HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-10-13 FIN A L Second Floor, County Office Building 7:00 P.M., October 13, 1993, Meeting Room #7 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Mc~ent of Silence. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the PUBLIC. Cc~sent Agenda (on next sheet) . '"" ,- - ~ ~ "" ..0. , ~- _" . _ \ u. _1. " T ., I _ ~" _'--" . . . , -" Hearing to re~ono apprm[ 1.9 ao froffi R 6 to C 1. Property on E od of Rt 659 apprm[ SOD ft N of Rio Rei. THiS, P9S. The COHlprehenoi 70 Plan ohm:o thio proporty on the boundary of areas OhO~ffi for fficdiuffi and fli~fl denoity reoidential. Charlottel3.....illc Diot. (Thio property il3 located in a del3i~natod grmlth area.) (Defer to November 10, 1993.) SP-93-23. Albemarle County Fair, Inc. (applicant); Roy & Bonnie Coggin (owner). Public Hearing on a request to operate the county fair on about 70 ac zoned RA. Property on S sd of Rt 760 approx 0.3 mi W of Rt 29/Rt 760 inters. TM99,P61 (part) . Samuel Miller Dist. (This property is not located in a designated growth area.) (Deferred from September 15, 1993.) SP-~3-22. Malcom Woodward & Virginia Land Trust. Public Hearing to permit fill activity in the flood plain on 1.2 ac zoned HC. Property located on Fontaine Avenue Ext W of Morey Creek. TM76,P12B,12C,12E. Samuel Miller Dist. (This property is located in a designated growth area.) SP-~3-25. Fastrax Entertainment, Inc. (applicant); Rio Associates Limited Partner- ship (owner). Public Hearing for commercial recreation establishment including, but not limited to go-karts, bumper boats, batting cages, arcade games. Property consisting of approx 1.2 ac zoned HC & EC in NW corner of inters. of Rt 29 & access rd to Kegler's Bowling Center. TM45,P109 (part). Charlottesville Dist. (This property is located in a designated growth area.) Pu~lic Hearing to review of the EASTHAM AGRICULTURAL FORESTAL DISTRICT which consists of eight parcels totalling 764.750 acs and which is located on E & W sides of Rt 20 N of Rt 612. Pu~lic Hearing on an ordinance to amend and reenact Chapter 16.01 of the Code of Albemarle entitled "Naming of Roads and Numbering of Properties". Changes proposed are: a new provision for existing unnamed roads where the County would be responsible for the road signs when needed; a change to the effective date for numbering requirements of Section 16.01-6 (the County is currently unable to assign numbers outside of major subdivisions until new address notifications have taken place - tentatively scheduled for November, 1993); a change to the second sentence of Section 16.01-6 to make the provision applicable in the case of named roads so as to avoid prolonged delay to a property owner seeking an occupancy permit (a number cannot be assigned until a road has been named); a change to Section 16.01-7 to clarify that the provision applies to family divisions regarding naming/signing requirements; a change to Section 16.01-3 allowing the Board to amend the manual from time to time by resolution of the Board; and other "housekeeping" measures. Re dopt Road Naming and Numbering Manual. Pu 1ic Hearing on the proposed issuance of school bonds of Albemarle County in the maximum amount of $11,900,000. The purpose of the proposed bonds is to finance capital projects for public schools. Adl pt Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Not to Exceed $11,900,000 General Obli- gation School Bonds of Albemarle County, Virginia, 1993 Series A, to be Sold to the Virginia Public School Authority and Providing for the Form and Details Thereof. Aplointment of Director of Human Resources (deferred from October 11, 1993). Aplroval of Minutes: May 13(A), 1992; July 14 and July 21, 1993. Otler Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the BOARD. Ad ourn. 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 14a) 15) 16) 17) CON S E N T AGENDA FOR APPROVAL: 5.1 Ap~roval of Appointees to Building Code Review Committee. FOR INFbRMATION: 5.2 Copy of minutes of the Architectural Review Board for September 7, 1993. 5.3 CoPY of Planning Commission minutes for September 21 and September 28, 1993. 5.4 No~ice dated September 22, 1993, from the State Corporation Commission of an Appli- cal~ion filed by Virginia Electric and Power Company to revise its fuel factor pursuant to Virginia Code Section 56-249.6. 5.5 Le~ter dated October 1, 1993, from Amelia G. McCulley, Zoning Administrator, to Jeff Co~lins, re: Official Determination of Number of Parcels - Section 10.3.1 (Tax Map 8, Parcel 15). 5.6 Le ter dated September 30, 1993, from The Honorable L. F. Payne, House of Represen- ta ives, re: Payment-in-lieu-of-taxes (PILT) Act. 5.7 Le ter dated September 28, 1993, from Ray D. Pethtel, Commissioner, Department of Tr~nsportation, re: Addition of Hillsdale Drive and Branchlands Boulevard in Branch- la~ds Subdivision into the State Secondary System. 5.8 Le ter dated October 1, 1993, from Ray D. Pethtel, Commissioner, Department of Tr~nsportation, re: Addition of Gristmill Drive and Southern Parkway in Mill Creek - Sertion 5 into the State Secondary System. Edward H" Ba"n, Jr. Samuel Mill r COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 972.4060 Forrest R Marshall, Jr" Scottsville David p" Bow rman Charlottes viI e Charles S" Martin Rivanna Charlotte Y" umphris Jack Jouett Walter F" Perkins White Hall MEMORANDUM Amended Board Actions of October 13, 1993 TO: Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive V. Wayne Cilimberg, Director/Planning & Community Development FROM: Ella W. Carey, Clerk, CMCWU DATE: October 22, 1993 BJECT: Board Actions of October 13, 1993 (Night Meeting) Agenda Item No. 10. Public hearing to review the EASTHAM RICULTURAL FORESTAL DISTRICT which consists of eight parcels t talling 764.750 acs and which is located on E & W sides of Rt 20 N of Rt 612. REVIEWED the EASTHAM AGRICULTURAL FORESTAL DISTRICT and PROVED renewal for 10 years to include the following parcels: TM63,P1, TM63,P1A, TM63,P1A1, TM63,P2, TM63,P4, TM63,P26, TM63,P27. TM63,P28 is to be excluded from the review until the violation on the property has been corrected. The additions of new parcels TM63,P41A and TM63,P41A1 will sent to the AF District Advisory Committee for review, and be vertised for an ordinance amendment at a later date. C/jng George R. St. John Mary Joy Scala * Printed on recycled paper Edward H_ Bain, Jr. Samuel Miller COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296.5843 FAX (804) 972-4060 Forrest R" Marshall. JL Scottsville David P_ Bowerman Charlottesville Charles S _ Martin Rivanna Charlotte Y_ Humphris Jack Jouett Walter F" Perkins White Hail MEMORANDUM TO: Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive V. Wayne Cilimberg, Director/Planning & Community Development FROM: Ella W. Carey, Clerk, CMC ~~ DATE: October 14, 1993 SUBJECT: Board Actions of October 13, 1993 (Regular Night Meeting) Following is a list of actions taken by the Board at its meeting on October 13, 1993 (night meeting) : Agenda Item NO.4. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the PUBLIC. There were none. Agenda Item NO.5. Consent Agenda. APPROVED Item 5.1 and accept Items 5.2 through 5.8 as information. Item No. 5.1. Approval of Appointees to Building Code Review Committee. APPOINTED the following people to serve on the Building Code Review Committee: Developer Building Electrical Plumbing Mechanical Masonry County - Mr. - Mr. - Mr. - Mr. - Mr. - Mr. - Mr. Robert Watson, Blue Ridge Home Builders Assn. Nelson Morris, Ernest Morris & Son, Inc. Bruce Locker, Robertson Electric David Maupin, W.E. Brown, Inc. Barry Crickenberger, W.E. Brown, Inc. Joseph K. Moore, Moore Masonry Jesse Hurt, Director of Inspections Agenda Item No.6. ZMA-93-08. Feldmann's Inc. (applicant), Mark & Lynnley Thornton (owner). Public Hearing to rezone approx 1.9 ac from R-6 to C-1. Property on E sd of Rt 659 approx 500 ft N of Rio Rd. TM45,P95. The Comprehensive Plan shows this property on the boundary of areas shown for medium and high density residential. Charlottesville Dist. (Defer to November 10, 1993.) DEFERRED to November 10, 1993. Agenda Item NO.7. SP-93-23. Albemarle County Fair, Inc. (applicant); Roy & Bonnie Coggin (owner). Public Hearing on a request to operate the county fair on about 70 acs zoned RA. Property on S sd of Rt 760 approx 0.3 mi W of Rt 29/Rt 760 inters. TM99,P61~rt). Samuel Miller Dist. (Deferred from September 15, 1993.) ~ Printed on recycled paper To: Robert W. Tucker, Jr. V. Wayne Cilimberg October 14, 1993 2 Date: Page: DENIED. Agenda Item No.8. SP-93-22. Malcom Woodward & Virginia Land Trust. public Hearing to permit fill activity in the flood plain on 1.2 ac zoned HC. Property located on Fontaine Avenue Ext W of Morey Creek. TM76,P12B,12C,12E. Samuel Miller Dist. APPROVED subject to the following conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission: 1. Department of Engineering approval of grading and drainage plans and calculations; 2. The basement shall be used only for storage and mechanical equipment space. The basement is not considered habitable and there shall be no employee work space or area open to the public in the basement; 3. Compliance with all local, state and federal permit require- ments pertaining to fill activity within the flood plain. Agenda Item No.9. SP-93-25. Fastrax Entertainment, Inc. (applicant); Rio Associates Limited Partnership (owner). Public Hearing for commercial recreation establishment including, but not limited to go-karts, bumper boats, batting cages, arcade games. Property consisting of approx 1.2 ac zoned HC & EC in NW corner of inters of Rt 29 & access rd to Kegler's Bowling Center. TM45,P109(part). Charlottesville Dist. Motion was offered to approve SP-93-25, but failed on 2/3 vote. Agenda Item No. 10. Public hearing to review the EASTHAM AGRICULTURAL FORESTAL DISTRICT which consists of eight parcels totalling 76f4.750 acs and which is located on E & W sides of Rt 20 N of Rt 612. REVIEWED the EASTHAM AGRICULTURAL FORESTAL DISTRICT and APPROVED renewal to for 10 years to include the following parcels: TM63,P1, TM63,P1A1, TM63,P2, TM63,P4, TM63,P26, TM63,P27, and TM63,P42A. TM63,P28 is to be excluded from the review until the violation on the property has been corrected. The additions of new parcels TM63,P1A, TM63,P41A and TM63,P41A1 will be sent to the AF District Advisory Committee for review, and be advertised for an ordinance amendment at a later date. Agenda Item No. 11. Public Hearing on an ordinance to amend and reenact Chapter 16.01 of the Code of Albemarle entitled IINaming of Roads and Numbering of Propertiesll. Changes proposed are: a new provision for existing unnamed roads where the County would be responsible for the road signs when needed; a change to the effective date for numbering requirements of Section 16.01-6 (the County is currently unable to assign numbers outside of major subdivi- s~ons until new address notifications have taken place - tentatively scheduled for November, 1993); a change to the second sentence of Section 16.01-6 to make the provision applicable in the case of named roads so as to avoid prolonged delay to a property owner seeking an occupancy permit (a number cannot be assigned until a road has been named); a change to Section 16.01-7 to clarify that the provision applies to family divisions regarding nam- ing/signing requirements; a change to Section 16.01-3 allowing the board to To: Robert W. Tucker, Jr. V. Wayne Cilimberg October 14, 1993 3 Date: Page: amend the manual from time to time by resolution of the Board and other IIhousekeepingll measures. ADOPTED the attached Ordinance to amend Chapter 16.01 of the Code of Albemarle entitled IINaming of Roads and Numbering of Propertiesll. Agenda Item No. 12. Readopt Road Naming and Numbering Manual. READOPTED the attached Road Naming and Numbering Manual. Agenda Item No. 13. Public Hearing on the proposed issuance of school bonds of Albemarle County in the maximum amount of $11,900,000. The purpose of the proposed bonds is to finance capital projects for public schools. Public Hearing held; no action. Agenda Item No. 14. Adopt Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Not to Exceed $11,900,000 General Obligation School Bonds of Albemarle County, Virginia, 1993 Series A, to be Sold to the Virginia Public School Authority and Providing for the Form and Details Thereof. ADOPTED the attached Resolution. Agenda Item No. 14a. Appointment of Director of Human Resources (deferred from October 11, 1993). APPOINTED Robert B. Brandenburger as the Director of Human Resources, effective immediately. Agenda Item No. 16. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the BOARD. Mr. Tucker said the Airport Authority owns almost 200 acres of property adjacent to the Airport and west of the runway itself next to Earlysville Forest Subdivision. Staff has learned that this property is infested with the Southern pine Bark Beetle and the forested area will have to be removed. The Earlysville Forest Homeowner's Association has been notified of this matter. This area will become a fire hazard if the trees are not removed. The area will be reforested probably with Loblolly pine this winter. Staff is review- ing the possibility of planting White Pines along the boundary of Earlysville Forest to act as a better buffer. The Airport Authority will pay for this. Mr. Tucker said earlier this week he received a letter from Mr. Dick Lockwood, VDoT's Transportation Engineer in Richmond. He was asked to appoint members from the County to two committee's being formed; a Policy Committee on the Route 29 N Corridor Development Study, and a Technical Advisory Committee. He plans to appoint Wayne Cilimberg, the County's Director of Planning and Community Development, to the Technical Advisory Committee. He suggested Mr. Bowerman be appointed to the Steering Policy Committee. There was a consensus of the Board that Mr. Bowerman serve on the Policy Steering Committee. Mr. Perkins said he has been requested by Todd Shields that this Board reconsider its denial of ZMA-93-09 and SP-93-20, AdventureLand Family Fun Park. He indicates that he would be willing to amend the request from HC to C-1, commercial, which also allows this use. To: Robert W. Tucker, Jr. V. Wayne Cilimberg October 14, 1993 4 Date: Page: There was a consensus of the Board that staff review information from Mr. Shields regarding this site not being suitable for R-6 housing, review of lower zoning classification, and the effect the Highway Department's proposed c~ange will have on the Comprehensive Plan Review for this area. If possible, t~is should be on the Board's agenda for discussion next week. Agenda Item No. 17. Adjourn. 9:28 p.m. E~C/jng Attachments (3) cc: Robert B. Brandenburger Richard E. Huff, II Roxanne White George R. St. John Bruce Woodzell Amelia McCulley Jo Higgins File COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY lD-C$~C:>3 AGENDA Review of the Building Code AGENDA DATE: October 13, 1993 ITEM ~ER: Cl3. ID(3 5./) ACTION: INFORMATION: Request Board the Building Code CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: X INFORMATION: ATTACHMENTS: STAFF C Messrs. REVIEWED BY: Hurt BACKGRO At the eptember 1, 1993 the Board considered a number of recommendations from the Planning Commission on affordable housing issues. The Board requested staff submit a recommendation for the creation of the temporary Building Code Review Committee whose tasks would be to: o Identify opportunities for cost reduction now allowed by the code and not generally practiced and; o Identify possible changes to the code that could be recommended to the Regulatory Efficiency Advisory Committee (REAC) in Richmond. There ould also be an effort to educate and make the building community aware of the finding and there would also be a dollar estimate of the impact of any recommended changes. veloper ilding ectrical - umbing chanical - sonry unty Mr. Robert Watson, Blue Ridge Home Builders Assn. Mr. Nelson Morris, Ernest Morris & Son, Inc. Mr. Bruce Locker, Robertson Electric Mr. David Maupin, W.E. Brown, Inc. Mr. Barry Crickenberger, W.E. Brown, Inc. Mr. Joseph K. Moore, Moore Masonry, Mr. Jesse Hurt, Director of Inspections DISCUSS ON: Staff as identified the following representatives from the building community who have volunte red to serve on this committee: Staff f om the Inspections Department, Engineering Department, and Health Department will be availab e to assist and advise the committee as necessary. RECOMME Approva ATION: of the committee membership as outlined above. llirn m D \VJ ~ ~\l ,I. I. l~} ',,1'';') ,. " . i,_,...J" ,.'~' BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 93.156 Post OjJice Box 26666 Richmond. Virginia 23261 , ... , lO'Oe.Q3 ;\~~~,~:. -~~"l; I'; (~__JO~' ~.g) September 24, 1993 I~ n~'~""'""-" \ i D ~ , VIRGiNiA'POWER- ! ~ Ii ::1! ! .'~,; {,,-.:. ' L_~.~..._., .- ! OF ~:UPU{V!;30R:'; I ',- ----,.--~...."-_~..,_.._....fIII _I>. __ ...........~..._..,...' SERVICE - VIRGINIA CASE NO. PUE930060 APPLICATION OF VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY TO REVISE ITS FUEL FACTOR PURSUANT TO VA. CODE fi 56-249.6 Local Government Officials Pursuant to Paragraph No. 9 mmission's Order of September 22, oviding you a copy of that Order. ntents. of the State Corporation 1993, Virginia Power is Please take notice of its A complete copy of Virginia Power's Application in Case No. E930060 may be obtained from Virginia Power at no cost by written quest to Pamela Johnson, Virginia Power, P. o. Box 26666, chmond, Virginia 23261. ~~ Senior Regulatory Counsel E closure COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA 9:3 09 STAlE CORPORATION COMMISSION :3 0.1. 1 9 "'i nO"1 /....;::-1;.... ~~,,_ .J v"', I '"' , '; " ; "'']' ""-1', V ....J~, ,;-,: l AT RICHMOND, SEPTEMBER 22, 1993 1353 Sf? 22 PH 4: . ') PLICATION OF 'L IRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY CASE NO. PUE930060 RECEiVED BY 5EP 2 .) 1~~.) o revise its fuel factor ursuant to Virginia Code 56-249.6 ORDER ESTABLISHING 1993/1994 FUEL FACTOR PROCEEDING REGULATION SERVICES On September 17, 1993, Virginia Electric and Power Company (.Virginia Power. or .CompanyW) filed with the commission written estimony, exhibits, and proposed tariffs intended to increase .ts zero-based fuel factor from 1.418~/kwh to 1.460~/kwh ffective for usage on and after November 1, 1993. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED: (1) That this proceeding be assigned Case No. PUE930060; (2) That a hearing is hereby scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on ctober 22, 1993, in the Commission's Second Floor Courtroom for of receiving evidence related to the establishment of irginia Power's fuel factor for the twelve-month period ommencing November 1, 1993, pursuant to Virginia Code S 56- 49.6; (3) That Virginia Power forthwith make copies of its pplication and prefiled testimony available for public .nspection during regular business hours at all Company offices n Virginia where customer bills may be paid; (4) That, on or before October 13, 1993, any person esiring to participate as a Protestant, as defined in SCC ule 4:6, shall file with the Clerk, Document Control Center, .0. Box 2118, Richmond, Virginia 23216, an original and twenty (20) copies of a Notice of Protest as provided in SCC Rule 5:16(a) nd serve a copy on Virginia Power. (Service upon Virginia Power hall be directed to: Pamela Johnson, Esquire, Virginia Electric Power Company, P.o. Box 2666, Richmond, Virginia 23261); (5) That, on or before October 13, 1993, each Protestant hall file an original and twenty (20) copies of a Protest (SCC ule~5:16(b)) and of the prepared testimony and exhibits rotestant intends to present at the hearing, and serve two (2) each on Virginia Power and all other Protestants; (6) That, on or before October 15, 1993, the Commission taff shall investigate the reasonableness of Virginia Power's stimated costs and proposed fuel factor and file a report with Clerk, sending a copy to Virginia Power and each Protestant; (7) That, on or before October 20, 1993, Virginia Power hall file with the Commission an original and fifteen (15) opies of all testimony it expects to introduce in rebuttal to prefiled testimony of both Staff and Protestants; rebuttal evidence may be presented by Virginia Power ithout prefiling, provided it is in response to evidence which as not prefiled but elicited at the hearing and provided urther, the need for additional rebuttal is timely addressed by otion at hearing, and leave is granted by the Commission. A opy of the prefiled rebuttal evidence shall be sent to all rotestants by Virginia Power. (8) That, on or before October 8, 1993, Virginia Power hall cause a copy of the following notice to be published as isplay advertising (not classified) once a week for two (2) onsecutive weeks in newspapers of general circulation throughout ts service territory: 2 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF THE 1993/1994 FUEL FACTOR PROCEEDING FOR VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY On September 17, 1993, Virginia Electric and Power Company (WVirginia powerW) filed an application with the state Corporation commission for an increase in its fuel factor. Virginia Power is proposing to increase its current fuel factor of 1.418C/kwh to 1.460C/kwh effective for usage on and after November 1, 1993. Pursuant to Virginia Code S 56-249.6, the Commission has scheduled a public hearing to commence at 10:00 a.m. on October 22, 1993, in the Commission's Second Floor Conference Room, Tyler Building, 1300 East Main street, Richmond, Virginia, for the purpose of receiving evidence related to the establishment of Virginia Power's fuel factor. All testimony, exhibits, and other data filed by Virginia Power will be available for public inspection at all Company offices in Virginia where bills may be paid, and at the Commission's Document Control Center, First Floor, Tyler Building, Richmond, Virginia. Any interested person (public witness) desiring to make a statement at the hearing should appear in the Commission's Courtroom at 9:45 a.m. on the hearing date and identify himself/herself to the bailiff. On or before October 13, 1993, persons desiring to participate as Protestants, as defined in Rule 4:6 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (See Rules), to present evidence and cross examine witnesses, shall file an original and twenty (20) copies of a Notice of Protest, as described in see Rule 5:16(a) with the Clerk of the Commission and serve a copy upon Virginia Power. Service upon Virginia Power shall be directed to Pamela Johnson, Esquire, Virginia Power, P.O. Box 26666, Richmond, Virginia 23261. On or before October 13, 1993, each Protestant shall file an original and twenty (20) copies of a protest (See Rule 5:16(b)) and an original and twenty (20) copies of the prepared testimony and exhibits Protestant intends to present at the public hearing, and serve two (2) copies each upon Virginia Power and each Protestant. 3 All written communications to the Commission regarding this proceeding shall identify Case No. PUE930060 and be directed - to 'William J. Bridge, Clerk, State Corporation Commission, c/o Document Control Center, P.O. Box 2118, Richmond, Virginia 23216. VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY (9) That on or before October 8, 1993, Virginia Power shall erv~ a copy of this Order on the commonwealth's attorney and hairman of the board of supervisors of each county (or quivalent officials in counties having alternate forms of overnment) in which Company offers service, and on the mayor or anager of every city and town (or on equivalent officials of ities and towns having alternate forms of government) in which ompany offers service. Service shall be made by either personal or by first-class mail to the customary place of or the residence of the person served; and (10) That on or before the commencement of the hearing cheduled herein, Virginia Power shall provide proof of s~rvice nd notice as required in this order. ATTESTED COPIES hereof shall be sent to Pamela Johnson, squire, Virginia Electric and Power Company, P.O. Box 26666, ichmond, Virginia 23261; Richard D. Gary, Esquire, Hunton & illiams, Riverfront Plaza, P.O. Box 1525, Richmond, Virginia 3212; Office of the Attorney General, Division of Consumer ounsel, 101 North 8th Street, 6th Floor, Richmond, Virginia 3219; and to the Commission's Divisions of Energy Regulation, ccounting and Finance, and Economics and Finance. . t- True COpy. '. J " , /J I..... · ....- ~. . Teste: "V~...,-. ~ ~'I; ~I I. w'. ' _ er" af the ..- , .Sf". Cemoraffon Comm'ss;oF) ~ 4 ( , ,.-: ,"'"'-"ci 1r '.' q - ..JO'~'.~ "', ii' it ~) :11\111.1' .. ~.'~ ~e~.1':~m Nl! ~. [~'_3 {55) COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Zoning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296.5875 _o.,~__.___.___ n. IV! -l~ - r':;\' " ,"l, l i;'l: '''--;'"--~ ! I: ~ 1 I; Ii H :' \(-)lld) , l.__ . .GARD OF SUPERVISORS I IOctober 1, 1993 I IJeff Collins P. O. Box 7323 !Charlottesville, Virginia 22906 RE: OFFICIAL DETERMINATION OF NUMBER OF PARCELS - Section 10.3.1 Tax Map 8, Parcel 15 Dear Mr. Collins: he County Attorney and I have reviewed the deeds and other information you have ubmitted for the above-noted property. It is the County Attorney's advisory opinion ~nd my official determination, that this property consists of one (1) parcel containing ~08.1 acres more or less. I I his parcel is entitled to associated development rights. This determination results n the same number of parcels as is shown with a parcel number on the County tax a s. It is my opinion that there are no additional parcels. rrhis determination considered the descriptive clauses of the deed, which delineate and ~numerate the property as consisting of "all that certain tract or parcel of land... fbout six miles northwest of Free Union on State Route 601 containing 408.1 acres, ore or less ..." This consideration is based on the findings of the VA Supreme Court n the case, Faison v. Union Camp 224 VA 54. he most recent deed of record as of the date of adoption of the Zoning Ordinance IS found in Deed Book 663, Page 176. It is dated January 12, 1979, from J. Howard nd Johanna M. Staley, to Sanderstead Investment Inc. The previous deed with plat f T.W. Saudners, is dated June 12, 13 and 14, 1963 and is of record in Deed Book 89, Page 365. The 1963 deed also employs the descriptive language all that certain ract or parcel of land. The attached plat shows the cumulative acreage with outside oundaries and no internal previous parcel lines. .' October 1, 1993 Jeff Collins/Sanderstead Determination Page 2 You have thirty days from this date in which to appeal this decision to the Board of Zoning Appeals, in accordance with Section 15.1-496.1 of the Code of Virginia or the decision shall be final and unappealable. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, A~~M~Z!~~ Zoning Administrator AGM/ cc: Sanderstead Investment Inc. Jan Sprinkle, Planning Department Gay Carver, Real Estate Department Ella Carey, Clerk, Board of Supervisors Reading Files NOTE: Zero (0) additional parcel(s) One (1) by Tax Map, one (1) by determination \ L. F. 1119 LONGW RTH BUILOING WASHINGTON, DC 20515-4605 (202) 2 5-4711 FAX: (202) 226-1147 AOMINISTRAT VE ASSISTANT WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE (tCongrt55 of tbt Itnittb ~tatt5 "OU~t of l\tprt~tntatibt~ Masbington, 119(: 20515-4605 SUBCOMMITTEES TRADE SELECT REVENUE MEASURES . ,:$ " , '. lO.D8..lB ,~.. ',~,-- t:5 .') q5:1{)~ ,.f:, DISTRICT OFF CES: September 30, 1993 ~~O-f!Jl.UU-. r,:'. 1 I U l ~__, \~OARD Of S~_~ERVISC~~"" Mr. David Bowerman Chairman Albermarle County Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Dear David: Thank you for your recent letter regarding H.R. 1181, to increase the rate for payment-in-lieu-of-taxes (PILT). As you know, H.R. 1181 would increase the rate of PILT reimbursement from $0.75 to $1.65 per acre. Albemarle County would receive approximately $13,180 in additional PILT funds, based upon the 14,644 federal acres in the county. However, any change in the PILT program would disproportionately benefit western states where the federal government owns large tracts of federal land. The total cost of the program would explode, from $140 million to $308 million. Increasing the rate for PILT would require a like decrease in other spending from the Land and Water Conservation Fund, increased user fees or an increase in taxes. If the last option were utilized, then it would cost the taxpayers of Albemarle approximately $45,879 based upon a per capita collection method. Under this scenario, the Albemarle taxpayers would send $32,699 to other areas in addition to the $13,180 that they contribute to Albemarle County. o JENNIFER Moo HIElD, CASEWORK SUPERVISOR DAN DANIEL P. . BUILDING 700 MAIN STR ET, SUITE 301 DANVILLE, VA 4541-1827 TELEPHONE: (8 4) 792-1280 FAX: (804) 79 -5942 o MARGARET WATKINS, OFFICE MANAGER ABBITT FEDERAL BUilDING 103 SOUTH MAIN STREET FARMVILLE, VA 23901-1701 TELEPHONE: (804) 392-8331 FAX: (804) 392-6448 D GREG KEll", DISTRICT MANAGER p"O_ Box 2017 103 EAST WATER STREET, SUITE 302 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902-2017 TELEPHONE: (804) 295-6372 FAX: (804) 295-6059 THIS STATIONERY PRINTED ON PAPER MADE OF RECYCLED FIBERS \ Mr. David Bowerman -- Page 2 I do not believe it is in the best interest of the Commonwealth of Virginia to finance such a large increase in spending with relatively small benefit for the Commonwealth. Although I cannot support this legislation at this time, I hope you will continue to contact me in the future if I can be of assistance. Sincerely, ~F L. F. Payne LFPJr:gk RAY D. PE TEL COMMISSIO ER JO'oe.g, 93 '/0/3_ft5..7) r~l~ @ ~:--~.. COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA\~~l L.-- . DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION lE;O,cO,RD SUPER\', 1401 EAST BROAD STREET '.;,-=--._,,,~~___~' . -,- RICHMOND,23219 September 28, 1993 ..,;,'. ''';,1, Secondary System Additions Albemarle County ard of Supervisors unty of Albemarle 1 McIntire Road ar1ottesvi11e, VA 22901 M MBERS OF THE BOARD: As requested in your resolution dated July 7,1993, the following additions t the Secondary System of Albemarle County are hereby approved, effective Sep- t mber 28, 1993. B LENGTH CHlANDS 1427 (Hi11sda1e Drive) - From Route 866 to 0.02 mile West 1695 0.60 Mi 1694 (Branch1ands Boulevard) - From Route 29 to Route 1427 0.13 Mi Sincerely, 1?~ D,ill\;tQ Ray D. Pethtel Commissioner (1 (!' ) / 'if"/( .1J ( ~-{[ fj. }U_,'A) "(lj..vl'X--l,1.'-40 TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21 ST CENTURY ;'; RAY D. PE HTEL COMMISSIO ER DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1401 EAST BROAD STREET RICHMOND,23219 October 1, 1993 Secondary System Additions Albemarle County ard of Supervisors unty of Albemarle 1 McIntire Road arlottesville, VA 22901 MBERS OF THE BOARD: As requested in your resolution dated September 1, 1993, the following ditions to the Secondary System of Albemarle County are hereby approved, fective October 1, 1993. DITIONS LENGTH LL CREEK - SECTION 5 ute 1157 (Gristmill Drive) - From Route 1159 to Route 1165 0.04 Mi ute 1165 (Southern Parkway) - From Route 742 to Route 1157 0.53 Mi Sincerely, p~ O. Pe.ff\1& Ray D. Pethtel Commissioner -PI, MW') ~f<~1~UU1~ c U ~) < ;t;/} ..~O TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY :DATE ~ I~, /CjC/8 !AGENDA ITEM NO. Q3./0/3.670 , , , iAGENDA ITEM NAME .j[(J.A. q3.08~ f1ne~. , , !D~FERRED UNTIL ~JPJrYJJ.eIu /0/ IC{13 , Form.3 , 7/25/86 ,--, " ,. /o.oe.Q3 .", ~ .. 33.~I~ .51\ 1"4' ~~G, ~"'fll ':Ci:i ,,(_ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296.5823 Oc ober 4, 1993 Al emarle County Fair, Inc AT N: Carol Elzroth Rt 1, Box 554 No th Garden, VA 22959 RE SP-93-23 Albemarle County Fair De r Ms. Elzroth: Th Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on Se tember 28, 1993, unanimously recommended denial of the above- no ed request to the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors. Pl ase be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors wi 1 review this petition and receive public comment at their me ting on October 13, 1993.. Any new or additional information re arding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Bo rd of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled he ring date. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above- no ed action, please do not hesitate to contact me. / ;~~J? liam D. Fritz ior Planner cc Amelia McCulley Jo Higgins W. Roy & Bonnie Coggin . ~ , (Report Revised to Reflect Access Alternatives) S AFF PERSON: P NING COMMISSION: B ARD OF SUPERVISORS: WILLIAM D. FRITZ SEPTEMBER 28, 1993 OCTOBER 13, 1993 COUNTY FAIR INC APPLICANT . ROY , BONNIE s C tition: The Albemarle County Fair petitions to operate the unty Fair on 70I acres zoned RA, Rural Areas [10.2.2(42)]. operty, described as Tax Map 99, Parcel 61 (part), is located the south side of Route 760 approximately 0.3 miles west of e Route 29/Route 760 intersection in the Samuel Miller gisterial District. This area is recommended for Village sidential (maximum 1 dwelling unit per acre) in the village of rth Garden. Area: This site is a vacant field. Two high ltage power lines cross this site. The North Fork of the rdware River defines the southern boundary of the area to be veloped. A small ridge rises from Route 760 and drops gently wards the river. The site is effectively screened from Route o by the ridge. licant's Pro osal: The applicant is seeking approval of this rmit for a period of 30 years. The permit is intended to allow r the operation of the Albemarle County Fair for six days a are a and Recommendation: Staff has reviewed this request for mpliance with Sections and 5.1.27 of the Zoning dinance and recommends denial. P annin and Zonin None is available for this p operty. The Albemarle County Fair currently has a special use p rmit for a fair in the North Garden area originally approved in 1 88. C m rehensive Plan: The site is designated as part of the North G rden Village Growth Area, but is zoned RA, Rural Areas. (In t is area, the South Branch of the North Fork Hardware River is t e Growth Area boundary.) The Comprehensive Plan recommends s pport for the agricultural/forestal industry through p omotional activities (Objective, p. 55). The County fair is a j risdictional type of promotion for the agricultural and f restal industry. 1 1, e Comprehensive Plan (Open Space Plan) recommends protection of e South Branch of the North Fork Hardware River, which is signated a major Stream Valley with associated floodplain and tlands. The South Branch is a perennial stream with Watershed source Protection Area buffer areas required. Wetlands are cated along the stream, and in the southwest area of the site. historic site (Glen Esk house and cemetery) is visible to the uth. site limitations include some critical slopes, and s allow depth to rock soil (Ashe) located along the 50 foot r'ght-of-way and east of the septic system area. (Issues of p eservation of areas identified in the Open Space Plan should be a dressed at the time of site plan review). ere may be a conflict between a fairground facility located in Growth Area and adjacent residential use due to traffic, dust, ise, lighting, hours of operation, etc. Whether these concerns d issues could be adequately addressed for a permanent ear-round) or temporary (6 days a year) fairgrounds facility cated within a Growth Area would depend upon the aracteristics of the site, the scale of the facility, and the ientation of uses, buffers, etc. "Residential uses are nerally inappropriate immediately adjacent to non-residential es except as follows. with screening or buffering, residential es are appropriate adjacent to neighborhood scale commercial es and smaller scale community and public facilities." (p. 6) . e location of a fairgrounds within a Growth Area does provide en space, but also occupies area designated for residential e. This use of land in a designated growth area for a non- sidential use removes holding capacity from the Growth Area. is loss should be balanced against the benefits provided by the irgrounds. It is questionable that a temporary fairgrounds th limited operations is providing benefits which offset this ss of holding capacity. AFP COMMENT: o access proposals have been reviewed by staff. The first tion is no longer proposed by the applicant. In this proposal ft turns from Route 29 onto Route 760 would be prohibited (by mporary barriers and/or manual enforcement). Fair traffic uld travel to Route 710, turning left onto Route 710 (Police npower would be needed to control left turns here by stopping e northbound land periodically to allow for the turning vements). Traffic would then turn left onto Route 760 which uld be limited to one-way traffic back to Route 29 (see tached map showing directional arrows). 2 I, T~e second option which is favored by the applicant involves use OF the Route 29/Route 760 crossover for ingress and egress to the f~ir site. Route 760 would be surface treated from the fair e~trance to Route 29. Route 760 would remain a two way road d~ring the fair. (Attachment I) Dl~ring the initial review in 1987/88 for the County Fair for its p. esent location, staff prepared an analysis of traffic generated b the fair. staff has revised those traffic generation figures t4~ account for the increase in attendance that has occurred over tl~e years. (The latest figures indicate that attendance is a)~proximately 25,000 visitors.) (r~raffic estimates assume three people/vehicle.) (FAIR BOARD) (STAFF) Estimated Estimated Vehicle Attendance Trips ~onday 1,500 1,000 "uesday 4,000 2,670 ~ednesday 2,500 1,670 l~hursday 2,750 1,830 'riday 5,000 3,330 I~aturday 9,250 6,170 I 'rOTALS 25,000 16,670 D\e to the substantial volume of traffic anticipated to be gEnerated by this use the Virginia Department of Transportation ('DOT) has provided extensive comments (Attachment D). The Pclice Department has also provided comment (Attachment E). The Pclice Department has stated generally that any plan adopted to access this site can be achieved by the use of manpower. Hcwever, the police department has reservations regarding the use 01 this site for a fair due to access issues. staff has met with VI~T and is of the opinion that no alternatives exist which would alleviate the problems identified by VDOT. Should the first option be utilized, VDOT has recommended certain read improvements. The improvements to the road network recommended by VDOT would improve the position of this request. He~ever, these improvements do not overcome VDOT's objection to this request. 3 ~ e second option, the option favored by the applicant, has many of the same negatives anticipated to occur if the first option is u ed. However, the second option also has the possibility of affecting the Route 70S/Route 29 crossover. B sed on VDOT comments, staff opinion is that this request does n t comply with the supplemental regulations contained in Section 5.1.27 (Attachment F). Based on VDOT comments, staff opinion is t at the access issues are insurmountable and this petition s ould be denied on this basis alone. additional comments, staff offers the following: itially, the applicant's proposal would involve no permanent cilities other than those required for electricity, water and ptic systems. Long term plans propose construction of pole rns and possibly other permanent structures. Conditions of proval limit permanent structures without amendment of this rmit. Staff notes that the land outside of the floodplain is oping and development of permanent structures will likely quire a site plan satisfying the full requirements of the dinance to ensure that development is suitable to the terrain. e applicant proposes to utilize tractor trailers for the orage of fair equipment on-site. The Zoning Administrator has p ovided the following comments regarding this proposed activity: "The trailer storage would not be permitted if they are 'inoperative vehicles'. I assume that the trailers themselves are not. The Zoning Ordinance does not address this type of trailer while it does address office trailers, residential trailers and recreational trailers. It is unlikely that there is an intention to include'such a use on a general basis. However; absent a specific prohibition of such, it is possible for the Board to provide for such." e Board of Supervisors should specifically address this issue any approval action by either specifically permitting or ohibiting the use. e sketch plan submitted by the applicant proposes amusement des within an area designated as the 100 year floodplain. The ning Administrator has provided comment on this proposed tivity: "It is my op1n10n that the rides are not permitted within the floodplain. Section 30.3.4 lists prohibited uses which include 'storage of gasoline ... and other such materials 4 I, which could result in hazard to life and/or water pollution in the event of flooding' and 'storage of machinery...' It might be difficult to move the rides as needed to avoid a flood event, particularly with saturated soils." U~e of the area for corrals or riding rings would be permitted. S~aff notes that the fair site will be visible from several (~pproximately 6-8) dwellings due to the terrain in the North Gflrden area. Fpr the reasons stated by VDOT, staff is unable to recommend approval of this request. staff notes that the fair has an e~isting location which does not generate the severe traffic p~oblems anticipated by the use of the proposed site. staff also nptes that the existing fair site is relatively flat as opposed tp the proposed site. staff has identified the differences in t~e proposed fair site with the existing fair site as evidence t~at more suitable areas for a fair exist than the proposed site. S~aff recommends denial of SP-93-23. Should the Board of S~pervisors choose to approve this request, staff recommends the fPllowing conditions based on use of the second access option f~vored by the applicant: :a: SCOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1 Such events shall be limited to six consecutive days excluding Sunday. Hours of operation shall be limited to 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. on Saturday with no operation on Sunday ("Operation" shall mean the period of time during which the fair is open to the public and shall not include set up, dismantling and restoration activities.) This permit is issued for the conduct of the Albemarle County Fair by the Albemarle County Fair, Incorporated, and shall not be used for any other event requiring special use permit pursuant to Section and 5.1.27 of the Zoning Ordinance; 2 The applicant shall notify the Albemarle County Police Department, Virginia Department of Health, and servicing fire and rescue squads 60 days prior to each event and shall make adequate arrangements for the conduct of the event with each of these agencies; 3 Traffic management shall be approved annually by the Albemarle County Police Department, Virginia Department of Transportation and Albemarle County Planning Department, with the final responsibility being that of the Police Department; 5 I, 4. The applicant shall upgrade Route 760 from the entrance to the fair site to Route 29. Minimum improvements shall result in not less than a 16 foot asphalt surface travelway; 5. No permanent structures other than those necessary for electrical, water and septic systems; 6 Planning Commission approval of site plan showing location of permanent improvements and noting areas for temporary improvements. The Planning Commission shall review the location of all improvements and limit improvements to the areas most suitable for development based on distance to dwellings, slope, floodplain, internal traffic patterns and the like. -~-------------- A~TACHMENTS: A - Location Map B - Tax Map C - Map Showing Proposed Traffic Pattern o - VDOT Comment on Options 1 and 2 E - Police Department Comment on Options 1 and 2 F - Regulations of Section 5.1.27 G - Sketch of Fair Layout H - Letters From Public I - Sketch Showing Access from Route 29/Route 760 Crossover 6 (Ji!,. \ '-- rll">J Ii -,-;/ . -I'. IA~TACHMENT AI ~~" C-" FT '-,,", +. .;- :v /' r,.' \ (~~~ I ~, ,. ca., /' ~.,i' "-.., \ " ( /""' r..; -.\ ~i'~ f( / /:i . -.) -z. tJ" I , ~{ +- ...... ." . .} jillJ ~'" ~ [ill ~ 119 ",'f' ",qj R" .L ~ 'fi--.o "'~; 1 62 : I I I , I , , , , , ill) : , ," I I. ,y/ ! I ;. .1 II , \' \' r ATTACH~ENT B , . t\ -~~l - ,. I . 3A ~ I I . tl ~--. ",' 51 50 '><. / ",. .y ......... .""."" , - -......... 11 ATTACHMENT' C I CD .~ I. i I I I ; . ~ i i , :;: . /-- .~'! , / .~. )r ..y.~.~~.~~ ~ I i . ~ I IJ) )> ~ C 1'1 r ~ r= r 1'1 ::a o (ij -l ::a (; -l 1> r CD fTl 3: 1> 0-. -< p! fTl . IJ) )> ~ C 1'1 r ~ F 1'1 ::a 52 IJ) -l ::a (; -l J ..-' 1> r OJ fTl 3: 1> ;j ::0 r fTl i- (") o c: Z -l -<...J - '--.. . -'-'--; .-'-' \, ., ; (J) fTI o -f (5 Z CD CD .J /' I ) ,/ .. .. ""--- -. ~ , - L ....::;. - _-;4 ..:::. I-I I_I J ~ ...1 .-=. .: .f... ~.. . r- , \, 1-' _ "":.;;.;: I ATTACHMENT 0 I COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION p, O. lOX 871 CULPEptfl.22701 RAY D. PETH EL . 1. 2. . DONALD R. ASKEW _ DlSTIIICT ADMIHlS.TRATOR . Ronald S. Keeler ef of Planning t. of Planning & Community Development nty of Albemarle McIntire Road rlottesville, Va. 22901-4596 August 20, 1993 SP-93-23 Albemarle County Fair Keeler: Jeff Hores the District Traffic Engineer for VDOT attended a ent meeting at the Albemarle County Planning Department on sday, August 17 to discuss the above subject. following points are reiterated in emphasis of ,the adversity proposed site and this office1s objection to the-'site for the emarle County Fair: existing site on the west side of Route 29 accessed from te 692 has had its share of operational problems in the past ch were discussed at the meeting. The Albemarle County Sheriff's artment representative explained the complications which occurred mitigative measures are constantly under consideration in an empt to improve the situations in the next fair. h the queueing occurring at this site when the traffic maneuvers olve right turns, the proposed site will experience much more si nificant queueing with the re9uired left turn maneuvers. To fo ce this significant increase ~n traffic across two lanes of Ro te 29 will require extensive traffic control and place the officers on duty in very precarious positions. it exists, the southbound lett-turn lane on Route 29 at its ersection with Route 710 is grossly inadequate for the increased tfic use during and around the t1~e ot the Albemarle county Fair. only will this intersection fail during the periods the fair is operation, but the turn lane is inadequate for periods when the ipment and deliveries are arriving. hough a temporary revision to the traffic pattern has been proposed, facilities on to which traffic is being forced are not adequate to omodate the additional vehicles. Route 710, with its, 'relative short gth will be completely saturated and the only.. storage available 1 be across the two northbound Route 29-lanes and up the southbound " . , \, 4. . s. . t . _ ...~....:... I ATTAC,HMENT D I' Page 2\ nes which will cause complications for northbound as well as uthbound traffic. additional concern involves the several residences along these condaries which not onl~ will temporarily lose access for them- lves, but will also be ~naccessible for emergency vehicles should situation arise which require such services. Further complicating. tters, any emergency situations arising on fairgrounds which quire such services will be further jeopardized by the inability the emergency services to quickly respond. With Route 760 being ly 8 to 10 If., any vehicles queued will have no place to move order to allow the emergency VGhicles thr~ugh. . . ' ute 760 is currently an 8' to 10' gravel road and is structurally well a geometricly insufficient for this proposal. Although the oposal claims that the site will be used exclusively for the fair ce per year, past experiences indicate that once the site is proved for one event, it is more than likely that the owners will e it for numerous events throughout the year. rther complicating matters, the access driveway has a significant ade into the proposed site along with a 180 degree ti~ht-radius rn which will be difficult to maneuver under normal c~rcumstances. the sheriff's department indicated, the critical operation to nimize queueing is the entry and parking of vehicles at the access into It is imperative that vehicles enter quickly in order to nimize queueing. This will be impossible with the access involved. addition to the adverse physical characteristics of this operation, dications of past failures to quickly park vehicles once on fair ounds confirm concerns with the queueing of traffic an the breakdown all roadways involved. . Fritz indicated that his dep~rtment may not recommend approval ot is site and will approach the Board ot Supervisors with his as well VDOT's concerns. In discussing his strategy for presentation, . · Fritz indicated that he will inform the Board that no improvements the existing system will accomodate the problems anticipated should is site be approved. In past experiences, scenarios similar as this ve been passed by local government authorities despite excellent cases a1nst such proposals by their own statf. Should this proposal recieve a proval by the Board without required improvements, it may jeopardize t e Department's position and place the burden of attempting to make the s te work on the Department. It is recommended that Mr. Fritz enter the p esentation to strongly -recommend against such approval, but be p epared to impose requirements in order that the Department not become f nancially responsible for the problems anticipated. If the Board r alizes that approval would require the County to improve the area r ads, such approval might seem less attractive from the beginning. The f llowing should be the least required. If your section has further r quirements,please add them. . A. Route 29 @ Route 710 -. . , , I _ ~ I -... . \ 'ATTACHMENT 0' I Page 3\ Extend the southbound left-turn lane to at least the standard 200 If full width/ 2001f taper configuration.' Construction of a right-turn lane in the northbound direction on Route 29. B. Route 710 and Route 760 Require uP9rading both facilities to standard paved secondary section. In addition, the County should bear some responsibility to repair any sections of either facility which are damaged by the heavy traffic ~ccessing the site. - C. Entrance Into Site Improve entrance/exit vertical and horizontal ~eometrics to alleviate problems described in the fourth ~tem above. D. Route 29 @ Route 760 Improve intersection configuration/geometries to accomodate the traffic being forced through. Some olause should be attached to any apprpval indicating that further improvements may be required pendinq discussion with County Officials at a formal on-site conference. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Jeffrey Hores at (703) 829 7611. sincerely, a;:c:?U ames C. Call es. Draft. Tech. ,. cc: Ms. A.G. Tucker cc: Mr. J.S. Hores . - - -- -" .--" -- ---- -. - IATTACHMENT 0 II Page 41 . . . ~. COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA RAY D. PETHTEL COM ISIOH'" DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P. O. lOX 1171 CULPEPER, 22701 September 24, 1993 DONALD R. ASKEW DISTRICT ADMINISTRATOIl Mr. William Fritz Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Va. 22902-4596 ear Mr. Fritz: This office has reviewed the alternative access for the lbemarle County Fair site which consist of utilizing the Route 60/ Route 29 intersection instead ot the originally proposed Route 10/ Route 29 intersection, and then Route 760. The Department till has basically the same Concerns that it had with the original roposal. We recommend that this site not be approved based on the ollowing: · We concur that this alternative will involve use of the rossover on Route 29/Route 760 which has limited stacking ability ue to the bridge on Route 29. In addition, the intersection of oute 70S/ Route 29 may be adversely affected by traffic generated y the Fair. · Even with the improvements, Route 760 will be geometrically nsufficient for this proposal. The proposed widening to 16' oas not meet the current design standard of 18' for a rural local oad. . As discussed earlier with the original proposal, the eXisting air site on the west side of Route 29 accessed from Route 692 had perational problems due to queuing stemming from both right and eft turns. Since traffic will be access from Route 29, these roblems will also be relevant to the proposed site. .' · As it exists, the southbound left-turn lane on Route 29 at its ntersection with Rout. 760 is inadequate for the increased traftic se during and around the time ot the County Fair. Also I the turn ane is inadequate for periods when the equipment and deliveries re arriving. TRANSPORTATION FOR THri 21 ST CENTURY --1: d ~~:~0 NOW ~6-~~-60 ... . v I ATTACHMENTD I' Page 5\ - ~. sight distance would be inadequate at this sight under fair conditions due to cars lining up. I hope that you find these comments useful. If you need to d~scuss them further, please contact me. Sinoerely, %~ fJt~ Wanda Moore Transportation Enqineer CC; Jeffrey Hores Angela Tucker .. _ ~.4 ...... ...:-..;.:..;.:.~.:;.......:.~' -:~~...........~.-;:;;.,-::-;. . . .. .'. '.:: ..,1;';;" ~;.. . ~~l'T ~. '::-....~;-:".....':':'::..:-::::....~".......,~"':".... . r J.,f. t i ~ e . c : ~ . , . . . , _"I I ATTACHMENT E I ~b~tuztrl~ Qlllunfu Jlllitt ~~parftu~nf MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Department Captain Scott M. Hambrick August 25, 1993 CT: Proposed Albemarle Co. Fair Site Plan - Rt. 760 Our Department had been asked to comment on the traffic and law en~ rcement impact of the proposed site on Rt. 760 for the Albemarle County Fair. Att ched are our comments on this proposal. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact Ser eant Richard Martin. cc: Sergeant Richard Martin File REOEIVED AUb t.. 7 I"J Planning Dept. .. . . I ATTACHMENT E II Page 21 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Police Department County Office Building 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville. Virginiil 22901-4E'J96 (804) 296-5807 August 18, 1993 T FIC CONTROL FOR PROPOSED ALBEMARLE C UNTY FAIR SITE V.S.H. 760 off U.S 29 S. R D HILL COMMUNITY The Albemarle County Fair Inc. has'proposed to locate the fair a parcel of land off V.S.H. 760 between U.S. 29 and V.S.H. 710. The Fair proposes that tersection of V.S.H. 710. tersection of V.S.H. 760, the fair grounds. fair goers will leave U.S. 29 at the They will proceed on V.S.H. 710 to the left on to V.S.H. 760 to the entrance The exit from the fair grounds will be separate from the e trance. Exiting traffic will turn right on to V.S.H. 760 and oceed toward U.S. 29. . The plan calls for V.S.H. 760 to be made into a one-way r adway during the operational hours of the fair. The southbound fair traffic on'U.S. 29 will have to be routed to the left southbound lane. The fair traffic will have to make left turn off U.S. 29, across the northbound lanes into V.S.H. 7 O. The personnel needed to control traffic at this intersection w'll require two (2) teams of two (2) police officers. One team on p st and the other off on a rotating basis. The traffic turning off u.s. 29 south bound into V.S.H. 710 w.l1 cause delays in the north bound flow of traffic on U.S. 29. V hicles approaching north bound on U.S. 29 that desire to turn r.ght onto V.S.H 710 to go to the fair grounds will cause other d lays for the south bound fair goers. . V.S.H 710 east of U.S. 29 is a narrow, paved, secondary road ssing through a residential area. I am aware that the area is nedagricultural. The turn from V.S.H 710 into V.S.H. 760 is a 11.90 degree turn into a narrow gravel road. I ATTACHMENT E I 'page 3 Pa . V.S.H. 760 is a narrow gravel road with a thirty foot right of wa and approximately 15 feet of travel surface. The side ditches ar fairly deep leaving no shoulder for vehicles to use. V.S.H 760 wi 1 have to be made a one way roadway. This would require signage at each driveway entrance on V.S.H. 760 to control access to V.S.H. 76. To control access to V.S.H. 760 at the intersection of u.s. 29 will require two (2) teams of two (2) police officers. These te ms would be one team on post and one off post in rotation. One of icer of the team will have to control the prohibition of left tu n from u.s. 29 south bound to V.S.H.760. One officer will be ne ded to insure the prohibition of not turning right from north bo nd u.s. 29. The officers at this intersection will also have to as ist motorists leaving the fair that want to make a left turn to go south u.s. 29. This movement will have to constantly monitored. Th sight distance north on the south bound lane is not the best du to the different elevation of the lanes of u.s. 29. The cones an barrels used to close the south bound left turn lane to V.S.H. 76 lane would further reduce visibility. The officer assigned to highway patrol will need to work from .H. 745 south intersection with u.s. 29 to V.S.H. 711 ersection with u.s. 29. . The fair grounds parking crew will have to maintain six (6) ca s per minute into the parking lot. There is a back up storage on V.S.H. 760 and 710 of about 100 cars. Traffic back up on u.s. 29 in the south bound left lane could be very hazardous. The left la e is normally the passing or faster traffic lane. The present fair site has a lead of twenty five (25) to thirty (3 ) cars off u.s. 29. The parking lot crew's performance during vious fairs has not been able to'keep the flow sufficient to p a back up off u.s. 29. The back up on u.s. 29 at the present e occurs in the right lane or the slower vehicle lane. Traffic backed up as far as V.S.H. 710 in the south bound lane. The approach to the traffic control point south bound has a Ii ited sight distance. Drivers approaching are in a curve to the ri ht, the intersection of V.S.H. 708, and the Hardware River Br'dge. The approach to the traffic control point north bound is a g upgrade to a hillcrest. The drivers north bound have ah!gh cent age of traveling more than five (5) miles per hour over the ted speed limit. This has been evidenced by the number of ffic summons issued for speeding during previous fairs. The th bound drivers are approaching a hillcrest before they can see icers controlling traffic. .- . , . . . I ATTACH M EN]" E IlPage 4/ P The number of police officers needed to provide coverage for t e proposed fair site are as follows: F ir Operations Supervisor Highway Roving Patrol F irgrounds Foot Patrol I tersection traffic control V.S.H. 710 & U.S. 29. I ersection traffic control V.S.H. 760 & U.S. 29. Sergeant Officer Officer 1 1 1 Officer 4 Officer 4 Total Police Personnel 11 Hours of the Fair: 16:00 to 23:00 16:00 to 23:00 16:00 to 23:00 16:00 to 23:00 10:00 to 23:00 On Post Time for Officers: 15:00 to 23:30 15:00 to 23:30 15:00 to 23:30 15;00 to 23:30 09:00 to 24:00 Total 8-1/2 8-1/2 8-1/2 8-1/2 15 49 The number of flares and batteries that will be needed will rease by 100% due to having two traffic control points. The traffic to and from the present fair site is a major task h a right turn for the most of the vehicles off u.S. 29. The ffic to and from the proposed site will be an even larger task to the majority of the vehicles 'turning left across the north nd lanes of U.S. 29. The exiting vehicles from the proposed site should flow fairly I with the majority turning right off V.S.H. 760 on to go north nd U.S. 29. The problem will come with the vehicles that want go south on u.S. 29 and those that go to V.S.H. 708 and turn t to west V.S.H. 708. The vehicles wanting the go south on U.S. will have to be controlled by the assigned officers. The standard dates for the Albemarle County fair are t;he sday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday prior to'Labor on Monday. This means that on Friday evening all those veling on U.S. 29 for the holiday weekend have to pass the ffic control points and add to the traffic congestion. I ATTACHMENT E II Page 5 E . , COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Police Department County Office Building 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5807 September 24, 1993 Traffic Control for Proposed Albemarle County Fair Site V.S.H. 760 off U.S. 29 S. Red Hill community The Albemarle County Fair Inc. has proposed to locate the fair on a parcel of land on V.S.H. 760 off u.S. 29. The original proposal called for one way traffic on V.S.H. 760 between V.S.H. 710 and U.S. 29 during the operating hours of the fair. The traffic control plan was done to provide for one way traffic on V.S.H. 760. The site Search Committee has submitted another idea for entrance access to the site. This calls for the upgrade of V.S.H. 760 from u.S. 29 to a point just beyond the fair entrance. The new idea would have two way traffic on V.S.H. 760 with the major traffic control point at it's intersection with u.S. 29. The new plan would have fair bound traffic entering V.S.H. 760 at it's intersection with U. S. 29. This will require two (2) teams of two (2) officers to control traffic due to the volume of left turn traffic, from u.S. 29 to V.S.H. 760. I do not see from the proposal that the turn lane south bound on U. S. 29 would be extended or the differential of elevation between the lanes of u.S. 29 being leveled. The intersection. of V.S.H. 708 is on several hundred feet north of the intersection of V.S.H. 760. This would have a blocking effect on V.S.H. 708 when traffic backs up on u.S. 29 waiting to turn. The Albemarle Sheriff's Office personnel did an excellent job of the parking lot for the past fair. They still had several back ups onto u.S. 29. I agree the back ups did not last as long and traffic moved better than it has in the past. T T T 'ATTACHMENT E II Page 6/3 . , Page Two: The back up when it occurs will be in the left or high speed lane and will be more of a danger to motorists by being in the left lane. - The intersection at u.s. 29 and V.S.H. 710 would still require traffic control due to motorists using the unimproved portion of V.S.H. 760. There will be some who will still come from V.S.H. 760 south of the fair entrance to gain access to the fair. The personnel requirements for the modified plan will be same as for the orginial plan. . , '--., . ..- f -. ( -. " 5.1. 27 I ATTACHMENT F I TEMPORARY EVENTS SPONSORED BY LOCAL NONPROFIT, ORGANIZATIONS This provision is intended to regulate for purposes of pUblic health, safety and welfare, major events such as agricultural expositions, concerts, craft fairs, and similar activities which generally: attract large numbers of patrons; may be disruptive of the area; and occasion the need for planning in regard to traffic control, emergency vehicular access, health concerns and the like. The provision is not intended to regulate such minor events as church bazaars, yard sales,'bake sales, car washes, picnics and the like which generally are not disruptive of the area and require only minimal logistical planning; nor is it intended to permit permanent amusement facilities. Each such event shall be sponsored by one or more not-for-profit organizations operating primarily in the county and/or the city of Charlottesville. No event shall extend for a period longer than that provided by the board of supervisors in the conditions of the special use permit. A separate special use permit shall be required for each event. Special use permits may be issued by the board of supervisors pursuant to this section, upon finding: . a. That the public roads serving the site are adequate to accommodate the traffic which would be expected to be generated by such event; b. That the character of such use will be in harmony with the public health, safety and welfare, and uses permitted by right in the district and will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property in terms of smoke, dust, noise, hours of operation, artificial lighting or other specific identifiable conditions which may be deleterious to the existing uses of such property. Except as the board of supervisors may expressly add or delete conditions in a particular case, each such permit shall be sUbject to the following conditions: a. A preliminary plan showing access, parking, vehicular and pedestrian circulation, and method of separation of the same shall be approved by the director of planning; -69.3- (Supp. #14, 7-7-82) . ,. . . ' ~ ," b. ". c . I ATTACHMENT F II Page 2 Such organization shall have made adequate arrange- ments with the county sheriff, fire and rescue squads, and the local office of the Virginia Department of Health for the conduct of such event; _.-Y Adequate arrangements have been made for the removal of trash and debris, reseeding and general restoration of the site following the event. The board of supervisors may establish and require the posting of a bond in an amount deemed by the zoning administrator to be sufficient for such purpose. (Added 7-7-82) e . \ATTACHMENT Gl ---... \ .~\~ ~ ~\ : : u I :: 0 r,.~". " ~ I. ~""II \~ ~! =/C5" : \ ~ ~; I m_ ~ \\~ ;:j:! -5 V;~~ ~ :: " ~: . :! .. ~ I r"'Nr I : ; \ ..... J /) .. . ..... . \~: \\'--' ///rfA' I..t~< ......... ...... .' I ( / . . . I 'I . t \.\ j Jf :/ f \:\ /.... .... \.<.:..\\................:!}!f7...../ /? / DC"S J IfJ.. )' v . . ...._.~:..;.:..:..:....i".:..:.:..:...",~J .0_. . \ ' . .- ~ \ I "',wr I (~ ....... ;) .-. . . . . . . .. .. .... ..... . . . . . .. . .... .. /1,!7,P-fd.t//f;fTC ;,,:;/,;... . ~<""" .' . J'AJT. ",.". ~(l.o. OrF//V,:O ". . 1'~:' t:H"&ttr /0" Y.:/h'fr~oooZCVY'cr- ./'" .... :: ;.., .. R.r VIY'"w",y t7/V' .-' . . . . ..... . ': : C'O"'f~(/N/TY P/JlVc-'V \1: l ~, ..s-/Ot%J~-OJ?5B I ::' -f/0r::Ir7~ -".:JJO e. \' \\ V:: ". '- \ : ~ .------ "-.<rov ;lC.!!.--...--t" ..-".-" >-..~ (J {{II. .../' ------- ...--- r..r-~ 6/1"1(/':(, ~o"1b '-':::--.? /' ":". /' "<'" '. '\ I :. I ; . \ , . --"-- .. ,P/fOPc~77' U"rrON'/V' ffc..fEON /(J' /'1 70.r.-cJC'. PO-1'770/V' Or=: /",/'11'C'C~ u./ /Y'V' lJ'HOh/N oN l.J'l'/c-cT '19 Cov/\/r-y T7"1x ~AP.s . '. ...... . .. -. -. -.. Pl?cL/H/NARY (J/TE PLAN lfHON/N6 P/fOPOS~D ALBENARLE COUNlY FA/~ <SITE /7 t."6''''"1I'Uft.€ co ("INry, VhfG/..v/A o..rUL.-y zu>/ /7'1..3 /'/,: eoo" , . I (.'~.: .... ~','.:-.. ~......'...... ...........,.......-.. ..',.... . . . . . , I ATTACHMENT H II Page 21 The fact that no public notice of the fair's intent or its petItIOn to the county has be n seen, makes me feel that public knowledge at this time was not desirable on the part of the Fair Board. All of those listed would be happy to testify in masse or individually ag inst this proposed fair location and I request that your department keep us completely in ormed on meetings, hearings and petitions concerning the fair's plans. Sincerely, M.H~~i:g~ ~ cc Albemarle County Fair, Inc. _ r. .;TACHMENT H Il!>age 3\ : l' e... +-: 1- ; 0 ~ AUG 251993 . -+0 llow';"W1 s: if'^.oJ.-w\UJ ;uf~ ~v~ , T U i'"Yl ~ vvu.-6 0+ rJ 0 ~ ~ G- o../-..,J. ~ J l; LA.O L- \\ \..e~ Cfpo S d. -+0 -Ke... AI h,~o..~k G '^^""'1 t="o..', R. ~ oCL.e.d .L- 0 u... ~ rJ j -+--R e. +c-;.z 0 ""A ((D '-'- + €.... '] 4 0 · . ' AJO{(J"e f' @ RD~~ \ va ~9.5 , ~ 'wVlJ- 2- Z'15~ ~% ~/22r~? ; ( 1<::"- 6:r5s E ~ 'Y 1VcJ7-'~ ~4,- f,? cc9s--C; /,~, _9 " " ff~ () )'\ - c/'- ,LJ.? / ~ 1/ , 0: . dl...-{.' d '_-&-1..-<..- t.. / C ~-L",- / ;' ~ fLr ~- IV'~ tfl--A W-/)rd(\._ L/lf - ., Q -,.-.. ~ t.. " j >' 1 ~ o .~ATTACHMENT HlrBge ~l't IV' vl9 J.. LY J--r ~C..~S" ([~ RoAD "r, ,r\ I ATTACHMENT H Jt Page 5 t ~ ... I We the below signed concerned citizens, wish to register . disapproval of the site on State Route 760 as a permanent . for the Albemarle County Fair. There is a great concentra- n of persons on SR 710 and SR 760 who will be put at great onvenience in reaching their homes (18 familes in all) because of one-way traffic that has been suggested and necessary because he width and condition of the road. There are many others who . ,light, be concerned about n01s~and dust pollution; and emergency would be hampered by the density of traffic and narrow . Naine 'and'addr'es s i ) . _ay -gq C( -,: Po/ ~ 'l~ ~~r'Z'--6;2>_"- . . ,. . /3bA~ ~~.. .................;:..,.... ';j' ~:::;;"i F';~~e :~ I'~JJ '" ,~,....:" --~ . ,,1 i '..., , (\ , IATTACHMENT HllPagesl . Pa e 2 (petition against Albemarle County Fair site's being on Rt 760) "'1>...r' . if? J Address ~ -1J~ f) tJ ,J/, f..--t 2- ~7 b R- ~ 2. B..ox. ~'? ~o-fL ~ . ~ \bt-2-- 6 0 to (0 {<d-,~ <nvlS ~3 " I ATTACHMENT H I t Page 7 .. ~ . ''OJ, i . -'., _.------~.-'~...... --.-----------. - ...~ .....~- .. .~ . ......~~.~_...~'~.-.,:....'..J.. .,............~-..., ...._.,*O,-_.,........,4~..,..._.,_....--;,_....____ . . ., " .. . \ . /O~ c.: .;t (, , -. _ "." -- --.-, -'""' "'.-,". . - ~ 0 / ;1,.~ 'P~"P~k ft. -== q7q~.,7/5/._ (w).___.57L=.~~~- ir~:;l~- s-Rt;:!1;g/- .-'~ --.' -------,."._._....----.,...""~ ---. ".,. __. 29.6 _.~,~~4crt2t_2_.!_~~0l) .r " , . ~........._._."."- -..-y. .-' ,~..__.0/'e-kh91 EII/5. __. 1 ' _==-_-~[\.._'.mMr;y.~~Iu. I", I' ~',~._=---:~: ,-'r. /2~:p t4A caZ1~ H: '1 ~ L: __ t V\Li7 s. yYl ~5 ~~~ [2J-t 13 <=i 6.S r. --hi> flJ-1IJ1.. ~ ( U"-> { '1U:;-1 ,8.o.r leS'b-r ) N-;:J:.L ~~) ~D1'is'r . \, ! ". ~ , " '. .~ .... . ',..~ .;,.. -'~' ..(~>.:. .' .' '... , - '- \ . - . l ...'~, .'~ ,..'~1f\')" -.. -.-- ~" -....."..... -.-..;w\:. ~~..J;'\, I \ \" '. ." \ . ":. ,...... ... ...\ \. ,~ .,,,~~. ',- ", ~-+' . /-..........&. ;""", ' . I "" . . t. .~ i'; .'-..-' '- . , '- . '. -..it., ~......" ,.. " ... .... ..;~ ~-_.\- ,,:..~ -~~~ ,-~. ,~ '",..; <.-r, " . \ \ 'J ." . . ""~ ,:,!:~. ~>\..,-- . . ,-,) - ' 't.. ,0*; _' \ i {-, , " " '--:~) .\) .\.-'(:-.:- - ,-' .. <~" 1 . \ ~ .'.\ . , . ...,.. ~. . .I r-l f . ,.--'".- ..... -.. " ,. -,' l. ~"7' ." ..... I"..., .~ 8/26/93 .\ ATTACHMENT H II Page 81 RECEIVED . Mr. Ed Bain Supervisor, Samuel Miller District County of Albemarle 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 AuG , '1 ''j~.) Planning Dept. RE : Request of the county fair board for a use permit to operate a fair on the Coggins' property with entrance off of Rt 760 in North Garden. On 8/25 my wife and I attended a presentation by members of the fair board regarding their intentions to purchase land for a permanent fair site. We have attended the fair in the past and have enjoyed doing so. We appreciate the quality that has developed over the years. It appears to us that these are well intentioned people who have not done enough homework and presented mixed messages to the public. We believe that the proposal should be rejected on a number of grounds, a few of which can readily be seen. . 1] Traffic last year backed up 29 North from the Batesville road to near Rt 711 at times. To propose moving the traffic off Rt 29 to go East on Rt 710; thence North on Rt 760 would require police to handle the backup on Rt 29 with a too short left turn lane for a large volume on a 55mph road and to cross the Northbound lane which has little distance vision for a Northbound traveler approaching Rt 710. To talk of stacking two lanes of traffic on Rt 760 as was announced at the meeting flies in the face of evidence. Rt 760 is a gravel non tolerable road varying in width from 8 to 10 feet and has sharp curves near the proposed entrance to the Coggins property. When I travel that route to go to Charlottesville and meet a car coming South, I pull to the side near the ditch and allow them to pass [slowly]. Drivers being of all range of abilities I would not willingly want to be passed while in line by many cars some of whom will be in a hurry to arrive one car length earlier. In terms of line of sight it were better to enter Rt 760 from the North end, but many problems would still remain. . 2] Clogging this road could effectively shut off fire and emergency protection from the residents of the road and the fairground. To offer the hope of Pegasus would be to go after a groundhog with an elephant gun. I donI know what the reaction of the pilots would be to the high tension lines that cross the property under discussion. This does assume that Pegasus would always be on standby for this service - not too likely to be the case. . , I"'; \ .~ ~ I J.\' IJ-\.\..Mf"f C.~ I M II ~age ~ I . 3] - To say that the carnival rides would be set up in the flood plain with their own electrical generators raises other questions: Fuel stored to run the generators on a flood plain is a probable no - no, as would be the Carny trailers unless their tractors remained attached. 4] Despite repeated promises to run only one event per year a little over two weeks with setup and teardown times, one can only expect the worst. Granted that these are sincere people with community interest at heart, they are still proposing to finance all but $30,000 of a $175,000 price tag over 15 years. Over the years ahead economic conditions may change which could be for the worse for the board. They will likely have new members over the years. They could comeback with a proposal for another expo land. This is otten the way in situations like this one. Atter all, the boards and the citizens would like the fair to continue. . 5] The land the Coggins wish to sell is the worst part of the former Mays farm. I suppose they would love to sell it. The price asked does not appear to have been lowered for community benefit. With the negatives of high tension lines {listen to WINA fry while passing underneath] and a flood plain and an entrance on a non tollerable road with limited view from either direction, the land has limited uses. Perhaps the county would benefit with future growth of a fair site into an expo type location. Kennel club shows, scout jamborees, etc are examples that come to mind among other possible uses. Clearly this is not the site to allow for this to happen. It is not a proper site for the two + weeks of the fair operation. It would be a shame to abuse the local residents most affected by this proposal and prematurely lock the county into a operation which could be placed elsewhere to better effect for all concerned. When one sees flat farmland with good line of sight that is for sale off of Rt 712 headed toward South Garden, one can assume price may be a problem. However, better sites are available and some creative thinking is indicated. There are proQably public spirited citizens available with expertise to share if only they are asked. The local newspaper suggests, the board could use some help. . The board members. presentation did not help their case: too many contraditions. When these were pointed out, they repeatedly said they would do what VDOT told them to do. I think you know VDOT would never advocate passage of this proposal, but will be willing to try to make the best of a bad job if the request is passed. . .. '..1 rI , . . . [ATTACHMENT HI:lpage 101 It seems a shame to request a vote against a group of well intentioned people trying to do some good for the community, but wise parents have to do that a lot during childrearing years. It does not mean we love them any the less. Its just part of the job. Cordially, John F. Mesinger 4165 Indian Lane North Garden, VA 22959 -~ cc Ms Elle nderson Planning Commission Member, Samuel Miller District County of Albemarle 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 -4596 . . . IATTACHMENT HII Page 111=~ Pe.. +i +- I .~ ^ ....1h ~ ,a.-<-~~ ~ ~T' ~..tiL ~^^ - '6 ~ ~ll)t)'_"- h~_~ I (J7/l/~ I ~ ---J.:;; ~ ~ "t.~ ~; ~~ [I., ~ <J>, ~J- 7M. ;r~J!.(f cJp~ ~ ~~ /\~_~C~ ~~ ~(~\{fA-_ - ~ ~ .i:J ~ V::<- I3l~ n trz.DJ ~ / j/ z- (/1aJa/h'~f~ f1~ ~. (/1<.. '1/35- kct~ t.~ )()~ 6~ ,/ , , '113~- ActML ~I ;.J~6~C4: . ~~.. r!~ t:rc,,~~ )~,( ~v- I ) . ( If f C II ~ I I I I t19L~ ~ci~ { c. L? 7!~~ -4/ ,./~v:~ AJcdhC~ /'JOI'f-:fh 6~d ~ No~-f-l, ~ No rfL-~ : . (,u: -, r' _5-, )) 1 t \ (I ') -J::-f\' I ~--('\ P:-":'" , . ,- ' /,).f I ./ J,(.y ! <; (. - In, - \{< /. I (1) ('I' lc .~'b r: \ . - I ~_) _ t Il (-rrt )cL\.A.~' ( U "-' IU.h')~~ (?1(o-vo:&(..- ~ \1~--) ri- e<G "51 . ~ Q) C) co C. J: .... z w . :E J: U ~ ~ . I I I ( ',' ',f.. (, , t / ' 7f6-dt/L \i 0; ;./,,/(:' f.~'r P~/~~ (;~.'i I' I ( I/r) J r /1 r ) ;:1 t, '7 '. ,-;} / / II (); 1 C/ I..'((\l/( [)J2 ,t I:L I (7 /) ((1r),.:;;/ (f.' /1,ll',\r;Tcr:'-C' .' I - --' /;LA" l\' );{~)) v,. (,.--_ 1\ . -.J~'(.Y7IV/\ l,CHd/ /<?dA~~ ( h' . /") .' ff~ ; r/~? $y(~--tJ.~ : Wlti kN~ C~ \ "'-C-Q I IIi \ ; "I ff }'7. // "" " / (i ()) 0 -) / . 3~") -/~ (/ ) j/-t\j I !) 15? if;"- /9 !J-- >" 1r!.:J( /!Joj S~C / (/ (- - y) 1 {o( Sf ~f 2 ' ri;c" 1; I cJ 7/ J' Z 7f, LDI - j!J I, lJO.,y: 0510.Z d"is - n'''i, 12J- z (sex C; I {2f-11'6,/K", &, S-~, -L l( q11-40(1 ;:/l~'--(0/1 #!I pr~-/763 1ft; I tJfl.t 2pI e~'& I/A Z:J-.9t, , h(,)7.,)~3<-:)-~"311 (~d;J. A 5, tCl:tjLc"..'/'/;1 (,,-- .~, )II-/\('"j/V..~\~dl __ ~ T dc-I' Or- c{ 4--r.r d ,':l/"J A;1'7:-- ~ <- 10~ - q J.JJ- ",0 ~ \\ n Q.)- ~ . ~ {,v-.\t- \)('1 \.' t\ 1cU-"9 V (,- ;.J.)- \'~I RECEIVED StP ~ 4 1993 Planning Dopt. : ' _l~ (c~1 cxd~ OI~~~ t~~d--~ y~~ y . !>Y- S -iv::fi, {QJ- 710 () = I ATTACHMENT H II Page 131 ~ .----J / (/;/Z/),/' 1/<),//,.-r1/1-tl/ Ilr/.} /}L~- Z,3tJ (//41VC -e7 72~( H jJ}1.) -&J7{(&fi~ ., / ( II <( (( ;' ( d~ If~- '120 v--9-~_~ ;( rl ~_ J 'l>tr'""-----:;;-,;,.1--~ /{JZ~ Yo- ~, '" ~I' .7/~7 t:;(.-I ~/~- 2~~"t.. ~'-~.' -"'. )~." p.~ -I Q.J r-'~ _ IJ-6'- LL9z. { ! ..' . ~ . \ . ,..., ~ ~ ~- ~- - /(I!;113- /?uht,lt/ c!1~/ 1/"-." .1-~ft7~ '1}~_-, ~~ 1J~ ~ GJ ~~- 4~oJlA.. t1.o-I13~3z77 C/lY/l//('c ~- ~~?t7-":: J-Iu.-nL /?1~ I ' ,. " " (. ,., " ~ ~~ ~ I ~ -lP'L :...... . /.;t/A. dJ-dS'2< ~ ~d~ Ltl ~2dL--~, ~. ~7.2G ~-~~~J' BJ bye;</' 7JnrL~,h:22?J '>>Clu.~ {J~ ;06 /8ur ~ fJIfllj, Gm~ ~?..'; C- 4/ /4v I1r//}";Kdol fiJ~~ 1-2.'}c 9u~- Jh .Qao Ot:- '/, !3if?/ Ii? 0 / ~dLAZZ7.r '. . ~ ~ c-t:} · c(j 8;1 I &t;t 2 " _~. . CI"${~~f) \I,q.' Z~j stW () '( / ?,<X.J(!t{ld~ j} ./ /;/1& '_1v9(,.'::.col'G..<-<k"' / rf) .,1"3 ;0 -~~~ G~~&t>>1D u\ill1 ~'J ~~ I U.; ~t~o~ ) ,.t't,t (vA, c~f !1&.tA:= J8c,c) c L'r I I \..It\:'8 ( 'v I \ \~ I I/o. ?Z 'i l' I 1},\..J';( P, +r^"l'" ({j-. I, G I ('1, ~JL (<,L, VA Hh7 . JI"'V1-J) .J:i.,J ~1J -PC. DC2><. I_I, ,J'.)vU,- Gr).V(.j,_~v; J VA 1-2.75/ rCl;\h:UttLQ. hC\tlZQt,1 ir Ibot b\C\ f\X'\'U~ (~tLcL2n Va 2Z~01 /vvt--i')...- ,fi-,~/ h~a--<.~,-- K.,>- ~;,j ;-7 Y ~~. '-~1 n:-cA!"........ Lh., , () -L >-7 ~ c-, p~ f-:{ <.-"- ;; ACl~,/ 71-... R h ~y I ~ 0 ';f'r, ft.. 04.Lie.<-..... ,4 ,"-'! \ "j ~1 3ttiu> /:r c2 &)G' ss ~-dtc lkJ],r1 lice L/Z-Cj S7 ma.Jr..,fZ, Lv~ C<lN~ ~ f?A I ~('lq ~c- 1'IoltA ~ . ~ bsJ0."- \ \0 \~ \'l'u... ,~ '^" ~ (\ 0 \.. \J)., :d- ~\O, ~ ,'""S- ~~...cL ~ ~).\'.,Jl..~.. J-~<lCl (G.'~ ,<< :fi q9 J, ~'-- 1<- t :2. lCl,c t q 10 Troy tin ]..). '1 7,/ :/ " ." . l / i j)"- > -. ;" i,(/--I-1( -:J, ,.s,,'..- )'\\' '2 ' t\_'-~,,,-_. l.t l ":L,.__->s -----' , --,-~""-' , , i:L t?~ (,~R ~ ~l.iJS ' ~(}1)(iVl )t i1:~\ (J ) IJo-~) ') ~ ,II;), ,l/ _ -~,:"'<;\ V .!{[.I [c))tu,' . \ 2 (j" ,/. - \' ._l ~.-t..c(~'~'1 ;)))'. _ ,./~./,l_ ,( (u - /J J /'" " /" ( /' ,/ I '""1/ '.<< ' ~-c!. I, c' /7.1'/( '.', ---. -~)- -~-, " /- h "",../ ,/ /-) ,/ ,../ ,,)-,.>,". -"'- . 'd_--~~' .~~ /.. ..' './ \ - 1'_ I ATTACHMENT HI/page 141 : Y / /... ~ It' l- I "-_ ~ I \ ~_ ..........-\.......\. 9. I. ( I (I '1)'1. I 0)01. c; U( L'-..( 0 q TlJ G f'd1. \)1i~..r , a [) I ll11 tfc,(<.t ~ .. f<(/ ~ .{ l.. (.\ ~ ~ ro e~\)\tl ~ {)('lJ'~_'Ylln~' Pl1np.!)~~j-;, ,0 ( ( . j/.// /.! I' ---: - ( PI , (' 1.~,___j~_.I!a ".1 , /~ /.~ /< C ,.\f1( /v--p-j' t;l L X/''1-~lJ!;j1ud~ (~ J /(L,J~ " r. ;' u ",./..., ,),/_~_ ,: _,j,~" l-dc Z2.'4-<! -:: e' C '---" r('; Y~'2 ()i:!!7~~f'1au~(~#-Z;;R(J) /1 - ey; . - c;::r;' I / .k:-7 ~/>"'Q<' //C) C'l2.<'1A Vr,. ...=J.J (j ) (I ~I':\~ B 1'1'1;; p\anning Oept. ~ f, t.; / 9.3 ~. Urt//ldML fnk S~ Hct~ AeN//V1dV/t aavn6 / PIM1l1-i0 Com~~K 10/ 711 c ~M /24 C!t~(6f/-t..t l/l11{J~ I/;J- Z2---J() z - V JSl ~CNt~. ~'/;;)J Z t:hn OJo/ids"d pi, ~ sat:. ;r ilA.t {!eg8-~J I~~ cIb rfN- ~0 ~ B~. ?;; W ~ fJ/6~6 ~t ~cm ~ ~ AM a~ o1:J ~ ~CrUJ ~~ ~ WtA~~~/eMd1~~ ~ \ pA t<M ~~'1 JaM. ~C'~ ~ WJ1.1tLctA-<Jau{ ~ ~ &1MtU1 ~~J &m I7IAA/U..t . ' As. tt iMM/~~~ M XN. ~,O Paf'zt fQIr; 7-/0 ~/:;--~ 0/ If f:! _ ~ ~4 ~d ~ 7Zu4 M1~ ~ ~tt v'zl ~ WnL~edt; 1) CP/JI)<5~~Ut ~ r'f. . ~COd4. ;fv1~W1 ~6;, ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ 7h~ cIY ~ -? 7~, fLjf&r 1-t.r/lC~ ~ ~~~~~q:Yk{~1 ~~. j01M~ 5tM~ / ~ fJ. ()/ffCrEIC- \fk.7). (4 l!. 134 H/ N. I~ 2,'2-90' ?5 J ~~ 7htd & vW/ ~ UN1Ol:Jk ~.~ ~ f)f~bt<.6 ~ -0>1 ~ ~ M Y J w-eN. ~k J twMld ~ LIme( ~ ~'hu-L. ' . . IATTACHMENT HII Page 151= RECE\VEO ~-t----- .' . I ~ ~~ fATTACHMENT 11 =: ~ - ~ o ~ o C/) tI1 o C/) @ > () () m C/) C/) \ / /' .~ ~ . ~ ~ ii q " ~ ~. h1 () o c ~ ~ ~ iii III IU ~ I\' r . .. .. .:1 I ; . . . - r f I' I. , ---- , .,. I /\ / I / I!B III . -D --- - ------- I ATTACHMENT III Page 21 == S m ~ o I-rj I-d ~ o I-d o C/) trj t1 m Z ,~ ~ /' / / / : s Kangur, D.M.D., M.S. John \\~ Reeves. D.D.S. Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery T THOMAS KANGUR D_MDq MS" Lm 111 Spic 's Mill Rd, Orange, 22960 (703) 672 5995 2774 Hydraulic Rd, Charlottesville, VA 22901 (804) 973.3348 MAIN OFFICE 400 Sunset Lane Ext. Culpeper, VA 22701 (703) 825.3069 m 1- D vid Bowerman A bemarle County Board of Supervisors 4 1 McIntire Road C arlottesville, Virginia 22902 ao-.. D ar Mr. Bowerman, I would like to bring to your attention a serious problem c ncerning the proposed County Fair site off route 760 in North G rden. Since I live in North Garden, I am fully aware of the traffic i pact on route 29 that this location would bring. The i tersections of Route 708 and 29 and Route 710 and 29 would b come unsafe bottlenecks which would negatively impact N rth-South travelers on Route 29 and negatively affect the p ople of North Garden. I question the wisdom of selecting a site which would so n gatively affect a major artery such as Route 29. I strongly urge you to vote against this site due to its n gative impact on Route 29. Also, once there is a permanent site owned be the county, it i only natural that the site will eventually be used for more t an the few days of the County Fair. Thank you for your attention to this issue. Sincerely, ~r T. Tho~~ngur, DMD T K/cm . I': . . fmr~ & ~ y ,:l~1 L .1.' __. J ;" 0 -...J .~,~.~~_QF SUPEnVISC) ~.,-~",_.",,,,~.. -......"...-""".-.. . Rt. 1, Box 653-E North Garden, VA 22959 October 1, 1993 Mr. David Bowerman Albemarle County Supervisor 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 Dear Mr. Bowerman: I live on Route 760 directly across the road from the proposed site of the Albemarle County Fair. In fact, the site is approximately 125 feet from our front door. Obviously we are concerned about the noise (car horns, cannon, fireworks, yelling and screaming), lights and traffic. Even though the Fair Board has plans for traffic entering and exiting on the north end of Rt. 760, there is nothing to stop traffic from coming both ways, and I'm sure they will. This means that the residents on this road will not have free access to and from our homes- -even if we manage to get out, we would have a difficult time getting back home. We have three diabetics living on this road, and that is also a concern. This Fair Board would have us believe that this site would be used only 5 days a year. This board changes constantly; they have no way of knowing what future board members will propose. Thus, we will have this threat hanging over us for the rest of our lives. Many of us are retired, and we cannot afford the services of an attorney. There is no doubt that most of the traffic comes from the north. This means they must cross a very busy highway to enter Rt. 760. Also, the left turn lane on Rt. 29 will not accommodate this traffic. Finally, the land itself is not appropriate for this type of activity. As you know, part of it is in the flood plain, there are high power lines over much of it, and most of it is hilly. We would have no obj ection to houses on this property- -those families would love the area as we do. We are also convinced that this would lower our property value-- not the assessment--but certainly the resale value. I have yet to find anyone who wants to live that close to a fair. (I do have an .. . I- : active real estate license so I'm not entirely green on this issue. ) There are many more concerns as is evidenced by our petition which was signed by approximately 140-150 persons in our area. I sincerely request that the Board of Supervisors weigh our concerns very carefully in making their decision on October 13. Thank you for listening. Sincerely, '-1~CL~,-- k,j)J(' CCUJ~ Barbara R. McCauley , · · t b:"'5.i 1 -.., (-"- i (; J i "1 '~) I October 6, 1993 Albemarle County Office Building 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 ~I ~:lm ~ I"!: ~ @\ BOARD OF SUPERV1S~R~J Mr. David Bowerman Dear Mr. Bowerman: As citizen living in North Garden and subject to the traffic flow for the Albemarle County Fair, we object to the intrusion that this event will create. We moved to the country so that we would not have to put up with all the noise and traffic; each one of you will also escape to places that offer piece and quiet for your life; why encroach on ours. You alsDhave the potential of the proposed housing development by Mr. George Clark to produce more traffic for the entering and exiting on this same road to the proposed Fair Grounds. There is a principle involved - conflict of interest by one of the fair officers--has principle gone out of style? It is also imperative that the future generations be left some space for their enjoyment. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, (::t-l-~-Y' l.- L~ (... V ~) B )). v~'l'd James and Bunny Napier Route 2, Box 138 North Garden, VA 22959 ~ 'Ylr ,""- .. .II I t I) f5"\ ICrr) October 6, 1993 r n ~ @ ~LtJt, I:1.. n ;1 II u r d 1\ 'I n , ' !, i , '.t. L · ~_.._,u'i ! ",'\ i\:.10 OF SUPERVlson'; : '~,~,~'~.~~.----- . ~ . );jl<'-''' I am a resident of North Garden. The proposed site for the bemarle County Fair does not really directly affect me or convenience me in anyway, but I do feel the proposed site is mpletely unsuitable for the planned purpose. I, like 25,000 her people, take my children to the fair annually sometimes more t an once during the 5 day period it is held. I feel the proposed s'te is dangerous because of the high power voltage lines that run t rough the site. These lines are without a doubt dangerous to be a ound. Add the thousands of children riding rides under them and t ey become an even greater danger. Even if the rides were not p sitioned under or around the high voltage lines the only other p ace lies in a flood plane which is inappropriate to set up fair r'des on. . David Bowerman bemarle County Office Building 1 McIntire Road arlottesville, VA 22901 ar Mr. Bowerman: I am writing to you to express my strong opposition to the bemarle County Fair being held on the proposed site off of Route o in the North Garden area. In addition to the site being unsuitable, there is the problem traffic flow turning on to a road that is not designed for high age. According to the Daily progress the Virginia Department of ansportation opposes the proposed site because of the condition Route 760. Also, the Albemarle County Police feel the traffic f ow will be unmanageable because of the proposed traffic flow. S' nce these Departments are the experts shouldn't we listen to t em? Thank you for your time and I hope you will support myself and e North Garden area in our efforts against the proposed site for e Albemarle County Fair. m6~J McCauley 2 Box 39 Garden, VA 22959 i ., ,:: 10.(;8.$ .,95. 1015' 6:r2 "i.:<*--' ''!. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, ;t,.rno ~ Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902.45% (804) 296.5823 S ptember 23, 1993 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS UW~rnl I,,, alcolm Woodward and Virginia Land Trust ttn: steve Melton 95 Riverbend Drive harlottesville,VA 22901 SP-93-022-MALCOLM WOODWARD AND VIRGINIA LAND TRUST SDP-93-045-BUCKINGHAM OFFICE BUILDING PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN Mr. Melton: e Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on September 21, 1993, took the following actions: -9 -02 -MALCOLM WOODWARD AND VIRG NI LAND TRUST - Unanimously ecommended approval subject to the following conditions: Department of Engineering approval of grading and drainage plans and calculations; 2. The basement shall be used only for storage and mechanical equipment space. The basement is not considered habitable and there shall be no employee work space or area open to the public in the basement; 3. Compliance with all local, state and federal permit requirements pertaining to fill activity within the floodplain. lease be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors ill review this petition and receive public comment at their' eting on October 13, 1993. Any new or additional information garding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the ard of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled aring date. 1 eve Melton ge 2 ptember 23, 1993 U INARY SITE PLAN approved the modification request. have any questions or comments regarding the above please do not hesitate to contact me. iL- :J$P- Ella Carey Frederick H. Pugsley Amelia McCulley Jo Higgins 2 WILLIAM D. FRITZ SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 OCTOBER 13, 1993 PLAN st - Petition to in the floodplain [30.3] on 1.2 acres zoned , Highway Commercial. Property, described as Tax Map 76, reels 12B, 12C and 12E is located on Fontaine Avenue Extended st of Morey Creek in the Samuel Miller Magisterial District. is site is located in a designated growth area (Urban ighborhood 6) and is recommended for Neighborhood Service (SDP- -45 Buckingham Office Building Preliminary site Plan is being viewed concurrently). a Site Plan - with section by a Morey Creek and properties. The upward to the reviewed these requests for compliance with the Zoning and recommends approval. . history is available. A variance is pending. (This variance for setbacks). . is site is recommended for Neighborhood Service in Neighborhood The Comprehensive Plan (Open Space Plan) designating Morey eek as a major stream valley. The Comprehensive Plan commends all adjacent land between the Bypass and Fontaine enue as Office Service. 1 ent: the Site Plan and Special Use Permit request is a letter from the Zoning Administrator which outlines e history of the site and the current application (Attachment The applicant is proposing to locate a small amount of fill the floodplain and to raise the finished flood elevation of e basement. (The basement will be used for storage). The plicant has worked closely with the Engineering Department in der to determine the extent of the floodplain and the elevation the structure. The Engineering Department has reviewed this quest and supports the application. e Planning Department typically discourages encroachments into e floodplain. However, this situation is unusual due to the istence of the building foundation. Based on the Engineering partment comments and the existence of the building foundation, aff recommends approval of SP-93-22 subject to the following nditions. 1 Department of Engineering approval of grading and drainage plans and calculations; 2 The basement shall be used only for storage and mechanical equipment space. The basement is not considered habitable and there shall be no employee work space or area open to the public in the basement; 3 Compliance with all local, state and federal permit requirements pertaining to fill activity within the floodplain. is plan has been reviewed by the site review committee and may approved subject to standard conditions. The only item quiring Planning Commission review is a proposed reduction of disturbed buffer between commercial and residential properties ich is permitted in accord with Section 21.7.3 which states: Buffer zone adjacent to residential and rural areas districts: No construction activity including grading or clearing of vegetation shall occur closer than twenty (20) feet to any residential or rural areas district. Screening shall be provided as required in Section 32.7.0. (Amended 9-9-92). The commission may waive this requirement in a 2 particular case where it has been demonstrated that grading or clearing is necessary or would result in an improved site design, provided that: a. Minimum screening requirements are met; and b. Existing landscaping in excess of minimum requirements is substantially restored. (Added 7-10-85) e adjacent property to the south is zoned R-1, Residential and used by the Virginia Department of Forestry. (The Department Forestry also owns land on the opposite side of the Route 250 ass). The request for encroachment is due to the triangular ape of the property under review which creates a need for the croachment in order to install parking where the property is st narrow. e Virginia Department of Forestry has no objections to this quest (Attachment D). The steep slope rising from this site to e Department of Forestry completely screens the two sites from ch other. There is no public benefit to retaining the disturbed buffer as the vegetation within the buffer provides screening value. Staff supports this request and recommends proval of the modification request. Staff will inistratively approve the site plan subject to Board of pervisors approval of the special use permit and the Planning mmission's approval of the modification request. A -Location Map B -Tax Map C -Zoning Administrator Comment D -Letter From Department of Forestry E -site Plan 3 ,- o Ii J~~'~ 0..... : t>~\ 600 (~ -. I,' "0 ---i------------,,;-... .---- ---------. .-1 / \~ - 'I \:~~~,~ I ATTACHMENT AI 57&}' ..;, '.. ~;!' \rF~J ~9-~//' J- - ,+/ /', ,JI -/ I I ') ~.~ 7" G- . ,,; " ~ ,~~- -.) o c, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5'f v " ALBEMARLE COUNTY 60 - ,~~~ SECTION .'C %~ (~Y--; 8ELLAlR ESTArtS 1"\ ~ 311 1- ~ 100;11. _ ~-J, 3 '0' . ~/'/ /'~ _, ~{iall> 'V 1 -'.~_l:\' ,-' ~I-/~;,;[ \~ ~, ~, iIIl iW-A. \ '- .I. /f J, "" f---i-~.... /'/~ 10[,2,111I_ /~\ ~ ~ J I ~ I I '1---. __ J' l~ ,,," , / J , A- /' t ECTION 16.'0. V "I 101121\ · ,~. II! """'- ~ ( I I' ~ 10C II ~ lOt" \ ~ /.;; - .- I '7 -HI ~~Ii)'.r'~.~~ f- ,U ~ 'i< /, · \, U 7 / i'1-:: rJxF \ -," '". ;'~r I "f i/I. ~f'/ t I / I "~"'~ ~ IT~ - ~~;:J [7s ;.~ ~ " /~.cy. ~~ ~/ , ,,/ ~ "" ~120 "; 76~"~~ 1:;1 .J. _ li.,:r . "'- / ~ ~ ~ UC~::,' ~\ l/ / "" 7' ~ ~\ :'::':~L " ~ ~ ~ · '\/ . ~r \ ~_)<T \." . I SMD -p~~~' v::; .-' ~~ \ I ~, ~\~""'.. · ~ ",. 2. h CO" iiiiiIIiii" -, , ~I' ' 12C 170 SP-93-22 .. ilC "- ,~^' 17 )17CI1I -Malcolm WJodward & Virginia Larrl Trust \ 178 ~'l("/ " ~~ ",.,...v~ . I '""--' ~ " /' ---- ~ ~ l or; , CHARLOTTESVILLE -~~ ~?::, ITA ~ : CITY ; '. " ~ :;~~~~ )f''''~',{. · ., \ ......... ~ . _:::=---- :fu22. 24 24.~ ......r ' '" ~ ~rg=. ~~';zo' 7'. r I "" ~~~- ~f,$\~~'>.. ~ { \,~....../ ........."""-........... ~'ON_7.~ /" \ ( / ~ ~~-'~~~-~ .. \, .l~ ~r r ~23.~~ ~~,.~...., /':>--'7' r ".-' S[CTION TIN.: '1;- __ -:::---~,;i "4"~'... 45 IF r ''''.WOOD ..... ).~~ ~ ~ .i f _ ~~..... J~"', ~ :% ~..~ ..e ~ L~"",. _Lin ~55 ;::--::: _~~/\,,\ .."~ ~ ~~ ----~~'-- ~ ~:.~~ . ~ _ .se _ ~/'/. - ~ L4OC'\;l , .. ' --- ~ -- - ~ ~ r/// ~!'C: ~ ~ -t--::::. 'ii' A h '" ___ '/"::---:r--::::::::::: ~ -:::-- ~ r 1,\ '5. / ... ~..~ _ ~~. 76.~ ~~ ; 46E · .. '" J /' ii~5I ;\ ;;:~~r ~ I " _~/ I 'lAc: ~~~~ r- ~ ~ #'i~ Rt 6~' ... ;>;1 ^'_l.. ~ % "-~- -- ,~~. ,~'Cr1~L~?N~~4P~i .. .yr// 1/, '; , ~~ '9. ~ .~L'1' r.. , '// - ~- (...::....-- --\ /::C ~;~~ .~~..."fi;ty-jj~} ~","~ I '/ -!- !"~'~~~' 52 ..'~ .~ 1(.../// r~~{(,ON 'O.W (a~~....... ~ ::;;:I ," . ,SIC ".'" 2A " itl, ....7r/.~/~ OAK NlLL,/;- ~ ')~.<JJJ_C::: ., .x "-... r-" ..,. ~ r~ 'I'. / ~0 "~~ :::- ~ f-f /^v'/ ~\ ":;, ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ILL ~E .,""', 90 SAMUEL MILL-ER, SCOTTSVILLE AND -JACK JOUETT DISTRICTS ., ~ I ATTACHMENT B I s; 1111 15.U) 1"- "- "-.. "\ \ 77 -- ..... '........ - .'~ oV/ 7r""'"o ., ~ ~ .~..~ .,; " . ~ 64 :=-=9 .. st:{'T...11!:!'1...12s=:1 =:I SCALE tN rl;[T .00 "00 SECTION 76 I ATTACHMENT C I COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Zoning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902.4596 (804) 296-5875 FAX (804) 972.4060 TOD (804) 972-4012 Aut; 1 9 1993 Planning Depl MEMORANDUM JCorrected Copy for Floodplain Elevationt William Fritz, Senior Planner Amelia G. McCulley, Zoning Administrator ~ August 18, 1993 RE: Buckingham Office Building Th s memo is to clarify two issues for our files and for those of the applicant. The issues relate to the building setback and the floodplain implications of the existing fo ndation. Th property is presently improved with a foundation, and no walls and roof. It ha never been occupied. The foundation does not meet rear yard setbacks. It sc les to be about 40 feet from the rear property line (common with the State D partment of For~stry), which is 10 feet short of the 50 foot setback from re identially zoned adjacent proper~. Based on a recent flood study submitted by th applicant and approved by the Engineering Department, the southwest corner of the foundation is in" the floodplain. , T e applicant has provided the contractor's cost sheet to document that the fo ndation materials were priced in 1960. As you know, this predates the zoning or inance. However, the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance specifically states th t the "grandfathering" or nonconformity is extinguished after two (2) years of ab ndonment. Section 6.1.3 states: "Any such use, activity or structure which is di continued for more than two (2) years shall be deemed abandoned and shall th reafter conform to the provisions of this ordinance relating to the district in w ich the same is situated." I ATTACHMENT C II Page 2J ugust 18, 1993 B II Fritz/Buckingham Office Building P ge 2 It is my opinion that construction of the building, albeit on the same foundation, r quires a setback variance. This is due to the abandonment of the original n nconforming structure. This variance as well as one relating to the proposed p rking setback, has been submitted for public hearing on September 14th. R lating to the proposed parking setback reduction, is a request to reduce the 20 f ot buffer requirement adjacent to residential property. This request for buffer aiver will be addressed most appropriately by the Planning Commission in a cordance with Section 21.7.3. ith regard to the floodplain, please take note of the attached prior c rrespondence on this property. The floodplain is at elevation 436.38 feet. The s uthwest foundation corner is in the floodway fringe portion of the floodplain. T e site plan proposes to raise the finished floor of the basement from 435.77 feet t 437.44 feet and to fill a small oortion of the orooertv. This is permitted with a s ecial ermit with the limit to the use of the basement as storage only and no II abitable space. II The soecial oermit has been submitted and is oending. T e applicant was given a choice of either a) raising the finished floor elevation a ove the floodplain elevation after filling with a soecial oermit: or b) filling at the s uthwest corner to remove the entire structure from the floodplain overlay. They c ose option f!.L which is allowed with a soecial oermit with limitations as to use. o tion.Ql requires aooroval from the Armv COrDS of Engineers to amend the flood in urance ma s. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Anyone a grieved by this decision may appeal in writing, within thirty days. '" Steve Melton Jack Kelsey Babette Thorpe (site plan file) Variance 93-30 JAMES W_ GAR ER Slate Fareslei' .,; '':!%--''P\'-' ~':U.,_,..- , .t' ~...... ~. f ~,~;5_ ~; w" ~\#,'-\r.;:o., "'l ~Ut.te:..~ ., ,..--; -'"~~~ ........-- fATTA~HMENT 0 I COMMONWEALTfI of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY Alderman & McCormick Roads Box 3758. Charlottesville. Virginia 22903 (804) 977-6555 (V ITDD) July 20, 1993 Ms Amelia McCulley Zo ing Administrator Co nty of Albemarle 401 Mcintire Road Ch rlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 " This is in reference to parcels 12B, 12C and 12E on tax plat 76 in Samuel Miller Ma isteriaJ District, Albemarle County. This site is proposed for a one story office building to e developed by Virginia Land Trust. The Virginia Department of Forestry owns the adjoining property listed as parcel 17. It is our understanding that the proposed' development site would include en roachment of parking spaces into the 20' setback and undisturbed buffer area on the De artment of Forestry property line. In order to place the parking area as planned it's ne essary for the developer to obtain a varience to the zoning ordinance. The De artment of Forestry has no objection to approval of the variance for this purpose. ,It If we earn respond to any further questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely yours, , . ~t'JI J. -Qt?~ Harold L Olinger Chief, Administration c: James E. Bowen Stephen M. Melton t/ /rb 1-3 Mission: A Forest Resource to Meet the Needs of the Commonweal o w ... z w ~ J: U ~ ~ ~l'! hr .,.- ... 1". ~ k~ ..... to"'! t~.3 U. ~..:! ..-. .... . :~! l:r. ~.,w.=: I;:~ 100 r~ ~ ....cu.... .. -:1:. ~~~~ t"...: "CI:u~ .- o. ... ~::: c...oe 0 .!B..-.: Pie ; ..~::r -.:i!_ .'2 ...~ ::.. :;~ ~ .~.. ~C! ~:..~ /. :i~i ! 1;:: ~&. :~ 100 I ~~ to.:: ~1 ">0, .... ::!~ i ~ -- ::J_ 0.. :~t: 101 c ..e' Ii .. ....1 .... :fi I ~1 lr.~M ;: ::;ii, i: .......:1 .... ;il!~ ~~ i~!!g ~.. r. e~ ~ ! ~~ii- ~ -~ -c . : l= ~ 1: ....:. . .. 0.. r ~ kt :.=: . '" ~ I ~~x!~ :: ~~-~.. it -~'!~1 u. ~!~i; !~ -...- .co " ..:t:~.k'J ~~ ~ . . 1. ~J - :~ Q .c U t' f U -.: ~! ~1l5H ~; ! ~ i; r:= "1": J_~_. H: 'E.:.:.:.: :... 0 . . . . ....u v.... I .. ot~ .0...... ~.3. :~~~~ I.::: .....0... c. ....5 ..."'Ift ~~~ :1:'~ ........'" .... .. ..>:~t~~; ,; .. .oClJ! tt. ::~~:::..;uu: g ...... .. ": : ~ t~ Z. i:: ~i!"'~ r! I:~ ~;= !-;;~~t: ....... COIl:l"O~ -.... .... :...t . lICe... ! ..:l: & ;;:3t5 ei ~ " . 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OUt:~ d~t'- :....-1 .. ~ ~ 1.1.! ~....12" ! :.iJ~ 1_._= . 3t::: t ~- . : ..1 .~~~ ... :;gzl li-c\ ~Ro ~U ,~ ~~ ~ ' .~ ~ !:~ s" ?i f~ :z ~i <{ 5~ --l :z:. tl... ti .:- () Ilr _I j....... llJ ~ ~{ \- - ~~ ~ i ~i 0... ~ ~~ :t:- ~i .'\ ~ ...., . ,'i" -,' /Q-08:93 ';';.~"1't9i~: flit"! ~.l9j3573 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902A5% (804) 2%-5823 31!m BOARD OF SUPERVISORS S ptember 24, 1993 vid L. Elmore strax Entertainment, Inc 2 South Wayne Avenue ynesboro, VA 22980 SP-93-25 Fasxtrax Entertainment, Inc Mr. Elmore: e Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on ptember 21, 1993, by a vote of 5-1, recommended approval of the ove-noted petition to the Albemarle County Board of pervisors. Please note that this approval is subject to the llowing conditions: 1. No alcohol sales; 2. The bumper boat pool shall not be constructed until a method of handling the waste water has been approved by the Department of Environmental Quality; 3. Uses shall be limited to go kart races, batting cages, bumper boats and arcades; 4. At such time as a sewer line with adequate capacity is in place within 200 feet of the building the applicant will connect to public sewer. ease be advised that the Board of Supervisors will review this tition and receive public comment at their meeting on October , 1993. Any additional information regarding your application st be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at ast seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date. . Da id L. Elmore Pa e 2 Se tember 24, 1993 you should have any questions or comments regarding the ve-noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. liam D. Fritz ior Planner cc Charles Hurt Ella Carey Jo Higgins Amelia McCulley , . . he Comprehensive Plan recommends the use of public utilities in rban Neighborhoods. A private septic system is proposed as the xisting public sewer serving this drainage basin is currently at apacity. . . he applicant is proposing a recreational facility containing a umber of amusement features. Staff has reviewed all ecreational activities involving a special use permit submitted ince 1970. These facilities have been for a broad range of uses 'ncluding, but not limited to, skating rinks, dance halls, reade, billiard center, indoor tennis, miniature golf courses, riving ranges, gO-karts and bumper boats. From the analysis of omments made in past reviews, the major issues involved for ecreational activities have been impact on residential areas and 'mpact on schools (Site suitability has been an issue in some ases, but is addressed by the requirements of a site plan). For his review, staff has also reviewed transportation impact, ecurity and impact on the entrance corridor. he closest residential unit to this site is located 600 feet istant on commercial property adjacent to Lowe's. The closest esidential unit on residential property is located 900 feet istant in Woodbrook (across u.s. 29). Based on these distances, .t is not anticipated that this development will have negative 'mpact on residential areas. site is located approximately 2,500 feet (0.5 miles) distant the Agnor-Hurt School. Due to distance, staff opinion is this use will not negatively impact the school. Department of Transportation has stated: The entrance that now serves Kegler's appears to be adequate for Fastrax Entertainment. The existing internal road will need to be upgraded to maintain future development in this area. he need to upgrade the road does not yet exist. As the road is private road it will continue to be reviewed as further evelopment plans are submitted. ring the review of ZMA-85-17 and ZMA-88-0G, proffers were mitted limiting vehicle trips on the area affected to 4,334 ehicle trips per day. The Lowe's site generates 2,500 vehicle rips per day (based on a Virginia Department of Transportation a proved traffic study). Based on ITE and information submitted 2 ~ I ATTACHMENT AI "-. o I I I I I I I I I I II 30 11I1. TO rjiT 81' I I . '- ---------------- y- t\t ~ ~~. Boone.vllI. , LlC K MOUNTAIN ~-----r""z4.5'~- ~ c {j IN MOUNTAIN EA ~"'v ~t-c., ;m ~ ~--- +. .f' I-. ' . .- I ATTACHMENT C\ DE RIPTION OF RE This application hereby requests a "Special Use Permit" to develop the land on the side of Route 29 north of Charlottesville in front of and to the south of Kegler ling, more accurately indicated in red on the attached plat. We propose to develop the for a recreational, entertainment facility. The foremost attraction at these facilities will be two go-cart tracks, one for small chil ren and one for large children and adults. Small gas powered cars driven by the par . cipants, meander through the track negotiating turns and other cars. The speed of the is controlled, seat belts are required, the track is engineered professionally and many oth r factors provide for a safe and enjoyable activity. A bumper boat pool will be constructed allowing another fun filled activity. This po I is shallow for safety purposes and will be chemically treated like a swimming pool to ens e clean water. Small round boats equipped with a governed gas powered engine in the cen er, traverse through the pool bumping into other participants. A batting cage with up to four stations will be available for recreation as well as skill dev loping for those more serious about the sport. These stations are fully encaged by fence etting and have a pitching machine varying the b3:ll speed for different skill levels. There will be a building constructed to facilitate two rest rooms, a sales counter, a office, a small work area for the equipmeJ;lt, storage area for the equipment and a video arcade. Packaged food and beverages as well as souvenirs will be sold through g machines and sales clerk. ,. The entire site will be professionally landscaped displaying various shrubbery and trees, small ponds and water fountains. The overall appearance will be similar to the ly constructed miniature golf facilities which is adjacent to this location. The miniature- golf and bowling alley are both very complementary to this facility. . 4 lottesville, Albemarle County and tourist ( a large constituency) will be well served by conglomerate recreational area. .~ll r & , ~ ~-''''''' \nI,!'\ r[JLl.n~)tlt,., \ ..~" ~ U j - ! - 1! : \, ' , i .1 i 1 . .,. 1 \ . ...~, ,-~ ; 1.------ j J _?iD~~~ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE .. Department of Zoning 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901.4596 (804) 296-5875 SEP 2 3 1993 September 22, 1993 Planning DO'-pt. Sam Hemenway McKee/Carson Queen Charlotte Square 256 East High Street Charlottesville, Va 22902 Re: ARB-P(SDP)-93-1O Fastrax Tax Map 45 Parcel 109 (part of) Corrected letter (dated September 8, 1993) Dear Mr. Hemenway: The Albemarle County Architectural Review Board reviewed the above noted item at its meeting on Tuesday, September 7, 1993. The Board voted unanimously (4:0) to recommend-denial of the special use permirSP-93-25, to the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors. If you have any questions please call me. Sincerely, /1;t Marcia Joseph Design Planner MJ cc: Rio Associates David L. Elmore Bill Fritz r=')\~. .....~~ '~ ~ .: ~ . .. ....... ~ ~ --.. --... ::::::: --... u. I- Z w_ ~ J: U ~ ti ..-..-----_______ toI - - r":; - - ~ IF " ,--;-:-r----:-.:-- ~ __ .S! ~ - "\ ---. ___.___..----.... , ..... . a..." . -U----~_ _ " --- - ..--- ------ ~::":~'.,' -....,]1.- _....-----rt.:., '--L---:--\~ r---------__eJ::: - - -=:::s -_.....A. _ -lLo. 'y.----, I ------~- r-:--.a.rol...E...~-::.==-==-_=_-_~::r..;a...: ~~'=>--I\- ====r'=O I ___':;::_. r~ '1.._-::-------"-----____ II -~~l~"" .:-- - / I --I,---'...::.:.':..:.......-____~~--lr..-: ~ ' , 1 I' , I' ," I ._~ - ,-. -- - . . -- - -... -- - --- : : ' , ", ,I " \ ,I I ," \ ~ I I I 'f 'I " ,I I : I ~ 1'1 .___----;-. ---,I ....... -:..,1 I "\IJ'~ t I ""'.._, II ~~ I " II 'I I 1 I' ,. Ii'): :1 ' I, I, J' , , /, II . I I ~ / I \ I II ,:' II I, \,v' -- . - . :1, . . , : II Ii ': -, ;;' - . . - - . H. '. 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[-, / ~'(' 0 I'V'O+"----- l?o C,Q /' ~ i i..!. \ -.J U (;:' -: (' .0") '('Y'-' I" l V'1 r. ~\, ~ cJ- ,) '........--.~) j - -~ /\~ G/' 'I c l / ... '-) r~'C'.-" 'IE'. \\ G --, \"." "~ /",/" - o' _ \....' e.. p--tJ' ~#!'..- 0. /"____ c (r ( ---- . ,~~ \-- (, .' .. \ . t. L ,\ 'ICO ( -J-. \ """-1J..___-, _ L , r/" '-:.,... ......~ J t. r I ('"'. /t '\ " .' '- ('". C,\ ,/' ('- i) ; .:sf- :../ e r -- 0:-...., /" , .~'~,- (, y l~\~ . ,~ C ') ( (, <. ( I U / ! iZ/ C(7 C r Ie. \r....... I fC? Cc.~: , \ , i ..,) Co' /' i . ~ "-- ('~" r->, V-'""' :'l ., c. { " r:" \. I' ~ , ~ fJ.J ". r. ~. ~ (,J. I' (J) f!.~._ '-" c~ " l. '.J ".-. (./." ~-- ,. ~ r I~ C2.V\ ~c. \1"._ C~ I _.J".~ () C'--" fl"", ~\ L '\ c, L ('/ el <" >.~. ,/ '-..... f P L (' \). v... /" -t "'0 , ;' y- ,'- .. /" '0> ')- Y"~ ('je../ ;-', -t- .1 C'i L-o :~l.."., ..i-- \ ,.......-. ..')........ '{',It-_ ~- '-. -', r I~ I l ", J -t' ...A I'" ~;^ ':--.r r-.... .. r \.-. i, " -\ C ,,- "'?_J__. o L_ ~_ ("-/' (- -'<- " c '-<.'j-..l-- '~ ~. \.r ,) \ ,. +- c.V"'1 V \ ,r '2)"" Y'--\ e..."""', \ MY i L \...._._ I /"'1 ......, "-n. I _.~ ;,...---.(":_--- :--=:- (' '"" "..1 , / / .......... ", (" -~.r--"" r \.\ 1-' ,C ~ , " o 1'/ <:::'~. _,._" ---'\ sA,~:'J ~-'~j...,..,. ~-- f~ >"-- r) 1,.." '_ k.. (....... ,r ..;.") i ,.1"" .-'~~ n C~;'-. c., -... <:., i V ~_/ .') , ~-('.. "r.~ /<-.. I.' , 0, /j ~ ,. /j. TAFF PERSON: LANNING COMMISSION: MARY JOY SCALA OCTOBER 5, 1993 ENDED STAFF REPORT: REVIEW OF EASTHAM AGRICULTURAL/FORESTAL DISTRICT: he staff report presented to the Planning Commission on eptember 21, 1993 was incorrect. The number of dwellings was aken from computerized use value taxation data. This data does ot list dwellings used for farm employees. In addition, the ata may need to be updated. Staff intends to use the actual assessment cards in the future to confirm field inspections. In addition, the width of the AT&T right-of-way should be corrected from 100 feet to 15 feet. The towers were removed and the right- of-way reduced when fiber optic cable was placed underground. ttached please find a revised chart on which the number of wellings has been corrected. The dwellings on Shaw-Kennedy's roperty (3 dwellings and a mobile home) were in place prior to he original adoption of the Eastham District in 1985. No new wellings have been added since 1982, when the main house was uilt. he Bigelow property contains eight (8) dwellings. All are entals except the main house and the farm manager's house. One welling was built after the district was adopted (1988 or 1989). (All the other dwellings were built 1972 or earlier). ecause the property was enrolled in an agricultural/forestal istrict, the last dwelling should not have been permitted, since everal rentals already existed. (Only one rental other than for ona fide agricultural employees or immediate family members is ermitted in a district. Existing rentals may continue, but new entals must meet these requirements.) Based on this new information, staff ,recommends that the Eastham District be sent ack to the Advisory Committee (meeting on October 11) to see if hey have a new recommendation. Staff will them reschedule the astham District before the Planning Commission. ,.., .., -. , EASTHAM AGRICULTURAL/FORESTAL DISTRICT NOTE: Parcels marked with an asterisk are not currently enrolled in the use value taxation program. TM/P ACREAGE OWNER DWELLINGS 63-1 233.130 George Worthington, IV 0 *63-1A 13.480 0 63-1A1 6.720 1 63-2 3.330 0 63-4 76.436 B. J. Shaw-Kennedy 0 63-26 64.208 0 63-27 190.000 3 + 1 mh 63-28 178.090 Alden G. Bigelow 8 Total 765.394 acres Total 12 + 1 mh ~- I I ~-- '- .----_.,. ...j.__mu. __h______ ____ --. " ,.- Jo.oe.~ 9!S.,or~' 61c..f '\.: '".~,_. .~. <<..........._...~-...._- ".,.. w'ljt Edward H" Ba n, Jr_ Samuel Mill r COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 972-4060 Forrest R" Marshall, Jr" Scottsville David p" Bow rman Charlottes viII Charles S" Martin Rivanna Charlotte Y umphris Jack Jouett Walter F_ Perkins White Hail F Members of the Board of Supervisors Ella W. Carey, Clerk, CMC f3/J 6 October 8, 1993 D s Review of Eastham Agricultural/Forestal District T is is to give notice that the Board will not be able to add any n w parcels during review of this district. The Clerk was not n tified that there were to be any changes made to the district o her than an extension of the time limit, therefore, no ordi- n nce was drafted or advertised for this purpose. The ordinance w 11 be advertised for November 10, 1993. E C:len c V. Wayne Cilimberg George R. st. John PERSON: OF SUPERVISORS: /[0) ~ @ ~ D W ~ mil MARY JOY SCALA ,[J!) , . HR3 ~ i OCTOBER 13, 1993/NOVEM ER 10, 1993 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DENDUM TO STAFF REPORT: REVIEW OF AND ADDITION TO EASTHAM RICULTURAL/FORESTAL DISTRICT: tached are a revised tax map and list of property owners who h ve applied to enroll property in the Eastham District. The l'st includes: two of the three original district applicants (the t ird applicant has a violation pending on his property, t erefore, review has been suspended until a later date); the a plicants who submitted applications prior to the Planning C mmission public hearing; and the applicants who submitted a plications after that hearing. (State Code permits acceptance of applications with Board consent at any time before the Board's p blic hearing). aff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Board act night to continue the Eastham District for ten years including e properties of the two original applicants only. The mainder of the applications will be sent back to the Advisory mmittee for comment, and advertised for a Board of Supervisors p blic hearing on November 10, 1993. The property in violation will be rescheduled for review at a later date after the violation has been corrected. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Albemarle County Planning Commission 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 October 7, 1993 Al en G. Bigelow P. . Box 3224 Uni ersity Station Ch rlottesville, VA 22903 RE: Eastham Agricultural/Forestal District Review Mr. Bigelow: The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on October 5, 1993, un imously recommended that the Eastham Agricultural/Forestal District be co tinued for a ten (10) year period; that Tax Map 63, Parcel 28 (Bigelow) be excluded from the review until the violation on the property has been corrected; and that two additional parcels, Tax Map 63, Parcel 42A (Craige) an Tax Map 63, Parcel 4lA (Gentry) be added to the Eastham District. Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on We esday, October 13, 1993, 7:00 p.m., Meeting Room #7, Second Floor, County Of ice Building, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. You are welcome to attend. any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. cere1y, %{J~ Mar Joy Scala Se ior Planner COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Albemarle County Planning Commission 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 Oc ober 7, 1993 B. J. Shaw-Kennedy Rt. 7, Box 207B Ch r1ottesvi11e, VA 22901 RE: Eastham Agricultural/Forestal District Review De r Mr. Shaw-Kennedy: Th Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on October 5, 1993, nimous1y recommended that the Eastham Agricultural/Forestal District be tinued for a ten (10) year period; that Tax Map 63, Parcel 28 (Bigelow) be 1uded from the review until the violation on the property has been rected; and that two additional parcels, Tax Map 63, Parcel 42A (Craige) Tax Map 63, Parcel 41A (Gentry) be added to the Eastham District. Th Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on We nesday, October 13, 1993, 7:00 p.m., Meeting Room #7, Second Floor, County Of ice Building, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. You are we come to attend. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. nr~ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Albemarle County Planning Commission 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 Oct ber 7, 1993 Arc ibald Craige P. . Box 45 Kes ick, VA 22947 RE: Eastham Agricultural/Forestal District Review Mr. Craige: The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on October 5, 1993, un imously recommended that the Eastham Agricultural/Forestal District be co tinued for a ten (10) year period; that Tax Map 63, Parcel 28 (Bigelow) be excluded from the review until the violation on the property has been co rected; and that two additional parcels, Tax Map 63, Parcel 42A (Craige) an Tax Map 63, Parcel 41A (Gentry) be added to the Eastham District. Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on nesday, October 13, 1993, 7:00 p.m., Meeting Room #7, Second Floor, County ice Building, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. You are come to attend. any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. -~(J~e- COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Albemarle County Planning Commission 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 Oc ober 7, 1993 Ge rge C. and Barbara S. Gentry Rt. 7, Box 217 Ch rlottesville, VA 22901 RE: Eastham Agricultural/Forestal District Review De r Mr. & Mrs. Gentry: Th Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on October 5, 1993, un nimously recommended that the Eastham Agricultural/Forestal District be co tinued for a ten (10) year period; that Tax Map 63, Parcel 28 (Bigelow) be ex luded from the review until the violation on the property has been co rected; and that two additional parcels, Tax Map 63, Parcel 42A (Craige) an Tax Map 63, Parcel 41A (Gentry) be added to the Eastham District. Th Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on We nesday, October 13, 1993, 7:00 p.m., Meeting Room #7, Second Floor, County Of ice Building, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. You are we come to attend. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. :zro~ FF PERSON: ISORY COMMITTEE: NING COMMISSION: D OF SUPERVISORS: MARY JOY SCALA SEPTEMBER 13, 1993 SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 OCTOBER 13, 1993 r r1!5 r,v IT' f1 'YJ ~ r'll 1',' " ',-...2.......L.L.. ~-.~t., 1 n ;: IEW OF EASTHAM AGRICULTURAL FORESTAL DISTRICT : i~ uUL _-lGi BOARD OF SUPERVISORS tham District is the third district to come up for review in emarle County. It was created on October 2, 1985, for a time iod of eight years. cedure: The Agricultural Forestal Districts Act, Code of ginia section 15.1-1511.F requires that the Board of ervisors complete a review of the Eastham icultural/Forestal District prior to the review date, or ermine that a review is unnecessary. (A 1993 amendment to the e made review of districts optional rather than mandatory. Board of supervisors adopted a new procedure on September 15 determine if a district review is necessary. A review is essary in this case because the property owners wish to extend review period to ten years.) In conducting such review, the rd shall ask for the recommendations of the local Advisory ittee and the Planning commission in order to determine ther to terminate, modify, or continue the district. Board may stipulate conditions to continuation of the trict and may establish a period before the next review of the trict, which may be different from the conditions or period ablished when the district was created. Any such different ditions or period must be described in a notice sent to downers in the district, and published in a newspaper at least weeks prior to adoption of the ordinance continuing the trict. Unless the district is modified or terminated by the Board of ervisors, the district shall continue as originally stituted, with the same conditions and period before the next iew as were established when the district was created. district is reviewed, land within the district may be hdrawn at the owner's discretion by filing a written notice h the Board of Supervisors at any time before the Board acts continue, modify, or terminate the district. If the Board determines that a review is not necessary, then the p ocedure is to set by resolution the year in which the next re iew shall occur. 1 The purpose of an agricultural/forestal district is "to conserve and protect and to encourage the development and i rovement of the Commonwealth's agricultural/forestal lands for t e production of foods and other agricultural and forestal p oducts..." and "to conserve and protect agricultural and forestal lands as valued natural and ecological resources which p ovide essential open space for clean air sheds, watershed p tection, wildlife habitat, as well as for aesthetic purposes." following factors must be considered by the Planning Co ission and the Advisory Committee and at any public hearing when a proposed district is being considered: 1. The agricultural and forestal significance of land within the district and in areas adjacent thereto; 2. The presence of any significant agricultural lands or significant forestal lands within the district and in areas adjacent thereto that are not now in active agricultural or forestal production; 3. The nature and extent of land uses other than active farming or forestry within the district and in areas adjacent thereto; 4. Local developmental patterns and needs; 5. The Comprehensive Plan and, if applicable, the zoning regulations; 6. The environmental benefits of retaining the lands in the district for agricultural and forestal uses; and 7. Any other matter which may be relevant. fects of a District: 1. The proposed district provides a community benefit by conserving and protecting farmlands and forest; environmental resources such as watersheds, air quality, open space, wildlife habitat; and scenic and historic resources. 2 2. The state Code stipulates that the landowner receive certain tax benefits*, and restrictions on public utilities and government action (such as land acquisition and local nuisance laws) to protect the agricultural/forestal use of the land. In exchange, the landowner agrees to not develop his property to a "more intensive use" during the specified number of years the district is in effect. *since Albemarle County currently permits all types of use value a sessment, a district designation may not provide any additional r al estate tax reductions. Land in a district is protected from s ecial utility assessments or taxes. 3. The state Code stipulates that, "Local ordinances, comprehensive plans, land use planning decisions, administrative decisions and procedures affecting parcels of land adjacent to any district shall take into account the existence of such district and the purposes of this chapter." The district may have no effect on adjacent development by right, but could restrict proposed rezonings or uses by special use permit which are determined to be in conflict with the adjacent agricultural/forestal uses. Districts must now be shown on the official Comprehensive Plan map each time it is updated. 4. In general, a district may have a stabilizing effect on land use. The property owners in the district are making a statement that they do not intend to develop their property in the near future, and that they would like the area to remain in the agricultural and forestal uses. Adjacent property owners may be encouraged to continue agricultural uses if they do not anticipate development of adjacent lands. Eastham District is located on Route 20 North at Route ea e: The original Eastham District contained 764.75 acres in arcels. The proposed district now contains 708.761 acres in 10 parcels. (Changes in acreage since 1985 are: Parcel 1A was originally listed incorrectly as 13.0 acres; it actually contains 13.48 acres; Parcel 28 containing 178.090 acres is not re ommended to be continued at this time; three new parcels co taining 121.457 acres are proposed to be added to the di trict.) e Period: Eight years is the current time period for Eastham trict. The property owners are requesting a new ten year time iod. A icultural and Forestal si nificance: Land in the district is be'ng used for hay, pasture, crops and forestry. 3 . . ificant Lands Not In A ricultural Forestal Production: The value assessment program is a good indicator of the actual of the properties. Approximately 281 acres are being used r agriculture; 400 acres are in forestry; 5 acres are n-qualifying due to dwellings; and 23 acres are not enrolled. he owner of parcel 41A intends to enroll his parcel under land e with a sheep operation. His daughter's parcel 41A1 is not igible for land use but it fills a gap in the district undary. ) nd Uses Other Than A riculture and Forestr d ellings in the proposed Eastham district. r'ght-of-way traverses parcels 27 and 41A1. There are 6 A 15 foot AT&T cal Develo mental Patterns and Needs: This area consists of th large farms and smaller lot residential. Especially Rt. 610 s experienced alot of subdivision activity in recent years. In neral, this agricultural/forestal district marks the unofficial ginning of "rural" Rt. 20 North, even though the officially signated Rural Area begins at Key West subdivision. rehensive Plan and Zonin ulations: Eastham District is ated within Rural Area II and is zoned RA, Rural Areas. The rest Growth Area is the Urban Area, Neighborhood Three, which approximately 2.0 miles to the southwest. A Comprehensive n objective is, "All decisions concerning the Rural Areas 11 be made in the interest of the four major elements of the al Areas, with highest priority given to preserving icultural and forestal activities rather than encouraging idential development" (p. 203). A strategy is, "Actively mote and support voluntary techniques such as icultural/forestal districts..." (p. 53). ironmental Benefits: Environmental benefits include tection of ground and surface water, wildlife habitat, and n space. The district includes 100 year floodplain of Redbud ek, and critical slopes of the Southwest Mountains. The Open ce Plan shows that part of the district extends above the 700 t contour which is recommended for mountain protection. Rt. North is a Virginia Byway and a County designated Entrance ridor. The historic sites survey shows that the district ludes Edgemont and Trevillians Mill (site). The entire trict is included in the Southwest Mountains Rural Historic trict. ff Comment: requests for withdrawal have been received to date. Staff ommends continuation of the district including all lications received to date, but excluding Tax Map 63, Parcel until the violation has been corrected. The review period uld be increased to ten years. 4 . Committee Recommendation: The Advisory Committee at its ting on September 13, 1993 unanimously recommended approval as ommended by staff. (NOTE: The Committee was not aware of the elow violation when they took action; also application for cels 42A, 41A, and 41A1 had not yet been received.) commissi n e ommendation: The Planning Commission at meeting on October 5, 1993 unanimously recommended the Ea tham District be continued for a ten year period; that Tax Map 63, Parcel 28 (Bigelow) be excluded from the review until the vi lation on the property has been corrected; and that two ad itional parcels, Tax Map 63, Parcel 42A (craige) and Tax Map 63, Parcel 41A (Gentry) be added to the Eastham District. (NOTE: Ap lication for Parcel 41A1 (Gentry) had not yet been received.) 5 . . .. EASTHAM AGRICULTURAL/FORESTAL DISTRICT It NOTE: Parcels marked with an asterisk are not currently enrolled in the use value taxation program. TM/P ACREAGE OWNER DWELLINGS 63-1 233.130 George Worthington, IV 0 *63-1A 13.480 0 63-1A1 6.720 1 63-2 3.330 0 63-4 76.436 B. J. Shaw-Kennedy 0 63-26 64.208 0 63-27 190.000 3 + 1mb 63-42A 112.107 Archibald Craige 0 *63-41A 7.350 George C. and Barbara S. 1 Gentry *63-41A1 2.000 Alissa Ann Gentry 1 Total 708.761 acres Total 6 + 1 mh Not to be reviewed at this time: 63-28 178.090 Alden G. Bigelow 8 6 .- ; -......... li+,tl(I!;" ~'f,C{11 ~6l J -0~~' ) nAUI ~i n. I7A 110 t. .-----J /r-.~ I1C ~. . ___ ( . . __ f ) EASTHAM A/F DISTRICT 30 64 o.o. .~ . '\ . ')~, it) ''t-~ . .~~ESWICK{G/~R DISTRICT ~. / I ~ '..( \/ I \ /\ ~~ f \ I , I X "- ~ 7'3 leAl! IN HlT SECTION 62:,'N ':" RIVANNA DISTRICT . _"EASTHAM"AOAIClJI,TUM a 'OMSTAl. DISTAleT(AL3O'l<fSWlCl<".....~ OIST.I SECTION 63 401 McIntire Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 -!uly 12, 1985 . . TO: FRat'!: Mary Joy Scala, Albemarle County Planning Dept. J. G. Yager, District Conservationist Facts on proposed Agricultural and Forestal District pertaining to soils and land use for the following property owners. Mr. George Worthington, IV Mr. Alden G. Bigelow Mr. B. J. Shaw-Kennedy Land Use 48% open 52% woodland Land Capability Classes ,r Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class , \ I II III IV V VI VII VIII 0% 23% 21% 31% 0% 20% 5% 0% ~ <..--' ,_':"'l,_--;lf""" ',.,..'...." ,r~-. Edward H. Bai 1. .Jr Samuel Mill>! COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 972-4060 MEMORANDUM Forrest R. Marshall. .Jr Scoltsville David P _ Bowe man Charlottesl.!!11 Charles S. Martin Rivanna Charlotte Y H mphns Jack ,Jouen Walter F. Perkins White Hall TO: James L. Camblos, III FROM: Ella W. Carey, Clerk, CMC 8LJ0 DATE: December 14, 1993 Correction of Ordinance In a previous memorandum dated October 18, 1993, you were forwarded an ordinance ich the Board of Supervisors adopted at its meeting on October 13, 1993. A paragraph was inadvertently missing from that ordinance. Please find a corrected c py attached: An Ordinance to amend certain sections in Chapter 16.01 of the County Code entitled Naming of Roads and Numbering of Properties. C/j ng Chief John Miller Municipal Code \ ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING CERTAIN SECTIONS IN CHAPTER 16.01 entitled NAMING OF ROADS AND NUMBERING OF PROPERTIES . 16.01-1. Purpose; authority; intent. (a) Purpose. In order to provide for more efficient delivery of emergency and other services and to pr vide for uniformity in road naming and assignment of property numbers, there is hereby established a system fo naming of roads and numbering of properties within Albemarle County, Virginia. (b) Authority. Authority for this ordinance is Section 15.1-379 ofthe Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. (c) Intent. It is intended that all roads within the county which serve or are designed to serve three or m re dwelling units or business structures, including both public and private roads, shall be named; and that all d elling units and business structures within the county shall be assigned property numbers. For any public or private road meeting the foregoing criteria, unless otherwise previously required pursuant to hapter 18, Subdivision of Land, of this code or the Zoning Ordinance or as required below, the placement of ro d signs shall be undertaken by the county at county expense. For any public or private road, except as hereafter expressly provided, approved subsequent to enactment of this chapter, the subdivider or developer shall be responsible for placement, and the costs of fabrication and ins llation of road signs upon those roads approved as a part of any subdivision or site development plan. For roads funded by the county or by the Virginia Department of Transportation, the county shall undertake at ounty expense the placement of road signs. For any road in existence on the effective date of this chapter serving more than two (2) parcels but not mo e than two (2) addressable structures, the placement of road signs shall be undertaken by the county at county ex ense at such time as the road serves three (3) addressable structures; provided that no additional subdivision or sit development plan approval has occurred, in which case placement shall be undertaken by the subdivider or de eloper. The subdivider or developer is responsible for the placement of signs in existing subdivisions that are bo ded for future road acceptance. It is further intended that the placement of numbers upon dwelling units and business structures shall in ases be at the expense of the owners of such structures. 16.01-2. Agent. The director of planning and community development is hereby designated the agent under Code of Virginia Sec ion 15.1-379 for the purpose of assigning road names and property addresses, and for the development and mai tenance of a manual and maps, as described below. <---- (Page 2) The agent shall prepare and maintain current maps showing all public and private roads which are officially n med under this ordinance within the county, the names of such roads, and numbering of all properties. . 16.01-4. Maps to be developed and maintained. . 16.01-3. Manual to be developed and adopted. The agent shall develop a manual prescribing: a system for the naming of roads and numbering of p operties within the county; the design of road signs; standards for site preparation for such signs, and for intenance thereof. Compliance with the procedures set forth in such manual shall be mandatory upon its approval the board of supervisors. The manual may be amended from time to time by resolution of the board. . 16.01-5. Road signs. With respect to placement of signs for which the county will be responsible consistent with Section 1 .01-I(c), the director of engineering shall be responsible for placement at each road intersection, and at other pI ces deemed necessary by the agent. With respect to placement of signs for which the subdivider or developer will be responsible consistent with s tions 16.01-1(c) and 16.01-7 such subdivider or developer shall be responsible for placement of signs at each ro d intersection, and at other places deemed necessary by the agent. The subdivider or developer shall maintain su h signs until such time as the roads are taken into the State Secondary System, or taken over for maintenance b the homeowners as required pursuant to the private road maintenance agreement as the case may be. Thereafter, th signs shall be maintained by the county except where a special installation has been allowed under Part III, 3(c) o this ordinance. Such signs shall display the name of each such road within the limits of the county, along with such other in ormation as the agent may deem necessary, including, but not limited to, secondary or other road numbers as pr scribed by the Virginia Department of Transportation. . 16.01-6. Numbers to be displayed. The owner or other person responsible for each addressable structure in the county shall display the as igned number in a manner that is easily readable in accordance with the manual within thirty (30) days of the ad ress effective date as established by the U. S. Postal Service. With respect to addressable structures built su sequent to the U. S. Postal Service's established address effective date and served by a named road, no oc upancy permit shall be issued until such number has been displayed in accordance with the above provisions. . 16.01-7. Site plan and subdivision requirements. No final site plan or final subdivision plat which shows a road required to be named shall be approved until su h site plan or subdivision plat displays on its face the name or names of such road or roads, approved by the ag nt. No building permit shall be issued for any structure within the area shown on such site development plan or ubdivision plat until road signs have been installed by the subdivider or developer. For the purpose of this chapter, the term "subdivision" shall be deemed to include the term "family su division" as defined by Chapter 18, Subdivision of Land, of this code. '-""'. (Page 3) . 16.01-8. Official address. Upon adoption of this ordinance and approval of the manual and the map(s), the street name and number signed to each property within the county shall be the official address of such property, for all purposes. . 16.01-9. Enforcement. Any person who willfully fails to comply with any requirements of this chapter and the regulations adopted h reunder shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to the general p nalty set forth in section 1-6 of this Code, for each day after the first day that such violation shall continue. In a dition to the penalty specified above, the county executive or his designee may invoke any other lawful procedure in luding injunction to correct or abate such violation. ..... I, Ella W. Carey, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of an ordinance ad pted by the Albemarle Board of County Supervisors at a regular meeting held on October 13, 1993. CJJ. l 0 C~~t: ~~~County 5"7'" ,;-~. ../ \ /~ ((/ / (e '/, - , I /J ) --;"<.r>i '.' /' .::. <... COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296.5823 MEMORANDUM FROM: Robert B. Brandenburger, Assistant County Executive ~ Tex Weaver, Information Resource Planner TO: DATE: October 7, 1993 RE: Revisions to Section 16.01-6 of the Naming of Roads and Numbering of Properties Ordinance and Manual Attached please find the revisions to Section 16.01-6 of the Naming of Roads and Numbering of Properties Ordinance and Manual which we have previously discussed. Wayne Cilimberg and I feel that the revised language will enable us to accomplish the goals of this section of the ordinance without establishing a fixed date in the text of the ordinance for address numbers to be displayed. Should you have any questions or additional comments regarding this proposed language change, please let me know. cc: Wayne Cilimberg '\ Such signs shall display the name of each road within the limits of the County, along with such other information as the agent may deem necessary, including, but not limited to, secondary or other road numbers as prescribed by the Virginia Department of Transportation. Sec. 16.01-6. Numbers To Be Displayed. On or before January 1, 1994, the owner or other person . "\ . respons1ble for each addressable structure 1n the County shall display the assigned number in a manner that is easily readable in accordance with the manual. with respect to addressable structures built subsequent to the enactment of this ordinance and served by a named road, no occupancy permit shall be issued until such number has been displayed in accordance with the above provisions. Sec. 1 Nc road rE or subd such rc shall 1:: site pl install '-\ 0 \e- . ( LCi\ (\:J v V-- ~ e.... hows a te plan s of ermit n such Fe be deerr Chapter shall ed by Sec. 16 u~ manual and the .~".4t:-'\~J, ......u.c .::J.....J...cc\... .&lUJ.UC UJ.1U, l1UlUJ...I'Il:::::.L. a~'::)..1.'-jl1C::U \..u ea.ch property within the county shall be the official address of such property, for all purposes. Sec. 16.01-9. Enforcement. Any person who willfully fails to comply with any requirements of this chapter and the regulations adopted hereunder shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to the general penalty set forth in Section 1-6 of this Code for each day after the first day that such violation shall continue. In addition to the penalty specified above, the county executive or his designee may invoke any other lawful procedure including injunction to correct or abate such violation. This ordinance shall become effective on July 8, 1992. Such signs shall display the name of each road within the limits of the County, along with such other information as the agent may deem necessary, including, but not limited to, secondary or other road numbers as prescribed by the Virginia Department of Transportation. Sec. 16.01-6. Numbers To Be Displayed. The owner or other person responsible for each addressable structure in the County shall display the assigned number in a manner that is easily readable in accordance with the manual within 30 days of the address effective date as established by the u.s. Postal Service. with respect to addressable structures built subsequent to the u.S. Postal Service's established address effective date and served by a named road, no occupancy permit shall be issued until such number has been displayed in accordance with the above provisions. I-- Sec. 1- road 1 or suI: such I shall site 1= instal \\ shows a ,i te plan .es of permit on such Ne.--v I( Lev- C) v ~ ~ Q.... F be dee Chapte n shall ned by Sec. ] l and tt ~.. . property within the county shall property, for all purposes. manual ach be the official address of such Sec. 16.01-9. Enforcement. Any person who willfully fails to comply with any requirements of this chapter and the regulations adopted hereunder shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to the general penalty set forth in Section 1-6 of this Code for each day after the first day that such violation shall continue. In addition to the penalty specified above, the county executive or his designee may invoke any other lawful procedure including injunction to correct or abate such violation. This ordinance shall become effective on July 8, 1992. I. o I . Edward H. ain, Jr. Samuel M ller COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville. Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 972-4060 Forrest R. Marshall. Jr Scottsville David P Bo erman Charlottes ille Charles S Martin Rivanna Charlotte Y. Humphris Jack Joue Walter F Perkins White Hall M"'"E M 0 RAN DUM FROM: TO: James L. Camblos, III Ella W. Carey, Clerk, CMC t~L--- DATE: October 18, 1993 UBJECT: Board Actions of October 13, 1993 At its meeting on October 13, 1993, the Board of Supervisors dopted the following ordinance (copy attached) : An Ordinance to amend certain sections in Chapter 16.01 of the County Code entitled Naming of Roads and Numbering of Properties. WC/jng ttachments (1) c: Chief John Miller /tI(V#'~4I' ~ /~~:l- -~3 f * Printed on recycled paper , ~ (Page 1) ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING CERTAIN SECTIONS IN CHAPTER 16.01 entitled NAMING OF ROADS AND NUMBERING OF PROPERTIES s~. 16.01-1. Purpose; authority; intent. (a) Purpose. In order to provide for more efficient delivery of emergency and other services and to p ovide for uniformity in road naming and assignment of property numbers, there is hereby established a system fo naming of roads and numbering of properties within Albemarle County, Virginia. (b) Authority. Authority for this ordinance is Section 15.1-379 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. (c) Intent. It is intended that all roads within the county which serve or are designed to serve three or mpre dwelling units or business structures, including both public and private roads, shall be named; and that all d,lrelling units and business structures within the county shall be assigned property numbers. For any public or private road meeting the foregoing criteria, unless otherwise previously required pursuant to Chapter 18, Subdivision of Land, of this code or the Zoning Ordinance or as required below, the placement of rolu1 signs shall be undertaken by the county at county expense. For any public or private road, except as hereafter expressly provided, approved subsequent to enactment of this chapter, the subdivider or developer shall be responsible for placement, and the costs of fabrication and in tallation of road signs upon those roads approved as a part of any subdivision or site development plan. For roads funded by the county or by the Virginia Department of Transportation, the county shall undertake at ~ounty expense the placement of road signs. For any road in existence on the effective date of this chapter serving more than two (2) parcels but not m re than two (2) addressable structures, the placement of road signs shall be undertaken by the county at county expense at such time as the road serves three (3) addressable structures; provided that no additional subdivision or sit~ development plan approval has occurred, in which case placement shall be undertaken by the subdivider or developer. The subdivider or developer is responsible for the placement of signs in existing subdivisions that are bo~ded for future road acceptance. It is further intended that the placement of numbers upon dwelling units and business structures shall in all cases be at the expense of the owners of such structures. _c (Page 2) . 16.01-2. Agent. The agent shall develop a manual prescribing: a system for the naming of roads and numbering of p operties within the county; the design of road signs; standards for site preparation for such signs, and for intenance thereof. Compliance with the procedures set forth in such manual shall be mandatory upon its approval the board of supervisors. The manuel may be amended from time to time by resolution of the board. The director of planning and community development is hereby designated the agent under Code of Virginia tion 15.1-379 for the purpose of assigning road names and property addresses, and for the development and intenance of a manual and maps, as described below. . 16.01-3. Manual to be developed and adopted. . 16.01-4. Maps to be developed and maintained. The agent shall prepare and maintain current maps showing all public and private roads which are officially n med under this ordinance within the county, the names of such roads, and numbering of all properties. . 16.01-5. Road signs. With respect to placement of signs for which the county will be responsible consistent with Section 1 .01-1(c), the director of engineering shall be responsible for placement at each road intersection, and at other pi ces deemed necessary by the agent. With respect to placement of signs for which the subdivider or developer will be responsible consistent with s tions 16.01-1(c) and 16.01-7 such subdivider or developer shall be responsible for placement of signs at each ro d intersection, and at other places deemed necessary by the agent. The subdivider or developer shall maintain h signs until such time as the roads are taken into the State Secondary System, or taken over for maintenance b the homeowners as required pursuant to the private road maintenance agreement as the case may be. Thereafter, th signs shall be maintained by the county except where a special installation has been allowed under Part III, 3(c) o this ordinance. Such signs shall display the name of each such road within the limits of the county, along with such other in ormation as the agent may deem necessary, including, but not limited to, secondary or other road numbers as pr cribed by the Virginia Department of Transportation. S . 16.01-6. Numbers to be displayed. On or before January 1, 1994, the owner or other person responsible for each addressable structure in the co ty shall display the assigned number in a manner that is easily readable in accordance with the manual. With re pect to addressable structures built subsequent to the enactment of this ordinance and served by a named road, n occupancy permit shall be issued until such number has been displayed in accordance with the above provisions. . 16.01-7. Site plan and subdivision requirements. No final site plan or final subdivision plat which shows a road required to be named shall be approved until su h site plan or subdivision plat displays on its face the name or names of such road or roads, approved by the ag nt. No building permit shall be issued for any structure within the area shown on such site development plan or subdivision plat until road signs have been installed by the subdivider or developer. .. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY _ ~Q .J)B. 0:::2. ,_, .:.'-1'-' ....~L'''... ._ ..i.. "'~'" '"_~ AGENDA and Add Section Ordinance for Naming of Roads of Properties, County Code AGENDA DATE: October 13, 1993 ITEM NUMBER: 9~.'OI~'5'1G ACTION: x INFORMATION: CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: INFORMATION: ATTACHMENTS: ;t(3) ~ t STAFP' C Messrs. Weaver Brandenburger, Ci1imberg, REVIEWED BY: nt to a worksession on proposed changes to the County Code Chapter 16.01, "Naming of d Numbering of Properties" the Board set a public hearing for October 13, 1993 to adopting the proposed changes to the Code as outlined in Attachment A. One of he proposed changes affected Section 16.01-6, "Numbers To Be Displayed". The current ordinan e requires numbers to be displayed on structures on or before January 1, 1993. The propose ordinance revises the date to January 1, 1994. This change was precipitated by delays y the contractor in completing the addressing phase of the Enhanced 911 project. At the tim of the worksession a November 1993 address notification date was expected. This date ha again slipped and because the Postal Service will be undergoing major changes to their c mputer system the address notification date will now occur after the first of the year. further changes to Section 16.01-6 a new reVLSLon to this section is proposed in nt B. Instead of requiring numbers be displayed by a specific date, the recommended requires the numbers to be displayed .....within 30 days of the address effective established by the U.S. Postal Service." language is adopted residents will be notified of this requirement when they are of their new address. ATION: ) Recommend adoption of the changes to the County Code Chapter 16.01, "Naming of Roads and Numbering of Properties' as presented in Attachment A and as revised by Attachment B to Section 16.01-6. If the ordinance is adopted as proposed, it is recommended the Board also approve the revised Naming of Roads and Numbering of Properties Manual (Attachment C) by separate Resolution. ~~@~8U\:~~:i 93.158 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ~ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-45% (804) 2%-5823 r..~::', "'.....,,,.----~~......___ i 1'.) I'? (j1.l 1'( p-.-...... , 'I ~ J&. ~ " I~! r-~_L--^,' UU[, J~. BOARDOFSUpemnSORS ORANDUM Robert B. Brandenburger, Assistant County Executive Tex weaver~nformation Resource Planner September 13, 1993 Revisions to the Naminq of Roads and Numberinq of properties Ordinanoe and Kanual ttached please find the reV1S1ons to the Naming of Roads and umbering of Properties Ordinance and Manual. The "old" language as been removed as a result of the worksession held with the oard on September 1, 1993. It is my understanding that this raft will be forwarded to the Board for public hearing and doption on October l3, 1993. hould you notice any modifications to this draft that need to be ade or wish to change the format for any reason, please let me now. v. Wayne Cilimberg Ron Keeler ATTAC'IMENT A o R D I . A NeB An Ordinance To be known as CHAPTER 16.01 of the Code of Albemarle entitled "NAMING OF ROADS AND NUKBERING OF PROPERTIES" ec. 16.01-1. (a) Purpose. In order to provide for more efficient delivery of emergency nd other services and to provide for uniformity in road naming nd assignment of property numbers, there is hereby established a ystem for naming of roads and numbering of properties within Ibemarle County, Virginia. (b) Authority. Authority for this ordinance is Section 5.1-379 of the Code of Virginia, 1950 as amended. (c) Intent. It is intended that all roads within the County which serve r are designed to serve three or more dwelling units or business tructures, including both public and private roads, shall be amed, and that all dwelling units and business structures within he County shall be assigned property numbers. For any public or private road meeting the foregoing riteria, unless otherwise previously required pursuant to the ubdivision ordinance or the zoning ordinance or as required elow, the placement of road signs shall be undertaken by the ounty at County expense. For any public or private road, except as hereafter xpressly provided, approved subsequent to enactment of this hapter, the subdivider or developer shall be responsible for lacement, and the costs of fabrication and installation of road igns upon those roads approved as a part of any subdivision or ite development plan. For roads funded by the County or by the Virginia Department f Transportation, the County shall undertake at County expense he placement of road signs. For any road in existence on the effective date of this apter serving more than two parcels but not more than two a dressable structures, the placement of road signs shall be dertaken by the County at County expense at such time as the ad serves three addressable structures; provided that no a ditional subdivision or site development plan approval has ~ ccurred, in which case placement shall be undertaken by the ubdivider or developer. The subdivider or developer is esponsible for the placement of signs in existing subdivisions hat are bonded for future road acceptance. It is further intended that the placement of numbers upon welling units and business structures shall in all cases be at he expense of the owners of such structures. 16.0l-2. Agent. The Director of Planning and Community Development is hereby esignated the agent under Code of Virginia section 15.1-379 for he purpose of assigning road names and property addresses, and or the development and maintenance of a manual and maps, as escribed below. 16.01-3. Manual To Be Developed and Adopted. The agent shall develop a manual prescribing: a system for he naming of roads and numbering of properties within the ounty; the design of road signs; standards for site preparation or such signs; and for maintenance thereof. Compliance with the anual shall be mandatory upon its approval by the Board of upervisors. The manual may be amended from time to time by esolution of the Board. 16.01-4. Maps To Be Developed and Maintained. The agent shall prepare and maintain current maps showing pUblic and private roads which are officially named under his ordinance within the county, the names of such roads, and umbering of all properties. l6.01-5. Road Signs. with respect to placement of signs for which the County will e responsible consistent with Section l6.01-1(c), the Director f Engineering shall be responsible for placement at each road 'ntersection, and at other places deemed necessary by the agent. With respect to placement of signs for which the subdivider r developer will be responsible consistent with Section 16.01- (c) and l6.0l-7 such subdivider or developer shall be esponsible for placement of signs at each road intersection, and t other places deemed necessary by the agent. The subdivider or eveloper shall maintain such signs until such time as the roads re taken into the State Secondary System, or taken over for aintenance by the homeowners, as required pursuant to the rivate road maintenance agreement as the case may be. ereafter, the signs shall be maintained by the County except ere a special installation has been allowed under Part III, 3(c) of this ordinance. Such signs shall display the name of each road within the imits of the County, along with such other information as the gent may deem necessary, including, but not limited to, econdary or other road numbers as prescribed by the Virginia epartment of Transportation. l6.0l-6. Numbers To Be Displayed. On or before January l, 1994, the owner or other person esponsible for each addressable structure in the County shall isplay the assigned number in a manner that is easily readable 'n accordance with the manual. With respect to addressable tructures built subsequent to the enactment of this ordinance nd served by a named road, no occupancy permit shall be issued ntil such number has been displayed in accordance with the above rovisions. l6.0l-7. site Plan and Subdivision Requirements. No final site plan or final subdivision plat which shows a oad required to be named shall be approved until such site plan r subdivision plat displays on its face the name or names of uch road or roads, approved by the agent. No building permit hall be issued for any structure within the area shown on such ite plan or subdivision plat until road signs have been 'nstalled by the subdivider or developer. For the purpose of this Chapter, the term subdivison shall e deemed to include the term Family Subdivision as defined by hapter 18 of this Code. 16.01-8. Official Address. Upon adoption of this ordinance and approval of the manual nd the map(s), the street name and number assigned to each roperty within the county shall be the official address of such roperty, for all purposes. 16.0l-9. Enforcement. Any person who willfully fails to comply with any equirements of this chapter and the regulations adopted ereunder shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon onviction thereof shall be subject to the general penalty set orth in Section l-6 of this Code for each day after the first ay that such violation shall continue. In addition to the nalty specified above, the county executive or his designee may voke any other lawful procedure including injunction to correct abate such violation. This ordinance shall become effective on July 8, 1992. ATTACHMENT B Such signs shall display the name of each road within the imits of the County, along with such other information as the gent may deem necessary, including, but not limited to, econdary or other road numbers as prescribed by the Virginia epartment of Transportation. l6.01-6. Numbers To Be Displayed. The owner or other person responsible for each addressable tructure in the County shall display the assigned number in a anner that is easily readable in accordance with the manual ithin 30 days of the address effective date as established by he u.s. Postal Service. with respect to addressable structures uilt subsequent to the u.s. Postal Service's established address ffective date and served by a named road, no occupancy permit hall be issued until such number has been displayed in ccordance with the above provisions. 16.0l-7. Site Plan and Subdivision Requirements. No final site plan or final subdivision plat which shows a oad required to be named shall be approved until such site plan r subdivision plat displays on its face the name or names of uch road or roads, approved by the agent. No building permit hall be issued for any structure within the area shown on such ite plan or subdivision plat until road signs have been 'nstalled by the subdivider or developer. For the purpose of this Chapter, the term subdivison shall e deemed to include the term Family Subdivision as defined by hapter l8 of this Code. 16.01-8. Official Address. Upon adoption of this ordinance and approval of the manual nd the map(s), the street name and number assigned to each roperty within the county shall be the official address of such roperty, for all purposes. 16.01-9. Enforcement. Any person who willfully fails to comply with any equirements of this chapter and the regulations adopted ereunder shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon onviction thereof shall be subject to the general penalty set orth in Section 1-6 of this Code for each day after the first ay that such violation shall continue. In addition to the enalty specified above, the county executive or his designee may i voke any other lawful procedure including injunction to correct or abate such violation. This ordinance shall become effective on July 8, 1992. ATTACHMENT C ALBBKARLB COUNTY ROAD NAMING AND NUMBERING MANUAL ODUCTION manual is to prescribe a system for the naming of roads, the ering of properties and structures, and the erection and tenance of associated signage as provided for in section 16.01-3 he Code of Albemarle County. Director of the Department of Planning and Community Development or esignated agent shall be responsible for the interpretation and adm'nistration of the provisions of this manual. Addressable Structure: Any building used for human habitation, athering, or for the production or sale of goods or services. Addressina Grid: A series of intersecting lines running north- h and east-west on 1000 foot intervals which is coincident with Virginia state Coordinate Grid System 1927 datum used to assign ess ranges to road segments. Aaent: The Director of Planning and Community Development for marle County, Virginia. Cul-de-sac: A vehicular turnaround area at the end of a dead-end et provided for the purpose of safe and convenient reverse of fic in one continuous forward movement. Directionality: The geographic orientation of a named road ent (either east-west or north-south). Desianator: Suffix used to indicate the road type. Primary Access: A road or driveway used as the primary means of veh cular access to an addressable structure. ALBEMARLE COUNTY ROAD NAIlING AND NUHBERING KANUAL ODUCTION manual is to prescribe a system for the naming of roads, the ering of properties and structures, and the erection and tenance of associated signage as provided for in Section 16.0l-3 he Code of Albemarle County. Director of the Department of Planning and Community Development or esignated agent shall be responsible for the interpretation and adm'nistration of the provisions of this manual. Addressable Structure: Any building used for human habitation, athering, or for the production or sale of goods or services. Addressing Grid: A series of intersecting lines running north- h and east-west on 1000 foot intervals which is coincident with Virginia State Coordinate Grid System 1927 datum used to assign ess ranges to road segments. Agent: The Director of Planning and Community Development for marle County, Virginia. Cul-de-sac: A vehicular turnaround area at the end of a dead-end et provided for the purpose of safe and convenient reverse of fic in one continuous forward movement. Directionality: The geographic orientation of a named road ent (either east-west or north-south). Desianator: Suffix used to indicate the road type. Primary Access: A road or driveway used as the primary means of veh cular access to an addressable structure. PARIl I. ROAD NAMING 1. Roads Requirinq Bames In addition to the requirements of i16.01-1(c) of the Code of Albemarle, private roads which serve less than three addressable structures may be named as provided for in Section 6 of PART I of this manual. 2. Revie. and Approval of Proposed Road Bames All proposed names shall be reviewed by the agent for conformance with the guidelines established herein. If a proposed road name is found to be in accordance with all provisions of PART I of this manual, the agent shall approve the name. 3. Maintenance of Master Road Names Directory and Road Names Map a. All approved road names shall be listed in a Master Road Names Directory to be maintained in the offices of the agent. b. The location of all approved road names listed in the Master Road Names Directory shall be illustrated on a master set of Road Names Maps to be maintained in the offices of the agent. 4. Road Name Guidelines While it is intended that these guidelines be complied with, the agent may modify, vary, or waive any guideline in PART I, Section 4 in a particular case. a. A proposed road name which duplicates an existing or reserved road name in Albemarle County or the City of Charlottesville shall not be approved. An exception may be made for cul-de-sacs which have the same name as the road from which they originate (example: "Amberfield Court" which originates from "Amberfield Drive"). b. Road names are limited to three words not including the road type designator. c. A road name shall not exceed more than sixteen (16) characters including spaces and the designator's abbreviation. d. A road name shall not include numbers, dashes, apostrophes or other non-alphabetical characters. e. Compass points such as NORTH and EAST shall not be used in road names. f. Articles (the, a, an) shall not be used to begin road names. g. Road names duplicating facilities shall not be approved (example: "Bowling Alley", "Tennis Court"). h. Usage of names derived from community names or geographic features shall be limited to locations in close proximity to such communities or geographic features. i. No proposed road name shall be approved which beqins with a word that appears as the first word in five or more official road names. j. No proposed name shall be accepted which is a homonym of an official road name or may be easily confused with an official road name (example: "Forrestview" and "Forestvue"). k. Where a proposed road is a continuation of or in alignment with an approved road, it shall utilize the same road name as the approved road. A new road name shall be required if the proposed road is disconnected from the existing road by an offset greater than sixty feet. 5. Road Type Desiqnators Road type designators shall be consistent with the roadway's expected traffic use, width of right-of-way and physical design/location. While it is intended that these guidelines be complied with, the agent may modify, vary, or waive any guideline in PART I, Section 5 in a particular case. HWY *RD ALBBKARLB COUNTY STREBT AND ROAD TYPB DBSIGNATIONS A Federal or State designated primary road. Generally an arterial/collector road connecting to the primary system. A winding arterial/collector. A scenic or landscaped road. Wide road with median and landscaping. A major road in a community. A community or subdivision road. A short street that parallels another road. A narrow or minor road in a community. Generally a narrow road. A minor road or street often which dead ends. A road which returns to itself. A drive which begins and ends on the same road. Generally reserved for roads through uninhabited areas. A short and/or narrow road. Generally shorter, permanent dead ends or cul-de-sacs. See Court. A dead end or cul-de-sac road from which other cul-de-sacs originate. Generally a central area with buildings clustered around it. See Square. A road which crosses a geographic feature (such as a creek or mountain pass) or, a short road that serves as a connector between two other roads. Generally along high ground. Generally minor roads in subdivisions. Reserved for historic turnpikes. Shopping, commercial areas. Reserved for entranceways to public parks. (3 or more dwellings) *v T standard abbreviations/designations Fi e letter designators may be spelled out completely in suffix space on sign. 6. Road Haainq Process For the purpose of this section "served" by a road shall include right of use whether or not a property actually uses such road. a. Policy on Participation in Road Naming: (1) The process of naming roads shall be limited to those who own property served by the road in question. (2) Where the road serves several properties, the landowners shall be given the opportunity to propose the name. (3) In the event that there is no participation from the landowners the agent shall name the road in accordance with County procedures. b. Processing Requests for Road Names: Requests to name roads shall be in writing to the agent and shall include the following information: (l) A description of the road's location giving the direction and approximate distance from the nearest intersection of two public roads. (2) A list of all landowners having property served by the road in question together with certification that all such landowners have been notified of the proposed name. (3) Signatures of landowners representing a majority (greater than fifty percent) of parcels served by the road in agreement of a common road name. Upon validating that landowners of more than fifty percent of the parcels served by the road in question have signed the petition in favor of a common road name, and that the proposed name is otherwise consistent with PART I of this manual, the agent shall approve the road name. c. Road Name Reservation Process Road names may be reserved during the preliminary plan or plat review process by a written request to the agent. Names shall be reserved unless the project is disapproved, abandoned, or otherwise voided. d. Road Naming in the Subdivision and site Development Review Process (l) A developer may contact the agent prior to submission to determine the viability of proposed names. Road names may be reserved as provided in Section 6-c. (2) Proposed road names shall appear on all final site development plans and subdivision plats, where applicable. (3) No final site development plan or final subdivision plat shall be approved by the agent until all road names shall have been approved by the agent. (4) Names approved on a preliminary plan/plat shall be reserved for the life of the preliminary plan/plat and shall be shown on the final plan/plat. 7. Pinal Authority of Board of Supervisors to Assign Road Names The Board of Supervisors may name or rename any road at any time. PAR II. NUMBERING l. Assignment of Numbers by Agent a. All numbers for properties and addressable structures shall be assigned by the agent following the procedures and guidelines contained in this manual. Numbers assigned by any other person or entity shall not be recognized. b. Numbers shall be assigned to any new addressable structure shown on a site development plan or lot created by subdivision. Numbers shall not be officially assigned until the final site development plan or subdivision plat has been approved. Numbers shall also be assigned when requested by individuals for new structures that do not require site development plan or subdivision approval. 2. Uniform Numbering System Established All numbers shall be determined by the uniform numbering system hereby established. This uniform system shall utilize a grid system combined with an equal-interval numbering system. 3. Albemarle County Numbering Grid Defined a. The Albemarle County Numbering Grid shall be based on the existing Virginia State Plane Coordinate System which is a grid superimposed over the State having lines at 10,000 foot intervals oriented north-south and east-west. The Numbering Grid shall have lines every lOOO feet interpolated between the lO,OOO foot grid lines. The Numbering Grid thereby establishes a series of 10,000 square foot cells or blocks covering the entire County. b. The axes or baselines of the Numbering Grid shall have their origin at the intersection of the 1000 foot gridlines nearest to the actual intersection of Wertland street and 15th street NW in the City of Charlottesville. c. NUmbering along the axes of the grid begins with zero at the origin and increases outward from that point with 100 numbers allotted per 1000 feet (thus resulting in a pair of numbers every twenty feet). This grid shall be used to determine the directionality and address range of a given road segment. 4. Numberin9 Procedures a. Directionality of Road Determined (l) Before numbering along a named road may proceed, the directionality of the road must be determined (east- west or north-south). Generally, a road's directionality shall be determined as that of the Numbering Grid baseline the road in question most closely parallels. (2) Consideration may also be given to the type of development involved, the relationship of the road in question to other roads around it and the pattern of numbers that result. b. Number Range of Road Established (l) The number range along a named road shall be established by the NUmbering Grid baseline which has the same directionality as the named road. (2) In the event that a named road crosses one of the baselines of the Numbering Grid, the number range of that named road shall be adjusted so that no number occurs twice along the named road. c. Numbers Assigned Once the directionality and number range of a particular road segment has been determined, the numbering of the addressable structures and properties along the road segment shall be done utilizing an - equal-interval methodology. The numbers shall be assigned beginning at the end of the road segment nearest the origin of the Numbering Grid. The numbers shall then be evenly distributed within the established number range. 5. General Numberinq Guidelines a. Even numbers shall occur on the north side of east-west designated roads and the west side of north-south designated roads. Odd numbers shall occur on the opposite sides. b. All addressable structures and properties shall be numbered on the named road which a structure's or property's primary access intersects. The specific number shall be determined by the point at which the access meets the named road. c. The number sequence for addressable structures or properties on opposite sides of a road should conform to each other as nearly as possible. d. Half numbers shall not be used. Alphabetical or numerical suffixes are acceptable when a secondary address designation is necessary. e. Reverse frontage or through lots shall be numbered along the local road which provides access to the lot. f. Corner lots shall be numbered on the road which provides access. Where the driveway for a corner lot intersects more than one street, the agent shall make the final determination as to which road to base the number, with consideration to such factors as the driveway's length, orientation of the structure and other relevant factors. g. When two addressable structures share an access, they shall be numbered consecutively with adequate consideration given to possible future development between the structures. h. Temporary numbers shall not be issued. A number may be issued to a structure that is intended to be temporary (such as a construction site trailer office) and upon removal of the temporary structure, the number shall be retired. 6. Mobile Home Developments within mobile home parks all roads shall be treated as private roads unless dedicated for maintenance by VDOT and road name and road signage shall apply accordingly. Each mobile home lot shall be numbered in accordance with this manual. The mobile home park owner shall be responsible for posting lot numbers in a manner acceptable to the agent in accordance with PART IV Section 1 of this manual. 7. Re.idential Apartaent. and other Multi-dwelling structures Individual apartment units shall be numbered considering the type of unit, the individual apartment entrance location and building design as follows: a. Duplex: A number shall be provided to the front entrance of each individual unit. b. Townhouse: A number shall be provided to each individual unit at its front entrance. c. Garden A9artment: A number shall be provided to each unit at its entrance. If the apartment unit's entrance is located on an inside foyer, a number shall be provided outside the building entrance. Each unit located on such foyer shall be provided with an alphabetical or numerical suffix as a secondary method of addressing. The building number and road name followed by the apartment unit's alphabetical or numerical designation shall form the address. (Example: 630 Old Shady Grove Road, Apartment A.) Numerical and alphabetical characters shall not be combined (as in 630-A Old Shady Grove Road). The development name may also be used in the address whenever desirable. 8. Commercial, Office and Industrial Complexes For commercial, office and industrial complexes, a numbering choice shall be made by the agent from several methods: (1) Assign the number to the main building where all mail is to be received for the complex. The development name may be included in the address. (2) Each principal building in the complex may be provided a separate number, and the buildings may also be named. The development name and/or the building name may be included in the address. (3) For shopping center development, a separate number shall be assigned for each 'unit's main entrance. The shopping center name should be included in the address. Consideration should be given when assigning numbers to provide flexibility for adding stores and redivision of spaces. In the event a space is redivided and no numbers remain available, alphabetical or numerical unit designations shall be used. (4) Interior mall shopping centers should have one number assigned for the entire mall. The shopping center name and store name should be included in the address. Individual stores should not be assigned numbers except that secondary addressing may be provided in accord with PART II.5.d of this manual. A separate property number may be assigned for the mall business office. - (5) Where deemed appropriate by the agent, a multiple-story building may be assigned one address number at its main entrance. Individual units may be provided with secondary addressing based on floor numbering together with unit appellation such as "suite" or "room." The first floor shall be assigned numbers beginning with 100 and numbers on each successive floor should increase to the next highest lOO series (second floor - 200 series; third floor 300 series, etc.). A basement or floor below ground level may use a three digit series beginning with zero. 9. Aqencies to Be Notified of Numbers Assiqned a. The agent shall notify the following agencies and departments of all approved road names and assigned numbers within five (5) days of approval or assignment, as the case may be: Albemarle County Department of Real Estate Albemarle County Department of Building Inspections Albemarle County Department of Police Albemarle County Department of Sheriff Albemarle County Service Authority Albemarle County Registrar's Office Albmemarle County Fire/Rescue Administration University of Virginia Charlottesville-Albemarle Emergency Operations Center united States Postal Service Address Programs Support Office b. The agent shall also notify any other governmental agencies or departments and utility requesting notification. PAR III. SPECIFICATION FOR ROAD NAME SIGNAGE 1. Materials and Physical Description for Siqns a. The road name sign blank shall be made from flat aluminum sign sheet material conforming to ASTM B209 for Alloy 5052- H38 or its equivalent. The sign blank thickness shall be O.lOO" or greater and each corner of the sign blank shall be square cut. Holes shall be placed in the blank name plate as detailed in "Detail C". b. There shall be two sizes of road name signs - standard and oversize. Standard signs shall be eight (8) inches in vertical length (height) while oversize signs shall be nine (9) inches in vertical length. Standard signs shall be used along all secondary and subdivision roads except at intersections with primary roads. Oversize signs shall be used along primary roads and at secondary and subdivision roads intersecting primary roads. The letter type shall conform to Federal Highway Association "Standard Alphabets for Highway Signs", Series C or B, upper case, as prescribed below and in d. The size of the sign blanks, message lettering, and reserved spaces for route and block numbers for Standard and Oversize signs are as follows: STANDARD (Local/Subdivision) OVERSIZE (Primary/Collector) SIGN BLANKS Horizontal length Vertical length 24" min to 46" max 8" 30" min to 48" max 9" *Route Decal Reserved Space 8" x l.25" l2" x 2.5" Block Number Reserved Space 8" x 2.5" 12" X 3.5" MESSAGE LETTERING: SIZE AND TYPE Prefix Capitals 2" C Name capitals 5" C Suffix Capitals 2" C Route Decal l" C Private lIt C Block Number 2" C 3" C 6" C 3" C 2" C 2" C 3" C *For private roads, place the word PRIVATE in Route Decal Space The less common designators such as FARM, WAY, HEIGHTS, and TRACT may be placed in the main message field if space is available. c. The sign may be constructed using either the cut letter process or the silk screen process. The green and white colors shall be uniform throughout the length of the sign. (1) If the cut letter process is used the sign blank shall be covered on both sides for the entire length of the blank with a high intensity (encapsulated) reflectorized green background sheeting, 3M "Scotchlite" brand product number 3877 or equivalent product. High intensity (encapsulated) reflectorized sheeting 3M "Scotchlite" product number 3870 or equivalent product shall be used for the silver-white letters and numerals. The reflective material shall be applied to both sides of the blank name plate with mechanical equipment in a manner specified by the sheeting manufacturer. The sign background shall be comprised of not more than one piece of reflective " sheeting. The letters and numerals shall be applied on both faces of the sign using the cut letter process. The reflective sheeting shall have a minimum guaranteed life of ten years. (2) The silk Screen process shall use a sign blank prepared as described above with the silver-white 3M brand product number 3870 (encapsulated) reflectorized sheeting or equivalent product. The green background shall be applied using 3M brand product number 848 or equivalent process color. After application and curing of the color according to product specifications, a clear coat of Series 840 Transparent Colors product number 840 Clear or equivalent product shall be applied and cured according to product specifications. d. The maximum space available on a standard (8" high) sign for the road name is 34 inches and an oversize (9" high) sign has 32 inches of space for the road name. Spacing between letters within a street name should conform to the spacing dimensions shown in the Virginia Supplement to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways unless this will result in a sign width greater than the maximum space available. In such cases, a thirty (30) percent force factor may be used on signs greater in length than 42 inches for standard signs or 48 inches for oversized signs. The spacing between the letters using the forced factor may be reduced proportionately to a minimum of one-half inches at the closest point between two adjoining letters. If further reduction is required, Series B letters may be used. If the name will not fit in the space available, a thirty (30) percent force factor may be used as above. Finally, if the approved road name will not fit on the maximum length sign with the Series B letters and a thirty (30) percent force factor, a modification shall be required from the County Engineering Department. e. At the end of the road name there are three spaces either eight inches (for the 8" sign) or twelve inches (for the 9" sign) in length which are stacked one over the other. These spaces are reserved for the route decal, the block number and the road type suffix. If the block number is to be affixed in decal form, the decal will be of the same material as the main sign sheeting as specified above. The directional triangle, an 1.25 inch equilateral triangle for the eight inch sign or 1.5 inch equilateral triangle for the nine inch sign of silverwhite "Scotchlite" material or equivalent product, is to be affixed in front of or at the end of the block number to point in the direction of increasing numerical values. See "Detail B" for location of spaces. .. .. f. The route decal shall be non-reflectorized with a black message on a white color field. The decal shall be provided and installed by the Virginia Department of Transportation, but shall not be required prior to installation of the sign. 3. Post and Bardware Specifications a. The sign post shall be a standard dimension pressure treated (ground contact quality in conformance with the requirements of American Wood Preservers Association C2) 4" x 4" wood post cut with a minimum ten (lO) foot straight section. The sign must be embedded a minimum of 27 inches in the ground, which may require some sign posts to be longer than ten (10) feet. The top of the post shall be cut flush with the signs. The signs should be mounted flush at the top, at ninety (90) degrees to each other, with a minimum seven (7) foot clearance from the bottom of the sign to the ground. The sign blades shall face away from the intersection on the pavement side of the post and parallel to the road alignment. The soil shall be tightly tamped around the post to prevent removal of the sign. The disturbed soil shall be graded to drain away from the post. The post shall be plumbed vertically and horizontally. b. The sign mounting hardware shall consist of four (4) stainless steel hex-head lag screws (3/8" diameter x J" length) or an approved equivalent per sign. The lag screws are to be installed in the manner illustrated in "Detail C" with four (4) 3/8 inch #18-8 stainless steel flat washers with a one inch outside diameter or an approved equivalent. c. A special sign post and/or installation may be allowed at the discretion of the Director of Engineering provided it is equal to or exceeds the specifications above. Where allowed, a maintenance agreement between Albemarle County and the responsible party shall be required for the maintenance of any special installation. 4. Location of Post and Sign a. The sign post shall be placed in the road right-of-way a minimum of three (J) horizontal feet from any above ground or underground utility or equipment line. The installer shall be responsible for contacting "Miss utility" before installing signs (l-800-552-7001). At the intersection of a primary and secondary road or in the event a road name changes at an intersection of two secondary roads, two (2) sign locations are to be used. For all new roads, a minimum of two signs are required at every intersection. The sign post shall be located on the right hand side of the street for a right turn onto the secondary road where possible. The sign shall be a minimum of five (5) horizontal feet on the centerline radius of the curve from the outer edge of the pavement for roads without ditch lines. The sign must .. be installed behind an existing ditch line while remaining within the road right-of-way. Those roads that have ditch lines less than three (3) feet from the edge of pavement will have signs placed two (2) horizontal feet back from the ditch line. See "Detail A" for diagram. For urban road sections with curb and gutter, the sign post will be placed behind the edge of the curb and five horizontal feet on the centerline radius of the curve from the edge of pavement. If a sidewalk is adjacent to the curb, then the sign post will be placed behind the sidewalk and within the right-of- way. Signs and posts shall not obstruct handicapped ramps or wheelchair loading areas in the vertical or horizontal direction. b. At the intersection of two secondary roads, only one (l) sign location is to be used except as required in 4.a. This is to be the right hand corner of the intersection for inbound traffic to the subdivision. See "Detail A" for diagram. c. The Director of Engineering may allow an alternate sign location upon finding that due to existing site conditions, the foregoing locational requirements cannot be practicably met, or that an alternate location would equally or better serve the purposes of this manual. This must be confirmed with the County Engineering Department prior to installation of the sign. PAR'~ IV. DISPLAY 01' ADDRESS NUMBERS 1. General Guidelines for Display of Address Numbers a. Address numbers shall be displayed at the primary access entrance on a mailbox, post, fence or other suitable location that is easily discernible from the road. If the structure is 100 feet or less from the road, the entrance door of the structure is clearly visible from the road, and there is no mailbox, post, fence or other suitable location at the primary access entrance, address numbers shall be displayed on, above, or at the side of the main entrance door in a manner that is clearly visible from the road upon which it is numbered. b. The address number shall be displayed as numerals and shall not be spelled out. Secondary address designations shall comply with PART II.5.d. c. The numerals displayed and where applicable, lettering, shall be at least three (J) inches in height on a contrasting background (dark figures over a light background or light figures over a dark background). . - d. If the mailbox is not located on the named road from which the number has been assigned, the entire address (number and road name) shall be shown on that mailbox to avoid confusion. In such case, it will be necessary to also display the number on the property as stated above. e. On corner lots, the number shall only be displayed to face the street upon which the property is numbered. f. Any numbers previously displayed, which could be confused with or mistaken for the assigned address number shall be removed from the mailbox and property. g. Numbers shall be properly maintained by the property owner to ensure they are clearly discernible from the roadway upon which the property is numbered. 2. Display of Address Numbers for MUlti-unit Buildinqs and MUlti-Buildinq Co.plexes a. If a building is divided into multiple units with separate entrances, and each unit has been assigned an individual number, then each unit number shall be displayed on or next to the main doorway. b. The address range of all individual unit numbers within a multi-unit building shall be displayed in a manner that is clearly visible from the road upon which the units are numbered. If more than one building shares an access, then the address range shall also be displayed on each building. 3. Additional Siqnaqe Required When Necessary The agent may also require numbers or address ranges to be posted in additional locations as deemed necessary to the purpose of Chapter 16.0l of the Code of Albemarle. .. t'..... /00 m & 01:3 ~ ~I County of Albemarle BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA ITLE: Worksession: Naming of Roads and Numbering of Prope ties AGENDA DATE: September 1, 1993 ITEM NUMBER: F-;)..7-7' ~ " -,", Y3,CJyClj, ~ 'l INFORMATION: _ . ACTION: ~ CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: INFORMATION: REVIEWED BY: ATTACHMENTS: Brandenburger, Keeler BACKG OUND: On Ju y 8, 1992, the Board adopted Chapter 16.01 of the County Code on Naming of Roads and Numbe ing of Properties and a supporting manual which outlines the procedures and proce ses to implement the ordinance. Subsequent to its adoption, staff has identified both substantive and housekeeping changes to both the ordinance and manual. The attac ent is a proposed revision to the ordinance and manual and is provided in an edited forma to show which sections are deleted (lined through) or added (shaded). (Pages are numbe ed for ease of reference). If the Board decides to go forward with the ordinance chang s a public hearing for October 13th or 20th is recommended. nual can be amended by Board resolution and would be resubmitted for Board action any ordinance changes are adopted. of a public hearing if appropriate. 93.11 ." , ."" COUNTY OF AL'JEl\v...m.E I" ~,".:r'Lm .._k-c_il%.-.-.. _ _'..." AUG 25 1993 ,.".;'t"_~:,,""ic;:-"'---"'1''''''-' ,~-- ., '..' l.' >1"" . .,.-, r }." [X:,:CU Ii"":" ,,)f rlv_ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5823 EMORANDUM Robert B. ~denbUrger, Assistant County Tex Weaver, Information Resource Planner Ron Keeler, Chief of Planning ~ August 25, 1993 Executive Proposed Changes to the Naming of Roads and Numbering of Properties Ordinance and Manual ost proposed changes (particularly to the manual) are of an ditorial or "housekeeping" nature to provide: consistent usage f language/terms found in other documents such as the Zoning and ubdivision Ordinances; internal consistency in the ordinance and anual; and particularly consistency between the Naming of Roads nd Numbering of Properties Ordinance and Manual. Major ubstantive changes to the ordinance and manual are the focus of his memo. eview of the "Road Name" Ordinance was prompted by existing anguage of ~16.01-6. The effective date for address numbers to e displayed of that section caused concern to the Inspections epartment. After discussion among several agencies, other otential administrative problems were identified and curative anguage was developed. Major substantive changes are as ollows: A new provision for existing unnamed roads [~16.01-1(c), paragraph 5] where the County would be responsible for the road signs when needed. 2. A change to the effective date for numbering requirements of ~16.01-6. The county is currently unable to assign numbers outside of major subdivisions until new address notifications have taken place (tentatively scheduled for November, 1993). II ~ , .,,, 3. A change to the second sentence of ~16.01-6 to make the provision applicable in the case of named roads, so as to avoid prolonged delay to a property owner seeking an occupancy permit (a number cannot be assigned until a road has been named, see also #1 above). 4. A change to ~16.01-7 to clarify that the provision applies to family divisions regarding naming/signing requirements. Jol1ANUAL Following the review of the ordinance, the manual was reviewed for consistency with the ordinance. Duplicative language/terms ~ere deleted and a general effort was made to shorten and simplify the manual. Major substantive changes are as follows: 1. The Director of Planning and Community Development would be authorized to modify, vary or waive certain standards (Part I, Sections 4 and 5). 2. The permissible number of characters in a road name has been reduced to reduce the overall sign length in order to increase durability (from wind damage) [Part I, Section 4(c)]. 3. A special procedure would be available to the Director of Engineering to allow alternatives to the sign post specifications [Part III, Section 3(c)]. S~ould you have any questions regarding these proposed changes, please do not hesitate to contact either Ron or myself. cp: V. Wayne Cilimberg RIK/tw I .~. "~ o R DIN A N C E An Ordinance To be known as CHAPTER 16.01 of the Code of Albemarle entitled "NAMING OF ROADS AND NUMBERING OF PROPERTIES" S c. 16.01-1. (a) Purpose. In order to provide for more efficient delivery of emergency other services and to provide for uniformity in road naming d assignment of property numbers, there is hereby established a stem for naming of roads and numbering of properties within bemarle County, Virginia. (b) Authority. Auth()rity for this ordinance is Codc of . . Section 15. 1- 3 7 99:E:':.:'!pg,28gi:.!::,8.R:,:jtffiRg:~ni:i,.~::,:.:::,::+:~:B'2::":::i~ (c) Intent. It is intended that all roads within the County which serve are designed to serve three or more dwelling units or business ructures, including both public and private roads, shall be med; and that all dwelling units and business structures within e County shall be assigned property numbers. It io intcndcd that yith rcopcct to public and I_---l:~ 1 · < t ,,). I at, 1:::::::I:::::::I:#:~I~mlnli:::::::9B::::::M9im:'::~:i@')p,;~:~:r"""""'H"""" '.' ......... ....... .. .... .................................. ...,......... It is further intended that the placement of numbers upon elling units and business structures shall in all cases be at e expense of the owners of such structures. 16.01-2. Agent. Appointed. The D~.:rc=c:::t:<:>:r.HH<:>~ Planning and Community Development is hereby m~~Wgn@'#:~4 the agent under Code of Virginia Section .1-379 for"'t:heHpurpose of assigning road names and property dresses, and for the development and maintenance of a manual d maps, as described below. 16.01-3. Manual To Be Developed and Adopted. The agent shall develop a manual prescribingM a system for e naming of roads and numbering of properties wIthin the unty; preocribing the design of road signs; $.f~n.a~=ttia.~'k:::::t&i.\ . site preparation for such signs; and:"f'c;:r:maTh'E:e'i1ance ereof.l in compli~nce \;ith the otreet n~me oign ot~nd~rdo of .. Compliance with the manual shall be mandatory upon its proval by the Board of Supervisors. Such procedureo w.n$.:::m.~#.y';ij~: y be amended from time to time by resolution of the B'6ara:::,.:.'H,H 16.01-4. Maps To Be Developed and Maintained. The agent shall prepare and keep up to date iil)~:$.:n~il.:i.:5'::::;;qy.PE~n# ps showing all public and private roads which ar'Ei'....Of'f'f6'Tiirry..........,...... med under this ordinance within the county, the names of such ads, and numbering of all properties. 2 ."'....... 16.01-5. Road Signs. with respect to placement of signs for which the County will e responsible consistentv.-r~:t:,l:1HH~~c:t:~C?f.lHH~()H~,g~::I:H<"<::J, the County . 'Pi.:~~q~9P:::9t.Y:::mn9i.n~:~;@n9 shall be esponsible for placementat"""e'iiich""F6ad"'Trif'e'f's'e'C'€Ton, and at other laces deemed necessary by the agent. with respect to p~~C:~Inef.lt:C?fHsigf.l!3Hf()J::"which the privatc onsistent with sectimli~aIIIH::~~~:~~!m~:::::e or placement of signs"HatHea.'chHHf6adHTrifef'section, and at other laces deemed necessary by the agent, and for maintcnancc ntil scrch m':'!!9",!'~I~'!!!.!a!'!*'I'!g~'~€g::::,,'IWfi"I:i:!~:'I!:g~I!'~ ~_~~i.jj~lliltliilie- =;:::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::;:;:::::;:::.:. Such signs shall display the name of each such road within he limits of the County, along with such other information as he agent may deem necessary, including, but not limited to, econdarYQW:::'Q.t.'b.gj$ road numbers as prescribed by the Virginia epartment::'Q'f'::ifi'Fansportation. 16.01-6. Numbers To Be Displayed. On or before January 1, 1993 ~~ng~WYX~::$Qg,~, the owner or ~h~~eP~~~~~y r:~~~~s~~;~l;~r t~:c~s~~'~~~~ri~:!~!~~'~'~'*!I~~!8€~!~ . s easily readable from thc road or acceDD area on \.hich the . , in accordance with the manual. with respect ~~~tiiMiji~~~~ti!iiiiiiii: ~~s~~~~~i~~r~~;,.~~ ccordance with the above provisions. 16.01-7. site Plan and Subdivision Requirements. oad ;~qii~II!I::::.:~~];g~~;~g~r SR!"*b:u~g~~~~~~n u~~~i :~~~h S~~~w~l:n r suh'cfiV=TsT6ii'pla:E'dTs'i>lays on its face the name or names of uch road or roads, approved by the agent. No building permit hall be issued for any structure within the area shown on such !!.~",J2,!,~D: or subdivision plat until J:'oad signshave}:)eenHplaccd ::IH1Uf~W:*:19 by the dCTJcloper or mmer~l8g%**g~E::9p:s~M~$Riip. ~r~I~II""'II~~III' 3 16.01-8. Official Address. Upon adoption of this ordinance and approval of the manual a d the map(s), the street name and number assigned to each p operty within the county shall be the official address of such p operty, for all purposes. 16.01-9. Enforcement. Any person who willfully fails to comply with any quirements of this chapter and the regulations adopted reunder shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon nviction thereof shall be subject to the general penalty set rth in Section 1-6 of this Code, for each day after the first y that such violation shall continue. In addition to the p nalty specified above, the county executive or his designee may 'nvoke any other lawful procedure including injunction to correct r abate such violation. This ordinance shall become effective on July 8, 1992. 4 ALBEMARLE COUNTY ROAD NAMING AND PROPERTY NUMBERING MANUAL IN[rROOUCTION Tt is manual is to prescribe a system for the naming of roads; the numbering of prpperties and structures; and the erection and maintenance of associated signage as prpvided for in Section 16.01-3 of the Code of Albemarle. Tt e Director of the Department of Planning and Community Development or desig- ncted agent shall be responsible for the interpretation and administration of the prpvisions of this manual. 01 FINITIONS Addressable Structure: Any building used for human habitation, or gathering, or for the production or sale of goods or services. Addressing Grid: A series of intersecting lines running north-south and east- WI st on 1000 foot intervals which is coincident with the Virginia State Coordinate Gr d System 1927 datum used to assign address ranges to road segments. Agent: The Director of Planning and Community Development for Albemarle Cc unty, Virginia. Cul-de-sac: A vehicular turnaround area at the end of a dead-end street pr ~vided for the purpose of safe and convenient reverse of traffic in one continuous fo ward movement. Directionality: The geographic orientation of a named road segment (either ea~t-west or north-south). Designator: Suffix used to indicate the road type. Primary Access: A road or driveway used as the primary means of vehicular ac\.-ess to an addressable structure. (Page 1) PART I. ROAD NAMING 1. Roads Requiring Names In addition to the requirements of section 16.01-1 (c) of the Code of Albemarle, private roads which serve less than three addressable structures may be named as provided for in Section 6 of Part I of this manual. 2. Review and Approval of Proposed Road Names All proposed names shall be reviewed by the agent for conformance with the guidelines established herein. If a proposed road name is found to be in accordance with all provisions of Part I of this manual, the agent shall approve the name. 3. Maintenance of Master Road Names Directory and Road Names Map a. All approved road names shall be listed in a Master Road Names Direc- tory to be maintained in the offices of the agent. b. The location of all approved road names listed in the Master Road Names Director shall be illustrated on a master set of Road Names Maps to be maintained in the offices of the agent. 4. Road Name Guidelines While it is intended that these guidelines be complied with, the agent may modify, vary, or waive any guideline in Part I, Section 4, in a particular case. a. A proposed road name which duplicates an existing or reserved road name in Albemarle County or the City of Charlottesville shall not be approved. An exception may be made for cul-de-sacs which have the same name as the road from which they originate (example: "Amberfield Court" which originates from "Amberfield Drive"). b. Road names are limited to three (3) words not including the road type designator. c. A road name shall not exceed more than sixteen (16) characters including spaces and the designator's abbreviation. d. A road name shall not include numbers, dashes, apostrophes or other non-alphabetical characters. (Page 2) e. Compass points such as NORTH and EAST shall not be used in road names. f. Articles (the, a, an) shall not be used to begin road names. g. Road names duplicating facilities shall not be approved (example: "Bowling Alley", "Tennis Court"). h. Usage of names derived from community names or geographic features shall be limited to locations in close proximity to such communities or geographic features. i. No proposed road name shall be approved which begins with a word that appears as the first word in five or more official road names. j. No proposed name shall be accepted which is a homonym of an official road name or may be easily confused with an official road name (example: "Forrestview" and "Forestvue"). k. Where a proposed road is a continuation of or in alignment with an approved road, it shall utilize the same road name as the approved road. A new road name shall be required if the proposed road is disconnected from the existing road by an offset greater than sixty (60) feet. 5. Road Type Designators Road type designators shall be consistent with the roadway's expected traffic use, width of right-of-way and physical design/location. While it is intended that these guidelines be complied with, the agent may modify, vary, or waive any guideline in Part I, Section 5, in a particular case. ALBEMARLE COUNTY STREET AND ROAD TYPE DESIGNATIONS AL Y - Alley ARCH - Arch *A VE - Avenue BEND - Bend BLF - Bluff * BL VD - Boulevard *C/R - Circle CO VE - Cove A narrow or minor road in a community. Generally a minor road in a subdivision. A major road in a community. Generally a minor road in a subdivision. Generally along high ground. Wide road with median and landscaping. A road which returns to itself. Generally a minor road in a subdivision. (Page 3) ALBEMARLE COUNTY STREET AND ROAD TYPE DESIGN A TIONS (Continued) CSG - Crossing A road which crosses a geographic feature (such as a creek or mountain pass) or, a short road that serves as a connector between two other roads. Generally shorter, permanent dead ends or cul-de-sacs. Shopping, commercial areas. A winding arterial/collector. Single ownership (three or more dwellings). Single ownership (three or more dwellings). See "Square". Generally a minor road in a subdivision. Generally along high ground. Generally along high ground. A federal or state designated primary road. Generally along high ground. Generally a narrow road. A drive which begins and ends on the same road. See "Court". Reserved for entranceways to public parks. A short and/or narrow road. A dead end or cul-de-sac road from which other cul-de-sacs originate. PT - Point Generally along high ground. *PKWY - Parkway A scenic or landscaped road. RCH - Reach Generally a minor road in a subdivision. *RD - Road Generally an arterial/collector road connecting to the primary system. Generally along high ground. A short street that parallels another road. Generally a central area with buildings clustered around it. A community or subdivision road. Generally a minor road in a subdivision. Generally a minor road in a subdivision. Reserved for historic turnpikes. Generally reserved for roads through uninhabited areas. A minor road or street often which dead ends. *CT - Court CTR - Center *DR - Drive EST - Estate FARM - Farm GRN - Green(e) GRV - Grove HILL - Hill HGTS - Heights HWY - Highway KNL - Knoll *LN - Lane *LOOP - Loop NOOK - Nook PARK - Park PA TH - Path * PL - Place RDG - Ridge ROW - Row * sa - Square * ST - Street TC - Trace *TERR - Terrace TPK - Turnpike TR - Trail *WAY- Way * VDO T standard abbreviations/designations. Five-letter designators may be spelled out completely in suffix space on sign. (Page 4) 6. Road Naming Process For the purpose of this section, "served" by a road shall include right of use whether or not a property actually uses such road. a. Policy on Participation in Road Naming: (1) The process of naming roads shall be limited to those who own property served by the road in question. (2) Where the road serves several properties, the landowners shall be given the opportunity to propose the name. (3) In the event that there is no participation from the landowners, the agent shall name the road in accordance with County proce- dures. b. Processing Requests for Road Names: Requests to name roads shall be in writing to the agent and shall include the following information: (1) A description of the road's location giVing the direction and approximate distance from the nearest intersection of two (2) public roads. (2) A list of all landowners having property served by the road in question together with certification that all such landowners have been notified of the proposed name. (3) Signatures of landowners representing a majority (greater than fifty [50] percent) of parcels served by the road in agreement of a common road name. Upon validating that landowners of more than fifty (50) percent of the parcels served by the road in question have signed the petition in favor of a common road name, and that the proposed name is otherwise consistent with Part I of this manual, the agent shall approve the road name. c. Road Name Reservation Process Road names may be reserved during the preliminary plan or plat review process by a written request to the agent. Names shall be reserved unless the project is disapproved, abandoned or otherwise voided. (Page 5) d. Road Naming in the Subdivision and Site Development Review Process (1) A developer may contact the agent prior to submission to determine the viability of proposed names. Road names may be reserved as provided in Section 6-c. (2) Proposed road names shall appear on all final site development plans and subdivision plats, where applicable. (3) No final site development plan or final subdivision plat shall be approved by the agent until all road names shall have been approved by the agent. (4) Names approved on a preliminary plan/plat shall be reserved for the life of the preliminary plan/plat and shall be shown on the final plan/plat. 7 Final Authority of Board of Supervisors to Assign Road Names The Board of Supervisors may name or rename any road at any time. PART II. NUMBERING 1 Assignment of Numbers by Agent a. All numbers for properties and addressable structures shall be assigned by the agent following the procedures and guidelines contained in this manual. Numbers assigned by any other person or entity shall not be recognized. b. Numbers shall be assigned to any new addressable structure shown on a site development plan or lot created by subdivision. Numbers shall not be officially assigned until the final site development plan or subdivision plat has been approved. Numbers shall also be assigned when requested by individuals for new structures that do not require site development plan or subdivision approval. 2 Uniform Numbering System Established All numbers shall be determined by the uniform numbering system hereby established. This uniform system shall utilize a grid system combined with an equal-interval numbering system. (Page 6) 3 Albemarle County Numbering Grid Defined a. The Albemarle County Numbering Grid shall be based on the existing Virginia State Plane Coordinate System which is a grid superimposed over the State having lines at 10,000 foot intervals oriented northsouth and east-west. The Numbering Grid shall have lines every 1000 feet interpolated between the 10,000 foot grid lines. The Numbering Grid thereby establishes a series of 10,000 square foot cells or blocks covering the entire County. b. The axes or baselines of the Numbering Grid shall have their origin at the intersection of the 1000 foot grid lines nearest to the actual intersection of Wertland Street and 15th Street NW in the City of Charlottesville. c. Numbering along the axes of the grid begins with zero at the origin and increases outward from that point with 100 numbers allotted per1000 feet (thus resulting in a pair of numbers every twenty feet). This grid shall be used to determine the directionality and address range of a given road segment. 4 Numbering Procedures a. Directionality of Road Determined (1) Before numbering along a named road may proceed, the di- rectionality of the road must be determined (east-west or north- south). Generally, a road's directionality shall be determined as that of the Numbering Grid baseline the road in question most closely parallels. (2) Consideration may also be given to the type of development in- volved, the relationship of the road in question to other roads around it and the pattern of address numbers that result. b. Number Range of Road Established (1) The number range along a named road shall be established by the Numbering Grid baseline which has the same directionality as the named road. (2) In the event that a named road crosses one of the baselines of the Numbering Grid, the number range of that named road shall be adjusted so that no number occurs twice along the named road. (Page 7) c. Numbers Assigned Once the directionality and number range of a particular road segment has been determined, the numbering of the addressable structures and properties along the road segment shall be done utilizing an equal-interval methodology. The numbers shall be assigned beginning at the end of the road segment nearest the origin of the Numbering Grid. The numbers shall then be evenly distributed within the established number range. 5 General Numbering Guidelines a. Even numbers shall occur on the north side of east-west designated roads and the west side of north-south designated roads. Odd numbers shall occur on the opposite sides. b. All addressable structures and properties shall be numbered on the named road which a structure's or properties primary access intersects. The specific number shall be determined by the point at which the access meets the named road. c. The number sequence for addressable structures or properties on oppo- site sides of a road should conform to each other as nearly as possible. d. Half numbers shall not be used. Alphabetical suffixes are acceptable when a secondary address designation is necessary. e. Reverse frontage or through lots shall be numbered along the local road which provides access to the lot. f. Corner lots shall be numbered on the road which provides access. Where the driveway for a corner lot intersects more than one street, the agent shall make the final determination as to which road to base the number, with consideration to such factors as the driveway's length, orientation of the structure and other relevant factors. g. When two (2) addressable structures share an access, they shall be numbered consecutively with adequate consideration given to possible future development between the structures. h. Temporary numbers shall not be issued. A number may be issued to a structure that is intended to be temporary (such as a construction site trailer office), and upon removal of the temporary structure, the number shall be retired. (Page 8) 6 Mobile Home Developments Within mobile home parks all roads shall be treated as private roads unless dedicated for maintenance by the Virginia Department of Transportation and road name and road signage shall apply accordingly. Each mobile home lot shall be numbered in accordance with this manual. The mobile home park owner shall be responsible for posting lot numbers in a manner acceptable to the agent in accordance with Part IV, Section 1, of this manual. 7 Residential Apartments and Other Multi-dwelling Structures Individual apartment units shall be numbered considering the type of unit, the individual apartment entrance location and building design as follows: a. Duplex: A number shall be provided to the front entrance of each individual unit. b. Townhouse: A number shall be provided to each individual unit at its front entrance. c. Garden Apartment: A number shall be provided to each unit at its entrance. If the apartment unit's entrance is located on an inside foyer, a number shall be provided outside the building entrance. Each unit located on such foyer shall be provided with an alphabetical or numerical suffix as a secondary method of addressing. The building number and road name followed by the apartment unit's alphabetical or numerical designation shall form the address (Example: 630 Old Shady Grove Road, Apartment A). Numerical and alphabetical characters shall not be combined (as in 630-A Old Shady Grove Road). The development name may also be used in the address whenever desirable. 8 Commercial, Office and Industrial Complexes For commercial, office and industrial complexes, a numbering choice shall be made by the agent from several methods: a. Assign the number to the main building where all mail is to be received for the complex. The development name may be included in the address. b. Each principal building in the complex may be provided a separate number, and the buildings may also be named. The development name and/or the building name may be included in the address. (Page 9) I c. For shopping center development, a separate number shall be assigned for each unit's main entrance. The shopping center name should be included in the address. Consideration should be given when assigning numbers to provide flexibility for adding stores and redivision of spaces. In the event a space is redivided and no numbers remain available alphabetical or numerical unit designations shall be used. d. Interior mall shopping centers should have one number assigned for the entire mall. The shopping center name and store name should be included in the address. Individual stores should not be assigned numbers except that secondary addressing may be provided in accord with Part 11.5.d of this manual. A separate property number may be assigned for the mall business office. e. Where deemed appropriate by the agent, a multiple-story building may be assigned one address number at its main entrance. Individual units may be provided with secondary addressing based on floor numbering together with unit appellation such as "suite" or "room". The first floor shall be assigned numbers beginning with 1 00 and numbers on each successive floor should increase to the next highest 1 00 series (second floor - 200 series; third floor - 300 series, etc.). A basement or floor below ground level may use a three digit series beginning with zero. 9 Agencies to Be Notified of Numbers Assigned a. The agent shall notify the following agencies and departments of all approved road names and assigned numbers within five (5) days of approval or assignment, as the case may be: Albemarle County Department of Real Estate Albemarle County Department of Building Inspections Albemarle County Department of Police Albemarle County Department of Sheriff Albemarle County Service Authority Albemarle County Registrar's Office Albemarle County Fire/Rescue Administration University of Virginia Charlottesville-Albemarle Emergency Operations Center United States Postal Service Address Programs Support Office b. The agent shall also notify any other governmental agencies or depart- ments and utility requesting notification. (Page 10) PART III. SPECIFICATION FOR ROAD NAME SIGNAGE 1 Materials and Physical Description for Signs a. The road name sign blank shall be made from flat aluminum sign sheet material conforming to ASTM B209 for Alloy 5052-H38 or its equivalent. The sign blank thickness shall be 0.100" or greater and each corner of the sign blank shall be square cut. Holes shall be placed in the blank name plate as detailed in "Detail C". b. There shall be two sizes of road name signs; standard and oversize. Standard signs shall be eight (8) inches in vertical length (height) while oversize signs shall be nine (9) inches in vertical length. Standard signs shall be used along all secondary and subdivision roads except at intersections with primary roads. Oversize signs shall be used along primary roads and at secondary and subdivision roads intersecting primary roads. The letter type shall conform to Federal Highway Association "Standard Alphabets for Highway Signs", Series C or B, upper case, as prescribed below and in d. The size of the sign blanks; message lettering; and reserved spaces for route and block numbers for Standard and Oversize signs are as follows: STANDARD (Local/Subdivision) OVERSIZE (Primary/Collector) SIGN BLANKS Horizontal length Vertical length *Route Decal Reserved Space Block Number Reserved Space 24" min to 46" max 8" 8" x 1.25" 30" min to 48" max 9" 12" x 2.5" 8" x 2.5" 12" x 3.5" MESSAGE LETTERING: Prefix Capitals Name Capitals Suffix Capitals Route Decal Private Block Number SIZE AND TYPE 2" C 5" C 2" C 1" C 1" C 2" C 3" C 6" C 3" C 2" C 2" C 3" C *For private roads, place the word PRIVA TE in Route Decal Space (Page 11) The less common designators such as FARM, WAY, HEIGHTS and TRACT may be placed in the main message field if space is available. c. The sign may be constructed using either the cut letter process or the silk screen process. The green and white colors shall be uniform throughout the length of the sign. (1) If the cut letter process is used, the sign blank shall be covered on both sides for the entire length of the blank with a high intensity (encapsulated) reflectorized green background sheeting, 3M "Scotchlite" brand product number 3877 or equivalent product. High intensity (encapsulated) reflectorized sheeting 3M "Scotch- lite" product number 3870 or equivalent product shall be used for the silver-white letters and numerals. The reflective material shall be applied to both sides of the blank name plate with mechanical equipment in a manner specified by the sheeting manufacturer. The sign background shall be comprised of not more than one piece of reflective sheeting. The letters and numerals shall be applied on both faces of the sign using the cut letter process. The reflective sheeting shall have a minimum guaranteed life of ten (10) years. (2) The Silk Screen process shall use a sign blank prepared as de- scribed above with the silver-white 3M brand product number 3870 (encapsulated) reflectorized sheeting or equivalent product. The green background shall be applied using 3M brand product number 848 or equivalent process color. After application and curing of the color according to product specifications, a clear coat of Series 840 Transparent Colors product number 840 Clear or equivalent product shall be applied and cured according to product specifications. d. The maximum space available on a standard (8" high) sign for the road name is thirty-four (34) inches and an oversized (9" high) sign has 32 inches of space for the road name. Spacing between letters within a street name should conform to the spacing dimensions shown in the Virginia Supplement to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways unless this will result in a sign width greater than the maximum space available. In such cases, a thirty (30) percent force factor may be used on signs greater in length than forty-two (42) inches for standard signs or forty-eight (48) inches for oversized signs. The spacing between the letters using the forced factor may be reduced proportionately to a minimum of one-half inches at the closest point (Page 12) between two (2) adjoining letters. If further reduction is required, Series B letters may be used. If the name will not fit in the space available, a thirty (30) percent force factor may be used as above. Finally, if the approved road name will not fit on the maximum length sign with the Series B letters and a thirty (30) percent force factor, a modification shall be required from the County Engineering Department. e. At the end of the road name there are three (3) spaces either eight (8) inches (for the 8" sign) or twelve (12) inches (for the 9" sign) in length which are stacked one over the other. These spaces are reserved for the route decal, the block number and the road type suffix. If the block number is to be affixed in decal form, the decal will be of the same material as the main sign sheeting as specified above. The directional triangle, a 1.25 inch equilateral triangle for the eight (8) inch sign or 1.5 inch equilateral triangle for the nine (9) inch sign of silver-white "Scotch- lite" material or equivalent product, is to be affixed in front of or at the end of the block number to point in the direction of increasing numerical values. See "Detail B" for location of spaces. f. The route decal shall be non-reflectorized with a black message on a white color field. The decal shall be provided and installed by the Virginia Department of Transportation, but shall not be required prior to installation of the sign. 3. Post and Hardware Specifications a. The sign post shall be a standard dimension pressure treated (ground contact quality in conformance with the requirements of American Wood Preservers Association C2) four inch by four inch (4" x 4") wood post cut with a minimum ten (10) foot straight section. The sign must be embedded a minimum of twenty-seven (27) inches in the ground, which may require some sign posts to be longer than ten (10) feet. The top of the post shall be cut flush with the signs. The signs should be mounted flush at the top, at ninety (90) degrees to each other, with a minimum seven (7) foot clearance from the bottom of the sign to the ground. The sign blades shall face away from the intersection on the pavement side of the post and parallel to the road alignment. The soil shall be tightly tamped around the post to prevent removal of the sign. The disturbed soil shall be graded to drain away from the post. The post shall be plumbed vertically and horizontally. b. The sign mounting hardware shall consist of four (4) stainless steel hex- head lag screws (3/8" diameter x 3" length) or an approved equivalent per sign. The lag screws are to be installed in the manner illustrated in (Page 13) "Detail C" with four (4) 3/8" #18-8 stainless steel flat washers with a one-inch outside diameter or an approved equivalent. c. A special sign post and/or installation may be allowed at the discretion of the Director of Engineering provided it is equal to or exceeds the specifications above. Where allowed, a maintenance agreement between Albemarle County and the responsible party shall be required for the maintenance of any special installation. 4 Location of Post and Sign a. The sign post shall be placed in the road right-of-way a minimum of three (3) horizontal feet from any above ground or underground utility or equipment line. The installer shall be responsible for contacting "Miss Utility" before installing signs (1-800-552-7001). At the intersection of a primary and secondary road or in the event a road name changes at an intersection of two (2) secondary roads, two (2) sign locations are to be used. For all new roads, a minimum of two (2) signs are required at every intersection. The sign post shall be located on the right hand side of the street for a right turn onto the secondary road, where possible. The sign shall be a minimum of five (5) horizontal feet on the centerline radius of the curve from the outer edge of the pavement for roads without ditch lines. The sign must be installed behind an existing ditch line while remaining within the road right-of-way. Those roads that have ditch lines less than three (3) feet from the edge of pavement will have signs placed two (2) horizontal feet back from the ditch line. (See "Detail A" for diagram.) For urban road sections with curb and gutter, the sign post will be placed behind the edge of the curb and five (5) horizontal feet on the centerline radius of the curve from the edge of pavement. If a sidewalk is adjacent to the curb, then the sign post will be placed behind the sidewalk and within the right-of-way. Signs and posts shall not obstruct handicapped ramps or wheel chair loading areas in the vertical or horizontal direction. b. At the intersection of two (2) secondary roads, only one (1) sign location is to be used except as required in 4.a. This is to be the right hand corner of the intersection for inbound traffic to the subdivision (see "Detail A" for diagram). c. The Director of Engineering may allow an alternate sign location upon finding that due to existing site conditions, the foregoing localational requirements cannot be practicably met, or that an alternate location would equally or better serve the purposes of this manual. This must be (Page 14) confirmed with the County Engineering Department prior to installation of the sign. PART IV . DISPLAY OF ADDRESS NUMBERS 1 General Guidelines for Display of Address Numbers a. Address numbers shall be displayed at the primary access entrance on a mailbox, post, fence or other suitable location that is easily discernible from the road. If the structure is one hundred (100) feet or less from the road, the entrance door of the structure is clearly visible from the road, and there is no mailbox, post, fence or other suitable location at the primary access entrance, address numbers shall be displayed on, above, or at the side of the main entrance door in a manner that is clearly visible from the road upon which it is numbered. b. The address number shall be displayed as numerals and shall not be spelled out. Secondary address designations shall comply with Part 11.5.d. c. The numerals displayed, and where applicable, lettering, shall be at least three (3) inches in height on a contrasting background (dark figures over a light background or light figures over a dark background). d. If the mailbox is not located on the named road from which the number has been assigned, the entire address (number and road name) shall be shown on that mailbox to avoid confusion. In such cases, it will be necessary to also display the number on the property as stated above. e. On corner lots, the number shall only be displayed to face the street upon which the property is numbered. f. Any numbers previously displayed, which could be confused with or mistaken for the assigned address number shall be removed from the mailbox and property. g. Numbers shall be properly maintained by the property owner to ensure they are clearly discernible from the roadway upon which the property is numbered. (Page 15) DETAILS A. INTERSECTION OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY/PRIVATE ROADS TRAFFIC FLOW - ! 2'MINIMUM~. DITCH here ditchline is less than three feet rm edge of pavement, set post 0 inimum of two feet behind ccnter- Iii e of ditch. ,:- ( 2' MINIMUM SIGNS AND pos I ; !tIGNS AND POST Q o 0( w .... -< > ;;; ~ >- ~ o z o ~ V> /,-L ~ MINIMUM EQUAL DISTANCE .. TRAFFIC FLOW PRIMARY ROAD l EDGE OF PAVEMENT (TYPICAL) INTERSECTION OF TWO SECONDARY /PRIVATE ROADS INWARD TRAFFIC FLOW _ ! 2' MINIMUM ~-. DITCH here ditchline is less lhan lhree feel f rm edge of pavement, set post 0 inimum of lwo feet behind cenler- , line of ditch. ,::- ( 2' MINIMUM SIGNS AND POST { (Page 1 7) Q o 0( ~ > ;;; ~ >- ~ o z o u w V> SECONDARY/PRIVATE ROAD EDGE OF PAVEMENT !TYPICALI L.LJ c:> <( CL- l/) L.LJ 0::: c:> L.LJ <( CD :s: CL :::2' 0 l/) ::::::> 0::: 0::: :z:: 0::: <( L.LJ L.LJ L.LJ m c:> I-- :::2' <( ::::::> ::::::> CL 0 :z:: l/) 0::: ::::L >< L.LJ c:> W- I-- w- <( 0 ::::::> I-- --l l/) l/) m ~ I ~ L.LJ c:> <( CL ~ l/) L.LJ :::2' <( :z:: I-- L.LJ ~ L.LJ 0::: I-- l/) [Qg U) C ..I I - ~ W . C fa (Page 18) DETAILS c. r CUT POST FLUSH ? WITH SIGNS ... "'-.-. @ 0: 9 I'X-MARKS LOCATlGN f2....J ~ ~ 00 00 , FOR LAG SCREWS - 0) 0 I-~ dJLu ~a LuZ ~ 0 U(D I .q:- Ci'> ~ 00 00 ~ cil./) <::) 0) ~~ Lu3= C:: Uo U)3: ~1- .q: -.J 'L 4 x4 POST . CD ~ 1- " " 0 I I - 'k I- :c (3 Q 0 j-..: -.I ~ Lu -I 02 ..:.J :t:~ III lUZ lA' ~V1 ..J -.1(9 ~ LuX 21./) .J. 0 ctu . ~2 ~:c ~ LuU ~ ~ LJj 0:2 ~2 ~I- -.I _ ,- - Ee-(t)- - . . - <B ~- - , ceZ ~J: .' 00: ~(D N u:.O -IW LL C::o: - - ED -(f)- - - EF> -0 - - - - ~ -I - ~t2 .., ~ Lu I I a -J - f5! 0 Lu U') I 1 a }-r-r- , , 1o----i. l---'i---t " 0 o~ ~ .~ . ~ ~ t<\ ... r<> (Page 19) . ()) J " I III w ..J o X <l: o \0 'j::;:: I I (: - -0-0- . . - CD <!) I I - -TN - - +~ . . G CD- - - -$ 0- -- - ~ . I \. 'I l 'l ON I. ~ ;:-;. ~I I "\t I . . I 'L ..... 'eo ," ., I . 1,;;'-1 ~ I 1'- . ............................................................ w~>>=~wm~~::::P:QtQ.1~;t"""',.,""""""""""',.,"'"" ROAD NAMING AND ADtjRi~fSStNd'."'~~9:gl~~!]~~~~:~:I~I!I!J,~:111 MANUAL ODUCTION manualJf:>HHt:9HP:J;escribe a system for the naming of roads; the nqmP.lpW.nl of properties and structures; and the erection mainten'iiiice""""6"f""""iissociated signage as provided for in Section 1-3 of the Code of Albemarle County. Director of the Department of Planning and Community Development esignated agent shall be responsible for the interpretation and nistration of the provisions of this manual. DEF NITIONS Addressable Structure: Any building used for human habitation, or athering, or for the production or sale of goods or services. Addressinq Grid: A series of intersecting lines running north- sou h and east-west on 1000 foot intervals which is coincident with the Virginia State Coordinate Grid System 1927 datum used to assign add ess ranges to road segments. Bubble ctreet: A cuI de anc atreet or rond \lhich ia leaa th;l-fi Cul-de-sac: A atreet or rond hnvingHon:Lyc>neHc>utlc:tD:ncil1nyi}1g ~!l~"rA!~'l'J""'II;li._il1!!~~ Directionality: The geographic orientation of a named road seg ent (either east-west or north-south) . Director of Plnnninq nnd Communitv Development: The Director of Desiqnator: Suffix used to indicate the road type. Primary Access: A road or driveway used as the primary means of veh'cular access to an addressable structure. 5 III! I. ROAD NAMING 1. Roads Requiring Names a. All public roado and thooc privatc roado ocrving thrcc or morc addrcooablc otructurco ohall bc namcd. All nC~1 roado plattcd ao a rcoul t of oubdhrioion uhich ocrvc thrcc or morc Iota ohall bc namcd. &.- !!~':!!!!!!~!!!nin Bubblc otrccto do not rcquirc naming. c. 2. Review and Approval of Proposed Road Names a. All proposed names shall be reviewed by the Dcpartmcnt of Planning and Com~unity Dcvclopmcnt #.ggpp for conformance with the guidelines established he r'e'fri': If a proposed road ~~~~j~found to be in accordance wit~~~l provisions of 1t!lti,:t::::*~:::::BP this manual, the Dircctor !g~!B shall approve the name. 3. Kaintenance of Kaster Road Names Directory and Road Names Kap a. All approved road names shall be listed in a Master Road Names Directory to be maintained by thc Dircctor of Planning and Community DC'v'clopmcnt '~R:':::~Q;:~:::gl:!ffiB~~:'::::gE:,~:':~!I~:::::':,~m~n!. b. The location o:fal~pub~icdI."()1:1.clCl1:1.J1d():ff'iCJiallyn::lmc:cl ..""""" d' pr i '.;a tc road 0 ~pp#~i.t#.!@g::~~##$A(;V!:~!#$im~~:::::JJ.:~~p@.gr~n::~:t\n@:~:~!:I~mp.@#:::g9~9 -=~~:s~:~~~~r~~~:~~:~~::=~a;i~~i~ad 4. street/Road Name Guidelines _1i1_II_Bf6 a. A proposed road name which duplicates an existing or reserved road name in Albemarle County or the city of Charlottesville w-iH- ~$P~1.X: not be approved. An exception may be made for cul-de:;:;;saCs which have the same name as the road from which they originate (example: "Amberfield Court" which originates from "Amberfield Drive"). b. Road names are limited to three words not including the road type designator. 6 b. Processing Requests -t-eps;W Name Road I~m~:~: Requests to name roads by individu~lG shall be in writing PS '!'!!:!,ng:~:~::::!~~'l:"!:g~*€:!n~R!9~ i re~~~r r~iu~~ ;n~ ~n~o a~~k~o;~~ni ty Development \lhich includeD the following information: (1) A description of the road's location giving the direction and approximate distance from the nearest intersection of two public roads. (2) -t4+(S,' ..................... A list of all landowners having..P..:r.(?p.~,:r.1::y.....;l<:ljacent to ~~IY~~::::PY the road in question :p{iHi~:pI@w:::::Ww.M -f3t 'C'erfliTCiition that all such qu~ITiTcd"'Dihd6wners have been notified of the proposed name. Signatures of landowners or their ~gent representing a majority (greater than fifty percent) of ~djacent ii:i~:i::~:iplJll.~e::::::BMt::::~b~':'::::F8$$::::ffin::,:::'i$fm~~m'~:P,E:::::::g:!:::::::!::::::::EgmIDRn The Director may ~pprove the reque3t Upon validating that landowners of more than fifty percent of the ~,!,~,~:~,st:~,~,j,~;t,~~i,~,~."..~.IIIIIIIA'~Mi:,::::'~iffi.9~0Ii~i:;I~i~::~:::Mi:ii IIltlllllii,.......'II..1Iim ( 1) c. Road Name Reservation Process ~~i;:ii;:ii;iii;.i!E. d. Road Naming in the Subdivision and Site Development Review Process (1) (2) !;i~~~~~~:u~~i~~~~~i~~c~::c~t~;:lc~~!o~~~i:'f~f proposed names. Road names may"be""Fe"served as provided in Section 6-c. Proposed road names shall appear on all preliminary and final site development plans and subdivision plats~ ~U~~~,,$~ii$*EiBf~ . (3) Ro~d n~meo ~nd deDign~torD propoDed through the development revie~ proceDD Dh~ll be revieved and ~pproved or denied during Department of rl~nning and Communi ty Development Dt~ff revie\;. 10 ::~::i::)':: (4) __lpIP Names ohmm ~nd approved on ~ ~: preliminary plan/plat shall be reserved for the life of the preliminary plan/plat and ~ ~n~+:w. be shown on the final plan/plat. ",,',',',',',,' (5) Namco ohmm ~nd approvcd on thc rccord pl~t or final plan ohall bc rcocrvcd only for thc pcriod that thc plat or plan rcm~ino v~lid. If a projcct io tcrmin~tcd, thc rcocrvcd ro~d n~mco \lill bc rClinquiohcd. (6) Cubdivioion pl~to ~nd/or pl~no ohall not bc appro.v'cd for rccordation or building pcrmito iooucd, until approvcd ro~d n~mco ~nd ro~d typc dcoign~tiono ~rc ohmm corrcctly thcrcon. 7. Final Authority of Board of Supervisors to Assign Road Names a. The Board of Supervisors may Cl1~lI1gc, name or rename aft cxioting or nC';;ly cot~bliohcd ~BM road at any time. -- IIBI II. ADDRESSINC ~gl!~I;N$ 1. Assignment of Addrcooco Numbers by Dcp~rtmcnt of rl~nning and Community Dcvclopmcnt ~9~nS a. All ~ddrcooco nympgr$ for properties and addressable structures shalT:":bet:<:assigned by the Dcp~rtmcnt of rl~nning ~nd COIffiRunity Dcvclopmcnt Ag~n# follmv~I1g~he procedures and i~;i~n::s~~~~~ig;d a~~ ~~~::6~~~;~~ !!2!~~:~:ty A~~~~o~i;:+w. hOt"""'be"recogni z ed ."HHHH' b. Addrcooc3 Ni~@:m~ shall be dcvclopcd ~nd assigned to any new addressablEi"sfructure shown on a site dcev~loPInent plan or lot created by subdivision. Addrco3cs Nqmpit.i:~ shall not be officially assigned until the final siteaeveIoPl11ceI1~plan or subdivision plat has been approved. Addrcooc3 NUmaer$ shall also be assigned when requested by individuals :'fO'r-:':':'i1ew structures that do not require site development plan or subdivision approval. 2. Uniform Addrcsoing ~!E+!~ System Established i~~~~~~~o~~~t!Mm!'Elc~~~~~i~~ ~~~e~~~~~~i~~ ;~~r~~~~~r~erebY establIshed. This uniform system shall utilize a grid system combined with an equal-interval numbering system. 11 3. Albemarle County AddrcDsiBg l~mD!:~'Bg Grid Defined a. The Albemarle County Addreooing N_~ooing Grid shall be based on the existing Virginia stiit'ei""Plane Coordinate System which is a grid superimposed over the State having lines at 10,000 foot intervals oriented north-south and east-west. The Addreooing NYmp~ii:pg Grid shall have lines every 1000 feet interpolab~~d'Eetween the 10,000 foot grid lines. The Addreooing NqrnPgAAWn<< Grid thereby establishes a series of 10,000 squa're""f6'6E""6ells or blocks covering the entire County. b. The axes or baselines of the Addreooing Mymm@PWp.9. Grid shall have their origin at the intersection of"the"TtfbO foot gridlines nearest to the actual intersection of Wertland Street and 15th street NW in the City of Charlottesville. c. Numbering along the axes of the grid begins with zero at the origin and increases outward from that point with 100 numbers allotted per 1000 feet (thus resulting in a pair of numbers every twenty feet). This grid shall be used to determine the directionality and address range of a given road segment. 4. Ad4rcssiBg 1~!:!~Di Procedures a. Directionality of Road Determined (1) Before addreooing of ngmE~OOing:.~~9P.9. a named road may proceed, the directioii'iilTtY6f'theroad must be determined (east-west or north-south). Generally, a road's directionality shall be determined as that of the Addreoo Nijmp~iipg Grid baseline the road in question mos,€"6T6sely parallels. (2) Consideration may also be given to the type of development involved, the relationship of the road in question to other roads around it and the pattern of addreoo numbers that result. b. Addreoo RHmm~W Range of Road Established (1) The addreoo n9mMg# range ~ IWgp<< a named road shall be established byEhe numbering"riT6h the Addreooin tfgmp~i~ig Grid baseline which hasgthe same g dIre'CtT6iiality as the named road. (2) In the event that a named road crosses one of the fiiii~~n~:n~; ;~et~~~r~~~~~gr~~~B'~!=" ~~i~dj~~~e~d~~eoo thaT'fio addreoo number occurs twice along the named road. 12 , c. AddreoG Numbers Assigned Once the directionality and ~ddreoG b.Ym~g# range of a particular road segment has been determIned, the numbering of the addressable structures and properties along the road segment shall be done utilizing an equal-interval methodology. The numbers shall be assigned beginning at the end of the road segment nearest the origin of the Addreooing Ngmm@I:~ns. Grid. The numbers shall then be evenly dist'fTbut'Eid"""within the established ~ddreoo pqmp~F range. 5. General Addreosing I~~m~!w~n~ Guidelines -f-l+ a. Even numbers shall occur on the north side of east-west designated roads and the west side of north-south designated roads. Odd numbers shall occur on the opposite sides. b. All addressable structures b.iBiE;'a. on the named road p:Ffmar}/:":access intersects. shall be determined by the meets the named road. and properties shall be ~ddreooed which a structure's or properties The specific ~ddreoo number point at which the primary access c. The number sequence for addressable structures or properties on opposite sides of a road should conform to each other as nearly as possible. d. Half numbers shall not be used. Alphabetical or numerical suffixes are acceptable when a secondary address designation is necessary. e. Reverse frontage or through lots shall be ~ddreooed ny.m~~n$g along the local road which provides prim~ry access to'::':''the':-:':-:':::'" lot. f. Corner lots shall be ~ddreooed b.gm~g#gg on the road which provides prim~ry access. Where-:thElr"'driveway for a corner lot intersects more than one street, the Director of the Dep~rtment of rl~nning ~nd Community Development ~gin# ~~~~:~~~ d~::m~::~~~~:&fll~~~ O'Ffe;:htatT6h:'6f:the structure and other relevant factors. g. When two addressable structures share an prim~ry access, they shall be numbered consecutively with adequate consideration given to possible future development between the structures. 13 ~ h. ;~~~~~~r~:::::::~i;~IO~~ypl!B"!U~~l ~o;!a!:€r~~~u~: ~~:~ef~ intended"""'to"""'hei"'temporary (such as a construction site trailer office). It \:ill be tre~ted aD ~ny ~ddreoo and upon removal of the temporary structure, the ~ddreoo \/ill AYmP.gi ip:iJ.:~:::t be retired. An ~ddreoo m~y aloo be ~ooigned t6:":Bhy:':':::' propooed building deocribed on ~n approved oite development plan. Aft 6. Mobile Home Developments a. All mobile home p~dco ohall be tre~ted aD ~ny other development \:ith private ~cceoo ro~do n~med, oigned ~nd otreet addreooeo i30ued along thoDe named ro~do \/ithin the development. 1IIIIIIIIIilllll!I:llllllllllli~llilllllllllli~111111111:1111::::::111 1111111111~lillllm~IIIII~&li~~lllil~I~~llii;illllllll!1111"" _iiJIIIIP 7. Residential Apartments and condominiums!n~:':'::~~!1,f,I:::::I,Ui:~:i:rrmi.I::I:i:ll Is.s!li:!" a-.- Each acceoo ro~d\my oh~ll be n~med ~nd the County ot~ndard ro~d n~me oign oh~ll be inot~lled. In c~oeo where the ~p~rtment unito ~re loc~ted ne~r the public ro~d or ~long ohallo'i.: p~rlcing areaa p~r~llel to a n~med ro~d, ~ oepar~te n~me m~y not be required. The Individual apartments yp~j:~: shall be numbered considering the type of unit, the,nnnnn individual apartment entrance location and building design as follows: +l-t a.:;.::: -R+ a::U ~~~;:~~e !f n~:~~r i~!'~:1:d~!rjg~~"~~g :jffiE the front r~~~e~~~:~ ~n~~~e~e.lil~*',I~~h~I~~'~!~g!B e~~~ :ta each 4 entr~nce \:i thin the foyer. The building number and "~~!~!"g!':*II;!~III%i~~ ~~:r~~:~io~n~~~~ther shall +37- 9i, 14 # form the address. (Example: 630 Old Shady Grove Road, Apartment A.) Numerical and alphabetical characters ohould :~n'i:w:f: not be combined (as in 630-A Old Shady Grove ROad):" The development name may also be used in the address whenever desirable. 8. Commercial, Office and Industrial Complexes ~ For commercial, office and industrial complexes, a n9mp.~I;ng choice shall be made by the Director of Pl.:mning und"""""",...."........,""""""",......,' Co~munity Development ~g~n~ from several methods: My{) \l 0 [0 ~ f!J d) Assign the number to th~InCiiI1.):).lli:LciiI1g where all of the mail is to be received :~P#::?t;;A@?i@9mp).:@i. Auxili~ry buildingo m~y be uooign'6'd""''DCp''21'ra'fC''''''il\iHlbero. The development name may be included in the address. Each principal building in the complex may require p@ P#9YAAg~9 a separate number, and the buildings may als'o be""hamed. The development name and/or the building name may be included in the address. For shopping center development, a separate number shall be assigned for each unit's main entrance. The shopping center name should be included in the address. Consideration should be given when assigning ~ddreoo numbers to provide flexibility for adding stores and redivision of spaces. In the event a space is redivided and no ~ddreoo numbers remain available, alphabetical or numerical unit designations shall be used. Interior mall shopping centers should have one number assigned for the entire mall. The shopping center name and store name should be\t.i$1q~gqg#.t in the address. Individual stores should hOf':he':a:'ssigned numbers except ,foE" ,ici~I11: ~fi c~ti on" ,[lnd",.ll 1: il ity". bi:L1 i 119., ,'i;l1~I1" ,I1e(J~ClCl[l ry ~l;r~,!!~~y Where deemed appropriate by the Director ~ggi$., a multiple-story building may be assigned orie'a:ddress _tlllllijidjliii'IJ~.RI;,; iiumbCi6:ThefTrst floor shall be assigned numbers beginning with 100 and numbers on each successive floor should increase to the next highest 100 series (second floor - 200 series; third floor 300 series, etc.). A basement or floor below ground level may use a three digit series beginning with zero. 15 ., a. Each ocparatc cxtcrior cntrancc (not including ocrvicc cntrancco) ohould bc aooigncd an individual numbcr. Dcvclopmcnto \:ith tcnant opacco (apartmcnto, ohopping ccntcro, officc buildingo) may rcquirc an additional componcnt for an addrcoo. Thc individual tcnant opacc (ouch aa an apartmcnt or ouitc) ohall rcccivc an alphabctical ouffix. * ;. ;:ii:: Agencies to Be Notified of Addresses Ip~IEi Assigned a. The Dircctor of Planning and Community Dcvclopmcnt i9.~p.#. shall notify the following agencies and departments"'6'f""'a1l iii:ii;i~itijiiii[;iijiii~iiiiii.ad Albemarle County Department of Real Estate Albemarle County Department of Building Inspections Albemarle County Department of Police Albemarle County Department of Sheriff Albemarle County Service Authority Jl.ll:>emar~~CountYl{egistrar's Office ".,.... ......"", ~R,~!,!:,€~~~:::!iBU'~~:'!'!Z;~@~8H@:::lqit1ipffi~FPi:E!RI Charlottesville-Albemarle Emergency Operations Center United States Postal Service Address Programs Support Office b. The Dircctor ~g~n@~b.?gt~ may also notify any utility ii~i~~~~ii~i@~~~;~~;;~llli~III~I;. ~~~~~~e~p~~o~~l~~~~ents ~n~ III1 III. SPECIFICATION FOR ROAD NAME SIGNAGE 1. Materials and Physical Description for Signs a. The road name sign blank shall be made from flat aluminum sign sheet material conforming to ASTM B209 for Alloy 5052- ~~~O~~ ~~,i9iil~iile~~d e~~~ ~~~~e~l~~kt~~i~~~~S~I:~~I~h~~l be square'cut~'lioles shall be placed in the blank name plate as detailed in "Detail C". b. There shall be two sizes of road name signs; standard and oversize. Standard signs shall be eight (8) inches in vertical length (height) while oversize signs shall be nine (9) inches in vertical length. Standard signs shall be used 16 . ~___i"Ll The letter type shall conform to Federal Highway Association "Standard Alphabets for Highway Signs", Series C or B, upper case , ~:~:::::::EE~:~:8Effig~s:"::g~:+@~:'::,lnBt:"::~tt:::g;i:: The size of the sign blanks; message lettering; and reserved spaces for route and block numbers for Standard and Oversize signs are as follows: STANDARD (Local/Subdivision) OVERSIZE (Primary/Collector) SIGN BLANKS Horizontal length Vertical length 24" min to 46" max 8" 3D" min to 48" max 9" *Route Decal Reserved Space 8" x 1.25" 12" x 2.5" Block Number Reserved Space 8" X 2.5" 12" X 3.5" .......................................................................................... MES SAGE EE:~~~R.~~(;:'~?::::~:~~~:',?t~-n.tlt2'E!~ Prefix Capitals 2" C 3" C Name Capitals 5" C 6" C Suffix Capitals 2" C 3" C Route Decal 1" ~ 2" C Private 1" C 2" C Block Number 2" C 3" C *For private roads, place the word PRIVATE in Route Decal Space c. The sign may be constructed using @%mfi@:p the cut letter ~i~lii;~:~:~w,~~i~]~I~~~R'~iiF~~~~i~if-~~111111111111111lllln:f (1) If the cut letter process is used the sign blank shall be covered on both sides for the entire length of the blank with a high intensity (encapsulated) reflectorized green background sheeting, 3M ~~iili~illit~:g~r!~~e~~~~~c~e~~:~:~1;~~~)9'!'~~'~~"!d 17 .. sheeting 3M "Scotchlite" product number 3870 9.m '!~!!:~:@'~:!E~~~!~!l:~alih~e r~~~~c~~~e t~:t:~~~~r;~~~ie be applied to both sides of the blank name plate with mechanical equipment in a manner specified by the sheeting manufacturer. The sign background shall be comprised of not more than one piece of reflective sheeting. The letters and numerals shall be applied on both faces of the sign using the cut letter process. The reflective sheeting shall have a minimum guaranteed life of ten years. (2) The silk Screen process shall use a sign blank prepared as described above with the silver-white 3M brand product m.lIn};)~rJ87oHJ~I1c:C\Ps.\1~Cl'ted) reflectorized sheeting Q;tt:!:@qP::$.Y~:~!$n!\:@tiUf=Qq,v.p.p':@! The green background shall be api5ITe'Q""''\isTiig''''''jl,f''''bi;;'ii'iid' product number 8 4 8 or equivalent process color. After application and curing of the color according to product specifications, a clear coat of Series 840 Transparent Colors product number 840 Clear 9.m::::gqq:~M~+:~nt:::::::PP9.gg9t shall be applied and cured accordihCj""t6"'prOdii6t'speCTflcations. d. The maximum space available on a standard (8" high) sign for the road name is 34 inches and an oversize (9" high) sign has 32 inches of space for the road name. Spacing between letters within a street name should conform to the spacing dimensions shown in the Virginia Supplement to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways unless this will result in a sign width greater than the maximum space available. In such cases, a thirty (30) percent force factor may be used on signs greater in length than 42 inches for standard signs or 48 inches for oversized signs. The spacing between the letters using the forced factor may be reduced proportionately to a minimum of one-half inches at the closest point between two adjoining letters. If further reduction is required, Series B letters may be used. If the name will not fit in the space available, a thirty (30) percent force factor may be used as above. Finally, if the approved road name will not fit on the maximum length sign with the Series B letters and a thirty (30) percent force factor, thc County Enginccring iiiiiii)ii;;i,ii&~;ii._~iji~ e. At the end of the road name there are three spaces either eight inches (for the 8" sign) or twelve inches (for the 9" sign) in length which are stacked one over the other. These spaces are reserved for the route decal, the block number and the road type suffix. If the block number is to be affixed in decal form, the decal will be of the same material as the main sign sheeting as specified above. The 18 . directional triangle, an 1.25 inch equilateral triangle for the eight inch sign or 1.5 inch equilateral triangle for the nine inch sign of silverwhite "Scotchlitell material Qr i.gy.~ylW.~p.I:::~:::p;;gIY9.I, is to be affixed in front of or a=€ the ~ina"""'61"""'fhEt"hr6ckiiumber to point in the direction of increasing numerical values. See "Detail B" for location of spaces. f. The route decal shall be non-reflectorized with a black message on a white color field. The decal shall be provided c:if.l cl"" ~f.ls 'tCl~l EHl" ,lJY" ,t:l1~"" vi rgi f.l ic:i", I)~Pc:i :r:tl1l.~I1 't" ,()f" ,'l:'r.-a 11 ~p() :r'tc:i 't ~of.lili", lRiE~:~:::::i8~it:$:::iii:BgE:i:ii:ii~i::::::!i~gH~~!e:ij,p$eE~'::E:Ri:::::i:~:Bi:E@,$+:~&:~9B:i::~~8:!~:::::Eaii:i:iiiiw!iiti: 3. Post and Hardware Specifications a. The sign post shall be a standard dimension pressure treated (ground contact quality in conformance with the requirements of American Wood Preservers Association C2) 4" x 4" wood post cut with a minimum ten (10) foot straight section. The sign must be embedded a minimum of 27 inches in the ground, which may require some sign posts to be longer than ten (10) feet. The top of the post shall be cut flush with the signs. The signs should be mounted flush at the top, at ninety (90) degrees to each other, with a minimum seven (7) foot clearance from the bottom of the sign to the ground. The sign blades shall face away from the intersection on the pavement side of the post and parallel to the road alignment. The soil shall be tightly tamped around the post to prevent removal of the sign. The disturbed soil shall be graded to drain away from the post. The post shall be plumbed vertically and horizontally. b. The sign mounting hardware shall consist of four (4) stainless steel hex-head lag screws (3/8" diameter x 3" length) or an approved equivalent per sign. The lag screws are to be installed in the manner illustrated in lIDetail ClI with four (4) 3/8 inch #18-8 stainless steel flat washers with a one inch outside diameter or an approved equivalent. l1l.~ 4. Location of Post and Sign $lH rag a. ;iigiii~:~:f~t:~oi~ii~;~;~;;~lf~~~ ~~~:~ii~ shaTI'be'responsible for"coribiclTrig lIMiss utility" before installing signs (1-800-552-7001). At the intersection of a 19 I . . b. ~~!'_W!1t wfj]~i.:g:::::::PQ$:$,:$1p;tg. The's'ICjri'shiiIIbe a minimum of five (5) hb'Fl'iBht'a-T":fe-:e-t on the centerline radius of the curve from the outer edge of the pavement for roads without ditch lines. The sign must be installed behind an existing ditch line while remaining within the road right-of-way. Those roads that have ditch lines less than three (3) feet from the edge of pavement will have signs placed two (2) horizontal feet back from the ditch line. See "Detail A" for diagram. For urban road sections with curb and gutter, the sign post will be placed directly behind the edge of the ~~i:0:gllil~~II;illili~I~~:~III~li~li~~:::::'$"~'E~:r1!1!'I,ffi,:!,:sl a:dj'aCeiiffcttheCUrh;Eheri€hesIgn. .post. wil~",,})e.,.pla~~<i, ,.",.", iJliii'ttliiilllll;II.,1Ir At the intersection of two seconclaryroClclf:;L()I1lYHol1~ (1) sign location is to be used @?}g~P@::~$:::#gq)W$m@g::;t:ft:::,:,::~@:~. This is to be the right hand corner6fEheTilferseC'EIOii"for inbound traffic to the subdivision. See "Detail A" for diagram. The guidelineo ~bove ~re to be applied to the inot~llation of oigno ~t the interoection of t,;o oecond~ry ro~do. c. In the event ~ ro~d n~me ch~ngeo ~t an interoection of two oecondary roado, a oecond oign loc~tion io required. e C''*'' A vQri~nce in loc~tion m~y be obt~ined if theoe requiremento _.III."~ Department prior to installat~on of the sign. I~I! IV. DISPLAY OF ADDRESS NUMBERS 1. General Guidelines for Display of Address Numbers a. Address numbers shall be displayed at the primary access entrance on a mailbox, post, fence or other suitable location that is easily discernible from the road. If the structure is 100 feet or less from the road, the entrance 20 On corner lots, only one number ~ill be ~ooigned. To ~void confuoion, the number ~~n~++@n,+Y be di~playedq~C>q:fCiCe the street \ h1ch 10 ~ p~rt of the Hddreo:J gpqP!::::Wg!j.@n::::POg mJt8i~EIM:::~:ffi~),fn~~~,~~$ . ,',"',',,',",',"',',',',',', ',',','.'"'..,,, Any numbers previously displayed, which could be confused with or mistaken for the assigned address number ~re to I~I$W be removed from the mailbox and property. Addre03 Numbers ~re to :~n~++ be properly maintained by the property owner to ensur'Eifhey are clearly discernible from ~~~::~::'~,Eglll$~:::~:Mg8n"n9ffiEP;]'inmiEB.E~Fi!~:ffi~':"n~MpP$F~~ . 2. Display of Address Numbers for Multi-Unit Buildings and MUlti-Building Complexes . e. g. b. door of the structure is clearly visible from the road, and there is no mailbox, post, fence or other suitable location at the primary access entrance, address numbers shall be displayed on, above, or at the side of the main entrance door in a manner that i~~l~Ci~ly visible from the road upon which it is ~ddreooed mMmgWp!!. The address number shall be displayed as numerals and shall ~illli:::::~~i~il:~:i~li~~~::f:RiI18n~$iM:'$iIEi~:~U:::1~~:ffign!:~w8nl::~:::~~li:f:~ ;~:l ~u~:r:~ s 1 ~~:~l ~~~~e ~,~~~W~~~~!'F'~,~:~:~,~~:~::::~:!:~R!fiE~B~:i:: contrasting background (dark numbero :~$gqpm:$.i over a light background or light numbero ~'wm}%Fm:~ ov'er"'a"dark background) . If the mailbox is not located on the named road (public or priv~te) from which the number has been assigned, the entire address (number and road name) shall be shown on that mailbox to avoid confusion. In theoe ~Uqn. cases, it will be necessary to also display the number on'the property as stated above. c. d. f. a. If a building is divided into multiple units with separate entrances, and each unit has been assigned an individual ~ddreoo number, then e~ch ohould diopl~y their number:::~{$.ichi 1!!~!~~~I~i~::::'I~I~*'m:R$:I~~mf:IM~1 on or next to their !(q,r::'maln b. The address range of all individual unit numbers within a multi-unit building shall be displayed in a manner that is clearly visible from the road upon which the units are ~ddreooed n=gmm@r~9' If more than one building shares an prim~ry acCess;'fhen the address range shall also be qq displayed on each building. 21 If ., 3. Additional signage Required When Necessary ih- The Dircctorof'thc Dcp;:lrtmcnt of Pl;:lnning ;:lnd Community Dcvclopmcnt ~g~np. may also require ;:lddrcDDc3 numbers or addre s s r anges"'t6,. ,lJe, ,p()E;t:ed ",in., ,acici ~t:~ ()n(il" ,l()~at:.J {)Ilf:;,..(i f:;" ,....,..",.., ,...., 22 DETAILS A. INTERSECTION OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY/PRIVATE ROADS EQUAL DISTANCE 1.ICNS AND fOST -L --' ~ MINlMUM .. .. TRAFFIC FLOW TRAFFIC FLOW - PRIMARY ROAD ; 2'MINIMUM~- l EDGE OF PAVEMENT (TYPICAL) DITCH -,:- ( Where ditch line is less lhan three feet form edge of pavement, set post a minimum of two feel behind center- line of ditch. 2" MINIMUM Q o ac '" 0- -< > 0< ~ S o z o ~ '" INTERSECTION OF TWO SECONDARY IPRIV A TE ROADS SECONDARY/PRIVATE ROAD INWARD TRAFFIC FLOW _ ; 2' MINIMUM ~___-.. DITCH SIGNS AND PO'I ~ i EDGE OF PAVEMENT (TYPICAL) Where ditchline is less than three feel form edge of pavement, set post a minimum of two feel behind center- , line of ditch, -,~ Q 0 ( ac ~ > 0< ~ >- 2' MINIMUM ~ 0 z 0 v ... '" L.L..J L.) <r: D- VJ L.L..J 0::: L.) L.L..J :s: <r: CD D- ::2: 0 VJ => 0::: 0::: Z 0::: <r: L.L..J L.L..J L.L..J CD L.) J-- ---1 ::2: <r: => <r: => D- O Z Z VJ 0::: 0 J-- :::.:::: >< L.L..J L.) U l..L... J-- LW 0 l..L... <r: 0::: => J-- ---1 VJ Cl CD VJ r CUT POST FLUSH -'-..--. --. .. .. ? 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I~I~ I 1'- COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY '-::1'1',i ":" r; " ,.lQ":d3~53:c "'--"~-"_._-"<.,.,~,,.._._ 'r.""., AGENDA T TLE: Public Hearing -VPSA Bond Issue AGENDA DATE: October 13, 1993 ITEM NUMBER: 33./013.578 ACTION: x INFORMATION: SUBJECT RE UEST: Resolution Authorizing Issuance CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: INFORMATION: STAFF CO Messrs. REVIEWED BY: ~ ( ATTACHMENTS: Huff, Breeden BACKGRO Issuanc FY 93/9 of bonds through the Virginia Public School Authority was approved for funding of capital improvement projects. DISCUSS ON: The pro ess for issuance of VPSA bonds requires that a public hearing be held and that the Board 0 Supervisors adopt a resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds. . Amount of Bonds - $11,900,000 . Projected Interest Rate - 6% RECO ATION: Staff r commends adoption of the attached resolution authorizing the issuance of school bonds in the ount of $11,900,000. 93.157 !fD1 ~ 00 ~ 0 WI ~ ~ :l~1 \ d !qg,;l ~ ; L ~ I ,..,30ARD OF SUPER'~ At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle Ccunty, Virginia, held on the 13th day of October, 1993, at the t'me and place established by such Board for its regular meetings ir accordance with section 15.1-536 of the Code of Virginia of 1~50, as amended, at which the following members were present and al:sent: PRESENT: Mr. David P. Bowerman, Mrs. Charlotte Y. Hump~ris, Mr. Forrest R. Marshall, Jr., Mr. Charles S. Martin and Mr. Walter F. Perkins. I ABSENT: Mr. Edward H. Bain, Jr. a public hearing having been held on this date after newspaper pt blication of notice thereof in accordance with Section 15.1-227.8 01 the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, at the time and place SE t out in such notice, the following resolution was adopted by the a firmative roll call vote of a majority of all members of the Be ard of Supervisors, the ayes and nays being recorded in the minutes of the meeting as shown below: MEMBER VOTE D3Vid P. Bowerman Crarlotte Y. Humphris Forrest R. Marshall, Jr. Crarles S. Martin Welter F. Perkins AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE ...... ~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING On Wednesday, the 13th day of October, 1993, the Board of Eupervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, will hold a public tearing on the proposed issuance of school bonds of Albemarle County in the maximum amount of $11,900,000. The purpose of the Iroposed bonds is to finance capital projects for public schools. The public hearing will be conducted at ~ ~.m. on the ~econd floor of the County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. Interested persons may appear at such time and place and present their views. Clerk, Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF NOT TO EXCEED $11,900,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BONDS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, 1993 SERIES A, TO BE SOLD TO THE VIRGINIA PUBLIC SCHOOL AUTHORITY AND PROVIDING FOR THE FORM AND DETAILS THEREOF WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors (the "Board") of Albemarle C unty, Virginia (the "County"), has determined that it is n cessary and expedient to borrow not to exceed $11,900,000 and to i sue its general obligation school bonds for the purpose of f'nancing certain capital projects for school purposes; and ) WHEREAS, the County held a public hearing, duly noticed, on t e date hereof, on the issuance of the Bonds (as defined below) in a cordance with the requirements of Section 15.1-227.8.A, of the C de of Virginia of 1950, as amended (the "Virginia Code"); and WHEREAS, by resolution, the School Board (the "School Board") the County has requested the Board to authorize the issuance of e Bonds and, has consented to the issuance of the Bonds; NOW, THER~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF BEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: 1. Authorization of Bonds and Use of Proceeds. The Board reby determines that it is advisable to contract a debt and issue a d sell its general obligation school bonds in an aggregate incipal amount not to exceed $11,900,000 (the "Bonds") for the rpose of financing certain capital projects for school purposes. e Board hereby authorizes the issuance and sale of the Bonds in e form and upon the terms established pursuant to this solution. 2. Sale of the Bonds. It is determined to be in the best terest of the County to accept the offer of the Virginia Public hool Authority (the "VPSA") to purchase from the County, and to s 11 to the VPSA, the Bonds at par upon the terms established rsuant to this Resolution. The Chairman of the Board, the County ecutive and County are authorized to sell to the VPSA, the Bonds par upon the terms established pursuant to this Resolution. The ecution and delivery by the County Executive of a Bond Sale reement dated October 8, 1993, with the VPSA providing for the Ie of the Bonds to the VPSA in substantially the form previously bmitted to the Board is hereby ratifi~, approved and confirmed he "Bond Sale Agreement") . 3. Details of the Bonds. The Bonds shall be issuable in gistered form in denominations of $5,000 and whole multiples ereofi shall be dated the date of issuance and delivery of the ndsi shall be designated "General Obligation School Bonds, 1993 ries A"; shall bear interest from the date of delivery thereof 2 yable semi-annually on each June 15 and December 15 beginning ne 15, 1994 (each an "Interest Payment Date"), at the rates tablished in accordance with section 4 of this Resolution; and all mature on December 15 in the years (each a "Principal Payment te") and in the amounts set forth on Schedule I attached hereto he "Principal Installments"), subject to the provisions of ction 4 of this Resolution. Interest Rates and Principal Installments. The County is hereby authorized and directed to accept the interest tes on the Bonds established by the VPSA, provided that each terest rate shall be ten one-hundredths of one percent (0.+0%) er the annual rate to be paid by the VPSA for the corresponBing incipal payment date of the bonds to be issued by the VPSA (the PSA Bonds"), a portion of the proceeds of which will be used to rchase the Bonds, and provided further, that the true interest st of the Bonds does not exceed eight percent (8%). The Interest yment Dates and the principal Installments are subject to change the request of the VPSA. The County Executi ve is hereby thorized and directed to accept changes in the Interest Payment tes and the Principal Installments at the request of the VPSA, ovided that the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds shall not ceed the amount authorized by this Resolution. The execution and livery of the Bonds as described in Section 8 hereof shall nclusively evidence such interest rates established by the VPSA d Interest Payment Dates and the Principal Installments requested the VPSA as having been so accepted as authorized by this solution. Following the sale of the Bonds, the County Executive all file a certificate with the Clerk of the Board setting forth e final terms and purchase price of the Bonds. 5. Form of the Bonds. For as long as the VPSA is the gistered owner of the Bonds, the Bonds shall be in the form of a ngle, temporary typewritten bond sUbstantially in the form tached hereto as Exhibit A. On twenty (20) days written notice om the VPSA, the County shall deliver, at its expense, the Bonds marketable form in denominations of $5,000 and whole multiples ereof, as requested by the VPSA, in exchange for the temporary pewritten Bond. 6. PaYment: pavinq Aqent and Bond Reqistrar. The following ovisions shall apply to the Bonds: (a) For as long as the VPSA is the registered owner of the nds, all payments of principal of, a.nd premium, if any, and terest on the Bonds shall be made in immediately available funds the VPSA at, or before ~1:00 a.m. (Richmond, Virginia, time) on e applicable Interest Payment Date, Principal Payment Date or te fixed for prepayment or redemption, or if such date is not a b siness day for Virginia banks or for the Commonwealth of V'rginia, then at or before 11:00 a.m. (Richmond, Virginia, time) 3 o the business day next preceding such Interest Payment Date, P incipal Payment Date or date fixed for prepayment or redemption. (b) All overdue payments of principal or interest, to the e tent permitted by law, shall bear interest at the applicable i terest rate or rates on the Bonds. (c) Crestar Bank, Richmond, Virginia, is designated as Bond R gistrar and Paying Agent for the Bonds. 7. Prepayment or Redemption. The principal Installments of e Bonds held by the VPSA coming due on or before December 15, OJ, and the definitive Bonds for which the Bonds held by the *PSA y be exchanged that mature on or before December 15, 2003, are t subject to prepayment or redemption prior to their stated turities. The principal installments of the Bonds held by the SA coming due after December 15, 2003, and the definitive bonds r which the Bonds held by the VPSA may be exchanged that mature ter December 15, 2003, are subject to prepayment or redemption at e option of the County prior to their stated maturities in whole in part, on any date on or after December 15, 2003, upon payment the prepayment or redemption prices (expressed as percentages of incipal installments to be prepaid or the principal amount of the nds to be redeemed) set forth below plus accrued interest to the te set for prepayment or redemption: Dates Prices December 15, 2003 to December 14, 2004, inclusive 103% December 15, 2004 to December 14, 2005, inclusive 102 December 15, 2005 to December 14, 2006, inclusive 101 December 15, 2006 and thereafter 100 Provided, however, that while the VPSA is the registered owner o the Bonds, the Bonds shall not be subject to prepayment or r demption prior to their stated maturities as described above w'thout first obtaining the written consent of the VPSA. Notice of a y such prepayment or redemption shall be given by the Bond R gistrar to the registered owner by registered mail not more than n'nety (90) and not less than sixty (60) days before the date fixed f r prepayment or redemption. 8. Execution of the Bonds. The Bonds shall be signed by the airman or Vice Chairman of the Board, and the Board's seal shall affixed thereon and attested by the C~k of the Board or by any its Deputy Clerks. 9. Pledqe of Full Faith and credit. For the prompt payment the principal of, and the premium, if any, and the interest on e Bonds as the same shall become due, the full faith and credit the County are hereby irrevocably pledged, and in each year ile any of the Bonds shall be outstanding there shall be levied 4 a d collected in accordance with law an annual ad valorem tax upon all taxable property in the County subject to local taxation s fficient in amount to provide for the payment of the principal of, and the premium, if any, and the interest on the Bonds as such p incipal, premium, if any, and interest shall become due, which t x shall be without limitation as to rate or amount and in a dition to all other taxes authorized to be levied in the County t the extent other funds of the County are not lawfully available a d appropriated for such purpose. 10. Maintenance of Tax-Exemption. The County covenants that shall not take or omit to take any action the taking or omission of which will cause the Bonds to be "arbitrage bonds" within)the m aning of section 148 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as a ended (the "Code"), or otherwise cause interest on the Bonds to b includable in the gross income for federal income tax purposes of the registered owners thereof under existing law. 11. Use of Proceeds Certificate. The Chairman of the Board, t e County Executive and such officer or officers of the County as either may designate are hereby authorized and directed to execute a certificate as to Arbitrage and a Use of Proceeds Certificate each setting forth the expected use and investment of the proceeds of the Bonds and containing such covenants as may be necessary in o der to show compliance with the provisions of the Code, and a licable regulations relating to the exclusion from gross income of interest on the Bonds and on the VPSA Bonds. The Board c enants on behalf of the County that (a) the proceeds from the issuance and sale of the Bonds will be invested and expended as set f rth in such Certificate as to Arbitrage and such Use of Proceeds C rtificate and that the County shall comply with the other enants and representations contained therein and (b) that the nty shall comply with the provisions of the Code so that i terest on the Bonds and on the VPSA Bonds will remain excludable from gross income for Federal income tax purposes. 12. Restrictions on Private Use. The County covenants that it will not permit the gross proceeds of the Bonds to be used in an manner that would result in (a) 5% or more of such proceeds being used in a trade or business carried on by any person other than a governmental unit, as provided in Code Section 141 (b) , (b) 5% or more of such proceeds being used with respect to any "0 tput facility" (other than a facility for the furnishing of er), within the meaning of Code Section 141(b) (4), or (c) 5% or e of such proceeds being used directl~or indirectly to make or ance loans to any persons other than a governmental unit, as vided in Code Section ~41(c); provided, however, that if the nty receives an opinion of bond counsel to the County with pect to the Bonds, and bond counsel to the VPSA with respect to VPSA Bonds, that compliance with any such restriction is not uired to prevent interest on the bonds of both issues from being ludable in the gross income for federal income tax purposes of 5 t registered owners thereof under existing law, the County need n comply with such restriction. 13. state Non-Arbitraqe Proqram: Proceeds Aqreement. The Bard hereby determines that it is in the best interests of the C unty to authorize and direct the County Director of Finance to p rticipate in the state Non-Arbitrage Program in connection with t e Bonds. The Chairman of the Board, the County Executive and ch officer or officers of the County as either may designate are reby authorized and directed to execute and deliver a Proceeds reement with respect to the deposit and investment of proceeds of e Bonds by and among the County, the other participants in the Ie of the VPSA Bonds, the VPSA, Public Financial Managem,nt, c., as investment manager, and Central Fidelity Bank, as pository, substantially in the form submitted to the Board at is meeting, which form is hereby approved. 14. Filinq of Resolution. The appropriate officers or agents the County are hereby authorized and directed to cause a rtified copy of this Resolution to be filed with the Circuit urt of the County. 15. Further Actions. The members of the Board and all ficers, employees and agents of the County are hereby authorized take such action as they or anyone of them may consider cessary or desirable in connection with the issuance and sale of e Bonds and any such action previously taken is hereby ratified a d confirmed. 16. Effective Date. mediately. This Resolution shall take effect * * * The undersigned Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle C unty, Virginia, hereby certifies that the foregoing constitutes a true and correct extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Bard of Supervisors held on October 13, 1993, and of the whole t ereof so far as applicable to the matters referred to in such e tract. I hereby further certify that such meeting was a ..... 6 r gularly scheduled meeting and that, during the consideration of t e foregoing resolution, a quorum was present. WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of the Board of Supervisors of bemarle County, Virginia, this /5t~ day of October, 1993. [ EAL] ~ 7 isors of irginia ) EXHIBIT A (FORM OF TEMPORARY BOND) N .TR-1 $11,900,000 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA ALBEMARLE COUNTY ) General Obligation School Bond 1993 Series A ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA (the "County"), for value received, h reby acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay to the V RGINIA PUBLIC SCHOOL AUTHORITY the principal amount of ELEVEN M LLION NINE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($11,900,000), in annual i stallments in the amounts set forth on Schedule I attached hereto p yable on December 15, 1994, and annually on December 15 t ereafter to and including December 15, 2013 (each a "Principal P yment Date"), together with interest from the date of this Bond o the unpaid installments, payable semi-annually on June 15 and D cember 15 of each year, commencing on June 15, 1994 (each an " nterest Payment Date"; together with any Principal Payment Date, a "Payment Date"), at the rates per annum set forth on Schedule I a tached hereto, subject to prepayment or redemption as hereinafter ovided. Both principal of and interest on this Bond are payable lawful money of the United States of America. For as long as the Virginia Public School Authority is the gistered owner of this Bond, Crestar Bank, as bond registrar (the " ond Registrar"), shall make all payments of principal of, and emium, if any, and interest on this Bond, without the esentation or surrender hereof, to the Virginia Public School thority, in immediately available funds at or before 11:00 a.m. the applicable Payment Date or date fixed for prepayment or demption. If a Payment Date or date fixed for prepayment or r demption is not a business day for banks in the Commonwealth of V'rginia or for the Commonwealth of Virg~nia, then the payment of p incipal of, or premium, if any, or interest on this Bond shall be m de in immediately available funds at or before 11:00 a.m. on the b siness day next preceding the scheduled Payment Date or date f'xed for prepayment or redemption. Upon receipt by the registered o ner of this Bond of such payments of principal, premium, if any, a d interest, written acknowledgment of the receipt thereof shall b given promptly to the Bond Registrar, and the County shall be A-l ly discharged of its obligation on this Bond to the extent of payment so made. Upon final payment, this Bond shall be rendered to the Bond Registrar for cancellation. The full faith and credit of the County are irrevocably dged for the payment of principal of, and premium, if any, and erest on this Bond. The resolution adopted by the Board of ervisors authorizing the issuance of this Bond provides, and tion 15.1-227.25 of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended, uires, that there shall be levied and collected an annual tax n all taxable property in the County subject to local taxation ficient to provide for the payment of the principal of, and mium, if any, and interest on this Bond as the same shall be~ome which tax shall be without limitation as to rate or amount and 11 be in addition to all other taxes authorized to be levied in County to the extent other funds of the County are not lawfully ilable and appropriated for such purpose. This Bond is duly authorized and issued in compliance with and suant to the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of ginia, including the Public Finance Act of 1991, Chapter 5.1, Ie 15.1, of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and olutions du~y adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the County the School Board of the County to provide funds for capital jects for school purposes. This Bond may be exchanged without cost at the office of the d Registrar for an equal aggregate principal amount of bonds in initive form having maturities and bearing interest at rates responding to the maturities of and the interest rates on the tallments of principal of this Bond then unpaid, issuable in ly registered form in denominations of $5,000 and whole tiples thereof. This Bond is registered in the name of Virginia Public School hority on books of the County kept by the Bond Registrar, and transfer of this Bond may be effected by the registered owner this Bond only upon due execution of an assignment by such istered owner. Upon receipt of such assignment and the render of this Bond, the Bond Registrar shall exchange this Bond definitive Bonds as hereinabove provided, such definitive Bonds be registered on such registration books in the name of the ignee or assignees named in such assignment. The principal installments of thi~ Bond coming due on or ore December 15, 2003, and the definitive Bonds for which this d may be exchanged tha~ mature on or before December 15, 2003, not subject to prepayment or redemption prior to their stated urities. The principal installments of this Bond coming due er December 15, 2003, and the definitive Bonds for which this d may be exchanged that mature after December 15, 2003, are ject to prepayment or redemption at the option of the County A-2 ior to their stated maturities in whole or in part, on any date or after December 15, 2003, upon payment of the prepayment or demption prices (expressed as percentages of principal stallments to be prepaid or the principal amount of the Bonds to redeemed) set forth below plus accrued interest to the date set r prepayment or redemption: Dates Prices December 15, 2003 to December 14, 2004, inclusive 103% December 15, 2004 to December 14, 2005, inclusive 102 December 15, 2005 to December 14, 2006, inclusive 101 December 15, 2006 and thereafter 1~0 Provided, however, that while the Virginia Public School thority is the registered owner of this Bond or of the definitive nds for which this Bond may be exchanged, the Bonds shall not be bject to prepayment or redemption prior to their stated turities as described above, without first obtaining the written nsent of the Virginia Public School Authority. Notice of any ch prepayment or redemption shall be given by the Bond Registrar the registered owner by registered mail not more than ninety 0) and not less than sixty (60) days before the date fixed for epayment or redemption. All acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution a d laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia to happen, exist or be rformed precedent to and in the issuance of this Bond have ppened, exist and have been performed in due time, form and nner as so required, and this Bond, together with all other debtedness of the County, is within every debt and other limit escribed by the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of rginia. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle unty, Virginia, has caused this Bond to be issued in the name of bemarle County, Virginia, to be signed by its Chairman, its seal be affixed hereto and atte~ted by the signature of its Clerk, a d this Bond to be dated IStA , 1993. visors (SEAL) ~~&.- airman, Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia A-3 < - z - C,j ~ ;;: ~ o == 8: 0 !-o ,?" ~ .^~~ $ z o ~ ~ o u -~ 08.,S (E61 L 8<0-0 c tL L) , J;.t~ :':,J 1.~.r.::J ~~ ~~~:~ n~ ,1 ';;J:: ':too nJ 6.. II:I I.)") 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VIRGINIA 23219 -4074 TELEPHONE (804) 788 - 8200 FACSIMILE (804) 788-8218 File No.: 26222.??oo16 Direct Dial: (804) 788-8379 November 22, 1993 .r'"';,:-.......~-...-".._____.".,...___...,_., !"'\R(2f? : f) I L~ \!~I /,0 ; I', , :'?'''''P'_-C,"_""~,,,,:;' ','< .~ \ M . Melvin A. Breeden D'rector of Finance A bemarle County D partment of Finance 4 1 McIntire Road C arlottesville, VA 22901-4596 ,t. ~_, t - -'---~ . !',,...,. R ' i :.;,'\ D OF SU PERVISOR~~' b""-,,,_ - ~"'1 Albemarle County, Virginia $11.900.000 General Obliqation School Bonds. Series 1993 Enclosed are the Certificate of Award and the Certificate of unty Executive as to Terms of Bond. The Bond Resolution legates to the County Executive the authority to sell the Bond a d to determine the aggregate principal amount, maturity dates, i terest rates and redemption prov~sions~~~9Jlq~~:"'i~PiS8J'~i~~i ,t. .p. i~w..,.a..,.r.~R.~~fi~i~~!A~~..;~~~lt~,:'.i.'a.e;=...lut.,~on,"".:'=. ~Ii;"'.' .'.. ,~_=I;:i:ri::'t:' "fti'~r~l~rk~i'~tmti:m,'t!lf"1Sf" '..,. ...~lJ Please have Mr. T cker file one copy of each certificate with the Office of the C erk of the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Breeden: If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Jo White (788-8309) or me. Very truly yours, k~Ur~ lihames E. Sanderson, Jr. V Paralegal En losures cc: Mary Jo White, Esquire CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY EXECUTIVE AS TO TERMS OF BOND The undersigned County Executive of Albemarle County, Virginia the "County"), certifies in connection with the County's 11,900,000 General Obligation School Bond, 1993 Series A (the 'Bond"), sold to the Virginia Public School Authority ("VPSA"), s follows: 1. He has determined the principal amount of the Bond to be 11,900,000, which is within the limitations of Section 1 of a esolution adopted by the County Board of Supervisors (the "Board") n October 13, 1993 (the "Resolution"). 2. He has determined the interest rates and maturity chedule for the Bond as set forth on Exhibit A hereto, which rates nd maturity schedule are within the limitations of Sections 3 and of the Resolution. 3. He has determined the redemption provisions of the Bond s set forth on Exhibit A hereto, which provisions are within the imitations of Section 7 of the Resolution. 4. The purchase price of the Bond is $11,900,000. 5. He has determined the terms of the Bond, as set forth in aragraphs 1 through 4 above, to be in the best interests of the ounty. Pursuant to Section 4 of the Resolution, he has filed with he Clerk of the Board on the date hereof a copy of this ertificate and a copy of the Bond Sale Agreement dated October 8, 993, between the County and VPSA. Dated November ~, 1993. I) EXHIBIT A Albemarle County, virginia $11,900,000 General obligation Bonds 1993 Series A Interest Year Amount Rate 1994 $ 1,070,000 4.475% 1995 825,000 4.475 1996 835,000 4.475 1997 970,000 4.475 1998 910,000 4.500 1999 880,000 4.600 2000 820,000 4.600 2001 770,000 4.600 2002 715,000 4.700 2003 660,000 4.700 2004 605,000 4.700 2005 550,000 4.750 2006 505,000 4.850 2007 455,000 4.850 2008 445,000 4.975 2009 340,000 4.975 2010 235,000 5.000 2011 160,000 5.000 2012 65,000 5.000 2013 85,000 5.000 C~Dtional RedemDtion The Bonds maturing on or after December 15, 2003, are subject to redemption prior to maturity at the option of the County on or cfter December 15, 2003, in whole at any time or in part (in any nultiple of $5,000) on any interest payment date upon payment of the following redemption prices (expressed as a percentage of the }; rincipal amount of the Bonds to be redeemed) plus accrued interest to the redemption date: 103%, if redeemed December 15, 2003, through December 14, 2004, inclusive; 102%, if redeemed December 15, 2004, through December 14, 2005, inclusive; 101%, if redeemed December 15, 2005, through December 14, 2006, inclusive; 100%, if redeemed December 15, 2006, or thereafter. I ... CERTIFICATE OF AWARD The undersigned County Executive of Albemarle County, Virginia the "County"), certifies as follows: 1. The County's General Obligation School Bond, 1993 Series (the "Bond"), the issuance of which has been provided for by a esolution of the Board Supervisors of the County, adopted October 3, 1993 (the "Resolution"), has been awarded to the Virginia ublic School Authority (the "VPSA"). 2. The Bond shall be in the aggregate principal amount of 11,900,000 and shall mature in years and amounts and bear interest t rates as set forth on Exhibit A. 3. A certified copy of this certificate has been filed with he office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on the date ereof. Dated November ~, 1993. .. EXHIBIT A ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA $11,900,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BOND, 1993 SERIES A Maturitv and Interest Rate Schedule Year Amount Rate Year Amount Rate 1994 $1,070,000 4.475% 2004 $605,000 4.700% 1995 825,000 4.475 2005 550,000 4.750 1996 835,000 4.475 2006 505,000 4.850 1997 970,000 4.475 2007 455,000 4.850 1998 910,000 4.500 2008 445,000 4.975 1999 880,000 4.600 2009 340,000 4.975 2000 820,000 4.600 2010 235,000 5.000 2001 770,000 4.600 2011 160,000 5.000 2002 715,000 4.700 2012 65,000 5.000 2003 660,000 4.700 2013 85,000 5.000 -2- DATE____________~~_~~_~~_________________________ ~ ITlMID. ___:!LLtJf~ 57t:? ~~-------~------------------ ~ ITIMNI'Ml dn~1~~~. ~~~_~~~,e/ /,~l ~~~ ~ ______ OOPFRRID -II~ C~~--.L~~_.?3--~~ Form. 3 7/25/86 j IO.Cb33 q~'IDJ~:~ Edward H. Ba n, Jr. Samuel Mill r COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 972-4060 Forrest R. Marshall. Jr. Scottsville David P. Bow rman Charlottesvil e Charles S. Martin Rivanna Charlotte Y, umphris Jack Jouett Walter F. Perkins White Hall M E M 0 RAN DUM Board of Supervisors Ella W. Carey, Clerk, CMCt~ (,J--/ October 8, 1993 Reading List for October 13, 1993 y 13(A), 1992 - Mr. Bain 14, 1993 - pages 1-8 (#10) - Mr. Bain ~caei * Printed on recycled paper , DATE <(JctvbLr lQJlf73 AGENDA ITEM NO. Ul3.CA15.683 Zm~-q3'oq ~ SP 4Q'3'20. AGENDA ITEM NAME.J{ . 1. e., 5lrd- DEFERRED UNTIL fr:l 'U) 11913 Uf [XBSi bi) Form. 3 7/25/86 ..... '.' .. SHIELDS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION -., Sl:IOSIAH3dnS :iO OH'V081 , 1~1 fml 1m]' ~ HI U @ ~ @Jj . Walter F. Perkins bemarle County Board of Supervisors 1 McIntire Road arlottesville, VA 22902-4596 Re-hearinq Request for ZMA-93-09 C. Todd Shields Perkins: to our telephone conversation this morning, I am rwarding this letter to request that you present a motion to e Board to re-hear ZMA-93-09 and to hear SP-93-20 for C. Todd ields at a scheduled meeting in November. G'ven the concerns expressed by the Board, I would be amenable to a ending the request for rezoning from H-C to C-1 if necessary. would appreciate you bringing this request for are-hearing fore the Albemarle County Board of Supervisor's on October 13, 93. you for your assistance in this matter. soncerelYd C Todd Shields A'ventureLand Family Fun Park Post Office Box 7095, Charlottesville, VA 22906 · Tele: (804) 296-4391 Fax: (804) 296-0137