, measured both in feet above ground level and in elevation Above Sea Level (ASL); f. The diameter of the pole shall not exceed twenty-six (26) inches at its base, and twelve (12) inches at the top; and g. The pole antennas and ground equipment shall be painted a flat, dark brown color; 3. The facility shall be located and built as shown on the attached plan (copy on file) entitled Triton PCS, Tomlin, dated November 6, 2001. 4 Equipment shall be attached to the pole only as follows a. The number of antennas shall be limited to two (2), at the sizes shown on the attached plan (copy on file) entitled Triton PCS, Tomlin, dated November 6, 2001: b No satellite or microwave dishes shall be permitted on the monopole; Page 2 . December 18, 2001 c. Only flush mounted antennas shall be permitted. No antennas that project out from the pole beyond the minimum required by the support structure shall be permitted. However, in no case shall the outside edge of the antennas project out from the face of the pole more than 14.7 inches. The antennas shall be painted to match the color of the monopole; 5. Prior to beginning construction or installation of the pole or the equipment cabinets, or installation of access for vehicles or utilities, a tree conservation plan, developed by a certified arborist, specifying tree protection methods and procedures, and identifying any existing trees to be removed on the site both inside and outside the access easement and lease area shall be submitted to the Director of Planning and Community Development for approval. All construction or installations associated with the pole and equipment pad, including necessary access for construction or installation, shall be in accordance with this tree conservation plan. Except for the tree removal expressly authorized by the Director of Planning and Community Development, the permittee shall not remove existing trees within two hundred (200) feet of the lease area, or the vehicular or utility access. A special use permit amendment shall be required for any future tree removal within the two hundred (200)-foot buffer, after the installation of the subject facility; 6. The facility shall be disassembled and removed from the site within ninety (90) days of the date its use for wireless telecommunications purposes is discontinued. If the Zoning Administrator determines at any time that surety is required to guarantee that the facility will be removed as required, the permittee shall furnish to the Zoning Administrator a certified check, a bond with surety satisfactory to the County, or a letter of credit satisfactory to the County, in an amount sufficient for, and conditioned upon, the removal of the facility. The type of surety guarantee shall be to the satisfaction of the Zoning Administrator and the County Attorney; 7. The permittee shall submit a report to the Zoning Administrator one (1) time per year, no later than July 1 of that year. The report shall identify each user of the pole and shall identify each user that is a wireless telecommunication service provider; 8. No slopes associated with construction of the pole and accessory uses shall be created that are steeper than 2:1 unless retaining walls, revetments, or other stabilization measures acceptable to the County Engineer are employed; 9. Outdoor lighting shall be limited to periods of maintenance only. Each outdoor luminaire shall be fully shielded such that all light emitted is projected below a horizontal plane running through the lowest part of the shield or shielding part of the luminaire. For the purposes of this condition, a luminaire is a complete lighting unit consisting of a lamp or lamps together with the parts designed to distribute the light, to position and protect the lamps, and to connect the lamps to the power supply; 10. The permittee shall comply with Section 5.1.12 of the Zoning Ordinance; 11. The permittee shall submit a revised set of site drawings to the Department of Planning and Community Development. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of the facility, Planning staff shall review the revised plans to ensure that all appropriate conditions of the special use permit have been addressed in the final revisions of the construction plans; 12. The applicant shall obtain an easement, acceptable to the county attorney, prohibiting development on the part of the abutting lot sharing the common lot line that is within the wireless facility's fall zone; and Page 3 December 18, 2001 13. If trees exist along the EC, outside the right-of-way, that contribute to the screening of the pole, include a note on the plan indicating that these trees will remain. In the event that the use, structure or activity for which this special use permit is issued shall not be commenced within eighteen (18) months after the issuance of such permit, the same shall be deemed abandoned and the authority granted thereunder shall thereupon terminate. For purposes of this section, the term "commenced" shall be construed to include the commencement of construction of any structure necessary to the use of such permit within two (2) years from the date of the issuance thereof which is thereafter completed within one (1) year. Before beginning this use, you must obtain a zoning clearance from the Zoning Department. Before the Zoning Department will issue a clearance, you must comply with the conditions in this letter. For further information, please call Jan Sprinkle at 296-5875. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above-noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ,,- - 'l:;"" [ . Lu~cJ ~LL~ v. Wayne Cilim¿rg //1 Director of Planning & Community D/vel pment VWC/jcf I\~ Cc: Amelia McCulley Jack Kelsey Tex Weaver Steve Allshouse TrrtonPCS ~~"""'" ~co ~~~""Oli'lOlA.T,:;;Jrn:"'XI ~,',~ 2~:.15 m.: :eÇo(i è~-SYJ.J -;"!lC>4):23---~ W"';:~~/CP'£!Cù::wPOHl1'«; :P!:c:n::A~¡"::¡~Œst:'M:t.~ l-£~~ÇJ~?C..tC.. Jd:;O¡ '..a:,I,l{l f'\.eU:·I.¡'l)N ';Hou~, ~:tIn(~:;re:'œll«J. "lüAAí,~R£'J'L~XiOI:)l ê"Jl...CA,"u B'!'I>K'( 1oCKlI, tI 'I\-U£ OR)¡ ?t;(f,S!'!i'Cl-Ð1ÐEX:::D>I5'l'~ ~'1Ol~~K.;¡n.£TO 7;c¡ "I.)tG NCl/CP 7'(:::n:..:rÚI'G '1WJ. ¡:o¡,o.,.1IllH~f'I::S.,K.'f\T\QJT ~!HJòGW.:::aI1,iC~T1-£), ?1'U~i'llW.rlC(~Œ .ICl:Ü'1JoH::!,Yll-£:õr~ ZEl!. .r .;};;::::='J ...I.!:J;; ~I ~~~.~ architects engineers %'I CO,J.AØl. m.. :;un: 101 '1«..W~~A.:::>~'-'1\6!!. 1:L¡'nJl07:-«:úQ ,¡.x;:7C.rIS,:-ó.JC(J ~E\":::iCN ~. DESCRIPTION ';"Y c.1^T"E ~ ~ C(-: == ~~-;B-~I~ 4.- &- i == ==~ So"Tr ~lJ,.eG'~ CV-R-385 D ::'-:::>W,j(; TOMLJN TritonPCS PRO,ÆCT PROPOSED MONOPOLE iN ,~ RAW LA~m LEASE AREA D¡GÄt~2T C,ILL FOR UNDmGROUND LrrlLmES PRiOR TO DIGGiNG ::MERGeNCY CALL 911 ::r;r:A[~:.SS 1 06~ GOODWIN FARM L.\NE Cll'R1DTíE:;~~ VA 22903 Ii I~~'~ , £V(~\ ffCHRISTOPHER D.';:: . , '¡ORL'I . . . i.~ . .. I 'I '1:"'"- ~o_ 032984 "". ..v I (('.' '~~ i I .S;. -.;rS'J : ! CoRA TCE , i CHECYO 9'1': I B1JO I:)A:-[ ~RAW" :J5-1e,-01 -~_._-- C:;:"':8UISSION' :':)NINC SHITT T.Tl..2 TIìlE SHEET, VICINrrY MAP AND GENERAL INFORf.AAT10N ~ 19 T- -- ~..!!____------------J C'^il ___---------' BY D¡'.Jt: --~~-~ ~LE'ßi: r:l.::n::;:T,',QfTl'liN',w:¡ ~~~ 'UW SlTt f"_~ S'()R(;@ om: Ft~ E'....f#.~w.- éC.IL.S êCi-&..S <;.'T( DGÞA. P'.~ .::.wa«:;;:<.A'! ¡r;as.£,'A¡n.¡;..AI :-J..il ~'!.~ F'I-O£~~ PI-Ø£ 'lAØ.R 8Y DAiE I R=-v'. ¡'W. 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