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SUB201400120 Correspondence
Christopher Perez From: Christopher Perez Sent: Monday, November 03, 2014 3:15 PM To: Nena Harrell Cc: Greg Kamptner Subject: SUB2014-120 Briarwood Commercial Final Plat Nena, SUB2014-120 Briarwood Commercial Final Plat The plat has been approved and is downstairs ready for pickup and recordation in the clerk's office. Thanks Christopher P. Perez I Senior Planner Department of Community Development(County of Albemarle,Virginia 401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 From: Greg Kamptner Sent: Monday, November 03, 2014 2:21 PM To: Nena Harrell Cc: Christopher Perez Subject: RE: Briarwood Commercial Final Plat Nena- We received the signed documents from Tom Foley a short while ago and we'll deliver them to Community Development/Chris Perez right now. Greg Kamptner Deputy County Attorney County of Albemarle gkamptner@albemarle.org From: Nena Harrell [mailto:ulcwwwCa�embargmail.com] Sent: Monday, November 03, 2014 10:54 AM To: Greg Kamptner Cc: Christopher Perez Subject: Briarwood Commercial Final Plat Hi Greg, We dropped off final docs and plat for the above project last Wednesday afternoon. Apparently Chris did not receive until Thursday. We have closing scheduled and really need to get plat recorded today. We had hoped to record last week but apparently the plat and docs did not reach you and Chris until Thursday. Would appreciate your help. Thanks, Nena Harrell 1 Vice President/Broker United Land Corporation P.O. Box 5548 Charlottesville,VA 22905 434-975-3334 COUNT YOUR RAINBOWS - NOT YOUR T3(11NDERS'YORWIS 2 Christopher Perez From: Christopher Perez Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 10:03 AM To: 'Todd Rhea' Cc: 'Don Erbaugh' (derbaugh @holtzmancorp.com); Cindi Lohr; John Anderson; Ana Kilmer; Jay Schlothauer Subject: RE: Briarwood Service Station Project Todd, See my responses below(led. Christopher P.Perez I Senior Planner Department of Community Development(County of Albemarle,Virginia 401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 From: Todd Rhea [mailto:tcrheaclark-bradshaw.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 9:40 AM To: Christopher Perez Cc: 'Don Erbaugh' (derbaughna,holtzmancorp.com); Cindi Lohr Subject: Briarwood Service Station Project Chris, I am an attorney representing Holtzman Oil Corp., the contract purchaser of Lot 1 in the attached Briarwood subdivision of T. Parcel 32G Lot B. I have been provided u•dated a n• nal rev' -• copies of the proposed subdivision pla (the plat was revised once more, with the last revision date Oct 9, 2014 site plat(base drawing) and E&P permits issue• or the site w is ave attached). I also un•ers . d that final ARB approval for the service station development on Lot 1 has been obtaine• Correct The Seller identified you as the primary contact for confirmation of site al•royal status and remaining ounty re•uire - is for final subdivision' e . is ready for approval pending the o owing: 1) the roads shall be built or bonde• ease contact either: John Anderson, Engineer at ext 3069 or Ana Kilmer, Administration at ext 3246 for the status of this item and 2)the required legal documents have to be approved by the County Attorney. I received a revised copy of the documents from the applicant today and will be forwarding it to the County Attorney for his review. Once the two items mentioned above are complete the plat and legal does shall be recorded in the clerk's office. and site plan approval (The final site plan is read for a• Ire . •- .• 1 • ordation of the final subdivision plat)wel as require steps for issuance of buildin• sermits for the sit- once the subdivision • •• site plan are approved and bond-: am not the contact person for this item; r. 1-r Jo Schlothauer ext 3228 is e contact pe •n or t is item). e Sel er ins icates t a i is in e i i. • .- • .bdivision and site plan approva s an• bonding for o (service station parcel) es, it appears we're nearing the final steps. Thank you for confirming that you are the appropriate County contact for my inquiry, and for providing- confirmation of status for the site. Regards, Todd Rhea 1 Todd C. Rhea, Esquire Clark& Bradshaw, P.C. PO Box 71 92 North Liberty Street Harrisonburg, VA 22803-0071 540-433-2601 540-433-5528 facsimile tcrheana.clark-bradshaw.com **CONFIDENTIALITY/PRIVACY NOTICE** THE DOCUMENTS INCLUDED IN THIS TRANSMISSION ARE CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVILEGED CLIENT INFORMATION INTENDED ONLY FOR THE RECIPIENT. IF THE READER OF THIS MESSAGE IS NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION, OR COPY OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF IT IS RECEIVED IN ERROR, PLEASE DESTROY IT AND NOTIFY THE TRANSMITTER OF THE ERROR SO THE INFORMATION CAN BE PROPERLY TRANSMITTED. THANK YOU. 2 ANY vole, + 44° "r✓ Christopher Perez From: Christopher Perez Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 12:10 PM To: 'bjohnson @cville-law.com' Cc: 'Scott Collins'; Nena Harrell Subject: Briarwood commercial lot revised subdivision plat Attachments: 110006806 SP 14282 SHEET 1.pdf; 110006806_SP_14282 SHEET 2.pdf; 110006806_SP_ 14282 SHEET 3.pdf Brian, SUB2014-120 Briarwood Commercial lot Attached is the latest plat with final revisions. Nothing you are working on changed on the plat since the last email I sent you, all those changes are still needed. But please note the new last date of revision is now October 9,2014 (see sheet I attached). Please submit the revised deeds as soon as possible and I'll forward them onto the County Attorney for review/approval. Thanks Christopher P.Perez I Senior Planner Department of Community Development(County of Albemarle.Virginia 401 Mclntire Road I Charlottesville.VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 1 Christopher Perez From: Scott Collins [scott@collins-engineering.com] Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 11:16 AM To: Christopher Perez Subject: FW: 110-0068-06 Briarwood commercial lot revised subdivision plat Attachments: 110006806 SP 14282 SHEET 1.pdf; 110006806_SP_14282 SHEET 2.pdf; 110006806_SP_ 14282 SHEET 3.pdf Chris- f' Thank you again for the help this plat. We have added in the note on the front page that you requested in your last email. We also removed a note about the subsequent divisions of property as discussed. We added the label for the future r/w as discusse , and included a note about it on the front page in the list of notes. Let me know if that is acceptable when y get a chance. Thanks for accommodating these changes for us. Thx. Scott bvaS)-‘)..2 From: Ils.tblsurveving @gmail.com [mailto:Ils.tblsurveving @gmail.com] On Behalf Of Laura Shavis Sent:Thursday, October 09, 2014 10:53 AM To:Scott Collins Cc: Nena Harrell; Chris Kean Subject: 110-0068-06 Briarwood commercial lot revised subdivision plat Scott, Attached are PDFs of the revised Briarwood commercial lot subdivision plat per your comments. Laura Shavis Senior CAD Technician Lincoln Surveying 632 Berkmar Circle Charlottesville, VA 22901 434-974-1417 office 434-974-1776 fax Lincoln Surveying thanks you for your business! 1 Christopher Perez From: Ils.tbIsurveying @gmail.com on behalf of Laura Shavis [laura.shavis @lincolnsurveying.com] Sent: Monday, October 06, 2014 8:35 AM To: Christopher Perez Cc: Chris Kean; Scott Collins; Nena Harrell Subject: Re: SUB201400120 - Briarwood Commercial Lots- Final Plat Attachments: 110006806_SP_14273 SHEET 1 FINAL SUBMITTAL.pdf; 110006806_SP_14273 SHEET 2 FINAL SUBMITTAL.pdf; 110006806_SP_14273 SHEET 3 FINAL SUBMITTAL.pdf Christopher, Attached are PDFs of the revised Briarwood commercial lot subdivsion showing the landscape easements on lots 1-3 per your request. Let us know if you need anything else. Thank you. On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 3:54 PM, Christopher Perez<cperez @albemarle.org>wrote: Here is what I'm looking for. Attached is the approved landscaping from the approved road plan. Christopher P. Perez I Senior Planner Department of Community Development(County of Albemarle,Virginia 401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 From: ckean2378Cagmail.com [mailto:ckean2378Cagmail.com] On Behalf Of Chris Kean Sent: Friday, October 03, 2014 3:40 PM To: Christopher Perez Cc: Scott Collins; adamCacollins-engineering.com; Laura Shavis; John Anderson Subject: Re: SUB201400120 - Briarwood Commercial Lots - Final Plat Scott: Can you send Line-work for the landscape easement?I'd prefer to get it directly from you to ensure it is correct. Thanks, 1 Chris Christopher B. Kean, L.S. Vice President Lincoln Surveying 632 Berkmar Cir. Charlottesville, Va. 22901 434-974-1417 (o) 434-974-1776 (f) 434-960-2942 (c) www.lincolnsurveying.com E On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 3:33 PM, Christopher Perez<cperez@albemarle.org>wrote: Chris, Per recent phone discussion, Engineering and VDOT have both signed off on the final plat,I've reviewed the revision and it looks good for my last round of comments; however, while writing up a review request to the County Attorney for the Private Street Maintenance Agreement for the landscape easement, I noticed that the final plat currently only shows the landscape easement on lot 1; however, the entire subdivision associated with the private road shall have this landscape easement on it to contain the street trees,to include Lots 1, 2, and 3. This was a condition of the variation that was approved by the BOS on July 29, 2014. With all the moving parts of this project, I missed it until now. Please provide the landscape easement for the street trees on Lots 1, 2, and 3. The road plans depict where the street trees are to go. Please send me a PDF of this and I'll verify it is good to go and then we'll be done with the platting issues. Again, sorry about missing this item. I'll make this a priority as soon as it comes in. Thanks Christopher P. Perez Senior Planner Department of Community Development lCounty of Albemarle,Virginia 401 McIntire Road 1 Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 2 Christopher Perez From: Christopher Perez Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 9:48 AM To: 'Chris Kean'; 'Scott Collins'; 'Graham Murray'; 'adam @collins-engineering.com' Cc: John Anderson; 'Nena'; 'bjohnson @cville-law.com' Subject: RE: SUB-2014-00120 Briarwood Commercial Lots Final Plat Attachments: VDOT approval 9-30-14.pdf; SUB201400120-briarwood-FPT-092414rev2.pdf; CD3 _SUB201400120 Briarwodd Commercial Lot final plat 9-19-14.pdf Chris/Scott, Attached is VDOT's 9-30-14 approval for SUB-2014-00120 Briarwood Commercial Lots Final Plat. Also,to assure you received Engineering's previo}isly sent comments, attached are they reviously sent from John Anderson on 9-24-14). e(d c -/y 31,4—.141 454i\e: -�,t t� 3�> i, Also,to assure you received Planning's pr.Kippsly sent comments,they are also attached reviously sent on - 19-14), see platting comment#11. t + SS = 6✓�r L -/!� G� l k - You now have all comments on the final plat. These are also all available in Countyview. Christopher P.Perez;Senior Planner Department of Community Development!County of Albemarle,Virginia 401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 From: Christopher Perez Sent: Friday, September 19, 2014 3:24 PM To: 'Chris Kean'; 'Scott Collins'; 'Graham Murray'; 'adam @collins-engineering.com' Cc: John Anderson; 'Nena'; 'bjohnson @cville-law.com' Subject: RE: SUB-2014-00120 Briarwood Commercial Lots Final Plat Chris/Scott, Attached is the latest comment letter for SUB-2014-00120 Briarwood Commercial Lots Final Plat. The only platting comment I had was#11: "With the revision of the area dedicated to public use for Parcel Y, it appears the 10' parking setback should also be slightly adjusted to match the new public right of way lines. Revise appropriately. " Otherwise, I'm just waiting on VDOT and Engineering's comments on the final plat submittal. They will be forwarded to you once they are received. As discussed in the comment letter, I'm still waiting on all the required legal docs for review, if you sent them directly to the County Attorney's office and he's approved them,please provide his approvals and the approved docs. Also, as discussed in the comment letter,the road plan is still pending. Once it's approved and the road is either built or bonded then we can move forward with approval of the final plat. Provided the above items are completed/approved. Christopher P.Perez I Senior Planner Department of Community Development(County of Albemarle,Virginia 401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 1 Christopher Perez From: Christopher Perez Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2014 4:46 PM To: 'bjohnson @cville-law.com' 6 Cc: Greg Kamptner - -----------Subject: RE: Woodbriar Associates; Declaration of Private Street Maintenance v2 082914 Brian, I believe your question below is something that Greg Kamptner would weigh in on. I do not know the legal ramifications of that proposal...but by CC of this email to Greg, I'm asking him to weigh in on this question of yours. Christopher P.Perez;Senior Planner I)epartment of Community Development(County of Albemarle,Virginia 401 McIntire Road!Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 From: bjohnson(Thcville-law.com [mailto:bjohnson @ cville-law.com] Sent:Thursday,September 25, 2014 4:35 PM To: Christopher Perez Subject: RE: Woodbriar Associates; Declaration of Private Street Maintenance v2 082914 Chris: Do you have an issue with my recommendation that we use one document to cover(()'the grant of the New Variable Width Landscaping Easement over Lot 1 and(ii)the grant of the new variable width public drainage easement over Lot 1? Thank you- Brian Johnson I 1 wr Christopher Perez From: Christopher Perez Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 3:05 PM To: 'Scott Collins'; 'adam @collins-engineering.com'; Graham Murray Cc: 'Nena'; John Anderson; Margaret Maliszewski; David Benish; Chris Kean Subject: Briarwood Special Exceptions and Variations All, as a heads up,today at the Sept 3rd 2014 BOS meeting the special exceptions and variation was approved for Briarwood Commercial Lots on Consent Agenda. 1. BUFFER ZONE DISTURBANCE WAIVER 2. VARIATION FROM APPROVED PLANS, CODES, AND STANDARDS OF DEVELOPMENT— BRIARWOOD PRD APPLICATION PLAN (ZMA2005-09) 3. SETBACK for FUEL STORAGE WAIVER Christopher P. Perez Senior Planner Department of Community Development County of Albemarle,Virginia 401 Mclntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 1 Christopher Perez From: Christopher Perez Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 9:39 AM To: Chris Kean; 'Scott Collins'; Graham Murray; 'adam @collins-engineering.com' Cc: John Anderson; 'Nena'; 'bjohnson @cville-law.com' Subject: SUB-2014-00120 Briarwood Commercial Lots Final Plat Attachments: SUB-2014-00120 Briarwood Commercial Lots- Final Plat Comments-9-3-14.pdf All, Attached is VDOT's comment letter 9-3-14 for the final subdivision plat. SUB2014-120. After reading it, it appears there are some items to be addressed with regard to labels of drainage easements and right of way widths. Upon a phone call it was discussed that Troy reviewed the PDF version in addition to the August 12th hard copy. You now have all comments for the final sub plat. Christopher P. Perez I Senior Planner Department of Community Development!County of Albemarle,Virginia 401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 From: Austin, Nathran. (VDOT) [mailto:Nathran.AustinC&vdot.virginia.gov] Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 9:32 AM To: Christopher Perez Subject: SUB-2014-00120 Briarwood Commercial Lots Final Plat Troy Austin, P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Virginia Department of Transportation Charlottesville Residency 701 VDOT Way Charlottesville,VA 22911 Phone: (434)422-9782 Fax: (434) 984-1521 1 Noe Christopher Perez From: John Anderson Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 9:59 AM ('s,,�. _._ To: Scott Collins `t Cc: Christopher Perez Subject: RE: Planning Application Review for SUB201400120 Briarwood C mercial Lots- Final. Thank you,Scott From: Scott Collins [mailto:scott@collins-engineering.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 9:42 AM To: John Anderson; Nena Cc: Christopher Perez; 'Chris Kean'; Laura Shavis; Adam Long Subject: RE: Planning Application Review for SUB201400120 Briarwood Commercial Lots - Final. John- Comment 4a—the r/w along Briarwood drive is different in width from the r/w along Elm Court. The 12' radius ties the 2 r/w together, but there can be no consistent offset of the r/w since the planting strips are different. This matches the road plans. Comment 4b—the r/w is 1'off the back of curb around this bend and again ties in 2 r/w that are not consistent. This is consistent with the road plans. Comment 4e-the r/w is 1' off the back of curb around this bend and again ties in 2 r/w that are not consistent. This is consistent with the road plans. The surveyors will address the following comments: 2c—will add the existing drainage easement. 2h—will add the bearing and distance as requested. 4F—will add the curve information for this segment 11—will add the source of survey to the plat. 15-will update the labeling of the line and bearing/distances 16—will update/label this area. Thx. Scott From:John Anderson [mailto:ianderson2Cc@albemarle.org] Sent: Monday,August 25, 2014 3:58 PM To:Scott Collins; Nena Cc:Christopher Perez;Glenn Brooks Subject: Planning Application Review for SUB201400120 Briarwood Commercial Lots- Final. The Review for the following application has been completed: Application Number=SUB201400120 Reviewer=John Anderson 1 Review Status = Requested Changes Completed Date =08/25/2014 Scott,please note request for help understanding several radii—a call might be best, I appreciate your help. Comments are also available in County-view. Thank you- 2 Christopher Perez From: Christopher Perez Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2014 4:07 PM To: 'Nena'; 'ckean2378 @gmail.com' Cc: Glenn Brooks; 'Scott Collins'; 'adam @collins-engineering.com'; 'Laura Shavis'; John Anderson; David Benish Subject: RE: SUB201400120- Briarwood Commercial Lots, Final Plat-Engineering comment Attachments: Drainage Easment plat PDF version 8-26-14.pdf Nena and Mr.Kean, In response to the PDF submittal of the plat(8-26-14)addressing the drainage easement issue, see the attached PDF which lists out which items appear to be labeled incorrectly (2 drainage easements on that plat should be relabeled—see the PDF diagram for specifics). Christopher P.Perez Senior Planner Department of Community Development lCounty of Albemarle.Virginia 401 McIntire Road 1 Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 From: Christopher Perez Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 2:17 PM To: 'Nena' Cc: Glenn Brooks; Scott Collins; 'adam @collins-engineering.com'; Laura Shavis; John Anderson; David Benish Subject: RE: SUB201400120 - Briarwood Commercial Lots, Final Plat-Engineering comment Nena, The final plat is not approved yet, as you know it has some major items which need to be accomplished 1St As to whether the pdf revision sent to staff via email on Tuesday, 8-26-14 is ok, I have yet to get into a review of this unofficially submitted item, nor has Engineering. Notably VDOT would also be required to assure they are good with it, and they have not seen this pdf submittal yet. All three of those reviewers would be required to comment on those easements to assure they are labeled correctly; however we don't have an official submittal of that version of the plat yet. Until we do, the best we can do is have Engineering and Planning do a quick look over and provide general guidance of acceptability (provided Engineering is ok with that and has time). VDOT has stated they will not accept a pdf copy of the plat sent via email. Thus for VDOT comments on those changes, submit hard copies. The final plat currently under review was officially re-submitted on Thursday, 8-14-14, thus comments would truly be due to the applicant on August 28th (tomorrow). I have not received VDOT's comments on the officially resubmitted plat. Nor ACSA's comments on the officially resubmitted plat. Notably I have not provided my comments on the officially resubmitted plat. 1 Rather the only person who has provided official comments on the officially resubmitted plat is Engineering's John Anderson, whom sent them directly to the applicant. I hope to have something for you by COB tomorrow. Thanks Christopher P. Perez!Senior Planner Department of Community Development!County of Albemarle.Virginia 401 McIntire Road'Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 From: Nena [mailto:ulcwwwembaramail.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 1:02 PM To: John Anderson Cc: Christopher Perez; Glenn Brooks; Scott Collins; Adam Long; Laura Shavis Subject: Re: SUB201400120 - Briarwood Commercial Lots, Final Plat-Engineering comment Thanks, John. I guess I will direct this more to Chris yerez. I just have to know plat is approved in order to get the appropriate dots to County Attorney : «' fr;,. I had already brought 8 copies down per David Benish when the public/private easement came up. Thanks, Nena Harrell Count your RAINBOWS not your THUNDERSTORMS On Aug 27, 2014, at 12:47 PM,John Anderson<janderson2 @albemarle.org> wrote: Nena, Working as quickly as possible on Briarwood,delaying other work,overlooking information, I have made mistakes. Monday, I sent final plat comments not just to Christopher, but Scott as well. I overlooked issue of public-private easements. Aug-15, I missed critical Aug-7 VDOT request concerning riprap in public RW—that went very poorly. Aug-18, I approved a SWPPP covering 3 Briarwood WPOs, only to find it is neither signed (p. 28) nor is p. 28 certification statement accurate. I try to avoid mistakes. I fix them as I can, but errors multiply if I depart from review norms. I cannot comment on final plat, except through Planning. Planning coordinates review and approval. Engineering has done much to accelerate Briarwood reviews: has approved three WPOs,commented on boundary line adjustment,final plat, mitigation plan, site plan, SWPPP,channel adequacy, road plan, and prepared bond estimates. We are waiting to receive VDOT-ACSA-ACF&R approval of Aug-8 road plans. If I respond to .pdf sent yesterday, other approval requirements persist. Final plat requires roads be built or bonded, road plan bond requires retaining wall estimates(need help with this), and engineering approval is contingent upon VDOT-ACSA-ACF&R approval. I am trying to serve many. Five at least deserve review comments today. We are behind, pressured across the board. I wish I could do more and find it hard to say I cannot. Please rely on Planning for Plat approval. 2 Name Thank you- John From: Nena Harrell [mailto:ulcwww(@embargmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 9:35 AM To: Christopher Perez; John Anderson; Glenn Brooks Cc: 'Scott Collins'; 'Adam Long'; 'Laura Shavis' Subject: FW: FW: SUB201400120 - Briarwood Commercial Lots, Final Plat-Engineering comment All, Seems there has been some conflict about the private/public easements. I need to confirm that the attached plat is correct in order to complete the docs for the County Attorney's review. Can you please confirm. Thanks, Nena From: ckean2378©gmail.com [mailto:ckean2378©gmail.com] On Behalf Of Chris Kean Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 11:42 AM To: Nena Harrell; Christopher Perez;janderson2@ albemarle.orq Cc: Laura Shavis; Scott Collins Subject: Re: FW: SUB201400120 - Briarwood Commercial Lots, Final Plat-Engineering comment Chris Perez&John Anderson, Is this the final determination of how were are going to label the drainage easements? Can you take a look at the attached plat and confirm that the easements are labeled correctly? Thanks, Chris Kean Christopher B. Kean, L.S. Vice President Lincoln Surveying 632 Berkmar Cir. Charlottesville, Va. 22901 434-974-1417 (o) 434-974-1776 (f) 434-960-2942 (c) www.lincolnsurveying.com On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 11:01 AM,Nena Harrell <ulcwww !embargmail.com>wrote: 3 All, Is this different from yesterday? If it is, please let me know so I can get to attorney. Thanks, Nena From: John Anderson [mailto:janderson2Caalbemarle.orq] Sent:Tuesday, August 26, 2014 9:53 AM To: Scott Collins Cc: Glenn Brooks; Nena; Christopher Perez Subject: SUB201400120 - Briarwood Commercial Lots, Final Plat-Engineering comment Scott, I overlooked an item. Please accept this note. Let me know if you prefer that I revise SUB201400120 comment letter sent yesterday. I have added this item to the comment block in County View: Label drainage easements beyond public RW private. VDOT will not maintain drainage beyond public RW. Certain pipe systems being fed by private roads (Boulderview Road, Elm Tree Court) and SWM easements on Lot 1, 2, and 3 may be listed on the plat as dedicated to public use. Please clearly label drainage easements beyond public RW, and all SWM/BMP easements, private. A single pipe system may include public and private easements, an odd circumstance. Maintenance responsibility will be divided in certain cases. This guidance pursuant to staff training August 22. Again, please delineate drainage easements beyond public/VDOT RW private. Please contact Planning, Christopher Perez, for questions concerning Deeds of Easement. Christopher sent note to Nena on this topic Friday (8/22/2014 11:04 AM), and trusted I would cover it. I hope this doesn't come as a complete surprise, regret the oversight, and apologize for any inconvenience. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you- 4 woe- 4aissi -John E.Anderson PEI Civil Engineer II Department of Community Development I County of Albemarle,Virginia 401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3069 5 Christopher Perez From: Christopher Perez Sent: Friday, August 22, 2014 11:04 AM To: 'Nena' Cc: John Anderson Subject: RE: Additional Maintenance Agreements for SUB2014-120 Briarwood Commerical Lots Nena, I am writing you about the Deed of Easement for the Drainage Easements discussed in the email below(see the highlighted yellow portion of the email below).Notably, after conversations with Engineering and the County Attorney's office today it appears certain drainage easements being fed by the private roads are currently listed on the plat as dedicated to public use; however,these are inaccurate and should be revised to have them listed as private drainage easements. Some of the drainage easements are to be public and some are to be private. I am awaiting final comments on the plat from Engineering to notify the surveyor. It may be appropriate for you to hold off on drafting the deed of easement for the drainage easement till the easements are labeled correctly. If you choose to move forward with the drafting of these easements now be aware changes will be required to accurately reflect the drainage easements that are to truly be public. Thanks Christopher P. Perez;Senior Planner Department of Community Development(County of Albemarle.Virginia 401 McIntire Road!Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 From: Christopher Perez Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2014 3:02 PM To: 'Nena' Subject: Additional Maintenance Agreements for SUB2014-120 Briarwood Commerical Lots Nena, Upon my review of the most recent resubmittal of the final subdivision plat SUB2014-120 Briarwood Commercial Lots, I noticed two additional items which need to be remedied prior to final plat approval which relate to maintenance agreements of certain improvements proposed on the plat (Public Drainage Easements and the Sidewalk Easements associated with Briarwood Drive - public road). As you know previously we discussed the private road maintenance agreement, which would provide maintenance of the private roads on the plat and the street landscaping in the landscape easements subject of the waiver you were granted. Has this document been submitted to the County Attorney for review? If not, provide it to me and.I'll review it and then forward it to him for his review. Also, as mentioned above please provide maintenance agreements for the two additional items discussed below for County Attorney review/approval: 1. [14--31 7] Instrument evidencing maintenance of certain improvements.Public Drainage Easements. The project depicts `New Access and Drainage Easement' and `New 20' and Variable Width Drainage Easements' running throughout Lot 1 ;and has a`New Drainage Easement' on Lot 2. Also `New 20' Drainage Easement on Lot 3. A note on the plat states that these easements are to be dedicated to public use. As such the project requires a Deed of Easement for the Drainage Easements which shall be approved by the i %of County Attorney and signed by Tom Foley.Please provide the required legal document for County Attorney review/approval. Attached is a template. 2. 114-3171 Instrument evidencing maintenance of certain improvements. Sidewalk Easement. Prior to Final Plat approval, an instrument evidencing maintenance of the public sidewalk associated with Briarwood Drive which is depicted on the plat and labeled as `New Variable Width Sidewalk Easement' on Lot 1 and Lot 2 is required. It may be appropriate to include this item's maintenance in the private street maintenance agreement or the landscape easement maintenance agreement both of which were mentioned in comments #3 and#4 above. Please provide the required legal document for County Attorney review/ approval. Call me if you have any questions. Christopher P.Perez(Senior Planner Department of Community Development(County of Albemarle,Virginia 401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 From: Christopher Perez Sent:Thursday, August 21, 2014 1:53 PM To: Nena Subject: RE: Private Road Maintenance Agreement for SUB2014-120 Briarwood Commerical Lots Nena, Give me a call, I want to touch base with you about the required legal dots and see where you are at with that. thanks Christopher P.Perez I Senior Planner Department of Community Development(County of Albemarle,Virginia 401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 From: Christopher Perez Sent: Friday, August 08, 2014 12:12 PM To: 'Nena Harrell' Cc: David Benish; 'Scott Collins'; adam@ collins-engineering.com; Greg Kamptner; Lisa Busch Subject: Private Road Maintenance Agreement for SUB2014-120 Briarwood Commerical Lots Nena, You requested a template for the private road maintenance agreement which is required to be approved by the County Attorney prior to final subdivision plat approval to serve the 5 Commercial Lots. Attached is the template which we utilize for residential private roads, assure that your legal counsel provides some language in the document about the landscape easements (as depicted on the final plat)required for street trees to be maintained by the property owners, note that these easements are located outside of the right of way easement but was a condition of granting their approval by the PC for that waiver. I usually do not advise you to work directly with the County Attorney on the maintenance agreements; however, I will be on vacation for the entire week of Aug 11 — 15th. Being you are on a tight time frame,there is no use in waiting for me to get back to send the document to Greg Kamptner. Please have your legal counsel send the private street maintenance agreements to the County Attorney's office directly attention Greg Kamptner, also 2 assure a copy of the final plat is attached to the request for his review. thanks Christopher P.Perez 1 Senior Planner Department of Community Development(County of Albemarle,Virginia 401 Mclntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 From: Nena Harrell [mailto:ulcwww(&embargmail.com] Sent: Friday, August 08, 2014 11:56 AM To: Christopher Perez; 'Scott Collins'; adamOcollins-engineering.com Cc: Margaret Maliszewski; John Anderson; David Benish Subject: RE: SDP2014-47 Briarwood - Gas Station Final site plan &SDP2013-35 Mitigation Plan Thanks, Chris. We appreciate your review. Mr. Wood also sends his appreciation. Also, per email yesterday, can you check with Greg Kamptner re templates for private street agreements or is shall I? Nena From: Christopher Perez [mailto:cperez@ albemarle.orq] Sent: Friday, August 08, 2014 11:19 AM To: Scott Collins; adamcollins-engineering.com Cc: Margaret Maliszewski; John Anderson; David Benish; Nena Harrell Subject: SDP2014-47 Briarwood - Gas Station Final site plan &SDP2013-35 Mitigation Plan Scott/Adam, Attached are the minor comments for SDP-201400047 Briarwood - Gas Station Final site plan and comments for SDP2013-35 Mitigation Plan. Notably, I have reviewed the revised mitigation plan you supplied me on 8-7-14 and it's landscaping is approvable. Please assure it makes its way into the final site plan SDP2014-47. Thanks Also, please provide me a PDF of the revised mitigation plan for use in the staff reports to the BOS. thanks Christopher P.Perez Senior Planner Department of Community Development(County of Albemarle,Virginia 401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 3 s Christopher Perez From: Scott Collins[scott@collins-engineering.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 10:15 AM To: Christopher Perez Subject: RE: SUB201400120 Briarwood Commercial Lots-final Attachments: Briarwood Request for Variation -Additional Street to access the commercial property.pdf Chris- Attached is the variation request. Let me know if y9 lyrneed--ar ytt in� ega s to this variation request. Also, please confirm that this variation request will :• to the BOS on September 3`d h the other Briarwood requests. Thanks Chris. 41110""� 11744 / S e SCOtt -G ov. S / From:Christopher Perez [mailto:cperez@albemarle.org] Sent: Friday,August 01, 2014 5:20 PM To:Scott Collins ` ` ,r i- 1-0 "4. Cc: Rebecca Ragsdale;Troy Austin;John Anderson; Nena Harrell; Margaret Maliszewski Subject:SUB201400120 Briarwood Commerical Lots-final 3'4 A Scott, "--kc-I> SUB201400120 Briarwood Commercial Lots—final subdivision plat As currently designed a Variation is required for the road serving Lot 2 (Elm Tree Court). The Variation would be to the Briarwood PRD application plan (ZMA2005-09). The approved application plan does not depict a road in this location which goes through any portion of Briarwood PRD (specifically the open space TMP 32G-1B-2-B). See Zoning's comment below. Notably Planning staff discussed Zoning's findings ith the Director of Planning and he is in agreeance that a variation is required as currently !roposed. Attached is the application for a - ..tion. This ' em will be required to go to the BOS for approval and is anticipated t• .e able to _• alon with the other Special Exceptions previously discussed. Please provide t r e request as soon - • possible. Please be advised that the adjacent neighbors are required to se notified of the va is • equest. Zoning's Comments: "1. e properties zo -d Cl Commercial are not s'• '- -to proffers or an application plan. This subdivision plats ••poses adding a road within the Briarwood development, which is subject to pro veers and an application plan. A variation should be processed under Section "5. Minor changes to street design and street location, subject to a recommendation for approval by the county engineer; and" Upon receipt of the above comment I spoke w/ Troy (VDOT) to determine if the road is required to be in it's current location due to VDOT requirements. Troy did not recall any reason why it would have to be where it is currently located. He did remind me that if you are planning Christopher Perez From: Christopher Perez Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 9:39 AM To: 'Laura Shavis'; Scott Collins Cc: Chris Kean Subject: RE: SUB201400120 Briarwood Commerical Lots-final See my comments below i purple. Christopher P. Perez I Senior Planner Department of Community Development(County of Albemarle,Virginia 401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 From: Ils.tblsurveying @gmail.com [mailto:lls.tblsurveying @gmail.com] On Behalf Of Laura Shavis Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 7:48 AM To: Christopher Perez; Scott Collins Cc: Chris Kean Subject: Re: SUB201400120 Briarwood Commerical Lots -final Christoper(Perez), I am looking over the county comments for the Briarwood commercial lots. I'm a bit confused as to what you are requesting in item #23. Can you please give me the exact language you would like to see on the final plat for this comment? Ok. "Zon' g of subject properties: TMP 032G0-00-00-000A0 and 032G0-00-00-000B0, and Lots 1 through Lot 3 are oned C-1, and are located in the Entrance Corridor(EC) Overlay District, and the Airport Impact Area IA)" "TMP 032G0-1B-02-000B0 and 032G0-08-00-000A0 are zoned PRD and is subject to proffers associated with ZMA 2005-00009, ZMA2004-00014, ZMA1995-00005, ZMA1991-00013, and are located in the Entrance Corridor(EC) Overlay District, and the Airport Impact Area(AIA)" Comm' 't#27 is requesting control points. There are four control points already designated on the plat. Th appear at the extreme ends of the project to give you a better fit into your GIS. For the control s nts, see Details A and B on sheet 1. y apo ogle ,t e con ro points are provided. Please disregard this comment.I don't believe I've ever seen control points on sheet 1. Regardless it looks good. Scott, I will address county comments #24,#25 and#26. I will address county comment#23 once I receive the proper language from Christopher Perez. As stated above,#27 already appears on the plat. I will hold off on releasing any further editions of the plat until I know (from you) if any further changes to the plat are required (ie lot/road realignment). On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 5:45 PM, Chris Kean<chris.kean(a,lincolnsurveying.com> wrote: 1 New Forwarded message From: Christopher Perez<cperez @albemarle.org> Date: Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 4:03 PM Subject: SUB201400120 Briarwood Commerical Lots - final To: Scott Collins <scott@collins-engineering.com>, "chris.kean @lincolnsurveying.com" <chri skean@lincolnsurveying.com> Cc: Nena Harrell <ulcwww @embargmail.com> Scott/ Chris, SUB201400120 Briarwood Commercial Lots — final subdivision plat Attached are the comments for the above referenced plat (these are also available in Countyview). Comments from other reviewers are pending, once received I will forward them to you. Christopher P.Perez I Senior Planner Department of Community Development(County of Albemarle,Virginia 401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 From: Christopher Perez Sent: Friday, August 01, 2014 5:20 PM To: Scott Collins Cc: Rebecca Ragsdale; Troy Austin; John Anderson; 'Nena Harrell'; Margaret Maliszewski Subject: SUB201400120 Briarwood Commerical Lots - final Scott, SUB201400120 Briarwood Commercial Lots — final subdivision plat As currently designed a Variation is required for the road serving Lot 2 (Elm Tree Court). The Variation would be to the Briarwood PRD application plan (ZMA2005-09). The approved application plan does not depict a road in this location which goes through any portion of Briarwood PRD (specifically the open space TMP 32G-1B-2-B). See Zoning's comment below. Notably Planning staff discussed Zoning's findings with the Director of Planning and he is in agreeance that a variation is required as currently proposed. Attached is the application for a Variation. This item will be required to go to the BOS for approval and is anticipated to be able to go along with the other Special Exceptions previously discussed. Please provide the request as soon as possible. Please be advised that the adjacent 2 Nwe neighbors are required to be notified of the variation request. Zoning's Comments: "1. The properties zoned Cl Commercial are not subject to proffers or an application plan. This subdivision plat proposes adding a road within the Briarwood development, which is subject to proffers and an application plan. A variation should be processed under Section "5. Minor changes to street design and street location, subject to a recommendation for approval by the county engineer; and" Upon receipt of the above comment I spoke w/ Troy (VDOT) to determine if the road is required to be in it's current location due to VDOT requirements. Troy did not recall any reason why it would have to be where it is currently located. He did remind me that if you are planning on relocating it to it's original location to be mindful of the required the 225' curb clearance from edge to edge. If it is possible to relocate the road to it's previous location and meet VDOT's requirements a Variation does not appear to be needed as long as the road stays out of the open space from Briarwood's PRD. If you relocate it, it might also remedy your need for a special exception in that location if the 20' buffer would not be disturbed. Staff is still reviewing the above proposal and will provide all other comments soon. But because the item discussed above requires BOS action, staff forwarded this email to you asap. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Christopher P. Perez I Senior Planner Department of Community Development(County of Albemarle,Virginia 401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 Laura Shavis Senior CAD Technician Lincoln Surveying 632 Berkmar Circle Charlottesville, VA 22901 434-974-1417 office 434-974-1776 fax Lincoln Surveying thanks you for your business! 3